Video emerges of Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein partying in 1992

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Mr Trump, who is seen laughing with Epstein, now claims he never liked the financier, who is facing sex trafficking charges.

Why you can trust Sky NewsThe archive NBC footage shows the now US president and billionaire financier Epstein, who is facing sex trafficking charges, laughing and joking together.At the time, he was a newly-divorced real estate mogul and Epstein's infamous judicial deal was more than 10 years in the future.

There is no suggestion that there was any criminal wrongdoing taking place at the party and Mr Trump now claims he never liked Epstein.


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The mouth on Donald from 0:12-0:14... isn’t that a typical cocaine clenching jaw? 😧🤔

diversity4usaCL Trumps so coked out in this video hes almost vibrating, cant stop talking or moving, I’ve seen this in coke heads for years and this fool is coked out to the max

The desperate attempt for the fakenews media to tie Epstein to trump is laughable and disgusting. It was, is and always has been Bill Clinton.

Show me your friends , and I will tell who you are.

Was this during their time together with President Clinton when all the Democrats hung out together?

They are like horny dogs looking at objects to hump. Look at them. maga

It's about time the USA woke up just rid of the man.

Myst be a thing when you have stein in your name Epstein, Weinstein



And was he the only one ever,or does this just fit your agenda?

Don't do a lot of digging do you........

Part of me wants to Unfollow and the other part of wants to see how desperate they are to push their agenda and the lengths they’ll go to.

but you not wanna talk about Bills many visits to paedophile island then or Prince Andrew ? this is the standard of your journalism fakenews

Some reality for the TDS infected.

Nothing about Clinton flying on Lolita Express 26 times? Nothing about Trump banning Epstien from his resorts? Nothing about Trump being the ONLY high level person who fully co-operated with prosecutors investigating Epstien, whilst the Clinton's and others totally refused?

30 years ago...before there were even rumours about Epstein. Now tell us about Trump banning Epstein from MarALago for hitting on an employee's 14 year old daughter. Or Trump being the only person who helped in Epsteins previous conviction...according to the police at the time.

What I am trying to tell you is...

TDS Perhaps post what realDonaldTrump said about him.

seen these before

So fuck

What's your point

George W Bush jnr on the receiving end of Trumps utterings! 😂😂😂

That’s Freddie Starr, try again..

Shit News

I used to play cricket with a guy who then was convicted of murder does that make me a murderer or partly guilty?

You could make a song of this to a Springstein tune 'Nonces in the USA'

Why dig this up from years ago? It just suits your liberal agenda to do this but whoever DUG this up l; what did they get up to? Drug taking, drug dealing? Let him without sin cast the first stone!

You keep putting this video out SKY? You’d think you have an agenda

This is news because why exactly?

Trump talks to a lot of people...

It says a lot about your rag of an organization in the things you don’t say and ignore.


Sleezy men end of

Looks like Alan Partridge KnowingMeKnowingYou

I believe this is the year President Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago.

BREAKING NEWS - SKY Style. Almost 32 years old

Wow, and the revelation is



Wired off his stupid wig

Epstein was actually a MAJOR financial supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton and many other Democrats. JeffreyEpstein shelled out Mega Millions to the Dems. NOT ONE Democrat who benefited from Epstein's money has offered to return it - or donate it to a charity. NOT ONE.

pushing the BS agenda still. he has already said he hadn't spoken to him for 15 years. he kicked him out of his complex because Epstein had abused a young girl there. Qsentme FakeNewsAgenda FakeNews FreeTommy

Wtf eyebrows!

Wow breaking news, I’m starting to think I live in America 🙄 is this the UK ?

AND? What’s you point ?! realDonaldTrump trying to nail him for being human ? For his past ? For talking to someone who later committed a crime !!!!!

No comment on Google & Wikipedia deleting all the Epstein & Bill Clinton reports,images & videos?! Your turning in the CNN

The word “Archive” kind of gives the game away Sky guys where so much more relevant before you were bought out by COMCAST..

Can anyone lipread?

Looks off his nut on coke🤪

The paedophilia rings are closely connected to money and power. The Vatican and the CIA are involved in human trafficking, drugs, money Laundering, sex slavery and of course they provide innocent young people to their masters

How many photos and videos are there of British Royalty, celebrities and elites hanging out with Jimmy Saville

Who is Q ... had you been watching sky news you would know ... oh wait you do .... tick tock

The Clinton’s and Obama’s were all frequent visitors as you well know

Is Prince Andrew a nonce?

