Virgin Atlantic boss urges Boris Johnson to sanction £7.5bn airline bailout

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United Kingdom Headlines News

United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

The PM will be told by Virgin Atlantic bosses that the airline industry needs government aid worth up to £7.5bn, Sky News learns.

The latter request is significant because it reflects the growing belief among aviation bosses that the sector may not begin to stage a recovery until the autumn.

Mr Weiss has already agreed to take a pay cut for four months as part of efforts to cut costs as the industry adjusts to a brutal new reality. Mr Cruz warned of impending job cuts, although he declined to say in his message to employees how many would be affected. Other airlines, including Germany's Lufthansa, Norwegian and Air France-KLM, have suggested that they are likely to need financial support from their respective governments.

Restrictions in Italy, Poland and Spain have decimated more than half of Ryanair's business, while easyJet is expected to update the London Stock Exchange on the projected impact of the crisis on its finances early next week.


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JackiKillick Sky again pushing this bailout crap. Sell your ship dicky and pay all your company taxes in UK

In 2009 he was all in favour of survival of the fittest...

How about Virgin declares bankruptcy and sells its stuff off and then they limit it to UK buyers and maybe American ones because we are such good friends.

He can fuck right off

I hate him for our area being ripped to shreds for his crappy over priced virgin media! His contractors banging on vulnerable people front doors demanding they move their cars and leaving the streets a complete mess. One Manchester and the council love him!

JuliaHB1 Is it too soon to point out that were the likes of Greta Thunberg & Extinction Rebellion to get their way, then airlines would be facing the same precarious situation which Covid-19 is placing them in. Either they support the loony Climate BS or they don't. They can't have both.

Fuck this.

Poor guy might have to give up his island!


And stupid Boris probably will 😡 Look how they bailed out the Halifax then paid bonuses to top bosses. They had Christmas parties paid for but told not to book under that name. Ordinary workers I know but shouldn’t happen after bail out.

F.. K the airlines. They hike up their prices during the school holidays, and don't forget the ridiculous prices for flights to Madrid last year when Liverpool and Tottenham were in the champions league final karma

Screw that. Private business.

richardbranson famously sued the NHS took money from the sick & the dying. Has helped sell Flybe down the river. Pays no tax in the UK. Why bailout your company when others have been allowed to crash without trace, like Fossett. Could it be the cash for tax avoidance donations?

Why doesn't he use the money he got from suing the NHS?

Maybe let’s have a referendum about whether this is a good idea...

Give that twat SFA and let his, airline sink, he all ready got over 2 million pound suing the NHS, the greedy barsteward, wouldn't give him the time if day,

The brass Necker Island cheek of him ...


Bail him out, but gets to forfeit 100% of the shares to the Govt at mark-to-market pricing. UK needs a new national carrier. Nice long term investment that one.


Why doesn't he use his own feckin money?

No problem Richard, us tax payers can offer you a 7 year loan at a very competitive 6.9% APR, with a small early repayment charge of £1bn. Your island is at risk if you do not keep up to your repayments.

No to the man who sued the NHS. Sell your island instead.

Richard Branson is one of the most loathesome, grasping, hypocritical wnkers to walk this earth, I utterly despise him. Sooner he takes a one way trip on one of his rockets the better!

He’ll be ok though

He can piss off


What about the general public who keep this country going, where is there financial help. Yet this non tax paying billionaire wants bailing out. Richard Branson the people of this country needs help first sod your airline. Greed corruption.

He can bail it out his fucking self.

Boycott Virgin. Simple. Use our power as ‘consumers’ to bankrupt his whole organisation and show how we can hit unethical companies where it hurts. Any way we can to stop the extraction of wealth from the masses by the 0.1%

Ah yes the old socialise the losses, privatise the profits.

Tell him to get stuffed!

richardbranson are you smoking crack? About urge not ask too, like theres an entitlement to it.

You chose not to help Flybe and you actually had a part share in that company so might I suggest you go whistle!

It’s almost as if Labour spent months telling people the billionaires are bastards and nobody listened.

Cry me a river asshole....

Branson shouldn’t have spent £30billion on a space project back pocket change to him the greedy get

Why, wouldn't that be better spent on the NHS now instead?

The government should tell him to f*** off


Every penny must be spent saving lives, not for shoring-up the bank accounts of the wealthy billionaires like Richard Branson!!

Bollionaire, whonlives on his own private island, taking millionaires money for trips into space. Do one chancer!

No no no no no

Let him ask Presidunce Oblahblah for the cash! He ripped off us Americans for plenty!

Hopefully he was quarantine himself permanently on his private island. Cheeky C%*t

Is this the same bloke who sued the NHS ?

Cheeky bastard

Tell Branson to eff off.

