34% of economists in survey expect a US recession in 2021

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A growing number of U.S. economists believe a slowing economy will tip into a recession in 2021, according to a new survey.

Thirty-four percent of economists surveyed by the National Association for Business Economics, in a report being released Monday, said they believe a slowing economy will tip into recession in 2021. That’s up from 25% in a survey taken in February. Only 2% of those polled expect a recession to begin this year, while 38% predict that it will occur in 2020.

Trade between the U.S. and China, the two biggest global economies, has plunged. Trump decided last Wednesday to The economists surveyed by the NABE were skeptical about prospects for success of the latest round of U.S.-China trade negotiations. Only 5% predicted that a comprehensive trade deal would result, 64% suggested a superficial agreement was possible and nearly 25% expected nothing to be agreed upon by the two countries.

As a whole, the business economists’ recent responses have represented a rebuke of the Trump administration’s overall approach to the economy.


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And you don tRUMP, say that the tariffs are not affecting anyone. U R wrong. U R tearing down our economy and our environment. My 401K has taken a nose dive. Almond farmers are losing their farms, and how about middle America? donny u r a LIAR!

I bet 100% of Trump supporters and Republicans don't believe it.

*pushes glasses up nose** we're entering into a recession now *Checks notes** will be announced at the end of 2021 *Checks notes again** just like 2008

We can pivot the recession in one of two ways. 1. Elect Yang who will creat a trickle up economy and stimulate people, businesses and increase GDP over the long term. 2. Switch the Bitcoin economy with blockchain which is more reliable than the fiat money we have now.

Based on how my stocks have fluctuated it’s probably coming. But that’s what we get when we elect a charlatan

🤭 FHO sure !

Same narrative was pushed in 2016. And 2017. And 2018. Oh, and 2019. And yes, even 2020. Now we’re working on 2021. One day these clowns will be right.

HAHAHAHA..... What a joke.

And the Dems and political establishment will do what they can to cause a recession, because the Left needs misery.


The far left is really pushing the recession hoax on social media. Say it enough & it will come true? 34% of economists say there will be a recession? What about the remaining 66% of economists?

Economists please SPEAK UP loud and clear. Don't lie to America, we have too many liars in the Congress and the 'evil for America & Americans.'

So America we can have a Democrat save our economy in a Recession or vote Donald back into office and good luck with the TrumpRecession. Choice is ours

AP... always propaganda

This is the next ploy to get rid of Trump and the terrifying thing is that. People would rather tank the world’s economy than see Trump succeed. There is no reason to predict a recession.

And the cycle continues. Republicans get us into a recession. Democrats get elected and spend all their time getting us out of the recession. Republicans then get elected because the Democrats didn’t do anything else because they were too busy getting us out of the recession.

Look at what we owe that is going to cash in sooner than later

Thanks Obama

Another GOp mess

The markets hate chaos. Trump = chaos. Any questions?

Recession: it's tipping now! How convenient Trump already working to 'cover'! People don't believe Trump enablers!

Which will be the perfect excuse to blame the New Democratic president for it, not the current idiot who is ruining it.

'a growing number' is lib speak for less than half.

2008 when it speared that Obama would win then the corporate owners of our Lives took our money out of America to prevent democrats from helping our people by using our money here in America.

D1v5C BULLSHIT!! RadicalSocialistDemocrats

But yet Trump’s economy advisers don’t see it.

Are they Democrats

You hope

And 66% don’t. My god you just can’t stop

I choose not to participate in the 'fake recession' 🙄

I would think the better headline would be 'A majority of Economists do not expect a recession by 2021.'

Oh you want the economy to tank so bad, dontcha AP Just admit it

Good Lord. I can smell the desperation from here.


Democrats, you can’t Live with, you have to give them everything for free

You sure are hoping for it aren’t you?

Fake recession fakerecession


So vast majority do NOT

Recessions come. It will pass. But the Left wants it to come ASAP for political purposes. Their alliance is with self and hate democracy and capitalism. WalkAwayFromDemocrats SayNoToSocialism


When mocking, ridiculing, Russia Hoax, racism, Muslim ban lies, Stormy, bias press, Hollywood hypocrites, lack of fitness, mental health, impeachment, Mueller, Epstein, on and on and on doesn’t work, try recession! Lol! It must be exhausting trying to bring this POTUS down!

Yeah, and 'Scientists' believed that this year would be the worst hurricane season ever..

