Why the data shows trans swimming champion Lia Thomas didn’t have an unfair advantage

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Lia Thomas: Trans swimmer didn’t have unfair advantage, data shows

Critics accuse trans swimming star Lia Thomas of having an unfair advantage. The data tells a different story The NCAA champion has sparked controversy and become a hate figure among conservatives, but statistics show little evidence that she performed any differently to other women,.


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*wins race by 30 seconds


The dive from the start of the race is an indication of how much he had an advantage to start with..and he barely kicked during it. He's toning down his ability.


Just data from competition, but this is about biology - the biological and sheer physical advantages she has as a result of being born and going through adolescence, growth and training as a male. The muscle strength & sheer power built in. It’s unfair & women can’t compete. IMHO

Men should not compete with women, it s not fair.

Every person on earth was nurtured in a female womb and born through a female uterus. To ignore the biological truth that women are the most magical and unique humans in existence, is too deny the fact your own.

All these people who never gave a shit about trans athletes until one won one race. Also all these people pretending to give a shit about women’s sports all of a sudden, when they couldn’t name one athlete involved.

435 best male swimmer, somehow becomes best female swimmer. Enough data for me

So he's competing against women on a level playing field? Bollocks!

Yeah right...

William Thomas is luving the attention. Wild Bill.

TransActualUK LGBTQPRIDE SayGayAnyway TransPride

TransActualUK All these people will scream 'we're not transphobes, we just believe in SCIENCE' until the science doesn't support their viewpoint anymore. It was never about the science, because if it was, they'd change their viewpoint once they learned the science didn't support it.

Well that's odd because in the men's division he was below average, now all of a sudden he is the best in the woman's division? So I guess Mike Tyson could claim to be a woman a fight in the women's boxing division and he wouldn't have a advantage?

Ranking of 554 in men's swimming to 1 in woman's swimming is all the data that you need. 🤡🤦‍♂️

That's just bollocks though, isn't it? It also happens to be bollocks that gave Thomas the advantage.

oh fuck off

Be better if you didn’t hide said data.

Data is irrelevant. If this person went through puberty as a male, androgenisation, then they have an advantage. If enough of these people compete they will crowd out those that have not undergone that process. Androgenisation is not reversible.


Independent my ass

Lol. No

..you can read this article and dismiss it out of hand - or you can save time and dismiss it out of hand immediately. This is a category issue pure and simple.

Lol, a joke news source

Parody at its finest.

Proof that data is shit.

Literal bollix


FakeNews independent destroying its credibility one day at a time.

Why not do away with separate sex categories then?

The data shows male puberty is a myth

Absolute Tripe he is a biological Male and this piece of nonsense is rubbish

It will be much fair if transgender champions compete together.!

'the data shows'

By the standards set in this article the womens category in sport should be open to any male who competes at a similar level. If I was in the race, I would still lose (by a long way) yet I would still have an unfair advantage.

The Independent still thinking the rest of the world is as stupid as they are.

Don't know why the certain crowd are getting worked up over this... because the facts that have been set out and proven are in the article. Or is this because Lia is trans?

For those who don’t know, the Independent used to be a newspaper.

What a complete pile of poo: dodgy science and plausible-sounding rubbish.

Hey. Why can’t we respect her choice to be a woman, but under the circumstances have her compete with the men? That seems like a solution.

What the fuck are you people smoking😂😂

Surely the headline should be - why we should scrap mens and women categories and the paralympics and age categories for kids and weight categories for boxing and allow cheetahs to run like they were born to etc. etc.

Utter nonsense!


He was ranked between 65th and 600th in almost every event as a man but now, as a 'woman' he's top 20 in all events and has one of the fastest times in the country in 500yd fs. Even after the hrt an unimpressive male swimmer is now a top tier female swimmer

Science just bounces of bigots, tho.

Why are people losing their s**t over this? 🤔

This is the kind of thing I want to see; independent studies of what’s going on. Title 9 was a serious, serious battle and should be protected. The country should evaluate any possible infringement.

Data (inclusive data) 🤣💩

Spot the swimmer who went through male puberty

Is it because of the drag caused by her massive piece 🍆🍆

You noticed it's only trans women and people who never played sports who think this is OK

HE is not a woman.

I see your data and raise you a picture aquamaam

Well that settles it

What a surprise, turns out the Lia Thomas stuff is just more moral panic..like the other eleventy zillion times. Thank you for actually doing some research

According to SCIENCE any gender except for female/male doesn't exist so why he still not in Psychiatric hospital yet? He would be killed on Russian streets and police will not intervene unlike Europe/USA where they don't see 'trans' as dangerous mental disorder

Since data can be twisted into narrative, let's backtest the presupposition with a litmus test. It's simple. Find numerous Female-To-Male TransMen who dominate their competition in high tier sports. Championships, All Time Records, etc. Looking forward to hearing your results

I think if you go from a no hoper, to beating Olympians, something is going on, and we all know what.

Is this satire? I know we don’t want to hurt anyones feelings here but this is going wayyyy to far. Best way to handle this is a trans only sport league. None of Lia’s accomplishments will be respected by people actually competing in the sport.

This has nothing to do about 'wokism'. It's all about common sense (backed up by science) and the integrity of sport .

Your on crack

You can put whatever spin you like on this but at the end of the day Thomas is a male who cheated women out of a podium place.

If Mike Tyson became Michelle Tyson and started punching up women, maybe people would take our concerns more seriously.

Why the data shows trans swimming champion Lia Thomas is a man

You mean to say, what the media says the data shows. Big difference.

Tell me you don’t actually believe this right come on if you want to be taken serious at least try harder

NOT a Woman, is is basic Biology.

Again, did “the data” show that people born male don’t generally have proportionately more muscle mass and/or more bone mass?

If there is no advantage why is there men & woman’s events at all.

Sure. That's why 'she' beat a female champion - while 'he' was listed in the region of 500th as a man. Makes sense.

If we continue to adopt this position then, eventually, every single world record, every single gold medal, in every single sport, will be held by either a man, or someone who used to be a man.

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