9 COVID-19 cases linked to Minnesota Trump rally last month, with 2 hospitalized

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The Minnesota Department of Health has identified nine COVID-19 cases in people who reported attending Pres. Trump's rally in Bemidji, Minnesota, last month.

Smith told ABC News that the ICU patient was admitted to the hospital on Oct. 4 and then moved to the ICU on Oct. 7. The other patient was hospitalized between Sept. 28 and Oct. 4 without ICU admission. No deaths linked to the rally have been reported yet, he added.

Schultz said the state is conducting contact tracing to identify any additional cases and secondary spread of the virus from these patients.President Donald Trump arrives for a campaign rally at Bemidji Regional Airport, Sept. 18, 2020, in Bemidji, Minn.


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ABC-America’s Bias Channel..... did you find out who gave it to them? Or not a good enough story

Vote Blue & stop Orange Man Nightmare. Wake me up when it is over.

Kymon5 And The head man in charge, still don’t wear his mask. ?

Hold on, more are coming coronavirus VoteBlueDownTheBallot

legaleagle1952 If I had a dollar for every person infected by trump and GOP I’d have close to 200k

Well if donald trump cannot drain the swamp maybe COVI-19 can.

Wasn't pink or blue dressed Kellyane supposed to have quit her job. What happened couldn't get unemployment

Funny there allot of people who have caught Covid but you don't try to do contract tracing publicly with them.

Give it time, they’ll be more.

More fantasies / lies President Donald Trump doubled-down on his claims of 'crooked' and 'fraudulent' ballots Verified history of mail in votes that have been prevalent in last century show ta minimum of fraud was tried & did not succeed. Trump won in 2016 due to mail in vote

MalcolmNance Why won't LindseyGrahamSC RepSenators MitchSenator take a CV-19 test prior to Barrett hearings next week? In fact, why is he not asking all who'll be present to take the test and follow CDC recommendations? Would anyone volunteer to attend otherwise?

Are you sure 30? Could it be more like 200? Just that they are not report their infections.

Another fake news

And they are still alive!! FactsNotFear ReopenAmerica

Nice work

MalcolmNance I heard there is a Covid outbreak at ACBs’ kids’ private school and she is the most likely infector. ACB gave Covid to school kids and the GOP wants her on the supreme court. Really?

Don´t worry, very stable medical genius himself has already developed an effective treatment: 'And then I see the disinfectant, that knocks it out in a minute...and is there a way you can do something like, by injection inside, or almost to clean...'

MalcolmNance The new name for the Trump White House administration reality tv series is CoronavirusCity (A bankrupt billionaire and his family occupy the White House. But, for how long?)

'I'm off to another rally!' COVIDparty GoodbyeBoomers

MalcolmNance How could Pence and Barre escape the virus? I’m not fully convinced they’re all positive. They lie. We all know trump is pushing herd immunity where 4-6 mil will die. “See, nothing to it! We all survived. Covid is just like the flu!”

So what !!!

People across America are suffering because of this president’s failed, slapdash pandemic policies. We deserve better. They deserve better! TrumpsAmerica COVID19 TrumpDoesntCareAboutYou

People caught a contagious virus...that's so WILD! How about we report how many have caught this virus and how many have returned to work since? May not fit YOUR agenda, but then again, neither does impartiality either.


Self-prevention of COVID-19 الوقاية الذاتية من 😷📢🌏

“Three of the world’s leading epidemiologists — Drs. Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford), Martin Kulldorff (Harvard) and Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) — all agree lockdowns do not work, protect vulnerable, and open up!” DELUSIONAL STORYLINE by meanwhile Disney is going broke thanks DNC


Bye bye Lady G 👋👋

Hopefully the are going to Trump's doctor,

Do you mean Trump lies again? Saying there are no cases of Covid after his rallies?

fluffymeow_ That means those who were tested. How many were asymptomatic and never got tested...

