A healthy dog was euthanized so it could be buried with its owner

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Emma, a healthy Shih Tzu mix, was euthanized to fulfill her late owner's dying wish that the dog be put down -- and then laid to rest with her

Emma, a healthy Shih Tzu mix was euthanized to fulfill her late owner's dying wish that the dog be put down -- and then laid to rest with her.

The dog arrived at the Chesterfield County Animal Shelter in Chesterfield, Virginia, on March 8 after her owner's death, where she stayed for two weeks. During that time, the shelter was in contact with the executor of the dead woman's estate trying to keep the dog alive.


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smerconish Feinstein’s dinner with irans forighne minster :office claimed that her dinner was “arranged in consultation with the State Department.”But the State Department disputed that, saying they had not asked her to attend the dinner. Why the hell this isn't in the CNN news....

smerconish A friend of mine committed suicide several months ago. He shot his dog first, then himself. I think he was worried that the dog would be put in a shelter, euthanized anyway, or adopted and abused. I can't know for sure obviously. But knowing him, it's my guess.

smerconish But CNN your fake news anyway what about abortions you don’t say anything about that you’re crying about a dog I don’t know anymore I don’t know

smerconish Medicare for dogs is next on the democrat’s agenda.

smerconish My dog my choice!! ☠️🐶☠️ the hypocrisy of the left is staggering! 😩

smerconish Abhorrent!

smerconish It’s a dog, for Christ sake. You would think it was a person, the way you idiots make a fuss like this over it.

smerconish Imagine if she had an abortion ...

smerconish So you are affording human compassion to a dog- but you’re all for killing baby’s in the womb or on the table- nice job liberals. And some of you call yourselves Christians

smerconish Maybe the dog was really old and near death!

smerconish No they are not persons. Owner was just wrong. Move along now.

smerconish That's cruel! And she is selfish.

smerconish If citizens united can make the supreme court buy into the BS that a corporation can give to a canidate like a human being, then I guess a dog is GOD spelled backwards. Let us pray on it.

smerconish Hmm ... Animal sacrifice in 2019? That seems so 2500 BC.

KlasicalLiberal smerconish That’s nothing. Check THIS out.

smerconish Why would you want to treat a dog as a person? Crazyness...

smerconish Omg! It's just a damn dog! It's not a person, and doesn't have the same rights. In other countries they eat dogs. In some the cow is sacred. People need to get a grip on life. Worry about killing babies! That's more important than a stupid dog!

smerconish Defend the dogs but let the babies be aborted. Brought to you by the political left

smerconish Now that is what CNN needs to report on some breaking news and some very fine reporting I should say myself. Way to go CNN awesome story that will sure get your ratings up there.

smerconish In other words, pets should be treated with more dignity than an unborn fetus.


smerconish Hell, that’s almost as bad as killing a helpless baby the day before birth

smerconish It's animal abuse/cruelty to kill a perfectly healthy animal for no good reason. I'm not sure about US laws, but I can't believe that's legal.

smerconish If this bothers you and your pro choice... your moral compass is broken. cnn report some real news.

smerconish I feel for the person that they want their favorite pet by their side but All Dogs Go To Heaven

smerconish Dogs should be treated as people. Aborted babies are a Healthcare choice. 🤔😱🤷🏽‍♂️🤦‍♂️

smerconish Just curious. How old was the dog? You would rhink that is a fact you wouldn’t leave out as a reporter

smerconish Horrible to murder your dog, euthanasia is for sick, injured beyond help but not to murder a healthy animal

smerconish Ok... But if I accidentally hit a dog with my car that ran out into the road and it dies, I don't want to face 20 years in prison for some kind of vehicular manslaughter charge... I love my dogs and would do just about anything for them. But they are NOT people...

smerconish The term 'sentient being' does not resonate with asshole humans.

smerconish This is the fourth tweet that I have seen about this story. A very common & accurate description in the comments is 'selfish'. And the same word accurately describes abortion.

