Without the BBC we could be facing a post-truth dystopia | Jonathan Freedland

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United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

The broadcaster, under renewed attack from the right, offers a rare space for all to agree on the facts. Don’t take it for granted, says Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland

If you find yourself afflicted by a sudden urge to destroy the BBC, I have the ideal remedy: spend some time in the United States. A few hours flicking between Fox News and MSNBC should soon see you right. The more time you give it, the more effective it’ll be – and not necessarily for the reasons you’d expect.


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You got yr racist Zionist loving pm so please do us a favour and move to Israel

I think this must be spoof! Nobody believes anything the biased BBC reports and haven’t done for years

Exactly the opposite of this tweet. They do more political rallying than any party we know.

I think the last election coverage by the british bullshit corporation (bbc) tells you that the truth, is not high on their list of priorities.

I will watch with some satisfaction as the BBC is dismantled and privatised by this government. A few years back I would have defended it to the hilt, but the disgraceful actions of BBC News means they deserve everything they get. Fuck the BBC.

Time to disband the BBC. Say no to licence fees Say no to its corruption and bias Say no to all the lies and spin for the Tory party Bin the Beeb - they are Brexshit enablers. The road to economic suicide will be paved with BBC journalists & presenters BBC ignore truth and facts

Surely, 'thanks to the BBC and papers like us we are living in post truth dystopia', and have been for many years now. We just have a better label for it these days.

Who would protect the kiddie-rapist Masonic Zionist warmongers and their agenda if there was no BBC ?

LMAO keep telling yourselves that

Without a balanced & fair BBC we could be facing a post-truth dystop... Oh. That's exactly where we are! 🤔

We would be free of the lies, spite and constant tirade of negativity that is forced upon us, we would probably be independent and probably wondering why the hell we allowed this to propaganda channel to control us for so long.

The BBC ain’t what it used to be ...

We are *in* a 'post-truth dystopia'. BBC News would rather talk about the latest royal spat than the Russian Report. We know Tories have rec'd millions from wealthy Russians - and funded Johnson campaign They are forever quoting 'unnamed' sources so claims can't be challenged.

Freudland is funny. The Guardian is funny. Haven't bought it for years. Has anyone?

The BBC legitimised Brexit. A ludicrous proposition perpetrated by lies and hate mongering so the wealthy can avoid tax. They made an idea with ZERO legitimate upside a mainstream consideration in the name of ‘balance’. Without C4 news, maybe. The BBC? No.

The BBC is now an important part of our post-truth dystopia.

I think that boat has already sailed!

A what?

Without the BBC we might enjoy a broader spectrum of opinion than right-wing Blairites to the far right.

Well thats a load of shite!

Bollocks. State propaganda channel, nothing more.

Propaganda machine.


Truth and honesty 🙄

Says post truth dystopian writer

what planet are they from? delete your television.

DumpTheGuardian DumpBBCNews DumpTheGuardian DumpTheGuardian DumpBBCNews DumpTheGuardian DumpTheGuardian DumpTheGuardian DumpTheGuardian DumpTheGuardian DumpFreedland DumpTheGuardian DumpBBCNews DumpTheGuardian DumpFreedland Dump .Freedland

Says BBC employee. Here's Andrew Marr being told an uncomfortable truth by Noam Chomsky. Watch him seethe -

The BBC in Scotland is just like Fox tv. Lying by omission, all the good things that Scottish Govt are achieving. On Reporting Scotland, a daily litany of complaints about NHS and railways. No mention that it’s worse in rest of UK!

Don't give us your crap! Ignore that its about IndyRef1 - it's the METHODOLOGY the BBC have used to GREAT EFFECT to interfere with democracy:

The BBC is the propaganda machine for WM. Untrusted & corrupt to the core. I for one refuse to pay the propaganda tax (license fee) as do an ever growing number of folk. BBC is a large player in our 'post truth dystopia'. No trust,no truth and no integrity.

Absolute rubbish we are already living in a post-truth dystopia the BBCNews BBCPolitics are the biggest culprits

If BBC wasn't run by Tories we wouldn't be currently living in a post truth dystopia and this right wing govt should have been held to account.

Without the BBC we will be watching and listening to cheap rubbish and repeats, the content of which is decided exclusively by the people who pay their subscriptions. Stale, uninformative Poundshop broadcasting. Reform NCA yes but don’t get rid of the BBC.

It's hated by both left and right and the principle behind it is now at least a decade out of date, if not far more. Bin it.