Round round, get around....I get around....

And that's just the ones reported

And yet, instead of a bowl of popcorn and turning on the tv to watch him, people just keep showing up. We are an interesting species when we can turn a blind eye to infection and keep walking into hot spots. Not smarter as we continue to evolve. More easily led perhaps.

But, But, But, Trump said in the debate there were no negative impacts from his outdoor rallies! You mean he LIED to us?! No Way!

Mass Murderer....the new James Jones

Covidiot In Chief.

They could have gotten it at their local grocery store before attending the rally. Nice try ABC.

9? .... your office has more than that daily!

Fuck em .

lot of distance

9 out of thousands? :::feigning shock:::

How many cases did they find during protests? I’ll wait for that report and numbers

CaptainCovi making it Sick Again!

I always notice the constant theme from left wing media. They truly believe Americans are too stupid to make decisions for themselves and need the government to dictate us.

And then the article goes on to say it’s not proven but they report the headline as sounding legit. More of the same ABC crap.


9 cases !!!!!!! Shut the country down and run for your lives !!!

Cases come and cases go but if you're under 70 life goes on for 99.7% of you.


If Trump can accomplish infecting one person at his rallies then his purpose is fulfilled. He want's herd immunity which can lead to killing millions. Trump and his cult seem to think this is logical. If they could keep this among themselves it would be greatly appreciated.


Trump is just exposing people to deadly virus.what a president!

realDonaldTrump you must be proud that you’re really making your mark on your base. Super spreader in Charge.

U didn’t report on the possible hundreds/thousands that were infected at protests. 1000’s upon 1000’s smashed together, many without masks, screaming in each other’s faces. Ur Dems decided that U weren’t allowed to ask if a protest was attended while contact tracing. Hypocrites



wsteaks Vote for Trump 👍👍👍👍👍4 more years 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼Great President 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

9 people? 9 people out of a 1000 or so? No proof whatsoever that those 9 people came out of their homes for the first time in 6 months and only went to the rally

Oooooo! 9 people caught a cold. Next.


More great pornalism!!

How many of them are actually sick and you can’t prove where they contracted it! More embellishments from you never disappoint!

Woke up and Bitcoin had just blasted up another $350 today! She's moving! Jack Dorsey's company 'Square' bought $50 million in Bitcoin this week!! $$

I still wonder about bio t-errorist Canada drug king pins organized crime stock market. Resent ricin letter same section cacomistle civet type of cat covid sars. vapour & capers snuff box black life matters conspiracy theory ganja ganymedes raga rasa regimes rasism ragism hanuman

Never heard the number of people who contracted COVID while protesting in the streets. Have you spent time tracking that ABC? Just wondering.

There is no way of knowing that is where they got it..

Nobody cares. We have a country to save. Lock downs, depression and being controlled is the far lefts agenda. Covid won’t stop the fight to end socialist-communist ideals. Enough is enough VoteRedToSaveAmerica2020

Fine, 9 out of how many thousands of many hundreds. Super non lethal-pussy virus. Tied to Trump besides everywhere else those folks went.

Such an irresponsible person and he’s suppose to be the leader of the free world. He’s keeping us locked down because he refuses to acknowledge we have a problem. Worst of all the supposedly most protected person caught COVID-19 an embarrassment and he thinks it’s a good thing

Oh good God get over it. The stuff is very old. You'll be talking about this 20 years from now every day you'll be announcing how many cases there is at certain areas. Ridiculous


Bitcoin baby! She's moving up! I hope Americans are investing!!

I heard the SET UP team reported to have 11 cases. That's how Trump got Covid

...slow news day?

Funny the crowd keeps getting bigger. What you're supposed to do is compare the number infected at the start of the event with the number infected at the end of the event. So from 0 to 9. What percentage of change is that?

