$1.9T Biden relief package a bet government can help cure US

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

NEW: Press sec. Jen Psaki confirms stimulus check payments will not have Pres. Biden's name on them, as stimulus checks under Pres. Trump did: 'This was not about him, this was about the American people getting relief.'

campaigned on the premise that Washington was full of morons, outplayed by the Chinese and others.

Taken together, provisions in the 628-page bill add up to one of the largest enhancements to the social safety net in decades, pushing the country into uncharted territory. Republicans say Americans have plenty of reason to be skeptical, calling the American Rescue Plan excessive and wasteful. They warn the sweeping package will run up the national debt to precarious new heights after $4 trillion in aid has already been provided.

“They explained their intent very clearly: to exploit this crisis as ‘a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,'” McConnell says. This is the first COVID-19 bill that had zero support from Republicans in the House or Senate.Can the federal money push economic growth above 6% for the first time since Reagan in 1984? Will the 9.

But Burman also has misgivings about the design of Biden's package because it distributes direct payments and other benefits to almost every household in the United States, rather than directing the money to the poor and to businesses and organizations most damaged by the pandemic and ensuing shutdowns.

Felicia Wong, CEO of the liberal Roosevelt Institute, sees parallels to the Great Depression, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt brought about an unprecedented series of government interventions that realigned U.S. politics. Wong said she is monitoring the process by which the money from the COVID-19 relief package gets distributed.


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Trump parents are to blame for his Behavior.

Im glad he isn't compelled to scrawl his signature with a childish black sharpie.

Why the hell not? Im not going to be getting any checks & thats ok. However, I want to see Pres Biden's name plastered across the face. 2ndly, the trumpers, the people that wld get the most checks, shld see how that feels to delay thier checks so Biden name can be printed on it.

It's comical how far people on the left will go to blame Trump in someway for literally everything. Can we ask why JoeBiden can't answer any questions to the press or even to his own party? Don't let the puppet master cut the strings or the puppet will run loose. JoeBiden

He probably can't remember his own name to sign anything anymore

Does Joe Biden even under stand what a stimulus is? Or even checks for that matter? Mr. Joe 'I don't know what I'm signing.' Biden

ChloePolitiCat Exactly 👍👍KakiMiller1 ALCinnamonGirl bitch_survivor

bannerite Well I think the people would rather wait for another two months so they can see a giant signature done with a giant Sharpie on each cheque because isn’t that the important thing. I mean let’s get this straight.

Trump didn’t ask to have his name on the previous checks if that’s what you’re inferring Jen. Stop being so petty and answer some questions for once in your life.

Biden is such an honorable person

Instead of talking nonsense about Biden, it is better to be grateful.. because he's totally different!! No matter how bad anyone wants to paint him.

Is it still just one paycheck, cash dinero?

But we all know President Biden got it done.

President Biden is so humble....but could you include a list, of all the members of Congress who voted against the stimulus package, in the envelopes? PLEASE. CREWcrew PressSec

If it was about the American people these checks would have gone out 2 months ago and have been $2000. More lies from democrats

Not about MAN but more about GOD. Good move by Pres. Biden.

He has no say 🤣 CONTROLLED

.......and so what. If you're short of supply you'd better shut up instead of spitting shit.

Circle back, u get $1400, and owe $5700.

When the Dems have nothing to offer with the exception of socialism, the news MUST deflect orange man

Hes a Gentleman.

Oooooooh BURRRRRRRRRRRRN. lol your petty is showing

Lol what a joke...as if this has anything to do with making it anything about pseudo messages that Trump was all about himself... I'm not much of a Trump guru since he didn't stand better to this childishness, but some people actually buy this bull.... 😆

EileenMarieSar1 My check was not signed by trump. He sent a follow up letter with his signature stating he sent the check out, but the check was NOT signed by him!

