Wales would consider curfew for men to make women feel safer on streets at night

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'Wales would consider curfews for men to make women feel safer on streets at night'

WALES would consider bringing in local curfews for men to make women feel safer on the streets at night, its first minister Mark Drakeford said today.

Mr Drakeford was asked about the idea of introducing curfews on men in areas where women felt "particularly scared". "But the curfew measure you've described, it could only ever be a temporary answer and therefore it's not at the top of our list. There are other things we can do and should do. She said: "In the week that Sarah Everard was abducted and, we suppose, killed — because remains have been found in a woodland in Kent — I argue that, at the next opportunity for any Bill that is appropriate, I might put in an amendment to create a curfew for men on the streets after 6pm.The peer later admitted it wouldn't be a feasible idea in practise - but wanted to highlight it shouldn't be women who should be having to change their behaviour.

"That’s why politicians and police should step up and take responsibility for making sure women can leave their homes free from the fear of violence. It’s about making ending violence against women a priority.”


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That won’t go down well when lock down ends & pubs open!

It's stupid to even consider it .idiots like this should be no where near top positions

we could do it by area, men with beards not allowed out in Yorkshire at night ( Peter sutcliffe)! Couples not allowed out at all in Manchester( hindley and Brady) people in Gloucester can’t invite people into their homes (Fred &Rose west) delivery drivers banned in Falkirk Black)

There is one thing that all devolved assemblies have in common - you can’t fix stupid!

Maybe women would feel safer if councils took pay cuts and left the fucking street lighting on at night!

When the 3 gay men were murdered in a Bristol Park...did anyone mention banning migrants from parks....or banning Muslims from London Bridge or having a suitcase in manchester? Anyone who thinks a curfew for men is a solution is part of the problem.

Set an example then, Mark. You first.

Ban women after 6pm instead.


And that includes his perverted son

This is like blaming all bad musicians on Justin Bieber. Piss off.

BBCPolitics SkyNewsPolitics Well he should know. Jonathan Drakeford, the son of Welsh finance minister and Labour leadership contender Mark Drakeford, was convicted of rape and actual bodily harm.

My young sons when they go out on a night out walking home. I have the same conversation with them. Don't walk around on your own, keep to the main roads, get a taxi etc. Its just what you do. They are vulnerable also. I just think we've completely lost the plot.

Good luck with that one pal.

ConorJones93 he knows

What a fucking joke🤣🤣 so rapists murderers are gonna abide by these laws, stupid woke leftism at its best

Well guys you know how to vote in May!

No no no

If he even went there he’ll be in direct violation of the rights of the individual. He should focus on his own family problems before he prescribes on solutions for others.

It’s a ridiculous suggestion and frankly insulting.

Surely it would have to be white, able bodied, straight, athiest, brexiteering men so as not to upset or discriminate?

Quite simply I’ll identify as a woman and turn this societal horseshit back against them

Bliss all women will need to do all the back shifts and night shifts while men get the 9-5 lifestyle

Shite would they

He should be locked up permanently this guy is a fruit cake


So 1 guy is evil, that makes 35 million other men evil... I've never heard such nonsense... such stupidity and only comes from woke brigade... 1 women kills a man... no women allowed near men ? Logic defies

“Feel”. Wtf happened to reason It’s all fuckin emotion 🙄

It’s not a problem. In fact it would be a good thing. Let them bring in the curfew. Then we all self identify as women and watch the mass fall out as the feminist and trans lobby implode with confusion. Then maybe actual serious conversation will happen.

That would shut all the pubs , nightclubs, gyms , restaurants, taxi companies, take away that are just about still hanging on by their fingertips. 👍

Tell that to these Men of Harlech

Easy. Self-identify as a woman after 6pm. Checkmate. The Left won't be able to do a thing about it.

Next election is gonna be such a landslide 🤣

Labour run lol

is that necessary ? women to women fighting is not rare either

Where is all the madness going to end..

Clapped out old soap dodger!

Yes hes insane.

Oh please. Common sense! Where is it.

Ain’t this sexism ?

Good grief. Any minute now the aliens will come to sort this cluster f*** world out

This is why western-style democracies need a bill of rights. If they want a great reset, we should give it to them with a new bill of rights that includes freedom of movement & freedom of speech on all digital platforms as long as it's legal speech/content.

😡Curfews should only be applied to scum like Drakeford's own son👇😡 Not all men are rapist / killers.

Misrepresentation of what was said by the Sun. What a surprise.

these people are idiots. taking aside that they dont have common sense it is illegal to discriminate by gender. and it is illegal to do collective punishment.

It was a policeman who was charged🤔 so no male policemen out after 6pm?

They're testing the water to see how many of us still have bollocks.

Hold on, let’s not dismiss a 6pm curfew out of hand, providing women have to go out between 6 and 10pm. Perhaps we could have a pilot, say from 11 June to 11 July? UEFAEuro2021

Wtf Wise up ffs


Haha governments and there insistance on trying to take away men's rights,they lock us down and when we're not in lockdown,they'll try and place us on curfew... 😂🤣 What's next mandatory castration Although I think paedos and rapists should get that anyway !!!

Why not go the hole hog and make men wear ankle tags from the age of 16. Ridiculous idea.

I wonder, if that was the case, what level of an increase in domestic violence, both by men and women, would Drakeford consider acceptable ?

bull shit

Well that's one sure way not to get re-elected.

I see Harold Bishop has lost his mind again!

What about me, I’m a man. I’m scared too!

What if men want to identify as women after 6pm though, or gender neutral even, how ill they get around that?

WylieRachel Honestly! I think we’ve all slowly gone mad! Thankfully, twitter, the Green Party and Mark Drakeford don’t reflect the views of the real world 🤷‍♀️

WylieRachel Just Fridays?

Lockdowns have gone to his head.

I assume this won’t apply to trans men or Sam Smith who says he’s neither a he or a she. Will be interested to see the legislative definition of “man”.

I take my dog a walk at night dose this mean I've got to kill women if I'm out at that time never thought about it didn't realise how dangerous i am best tell my wife and 6 kids how scared they should be of men there all murders

It is men who need protection against those hot miniskirted, low cleavage women who prey on them at night.

So “judge not people by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their” underwear 🤷‍♂️🤪

What if a guy and a girl are together? Why not try the strategy of our politician ArvindKejriwal .. even day for girls odd for guys..

I self-declare as a woman - arrest me!

Labour becoming even more unelectable. Alienating half of voters for the possibility that one day, someone might, do something terrible. Did we curfew all Muslims because of Islamic terrorism? All children when james bugler was killed? All women because of Beverley Allitt? No

Not how I interpret the article, and the Baroness who mentioned it in HoL was being sarcastic in response to women being told to stay at home for their safety. There were a couple of MPs who said the idea should be taken seriously. Those MPs are fucking idiots.

DCBMEP How’s about keeping women in curfew for 12 hours a day, and men in curfew for the other 12 hours, for the sake of equality. Of course men & women best not live together either as murders take place in the Home. & what about the workplace, best not have them working together here

Well I see Scotland isn’t the only ones with a lunatic at the helm

He literally didn't say that at all, but what does anyone expect from a paper made by wankers for wankers?