God is not a God of confusion and chaos. My mother being a minister for over 16 years...my grandfather a pastor for over 30 years...this is NOT God. Lol. I laugh at the stupidity of people who follow any man like this! No true Christian will ever do what this man has done.

Covid Donnie strikes again

I wonder how many rioters had it

It doesn't matter if he holds a rally and infects everyone they will say' what about protests?' If he murders someone...'what about abortion'? You see they never take responsibility for anything. Nothing. They can have him because I stand with God. This man is not of God at all

Here's the thing...Trump's people will not never care! They don't care about anything he does. Nothing. He could murder someone in the middle of the street and they would cover for him. I'm so done with this mess. It's sad. They don't care!. All they want is there way.

This mofo brought an uptick in COVID cases here. This POS! Someone needs to sue his a$$!

And yet, not one person got Covid at the peaceful protest this summer. journalismisdead

The entire country should be up in arms about Court Packing & the arrogance that Harris/Biden will let us know their plans 'after the election.' Packing court/Making DC & Puerto Rico States/Abolish Electoral College.This is the last time our votes will matter. It is that serious!

It’s an infectious disease people.

Proof that this is the truth. Also if they decided not to wear a mask it’s their fautnot realDonaldTrump

The coronavirus is Mongolian biological weapon! If don't believe it, they may slowly end killing humanity!

Arrest all who failed to wear a mask.

I doubt that it took a month to contract the virus

What are they going to do about it?Why is he being allowed to spread this disease?

Love how they don’t bring up the thousands in attendance. Don’t want people to know how much support he has.

Unfortunately there will be more to come.......

DEAR America With all of the Riots we've seen PLEASE ask your selves why wouldn't the Media show you any stories on China Virus case's or do you believe them that china virus avoids protesters and rioting! USA Media has become propagandist political BS!

I am sure they dug deep for those cases. Just stop spreading this bs.

Cool story Now do BLM/Antifa protests, riots, and mobs

For this period of time far more people who did not attend his rally contracted the virus than those who did.

And there is no way of telling how or WHERE they got it..The Media is an absolute joke now and just looks for ways to try and bash Trump.

How many are linked to protesting anarchists BLM and Antifa scoundrels? Stupid hypocrites.

This is my shocked face. 😕

Typhoid Mary & COVID-19 Donald His however is willful, reckless endangerment

Good for their dumb asses..

Can anyone find out if any of those nine happened to be anyone who caught the hat he threw into the crowd

Fake news obviously

9 cases hmmm how many prople were at tge rally? Could you report how many people infected by tge protesters tgen how many infected by tge rioters?

Superspreader spreading disease an bullshit

At this point, it’s a Death Cult.


Those same people reportedly breathed.

9 covid cases, 'two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.' Cases don't equal deaths--99% survive and most experience only mild symptoms.

Nine out of thousands. Logic would say it should be more.

⏰The World Health Organization has finally confirmed what we (and many experts and studies) have been saying for months - the coronavirus is no more deadly or more dangerous than the seasonal flu.⏰ realDonaldTrump

Probably Trump can share his miracle cure!!! But I guess not!

People gets COVID even if they didn't attend Pres Trumps rally! Get real...CDC should really be truthful now, that this Virus is airborne and not droplet.

There will be more.

I don't believe that.

I wonder if they signed a release form to ensure the unfit president has no legal liability?


Surprise, surprise, surprise.....

Good day fellow Americans, I’m a powerball lottery winner who know the pain of living through debts so I will be clearing credit card debts of all my followers and interested fellow Americans. Follow and send me a message if you’re interested.

He knew he had Covid when he went to Minnesota, New Jersey, the debate. That’s why he didn’t test! He doesn’t care who he infects as long as he gets to speak to his supporters

More people get chinkflu the better heard immunity

Trump is the 1 virus spreader in America. He always wanted to be number 1.


So. Where did they get the virus? Answer that... THE MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

It's a HOAX

Really? OMG and they seemed to be acting so safe..