Just give em out already. Would have been nice to have the promised $2000 but $1400 will do

I have been researching Trump before president. I have found alot of reasons for why Trump acts the way he does. Looked into his early business dealings. Trump doesn't do anything with a ulterior motive. The calling people names, turning on people and his revenge reasoning.

Who gives a fuck? Wheres my $2000?

It’s funny that this is an announcement!! If it’s not about him why even make a social media announcement 😂😂😂😂!

It's not about Joe, it's about more palates of cash to Iran.

God I Love Jen Psaki.

President Biden is a real man and a real President for the people.

He’s not an egomaniac!

Thank God! Too bad this bill also has a bunch of needless stuff in it and 1400 is a joke...

He has no clue that the checks are going out...where’s Hunter? Where’s Joe?

Nice to see a competent person in charge .

So if any Republicans cash their stimulus checks, are they socialists?

He forgot how to sign his name.

Because HE'S not the president


I'm pretty sure the people complaining here will return their checks or donate to Super PAClowns Right

But will they have Kamalas name?

Prob because it's $600 short of what he promised... And taking their sweet time, I wouldn't want my name attached to this embarrassment either... We, America, need help NOW! So far this administration has done little to nothing... It's sick

She is nothing more than a propaganda agent. She says nothing but propaganda. She is not a journalist. She thinks she is. But she's not.

Where are you ABC? What happened to all the hard questions and investigative reporting? Oh yeah.. thats right.. Bidens your man 🤢

Isn't it refreshing to have a President in office that isn't worried about receiving personal accolades?

Makes no difference to me if Mickey Mouses name is on it. Just send it!

Yeah he will still collect that salary he doesnt need at all. A free society cannot exist with a complacent and biased, neutered press. ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, they've all demonstrated under Trump just what political activists Marxist they are.

The relief checks should read 'Every single Republican voted against sending you this check'.

Actually, this is about the democrats funding their pet projects.

Oh my Gosh you are so wonderful, putting our nation further into debt for our grandkids!!

Can't remember his name?

Well, I strongly suggest getting his drivers license number and work phone number.

I was quite surprised we didn't have a denomination of 💵 currency w Trump's picture on it while he was in office trumpbucks creepocurrency

He hides away in the White House, refuses to hold a press conference, and this is all you report? What about how big oil is slowing the refining of oil to increase profits? What about why the left is mum on this? Who's being paid, Pelosi? Biden?

Does he know it passed.

Thats great another check that should say on it from tax payer to tax payer thanks.With interest it will cost you 6500 to pay back. Thanks for the pork

Nope it's about redirecting American taxes and funds for Liberal Bullshit....

What a fresh breath of air.

Whatever gets them sent out sooner. People's Robinhood accounts need to be pumped immediately

Did she circle back on this first?

Bull Shit. It’s about the Demorats getting everything they want, NOT the American People.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients have trouble writing

Oh sure.🙄

He can’t sign the when he is nowhere to be found. He’s sleeping and doesn’t even get in front of the cameras to be asked hard questions.

How refreshing.

Thank you! I was tired of trump’s gold-leaf narcissism.

Please...Biden just pushed a 3 trillion debt onto all Americans. Giving couples $$ who make less than $150K? Ridiculous. All single adult who make under $70K ... every full-time teacher makes less than that. And guaranteeing federal employees a huge check?!

barntiques859 🇺🇸

Not sure if he is still alive.

It also means millions of working Americans left out. I'd rather have a check.

Isn’t amazing how we have the freedom to complaint even though we are being helped by the gvmt!!!! I wonder how much other countries give their citizens Spoiled brats!!!!!! Lol

NeverForgetJanuary6th CapitolAttack

$1400 isn't relief for anyone. For some people it's simply one bill paid. This bill was abt buying off teacher's unions and paying political allies. You could've given this entire bill to actual Americans for cheaper. All this bill did was cause more poverty.