Socialism for the rich with destitution for everybody else. Instead of giving handouts to billionaires scrounges our government should compensate those who are on zero hour contracts to survive this pandemic

Um richardbranson why would you, you want it saved? You can probably afford to yourself, it isn't like you can take your small fortune to the grave 🤷‍♂️

Pretty sure you can afford that, Richard, and it's your responsibility

Different this time, we’re all in the shit

From the guy who sued the NHS 🤢🤮

Or...hear me out, we could invest the money in our NHS and supporting the less privileged...let's face it at this rate noones flying anywhere anyways ShameOnYou

'Virgin' boss fucks us again?

richardbranson don't be a twat. Please. VirginAtlantic

Hang on a minute. These companies draw out millions in shares, bonuses and dividends and they want help from the UKGoverment

Where's Gretta when you need her!

If u want to be a millionaire, be a billionaire and buy an Airline company. richardbranson virgin

Fuck Branson

The same man who sued the NHS! No doubt his tory mates will sort him out 🤬

A billionaire who doesn’t pay taxes wants us (whom the majority are on the bread line) to bail him out. Absolutely laughable especially with the recent health issues.


He shouldn't have any of our taxes or money he can bail himself out he doesn't pay taxes and he sued the NHS not because he not didn't get a contract 😠


The government is not there to bail out pvt companies, maybe they should take the bad with the good times instead of paying out hundreds of millions every year to their shareholders and big bonus. Consider putting money away for rainy days like normal people. Remember monopoly?

Aren’t these the companies that complained when FlyBe got a bailout?

What about all the other businesses that a liable to go bust, along with their staff. Businesses which are more essential than air travel. I doubt that Branson will be that much worse off, I can't say the same for thousands (if not more) of other people.

BorisJohnson do not bail this cock out!

Perhaps he could sell Necker island.

You can jog right along

Absolute pellet. I urge that half pint, peroxide permed, island stealing fud to wander the streets he’s raped and pillaged ransacking the health service. Not hard to find your island cunto richardbranson

Greedy fuxxk should dip into his own pockets instead of tax payers keep bailing him out

Maybe he should pay taxes

Fully appreciate people disliking Branson (I do) however the image with this article is misleading and I feel purposefully done to generate this outrage. Peter Norris, the chairman of Virgin Group is the person who has written the letter.

Sell your bloody private island Branson you muppet.

Branson is an absolute parasite!!

richardbranson go bust you Cnut.

Surely the Cayman Islands can bail him out?


No spend your own billions

Anyone who voted tory who thought this wouldn't happen is basically a fucking moran.

He better not bloody bail him out. I pretty sure the idiot that sued the NHS & doesn't pay into the uk tax system can afford to bail himself out.

Vermin Atlantic

Well I payed nearly 8k for a dream holiday to Disney in May, it’s not looking good for me at the moment so if I can’t go I want all of my money back not excuses my money back, if I go all well and good but I’m not expecting the travel ban to be lifted.

Does this geezer never not rely on government subsidy? Fuck him

If anyone would rather help a not for profit working with vulnerable communities to get through the next couple of months please consider donating here:

Nope. First sell your island then your other assets before coming for my taxes VirginAtlantic

Get the minions to subsidise or sell one of my islands? Decisions decisions

Why not tell him to f*ck right off. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Thats odd he didnt want brexit, if we were still in the EU he knows we cant give state aid to British companies wonder if he has changed his mind now

Air travel is way too accessable. Virus transmission rate are so high due to air travel. Worth considering letting them go to the wall...

Fine. Nationalise it.

Insane. We live in a time where Governments rule for the billionaire elites. Your tax payer money cannot reduce poverty, but is spent to ensure billionaires don't lose money and to fight illegal wars on far away countries making us all less safe.

After slagging off and campaigning against this government the billionaire owner of virgin wants the government to give him money. What a buffoon. Get your hand in your own pocket

This is the man who rubbished the U.K. during Brexit

Poor leadership! Have changed my opinion of him massively

He can fuck right off

If the government has this amount of money gathering dust somewhere.... surely it’s better spent on the NHS 👍👍

But it isn't just airlines. The entire tourism, leisure, entertainment and sports industries are suffering and will continue to suffer from this. There will need to be much larger, internationally coordinated intervention. BUT, for now, everyone's health has to take priority.

From the Man that SUED the NSH !!! NO way

Rinaldo's apparently converting his hotels to hospitals and paying for staff and equipment. Branson? Just wants more money. NoClass

Fuck Branson.

Nope we shouldn’t you made your bed you lie in it!

All the stupid people saying let them fail are not looking at the bigger picture read the article they’re not looking for free money but measures put in place to save the whole industry , stop trying to take cheap shots at a decent bloke IMO ..

No way, stand your own losses like the little guys on the high street or sell your island to save your business !!

Don’t you even dare BorisJohnson

Given that interest rates are at record lows ... I see no reason why he and others can't organise their own loans. The most 'aid' the government should countenance are loans at about 4 or 5 % secured against ALL the assets of the business and the manager/owners.