It does no good to say it's stupid to get in a big group without masks, because look where they're going in the first place.

Fake News

Ha ha ha making this a story and how many did they test and find from protests? Ridiculous.

How the job hunting going?

And that means absolutely no proof that is where they got or WHO they got it from. We know that they didn't get anywhere President Trump so that means they picked it up from someone else or could have already had it when they attended. Just saying.. FACT

Please copy and paste these handles in every EndSars post. BBCNews cnnbrk dwnews TheDailyShow FoxNews FOXTV FOX17Erik FoxBusiness FoxNews espn ESPNPR AriseTVAmerica nytimes NYDailyNews nypost AlJazeera AljazeeraDoc cnnbrk bbcquestiontime cnni RT Pls.

A whole nine?

Well at least the rioters and protestors haven’t tested positive at all this year, that’s on the plus side NoPunIntended LiberalNarrative blahblahblah MAGA


Just. Stop it. Ladies and gentlemen, the California “elite” dining by the sea.👇

Trump and Rudy sure have been coughing alot at their recent interviews at fox

9. Not bad.

9 in 20,000 ...you can't be serious. Less than 0.045%. That's 5.68 times less than the general US population infection rate of 2.56%.

So? We're bound to have people getting covid. I guess we could all go in our houses and live out the rest of our lives on social media and amazon. I don't want to spend my living days worrying about dying.

80% of Minnesota COVID deaths come at the behest of our homicidal psycho Governor.. Fact!!

Well this is one path that Trump can loose. Infect your supporters. Warning: If u die before Election Day you ballot is not counted.

Trump may be a special envoy of COVID-19. He doesn't hesitate to make money.

Enough is enough. Please get lost. I do not forgive that Trump killed over 210, 000 American people so far, and also I do not forget Trump did not pay his Federal Taxes for a decade.

correlation is not causation, ABC

Spreader in chief

9? That's all they could come up with 4 weeks later?

Welp..... He stood there .....in the mist/rain..... ......did the gig....so I’m not surprised..... 🇺🇸

Something leads me to believe that the patriots who attended the ralley [even if they contracted it], wouldnt report it. So its highly likely this is falsified.

Don't worry, if you get Covid at a trump rally your pal trump will have you airlifted from your house, you will get the most advanced treatment and the secret service will provide a parade so your family can see you waving at them.

So you guys searched your butthurt guts out to located 9 sick people, who attended ONE event in the last THIRTY (30) days? That is 720 hours since the rally, and you people pinpoint that exact time they were infected? Seems suspicious... I’m guessing same as your fact-checkers

Probably Fake News....that is all ABC reports....lol

Despicable man. That is all.


Covid testing of rioters and looters is the new 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy. realDonaldTrump DonaldJTrumpJr larryelder redsteeze

So...? There were literally thousands there! Geez...this isn’t journalism! It’s sensationalism!

Wonder how many tested positive from all of the Violent protests & rioTs?

9 of 50,000 seems like a pretty good number to me

They signed medical waivers....oh well!

Nine because of his rally and no cases from protesting right bullshit


9 out of 30,000, not bad odds, I would risk it to see him. Besides look at the survival rate. Stop the FEAR Mongering.

Fake news!

If only the media would spend half as much time tracking cases from riots and looting as they have from a few Trump rallies... I wonder why there are outbreaks in Oregon, California, New York, Minnesota? 'I guess Trump must have campaigned there' - MSM Probably

But they can't figure out why covid positives are going up in Minnesota. SMH

How many people were there? Cases have been rising in the north for weeks.

Well you can't prove that's where they got it, but wow, shocker, you don't say, no way, and so on.

Superspreader. 🍊🤡🤢😷

The guy is going around the country setting up events that help spread Covid. This will never end as long as he’s in office.

So you dig and dig. How can you positively say that’s where they got it. And it took a month? Really.

All death roads lead to Trump

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