A 'distressed' Birx questions how long she can remain on White House task force, sources say

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Dr. Deborah Birx has confided to aides and friends that she is 'distressed' with the direction of the White House coronavirus task force, describing the situation inside the nation's response to Covid-19 as nightmarish, sources say.

Once a fixture at the administration's coronavirus briefings, Dr. Deborah Birx has confided to aides and friends that she has become so unhappy with what she sees as her diminished role as coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force that she is not certain how much longer she can serve in her position, sources familiar with her thinking tell CNN.

Birx has told people around her that she is"distressed" with the direction of the task force, describing the situation inside the nation's response to the coronavirus as nightmarish. According to people familiar with her thinking, Birx views Dr. Scott Atlas, a recent addition to the task force, as an unhealthy influence on President Donald Trump's thinking when it comes to the virus.


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So why hasn't she spoke out, in public about the SOB in office? I will never trust her again! She turned tail early on & allowed LIAR in chief to spout lies, murder thousands!!

Confided ? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 more unsubstantiated garbage

Then she should have spoken the truth instead of endorsing drinking bleach and shining light up ones ass to cure COVID19. NoSympathyForHer

hmorrison24 No facts, unknown sources. A bunch of gossip. More fake news.

Sources Say?😂😂😂

I’ll wait to hear from DrDeborahBrix , the last time I heard her speak she seemed frustrated for people not using the recommended safe guards for transmitting the Covid-19.

Duh? Can’t see how anyone couldn’t see the shit show since 2015.

Well, that’s one heck of a delayed reaction.

Birx is maga.

Not a smart girl! She hitched her wagon to Trump. Bet she thought there was some money in it for her. Like all the rest, Senators, Republican Congress, Fox program hosts. They are all looking for a payday.

She needs to be HONEST and stand up and say that Trump is DUMB and his policies are Killing many Americans. Silence on her part is only adding to the Death toll, if she and others would only come out and say Trump is Wrong and hasn't a clue what he is doing it would save lives !

Hasn’t it been OBVIOUS, since the beggining...?! 🤔 US has performed at the level of Brasil, Mexico, South Africa, on this matter... Embarrassing the way things were managed, by such a ‘rich and powerful’ country

Are we foolish to not think he is wanting this virus to kill us!

She is complicit.

Yeah, now she gets concerned. She is the Susan Collins of the medical set.

Then speak out you coward.

More anonymous rumors that cnn reports as fact.

Distressed about what exactly?! Herself?! Sure isn’t the health and safety of American people.

Sad but not surprising

After 6,935,415 people infected & 201,920 deaths😵 Minded of a dilatory invertebrate with disgusting pusillanimity. The disgraceful,if not vulgar, prelude of a rodent fleeing a holed vessel.

I miss Michael Jackson...'Trump should Beat It..the public wants Trump/Pence/Putin defeated. It doesn't matter,cuz Trump is never right'

She's complicit

For some time, she thought that pandering to Trump would be key. She misjudged the situation like so many others have and ruined her credibility in the process. Like so many others have.

Why is she still sitting in WH! All they do is lie.

She will have the last laugh.

Look around the world! Many people are on the verge of bankruptcy everywhere .... for a fUk1n3 flu!!! Turning a middle class into poverty is not the answer. Learn to deal with it like our ancestors learned to deal with other diseases

If she had any integrity, she'd quit

Well you could have done something about it by calling out the orange court jester for his bullshit and lies. But no, you had to kiss his orange barge a55.

This comes after Birx just travelled to colleges across the nation & has seen first hand how badly coronavirus is being handled. realDonaldTrump has dismissed 200,000 deaths & has no direction. His plan was let it run. ABC CNN maddow ChrisCuomo

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she should leave and speak out. she can’t save this country by staying and trying to be the adult in the room.

She's a tad late to be expressing this....

If she confided, then how does it get to CNN?

Poor thing.

I wonder if peaceful protest spread the virus or that doesn’t panic her just the other stuff

ANNELAMOTT Tell her to talk to Susan Collins about her concern and disappointment. We see it for what it is.

Fauci has maintained his integrity. She could have but it's too late now. She is likely more distressed by the loss of her soul to Trump.

Feeling responsible and complicit for all that death must be getting to her. I hope she suffers.

I don't feel sorry for her- she spun the data so trump would like it instead of telling the truth like Fauci. She can make it right by telling everything that has gone on, how incompetant trump is

Oh spare me

🙄 Another SusanCollins 🙄

Least shocking thing ever.

Distressed really? Watching her sit by and let trump tell people to inject bleach to clean their lungs is distressing😱😱😠

Run while you still have your dignity. Trumps not going to be happy til he ruins you and Fauci.

“Sources say.” Just who is on record saying this”. Or is it just more fake news?


No shit, Scarf Lady. Did you just get here?

Over 200,000 people died to COVID-19 while simple measures, just wear a mask in public places social distancing respect what works. What is 45 doing? Trying to figure out a way to cheat and win. He will lie, cheat, he’s even blatant now on wanting Putin’s help. God help us.

Now tell us about a person who said they did a great job. They are out there but you don't care.

No sources fake news

She is spineless.

Fauci says otherwise.