He can use his own money. Branson the f leach.

He will get it... You do know that...

Tell him to get fucked.

Cheeky fecker....

Doesnt even pay tax does he. Fuck me

In a word NO ! He not even registered over here !

SIR Richard Branson to you scumbags 🤣

When Bojo approves this no one that voted tory has the right to complain

Hell no. £7.5bn and another 7.5bn and another... straight to the NHS Buy whatever is needed...the entire Holiday Inn chain as emergency hospitals...whatever!

And where do you think the PM will find that? Perhaps if all the businesses paid their fare share of tax that might help. Other wise it’s up to us the taxpayers and the rate this pandemic is spreading there will be fewer of us!

Like you and your mates bailed out Flybe?

Branson is in a turd

Not in my name !

Absolutely f***in' not. Although on reality, if course it will happen, by stealth. Too many snouts in the corporate trough to rock that boat. 😡

Failure of businesses to plan for all eventualities shows their ineptitude. Survival of the fittest will be the result. Natural evolution....

Not on your life 😡😡😡😡

I bet he does rich tosser,we need to look after people who have nothing ,money could build flats for homeless , people who lose out on the corona virus, Pity they couldn’t have found the money they robbed of the women’s pensions,tories care only for the rich

Well he would wouldn't he!

Hey Richard, only £7 billion?

Screw that.

Island for sale, previous owner going broke.

Richard Branson is a free market capitalist, so free market terms should apply to any financial help. Shareholders stump up first then the government receives equity based on any additional funding and market valuation of the airline.

Should use some of his own billions he made from the company rather than expect taxpayer bailouts.

Says man who didn’t want Flybe bailed out ! He’s an A Hole isn’t he

No time for Socialism now

Greedy fuck!

Evidently not. Given that “social” money seems to be thrown at capitalism whenever they are in dire straits (but when they are profiteering they never share equitably)


Sod them why should we bail them out travel will be a thing of the past how do they think corona got round the world

Until all UK residents are safe Richard Branson should be at the bottom of the list for help, he has his own fortune to use, so use it.

So he was happy to let FlyBe go to the wall but wants us to come to his rescue. Hmm

I thought capitalism and the markets are the best

Get a bridging loan and repay it like everyone else ya tight git

What a prick this man is

No bailout, if the travel industry is struggleing and the Government has cash to prop them up then buy it out and turn it into a public travel know like BA and BOAC used to be. If our taxes pay, we should own it!

Not many more fucking odious people around than Branson.

Don’t think so mate. Sell your private island.

Siri. In these troubling times show me what a waner looks like..

Perhaps he should ask the government of whichever tax haven his company is registered in.

Piss off, wouldnt mind but a lot of the rich bastards avoid paying taxes.

NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! If he goes t*ts up, he goes t*ts up, them's the breaks.


Erm... isn’t that what shareholders are for ?

Tell him to take what he milked our NHS for a forkoff

Branson is a parasite, siphoning money from the UK taxpayer to boost his billions. No need to bailout an industry that damages our environment.

Don’t be a Dick, Richard

Is this the same prat who sued the NHS?

The airlines make millions profit yearly off the back of the tax payer. How about they except the fact they might not make as much this year. Annoying thing is if the tax payer help the airlines they will put there prices up after to pay the money back so never losing anything.

Unfortunately, I will be more surprised if BoJo says 'NO' rather than bailing out these globalist parasites.But let's hope he gets the middle finger. This virus thing is also an opportunity to clean up the corporate world from corporate zombies in permanent debt/buybacks/bailout.

Of course he does.

Branson is a c***

Bail yourself out, sweetheart.

And this ladies and gentlemen is one way how these corrupt elites launder money, OUR MONEY! Bail yourself out!

That’s why UK policy has been carry on regardless we can’t afford to stop UK’s skint

Anyone that sues the NHS when it’s already struggling, especially a billionaire can go fuck themselves...

Owned by wealthy people, now wanting the tax payer to save their businesses,, NO ! if they go bust, so be it.

Can we eat him and the oligarch owner of Sky News while we’re at it. Billionaires, one and all. This is all your fault

Said the guy who sued the Nhs. Got enough of your own cash to bail yourself out Branson.

Absolutely not! It is Taxpayers who will ultimately fund that. And it opens up such payments to every other business. Totally unaffordable, especially at a time when every person is also experiencing fiscal losses!! I would also say suspend Local Authorities tax for 8-months too?

I know where’s there’s an island that could be sold. Does that help?

Did he ‘urge’ a bailout on his tax free island or while is was in the UK on that rare occasion..? Simple really, the UK government should tell him to cut off...! Branson/Virgin is a ponse and a person of low character.

I’m going to need this explaining. I buy shares at my risk. They just got their arses kicked. Do I get a bailout? What about the local business? Has virgin paid all its tax? Is it entitled to a bailout. idontgetit SmallBusinesses complicated

I suggest that Richard Branson drops a line to China and asks them for a few quid.