Haha. He don't give a rats ass about the American people. He only cares about himself

Good very good

Like anyone really gives a shit who signs the check. Probably bounce anyway

Jen you keep it coming no fire too hot for a red

Awwww how sweet.Makes me want to puke

Or did you spend the money..!


But can I still call them BIDEN BUCKS🦌🦌🦌🦌

Jen Psaki - You are rude and condescending. You are not talking to your kids, you are talking to the American Citizens who are professionals and deserve respect. You talk to others as if they are stupid with that stupid smirk you have. RUDE


Can you be more full of chit.!

Thought he promised 2k...

...by this statement it just became about him falsehumility

So refreshing to have a non-asshole in the Oval Office again.

Such a refreshing change!!

A President who does not narrow the world to him? 🤔 what a change from the previous one.

Only a fool believe this crook won the election

Ha ha... I could just puke!

This administration is a joke!

Pass the pork please

No one cares about that. Why nobody like women with red hair is that true they are so vicious and rude

Nahhhh .... because he forgot 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

We got relief already just by having him gone.

Not putting your name on there and saying it’s not about you makes it about him.


No, zero, zilch, nada Republicans voted for this relief pkge. For those crying he lied or tried to get attention, give the checks to charity. So religious and moral. We'd all respect u more for it. Only Republicans could look this gift horse in the mouth!

Biden probably can’t spell his name.

You’d better hurry up then, they’ve been waiting a while!!🤔

Giving less funds to less people, Joe Biden for ya!

BFD he's still trying to buy votes like most if not all pols do at some point or other.

They sure know the 'nice things to say' that make people forget that only about 10% of this Covid Bill is directly related to Covid19. Most people think that $1,400 x ALL people receiving the check equals $1.9T math


President Trump printed his name on them and still got them out faster to the people. I don’t really think people that are in need of them really care if Biden’s name is on them.

Biden is so stupid he said no because he thought he would actually have to sign them himself. 🙄

He doesn’t want his name on the bribe.

It is soooooo great to have a real President with a professional and competent Press Secretary again!

Average person has no clue the 1400 actually cost you 5400 to get the minuscule amount is only 9% of the bill . The rest of it goes to Pet Projects , Talk about ripping off America , 100% of funds should have been in the bill ... How can anyone Thank biden for ripping you off !

The legacy media has propped up this COVID19 legislation as all upside, $1400 checks mailed out - almost never mentions 1) only 9% is covid related 2) the extent or examples of pork 3) implications of another $2T of debt.. then says public opinion supports passage

A President with class.

Is that because that’s not the amount he promised the American people day one?

This isn't about whose name was, is, or is not on the checks. Its about you not running your mouths with partisan bullshit and actually getting the checks to us. Nobody cares if you hate Trump. I am trying to pay bills.

“Circle Back” Psaki never actually says anything in her briefings. Also why does joe call it a day every day at 2pm... his schedule is public and is the schedule of a toddler. It is an absolute joke this corpse is the president. You all know it and are pretending you don’t see it

Still basing their policy on being Trump reactionaries. 🙄

Idk who needs to here this but please please if you get the stimulus and do not have to put it towards bills or any necessary things. Do something with it that will help bring money into your household.

Well where is our tax refund? Where is the irs with that? Because I filed Jan 28th and nothing

'Did Adding Trump’s Name Slow Down The Mailing of Stimulus Checks? Of Course It Did'

Just seen this on CNN did she confirm that the Great Deceiver President Biden lied in Georgia in early January when he bought Senate votes by promising a $2000 check would go out immediately? He bumped it down to $1400 to pay for pork for his friends & it's not out yet what crap!

It’s hard to write your name when you have dementia PsakiBomb

Was she circling back with this statement?

I really like the idea. President Biden doesn’t want the credit of what he has or had accomplished. He has no insecurities at all. He’s doing it for the people as what he had promised.

Bidens not egotistical, unlike the Orange Mandarin Quasimodo.

Woah!! Biden gets better and better every day!! DF Trump will never measure up.