It's about time that one of those doctors that stand behind (this president)told the truth to the American public

🌍-979,377 🇺🇸-206,331 KS -621 Crawford 975 -6 Reno 1,001 -3 Lyon 1,036 -33 Seward 1,622 -5 Riley 1,722 -8 Leavenworth 1,920 -11 Finney 2,058 -12 Douglas 2,118 -10 Ford 2,613 -10 Shawnee 2,608 -30 Wyandotte 6,653 -134 Sedgwick 8,107 -85 Johnson 10,337 -145

Has she been introduced to Susan Collins? She could teach her how to wring her hands and clutch her scarf

Dr. It’s time to speak out. We know you feel this way. We see it in your eyes EVERY time the Cheeto talks.

Idc..do u?


Dr Birx always came across to me as Trumps lap dog not as a Scientist. When she failed to speak up after another Trumpster, Dr. Scott Atlas , promoted herd immunity and other falsehoods about covid - I fired Birx. Dr Fauci only one who gives a damn about American People.

She wrapped those damn scarves around her own mouth. She could remove them any time she wants.

More CNN propaganda

draining the swamp is a dirty, messy, smelly, nearly impossible job.

Yellow journalism is a live and well at the CNN/CCP

She is, by her silence, an accomplice

As expected FAKE Mainstream Media as always!

Why are ya’ll so one sided. Pew

Lol CNN Yo’ M sticking to Fox News lol 😂

Well, present you resignation letter if you have any ethics and pride. Problem resolved.

Her reputation is already ruined. Everyone in Trump’s orbit gets destroyed.

A little too little and a LOT too late, DrBirx! Unlike FauciHero, you tried hard to give Trump what he wanted. Now you're another Evangelicals who sold their soul to devil! I don't care how Dr Birx feels, do u? RepublicansAreDestroyingAmerica RepublicansAreTheProblem

Bless her little heart

Speak up Birx. U are choosing victimhood AND hurting /complicit for those who haven’t died yet.

She should take a leave of absence until at least January, depending on election outcome. Just distance herself from this mess.

she needs to quit and go public with what she knows

Dr Birx, do not be lured to the Dark Side.

It’s long overdue. I’d like to think that Dr Birx has stayed this long hoping that she could make them listen to the science. She has probably figured out... it’s a total waste of her time & energy!

Get out of there before your reputation is disintegrated

This woman has cooked spaghetti for a backbone.

She does not get to complain when she is/has participated in the enabling.

A little late

More fake news... sources. Its made up

Cry into your scarf lady. You bent the knee.

Wow, so harsh 🙄 “distressed”? Really?

We all knew that from the beginning when he made Pence the Chairman of the committee. Total lack in leadership which Pence is known for....

Then maybe she should speak publicly about that instead of privately...humm....save your country or save yourself.

Like SenatorCollins level distressed, or you know, ACTUALLY distressed?

The great and well mannered Trump children probably use the whole time of the meetings to make fun of science and scientists attending nonstop, until those wave a white flag and hit the desks with the foreheads.

Well if she’s so distressed, why does she quietly say these things? I don’t get it. Why are people so scared of a 300lb thing that paints his face orange? Why doesn’t anyone look him in that ugly face of his and tell him what a pos he is?

LiveSquawk Get off the Titanic while you can Deborah. Don't go down with ship piloted by Dump.

JuddApatow Tell her 'friends' there is American blood of her hands and she will be painted ugly in the history of this time.

Oh please she just sits or stands there and says nothing.

She needs to talk to the public.

Her tolerance for stupidity must be super high.

Qanon the truth👇🏼👀👇🏼👇🏼


Whatever. Until she tells the truth to the American people she can keep her collinsy distress.

Resign and do tell-all interview!

She needs to resign and come out in support of Biden.

She tried cozying up to Trump & flattering him in hopes of strengthening her position in the White House task-force. Instead like almost all in the end she gets tossed aside in her case for the vile quack Dr Atlas. 'Nurse Ratched' with a scarf getting a well-deserved comeuppance!

Ahhhhaaa ya think?

LadyOfTheOcean1 Why doesn’t she speak out? Who is she afraid from? Donald Duck.

Boo hoo

Ok CNN 👍🏻

Likely propaganda. The media will publish anything! Journalism is dead.

My mother died alone in April. How is there now no standardized national rapid testing - like going to Costco for free Flu shot? Mask mandates ... 5 friends (ages 26-59) had Covid in the Spring. Sickest they'd ever been! EVER! I blame the lack of leadership! realDonaldTrump

Are she and Susan Collins both clutching their pearls

blakehounshell Ahhhh

And she is a contributor to that chaos

The Scarf has spoken. Maybe. Or maybe not. More anonymous sources. 🙄

How about stop “confiding,” Deb, and actually do something.

JayandSteve As long as she chooses Trump and her job over country

No shit Deborah

Deborah, You drank the Kool-Aid now just enjoy it.


nick_ponton It’s CNN🤔

ZZZZzzzz I'm distressed too....I need to poop

Perhaps it's time for her to resign and make her thoughts known to the public while it still matters.

☠️☠️☠️ ... Anybody who accepts a position 'shilling' for WH more-than-DESERVES what shakes out of it!

Oh, good. More 'sources.'

is everybody lying about this incompetent moron orange thing... the turnover ratio of his administration is higher than a brothel...

Let her quit she is useless anyway

what about this ❓❓

4% of the world's population & 22% of the world's cases - that's down to a lack of leadership. TrumpLied200KAmericansdied

Distressed. Is that like Concerned? Or more like Very Concerned?

Wonder, does she have a scarf that expresses this?

CNN is today's National Inquirer

Trump asked her, point blank, if bleach or disinfectants could be inhaled or in injected AND SHE SAID NOTHING. She just gave a deer in the headlights look.

there is no task force. lbr.

Whistleblowers please. People are dying.

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