I would tell him to stop messing around with Spacecraft and focus on his aircraft?

Sell your island knobby

One day a multi millionaire....the next 👇🏼🤣

So Branson wants help! He’s spent years trying to crush socialism and now wants a bail out! He should be told to Sod off😡

Wrong on all counts 😤

Why doesn’t he just fuck off to his private island. Forever. Mike Oldfield has given birth to a monster. Not his fault though

Branson sued the NHS

The Bastard wants dump Fake Climate Change: minimises tax with company structures on Virgin Islands, he should eat his words and stop trying to bludge on UK taxpayers. Let him practice what he preaches- no fossil fuels, & he says no Coal for China? Go solar! Or Wind! 🤣🤣

Why don't the billionaire owners bail themselves out.....

The same guy who charges families extra to sit together on his flights, get to fcuk

He can bail out himself. A billionaire begging. Let him sell an island or something ffs.

What about a bailout for preference shares paying 5%?

Hope he remembers how much you was against him on brexit

Maybe he should try paying his taxes... And not suing the NHS.

No way !!!!!

Billionaire who owns a private island wants to take money from the the poor, sick and needy - the world has gone mad.

Funny how the money tree selectivity work's

The man who constantly tries to buy parts of the NHS and pays no tax also one of the richest people in the country?!? ... Erm ... Let me think about that ... No, no and also no

From the guy who sued the NHS. FFS

What an odious little man.

Unlucky ....

Up yours

no. treat richardbranson the same as he was advocating for FlyBe.

Countries are stopping people from travelling so no need for planes. Share out the 7.5 billion to the tax payers to help through this difficult period.

Are the government going to bail out all the self employed, your a big business and should have continuity plans in place for such events. You’ve sucked enough out of the NHS never mind leaching off the public purse.

Put your hands in your own pocket you greedy c**t like all other business owners do when something goes wrong

As long as Billionaire richardbranson is ok.. the rest of us poor, self employed possibly soon to be homeless buggers can swivel eh? Thanks Richard....

Sell your island to pay for it

richardbranson you used our NHS, don't pay taxes, you are super rich and want us to bail you out. Why don't all the super rich people put there hands in there pockets for a change.

Let it burn!

If he gets bailed out this country is finished

He should have saved the money from the hike in prices airlines do at school holidays

richardbranson and VirginAtlantic trying to steal billions from the public purse. Err... NO! And if /when it's relevant in the future, boycott.

bail out his employees directly. when this is done I hope people remember their anger towards these people

We should send the money to his bank on his private island I suppose to go with the billions he’s already got !

Give over. Dying industry anyway

Some neck on this prick, I'll give him that.

Um no..

Get foooked

He's the British Epstein.

One reason I font follow him. One greedy man. Makes out he cares😂😂😂😂. Let him ho bankrupt first


Exactly and that’s not a disgusting photo

This is all that is wrong with the world.

Has he cancelled his little space project? Could save him a few billion

Sell your island you greedy git

Wow, what about smallbusinesses that just manage day to day. Virgin has billions in profit, back of the queue please

Tell the billionaire to get stuffed and use his own dosh. Health is priority not his company

2 words. Guess what they are......

Branson can go swivel

Shouldn’t these people have a “rainy day” pot? You know, put some of your profits to one side when you’re coining it in🤷‍♂️

Put your own money in you made enough from people in the first place ...👍🏼

richardbranson It's a business.. If you cannot make it work then it should move over for the next guy.. Why should the tax payer 'who pay your fares on these planes', pay twice? Plough your own money in, sell that Island and look after your own company...

Oh this is beautiful. I phoned virgin last night about my broadband not working and was told there was nothing they could do and I would get no refund. FUCK YOU VIRGIN Ha ha ha ha ha

Tell him to use the millions he sued the NHS for, greedy bastard.

the irony of one of the main proponents of EU's anti state bail out rules demanding a state bail out has almost not made me stopping laughing since first reading this article..

I think that money will be needed elsewhere

If I'm reading their accounts right, it looks like they had £489m in cash. Perhaps they could dip into that to cover themselves?

The EU says ‘NOOoooo’

Bloody disgraceful and I hope his cruise ship sinks with him on it and no passengers horrible man x

People on here clearly can’t read. He’s asking for it for the WHOLE INDUSTRY, not just Virgin.

Replace “bailout” with “Nationalize” and I’m in.

Stop wasting billions on your space folly, that will only benefit more millionaires.

No ! You slagged him off not long ago.

Virgin Atlantic has 1000’s of staff, its not about branson, same as flybe, same as British Airways, everyone quick to have a go at branson now think of all the UK pilots, cabin crew, ground staff all about to lose their jobs as it crashes around us...! Gov needs to pause.

