54% credit Trump for ISIS leader’s death but broader doubts on Syria policy: POLL

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

New ABC News/WaPo poll: Just 26% think al-Baghdadi’s death will make the U.S. safer from terrorism, similar to views of security after Osama bin Laden’s death. 54% see no change.

A majority of Americans in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll give Donald Trump credit for the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but at a level that far lags credit for Barack Obama after the killing of Osama Bin Laden in May 2011.

More broadly, 54% think Trump’s policies have made the United States less respected around the world, more than said that about Obama, 38%, in a 2012 Fox News poll . Trump, by contrast, gets credit from 76% of Republicans, dropping sharply to 53% among independents and 39% among Democrats. Partisanship informs other views, as well. Forty-five percent of Republicans think al-Baghdadi’s death makes the United States safer from terrorism; half as many independents and a third as many Democrats agree.

Source: Loan Digest (loandigest.net)


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Be careful what you listen too The media still delivering false narrative against President Trump. Think for yourself. 'Stupid is as stupid does'. So don't be stupid enough to take the news media info as fact, when it's usually fiction.

Shame on you

When in fact, the majority of Americans know nothing about foreign policy!

The fact is the dems are putting us in danger. They dont back our President shows cracks in the strength of our country. It shows weakness, when we should be unified in showing total committment to protecting our country & our citizens. How can dem supporters not see this? 🇺🇸


Even Syria disagrees with this

Create a new poll and ask Americans if they think Epstein killed himself.

Sure after your tabloid news. If Trump left them there you’d attack him. You’re hyenas.

These colors don’t run?

I polled people between 21 and 71 in my town and 82% think ABC is lying on all their political stories and still leads all networks in fake news!! The other 18% of the people were to old to complete the poll!!

realDonaldTrump Maybe you deserves a little credit because he authorized the strike but that’s it. His rhetoric during the President conference did nothing but incite ISIS followers.

More likely he was the fly in the ointment with withdrawal of troops in Syria while Special Ops carried out the raid. He doesn't trust Intel and I'm fairly certain they don't trust him. He just said 'yes' to the attack once they located Baghdadi, no credit for him from me.

Never would I have believed the day would come when placing our troops in harms way would be supported by the left... wow.. it's true they are against anything Trump... 🤔🤔🤔

It was 50 troops he moved out of there

ABC polls are worthless never right

ABC using older footage shot in Kentucky and telling us it is Syria -- NO MISTAKE! The org is too big, employs nearly 5K, and is owned by Disney. It was used to attack Trump, right? How many other networks showing us fake imagery?

😂 Umm...unless they have more information than the top secret clearance of the President...who cares!

FakeNewsMedia It is well know that and washingtonpost manufactures and creates FakeNews through fabricated polls and nonexistent anonymous sources.

Withdrawing American troops from Northern Syria has no effect on our safety because the Turkish military is moving in and taking control. It does, however, leave our Kurdish allies on their own. Not good for them or our reputation, but I'd rather bring our soldiers home.

your polls are not honest they are fake just like you are. Cease fire is working and Syria will be stronger with ISIS leader gone, Honest polls say this country approves taking the troops out this is not our fight.

WoW is definitely a different world, liberals are neo-cons now, dogs & cats are friends.. The last Superman movie was so bad it sent us to bizarro world. 🙄😏

That 44% should enlist their children and send them to Syria. 😠

Here’s a better poll. 100% of people polled for this question have 0 idea what they’re talking about.

War mongers want war for profit. Drain the swamp

Who are these “Americans“ they are polling?

What? The Military couldn't even tell Trump ,about the real campaign, because they were afraid, he would leak it! Military leaders don't trust Trump'! He's a lier' - Period '!☠☠☠☠


Polls are SO dependable.

America: Get us out of endless wars. We hate war. Govt: OK we’re getting out. America: We want WW3! Send more troops! Drop the nukes on these bastards! Govt: ........... drops nuke. America: We’re an evil empire only out for blood and money.

We do not have a democratic government We have a representative government That is why we vote for our leaders

Who knew liberal MSM were such war hawks? When Obama pulled out you wanted to give him a Nobel prize. proxywar

Since when did the Democrats become war mongers ? Hmmmm.

Well, American's also voted an ass as President sooo Who knows.

Sorry, we're not staying no matter what your fake polls say. See you next November !

Endless wars are fun!

Fake News.


There’s lots of crazy people here in the USA we have one as our president. So lots of nutty people would love too replace al-Baghdadi.

ISIS has plenty of terrorists waiting in the wings for their chance at leadership.

More Americans massacred by Domestic Terrorism than International Terrorism. Worry about the Terrorists in this country.