What if you identify as a woman? But a woman that’s transitioned to male? Also what if you’ve been to jail for accidentally putting the guy that raped your sister in hospital for a few days? What if a woman rapes another woman?

Bunkers that is UKLabour for you

Two reasons in two days why devolution should be reversed, this and the Scottish hate crime Bill....

The man is a 5 Star lunatic who should be kept away from sharp implements

Bloody hell that’s ridiculous. We are now branding all men a threat .

Fake news! You should remove this! The FM has denied it and this fans the fire - and will only make the whole problem more divisive

You don't need curfews on men plus no court in the world would allow it, you need more police on the streets, its the same problem we have had for decades

According to this logic we have to Lock up all Muslims because some are terrorists and take everyone's driving licence away because all RTAs are committed by drivers That's how stupid this is.

DCBMEP What! You can’t treat millions of men as murderers because of the few who are. Start making our streets and communities safer again by getting rid of the paper laden police forces, get them out on the beat, out of cars/stations. Recruit enough to do the job & rid of “Fast Track”

Remember, referring back to the original House of Lords speech, that the Greens have previous. Caroline Lucas had the proposal to form an all female cabinet during Brexit. Greens are man-hating.

Ffs this is ridiculous

How the to vilify and alienate people. So all men are bad, and all women are good. Talk about sexism, but as it's about men and not women it's ok.

I think all politicians and 'spokespeople/persons' should withiut doubt be under curfew.Their viewpoints aired live between 3 and repeats and published in the Big Issue only. Freedom of speech,tick..absence of drivel,tick ..lots of peace and common sense, priceless.

Go on I fucking dare him

Welsh men getting ready to go out on a Saturday night

This nutter should be in the same cell as Nicola sturgeon

DCBMEP Inc train drivers?

This is a joke would they do it to women if a man had been jumped by one I think not don’t punish all men for the act of one asshole 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Men - just wear a dress and self identify as a woman - plod can’t touch you.

DCBMEP Which would result in the whole of the male population Of Wales becoming cross dressers Fecking Labour

It seems since open borders allow so many young males to arrive in U.K. the U.K. is now dangerous to women ? It is a little obvious

Should have started with his son

He’s a lunatic I do feel fit Wales

I did read this as 'Never miss a strange story again.' Who writes these headlines?

Ii think this is more about keeping the Retards in The Welsh Assembly having a sense of Security. They're just as bad as the Scottish Assembly, and BOTH Need To GO ! 😡🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Give women a curfew aswell I know a fair few what have cheated on a night out , worried get caught so cry rape. Innocent guy gets arrested and months of worry to then get no further action because the woman admits it 🤔 just a thought

Perhaps women could just carry guns? But only ones that could kill men? Maybe something that ignited alcohol fumes, or could explode their little brains if they were forced to multitask...shit this is too good an idea to share on Twitter...

That's fine but on my 2pm to 10pm shift he will have to pay me for my loss of earnings.....

Who would he get to patrol the streets to make sure men are not out after 6 pm? It can’t be men, so it will have to be women in jackboots with night stick.

It won’t be long before someone in the Labour Party suggests lets cancel all men from birth and just let’s the girls live.

Clearly “men” aren’t violent as a group - or Drakeford wouldn’t dare to even suggest this. Imagine how Drakeford would behave if men were generally dangerous & violent - such that a curfew were justified. He would speak to and about men in the gentlest and most cajoling terms

I might consider treason to the state then.

No govt would imprison an entire male population. Just as no govt would imprison as entire populace based on dodgy scientific ‘advice’.....oh wait 😳

At least the sheep would be safe ..

Men curfew...? not all men are nutters. Men also attack other men men. What a ridiculous idea. How about the UK employ more police and have more police on our streets at night for a good start!!

Wales should consider curfews for its politicians and lockdowns for businesses owned by politicians to make life great again!

Have you perhaps considered there are more law abiding men that would defend a woman rather than harm them? This is idiocy.

These people now believe instead if serving the public they Rule over won't end well .

You JOKIN' lol, remember that there are women who KILL as well, dear me!!!!!

Outright lunacy

Because gender discrimination is wrong! ermm.. Bit difficult to hold those 2 ideas in your head at the same time... unless you're as psychotic as the person who committed this murder in the first place

Not including BLM supporters or men who support the left obviously.

LOOOL this has to be some sort of 'headline word-play' for click-bait or retweets... there's NO WAY this can actually be for-real/serious....right?! ... PLease tell me im right?!?!?!?! SOMEBODY PLS!

This would backfire 🙃

Wales this is dumb.

I’m in Wales and this prat isn’t stopping me

More imprisonment of the innocent. This is where COVID lockdown has led us. Curfew is our New Normal.

Who is going to enforce this curfew

Men unite and defeat this madness. All sensible women invited.

Is he ever so slightly deranged ?

😂😂😂😂😂😂labour totally unelectable

CRAP !!!!

All these men, upset that a curfew is suggested which is pretty much a non-starter. This is exactly what women have to deal with every day - “don’t wear that”, “make sure you walk home with someone”, “don’t go out at night”, “don’t drink when out”. All because of some men.

The fact that it’s okay for a government to even discuss this type of invidious discrimination is alarming.

I'm loving this man. He's the ultimate idiot

What on fuckin earth is this

What a Load of CRAP.

Lol would fall apart in any court

That’s not fair.

Do they really think sexual deviants who are prepared to murder women are going to be put off by a poxy curfew?

MarkDrakeford Misleading headline..?

High percentage of the senior Labour leaders are mentally challenged.

Maybe Mark Drakeford needs to take a hard look at himself for once. This is after all the same man who raised a child who is now in prison for raping a woman!

DCBMEP Does this muppet actually think he could get away with it........Dare him to try😷🇬🇧

Should have done it before

ezralevant Why not mass castrations?

Repellent & disgusting. I cannot satisfactorily express the contempt I have, not only for the idea of a male curfew, but also for anyone who seriously espouses it.

Hmm. More excuses to make people stay at home.

Utter Bell-End !!

Gollum says everyone should avoid the light

CharleneFFreem1 Man? Nah mate, I'm an apache helicopter. Checkmate.

This will never happen! so shut up

can't wait till they try to explain the rise in woman on woman crime rates without bringing up the male curfew

Starting with Drakeford and family. Police better get ready for lots of overtime

Just claim it’s their identity.

Why is this freak in a position of power?

Right lads let’s all dress up as women 🤷‍♂️😂😂

10DowningStreet please make this madness stop

So with Police already stretched Drakeford & the Greens wud need military to impose a curfew on 535 of the population? Wow let that sink in. A fascist state is what they want & for how long? What about the 40% of domestic violence women cause? Happened to myself & several friends

ksprules no more night shifts for you then 😂😂😂😂.

Shouldve lost the war to that angry Austrian with a mustache. At the very least this wouldn't be a thing.

Well thats his son locked in his room then isnt it !!!

And that would be the end of Drakeford and his party in Wales

Bloody taffs are all buggers after 6 pints

Car crashes post-6pm 📈📈📈📈📈📈

I identify as someone called Brenda from 18.00 every evening 👍

Day one: men banned from leaving house at 6pm Day two: men select new gender to become a woman by choice Stick that up your woke arse...