President Trump so young and so handsome!

Leave it out that was 20 years ago


Recent news then

Notice how much Donald Trump looks like Robert Maxwell?

When you say 'billionaire financiers' you mean convicted paedophile.

2020 Chess ♟

Show us the video of Clinton boarding the Lolita express on the way to Epstein’s private island to have sex with minors

And soon after this was taken Trump bannen the paedo perv from mar-a-Lago for talking inappropriately to young girls! So stop lying and trying to connect something that is a big nothing burger!!!!!!!


Where’s your Bill Clinton footage. Funny your logo looks just like Stupidico and CNN.

100% that night they had some action with models 😉 they lived the dream 😉 haters will never live the dream 😉

No bail for him Not a good sign

Got any footage on Bill Clinton's Clinton's freindship, with Epstein because Clinton had a freindship with Epstein aswell.

Any footage of Bill Clinton? Or are you just fake news?

How many times are you going to post this today?! Ffs!!

I’m betting he doesn’t even know the guy, never met him, don’t even know who he is, don’t like him, he’s a terrible man.

It just shows how inconsiderate The Donald is. He was clearly bumping out rails and didn’t offer any to his guests.

Wait.. that Alan Partridge isn’t it?

Well Sky I see you've launched your propaganda campaign for the Democratic Party for 2020 .Pssst you might want to check out the 26 trips made by a fmr President sooner rather than later before your bias makes even more people switch off

Lip readers please!


You forgot to mention that Epstein was later banned from Mar-a-Lago for inappropriate behaviour

Why are you obsessed with Donald Trump?

Rhythm is a minor Epstein's right behind her We're not paedophiles, we swear Drowning out their voices Giving them no choices Tie them down and pull their hair

And? What are you implying ?

Someone please dub some funny voices over this. Please.

Any footage of Andy or Bill?

So he has always had that horrible head of hair.

Oh, My Goodness, Trump liked to party....Yawn. 'Tis ok, the 2000 docs are about to be released and then this story will fade as you will be to busy following/burying the fact that everyone of your 'Faves', including princes and ex-presidents, will be implicated.. BOOM

It`s truly amazing that people cant see that a sexist and racist president with his finger on the nuclear button isnt frightening? God fucking help us all.

Another bit of poor journalism by sky digging up a load of bollocks unbelievable

Epstein was a very close cohort of BillClinton. Clinton used Epstein's private jet at least 22 times. President Trump - like a lot of high profile people - knew Epstein. Epstein donated way more MILLIONS in campaign money to Bill 'Slick Willie' Clinton and his wife Hillary.

You desperate sad cretins. 27 years ago.... Meanwhile... Clinton’s and numerous left wing (Branson et al) all recently....

Archive footage shows orange man and billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein hanging out at Mr orange man's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in 1992. Get more on this story here:

Has a lip reader been employed

I thought you said you had footage of Trump in blackface. You lied.

Anyone know a lip reader. Could be interesting what he’s saying

Was he coked up or what?

Can you ask Kay if she has strangled anyone today.

You all keep trying to interject Trump in this, but the majority of Epstein's pedo buddies are democrats. Keep projecting though if it makes you feel better. Bill Clinton rode the Lolita express over 20 times. Who are the sickos?

Sky, what is Q?

I literally just watched trump turning up thanks sky news

Show some Clinton clips.

So F’in what.

He’a been a badly dressed buffoon for so long, we forget...

Look at the monkey dance!! RacistPresident

sknews you are a onesided biased news media

These Three Ladies say they were at the party and nothing happened

Anything within the last quarter century?

He’s looks coked-up.

Just before Trump banned him for hitting on a members daughter


Have you any footage of Bill' the biter' Clinton with Mr Epstein?

Whoopty do? I'm sure you have just as much footage of your dear Prince. Why are you not showing that?

Is it because the Russia thing didn't work? All because theres a president thats not in anyone pocket!

No story there - the fake mocking bird projection media at it again.

Slow news day.

Fake news why not report on this

Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew have also hung out with Epstein. But you won't mention them, because you don't have a vendetta against them.

It's kind of weird that Donald Trump hasn't changed his haircut in nearly thirty years. You'd think with his money he'd change it all the time, like those women on the Real Housewives of Atlanta. They change their hair almost every 10 seconds.

Lip reader anyone?

How the Hell did he become President of the United States.

What about Michael Winner and all the non-disclosure contracts signed by all these people.