What BBC News is getting right/wrong aside, this idea UK can afford a superior attitude about US TV news landscape is nonsense. Fox may deal in 'alternative facts', but MSNBC/CNN have taken their role in holding Trump to account very seriously. We should be so lucky.

Don't talk a lot of shite the BBC as well as all British MSM are Westminster propaganda machines the BBC being the most biased out the lot

Get over yourselves!

Time to get rid of the BBC, through political bias, tax evasion and abuses of equality it’s shown itself to be a thoroughly broken institution

Already here.

Maybe if the BBC was less economical with news information, used less opinion, and just reported everyside so we could make up our on minds, not what we are GUIDED towards. I could believe the BBC's view on their fall.

BBC is colonial tool of colonialism, without BBC Biafra would be free and Africa will be paradise.

Beyond satire

The BBC IS the post truth dystopia!

Is it true or did you hear it on thr BBC?

Irony is dead.

AirportWatch Sickening from fake-Left Guardian that ran smears against Labour, as did BBC.

Without the BBC and Guardian we would sorely lack establishment gate-keepers to tell us what to think. Worse, 1000s of Labour Party members would miss those constant reminders that they are antisemitic in their every word and thought. Appalling proposition.

We're already in that post-truth dystopia and the BBC didn't stop it. We all know what we saw from the BBC in the last election and in the Scottish independence referendum. The BBC has failed and I shouldn't have to pay for a corporation that campaigns against my interests.

you're having a laugh aren't you?

really - it was the instigator and protector of post truth, from one referendum in Scotland, to the next where it was Englands called brexit. The BBC is the 4th military arm of whichever Westminster Govt is in power.

Loving the ratio on this Freedland 🤣 Also, US media are superior to UK media, *especially* in print. If your argument is that scrapping the BBC might get us PBS and NPR, then bring it on. Hell I’d even take the NYT over whatever this thing is that the Guardian has become.

...the bbc IS a post-truth dystopia...

Because of the BBC we are already in that post truth dystopian future. They made their beds with the liars. No body trusts them anymore. The uprising in France isn’t even reported! Get my news elsewhere.

I have no faith in Canada's CBC also a public broadcaster using far too much AP nonsence. Also did an etremely poor job of de Lima in the Philippines. She is not a good person.

Do you remember when panorama was caught out with corruption?


The wonders of a lifetime of conditioning. When a person fears a “post-truth dystopia”, as a consequence of LOSING the the information service of his rulers. BBC

NEWSFLASH: *with* the BBC coverage of the election, pre and post, the post-truth era is already here. The BBC is reduced to producing Downton Abbey and news for the Granthams.



We already exist in a post-truth dystopia, it’s just that some people refuse to accept that fact.

The BBC is biased anyway. For truth it could stand up for facts about what makes male and female and not self ID

Freedland, you helped cause this. Your opinion is worthless, and amounts to gaslighting. As for the BBC, their normalisation of right-wing attack lines, bigotry, racism, climate change denial and their favouritism and protection of Boris in the campaign - GO **** YOURSELVES.

How much do you pay for people to write this crap?

'The Guardian unearthed a 2004 call by a thinktank run by Dominic Cummings for the ‘end of the BBC in its current form’' So is Dominic Cummings more noteworthy than, by 2004, Labour introducing tuition fees, foodbanks, an illegal war and telling the banks to regulate themselves?

The BBC does loads of good stuff and is value for money overall imo. BBC News coverage in the UK however is the rotten apple. Bloated, superficial, opinionated and personality driven. WithoutTheBBC

The same BBC that thinks impartiality means giving a platform to mad climate change deniers? But hey it’s ok they are better than Fox News?

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'd sooner trust North Korean TV. The English run BBC has no place in, Scotland. And no Indy Voter should be funding Unionist propaganda. BOOT THE BBC FROM SCOTLAND!

Is this the same BBC that had anti Corbyn man on QT three times & given chance to attack every time? Same BBC who employs Laura K?

Who writes this crap? The BBC is state run zionist propaganda

Oh good lord Freedland women are already living in a post-truth dystopia where males are females if they say they are. Wake the fuck up

Without the BBC there would be a lot of Tories out of work and we wouldn't have Brexit or Johnson NeverTrustATory BBCBias r4today PoliticsLive newsnight Marr bbcnews bbcqt BBCBreakfast bbcimpartiality BrokenMedia

I thought you were against the BBC a while back due to their coverage on Corbyn. Make your mind up.

opinion? you wouldn't want that complicated by any sort of evidence, then?