No, The Sun !!! A Psycho Welsh politician 'would consider ' this nutjobbery. Ffs.

wales wlaeslockdown welsh welshgovernment take a long hard look at yourself and look at the hysteria you are creating! People of Wales are you serious this is the man you want to run your country? laughingstock

Headline literally says the opposite! Clickbait

What about the other 87 genders?

UigFae The wee Welsh arsehole won't give up his control over you leek munchers!

Wales. How far they’ve come.

Problem with the newspapers this is. The first part of the article is He clarified there is no intention of ever introducing a ban on men going out in the evening, just hours after leaving the door open to such 'dramatic action' if necessary.

This man is in charge of a country. Let that sink in for a minute

It’s not like the Sun to lie...

It only takes 1 perverted man to commit the atrocity

Parish councillor with to much power. Be afraid, very afraid my Welsh friends.

Why don’t they police the streets properly instead of coming up with stupid ideas

More police on the streets would be a start

Wales can suck my bollocks.

SNP MP: Suggests 6pm curfew for men worth considering. SNPOut


expose_gang Shame he didnt take that stance with his son who is currently in prison

Surely its the sheep 🐑 that should be worried in Wales?

Any country that would restrict the rights and liberties of one group over another on the basis of genes, doesn't deserve my committment & service

I guess the Muslims demanded that.

Who is this freak?

Absolutely laughable. Drakeford is deluded.

What if you’ve run out of bog roll and need an emergency stop at the local shop? 🤷‍♂️

lsrlinda Lock up the women and keep the men safe. They won’t leave me alone, I’m scared

Which mental hospital has this guy escaped from?

And ironically his Male son is in prison for 8 years as a sex offender

Thank fuck I'm not Welsh.

Since when were women allowed out of the kitchen 🤷‍♂️

OK, so from now on I want to be known as Stephanie cos I identify myself as a lady..

Absolutely off his fcking head...this lockdown is sending governments brains jnto overdrive thinking how else can we take the piss out of people. What happened to Sarah Everard is terrible but you can’t tar every man with the same brush

That should kill tourism!

More interesting is the government response quoted in the article 🤣🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

A lot of men feel unsafe too. Heaven forbid we should blame evil men, rather than all men.

What is happening to the devolved regions of this country?

If you just click on link. You will be able to read the title 'is not considering'

Lock us all up because of a few nasty evil idiots!!!

Do they not think these attacks also happen in the day

He should be sacked. It's time the public at large stopped excepting the amplification of the idiot ideas & unfounded accusations about this & many other stupid assertions concerning the UK & its culture. They simply aren't true. We should demand better people in public service

As a decent husband & father, I take no guilt for a filthy murdering bastard. Bring back the death penalty if you want a deterrent. If convicted without doubt? Hang him. DNA must always be corroborated with other evidence, motive, opportunity etc. Start with this evil killer.

People who keep voting for him are yet more insane.

The predator's dream... an abundance of complacent prey.

This is of course utter Bollox

Why not curfew the women. Then they'll be safe at home.

It's the sheep they need to protect, not the fine women of Wales.

WTAF Please no!


why not just tag every man in uk /ireland ,insist they attend conditioning classes to remove any nasty thoughts ,all men must be punished ,bad men ,the civil liberties lot will have field day ,

The amount of ppl which got absolutely done by the sun newspaper and this dreadful headline 🤣🤣🤣

The pictures tell all, next we will be apologising for being born

Parody... seriously!!

Who TF is this crank and why aren’t they taking their meds?

This is just bate for the left. Bate so we can all laugh at them when they decide it’s a good idea. Just enjoy the comedy 😆

🇬🇧 is crackers


That’s rich coming from a bloke who’s son I’d doing 8 years for being a nonce. hypocrisy

wouldn't valium be simpler?

This is Welsh Labour people. Vilifying 50% of the population. Imagine if Labour was in power in England 🙄

Easy just ignore the muppet

I have come to the conclusion- everyone in “power” is absolutely insane. I don’t know what else to think anymore!

Apropos of nothing, can I identify as female I order to take a late night trip out?

Drakeford is a lunatic.

Wales has streets ?


Labour controlled? Socialist state? ........

Yes 👍🏻

The world has gone totally mad !

How about the sheep 🐑🤣🤣🤣🤣

How about make r*pe charges life in prison

What Labour showing yet again why they are completely unelectable.

Why would u publish this misleading headline that does nothing but spread false narratives about what women want. Disgusting

Lol this makes me want to hide in a bush at 11pm near a footpath...

What happened to equal opportunity

Wales Men do need this to be fair... The 🐑 will be a lot happier..

Typical Sun twisting the response to a stupid question

Then you’d have to worry about the men dressed like women, right?

Not a fuckin chance what the fuck is wrong with these people they need fuckin help

This is just silly. Enforce the laws already on the books and increase police presence and give free self defense to women and girls and should be fine...

This man is disgusting please open the Bingos so he can get back to normal

So who's gonna enforce it. There aren't many female coppers and this has been suggested because of what a male copper did.

Ffs, what next? Shutting job centres to stop panic attacks for Scousers 🤔

Great idea.......domestic abuse rises 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🙄🙄

I suspect mr Drakeford simply likes the idea of controlling via other methodologies .. followed by .. it’s unfair for just men so I’ve included women in the curfew to make it fair... a divisive person if ever there was one !


Yeah I’m sure men with the kind of morals that they would rape women would definitely respect a fucking curfew.

I’m a woman and I want to feel safe don’t get me wrong but Jesus Christ this is not the way

Is he actually on crack?

Why didn't they do that for the sheep? 🤔🤫😂


Wasn’t his son a rapist?

Because someone willing to rape/kill/abuse is going be worried about a curfew.

Sheep will be happy too.


Don't worry drakford. Your son is locked up. They will be fine

I’d like to see you keep me in after the past year !

Let’s start looking at all the different cultures first as it’s clear that whilst some are respectful many are not and just abuse woman 24/7 but it goes unchallenged.

Phoebejoy1611 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 heard it all now

Phoebejoy1611 Wales is ‘not considering’ curfews for men insists Mark Drakeford – after suggesting they could be used in a ‘crisis’ Nick GutteridgeNatasha Clark 12 Mar 2021, 8:25Updated: 12 Mar 2021, 15:29

6 pm curfews for women or is that sexist 🤔

Hof time in rugby union...rite lads see ye the mora..

It's The Sun so.. Take it with a whole fucking shaker of salt, but wow.

World's gone crazy 🤪

Love it men work day shifts and women do nights 🤣

I would go to Wales to walk the streets after 6pm on principle alone if this were the case. Fucking ridiculous.

😂😂😂..What utter BOLLOX..Curfews for gender will NEVER HAPPEN..Certainly not on PLANET EARTH..Whoever is suggesting a gender curfew need to check themselves in for some SERIOUS MENTAL HELP..Wake the FCUK up PPL..

Yet his son has been arrested previously for sexual assault


I can think of one man who needs locking up for the safety of the people in Wales.

Here we go again It’s waaay past Mark Drakefords bed time, he needs to go home Does he think he’s running the local Boy Scouts over there?