Wow, you guys are sad

Sure Jan

We will wipe out Republicans, Period! We’ll finish what we’ve started in 2018! This betrayal of the Nation’s laws and norms, this loyalty to one man instead of the Constitution will be once & for all buried not to rise ever again: Cancer Cured!!


Got to love these polls... I think the media likes to use them to try to guage how well their anti-Trump propaganda is working... or not 🙄

keeps spewing polls as if they reflect meaningful insight. Never forget that POTUS was supposed to experience an overwhelming loss just hours before the Politics et al scorchingly biased bunch watched his opponent go down in flames.

Trump was just around

Bin Laden was a much more high profile target... Most American had no idea, or very little idea of who Baghdadi was...

Trump's whim of removing troops from Syria could very well have messed with the Military Ops planning...zero credit from me for Trump. All my respect and credit go to Military, Intel, Kurds in spite of Trump.

Dude cheap Opinion pole ya need some meaty stuff in the public purview

Funny because Trump had much more to do with this than Obama did with Bin Laden. They had to beg Obama to approve the Bin Laden raid for months.

I'm just glad they got him.

Trump could screw up a wet dream.

And that is due to MSM's poor coverage.

Whatever. He is DEAD. Is all the matters ABC. Christ. Another BS Channel. ABC

Ummmm...that’s because the media (yes, you ABC) refused to give Trump any credit for authorizing the military operation. But...if it had failed, you would have placed the blame squarely on his head. Instead, you downplayed his huge important focus on getting Baghdadi. You suck.

And b/c the death was under DT Admin's watch-DT expects Americans to be deluded & turn the head while he does corrupt things. He believes that w/ his relationship w/ NY (pays taxes, they should be nice to him). He believes that w/ journalist (I was nice to her, why is she mean?).

Wasn’t he out golfing when all this actually went down, then came back to stage a photo then later same week photoshopped pics of service animal...He probably would have gotten more credit if he played it like a mature adult instead of teenage girl with a new Instagram account

In his own words. He deserves ZERO credit. He was golfing when it all went down. Guess they had to send the child out to play while the adults do the work.

Trump should get credit authorizing the special forces to take him out and working with our advisaries to make it happen. ABC should give them both credit where credits due . ABC have some integrity please

But... But... BUT 🤡s

Why Do People Still Believe These Fake Polls? Obama Created ISIS And Trump Wiped Them Off The Map. FakeNews

He died like a dog. I don’t think even MichaelVick would think that’s cool. notmycheeto


With Susan Rice now calling the shots at ABC. What did you expect the fake poll to look like

ObamaOutdidTrump again. ImpeachmentVote TrumpIsIllegitimate

And the truth is neither should get credit.

You mean 45% of the people polled give him credit, who did they ask? Cause they didn't ask me

Trump had absolutely nothing to do with this raid and the demise of Baghdadi.

The mission succeeded in spite of Trump. Not because of him.

who cares. the man is in hell now and can terrorize no one else. that's all that matters.

In reality Bin Laden was killed under a CIA program that started under Bush while Obama had no ISIS strategy when Trump took over.

going by the honest polls this country gave the credit to the special team military and the president, It did not lag behind Obama who caused seals to be killed the next day when there helicopter was shot down. You don't release the special team to the world

Going to be campaign 1 talking point for the next year.

I don't give him credit. He was golfing. Staged picture afterwards and his narrative was an exaggeration to say the least. why am I never polled I wonder?

Why is this the story? He is dead why you have to make it a competition? He is commander in chief

That’s because they have been poisoned by the media. I bet the large majority of those not giving him credit feel math is racist.

Not to worry, Trump in 2020!

Obama had MSM on his side. Scales aren’t balanced

Trump had to approve the raid, same as Obama. Anyone who credited Obama but not Trump is a partisan and incapable of objective thought.

Bruh, both presidents watched on a screen as battle hardened warriors put in work and Trump is having a pissing contest over it; I’m sure he has nightmares from that raid too. BackSeatWarrior

realDonaldTrump deserves as much credit for Baghdadi as BarackObama does for Bin Laden, NONE! It was going to happen regardless of who is/was POTUS!

Is ABC America’s most watched news ? You claim it is in your advertising, so I think all your claims need Fact Checked !

This is like me taking credit for telling my wife to cook dinner!

This is so stupid

The media did everything but throw President Obama a ticker tape parade to ensure credit was given to him for OBL. For Trump, they did everything but give him credit.

thanks largely to Fake News outlets like you

I wonder why the disparity?

Yes, this shows how much more integrity the right has vs the left.

