Why young Democrats disapprove of Joe Biden

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Joe Biden is an unpopular president—and he is particularly unpopular among young voters

has analysed the last month of surveys conducted on our behalf by YouGov, a pollster, and found that only 57% of Democrats under the age of 30 say they “somewhat” or “strongly” approve of the job Mr Biden is doing. The group’s low ratings are a big reason why the president’s overall approval rating is just 38%.

It is not that youngsters are abandoning the Democrats. Nearly 80% of young Democrats plan to vote for party’s candidates in November’s mid-term elections, and a plurality still call themselves “very” or “somewhat” liberal. Instead, our analysis of the data suggests two explanations for the trend. The first is that youngsters are less wedded to the party than their older compatriots. Two-thirds of Democrats over-65 call themselves “strong” Democrats; only 38% of those under 30 say the same. Young Americans are twice as likely as seniors to be categorised as “pure” independents—a growing group that does not lean to either party, but plants itself firmly in the middle.

The second cause of the 79-year-old Mr Biden’s poor ratings is simpler: the young do not like old leaders. When YouGov asked respondents to tell them whether a Congressperson’s age “might make it too difficult to do the work congress requires”, some 35% of all Democrats agreed. But among under-30s, that rose to 45%. If the Democratic Party wants young people’s support, it ought to offer politicians closer to their age.


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Is this not norm with Dems. A portion doesn’t think Leader A or Policy A goes far enough so they are unsatisfied. The unsatisfied scream the loudest. Dems blame Dems, Republicans blame Dems. Less informed voters hear criticism of Dems. Polls sink. See ACA, Obama, etc

This has to be an error; that, or you don’t know what it means to be unpopular. This is a chart showing approval that any president would love to have.

we need new leaders and new thinking in the USA.

should make clear in the tweet that this is approval among Democrats. Biden does not have over 80% approval among people 45 and older at large.

Hahahahahaha .. his policies are the same as those pushed by mush of the DNC .. it absolutely is the party

50+% approve and you're saying he's particularly unpopular? What am I missing?

Well, I cant blame them.

Putin loves him

Not sure The Economist should analyse this topic as they seem as clueless as Biden about why Democrats are gonna get murdered in November

lol... here's how you know your poll is wrong in what reality did one of your employees think that anything over 60% was even realistic regardless of president... let alone today...

Something seems wrong with this graph. I hope it was true, but it looks wrong

Young people will vote in droves for Democrats if the privatization of higher ed funding is reversed, and federal and state grants are given for college and trades.

Am I nuts, or does your graphic show that MORE young people aligned with the Democratic Party APPROVE of Biden (57%) than disapprove?

That means young people need to be much more involved and active in politics and in the Democratic Party to create a pool of “politicians closer to their age”. TheDemocrats DNC

Interesting considering inflation screws social security recipients the hardest.

there are people that approve…?

It’s really just about his stance on weed and arresting people of color. Admit you were wrong for the 94 crime law and legalize weed. Then we good. He’s also just old as shit. Better than the alternative tho. The other one had known fascists strong arming for him.

Uh, He was Obama’s VP and helped create the world’s least helpful healthcare plan, drone struck thousands and now can barely read a sentence. They pretend to be progressive meanwhile, 10 year old rape victims have to cross state line to get abortions. We have lost so much

Two explanations - Joe and Biden. Together it spells incompetence.

Because young people, while engaged and earnest, lack historical perspective. I know. I was young once.

Another way you could say this is Older Democrats approve of Biden more than their younger counterparts. Trump was more unpopular always. Biden

pilar_fuerte I believe these numbers are much lower…I also believe you do not have the guts to tell the ruth about how unpopular POTUS Biden is

Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself. 'The second cause of the 79-year-old Mr Biden’s poor ratings is simpler: the young do not like old leaders.' Meanwhile Bernie Sanders:

interesting. democrats are usually popular among young and less for older groups.

Much more positive figures than all the interpretations I'm seeing tend to suggest.

I can’t believe that 89% of democrats over 65 approve of Biden. OMG.

They are flocking to Florida

So if you're a Democrat into your twilight years......something is wrong with ya. 80+% approval of JoeBiden ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

is this a typo, joke or carefully crafted text? are the scales wrong? i am confused. seems that he would have, according to these graphs, 70+% approval? something definitely is not right in the data, survey or conclusion in the tweet.

Yet, they love(d) Bernie?

It’s certainly not a good thing, we can’t forget youngest voters are least likely to actually vote, and while their turnout varies across the decades, it always lags their seniors. If young ever voted in numbers oldsters do, year after year, world would change. It’s a long game.

For there to be 'young voters' young people have to vote. They don't.

I'm over 65, so are friends & siblings. None approve of Biden so can't imagine where poll was taken to get 89% approval for over 65. Too generous.

Yeah, well, Biden is not really helping the cause. HumanRights jamalkhashoggi

How is a 57% approval rate ‘particularly unpopular’? Most leaders in Europe would kill for that

I love how The Economist constantly prattles about how Biden and “Centrist Democrats” are the best hope for America just to have polls constantly show that the American people think they’re full of it. Biden’s only redeeming quality is that he isn’t Trump.

Young people know that our gov is a total sham

Not shocking....Biden is old and honestly doesn't present well to the younger generation. We need a new candidate in 2024...In my view Biden should not run again.

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