Who voted this this prat?

Looney Tunes


Seriously? Are they also going to stop muslims going into busy places incase they have a suicide vest on? Or ban anyone with German ancestry because of the nazi's? Blaming ALL men because of the actions of a few scumbags is a dangerous route to take. PoliticiansAreClueless

Click on the link and you get

Fake fuxking news

Absolutely ridiculous. And I thought the theSNP new stupid hate law was ridiculous. What an absolute nonsense. Curfew for men because of one evil man

Women in Wales will be OK now Drakefords rapist son is in prison.

The irony here is that women wouldn't be safer with a curfew, utter moron. The cunts willing to do harm to women aren't going to obey curfew. It would be like xmas for them. All women on the streets and no men.

It’s not April 1st is it?

The 🐑 in Wales will welcome this no doubt😂😂

pity he didn't keep his son in after six

Suggest 'Dickford' looks closer to home given his son is inside for rape!

Just read that Mark Drakeford’s son Johnathon was imprisoned for 8yrs for rape in 2018. Wonder if that was why he was thinking that the 6pm curfew for men should come in 🙄

just get rid of ghetto gang culture and everything will be ok

Potential legislation for the fools and minority of headbangers. As usual ....... “Laws are for the control of the fool and the guidance of wise people” 👍🙏

This is the bat crazy thinking that politicians who have discovered that they can lock the population in their homes will come up with. Once a Government has a power they can’t resist the temptation to wield that power more and more.

How are they going to enforce that? It’s discrimination and it’s fucking stupid.

That’s madness!!!!!

Wow way to miss the point. It was absurd on PURPOSE to show how ridiculous it is to tell women well just don't go jogging, don't walk alone, don't wear X


Remember the Two Ronnies skit called The Worm That Turned. Say no more.🤣🤣

and sheep

The world is going backwards!! Millions of years the human race has dealt with all sorts of shit, but the present day has got to be the most fucked up!!

Should curfew himself, and in retrospect he should of curfewed his son

complete bullshit. he's said they will not be doing it or considering it...fucking sun chatting shit again

Yep! He’s insane

That is rediculous and not needed 🙄🙄

I'm sure all the domestic violence victims, 99% of violence against women, will thank him. As will gay men in abusive situations

men kaka😂

Just F U C K O F F you insane T W A T

Fuck the women what about the poor sheep

Are you allowed to self identify?

Bull sh*t

Why are people so gullible believing this dross

This is not going to end well, labelling all males as potential rapists or murderers is a step too far for most normal people.

Who voted for this cock

So no male police officers, ambulance, taxi, delivery drivers allowed out after 6pm. Will this include All medical staff and when lockdown is over all hospitality staff!!! Another bonkers policy from bonkers politicians

What if I identify as a woman

Men will just identify as women to get round this

Very funny

Worlds going mad folks, beware

The world is going mad

well bloody stupid /// convict the many cause of the few

So basically the only men out on the streets will be the predators who obviously care little for law

Go away and give your head a wobble.

So all male NHS etc are they to loose the jobs. Totally stupid idea.

Cars knock people over, ban them. People die under trains, ban them. I tripped up a pavement once, ban all pavements. As absolutely terrible as it is, a disgusting man murders a female, curfew all males. See a pattern of silliness forming here?

Atleast the sheep would be safer too!

Curfew based on an immutable characteristic? Clearly sexist and illegal under British law. Surely there must be a better way to make our streets safer, or has it really come to condemning half the population not on the content of their character but the sex they were born with?

Stick on a dress. Problem solved. No one will question that.


Please do this... I need an excuse to not go out

Let's make it at weekends aswell. Starting this week. Dont want to miss any of the six nations rugby.

One thing your missing he don’t have the authority law and order is not a devolved issue. He only got away with this as health is devolved

innocent welsh NEET racism

Wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣

fmwales has today totally lost the plot, his comrade stalinistic colours have shown through

we know your newspaper is full of lies & crap & that you only print what murdoch will let you, because you don't have your own balls, so here's the truth

F**king Wales🤦‍♂️

Men like his son?

Wales... How the fcuk did you end up with this dipsh1t in charge and telling you where & when you can have a haircut and even utter curfews for men Sort it out ffs.

🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Like that would work


Safer option would be to curfew male police officers

I wonder why? 🤔

Right yae are Harold I’d feel safer if you went back to writing episodes of Neighbours


Lets go one step further and only curfew white males between the age of 20 and 60 because that's the average demographic of the person doing these types of attacks. Makes sense to me.


So there will be females queuing up to do overnight deliveries, up before dawn to deliver mail and collect rubbish? Take on all the secularity jobs? Taxi drivers? Paramedics? Police? Doctors? Newsreaders? Nightclubs? I could go on.

As a mum of 3 sons if this is true I’d be absolutely raging mad that they could be forced into something like that because they are boys!! Do not judge all by ones actions !


Women police officers doing 14 hour shifts then. Dont be stupid you can't discriminate in a wild manner.

I’ll stay in After 6pm you go get the shopping I’ll watch the tele

I feel safer if the media was not stirring the pot🤔can we put them under curfew

Is it true his own son is a rapist?

Lool yea ok 🖕🏻

From the same Govt - For 20 years we’ve pretended we know what we’re doing on the economy–the truth is we don’t really know what we’re doing on the economy.Nobody knows what they’re doing on the economy.Everybody is making it up as we go along–and let’s just be honest about that.

Some fool in the House of Lords makes a statement about a men’s curfew and bang every single lunatic jumps on the bandwagon. We are slowly heading into the abyss

How about a curfew on police officers given who the culprit was?

Ur avin a Laugh right

I wondered what paul McCartney was up to these days

Instead of dealing with the problems that have resulted in women not feeling safe,failures in policing/criminal justice system,open door immigration policies, people arriving on beaches and disappearing into the night, let's lock up all men, defo idiots in charge,we're doomed.

Drakeson is an idiot but he says it is not something he is considering at all. These SNP morons think it is a great idea, what a shocker. The fact they are facing multiple work placed sexual harassment claims seems to have passed them by!!!

Err no Wales wouldn't..

Perhaps Wales simply needs fewer Drakefords.

Thats sexist

This has gone to far. Men, grown men who work their arse ofd all week and are model citizens need to be home at a certain time. Fuck off.

Bit early for April fools 😀

So can’t drop off or pick up my kids (to keep them safe) Resign from my job that requires shift work Impact the economy as no men shopping after hours Sure this is wise? A blanket reaction?

Is this clown due for retirement? Him and sturgeon, two peas in a pod.

Goodnight Vienna.


2021 Everyone

Breach of equality laws and probably human rights too.

This man must be a secret Tory. No sane politician would promote this

For hells sake get real.

Yep. Start with the men that like to go 💥

You MUST be joking... not a chance in this lifetime mate... 👎

Life under Labour

You say in your article that he isn't introducing a curfew or even considering it, so why the headline? Delete this you sham of a newspaper

Get in the bin. Madness.

I think our Welsh abs Scottish brothers have been gelded. Time to fight the power?

How about a 24hr curfew every day on Drakeford?