49% is owned by Delta ask them

Branson can always sell his island


what is it with Branson's obsession with money, doesn't he have enough already?

I’d rather they focus on medical care, making more respirators and taking care of the vulnerable.

Don't you dare!

He can fuck right off

Haha every cloud and that

Socialism for the rich.

Why don’t you ask your EU friends richardbranson ?

From the guy who sued the NHS

No more taxpayer money for big business

He will probably sue the government if he does not get it too!

Got to keep the airlines afloat, and surely it is right to ask for help in a temporary blip caused by unprecedented and exceptional circumstances, to keep jobs going, and all the airlines will surely pick up tremendously when the epidemic is over?

Branson can bail out his own airline, the man who sued the NHS then wants the UK government to help him. Go take a hike you greedy , selfish person.

The idea of hardship is getting to him..👽

Currently there are better things to be spending that money on...

I have so had enough of RichardBranson Get back to your private island Sunbeam!

JuliaHB1 Is that to pay for his holiday island?

See ya dickie lad, jog on !!!

🙄🙄 No way 👎👎👎

Look at the amount of comments most people have sussed this society leach..the planet will be way better off without his global raping of tax payers... Pay your own bills Dick.

The man that sued the NHS

While self isolating on his privately owned Caribbean island. Has recently over seen the demise of Flybe whilst 'holding' the employees pensions in a Caribbean account, losing said employee pensions when Flybe went bust. Suing the NHS.

If the big airlines like British_Airways / IAG can make billions in profit, pay huge executive bonuses, and pay out dividends, then they should absolutely be able to manage. If GOVUK bails them out, *must* ensure its paid back from future profits.

Put your hands in your own pockets Dicky boy, try bailing your own company out instead of the tax payers, oh do you pay tax in this country living in your sun drenched island in the Caribbean?

No more bailouts for billionaires who abuse our country. We've been walked on and over for far too long and if we speak up we're just ignored by the plutocracy which rules over us with the sham illusion of democracy. It has to stop.

Which is very hypocritical as if we were still in the EU, the government would not be able to help 🤷‍♂️

Markets do what markets do. Perhaps he could put in a few of his tax-free coins to help out his business

I think Branson should use his own money first?

GET FUCKED BRANSON AND CO!! I’m pretty sure Mr Branson could pay that with his own pocket change. Is tax payers and grafters pay more than enough!

Sell your island

Of course he is !


Sell necker island first and multiple yachts, etc etc

Bail out your own airline, the government has other things to worry about then you billionaires.

I had to cancel my flight to Bali with these lot, no refund just the offer of another flight, GTF!! Leaches!!

richardbranson, so how many of your billions are you going to invest? “Sir Richard Branson is a 68-year old entrepreneur whose net worth stands at an estimated $4.1 billion”. Considering you don’t pay taxes or are resident in the UK (I am btw), get lost!

Surely he’s enough cash to bail him self out

How many ventilators could that buy?

Use the profiteering money from school holiday flights. Every airline has been ripping customers of for decades.

Did anyone here read it.....probably not. It's not about Virgin.....its about the ENTIRE airline industry!!!

Part of that bail out should be the entire airline workforce retrained / ability assessed to work in areas that need urgent manpower support . Until they can then return to work for the airlines .

You have got to be kidding me! Tell him to sell one of his islands!

He's got enough money

A bit naughty of Sky using a picture of Branson as it is not him asking for the bail out. Be warned he does like to go legal

Why the hell sholud the taxpayers bail him out ? Would he give us a discount on flights ? I don’t think so. So use your own money 💰

The taxes he hasn't paid should cover it. What is that picture about?

No why? let them use their own money.

Watch out Richard, the metoos will accuse you if placing your hands inappropriately and support the model to sue you for millions

Use your ridiculous wealth as effectively as you can. Help your staff with realistic measures. Use them constructively to help. Then we’ll all remember and be back. Don’t squander your social capital.

Get his partner Delta Airline to bail them out. Or better still Dicky pay some tax in the UK.

Use your own money richardbranson, we're already skint

The Airlines can have there money, just as long as the Government can have a controling stake in each Airline permanently!

Maybe the Government should spend some of OUR money that has been and will be spent on the climate change hoax. Seems altogether ridiculous that they should be bailing out airlines whilst they continue to push that agenda.

Tell him to bog off

Wouldn’t this bailout contravene EU law when Branson vigorously campaigned to remain? Hypocrisy

Slated the majority of the country and the current PM over Brexit and now asking for handouts which will come from tax payers money yet he resides in a tax haven 🤣🤣🤣 Couldn’t make it up

Branson wants a 7.5bn bailout from Johnson? No problem, he's a mate struggling for money & might need to use a foodbank soon.

Time to dip your hand in your own pocket matey...