It’s so nice to have a president who isn’t a malignant narcissist.

But doesn't the president sign the law into order... how does his signature not get applied... everything the president does is for the Ameridan people, it's a job, and position..and according to the stimulas money. it's not his. It's the American peoples. With his approved sig.

If it’s about relief, why all the rest of the Liberal crap in it? Liars, cheaters, theives! This will help nothing!

Grandpa is napping

She can't be serious with this statement.

Thats because he really is not the president?

$NAKD Let’s get 💎$NAKD💎 join us on our trip to the 🌛☄️ 🚀🚀🚀🚀 NAKD_STOCK (nakd123455) Tweeted: $nakd on the news‼️‼️ Retweet, comment and HOLD 💎💎💎↗️↗️↗️↗️ When haters hate, we spread positive vibes. Join us

I think he forgot how to write his name.

Where the rest of the monies going if he care about American people

Where is is it?

That’s funny doesn’t make a difference

Is that I am the only one who thinks her face on the picture is fearful?

Biden is doing this because he promised the American people $2,000 and doesn’t want to get charged with fraud.

He can’t sign them, too tired

She said yesterday that the only reason his name isnt on the checks is that there isn't enough time to do it. Not as noble as it seems..lmao

It should say. No republican voted for this check. Remember this.

Here's how they should be labeled ...

Pretty low bar, but I’m glad they cleared it.

You mean the $2,000 checks we were supposed to get a month ago? Those ones?

if it was about that why is only 1/3 going to the American people and the rest is the Democratic wish list?


No it’s not. This bill is about liberal pork

America deserved the 2,000.00 payments promised by 46 in early January. America was lied to.

Well then put Trump's name on them - he tried to give the people $2000.

Because President Biden isn’t a Narcissistic, Dictator

yall are on some seriously deranged shit its been two months with out Trump and all you do is compare him to bidin, like damn just admit yall miss him too.

I’m sure somewhere some starving family was worried about this.

President Biden is a self-assured man who doesn’t need such affirmation & adoration to become. He’s got those!What we had was a child who’s in perpetual search for adoration & love he apparently never got as a child.Our children will forever wonder how we made such a mistake.

Ya'll do know that the government does NOT produce anything. The jobs created are bureaucratic to self perpetuating. The stimulus checks are YOUR monies from taxes.

Much respect for President Biden🙏

“This is not about him, this is about the American people getting less than we promised, later than promised” Fixed it for her.

No president’s name had appeared on previous disbursement from IRS until Trump insisted his be added and it resulted in additional costs and delayed delivery of those checks.

How the fuck is this even a topic? People that care about this shit are silly. 1 year of COVID-19 and struggling Americans got what, $3500, if that? That should be the real issue, not this stupid bullshit.

In more important news: Press Sec. Jen Psaki dodges question regarding the conditions of unaccompanied minors in US custody while BidenAdministration unsure of when they will allow media to tour facility as they did while Trump Admin dealt with similar crisis.

If it was about relief; more than 30% of the bill would go towards the checks. Oh; and they would equal $2k like the man said. Or did you think we forgot?

SO SICK of hearing about these checks. Been talking about them since last year. Just show us the money so I can pay my rent for 1 month. For God’s sake.

They will have Kampala’s name on them.

If it was really about people getting relief it would have been done by now. Bidenbrokepromises

I said he was a man of God not like the former president whatever you want to call him nimrod this man is of all about helping and that's what it's about helping others❤❤

Only dictators want their name on everything as it enhances their aggrandizement of self.

Like anyone cares who signs the checks

Not really a high bar to get over.

POTUS man of dignity Certain of his own skin No need to do as his predecessor who was a failure on every level EXCEPT in promoting his self TrumpIsGuilty

The more Jen Psaki tries to make us remember that Biden is not Trump, the more he reminds us that Biden is not Trump.

Good ! It’s not his personal finances he’s giving to people.