Having a laugh

We are already in a post truth dystopia and getting deeper with the aid of the BBC.

The BBC is a religious broadcasting network promoting Windsor worship.

Guardian and working for the BBC, Jonathan Freedland (public school and Oxford) argues, that without the BBC we would be stuck with Fox style broadcasting. Then he goes onto contradict himself saying that the left & right media in the states dont agree on the facts! scrapbbc

Docunentary on BBC bias & agenda

I already live in a post bbc world. I do not pay the license fee and watch mostly Netflix and Amazon Prime. For news - twitter.

The BBC blatantly lied, manipulated and showed bias during one of the most important elections of our lifetimes. They knowingly protected pedos, they’ve continued to fail the public who are paying for them. As customers, we deserve better. Only Netflix and Channel4 for me

Has Jonathan Freedland been living in a cave, cut off from all forms of communication, for the last five years?

BBC are Tory mouthpieces and state propaganda.

BBC truth? Hahaha, oh fur cough!

The whole of the BBC news & current affairs is effectively a Conservative propaganda outlet.Without it there will still be the rabid Tory press, but in reality their days are numbered as younger people just don’t seem to want their daily dose of Tory garbage.

Errr, it's the BBC that's the problem. TVLicenceFree BoycottTheBBC DissolveTheUnion ScotlandsRightToChoose

NotMyDoctorWho WithoutTheBBC

Gie's a break. The BBC spews state propaganda 24/7. Post-truth dystopia is already here.

BBCNews SkyNews Both follow the same news pattern and outlet of news. You hold the BBC in high regards yet, it consistently fails to report,question and deliver.

Isn’t this all a bit outdated? Aunty Beeb has long been an institution that perhaps had seen its best days. Truth is whatever you believe to be true. We have always lived in this world where you believe what you want to believe. The traditional TV channels/media have to realise:

Without the BBC UK folks would know about Strikes in France 1m strong farmer ones in Holland yellow vest also in France. BBC Guardian are as bad as Fox News for propaganda 100s of childhoods also not ruined by Savile and MPs who were allowed to abuse them with full knowledge

Don't compare BBC to NHS. If doctors lied, gave equal weight to homeopathy as scientific consensus, gave preferential access to some patients over others. If NHS paid male doctors more than women it would soon lose my respect. I trust Sky and ITV for 'facts' over BBC.

This is a joke, right

BBC 1)Woke 2) revolving door Ed Balls Laura kuenssberg 3) Syria fake chemical weapons attacks lies. 4) JulianAssange Crickets from the BBC. 5) Naga Munchetty giving options while news reading. 6) over paying 'talent' the list goes on .....

We'd be in a post-Ambridge dystopia

Am I in a parallel universe or something, we are in this dystopia *because* of outfits like the BBC etc.

Absolute state of this from a guardian hack Johnny

The license fee funding model for the BBC is broken and unfairly victimizes poor women. you shouldn’t go to jail for not funding the BBC it’s completely wrong.

This ship has already sailed. Long ago.

😆😂🤣 it's like bbcnews hasn't been acting like a Conservatives Brexit cheerleader for the past 5 years. Completely given up on bbcquestiontime BBCNewsnight BBCWorld RobBurl

If the BBC is worth anything it should be able to stand on it's own two feet financially. The fact people seem to think it will die if the public is not forced to pay for it on threat of imprisonment is the issue.

Jonathan Freedland is a post-truth 'journalist' so he should know.

The BBC is already post truth and cannot claim impartiality at all. They spin, pick sides, misinform and clearly have an agenda. Their news feeds are a joke too.

The Guardian and the BBC used to be pretty good. Now it's all distorted oseudo-liberal propaganda.

'The need arises because the BBC is under threat – yet again. That’s hardly a surprise, since this country is now ruled by a Conservative government with a hefty majority, and the Tories have had the BBC in their sights for 40 years'. Farmers and vipers come to mind.

Without the BBC.. ✅ no more inflated salaries of tv / radio presenters at cost to the public. ✅reintroduction if brilliant sitcoms which have been rejected to appease ultra PC director generals. ✅no more enforced subsricption on the public to fund a great big gravy train.

Post-truth — see every newspaper for Post-truth hysteria and political bias.

Lol. So much irony in one headline. The BBC is state propaganda.