And he will...because he's saved so much money by doing nothing about the Coronavirus. Endless money for the fatcat but none for the cattle. HerdimmunityIsMurder

richardbranson lives in a bubble of narcissism and delusion.

Let him dip into his own pockets

I just bet he does.... The man's a parasite.

oft, get over yourself branson, not boris fault, he’s got enough on his plate, live if your bullions whilst others starve, and give us all peace greed

The last person in the World I would bail out is Richard Branson.

Which British airlines would that £7.5bn go to?

boycottbranson after flybe he’s wanting more taxpayers money 🤦‍♀️

JuliaHB1 Do all Branson's businesses end in government bailouts?

tax dodging tax thief richardbranson wants govt cash for his misogynistic Virgin

Wasn’t it Branson whining and insulting us and the Government over Brexit and yet here he is asking for handouts? If we were still a member of the EU, we wouldn’t be allowed to bail out any of our industries. How quickly he’s changed his tune. Bail yourself out you greedy git.

Why should the British taxpayer bail out someone who boasts about not paying tax in the UK?

I don’t pay taxes to bail out billionaires. For someone who was very anti government and anti Brexit and therefore against the majority of the British people, it’s funny how you now want the British people to give you their hard earned money.

On your bike !

Naah.. were good. No bailouts for you goat-boy

JuliaHB1 It's free enterprise until he's losing money, then it's partnership with the government. In reality, they've no interest other than their own pocketbook.

He wasn’t saying that when it was FlyBe :(

Use your own money Branson go fek off

Go beg the EU

don't do it boirs they'll be like the crooked bankers back for more and more let them sink or swim on their own

Branson is a multi multi millionaire. He doesn't need £7,5bn tax payer bailout. Greedy sod needs to live like the rest of us


I don't really get this. richardbranson takes the NHS to court because he loses health contracts, and now wants to bleed the public purse for £7.5 bn. If you're such an entrepreneur, raise the capital privately from other vulture capitalists.


Confucius says: A man who will not help U.K. people, and hungry children by not paying fair tax, and suing the NHS, should not expect, or get a helping hand now.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 The cheek of it

richardbranson What about other businesses? I suspect your not happy to use your own money to bail out Virgin!

Bail yourself out Branson

it not take this parasite long to get his begging bowl out

Get bent you clown.

Ridiculous if you cannot bail out $sxx then you cannot bail out Virgin Atlantic simple as that

How dare they ugh the cheek of it

Sorry? Wasn’t it Branson that kicked off recently when the government helped Flybe in delaying their tax payment?

That's a bit unfair of Richard Branson. He is a billionaire.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't you dare BorisJohnson. You haven't supported the retail industry with 100s of store closures and 1000s jobs lost. The aviation industry must go through the same process. The strong will prevail. Others will fall. richardbranson Oh and I am ex airline!

He can sell his island

This is the real game of the Corporate sector . Respectable beggars nowadays are all in givenchy suits

Just another scam to launder tax payers money which will end up in the hands of the corrupt elite...AGAIN!!

I think we should definitely help out these sorts of companies that hike prices during leave periods for schools etc.

Tell Branson to take a hike ,the money grabbing leech on our tax money

oh dear Dick

Of course! He will be one of the biggest beneficiaries!

I bet he does, the shameless parasite. Branson

JuliaHB1 Ask the Chinese for the bail out ,after all its there virus

The same Branson who sued the NHS?

JuliaHB1 Sell your Island


Nope u sued the NHS and right now we could do with the money giveitback


These guys are truly fucked in the head. A think everybody can wait for a wee holiday. The Scottish summer is not far off

Socialism never works they cry!! Must be why the private sector turns to government for a bail out when things get tough

NHS needs it more mate, but you wouldn't care about that

He can ask his non Brexit (aka EU) pals

Toss pot Branson

Not many Airline bosses who aren’t cash rich, here’s a novel idea, why don’t they fund their businesses?

Take it over, public owned. give Branson nothing.

Use the profit you make out of the NHS Dicky.

Lol absolutely heard it

I wonder why.

Fair enough. My money to more money.

Ask his friends in the EU

I don’t think most people who replied to this actually read or understood what the news report said. Branson is not the VA boss and nor has he asked for a bailout.....

Not unless he coughs up some equity

Kinda sad, looking at all the people replying who didn’t read the article

Love the way these customer driven/big employers always manage to get Government bailouts, it’s as if they threaten to cut 000s of jobs, leave 000s passengers stranded or ‘lose’ 000s of people’s savings so the Government feel obliged to step in allegedly 🙄

Billionaire leftie asks for Conservative government cash. 🤣🤣🤣🤡

Branson can fook off.

He can do one. Always scrounging for money

You wouldn't help Flybe, so why should the public purse bailout a billionaire like you. Anyway, totally irresponsible if you didn't have a business plan for this sort of eventuality or insurance to cover it.

Says the man happy to waste billions each year to remain in the EU!