Just the act of doing that itself makes it about him. It's a self righteous, virtue signal. Look at me... I'm better than Trump... Look at me. Look at me

Not that he don’t want to put his name. At this point wouldn’t be surprised if he forgot his own name. Put Kamala as president just like it was meant to be. Cut the BS

Oh Kamala is signing them?

We major in too many minors... Remove the filibuster and take care of the American People. President already knows what to do... What is the question? Just Do It! Stop this foolishness in its tracks. God and the world are watching. Hardball speaks volumes! LDT

Ya know what’d be cool to write on the checks? .. “$2,000”

Fancy that. A President that doesn’t gloat and take credit for dishing out the peoples money back to the needy. What a refreshing change.

Signature better than unsourced border 😉


The 9% stimulus check.

Hello! Allow me to help you with that book you've been looking for Or in need of(Whether international or local). It's simple Just DM/Whtsp me with name the of the book. Whtsp:0845357348 N.B:ALL books are R50 each (Exc textbooks) WE SEND THE BOOKS FIRST, THEN YOU PAY AFTER.

As long as we can cash them..shit. Who cares!!! 😂😂😂 BitchBettahHaveMyMoney

He’s already forgot what America is let alone know it has any people

it'd be great if it just said: from democrats

Nothing but respect for BIDEN !

This is Expected Of Him He is Not A Publicity Monger Believes in Service to The People is His Mission Of Life

But she’ll circle back on that.

Stop giving money to foreign entities. Give it to the people. America first!

Has she provided the numbers on how many children Biden has in cages at the border yet? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Haha, thats why most of the money will go other places right😂😂😂😂

“Instead President Biden has instructed marching bands across the country to follow the USPS mail carriers as they deliver the relief checks. The delivery of the checks will then be followed by a firework show that spells BIDEN in the air as USPS moves onto the neighborhood.”

C’mon man. Try and do journalism.

Will the POTUS ever conduct a press conference on his own?

Y'all voted for Biden to get a check that's only going to buy you a full tank gas and candy bar lol

News channels have officially resorted to 9th grade quality headlines

oh my god we don’t care just send me the check already


I am just one big SMILE!!

its ironic the same MFs criticizing Joe is the same people collecting stimulus checks hypocrites. if you despise joe and the dems so bad send your check back to government. bc this was their legislation that passed not the stinking republicans who want to see people suffer.

The guy hasn’t been seen in months. Why would his name appear on checks?

I don’t care about signature or no signature just send the checks please we need them

Trump didn't micro manage every aspect of the presidency. Media know this but still try to make him look bad daily.

God Bless President Biden! 🇺🇸

Putting American residents first is why elections are held to send representatives to speak & work for us Thank you President Biden for recognizing & honoring our process

Its so disrespectful to treat Biden that way he wanted the people to have it as Trump did. I don't support Biden at all but its a cheap play by his team not to put his name on it.

This goes without saying. I think Psaki should work harder on selling her administration to us; rather than continue insulting 45. We voted Biden to forget about 45, we don’t want her to to keep the “at least we’re not 45” stick

Then why even bring it up....

Correct ... the checks will say “Corn Pop Payola” on them.

In Kenya donations bears the name of the donors .

Checks are checks who cares what's on them

Do you think this is what people really need right now?

Imagine that! God Trump was horrible. So happy he’s gone.

Nice to have a real President again...

Jen looks like the type of chick that pours the milk before the cereal

This woman is a tyrant.

How much is ABC's stimulus check payment for all the 🍓licking ? 🤣🤡🤡🤡

The sad thing is that we need to have this confirmed. i think the News is still waiting for Trump to jump out from behind the curtains.

Lol about giving the people relief!? That’s hilarious. And you idiots just keep eating it up because at least it’s not Trump. Smh.

This is not a big deal!

Oh yah that makes really like him better now 😂

Send the fucking checks, then talk

At 9 % of 1.9 trillion for COVID 🧐. You mam are a liar

Yay! Because that really was dumb I have to say.