smerconish I wonder if she had demanded the same for her husband and kids It stinks of ancient customs like in China, where they killed and buried slaves,wives and animals to help them in afterlife But in these times With all the technological advancement,we do such barbaric things Shameful

smerconish Why is this not seen as animal cruelty?

smerconish This is NOT ok!

smerconish Species traitor...

smerconish Hey VictoriaS did you see this!!! Disgusting!

smerconish The only difference between a human and a animal is we don’t speak the same language. That was sick what he did!😡

smerconish That is just wrong.

smerconish My neighbor & her dog killed my oldest dog in his own backyard. She never paid judgement, she ignored Animal Services’s restrictions & in my opinion belongs in jail. No justice 4 animals. People have the exact dogs they train them 2 be, we need justice reg these terrible owners.

smerconish Now do abortion... 🙄

smerconish The tragic thing is this will outrage people much more than murdering an unborn child in the womb. Sad times we live in.

smerconish CNN seems to have less tolerance for euthanized dogs than euthanized babies.

smerconish I can’t even imagine doing this, anyone who owns a dog , knows they have a soul and are more then just property! This disgusts me!

smerconish Lol ..do babies first 🙄👶🏻😢

smerconish This comment section is hilarious. You're all worked up about this woman having her dog put down. But we can go to your Twitter page and see you fully support abortion on demand. So you somehow value a dog's life but not the life of a child.

smerconish Many places have similar moving things. But in some places, some people are not seen as human beings.

smerconish Crazy talk

smerconish But you guys are alright with killing babies? Need to check your priorities

smerconish This is not cool. That owner is not cool. Incredibly selfish final act. FFS.

smerconish Should've euthanized the owner. Absolutely no reason to end a healthy dogs life for her selfish purpose.

smerconish oh please! there are children dying in detention camps in the US and this is what bothers you?

smerconish CNN has a guy on saying dogs should be treated as persons and have rights. Yet constantly tell us a baby with their own DNA, heartbeat and can feel pain have no rights. Go figure

smerconish Treat them as persons like how this dog would have gone up for adoption, been put in a metal cage alone and eventually euthanized anyway? The statistics say it would have happened but the people offended by the story don't care about facts. Euthanasia is as humane as it.

smerconish Thanks CNN. Stupidity along with real fake news.

smerconish If the nature can reproduce it,then how can it be the property of others? If there is payed $ for trafficking of naturally reproducible 'X,then it is $ payed for trafficking & not for ownership? If no other parent can naturally reproduce your kid? Passport made you stateProperty?

smerconish Dogs are persons. Human babies are not persons. We are living in the Upside Down.

smerconish She probably was afraid her loyal companion would end up in the trash heap of abandoned animals we find all over the country.

smerconish So the dog was aborted then?

smerconish Reclassify pets as fetuses. Then you'll be able to euthanize the owner to protect them.

smerconish It seems people are more upset about this dog being euthanized (which I agree it’s not right) than the killing of babies(little human beings) in the womb! Unbelievable!

smerconish Stop specism

smerconish Seems like animal cruelty to me

smerconish There was no love there for that animal


smerconish Regarding the kraft story, did that attorney just make a reference to Robert Smith? That was a bad example. :)

smerconish *No words*

smerconish And it’s okay to kill babies. SMH

smerconish They are not people either. They are our pets It is very simple. You do not kill your pet just because you want to for whatever reason. It is a living thing with a heartbeat. Opps that would not work for a baby in the womb though. Never mind.

smerconish What a horrible, selfish and cruel decision! But it’s the sad reality we are living in - animals are treated just as property of human beings and therefore treated like property, without animal rights or dignity. So sad!

smerconish But you can kill your unborn baby

smerconish What a selfish, outrageous act. That dog could have gone on to live many happy years.

smerconish I don’t like this either. But it’s sad how the left cares more about a dog than millions of innocent yet to be born babies.