That's bull crap. It's just another tactic to try to damage a successful president

Another gift from trump's presidency.

Meanwhile at the White House, Trump and his top economic people are saying - no way will there be a recession, we are in good shape.

Hoping hoping hoping.

Fake survey. FakeNews

CastonChris Well, that’s what buying temporary economic success though debt-driving tax policy gets you. We would have gotten similar results with a gibbon and an abacus...

The Fed says 2020 The Economists want Trump Elected again so they will lie for a year before they admit the truth NoDramaQueenDonTrump2020

Obama saved our country after bush. Now we will need a Democratic president to save us from Frankenstein.

Just in time to blame the New Democratic president of course. And then we will have to tighten our purse strings! There will be no money to do anything except cut. 🙄🙄🙄 why do republicans ALWAYS do this

Russia, Racist, Recession- songs of the desperate Socialist with no answers

Well we're told by the left this is the Obama economy so it would be his recession too. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

FoxNews CNN MSNBC CNBC you can stop it! You control the masses!

Fire the corrupt Fed

The economist were wrong if Trump was elected. Just like the pollsters were horribly wrong 2016. Get a grip our economy is strong

Electing a Democrat in 2020 will tip the US into Socialism. So...


If that is the case I hope we have a proper president in place with actual soft skills ..

It's pretty damn disgusting when Democrats actually plant the seed of a recession in the minds of voters...

wait until Brexit Then she will get bad real quick

Okay, let's focus on 2019 & 2020 then...


We need it.

Which means 66% DON’T think there will be a recession. How about reporting the majority opinion instead of focusing on the minority opinion?

It’s all a scam to gain power by this New Democrat Party. Today’s media industry should be charged and tried in public hearings.

Oh, now it’s 2021. Well, you’re going to be right eventually.

Pivot from Russia to Racist, now Recession. All fake news to help their Democrat friends. Journalism is dead.

And let me guess...only the DNC can save us?


The same economists that swore it would completely tank as soon as Trump was sworn in, I'm sure.

Really Your story should say that a majority of the experts, do not think there will be a recession. Maybe You should have said that almost 2/3rd of the experts do not believe their will be a recession in 21!

cmarinucci Playing every possible card to slow down the Prez. We all remember the game played on Bush in 92. We know the Dem propaganda wing games now.

In other words, 66% believe there WON’T be a recession in 2021. If realDonaldTrump is President, I’m with the majority of Economists. The economy under his leadership is the best it’s ever been! Trump2020Landslide

We are IN a recession. You have to work three jobs to earn what one used to make. Inflation is almost noticeable monthly as prices of goods creep higher. If it gets any worse, we're looking at revolutionary times.

the ass press

It’s not the economists, it’s the Democrats spreading lies ......

As long as we don’t have an idiot in office who bails out the banks while allowing individual Americans to suffer instead of giving low interest loans to homeowners and creating non existent shovel ready jobs we should be ok.

litrally just read an article that said economist say definite Recession in 2020... so which is it economisticals?

Russia, Racist, Recession-repeat!! It’s killing you that Trump and the USA is having success!! ALL IN TRUMP!!

Keep pushing it back, we don't notice.

As usual, give the GOP the White House and Americans have to pay for it eventually. They have no health care plan, no environmental plan, Just transfer wealth from the poor to the rich, and let your presidents family run around playing advisors while he golfs another weekend

For those of you who can’t tell... this is the left trying to Prepare their narrative for when Nov 2020 rolls Around with a booming economy.

🙄🙄here they go again with their narrative

Look at the media pushing a recession. Shame on you

I just blocked this fake news machine ...Boring... you have nothing else other than your poetically motivated hate to Trump. Nut.

He should. Re-elected him so he can take credit for his failure and not blame it on someone else. Now we see who lay a successful economic path for him and who should have gotten credit.

Keep hoping AP...

Thanks to this illegitimate president, for the first time in history this country is in a depression and recession

Mr know it all, blew it all!

Yeah a lot of Democratic economists with wishful thinking to hurt trump

Wow. Just in time to blame it on the Democratic pres.

A possible 2021 recession? How timely? The Democrats always have a mess to clean up when administrations change. Thankful they have some veteran cleaner-uppers!

Bullsh*t FakeNews trying to trigger a recession by fear mongering. AP participating in same crap.

I say it will hit here before 2021. They are TRYING to stave it off so Trump can still have a chance to get re-elected before it hits.