This is great on its face, but if everyone repeats it, it becomes tantamount to saying, « don’t think of an elephant », which you can’t stop doing for a few minutes because of the suggestion.

I think we should dip Major's paw in ink and get him to sign them

The Republicans want each check's serial number read into the Record before they are sent out.

Imagine choosing to not do free PR for yourself 🤡

Done American people. There’s like over a trillion dollars going to everyone but American citizens.

Why would shehave tool confirm this biden is not Trump and this nor about biden. ABC news this is a bad and worthless article. It reeks division.

9% to Covid relief l! Enjoy!

It is ridiculous to think that Joe Biden or any former Democratic President would sign the stimulus checks. Democratic presidents are for America. Republicans are for themselves. Period.

shouldn't that say this round of checks is about the american democrats and the illegals and felons and last and most certainly least the american tax payers

He’s, too old to sign.

When you have a president who’s not a narcissistic psychopath.

Then they're idiots. Trump's name on the checks literally got him votes

I like a man who does the right thing.

Poor dogs Even the dogs knew they weren’t going to get the love they deserve. Don’t get why you fools think Joe’s going to do any better for the people. Sad that the dogs were smarter than those who voted for Joe. Poor dogs. Stupid idiots that voted for Joe.

Why did this even need to be said? This is not the way to bridge the divide, it just widens it. stopthrowinggasonthefire

So sad that this type of normal behavior is weird

Did someone from the press asked this question?…. Is that how they are spending their time? Sad to see this type of meaningless questions.

Why is this news? Who gives a 💩 ?

Sure. It’s just something he ran on and campaigned on.

Yo I definitely would have not cashed that, shit probably going to be worth more than the actual check one day. Some lazy idiot, just made a good investment, without ever knowing.

Good I don’t want his name on my check

12 million less people are getting stimulus checks from Biden. Trump helped many more people.

Big deal. He couldn't sign them if he wanted too. He probably would get lost on the way to sign them. 😪😪😪

I swear every time someone mention number 45 I get an instant headache 🤕 would you say I have PTSD?


“This is about creating inflation and wasting everyone’s money when we could just allow people to go to work instead”

Reticules Trump took ownershipof the spending Biden’s obviously ashamed

Biden doesn't even know he is President.

Her troll game is 💯

like 98% certain that no one would have noticed or cared had it not been pointed out by a news-besotted humblebraggart whose idea of unity is letting the right hand know all that the ever-humble and vastly superior left hand is doing

I get an Actual check ..?Wait it’s not direct deposit...!!

Didn’t think POTUS would ever do that,my child got a check from other guy, w’letter asking for TY,called 2 tell,thought I was joking,put letter on bed to prove it was true, so glad we have a real President again,not that narcissistic fool

Well 17 million of us that got checks under Trump will get $0 under Biden. We will not forget come election time in 2022!!!

Give me a break. It’s not on there because he’s not president

If you want to give people relief then stroke us a check for $1 million.

What, are we in grade school again. What is going on with all the pettiness?

Shes the best. Fukka letter to go with it too

Because he’s terrified that he will be burned by God, don’t lie. I know he got a visit from a fiery one in a dream. Keep telling lies Biden, you will not escape God’s judgment - He has sworn an oath to the innocent to ensure that.

Literally didn’t get a single Republican vote. Hey TheDemocrats do some politics and take credit for the work you did FFS.

Who really thinks $1400 is relief? That might cover some bills but when it is gone, then what? Maybe having jobs back? Maybe more than $1400 but DEMs had to fund every other crappy ass project instead of the people. Start reporting on it ABC. Maybe 10% is covid related. 💩

Because sleepy Joe’s not our president.

Then provide us with more than $1400 while the $1.9 Trillion stimulus bill will cost taxpayers over $5700 per person.