I give that orange blowhard zero credit. In fact, I believe Baghdadi was killed by the Russians.

Unbelievable how low can media go

You know what the Middle East is a safer place since Trump came into office ; when obama was around the Islamist groups had so much power politically such as the muslim_brotherhood. And I’m not from the usa but just wanted you guys to know how we feel.

Perhaps if he had spent his life being a kind person and hadn’t tried to minimize every Obama accomplishment things would have been different.

No shit with 24/7/365 negative media coverage

After the impeachment inquiry vote, SpeakerPelosi was caught flying back to California just in time to celebrate her favorite holiday halloween2019 ImpeachmentVote KAG DTS Trump2020LandslideVictory

Poll details please

So fake abc video of Syrian fighting & bezo’s wapo have a new poll out. They think most people believe it?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

95% of Americans are too stupid to understand that neither one of those men are really responsible for any of it. A good president always sets the tone which Trump correctly did. Obama did more to screw up the Middle East than most people will ever admit or fully understand!

That graph shows the power of the fake news media.

It took 2 administrations to catch Bin Laden. It took Trump 2 years to catch Baghdadi.

realDonaldTrump does what he does only when it benefits him

'Compost polls'. Must be legit.

Americans are taught what to THINK! The media uses propaganda to brain wash the public! Later, polls are used to determine if the propaganda was effective! Kurds Syria ISIS Israel Turkey Afghanistan Blackmen Blackwomen BlackTwitter Iran Iraq Somalia Africa Nigeria

Who created ISIS? The US and Israel. Who hired them and took them to the Middle East? The US and Israel. For what? To topple Bashar al Assad and put a Syrian lackey in power. Did they do it? NO. So, GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! AND GET THE HELL OUT OF IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN TOO!

cant help but wonder how many of those polled have children or loved ones serving in that Syrian Deep State Proxy war? Likely none! Another FakeNews Poll by MSM

Lemme guess, joncoopertweets is in charge of your polls.

54% of whom?

Fake news

FAKE NEWS poll! You people are anti-American's!! Sickening!

You should conduct a 🆕 Survey: 'With ISIS returning to power, HOW LIKELY will AmericaBeAttacked, AGAIN?' RememberSEPTEMBER11th2001!!! 🎃 InexcusableAndUnforgivablePresidentialAction! 😒 Condemn45! 🤢😢

Now do a poll on Americans who would or would want a family member fighting in a sand box thousands of miles from home

Believing unverifiable polls from the biased media is the epitome of being brainwashed. Their purpose is only to influence public opinion, not to report public opinion.

100% of Americans think if U.S. troops aren't in Syria, they won't be killed in Syria.

No one believes polls. It’s like saying 4 out of 5 statistics are made up on the spot. If you poll enough people in a cherry picked demographic you will get the results you want.

Telling your enemy what you plan to do guarantees failure.

Folks I am pretty confident that this raid was in planning stages but the implementation HAD to be moved up because TRUMP screwed up Syria ..... and there was no whippering like a dog .... thats TRUMP who knows nothing of real life and death worldwide issues.

Because the military industrial complex owns the media and controls 80% or more of our 'representatives'!

Trump cut and run.

Spin Spin Spin Spin 🤦🏽‍♀️

ABC lying!!

One perspective. One tiny, myopic perspective. That's what you get relying on coverage from outlets like .

But why? He credits the dog 🤣

Have that 44% find Syria on a map then explain where a independent Kurdistan should be located

Pulling 28 troops out of Syria will weaken the USA? How stupid

Another Fake News poll!

We all know that Trump didn’t have any hand in the killing. Obama started the hunt for him and Trump was merely informed of the fact that a mission Obama started had found success. Trump just walked in and took the credit of the troops who really did something.

If he had done it before bowing to his master Putin and pulling our troops out, which allowed all the ISIS prisoners to escape, it would have been more effective, and also made the a-hole look better.

Obamas Raid was classier. They didn’t try to make a campaign video out of the thing. ObamasRaidwasBetter

100% of me thinks Trumps bragging about it over and over and over again doesn't help. This is not a game. This is serious business

If you believe a poll by ABC then I've got a miracle serum I'd like to sell you. IT CURES ALL YOUR AILMENTS!! GET IT WHILE IT LASTS!!

Will The UnitedStates Be Safer After The Death Of alBaghdadi?

Al-Baghdadi was replaced five minutes after his death. ISIS is flourishing due to Trump's rash pullout from Syria.

realDonaldTrump had nothing to do with the Baghdadi raid beyond spectator. Odds are, he didn't know that name two weeks ago. ImpeachTrump LockHimUp Traitor

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