2 Mortgages, No Income: Sell The House Or Rent It Out, An Airbnb Host Wonders

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His plan was to renovate a house he had just bought and live off his earnings from Air B&B while studying in a graduate program. Then the coronavirus hit, and he was left with two houses and no income.

Josep Navas Masip, seen with his dog Ruquet, purchased a second home in Philadelphia and was renovating it for use as an Airbnb when the coronavirus crisis hit. Now his plans are canceled and he's unsure what to do for income.Josep Navas Masip, seen with his dog Ruquet, purchased a second home in Philadelphia and was renovating it for use as an Airbnb when the coronavirus crisis hit. Now his plans are canceled and he's unsure what to do for income.

"In the middle of the renovation, the coronavirus crisis hit," he said."I had to cancel my renovations, and I had to tell the contractor to stop working." Navas Masip, 44, was bringing in about $2,000 a month from the two rooms he was renting from his South Philadelphia home. Betting that he could double his earnings with a second home, he quit his job as a Spanish language professor to pursue another graduate degree in education and e-learning.


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That extra schooling is a good idea because what a terrible idea to over extend yourself without a backup plan.

Airbnb unilaterally canceled and refunded reservations in violation of its terms of service. We’re representing hosts who’ve lost millions as a result of the breach.

Get a real job, landlord.

“he quit his job as a Spanish language professor to pursue another graduate degree” 🤡🤡🤡.

Maybe instead of doing a story on this tone deaf topic, you should do a story about one of the Americans that can no longer pay rent due to loss of wages. Even if their rent is deferred they’ll have to pay back rent from money that they don’t have.

Screw this guy! If he fails no big deal. Lets shut down the economy so that we can remove Trump in November. Real people like this Air BnB owner are worth sacrificing for my political ideology. I like how NPR and other FakeNews are cheering for economic ruin. [This is sarcasm]

get a gov job or say you are anointed got a word from the ...... everybody owes you 10 % of their gross tax free money

OMG! How tragic! Maybe Steve Inskeep can float this guy a loan! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Don’t get a loan from family. Talk to the bank! They may have options you haven’t thought about.

Time to accept accountability and responsibility for his own choices. Life has inherent risks. Shit happens. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, get on down the road.

Hard to get ahead, but before he purchased this, he had to realize what the monthly payments were and the possible risk that any type of rental has? At least have two months of reserves for each property? I think the recommendation is 6...

Sell one of your houses.

He should give one away and get a real job to put him through school

Quit running these chicken shit stories

Thanks for ruining the rental market for residents.

Why isn't NPR spending any of it's time covering renters who can't pay their rent during this crisis instead of focusing on landlords? There are millions renters who are going to suffer in this crisis and emphasizing the 'plight' of parasitic landlords is repulsive

He still have a lot more than most because he has savings I’m sure plus a degree or almost, with 2 properties compare to people who owes rent and unemployed and have children to take care of like me . But nevertheless we all need help in this horrific time. I lost my hotel job.

I hear supermarkets are hiring.

He could do like my airbnb host did and get a part-time job. She seems happy at Ruby Tuesday.

Selling might be problematic right now and renting is a bit sketchy. The only viable option is to rent, 2 first and last month and 1 month Security. If they can come up with that without a problem and currently working you will be ok for at least 3 months. Use a mint to month!

Lot of jerks replying on this thread. He should camp out on Inslee's lawn...the losses were his fault.

Dang, I feel really bad for people who can afford two houses and base the entirety of their income on other people’s paychecks.

They call it the gig economy for a reason. You can't buy a property that you can't carry in tough times. All gigs are short term. Mortgages aren't. Simple. You'd think a graduate student would be smarter.

Ah the risks of being a landlord. Most of the time it's easy money but then bang. Perhaps Joe Biden will have a plan for folks like him. Just a few billion? In Calif we have prop13, noPropTaxes, no mortgage houses renting for $6K/mnth, capitalism


Womp womp. That’s called an investment with risk. He can sell the second house if he needs

Rich person problems. 😩 TFB

Sounds like a roll of the dice.

The headlines should read what part of have savings to cover 6 months incase of crisis. Save and save more.

Hate to see it...

Boo hoo. Carpet bagger, and rent seeker left holding the bag is a better headline.

'Man makes a bad investment in exacerbating a housing crisis, but is in no danger of poverty or homelessness'

Sounds like a bad business decision. 🤷🏾‍♀️

where are all the “rich” hating liberals? figured that anyone who owned 2 houses would be getting attacked as “rich”, possibly from “white privilege”

The problem ppl have is the ruthlessness of Airbnb- how it has led to decreased housing options. Ppl aren't being insensitive- they're criticizing a system that leads to homelessness and drives up pricing in the rental market. It's difficult to pity when he's part of the problem.