Put fucking Santa Claus on the check no one cares

I wouldn't take credit for that crappy bill where 90 percent is going to non-COVID stuff either

Probably because he can't hold a pen long enough to sign his name


It’s our money. Biden is not uncouth, self center, lack of self esteem, like Trump. Biden knows this is the American tax payers money.

What stupid reporter asked that question?

It was Trump that wanted the 1400 to be added to the 600. Wtf

He probably forgot how to write his name

🙄 who gives a fuck

Mine came digitally, no names involved

Presidents sign the checks! Just proves BOZO Biden is NOT the PRESIDENT, only of the dissolved corporation of the US

She is so great! Have I said that today yet? PressSec He's great too POTUS

God bless our President Biden always! He really does love the American People and it clearly shows everyday.

Good answer, they just have to ask stupid questions.

The President is not like the criminal fraudster who made it look like it he cheques were coming from him. the asshole. He’s noting but a trickster, fraud and a loser.. never was a rich man except for his father. Bloated properties to gain fame..total asshole. realDonaldTrump

Great a President, being Presidential about country.

If it weren't about him, why did it even need mentioning?

Who the hell cares, people just want that check and don’t give a damn who signed it. 😏

crazy thing is i dont know any one who got a check the got it on a card or it was a direct deposit and who cares whos name is on it

President Trump never missed an opportunity but looks as if President Biden has missed an opportunity !

What relief, did anyone get checks yet, nobody I know has gotten a check yet, oh that's right, it's because the bill still hasn't been passed yet, cause the american people are not a top priority. There is no excuse for pelosi not calling the house back on sun or moon or today

So this is news🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️👏👏👏👏good job!!!!

Yess!!! We finally have an adult in the White House!!! Thankyou

The way it should be!!!!!!

Why spend anytime talking about Trump's signature? There's no value in that.

Only a clown would assume that was happening anyway. The media continues to make fools of themselves

Lmao the shit the news focuses on in this country is ridiculous



Could they drag their feet just a little more. I mean....dont rush

When are you going to call out the big guy for hiding in the White House and not doing a press conference. 48 days now 🖕🖕.

Humility is a welcome change

Can Americans just realise that the antidote to the appalling, self-obsessed Trump is providing intelligent leadership from the Oval Office?

Because he doesn’t know how to spell his name 🖕🖕

Because Biden would’ve signed half of them with someone else’s name probably

Nobody gives a shit with the check says. Shut up and send them...

Biden is SECURE and Trump is INSECURE. Fixed it For You🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

what a joke

So now that my taxes are done, mine goes right back to the IRS so .... I really don’t care. Not that I really did before anyway. Why is this even “news”?

💖 PLEASE READ💖👀 James will reject His new 💙 & die, w/out proper antirejection meds & follow-up, WE ARE OUT OF TIME to get this funded, transplant window opens in a week, PLEASE, if U can't donate, just retweet so others can see,Thank You! AboysHeart

It's because he didn't want to sign every check. He was worried he'd run out of ink. Lol 😆. $3.25 gallon of gas! Thanks jerks!

Well, I want to keep mine with his name on it as a token of a time when America had a chance. Now just give me my money and fuck off hahaha.

Again, it's so nice to have an actual President, been far too long!

This lady is amazing. X

Stop_Trump20 The stimulus check should come with a letter listing all the Republicans who voted against it.

hurryprimaries It's nice to have a human President.

What? His ego isn't so large that he needs credit for everything weather he had anything to do with it or not. I love this guy. Modest and a hard worker. Not one golf trip!

Funny since the Bill isn’t even about relief for AMERICANS.

😱 Trump will want his Name there!

Considering how many people use direct deposit these days, it's unlikely that anyone would even be aware of the difference.

doesn't look like we're in for another four year ego stroking party


They don’t get over Trump. Why

Wtf kind of question is this?