Time to dissolve the Welsh assembly or take away some of the powers they have they are becoming tinpots and don’t even start me on the Scottish version

Why does the first line of your story then say ‘WOULD NOT CONSIDER CURFEWS’? Click bait and poor journalism as usual.

And exactly who would ‘police ‘ said curfew 🤔🤷‍♂️

ghost_wales you seen this?


Imagine your daughter or wife getting attacked because they had to walk home because you weren’t allowed out the house to pick them up because it was 1900 🤦🏼‍♂️

Good idea yeh....

Shame. He would be happy to impose a curfew on all men, but didnt think to educate his own son on how raping young girls is disgusting and wrong.

That includes black men, Muslim men, trans men, and gay men, right?

Isn't his son a convicted rapist? He should have told that fucker to be in by 6pm!!

How stupid

This man's a fool

Some times I question what’s the point anymore. Wish you could just go into a deep sleep and never wake in the morning. Different day same shit...

Open the story and it literally says the exact opposite 😂 click bait wankers

Coming from a man who’s raised a rapist? Ok

You will also take the Good Samaritan off the streets as well.

I'm sorry, but if someone is attacking me, I'd much prefer a bloke come to my rescue with his size 9s than a woman with her handbag and selfie stick

this is fucking ridiculous !!

Loonie left are off on one again. How about Labour stop pushing the human rights of criminals and allow for punishments which will fit the crime.

colg73 FFS. Is that twt for real.

great shout

Well done Wales. You were determined not to be out done by Scotland in the 'who has the most stupid leader' competition.'

The bankruptcy, lunacy and unadulterated stupidity of our current political class. Curfews for men!!!

This a joke Are woman not dangerous? So they not touch people?

Covid induced brain fog!

As a policeman has been arrested shouldn't the curfew only apply to policemen?

One of the worst things about Covid and lockdown is that we have now heard of Drakeford. It’s given them a platform they never had before.

This is madness....fmwales is an egomaniac and needs to b stopped!

But that’s nuts - watch mass exodus of men from Wales!

Stop the world I want to get off! (As long as it’s before 6pm)

Time for all the Welsh men to identify themselves as women 😂😂😂

Is this the new Max Boyce?

This really cannot be real

The chickens have come home to roost for him as we all know about his lovely son

Well that’s demonstrably insane so no doubt it will happen.

No_Bikers bangwagon

No_Bikers 🥴

How about a curfew on devolution? Better still, the complete abolition of the Welsh and Scottish 'parliaments'? These two useless bureaucratic troughs make a mockery of democracy, as displayed admirably by Drayford and Sturgeon.

His son must be due out..

Out of contex, you media are the problem...

That's one way to make normal men turn angry and resentful of women

That’s easy to fix, we will just have everyone identifying as woman then, these morons don’t actually have a clue about the real world seriously🙄

I reckon if you're fixed on raping someone, you're not going to be particularly worried about a curfew

If this was introduced Drakeford would be lynched 😂

Hes barking

Lost the plot.

We have allowed curfews over Covid. Now these power hungry commies have a taste of tyranny they will try and impose restrictions for anything they can. I have begrudgingly complied with the scamdemic. This I will openly disobey. Don't let them get away with it.

So only women coppers/firefighters/nurses/doctors can work the late shifts? Not very fair.

Omg that is ridiculous! Surely that’s discrimination?

And his plan to make this work is....?


Arrest me then. I will not be leaving my daughter to make her own way home dark.

Fgs what the hell is wrong with people

The loons truly have taken over

He is ridiculous

This is about particular case. Imagine if our government put out a warning 20 years ago about Pakistani men. Support PATRIOTIC ALTERNATIVE & it will support you 👉

So to stop all the shootings and stabbings by gangs are they going to suggest a curfew on black lads.

No problem. Just identify as a woman. You can’t have that questioned because that would be a hate crime and you can’t be arrested for being a biological male if you say you’re a woman. That’s the loony world we live in.


You could just identify as a woman, since that's all it takes now, apparently.

On the same basis that ALL Policemen are banned from dealing with the public !

Can we have equal rights then? A 6pm curfew for women too.

The guys a genius .........

Here's a thought, the Dick's that do this type of crime will then be at home more, wouldn't domestic abuse and murders go up.🙄.

Good fucking luck with that!looneyleft

Sheep shagging bastard

How ridiculous

Will there be exceptions or will it be clear across the board?


Would it be legal?

If a Welshman visits Murrayfield and punches someone, can we lock up fmwales and all other Welsh men? Is collective guilt the new normal? If so, we’d better cancel all flights from Germany!

Guilty conscience maybe?

Honestly what the hell world are we living in 🙈🙈🙈

What a fucking wally

Self identify as a woman then

This is appalling

Women only on the streets, a field day for sex offenders.

Can the fucking Muslims take over Britain already and put up some sharia already this is embarrassing

Why stop there. Let's ban the male ethnic group with the highest murder rate from the country all together - still loving the idea Labour?

I hope no men in Wales vote for him.

Covid, real and unpleasant as it is, has been manipulated by those in power for control over people. Sounds like that poor lass' death is the next tool they'll use, if this is true.

Who obeys curfews, laws and even guidelines.... that's right folks, once it hits 6 pm (tbd) the would be robber or rapist will no longer be on the stree…….. hang on. Yes that's right, these idiots haven't got the thought process to figure out taking all the good men away is bad

🎶'We'll keep a welcome In the Hillside We'll keep a welcome In the Vales We'll lock you down under a curfew If you're a man In Drakeford's Wales!'🎶😂😂😂 IdiotInChief

BorisJohnson, Please just shut the devolved administrations down ffs.

He obviously hasn't seen these figures, the man is a lunatic, he now denies saying it, so a liar as well!

Sadly not even this will remove Drakeford from office in the upcoming elections


This so called man Drakeford looks like an idiot and is behaving like one. The Welsh people who voted for him tells you a lot about them.

Wtf! Wouldn't have that problem if you kept your guns

The granny from hell

he is only unhappy as he has been banned from pubs

What if every man in Wales identified as a woman every evening. That would stuff this bloody silly plan wouldn't it? Turn the woke agenda back on the wokerati and hoist them with their own paetard

Much more men are victims of crime, especially violent crime, than women. This type of sexist gender-apartheid only further demonises men and contributes to the mental health and suicide epidemic amongst men and boys. MasculinityIsBeautiful NothingToBeAshamedOf

So what about the taxi drivers/friends/family members who regularly pick up female friends/relatives to keep them safe I have long suspected that this bloke is an arse, but now I know for sure.

I’m sure there’s a thing called the human rights act 🤔 never going to happen a stupid comment made

Killing Wales's tourist trade dead on the spot.

We need more education , knife crime gang culture porn sites. We have been all let down on this. Young lads as well as girls need protecting. Respect tolerance and kindness where are these today !MayorofLondon pritipatel piersmorgan BorisJohnson

I can't believe this guy is in charge of Wales, I really can't 😂

The peer who originally suggested this was only doing so rhetorically - she says anyway - and every other commentator I’ve seen has highlighted that it’s nuts. But it goes to show what you can get away with saying about men nowadays and have it given semi serious consideration!

