12 false claims Trump has made about Obama since last month

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Since May 1, as his presidential campaign against former Vice President Joe Biden has heated up, President Donald Trump has made at least 12 separate false claims about former President Barack Obama and his record in office.

A lot of them are lies.Trump has long been fixated on his predecessor. Since May 1, as his presidential campaign against former Vice President Joe Biden has heated up, Trump has made at least 12 separate false claims about Obama and his record in office.Trump added a new one Tuesday in a speech about police reform, declaring that Obama and Biden"never even tried" to fix problems in policing. That's not even close to true. Here's the list of 12 separate false claims.

In addition, journalists personally saw ventilators in the stockpile when they visited facilities in 2016, as FactCheck.org has noted. While the stockpile did have depleted stocks of some supplies like masks, there were significant stores of other items.7) The Obama administration left the military with no ammunition Trump claimed that the military had"no ammunition" when he took office.Facts First: This is a significant exaggeration.


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What a DAMN joke. That would be Obama, the great Moslem. Wake up and realize that you have been lied to for years. Thank God that the younger generation are starting to see the truth and Obama lied to you and are voting against Obama and the Democrats


I’m sure he did, CNN the oversight fact checker, who checks CNN? The most dishonest media on planet!



Everyone is accused on something, in his panicked mind about someone is after him and the jews, while he's there gifting the jews with somebody's else pieces of terrory that was taken by: Euro-American-Jews military, in disregarding international laws! 'The Golan' No the Alpes.

Liar, liar,pants on fire!

Fact check: they were not false claims.

Of course he has. You silly! Narcissist, lying, cover-up, deny, sue in court. That's the little man's way. How long does he have to be in office before the uninformed find this out? The general public is ridiculously stupid. We may never be the great United States again.

CNN better false claimer than Trump, I stand with realDonaldTrump anytime any day

How many has cnn made?

The same news network that makes up false information. Wow talk about hypocrites!

I was thinking they miss counted but it was in a month.

All together now: “ cuz trump is an asshole!!!!!!”

Only 12 false claims in a month and a half. That is low for Bonespurs.

Trump lies and lies often ... but he is really bad at it because they always easy to fact check ...

trump AssHoooole

Obama owns Trump's brain


What else is new everytime he opens he mouth it is lies

CNNisFakeNews CNNisAJoke

This is what he does the best and his followers like him for that, they don’t care, they just love the racist, liar and swindler person.

Let’s see how many times CNN claim about President Trump since he was president falsely accusing him

You lying pony faced network! FakeNews


Everytime 45 opens his mouth. A lie flies out💁🏾‍♂️. Period. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Trump wishes he was as good at being POTUS as Obama was on his worst day, and he is angry that Obama has been gone 4 yrs now and consistently has gotten higher approval ratings then Clump and it pisses him off!

I got my Veterans choice card 7 years ago. Trump is full of shit. Trump and his followers are racists that sold us out to the Ruskies and Saudis he is an insult to me as a vetetan he does not represent me and any veteran who supports him should tear up their dd214.

The real problem with Trump telling lies, his constituents believe him. It speaks volumes to their intelligence, or lack there of. It also brings to the forefront, the need for an education bill.

How many have the Democrats and media made 🤥

Trump lied himself in office the first time around. He will continue to lie second time around. Some things never change.

Such liars CNN.

When he came out of the womb,instead of his first sound being a cry,his was ' lie,lie'

No worries. The DOJ isabout to clarify ot for you.

Obama defines the word false

Lol. What lies and what proof? CNN lies!!!!!

Typical of a person losing at life ! 💀

Where is the report on Biden’s lies? Oh, CNN has not done a similar report on Biden! And you wonder why, the right knows CNN is part of the left!

False claims to cnn because you lie and the country knows it. Everyone at that pathetic company are known left wing extremist Obama boot licks. Garbage reporters doing garbage reporting.

CNN talking about false claims....this must be joke!

For how long will CNN cum over Obama. Sickening

And yet he lies and lies and nothing isn’t done about it. I just don’t get it.

I bet all of them can be challenged and disputed because all CNN does is put out false statements!!!!! Slow day so you had to make shit up like this? realDonaldTrump RealJamesWoods

4 that are true: Greenlighted Fast and Furious Weaponized the IRS to go after groups whose ideology he didnt agree with Weaponized Intel and law enforcement to spy on citizens and journalists. Loaded a plane w billions in US currency and set to a nation that funds terrorists

I'm waiting for the claim that Obama is not really Black and wears makeup to gather support from the Black community. You know it's coming.

his followers aka the trumpets believe anything he says. Several of them died ingesting bleach to beat coronavirus. trump know that the bigger the lie the more they will believe. I didn’t think people were that naive nor gullible but then again I did watch Abducted In Plain Sight

Oh, who cares.

You still employ this guy?

CNN reports fake news. You are the enemy of the people. You should be ashamed of yourselves. If you did a good job, your numbers would be better!

Cnn is making stuff up again! Taking information and twisting the truth.

Oh God. Immature Trump is the totall opposite of Obama, who’s sophisticated and knows what he’s talking about. I miss the Obamas. Just watched Becoming on netflix& loved it. BarackObama MichelleObama

FakeNewsCNN EnemyOfThePeople

The truth about deep state is coming. Don't worry

CNN makes at least 12 separate false claims about President Trump every hour. 🙄

Yet you still peddle Russian collusion BS everyday.

The reason for the lies are because his base believes everything he says they are brainwashed HITLER brainwashed his people to look what happened history always repeat it's self

Has Joe Biden made any false claims? Or is he not capable of making false claims because he is not President Trump? Which is it ?


Fake news w dizzying spinning


What else ?

You said campaign against Biden. So why worry about false claims against Obama? Is that what Biden’s running on, Obama’s record?