What a dumb plan.

Then again he has two houses, some are left without income and no place to sleep

Live by the sword....

Okay, you are a Spanish Professor. Noble profession. You can find a job teaching online, and wait for your dreams and feel super lucky that you didn’t contract C-19. We all have to adapt to this new “new”. Next news, please.

Thoughts and prayers.

Rule number 1 of real estate investing: pay with cash. Rule 2: see rule 1.

This is a first world problem, my friend.

this is why NPR sucks


Air B&B is a significant contributor to the major escalation of rental rates by decreasing the available supply. It also contributes to neighborhood decay by the reduction of permanent carbon residents. Where’s that reporting?

My tiny violin plays a very small sad song for the white man with two houses who quit his job.

I didn’t feel sorry for the flippers in 2008 and this is pretty similar

If only we had concentration camps where we could put anyone over 60 and those with chronic illnesses. That would mean the economy could re-open without any restrictions! Yay!! /s

Narrator: It was a bad plan.

fujohnr worth it just for the comments

AirBnB is a stain that needs cleaning up anyway.

And it’s Airbnb

Tad bit 'tone deaf'. Was he an NPR intern or something?

Petite bourgeois problems.

Walk away from the mortgages

Shame on you NPR.

8 million small businesses in America are being a small landlord (under 10 units ) as their way of making a living. AirBNB provides affordable options when traveling. I feel bad for him as this shut down was not his fault. Its his life savings at risk, insensative comments

'Betting that he could double his earnings with a second home, he quit his job as a Spanish language professor to pursue another graduate degree in education' Keyword there, BETTING. Not sad about a man gambling.

real estate schemes suck

Is this seriously being reported on?

Screw him and everyone like him for contributing to this country's housing crisis. No sympathy. This article is garbage.

canisgallicus Air BandB is an utter cancer.

Investment involves risk - very sorry for his predicament & hope he sees his way through. Surprised at the reactions when so many couldn’t pay their mortgages or credit card bills after only 1 month. Saving is hard. Living within means takes discipline. Most don’t do it. Be kind.

Shame on you NPR. Such bad journalism. You could have featured so much more deeply on the impact COVID-19 is having on Airbnb- 25% layoffs and the travel industry as a whole. This man can sell & cut his losses or rent it. I'm more & more disappointed with .

I had little sympathy for these people before this. AirBnB had destroyed the housing market for anyone trying to just buy a house to, you know, just live in.

Damn that sucks, maybe he should get a real job.

I wonder if his business plan had a decent exit strategy

Zero sympathy for people hoarding resources like housing to make money, driving up housing costs for the rest of us.

Nice yarn but why don’t you fill the void in real journalism and independently question why America is so stuffed and your president and government are just letting 1000s die?

Sell it. My tenants aren’t paying the rent, can’t be evicted during the pandemic & I still have 2 mortgages to pay.

So sad too bad.

If you can live off of Air B&B than you are overcharging and greedy as hell

Leverage can go either way. People tend to think it only is a positive & have no plan B for when it’s a negative. See 2008.

JFC NPR, how out of touch are you now that you would post this as 'news'. This person has contributed to making cities unaffordable for the majority of working class people in this country, and we're supposed to feel bad for him? No. Fuck him and AirBnB.


call your lenders! it sounds like he hasn't even tried to talk to them yet.

Or you could interview someone with rent to pay but no income

Market is great to sell buddy

“Man makes poorly planned business decisions.” We should feel sorry for his dog.

He's a virus

While as a person I can empathize with his situation. Looking at the macroeconomic impact, this behavior causes pricing out of buyers in desirable markets. Airbnb inflates prices and slashes affordable housing opportunities.

Give one house back to the bank (or both) and get a job. Problem solved! There are people dying. This deserves no coverage.

lol. maybe get a real job instead


Womp womp

Sounds like an opportunity to pull himself up by his bootstraps

Why does NPR cover this story of a man quitting a real job to take a fake job?

OH NO! The people who have made entire cities unaffordable are now in some small way paying for it?!?! Should I find an extra big box of tear absorbing tissues since literally everyone else is doing so amazingly well right now? FFS

the bad investment was his problem not Covid-19

This guy has 2 fucking houses...and no income. Is this guy stupid or what?

Oh how sad.

Lockdowns have consequences.

I mean he has two houses, not sure where the problem is.

Too bad he’s not in Reno. I would rent from him. I need a place

Not in the mood to feel sorry for people with more than one house.

Get a job.

Sounds like a bad business decision coupled with bad timing.

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