The BBC IS the post-truth dystopia. Al Jazeera, RT, Press TV - yes they are biased - but they dont claim not to be, unlike the BBC. BBC - Blue in tooth and claw. And lets not get started on The Guardian or Jonathan fucking Freedland.

Post truth dystopia? Like when 'liberal' journos use far right dozing techniques on innocent Asian councillors falsely accusing them during an election?

The BBC and truth don't belong in the same sentence. Their character assassination of Corbyn and Labour in the last few years has forfeited any credence they once had. Factually it's no different to fox news these days however we have no legal choice but to fund it. Get rid.

I no longer watch any BBC news or current affairs - their bias during the election was the last straw. I think you'll find we're already in a truth distopia

Don't talk utter shite 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Post-truth? that's the Guardians job.

The BBC The institution that uses our money to pay people millions of pounds a year to talk to people who have done stuff. Now that is insanity.


No thanks to that arsehole freedland. He made a special project out of ensuring the Tories won.

Yeah like the guardian.

The BBC literally runs with whatever propaganda the govt at the time wants, currently the tories, but has done the same for Labour in the past too, don't act like it hasnt

Yes, without the BBC, how else would the Tories benefit from their bias

And up, once again, go bacofoil shares.

Self preservation for the Guardian as they will go bankrupt without the half a million. They get off the BBC, in paper sales to BBC staffers

You joking right?

But, we haven’t got the BBC TV news. Just a pathetic pale imitation. They have already been got at.

bbc are the cause of its own slow demise. Tries to defends male superior pay over its female workers Tries to deny its reporters bias as a 'slip of the tongue' What once was as world renown and held in esteem like NHS has now gone. Matter of time now

Without the BBC I wouldn't be forced to pay a TV license for a mediocre set of channels that I never watch.

Without the BBC we would be without. Laura K Question Time Nick Robinson Nicky Campbell Andrew Marr Fiona Bruce Andrew Neil Eastenders How could the country ever survive. Quite well actually

carolecadwalla would love to see your follow-up article to this

Perhaps if they had behaved better during the election ... perhaps we are already here ...

Note that Freedland works for the BBC.

We will essentially only have news that is filtered through private companies. That is alarming.

Who rights this garbage?

Total rubbish.

The bbc wouldn't know the truth if it fell over it.

Institutions we thought were unshakable are falling apart. The majority of folks are too docile, dumbed down or greedy to grasp the peril which lays ahead.

When was the last time they posted truth

Truth is the key. Quite frankly you telling us some BBC ‘big wig’ told you will not cut it any longer and that goes for radio and print which can be edited and spun however they wish. Truth comes from TV and Video,when we see them say it,we know its truth. Anyone for GuardianTV?

The BBC IS the post-truth dystopia. Time to be rid of it and start again.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Jokers!

I’m sure I’d cope.

michaelmalice 🤔

What is your truth?

A one-sided view of the world isn’t the ‘truth’ either. Stating opinions and theories as facts is post-truth! That’s the BBC. Maybe they are no better or worse but you have to pay the licence to turn them off. That’s not right in the age of digital media

Without BBC you would never have had: Monty Python Only Fools & Horses Fawlty Towers Porridge Dr Who Boys from the Blackstuff Wallace & Grommit Cathy come Home The Goons Abagails Party Blue Peter Pudsy Yes Minister Blackadder Upstart Crow The Office Any others? withoutthe BBC

*except for viewers in Scotland We’ve seen the BBC unionist post-truth dystopia. I’ll be very happy to get rid of this imposed taxation...because that is what it is.

Are you taking the piss, the BBC and MSM have already taken us there. You can’t believe a thing you see or read

WithoutTheGuardian is more appealing

Dominic Cummings would like malleable Truth to sit his agenda , not sure who runs UK, Johnson or Cummings ?

Seriously is this a joke? Thank goodness the younger generations see the Billionaires Bast***s Club for what it is...a tory publicity machine.

Well the 2 of you are well matched aren't you? Both run by so called elite leftie Oxbridge luvvies who like nothing more than preaching to the rest of us about how we are supposed to live....oh and done so from your multi million pound houses! BBC is nothing to do with truth!

Its already a Tory propaganda outlet. Sadly they were too stupid to see the tories would still like more control regardless of how much they toadied up to them.

Nonsense, they are so extreme left wing that they aren't fit for purpose. If they ever crawl out from terrorist loving Corbyns arse crack and apologise for their biased reporting they may have a chance of survival. Until then scrap the licence fee and kill it off.