It's just that Joe sleeps most of the day and has no time to sign them

It's so refreshing to have POTUS being just that and Not a megalomaniac. Thank you Sir...Mr President. 😊

QAnon will be blame Jewish Space Trump Signatures

Typical deflection. Can he even sign his signature at this point? (Sarcasm)

Everyone hated Trump but you still spent the money he sent you

Oh good. We're focusing on reporting the important stuff... seriously, wtf cares? How about focus on the outrageous HR1-117 voting bill that essentially begs for voter fraud? Or tge 'Equality Act' that actively hurts women? Or is this what passes for 'journalism'

Somebody get her a pillow to give to Pop.

Then we would be getting the $2000 promised.

Does Joe Biden still know his own name?

The other one thought that by putting his name on it, people would vote for him.

Then why bring it up

Just a dumb and decisive statement.

Should have Dr Seuss on em

Ha, ha, ha..... The propaganda machine cnn and all the hypocrites aka Democrats made a hue and cry when Trump had his name. 20 months to go before the hypocrites are kicked-out. JoeBiden jrpsaki

Still I am going to spend it in Turkey or Mexico because of your insane travel ban. RESCIND PP10143 for european VisaHolders. We are not tourists!

Imagine that.... a president that is not a malignant narcissist. How refreshing.

Who cares either way? This is a dumb statement.


Where is my $2000 check, Joe?

Also, Biden really isn't in charge.....

abc7newsbayarea I mean if I got $600 more on a check with his name on it lol...

Who cares. Just give me the money

Nobody cares who’s name is on them

Correct. How it should be! Thank you!

good !

I had been led to believe the checks would be 2k.


President Trump was proud to provide $2400 to almost everyone. Biden is ashamed that few are going to receive up to $1400 and most much much less than that....

Under Trump, Republicans' major legislative accomplishment was spending about $1.9 trillion on a tax cut for the ultrarich and corporations. Under Biden, Democrats' major legislative accomplishment is spending about $1.9 trillion on relief for everyday Americans.

...well, at least 9% of it is about the American people getting relief.

When do we got our Tubman’s?

Also confirming he’s not a raging sociopath narcissist like his predecessor. Yay.

Overheard my husband on the phone last year. 'No, Donald Trump did not send you the check. Congress gave you the money as a taxpayer,' when correcting a family member.

Memo line should say, 'by the people, for the people'

As it should be. TrumpleThinSkin’s narcissistic need for attention and credit will not be missed.

This here is why I love POTUS and PressSec. Governing is about the people you serve and not the person who been given the honor of leading.

Not like the check can be kept as a souvenir so that’s ok 👌🏽

How refreshing!

Ellie Kemper needs to play Jen Psaki on SNL.

Doesn't this humble brag serve basically the same purpose?

maybe when they send out the 2000 they owe he'll sign them

His mindset is sooo much better than former President

i dont sign a check when its not for the full amount either


What a stupid question lol . It wouldn’t even have to be asked if trump wasn’t full of himself

Some questions should cause a reporter to be banned from questions for 30 days.

Biden’s ego doesn’t depend on adoration 24/7. He’s a well rounded, confident, compassionate man.

They are scrubbing the orange off like surgeons are getting ready to open this MOTHER up. We are in good hands.

But did the name on the check stop anyone from cashing it?

Palm beach burn unit is on standby.

What happens when POTUS is not an insecure conceited pompous egomaniac.

Still waiting on the $600.00 sigh 😞

She is the kind & patient grade school teacher they never had 😃

CharAznabIe_ Well the good news is the Qanons definitely won't use this as yet another *proof* Biden isn't actually president. It's too persuasive, so it will be rejected out of hand as a trap.

Show me the money before you make statements like that

Tha we hve to say that....smh

Glad reporters are asking the questions that really matter smh

Yeah but what about mt rushmore ... Is that out to ?

Ridiculous question. Waste of time. Real questions, people! Get over your bad romance.

Love this President and this forthcoming Press Secretary!

He probably doesn’t know how to sign his name

I love Jens eye expression. She telling to fu*** off like whoa. Go Jen!

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