No false claims! He’s got the proof. Just wait it’s going to be declassified!

One thing Obama's migration helps to muslim so he liberalized the immigration law to benefit to them very dangerous.If Trump made false claims nothing wrong compare to Obama's administration policy to support indirectly to these terrorist organisation he loosened the law!!

Attacking Obama is ANOTHER losing proposition for Trump...Obama is widely approved...except by Trump’s base and they’re already voting for him.

My blood is boiling. realDonaldTrump is very insecure and jealous of BarackObama because of his continued popularity. Get this toddler in Chief out of the WH.

LIES LIES come on NOW call it out

Of course he has.

Low momentum cnn normal not yelling at the sky people are seeing the truth thank you cnn

Trump?! Lies?! I....I don’t believe it! I can’t believe it!

And has made THOUSANDS against realDonaldTrump You Win!

All the CNN haters and qanonsense pushers with their ridiculous meme comments ... good luck with all that. tRUmp is still a supremely shitty grifty criminal. Also, Obama is not running for President, kthxbai!

Cnn babies Democrats. If Biden Campaign or President Obama have a problem with the statements from Trump they should come out and make a statement. Cnn can cover those statements. Cnn is showing clearly an arm of the Democrat party. FEC should investigate this.

tRump wouldn't know the truth if it slapped his orange peel face.

it's clear, if his mouth opened and words fell out...they were false

Big surprise--realDonaldTrump proven a liar once more. He accused the Obama admin. of doing nothing regarding Police brutality, etc. However, history is that he actually did, and Trump rolled back a number of the policies Obama passed. Once again, FAKE PREZ/FAKE NEWS.

, you never vetted Obama so you would not know, if, they were lies or not! YOU, are FakeNews

Where’s CNN’s headline: “We have made daily false claims about Trump”?

The only false claims are the ones post on a Daily Basis!!

FakeNewsCNN using their Fake Information 2 create Negative Propaganda against POTUS This Despicable Network CAN NOT B BELIEVED, THEY LIE CONSTANTLY with NO REGRETS They R an Arm of the Corrupt Democrats and have been attacking realDonaldTrump 24/7/365 for 4 yrs Trump2020


CNN loves defending the Racist Slave Party DNC. Remember the wall to wall coverage on the failed governance of democrats in these major cities where they run education, mayor office, and police departments? Oh wait... never happened. It’s Trump’s tweets. Clown fake media.

Why is it so hard for you to say 'lies'?

Since 2016, CNN has made 73,236 false claims against realDonaldTrump. But I guess when you are the arm of the radical left, it makes it all ok. The CNNLemming and BasementDummies keep growing. brianstelter FoxNews jaketapper

I smell desperation!

Trump lies and will pay for it in November

CNN is king of fake news!!!!

Trump is sooo jealous of President Obama, he’s constantly trying to discredit him

CNN fake news

So did oflama

Trump is a pathological lair .... He literally believes all his conspiracy theories ... He shud just resign already

Uh...Obama isn’t running

Trump has lied on President Obama the whole time he’s been in office while dismantling everything Obama did for this country. Hopefully Biden will dismantle everything trump did. Vote folks.

Fact: BarackObama did nothing for Blacks, more deaths with police violence with sleeping JoeBiden in their entire 8 yrs. It takes potus 2 even start to pass a law for police reform today. Why? Absolute failure & nothingness. Worst more blacks died under 45yrs with Joe usa

False!!!!!? How can you say that about Trump? He is the only one telling the truth. Its all us others who are false.


Haters gonna hate.

‘Nuff said.....

cathiew632 If it was FOX news the headline would read differently.

CNN talking about false claims 🤦🤣🤣

Let's start with the birther claim coming from a reality 📺 personality... He was speaking some American language when he started that birther crap and the media allowed this nonsense...

trump lies

He lies ALL OF THE TIME🤨 I can't stand that ppl dummied down the Presidency of the United States by electing Donald Trump🙄We must raise the bar again. VoteTrumpOut and restore America.That maga mess has been destroying America since trump walked into the WH! VoteBlue2020🇺🇲

I wonder who still listens to you people... smh, you wanna destroy the world with hate

CNN is a failed media. Everyone knows that you are all Liars!

Milestonesfoto Fake news

Don't believe cnn! They are proven liars!

Trump shouldn’t be described as a president or be with the president Obama in the same sentence. Trump is just a dry leaf 🍁 and this is the time for its fallen to be replaced by a bright green one.

Surprised it was only 12 tbh. We see how much he tweets.

Surprise surprise. The sad thing is that his supporters believe it all, like the little 🐑 they are.

So list them.

How many has CNN made?

And how many false claims have you made about Trump . False made up allegations and it just keeps going you guys are terrorist news group

Speaking of false claims

Its what politics are about! Mesmarising public with made up stories since few willl think and look for the truth and reality! You can sell lies so cheaply and easily in the modern world! Its the same happening in Maldives too!

One of your commentators, TheRickWilson has a confederate flag pic in his boat. Are you consistent? If you say nothing you must approve. WalshFreedom

Trump is a petty, vengeful man with no conscience, he lies on a daily basis so this doesn't come as a surprise

Only 12? Nobody lies more than the Dotard.


They’re not false claims they are lies. How weak and pathetic you all are. Does CNN have interns handling their Twitter account? cnnbrk


Only 12? That can’t be right.

Why is that news, he is a pathological liar

Why won't you report about all the false claims against Trump? CNN you should sponsor Nascar, because you are always steering left.

CNN makes false claims everyday.

serious question, will you be okay when Trump wins in November?

Let’s just call them lies, OK, because that’s what they are - lies - and that’s what he is - a liar.

Anything out of that asshole mouth is false.

How many have you made?

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