🖕 Swivel ur post truth on that

We are already in it and the BBC and The Guardian have both helped to bring us there

That implies the BBC are truthful... lol

If you want to pay for the BBC (with it's untruths and biases) go right ahead, but you can't force everyone else to.

I don’t watch the British Broadcasting for Conservatives... Bias news political cooking reality auction countless quiz shows... Including soaps constant repeats nothing appeals to me... I cannot think of a single show which would appeal to me an Indian in my 30’s 🤔

The BBC did itself no favours by being so 'accommodating' to Brexit propaganda from the govt and not calling out lies and distortions. In trying to placate its political masters it has alienated ppl like me who used to defend it.

Surely this is some kind of joke? BBC are a shadow of what they claim to represent. Hardly ever report the truth.

Laura Kuenssberg et al already took us there.

According to some, the Liberal view of the world promoted by BBC is the truth... And it is a crime to not pay for it even if it disgusts me

Let’s get rid of Brexit before we start on TV channels with Chexit. 😂 WithoutTheBBC

Without the BBC people would maybe get the news reported honestly and be able to make up their minds on their own and not by a channel filled with propaganda and vile hatred towards all things Scottish. I hope the BBC dies.

The BBC is one of the most respected broadcast brands, if not the most respected brand, across the World.

Have you already forgotten the election campaign?

The BBCs own bias brought this on.

Great suffering from whom exactly, the ITV, Channel4, Channel5, UKTV...none get money from the compulsory TV licence and all make better content than the BBC.

Yeah, because state funded news can never become dystopian.. Tax payers are paying £154.50 per year for a TV licence while Jermemy Vine is on a £294k salary! 😂 But sure.. because it's state funded, I guess there's never any corruption, scandals, or bias.. .. Right?

Without the BBC the groaniad loses it's biggest customer ...

Wait..the Gaurdian of all people said this..?

Except they haven’t been upholding that duty. At all. We’ve already lost that, now it’s just an empty brand. Reform it, give it public oversight, & it will be important. Right now, providing cover for a state broadcaster that pretends at neutrality is doing more harm than good.

BBC Radio still good. Television has been badly overtaken. Documentarys,Always late reporting or none. time duration on News coverage poorly Summerised,no longer have National Geographic Explorations yet they r ua Programmings.

This is a tiny country. We can find and tell truth. We can scare the liars shitless. We can work in communities and street by street Below manipulation media. We can create websites where honourable journalists and ordinary people will exchange what's what. Real democracy.

Nonsense. The BBC have been gaslighting the public for decades, conveying their liberal, socialist, metropolitan agenda like it's the norm when in fact the public are much more socially conservative and to the right. Enough.

Are you freakin kidding me. The BBC is the reason we are ALREADY in a post truth dystopia. When will you people wake up.

The post-truth dystopia is now. Brexit and the election of Donald Trump could not have happened in a world where truth is valued.

Ha...... the bbc IS the post truth dystopia

There’ll always be the Guardian for lies and fake news.

I believe the majority people hold the NHS in the highest respect and will defend it for all it's worth. The BBC less so, mainly because of its lack of courage in challenging issues like electoral fraud and exposing fake and false information.

Too late, this post truth dystopia is actually millenia old, was called propaganda, then morphed into public relations & is now called perception management...

Hysterical. Truth for only $2.00 plus advertising.

The perfect example is More or Less on Radio 4 which is exclusively about checking out dubious statistics quoted elsewhere in the media

We are already there

We're not facing one now?

Without the BBC we could be facing a truth utopia Fixed.

PAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 The Guardian, ladies and gentlemen.

We're already there with them

It`s what they leave out that`s worrying not what they put in!! Plus the odd blatant lie thrown it!!

Top article pinpoints the danger of an American Fox News style system where competing echo chambers continue to fuel polarisation. BBC not perfect but a bulwark against those who want to undermine analysis, and evidence based reporting.

8th paragraph is what makes the depriving boggling...you want a nation to dominate the world influentially without some sort of soft power? BBC is literally the cheerleader to that.

Except when the BBC amplifies fake news...

A world where there are ads on the BBC, charges to see your Doctor and no more NHS care for the elderly. I don't think that was the nostalgic view of the country all those Brexiteers had when they went to the polls.

Who cares. If BorisJohnson has got the balls he will scrap the telly tax.

Aren't we already facing that with the BBC?

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