A black, transgender and disabled model just landed her first major magazine cover

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Aaron Philip, the first black, transgender and disabled model to sign for a major agency, has achieved another trailblazing feat: her first magazine cover

Philip credits much of her success to her presence on social media, where she has a combined following of almost 120,000 on Twitter and Instagram. Her rise to fame is often traced to a viral 2017 tweet in which she declared:"honestly when i get scouted/discovered by a modeling agency it's OVER for y'all!"Although she consistently rejects the activist label , the Antigua-born model is nonetheless vocal about her high expectations for the industry.

"There's still a great lack of visibility and attention towards people with disabilities in fashion," she said in the CNN interview."As of right now, I'm one of two physically disabled models in the entire industry,"It shouldn't be the responsibility of anyone who is marginalized to amplify their voice when there are so many voices that can amplify them," she added."But it's just the way of getting to where you need to be. So I'll do it.


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So what. She still fits the requirement of being attractive. The modelling industry is still as vain and discriminatory as ever, and I won't rest until I can walk 20 metres along a catwalk in someone else's shoddy clothes for mega $$. Ugly people can be models too! aaronphilip

I read you go girl, you go girl? Aaron is a male, not a girl, women deserve a lot more respect and prominence than that.

Sad that is celebrating this person's mental illness. He needs help, not cheers

Didn't she used to be on ' in living color'?

Some of you people wont be happy until this character is President.

You are all about gays and transgenders unless they are not your Democrat voters. Where is your article and condemnation of the Antifa thugs who attacked a gay Asian? CNN AndyNgo

Wow thanks for the earth shattering groundbreaking incredible important news it’s like the moon landing all over again I can’t believe how no one else is covering this thanks cnn I can always count on you to report on things that are meaningless ,opps I mean so important

You had a typo, you referred to a guy as a her. *his first


That’s a mouthful.


He's a dude... no matter what reality you live in!

Stop repeating this week old tripe.

Wow, you capitalized on a few identities didn’t you?

'Did we leave any box unchecked on the diversity chart?' 'Well sir we forgot to check if they were vegan.' '...fuck'

This is News ? Or just pandering to your demographic?

Wow, congratulations dear, so proud of you

I’m the first pansexual, cool ranch Dorito, black, Latino soccer ball and I deserve recognition. Also, I identify as a peanut butter & jelly sandwich.



I'm very left of center. I support equal rights for minorities, asylum seekers, LGBTQ+, the poor, disabled and disenfranchised. But I have to ask, why does everything need to be taken to such an extreme? Why do we have to keep outdoing ourselves? It makes us look silly.

How woke.

If only he was poor and Asian he would be an unstoppable force

Nothing trailblazing about it! It is sickening and you are pandering to a person with a mental disease but the media and Democrats will bury all the proof that it is a disease. These people need mental help this is not normal and never will be. Stop shoving it down our throats!

So proud of the comment section lmfao!!! Political correctness is fascism. I'll take this moment to come out of the closet. I identify as an octo sexual pineapple.

wtf....is this!!!!! Really.....CNN, REALLY?

That’s my GUY, really proud of HIM, HE’S doing great!!

Yaaassss this is amazing!! She’s absolutely beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍😍

The comment section is so disappointing and disgusting. It just shows how narrow minded people are who can't even appreciate beauty and efforts. Stay pressed clowns.

🤮🤮🤮 great reporting

And hopefully last!

He needs to run for the President as TheDemocrats candidate. He will easily win the candidacy since he has all qualities Liberals love

So proud of Aaron Philip. More power to you. 💜

So brave

When are you people going to disavow antifa

Hahaha what

CNN is going down very fast !! Shame on u

And this is special because he is black, declared trans and disabled. But I thought we are suppose to ignore all that and treat them like everyone else. I thought we are supposed to see past gender, color and physicality. What a bigoted agency and CNN. Way to promote victimism.



I’m sure there is a poor hispanic black trans and disabled model somewhere!! She’s still privileged I say!!!

And so what 🤗🤗

Style What a great role model Shim is. So sad.

Attention seeking...

I love this! She checks so many of my boxes when I play identy politics bingo! Black, trans, AND disabled! What a dreamboat! She should try running for office! We need powerful people like her running this country! Resist!

cnn has a new hero....congrats

So... is this supposed to be a sign of “tolerance” from the left? I mean no disrespect but really, why is this news? I get it with the FIRST this and that but... this is not riveting news anyone really cares about. Next!


I wanna be like that!

But is he/she vegan

Are you telling God He was unwise to create you a man? May God forgive you! realDonaldTrump ,this why I trust you

Two male names

“Her”. His momma called em Klay, ima call him Klay

It had to happen at some point

She’s culturally appropriating desk job culture by sitting in that chair all day.

Wildly specific but hey, whatever gets you the most clicks, right? The transphobia in your comments section will be a shame tho


Three oppressed classes in one person. Can we make it to four?

Absolutely disgusting

The slow death of Egypt’s MohamedMursi SisiKilledMursi FreeEgypt from sisi_killer ProtestForMorsi

Abomination. Disgusting. Only in Spiritual Sodom & Gommorah can such perversive conduct be celebrated as righteousness. These peverts have an altered sense of reality. A man is a woman & a woman can be a man. Sexual deviation is normal. Left is right & right is left. Corrupt!


He should also convert to Islam for a perfect score in oppression Olympics.

This reads word for word like satire. But it isn’t...

Good for him.

The dems should just start their/Ze/zim/zir presidential campaign now

Are these trails really worth blazing? Sometimes when there’s no trail, there’s a reason why.

No offense, but why? This person just isnt attractive. Im not against the achievement, but like, no

It's a dude tho...

Good to see men breaking through a female dominated industry.


How disgusting

Worship of the broken will lead to a broken society.

They should automatically get the dnc nomination

3rd time this quarter you've presented this same story - remains disgusting.

Yall are just...this is...just when you think the bottom has been reached, a new level shows up.

Do people still buy magazines

Is June over yet?🙄

I say go for your dreams, but this type of cover is not appealing to most AS A COVER. To be honest ppl want to see sexy and beautiful on covers not disabled and transgendered. This only hits a small demographic of interest. Inclusivity does not have to apply to ALL markets.

Award everything in boxes Black, women, transgender and gay You don't see free individuals Slaves were seen this way SaturdayMotivation SaturdayThoughts ScienceNews ScienceChannel AncientAliens FoxNews realDonaldTrump cnni ABCPolitics

CNN pushing Frankfurt school marxism. Weimar Germany !

Race to the bottom.

What about Asian or Arab trans disabled models? What about a black muslim trans disabled model with mental illness? Please be more inclusive.

Fucking gross and ridiculous.

What the fuck

Not good enough, we need someone who's illegal too in top of being black, disabled, trans,..... blah blah

You go grrrl

I'm Trans-Handsome, I'm transitioning from being ugly to handsome, I have a long road ahead but I believe 😋

Talks about ticking all the boxes

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