Lock this fool up. SaveWales

ezralevant This is great news them women will have to buy thier own drinks after 6 o clock 👍

Ambulance drivers, paramedics, firemen, policemen,, taxi drivers, bus drivers, train drivers, tube drivers....there would be so many exemptions to make it unworkable.

Adolf is supporting this idea!

What the fucking fuck 😲

Easy to avoid. If the police try to nick you, just say you identify as a woman and tell them to suck your lady cock

Would curfew for men include for gay men as well, so as to keep women safer on streets from being sexually harassed? It wouldn't make sense, does it?

Sod the women, what about the poor sheep?

Drakefords a fucking monghole

I’ve never heard so much Cr-p!! It’s full on discrimination & demonisation of men. If I had a son I’d be really worried for their future with all the male hating that’s growing

There needs to be a permanent curfew imposed on the Welsh 1st minister

He wants to protect women from people like his son

PaulaBrexiteer i did consider a holiday in Wales but changed my mind due to this idiot. God only knows what stupid thing he will suddenly come up with. How the hell he got where he did I do not know.

We truly are living in Clown World. HE is the only one needs to be under a curfew.

And his son?

Who voted this guy into office? He’s lost his mind I’m convinced.

Does this mean no 8pm football kick offs then?

Is this to try and keep his son out of 'trouble' when he gets released?

Mr Drakeford insisted: 'We are not introducing a curfew for men in Wales – or even considering it. This is misleading and deliberately misses the real issue. 'It’s a sad distraction when what’s needed is a proper discussion about women’s safety and why a woman is killed every

What the actual hell on earth is going on!!!

You about to see many transgender women on those streets

Who is going to enforce this curfew? Isn’t this discussion on the table because of a cop going bad?

They’ll have to lock us up first. Oh, wait a minute!

Report this tweet immediately!

What's happening lately? So many stupid fucking ideas.

Unbelievable - from Drakeford. 😳 ‘A senior politician's son assaulted a vulnerable woman by hitting her repeatedly with a leather spanking paddle leaving her covered in bruises before raping her’.

Ridiculous stupidity

Disingenuous headline, the FM made a tweet today ruling out any male-only curfew in Wales, please Sun do better than this.

If only we had a Conservative government with a huge majority that would stop all this fuckery

ezralevant Where are these immigrants from?

No problem, we just need to say we identify as women, this world is totally fucked though isnt it, bring on the aliens or the comet or something.

Call me skeptic, but I don’t think somebody who thinks it’s alright to murder or sexually assault women is going to stick to a curfew.

People call Boris 🇬🇧 .... then I look at the Scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and Welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 leaders and I breathe a sigh of relief

So all men are rapists and murderers? What the actual fuck

So there are 2 things that will happen here 1. Men who want to be out for nefarious reasons will identify as women 2. Law abiding men will obey the curfew, leaving the streets to the perverts and making them less safe for women.

This is where the lockdown insanity naturally ends. A culture that would have communist dictators purring in their graves

Yea impossible to police. All that will happen is men as soon as this would happen would take to the streets. How would you stop it. Police aren’t they’ve gone soft and would get steamrolled over and the military don’t care for shit like this so I’m guessing you’ll employ pantifa

How about a curfew for all Muslims, who according to this logic must be all terrorists?

Not the Sun with a misleading Twitter headline yet again. Evident how many people haven't read the article though.

What a clown world 🤡🤡🤡

Then we get this and next thing you know. 'Why do women need to go out after curfew? What are they up to? Crime, obviously - Curfew MUST include all non-approved persons to keep the streets safe! (And the NHS, environment and minorities and whatever else you need)

999 call, I'd like to report my missing daughter, sorry I wish we could help but we are a little stretched at the moment it's after 6pm. Couldn't you organise your neighbour's for a search,but remember they must be women. Take care.🤣

Fuck off 😂

Not exactly helpful to make this the discussion is it? Just a distraction.

The world is becoming insane. Where is all this madness coming from? Aliens must have taken over without us noticing.

Think it ridiculous so suggest a curfew for men! Not all men a predators. We shouldn't tar all men with the same brush because of what has happened. Nothing like spreading fear

Look at him. Enough said.

He really isn’t the sharpest penny is he... Wow... Great pension though..

Must run in the family.

ezralevant 😂😂😂

Isn't his son a registered sex offender? Maybe it's time to teach our sons not to attack & rape women.

That's totalitarian idiocy.

Drakeford has finally lost his teeny tiny mind

Tyranny!! Just give then 20yrs at least for rape and murder not 6 for good behaviour bring back youth centres and stop closing motocross tracks !

But why would women come out, if men are going to be sequestered? Such loonies!!

What about women that kill and some do. What about all the good men out there.

No this is wrong! Noone needs to be on curfew everyone needs educating!! Stop tarnishing all men as rapists/murderers/sex offenders or anything else unfair

Would that include policemen? Oh......

Oooh really, I'm a male but if anyone can be gender fluid then after 6 I'll identify as a female thanks.

Coming to a country near you soon: Good News - Pubs are open, lockdown is over. Bad News - Men are banned from going out after 6

Wonder what he might do to men identify as women or indeed women identify as men or perhaps all those who might still be making their mind up 🤣🤣🤣🤣

He's lost the plot this lad.

In his personal case given his sons acts against women and children its possible he is over reacting due to that. We know its an over reaction but you probably think that way more so if your own son is in prison for committing those crimes.

Watch as the Human Rights Lawyers are about to bankrupt Wales. 🤣🤣 Time to end devolution, it is a failed experiment whereby those who would fail to get a job as a Councillor are given absolute power to ruin countries.

Before March 2020 I’d have dismissed this as off the scale lunacy that would never happen...

expose_gang Devolution obviously isn’t working. Boris Johnson.

What a croc of shit

That quote does not reflect what he actually said

What about butch lesbians who target women? Does it apply to them/her/she?

Curfew for men In 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 sounds like a plan shame it hadn’t come earlier 😉

FFS 🙄🙄🙄

Of course they would!

How do these people get through the day, as not one of them seem to have a brain between them.

Wouldn’t it be much more sensible to talk about: - Policing at the right time of day. - Investment in “call out for help” phone apps - Increased CCTV - Investment in safe transport services - Education programs As a leader he needs to make sensible, workable, proposals.

Nationalist Governments. What a joy they all are.

Me when I get caught driving home from work for the 250th time in a year

Sheep will feel a lot safer too aye

Power has gone to this man’s head he really is deranged. I am Welsh and can’t believe we have to put up with him.

What a crock

Socialism right there.....China comes to mind

But that is sex discrimination against men

If women wanna feel safer from men after 6pm then the answer is simple ! Women should not be allowed out after 6pm

Utter madness to even say maybe 😫

It’s the sheep that need to feel safe in Wales

Said the father of a Rapist!

What lefty loonies are we dealing with here ?

I think this head line is very disingenuous. I think he is a tool but he was speaking about an extreme hypothetical situation.

