10 key takeaways from Robert Mueller's testimony

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Here are some key takeaways from Robert Mueller's testimony | Analysis by CillizzaCNN

I am watching all of it and offering some key takeaways throughout the hearings, which I will add here as they happen in real time. They're below.1. Trump's tweets show how anxious he actually isPresident Donald Trump and his aides have gone out of their way to paint the President as annoyed but unconcerned about Mueller's testimony."No, I'm not going to be watching, probably, maybe I'll see a little bit of it," Trump told reporters on Monday in the Oval Office.

This is actually two different hearingsWhen Democrats ask questions of Mueller, they mostly follow this blueprint: a) praise Mueller for his service b) ask Mueller to draw conclusions from his report c) when Mueller declines to do so, read a portion of the report d) say that Trump clearly obstructed the investigation and e) thank Mueller for his service.


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CillizzaCNN Can we move on now.....😳😖😖😖?!

CillizzaCNN Another dud!!

CillizzaCNN Yeah nothing

CillizzaCNN 1 Key Point: CNN proven to be a phony news outlet.

CillizzaCNN The biggest takeaways are he didn’t write the report, he was unaware of large portions of it and apparently didn’t read it himself. The man was confused, babbled and contradictory of the report that he supposedly wrote. You liberals screwed the pooch on this one.... again.


CillizzaCNN Mueller looked like a befuddled old man without a rasp or depth of his own investigation. He was an empty suit used as a name by his own staff. Mueller's afternoon opening statement was to recant his morning testimony about the OLC. He likely is trying to avoid perjury charges.

CillizzaCNN Biggest takeaway: Mueller learned more about his report by being questioned than he knew when he began his testimony! Looks like he was AWOL during the “investigation”! A figurehead to lend legitimacy to a HOAX

CillizzaCNN Bias in our politics is obvious. One side was investigated the other side was ignored. Democrats sling accusations all the while overlooking their own sins!! MuellerHearings WasteOfMoney

CillizzaCNN The only takeaway -- this is the Democratic party.

CillizzaCNN TGowdySC just had the best statement about the MuellerHearings today: “The person who learned the most about the MuellerReport today, was Bob Mueller. I say that sadly.”


CillizzaCNN Mueller had no clue . No way he wrote the report

CillizzaCNN CNN, the PR wing of the Democrats, LAUNCHES into damage control phase ....

CillizzaCNN In short, no news. Thanks for trying.

CillizzaCNN That's a pretty fair assessment. There were no winners today. We are all losers for spending more taxpayer money on this charade. Democrats will STILL obsess over 'obstruction.' Republicans will STILL maintain that Trump did not obstruct - even though he complained a lot.

CillizzaCNN The great Robert Mueller, by the end of this day, looks like a man who has just endured a bareknuckle fight for 55 years with Lady Liberty...and emerged triumphant, but broken.


CillizzaCNN Your activism is off-putting. That's just 1 reason ppl are leaving you in droves. Why would I trust anything you put out? Your reputation is shot.

CillizzaCNN Cnn please stop... leave this poor man alone ... he cant remember what president appointed him in the hearing ... let’s not use his word to prove someone else lied... mueller is a great patriot and a fine fbi director in his time ... 2016-19 is not his time

CillizzaCNN It was a huge disaster for the democrats conspiracy case!

CillizzaCNN THE key takeaway? Bob is old, Next time, don't appointment a special prosecutor in their 70s.

CillizzaCNN Cillizza? Bwahaha!! I'll pass.


CillizzaCNN Congress and the American people already know all there is to know in this matter. The rest is up to what those in Congress whose allegiance is to country, not to GOP or WhiteHouse, will do.


CillizzaCNN No Collusion!! MAGA2020 NoCollusion LatinosForTrump

CillizzaCNN Trump did a lot of shady shit. He refused to meet with Mueller so he wouldn't get charged with a crime. The speaker has a job. ImpeachNow ImpeachTrump



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