smerconish How disgusting

smerconish Dogs and animals are of course not 'persons' and they may be 'property' but they are living creatures with emotions, and should be treated as such

Abortions in the US: Banned! Order your dog to be euthanized: Yaaas! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

smerconish Funny thing about this is the crazy raving liberals advocate that we provide more protections for animals than newborn babies. These people are SICK.

smerconish A law “professor” Professing just what “authorities” they are and why cnn shouldn’t be quoting them over any other random blob.

smerconish Their treatment of property also sets back things that could prolong pet lives like pet health insurance.

smerconish Please upload your interview with the impressive Ezra Wallach, the issue was both riveting & disturbing.

smerconish I am stunned any licensed vet would go along with this

smerconish Selfish humans kill the unborn babies for their conveniency . They don’t even consider them humans. This same animal rights activist also is pro abortion

smerconish Euthanizing your healthy dog because you died is absurd. One reason I joined the Alt Right is because the movement is staunchly pro-animal and environment. Even if you disagree with our views on race, we hope you’ll join us to end these atrocities against animals.

smerconish If a person paid for a dog then it is property , still should be treated with love and respect though ... commodity or not

smerconish Play dead, literally

smerconish NO SOUL, NO PROTECTION! Take it up with the JEWISH RULE BOOK! :)

smerconish Our pets deserve rights. I don’t think they need human rights per se but they need protections.

smerconish Pharos used 2 do that 2 their servants when the Pharo died. It's insane 2 do it 2 any living creature. Simply because the owner is dead, their pet shouldn't B killed bc the will says so!!!! R we barbarians

smerconish the owner sucks

smerconish It seems that more people care about this dog than a human baby. I see so many people rejoice at the fact they can kill their own child. How sad. By the way, having that dog die is wrong and is sick just like the ones who want to kill their child

smerconish Aaeehhh. No words.

smerconish So it is legal to pass will like that?

smerconish Smh 😏

smerconish This was a horrible woman.who was she to play god.she did not take the dog with her.she went to hell the dog is in the hands of god.

smerconish My husband Dale and I had two pitbulls, Cupcake and Nimo. We had to put Cupcake down after she mauled a mail carrier. 🇺🇲🏳️‍🌈🙏🐾🐩 maga

smerconish Ask a animal lover who they would save in a flood a child or a dog ? You will not like the answer.

It's serious news in trems of animal rights.

smerconish But it's okay to kill unborn babies cnnfakenews CnnSucks Trump2020Landslide

smerconish A dog, let’s treat it like a human. An unborn baby, let’s treat him/her as a parasite. Great logic here😳 please give this people some trophys😂😂

smerconish Am i the only one who hates these types of dogs? (:

smerconish My pug loves me but I'm pretty sure she would want to muddle through. This is terrible.🙄

smerconish This is news? No Trump bashing today?

smerconish Exactly the same as if her husband had wanted to have her murdered and buried with him when he died

smerconish If we grant personhood, will we still let certain communities of China eat them?


smerconish Selfish human, poor dog 😭😭😭

smerconish It's just like sati pratha we had in old times when wife had to sit in fire with her dead husband as a remark of good wife. It's so fucked up.

smerconish During my divorce my dog was listed as property. It was like fighting over a dinner plate. But to kill your beloved animal because you wish it? That's fucked up.

smerconish She should not have been allowed to have this beautiful creature for a start

smerconish Good discussion!

smerconish The Vet that murdered this innocent dog should be charged with cruelty to animals & lose their licence

smerconish So you peopo want fo slaughter helpless unborn bebe's in deya mudda's wombs, but oppose dog owners euthanizing deya dogs?

smerconish How many children have been euthanized inside a mother's womb and Democrats couldn't care less? Yet this is a big deal?

smerconish That’s so selfish!!! 😡

smerconish 「steam game」Don't Starve Together、Left 4 Dead 2、Grim Dawn、Dead by Daylig... 来自 YouTube

smerconish CNN hard hitting news

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