What is antifa and why is Donald Trump targeting it?

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The president proposed the US designate it a terrorist organization – but experts say it’s just a loosely organized movement

, arguing that there may be no means by which any domestic entity can be designated in this way.


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Antifa are revolutionary Trotskyists and neo-Bolsheviks, funded by those seeking to cause chaos. Fixed it for you, you’re welcome.OffGuardian0

They are a small group extremist on the left side that act on the same way the extremist on the right. With violence. Anyway tRump trying to point an enemy like Hitler did ones but with less success, at least for know. Bad leaders do that. Divide and conquer. It's an old tactic

In socialism goverment own everithing firms companies business agencys and similar proces of taking private property from people is called nationalisation of property i guess so goverment taking over private property

So maybe whole world will be socialistic in far future

If all world or some lands went broke bankropt in corona epidemic and because another reasons they might think to again import socialism and full nationalisation of private property of people so the goverment will maybe take all private property in future socialism

No matter ANTIFA but lets talk about political regime in ex regime socialism like in yugoslavia everibody had a job and condo or house and everibody did have money every month in modern capitalism many people dont have neither house neither condo neither money

Man Trump doesn't have a clue what it is.

In answer to your question 'Is Antifa violent?' You could have just quoted this paragraph from Mark's book. I think 'physically costly' is a euphemism for violent.

BLM aren’t an organisation either, you going to say they don’t exist too?

Antifa is the global incarnation of the Islington sect of Champaign Socialism. Often 'hideously white' and born losers. Generally the World, as evidenced by replies on Tik Tok, thinks they are patronising white shite.

Antifa -because rich white kids are angry too!

If this is terrorist then so is the KKK


A terrorist movement.

ExposeAntifa They are a terrorist group.

It's people who oppose fascism. It's as simple as that.

A broad term for 'undesirables' who oppose the government and is used as a smokescreen for white supremacist agitators trying to silence the BLM activists by turning peaceful protests into riots.

Everyone should be anti fascist. That’s why he’s targeting us. He hates everyone.

1. Antifascists 2. He's a fascist

Good job Gaurdian. You went to one of their chief propogandists for answers on what ANTIFA is. Brilliant!

'Experts say'

Antifa 1945-style:

It is not an organization but people against fascism...the Trumpster doesn’t like it because he and his Republicans are more fascist than ever.

Idiots like the EDL know deep down they are wrong and hold back because of it. Antifa believe they have right on their side and this makes them think whatever wrongs they do are justified. Dangerous lot that do need controlled.

Here's the REAL & SHOCKING truth about the domestic terrorists, Antifa.

Left organition of governament. M16 and NSA. Annonymos like that.

AntiFa (in the US) is to the Democrat Party as the IRA is to Sinn Féin.

Err.. Anti-fascist?

Anti facist, say it with me. Antifacist. Trump wants to designate antifacists a terror group because he's a facist. Trump is a facist. Death to Nazism.

Only persons arrested, other than legitimate protesters, have been alt.right types. No 'Antifa' arrests.Reminds one of Nazi's claims of Jewish conspiracies to overthrow the Reich.

It's a far left terrorist organization.

A useful deflection

Have you heard of a red herring?

Antifa are 'Useful idiots'. 'Naive or credulous persons who can be manipulated or exploited to advance a cause or political agenda

By experience of several months of unrest, riots and destruction in Chile this is a global anarchic movement aiming at the base of society. They attack government, police and armed forces and patriotic symbols

It's to deflect blame for causing chaos from white supremacist groups (like Proud Boys and KKK).

Scapegoat fitting political narrative to escape blame..

He's trying to distract. There were White Supremacists at the Rallies, his Buddies.

The answer is obvious. Since Antifa stands for anti-fascist, it makes total sense that Trump would consider them a threat.

They're a bunch of mostly middle class white people that are suffering from malnutrition and want to impose an Orwellian society on us all.

Antifa are the modern equivalent of viking raiders. They use coordinated violent attacks to overwhelm local defences and steal as much as they can.

I’d prefer to read: What is civilisation and why is Antifa targeting it?

Because it’s a convenient target, and trump’s staunchest supporters will believe anything.

A hard Left, fascist group, that dresses in black and uses violence to promote their agenda. Just like the nazis.

Because they are anti fascist and he is a fascist

Antifa is whatever Trumps wants I to be so he can snuff out opposition. Not even a proper organisation over there just a general concept of opposing fascism lmao

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Trump exposed: TrumpIsALaughingStock RapistInChief RapistTrump

'What is antifa and why is Donald Trump targeting us?' There. Fixed it for you.

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