There use to be an old phrase that says a womans place is in the kitchen , maybe this is true if all they know is how to be domineering

🤣🤣🤣 good luck with that one🤣🤣🤣, May elections coming to a place near you


To me, this nonsense looks like a Main Stream Media & Political Establishment side show distraction, designed to stop us thinking about the fact that we've ALL been under house arrest for months! Eye on the prize people, vote these clowns out! ReformUK


Ffs do one you idiot

Why? To keep them safe from people like your SON Drakeford?

How dare they tar every Male with the same brush as this character who really in the position he was would've been ONE male a female would've looked to for safety. Who the hell are these dimwits going to get to enforce male curfews.. The Police? That'll work then cos he was one.

Is he for real I’m sorry as a woman I think this is a joke so are we going to tar every man with the same brush sorry my husband,my dad,father in law, son are lovely ppl wouldn’t hurt a soul 🤷‍♀️awful what’s happened but this is a free world discrimination against all men 🙄😡

Ridiculous! Obviously they should just make men wear trackable ankle bracelets after dark. Much more sensible & measured. 🙄

There's never going to be any sensible dialogue on this is there Fucks sake

So, all men have to do is to identify themselves as women. Problem solved.

Get a grip‼️‼️

Would it be enough to say I identify as a woman to be exempted from such a curfew?

Putting men on a curfew will not make women safer 🙄

so who will fix yer plumbing if it breakes at night?

Has this guy ever heard of a tanning bed if he isnt going to get any sun...dark mode ain't stopping that

Good man fmwales , nobody wants to see those creepy fuckers like JoshBur03974613 roaming the streets after dark. Gives me the willies just thinking about it.

Buying a kettle after 600pm in Colwyn Bay, with Adams apple on show. 'Sucks in air through clenched teeth'

I hope Drakeford is a fast runner, he’s gonna need to be.

expose_gang He obviously doesn’t think much of the men in his family or has he come to that conclusion on the way he thinks about women

The sheep would be safer too.

I wonder how they would define 'men'. 🤔

He should of done it for his son! At least he will be voted out soon! Get Dickford out!

Guy is an authoritative Nazi.

I’d like to see him or any UK government try!

What if I decided to be a woman for that night. I’ll be offended if i am treated or addressed as a male if stopped. Over to you.....

Good I had that thought first

OFFS this has to be a joke

Will all Muslims be put under a curfew after the next Islamist terror attack?

Yeah right, idiot

I think even he agrees, he’s a tit. Er, chesticle.

His own son is a rapest and a pedo could not make it up 🤣

Shame dripford didn’t think about it before this happened 🤡

Could be me being naive, but I imagine rapists/murderers are less likely than most to pay attention to curfews. Which would leave no decent men around to potentially step in and be able to rescue a woman in need.

Men are scarirer in Wales Are men in Wales wild and monstrous?

Only Hwhite men, surely? Anything else would be problematic.

My big ass will identify as a women and if you discriminate I will sue

This is when men start wearing frocks and start calling themselves Kirsty and Glenda.

Just leaving this here....

RoundLike I presume this is a joke.

FFS I always thought that bloke looked like a nutter 😂


fmwales you should have swerved it completely. Just because you made one.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

WTF is happening to this world.

But who will entertain the sheep?


InvictaRegina Can England v Wales rugby matches kick off at 19:00 from now on then please?


Isn’t that sexual discrimination

He didn’t actually say that. Pretty clear in the video that words were being put into his mouth and he tried to diplomatically avoid a conclusive answer. twisting the truth as always and manipulating the gullible to create division.

No it wouldn't, fake news

I am desperate. Used to do IQ-tests. People like Mr D destroy results based on yearly collected data - decades of work are proven worthless by these people who make it necessary to re-calibrate IQ tests at a new mean of 75, just to keep them in the distribution.

phl43 BDSixsmith i can log off for today 😂

Given that it was a police officer who shoulda been protecting everyone, is potentially the beast out there slaughtering people.

Wales omg what about non nasty people and what about family times what you expect mental to do work eat fart . Ludicrous. I meant what a knob.

Is this guy real?

Why are people voting for this madman?

and the irony of his son being a convicted rapist.

Why not have this “walking the street hours” 7 to 8 - men only 8 to 9 - women only 10 to 11 -transgender 12 to 1 - Lesbian 1 to 2 - gay men I’m sure it will work 🤷‍♂️

fmwales is patently not well. Alzheimer’s or just self loathing projected on to others? The idea we judge any group by the lowest form life within the group is crazy. And...let’s not forget that police would be excluded. And what job did the last murderer do?

Shame he didn’t impose these restrictions on his own flesh and blood

Men Start with police officers for a start

Seriously how far you gonna take things... Sorry love we can't go out this evening for a nice meal together because I got to stay in because of the new curfew law... Teaching the young people of today the correct attitude and harsher punishment for any people... Sensible ideas

Why couldn't he just say no its a totally insane idea. And that's being charitable.

To be fair he does have first hand experience of this with his convicted rapist son. However, that does mean that all men are rapists.

Is this guy for real.

If we punish all men we are just increasing the problem

I believe this what they call been a populist, can we just calm down and look at the real issue here

What a shock, it started if with locking us up to keep is safe from covid for own safety now the silly bastards think they can stop rape by putting in a curfew for men. Because all rapists and murderers are so considerate of the law they wouldnt think of breaking a curfew.

This is ridiculous

So when I read this it tells me All Men are Rapists!!!!! Think not.....

Omg this ideas actually getting legs


Who's going to police it! Police Women or Men?

Does he mean men like his son? Asking for his victims?

Dripfords going full dictator.

I cannot wait for the day when Johnson, Sturgeon, Foster and Drakeford are flounced out of office and subject to criminal proceedings for human rights abuse. It’s so bad I can almost taste it. Cannot come soon enough

And sheep

Absolutely ridiculous. Stupid person

It’s the sheep 🐑 I worry for.

Start with his own son

I suppose murderers stick to curfews...(!) What nonsense.

Not much point in (most) girls going clubbing then.

Just shoot every man in wales... including yourself MarkDrakeford

A click bait headline if I ever did see one.

Best place for MarkDrakeford is in an asylum.

😂😂😂 Wales wake the F up.

The sheep will be relieved.

Does that mean that the nasty men who break this curfew would only be arrested by a female police officer...can see how that would go.

This is as sane as saying 'there should be a curfew for women so that they don't put temptation in the way of men', and they wonder why it is so difficult to get the public to engaged with politics.


TBF he isn't supporting the idea he is just saying it can't be entirely ruled out as a temporary measure in all situations. No point getting mad about that when the whole population has been under some sort of curfew for most of the last year!

inversebrah Britttts

Thoughts on this captain? bootlegger1974

This man is a dangerous lunatic. Another one whose power has gone to his head during the scamdemic

OMG - thought this was April fool - thank goodness I don’t live in Wales


Define 'men'.

Don’t go far enough. All men must be placed in safety eggs when interacting outside. The egg will be remotely locked from outside and made from high end ballistic proof materials. The egg can be remotely disabled at any time.

Clearly deluded.

I’m identifying as a big muscular woman and the tackle in my trousers im calling a inside out vagina. Now where are the women’s changing rooms

C unt

So all men are being tarred as rapists and murders ? This is absolute madness. I agree, more needs to be done for public safety but punishing all males because of the actions of a minority is not the right path.