JuliaHB1 Course he did. Rich looking after the rich. Bail out a billionaire, sanction a poor guy for 6months for forgetting a jobcentre appointment. Typical utter bullshit.

What about flybe and Thomas cook?

You mean the same parasite that sued the NHS. Let him bail himself out! richardbranson is scum!

Pay for it yourself you sun-dried Bee Gee

Big British airlines comained about Flybe, now want their own bailout? Let them fall on their own sword. Plenty of other to replace them

JuliaHB1 Ever thought about saving for a rainy day like most of us do.

The airlines have raped the public for years. Let them reset. A lot better places to put our money

Shameless! Branson is scrounging for state benefits in £millions

BorisJohnson bailout the billionaires when millions will be bankrupt at your peril

what about a bailout for the people? Billionaires don’t need a penny more - you are the reason we are in this mess not the Coronavirus

No way Jose!

How come a billionaire needs a bail out!!

This from a guy that sued the NHS 😡

Did he adk for flybe to get bailed out?

I've got a much better idea. Give him a big fat zero. Let HIM bail out his own company/companies with his own money. It seems far more logical to me. Why wouldn't he want to secure the employment of all of his employees. People might even like him for doing so. Especially them.

Tell him bollocks

Why dont you help then mr money bags

Branson the absolute weapon that evased tax, has a space programme and is trying to privatise the NHS all to his gain. Hurry up and die Branson, greed has taken your soul, like drugs do to people.

Why doesn’t Virgin Atlantic give the Govt money for research to find a vaccine. There will be elderly and disabled people who might not receive any care at all or very minimal. Some will die due to neglect.. So come on get a grip mate..

I love the way these people think. They don't ask the government to buy 7.5bn stake in the company that can be baught back or kept to boost retirement funds... They want billions with no strings attached, basically a gift... Well why does he get the billions and not joiner joe

richardbranson is this the time to think about business! How about urging the government to bailout the public!! Or the NHS? Or gig workers? Or carers? Shame on you.

Supply and demand Richard sorry 😕

He whit !

He will be sunbathing on his Island.. mmmm surely they have insurance for some of these disasters ?

That kind of picture would normally get a boss a call from HR

Has COVID19 reached Necker Island 🌴

Why can’t he bail himself out the prick

JuliaHB1 Take them into public ownership only! No bailout, just take them over... no purchase, just take them, that will protect employees and routes

coyionelife Much wants more methinks

Billionaire who doesn’t pay taxes wants tax payers money to bail his company? 🤔richardbranson hmm how about no.

Shouldn’t have wasted money trying to thwart brexit

VirginAtlantic is part of group which doesn't share profits with the public. Unfortunate but why should the Public purse be used to reimburse their pockets or cover their losses? What about Joe Small Biz? 🤔 Virgin should have funds in reserves to cope with the bad times.

He doesn't even live on Britain the greedy bastard

Branson's got his palm out already? Shameless.

Nah your ok Richard. Youve enough money in the bank to bail yourself out.

Oh virgin want a grant After they couldnt be bothered to give their smaller operator a bail out. Not British, go do one

Here we go ... this will of course be a special case


Get a life Scum ball

JuliaHB1 He is a remainer.... he should get the big middle finger from the taxpayer..... fuckem.

Let him sell his fuckin island to start with

JuliaHB1 Pretty sure bailouts are not allowed due to EU rules, being a pro EU fanatic he will know that or is it a case of “do as I do, not as I say” wanker

This man has turned into a Scrooge - let virgin go under

No bail out using tax payers money. Airlines must learn to cut cost and survive.

That kind of money needs to go straight into NHS and ventilators/staff

JuliaHB1 Nope they( Virgin) did Jack shit to save flyby.. Karma

These private businesses may want the government to bail them out but I'll bet their owners don't want them to be nationalised.

If richardbranson is short of taxpayers money he could always sue the NHS.... again

Seriously I'm not paying taxes to bail this billionaire out


People seem to have forgotten that politicians are paid by the taxpayer! If this creep is given taxpayers money as a bailout we as a collective need to mass demonstrate over this

He should just “take it on the chin”

Put the UK people first....

Terrible picture exploiting a scantily clad woman to sell his product tsk tsk

Use your own fucking money richardbranson .

Do 1 Branson.


Welcome to corporate communism.

Out de public purse 👛 dot these people ever use there own money

Tax exile and his vanity project....

rogersurfacings He'll be sued for this picture next year

Bull 💩 tax payer should fund sweet FA for airline bailout...

Maybe you could do some journalism and list how much all the owners of the airlines are worth and how much all the big bosses make. Maybe if they had a whip ar0und they could fund it themselves. 🙄

JuliaHB1 after he liquidates as much of his personal assets as possible. that's how free market works and why it is so lucrative. it comes with risks. all these years shamelessly flaunting in our faces, now you grovel ? Hell no!

