Why have sperm counts more than halved in the past 40 years? - podcast

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Dr Shanna Swan has spent more than 20 years examining how chemicals in plastics are causing our fertility to decline – and what we can do about it

, a professor of environmental medicine and public health at Mount Sinai school of medicine in New York City, talks toabout declining fertility in men. Over the past 40 years, average sperm counts among western men haveShe tells Rachel how certain chemicals can interfere with reproductive health.


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Skinny jeans for men

Too much beer too often? Too much female cows' meat? Bulls top drinking female milk

Plastics, pollution, depression, shit processed food.

Booze booze booze and takeaways

Efficiency cuts

Because I had a vasectomy. Sorry

Muhtemelen kapitalizmdendir? Neyse aman şu anda yükseltmeye kalkmayın dünya yaşanılmaz hale gelir. Belki biraz bencilce gelecek ama ileride insanların birbirini boğazlamasını istemiyorsak gerekli.


Because there aren't enough humans on the planet?

Processed food is my guess. Based on real life observations, mine is still sky high fortunately so not all is lost.

The Great Reset, if you believe the loons

World population is not going to be halved in next 40 years .

I demand a recount!


They know about climate change and have decided they don't much fancy the future, if it's all the same to you? Alternatively, they noted depressing changes after May 3rd, 1979, and reached the same conclusion.

How the hell did I get for kids? Fake news!

Maths teachers

There may be religio-sociological features to this as well

antifa ?

How is no one suggesting it may be because a lot of men are beating off to porn not once, but multiple times per day? They very often brag about it. Pretty sure the dudes 50+ years ago weren’t jerking it that much. You can only reproduce so fast.

Tight pants. That’s from my mom

With the world so overpopulated I don’t think this is a real concern atm. What concerns me is the ppl in comments that instantly point out conspiracies that always some how tie in to US liberals and their plan to rule the world. With so many idiots they don’t need to do anything.

Natural selection. There are far too many people on the planet already.


Thank goodness!

7 ways to increase Serotonin “happiness hormone” levels naturally to improve your mental health, your mood, your sleep

Obesity, parabens, sedentary lifestyle, psych drugs, bad diets, excessive masturbation, .... I can go on..

Sitting jobs?

Cell phone (or mobile phone, depending on which The Guardian this is) radiation?

Atrazine and other chemicals like it are potent aroma taste inducers. The convert testosterone to estradiol causing suppression of LH, FSH lowering sperm counts and causing breast development in men. Atrazine is an weed killer found in almost every lawn product


Mother nature's way of trying to stop man's destructive ways.

Let's not forget nuclear experimentation, year 75

Probably sugar. You’re not allowed to insult the sweet stuff but the floodgates opened around 1955 after a decade of rationing and the world has gone mad for sugar. It’s a very destructive substance for human bodies.

Online porn.


Because even our biology has decided there are enough dumb asses on this planet.

Probably because more people embrace liberalism.

Megafauna dating scene.

Because Humanity is a Suicide Machine?

Who measures this shit and why?

For further information listen to the joerogan podcast with her from last week. Scary stuff.

Is this a bad thing? The earth has way too many people as it is.

globalist agenda to decrease birth rates through psych ops and bio engineering

Because vasectomies are easy and affordable?

The share of highly processed food in our diet jumped through the roof in the same time period, but Im sure it's just a coincidence

Because leftist are eviscerating the American Male.

Pornhub in the morning. Pornhub after lunch. Pornhub in the evening. THAT'S WHY.

It's boring to sit at home alone, looking for someone to spend time with

Too many people on the planet as it is, maybe Gaia is striking back?

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