His son is in prison for Rape. Couldn’t make this up

Clearly the sort of men that harass women would unfailingly observe a curfew...

I see the loonies are now running the asylum.. I posted a similar comment on a thread yesterday. Punish all for the actions of the few. We had a saying in the forces thumb in bum mind in neutral.. engage gear is advisable .

So my girls should walk home alone at 9pm because I'm on lockdown?

Blokes in Wales after 6pm...

Probably be best if he wasn’t seen or heard and stayed at home

The sheep need protection as well

I wish they would.

so a sex offender just dresses as a woman and goes out!

Making people feel safe starts by: 1) stopping the fear media 2) removing laws banning social contact These 2 things are whats destroying peoples mental state

Fuck me - is it April Fools Day already?


Across the Welsh countryside you can hear the sheep breathe a collective sigh of relief

TybrynM I heard Jenny Jones on talkRADIO admit she made the initial comment just to spark controversy but lo and behold here comes Mark Drakeford being so utterly dense to believe it as a credible policy. Thick as mince.

Drakeford should talk to his son who is a rapist rather than projecting on society.

TybrynM A new pandemic with curfews for men?

Luckily, we are free to identify as wahmen from 6pm to 6am.

Some next level batshit

Which would result in every right minded man to taking to the streets. Can the left get anymore insane?

This is all getting fkin stupid now

He should have simply worried about keeping his son indoors.

This is a manufactured story line to see what these cunts can get away with in their game of control!

What’s he doing to make the sheep feel safer?

What about we only allow men outside when accompanied by a woman or with the woman's permission just like Saudia Arabia ! .. oh .. wait . Ah that's why .

We are definately going down the 'stark raving bonkers' route

This would be hilarious. Go on Wales. Try it

Surely illegal under equality legislation?

If anyone’s wondering who can’t be bothered to find out what he said, that’s nearly as far away from what he said as possible.

So it will be like woman’s night then. Are the police officers and paramedic women too. That’s like opening a can of worms.

Isn't it about time this shit-show of a devolved Parliament was shut down?!

So you would restrict a dad going out to collect his daughter from an evening event ?

It will be about implementing a 6pm curfew for everyone, not just men. Nothing to do with making women feel safer. So obvious, so sinister.

Ridiculous! As a woman, I would not want this imposed on men. You can’t tar them all with the same brush!

while there is no doubt that drakeford is a lunatic...spare a thought for the lunatics who voted for him....👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Is this man fuckin real .

Reactionary populism of the worst type.

Me: plays the non binary card You:

So not all muslims are terrorists but every man is a sexual predator, riiiiiiiight good one🤡🌍

Sure let’s take away basic rights and become Communist.

Wtf ?

Surely if you are a despicable male offender you’d try and disguise yourself as a female and carry out your crimes. With no other men out then you’ll certainly have less opposition and more opportunities

This would of course include the First Minister? Or would there be a special exception...?

I blame the parents myself....

Pearci90 imagine 🤣


Wtf? Are this people braindead or what?

Whilst telling us gender is no longer binary & we're free to identify as any gender we like.

If women are but children they shouldn't be allowed the vote.

Oh dear, just as you thought lockdown might be coming to an end. These people are power crazy, any excuse to stop anybody living, they'll jump at it. 😂

Just as Wales house prices where rising XD

What bollocks.

What are you fucking joking I’ve been on curfew for 12 pissing months this will cause absolute uproar

Fucking hell 😂 seriously who voted for these guys man complete fruitloop

The woke won't know how inane their nonsense is until they learn the hard way. Have Wales be the guinea pig, lock all men up, let women roam where they like (rapists, murderers, vandals, robbers will all be out still and with fewer men to help protect vulnerable but never mind).

For Gods sake!!!! this getting like a live action Black Mirror episode now.

I hope the politicians try this all over the UK. The street parties in defiance of it would be immense.


MattyJBurton Dannyhart91

When I saw this tweet, I thought it was a parody account! We need to get this pr1ck out of office in May.

😂😂😂 What happens after 6pm if a Spider gets into the house, who you gonna call?

Convenient for him that didn't consider this when his son was jailed for rape.

The curfew need only apply to men like Jonathan Drakeford.

What the fuck is happening to the world


DrTEB Of course they would. Communist state.

dumbest thing I have heard in a long time

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

It's a joke, isn't it? Please tell me they do not mean this. What happened is terrible tragedy, but this and the fact that someone even came with this idea is horrendous .

SNP will surely follow suit on this idea shortly.

oh jesus christ, the Sun....CORRUPT TO THE CORE!!!!

lsrlinda Oh the Sun loving stirring up shit again

Yes murderers and rapists would obey that wouldn’t ffs 🤪

Oh for fucks sake, have a bloody off Drakeford 🙄

Isn't Wales in enough trouble already without taking up more loony left ideas that are completely unworkable?

simplysimontfa Wales has become a parody.

What a fucking stupid idea!! What planet are these people on.

Absolute bullshit

Why not go the whole hog and place a shock collar on all men? Women then can give any bloke an electric shock if they don’t like the look of him.

Won't work because 1 because things like this have happened in broad daylight. 2 an officer did this someone who was meant to protect 3 not all men are like that. 4 it's not just men that would do this... 5 domestic violence doesn't discriminant

Is this a joke?

Why not lock us up have you seen the state of women on the pop come on

OFFS not all men are like that 😡

Budweiser shares will drop if Welshmen are grounded.

The world has gone mad MarkDice

Wow hope he realises that his job out the window 🪟 ffs what kind of idiot would publicly say that 🤔 no doubt Hitler sturgeon will be the first to bring this in 🤔 discrimination all over it 😱😱😱


Drakeford in charge nosurprise

Just why? Less people on the street will just make it easier for rapists surely?

This is like living in some disturbing nightmare only my eyes are open

then men can simply choose to not identify as male when staggering out of the pubs! I appreciate safety is a real concern but this is absurd, bring back capital punishment, job done👏

What has this world come to 🤡

Hope he’s got a decent solicitor cus if he passes that he’ll need it

This is all you need to know about the basket case that is UKLabour

So no Male doctors or paramedics, firemen ,policemen would be allowed out after 6pm 😄

Just have a curfew on sexual predators. Job done. 🙃

What’s happening to equality then,stupid idea

You can’t tar all men with the same brush.. it’s ridiculous

What a load of 💩, violent men and women don’t care what they do, there’s something wrong in their heads 🙄

There goes Swansea`s chance of promotion.

What the actual hell?

No wonder UKLabour WelshLabour are considered woke jokes. Would love to see Keir_Starmer back fmwales position, it would put the cherry on the cake.

This guy needs to be indoors after 6 he looks like a predator.

How ridiculous

Good luck with that. How the Welsh haven't got rid of this bellend is beyond me

Men identify as women after 6pm.

Political points scoring again. How on earth can you implement that. Loon

Mans a clown

Wales is really a crappie place to live

Has Drakeford got Chinese blood in him per chance? Or perhaps Russian? When should we expect the male-only gulags?

There goes 50% of your voters 😂😂😂😂

And who will enforce this curfew? Will it be other 'men'? For example..... 'policemen'

Behave you melts.

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