Bet all who want this to happen won’t be complaining when their a/c are used to fly much needed food stocks and medical equipment and specialist people around the uk.. this industry, despite who it’s run by, is critical if things get tough.. people need to wise up.

Absolutely disgusting!

Tell this leftist grub to jump

How arrogant is Branson his point of view is save me and not the British public what an utter deluded clown

JuliaHB1 There has to be risk in businesses, investors need to lose as well as win. The taxpayer picking up losses why people like Branson and the bankers take the profits is not sustainable. Not saying do nothing, but they need to take some of the pain.

Please Please think about those that need help not the billionaires that have had it so good for so long. Invest in the people that are suffering not the people that can afford it!!

We have had winter crisis after winter crisis in the NHS. Where is our bail out? 😤

Not. a. fucking. penny.

JuliaHB1 I hope Boris tells him ballocks!!

So the British people’s money will be used to bail out the airlines who will then crank up the prices to fly the British people anywhere.

Will people please read the article it’s about the whole airline industry in general not just Virgin Atlantic!!!!

NHS first please. branson can sanction his own £7.5 billion

Lol. Richard Branson the arch EU-phile, advocating state aid that is anathema to the EU.

While that scumbag runs a betting site to fleece and ruin the lives of punters and their families. Lives in the Caribbean on his own private island

Cheeky prick

He should sell his island to raise cash first.

I bet Mrs May is wetting herself at Johnson now 😂

Richard Branson is a virus

So brexit is a good thing, now!!!!

Get. To. Fuck.

Let pay for it! What a cheek?! 🤣

JuliaHB1 Let em fail. The businesses are worth buying without the currently associated debt. Shareholders and debt holders wiped out, that’s capitalism.

You are a terrible human being. richardbranson

Ah, socialism for the rich while the poor rot is it, eh richardbranson?

GazSez The same Richard Branson who sued an already massively underfunded NHS

Is he taking the piss if his airline is in trouble he can put his hand in his own pocket. He can sell his own island and his houses to save his airline not the British public bailing him out. Don’t do it BorisJohnson because £7.5 billion can do more for the country

Beardy’s going bust.

Use your own billions!

He can bail himself out with all the taxes he hasn't paid and the payouts from suing the NHS when he didn't win contracts. Parasite.

But filed a legal challenge against the Flybe safety net... Not surprised, just saying.

He's mega rich so he can use his own money

Thousands of small business owners are going to be affected. Any business is a risk . Can't just bailout the big businesses. If airlines collapse it'll reduce pollution so not all bad...

Really can go and practice some self pleasuring.

Use your own money Richard lad.

hahahaha lol

Tough shit Richard, need money spending on our NHS, Emergency Services, Education, Transport, The Aged, not some bloody private companies that can't balance books.

JuliaHB1 And yet bans British Beef on his airline. Arse.

More socialism for the rich?

JuliaHB1 guessing Boris is a little busy atm

And virgin wouldn’t pay refunds on flights people didn’t want to go on

What about Branson putting his ha d in his pocket he could sell an Island or two why should us the taxpayers do this

How about no...people first. Or perhaps he can dig into his own funds.

Thanks, but no thanks. Go to hell and ruin their climate.

Sell Necker.... simples

How about the government help out all the uk based small and medium size businesses first

Hasn't he had his taxpayer cash for the year yet? This is real entrepreneurship for you, Branson old son. You've certainly taken the profit, now you get to stand the loss.

From his private island while suing the nhs


His company, so he can dip into his own millions.

He wants to keep what he has and spend the tax payers money! Now people like this are going to realise what it's like to feel the strain of running out of money!

Perhaps the beardy twat can use some of the cash he sued the NHS for ?

why doesn't RB sanction £7.5 billion

JuliaHB1 Needs a new extension on Necker Island for all the billionaires wanting to book?

I bet he does, so how is Connect Airlines coming along having finally stripped flybe richardbranson ?

JuliaHB1 Perhaps he can abandon his ambitious space project then maybe he doesn’t need the government’s help. And if hes still short a few quids, he can sell his island. That would sort it out!

How about he uses his own money to do it? He has enough!

JuliaHB1 Just sell one of your islands, bro.

The tool who sued the nhs because he didn’t win a health contract.. Give him nothing

No bugger off Sell your bloody island, and pay tax !

JuliaHB1 Perhaps Branson can take it from the money he stole from our NHS.

No he can afford it himself

JuliaHB1 Can bail themselves out. Robbing folk for years.

Branson is in a pickle!

Why doesn’t just floof off

Sell Necker Island, or stop spending your money on flights into Space and bail YOUR OWN airline out😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


They wouldn’t give them £100 million to save flybe, so why would they give them billions

Pay your bloody taxes first like the rest us

JuliaHB1 cant he use his own money

He’s happy to take the profits and not pay tax then wants a government handout 😂

Tell him state aid is against EU rules

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