5 benefits of apple cider vinegar (and a few duds), according to experts

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Five ways apple cider vinegar can help your health: Lowering blood sugar Weight loss Teeth cleaning and whitening Mosquito bites All-purpose cleaner

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular natural health products around, with claims that it can do almost anything, including sanitizing toothbrushes, curing diabetes and whittling waistlines.

What are the real benefits of apple cider vinegar, according to science? CNN asked seven experts and looked at dozens of studies to bring you the facts. Here are five ways apple cider can help your health -- plus a few popular preconceptions that didn't pass muster.Lowering blood sugarWhat's the most popular use for apple cider vinegar? If a simple internet search is any measure, it involves diabetes.

Studies in humans are nonexistent.So, does apple cider vinegar measure up to its positive internet reputation? If you consider that almost any other vinegar will produce the same benefits, not so much. There are also some serious downsides, if used full strength and inappropriately. As the experts suggest, make sure you check with your doctor before giving it a try.


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~ that’s all my mom talks about.

If you don’t smoke your teeth won’t have any issues coz you mix with water

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Kills bacteria. Big help during flu season.

Someone needs to ask Trump if it cures Covid-19



Fake news!

so then it cures racism? didn't someone say recently he made racist comments due to a sugar spikkke

Apple cider: acts like acid, it can strip your tooth enamel. Rinse your mouth out good.

Throw it in the eyes of democrats


Just the thought of drinking it 🤢

Teeth cleaning to a minimum and watered down. It will destroy your enamel.

I usually abstain from All-purpose cleaners.

The article basically debunked all of the above. C’mon CNN!

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