2021? Who writes this crapola? The inverted yield curve is the canary in the coal mine. The TariffMan held off the last tariff run because of Black Friday toys from China. 45 screwed up the farmers who cannot sell to China. This is going to happen later this year or 2020.

So, rich people hire rich people to tell the average American it's still ok to invest in stocks, while the rich people pull out of stocks and buy into bonds and gold? Why does this smell like 2007 again?

Maybe Congress should do its job.....

Lmao. Convenient timing. Y’all tried this last time and it didn’t work

Thanks trump.

Curious are these the same economists who told us if Trump became President the stock market would crash and are economy would tank. Do you mean those economists or do you have new ones?

Now polling the left's way to a recession What extremes the left will go to win a election? Russian collusion racism now pushing for a recession. Crazy world !!!!!


Yep! DerangedDonald took a recovering economy and destroyed it in 2.5 short years! It's a Republican condition; raise the debt limit and spend! Don't let him do this to our country!

Sam 34% that misread it before

Only if a dem wins in 2020. When Trump wins it'll only get better!

Yea and Hillary was gonna win 99% for sure.

Lol by 2021 not 2020 again . If they like let them say tomorrow. All we know as soon as Trump wins in 2020 all the noise and predictions will stop. We know all this fear mongering is geared towards stopping Trump. But the propaganda has failed.

And if a Democrat is elected President, I’m sure it’ll somehow be their fault just as the economy rebounding thanks to Obama was somehow Trump’s accomplishment 🙄

They really want to force a recession.

Hear that 'T'?

34% is 1/3, what do the majority (2/3) think? Lol

According to Bill Mahr the comedian!

I bet sooner

I would say 'praying' not believe.

AP is nothing but fear-mongering propaganda and global collusion. The Deep State/cabal/Rothschild central banking/ruling murderous pedophiles/pedovors are being defeated. They'll pedal all the fear sheeple are willing to swallow.

uses their platform to spread rumors about economy in order to destroy POTUS

34% of the economists are Democrats...

boy the dems hope so , maybe the media can hype it enough so the same people that were influenced by the RUSSIANS in last election will believe this FakeNews

Funny, that’s not true

So 66% don’t think so, but let’s focus on Chicken Little

coolhand_luke88 There is no economic data to support them.. it’s all empty opinions and predictions Those “economists” were nowhere to be found for the last 3 years of nonstop record breaking results.. now they want to screech the loudest 🖕🏾

Economy will most likely slow due to lack of workers more than tightened financing. Right now that’s not a bad thing. Lot of projects behind schedule in my industry. Booming business isn’t always most profitable business.


Russiagate is dead. Now it will be racism and a looming recession for the next year and a half.

Let’s hope it starts in 2020. It’s time for people to wake up!

Led by the economist Bill Mahr LMFAO

'2/3 of Economists Expect Economy to Continue Growing Beyond 2021' — There, fixed your headline for you.

So, 2% say this year, 38% say next year and 34% say 2021. So, only 24% think no recession in next couple of years. We are overdue. Probably stalled by massive deficit spending.

Sooo not even close to a majority. Got it.

34% of outraged libs surveyed say drumpf crash economy!

Main stream media wants this so bad. Trying to will it

Clarification - 72% of economists believe there will be a recession in the next two years.

jpaceDC You've got to be kidding me. Isn't this what we were told before Trump was elected last time?

Media new job, push fear of recession, therefore causing consumer fear and spending slow down...……

Really? A habitually bankrupt failure played a shell game with America's money and did a shitty job? Who could have seen this coming

Just in time for them to blame it on the democrats.

The Fake News Media : - Russia, Russia, Russia … failed ! - Racism, Racism, Racism … failed ! Now trying the Fear & Uncertainty of a future 'Recession' to have toe Stock Exchange collapse and trigger a recession WILL FAIL !

The heading should read 59% of economists expect a recession within the next two years. 34% for 2021 25% for 2020

Trump 2020!!

Well, it’s time for the Democrats to get to work and fix what the republicans messed up, as usual.

Bummer. Trump will probably get re-elected if it’s not sooner and will destroy the economy with his insanity. Can you imagine if this shit show took office in 2008?

We are already in recession.

2021 🤔 How is this a headline?

These are the'experts' who predicted stock market crash & recession when Pres Trump took office, were spectacularly wrong.... Mmmmkay!!

blah.. blah.. blah.. these economist do not know what they are talking about.. our potus has the best numbers ever .. and you ap are trying to hurt the stock market which in turn hurts all of us FakeNews

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