He's never met him. Never had sex with him. Never had his lawyer pay him off. In any event - not his type. He wouldn't have liked him. Trump EpsteinIsTrumpsBFF

Clinton and Prince Andrew both flew on his plane.

Oh please shut up now, he was at a party, he wasn’t best friends can you remember who you party with, 30 odd years ago, he also band him from his club . Fake news how about you do some real work

Will President Trump he get his best friend a-pardon?🥵

So what’s the news?

You know, as I do that when Trump heard that Epstein ‘came on to’ the 14 year old daughter of one of his employees and Trump banned him from all his venues. FakeNews

Not a fan of trump but there not the only two at the party, 27 years ago.

You know, y'all have a real scandalous story with Clinton and many others that have gone to Epstein's island and this is what you're pushing? And you wonder why people have lost faith in journalism.

Full of toot

There is no story

But nothing from you about the 16 ish trips Clinton made to Epstein's island, at least 3 without an secret service. Sky where it's just bias not news

Oh yeah sure he had his crystal ball 27 years ago SLY news?

1992, that the best you can do, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson were flying on this creeps plane to his creep island within the last 5 years.

What about some coverage on the terrible abuse on under age UK citizens?

So? 😂😂😂

Not got the balls to say what you are really insinuating then sky 🤔


A bit David Brent!

This is news?🙄

Rich bloke shows off to rich bloke. What's your point?

So let me guess this right, your corrupt news organisation is trying to suggest that because President Trump was speaking to Jeffrey Epstein at a party that makes him aware of who and what he is 🤔

Oh my................

He had a comb over then as well lol!

I'm as serious as cancer when I say rhythm is a dancer

Dirty perverts the two of them

Donny and his friends ..

This is what happens when money or opportunity to make it is not earned but given or inherited. Morons with too, much time on their hands get into mischief.

How dare he go to a party the cad, impeach him immediately.

Nothing can stop what is coming.... Trump 2020

He looked even more of an idiot then than he does now. That's quite an achievement!

How many people hung out with Jimmy Savile?

mattforde Nice hair..where's Bill?

Making America great Again Trump 202p

None of Bill Clinton? To to show your news channel isn’t unbiased, like.

That party looks like great fun. I wish I was there.

Aaah, Snap and the sound of summer ‘92 😎 add a bit of Ugly Kid Joe too please ?

What a disgusting 'news' organisation you are. BLATANT agenda and hate filled rhetoric ....this is what he means when he says EnemyOfThePeople


Oh my!!!!!!! Trump has nothing to worry about. Trump 2020

That little shuffle at 0:14s!

Boring ,have you got any real news to report .

I think Donald Trump ‘looks’ a bit ‘coked up’ in this VT

So what?

Prince Andrew is pedo!!!!!!!!! Trump 2020

So these must have been in it with Jimmy Saville then

Curious, but if footage of Prince Andrew hanging out with Epstein in Mar-A-Lago comes out will you be reporting on that every 5 minutes too?

Recently then...

Any footage of the 26 trips Bill Clinton took on Epstein’s plane? No course not.

Wow DT has a history! Big news DT has previously spoken to people.

Who's this? Oh it's only Prince Andrew meeting convicted paedophille and child trafficker Jeffery Epstein on his release from prison. Good to have your buddies waiting on release eh.

This is what you call fake news. Let me explain, you take a story and you twist it to fit your narrative. I can show you a dozen pictures with Epstein with the clintons and so many other people. But you want to pretend it was only Donald Trump. And it's from 30 years ago.


Did you dig up some footage of Clinton and all the other Democrats and Hollywood liberals that partied with him and stayed on his island?


And it means what!!!

So what's wrong there seeing Donald Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein, Is devil not in Lord's ministry until he misbehaved, u guys should leave President Trump to hv rest pls.

And? Bill Clinton & Prince Andrew 'partied' with Epstein too.

Wow who cares

Well that’s conclusive proof, not sure what it’s proof of but he can’t deny he was at party at the same time as somebody else nearly 30 years ago. Astonishing, we should probably cancel Brexit now this has emerged.

And ?


Sky News is just as Fake as American Media

So what's wrong there seen Donald Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein, Is devil not in Lord's ministry until he misbehave, u guys should President Trump to hv rest pls.

We’re the of Bill Clinton the rapist ?

and so what? metoo this?

So did a Royal also. Your point!

I’ve seen Trump’s dance moves before.

I glad to help you.....thanks

Bet some fingering went on that night

Porque nao rola o video completo onde Ghislaine Maxwell e outros estao presentes?🤔

And your implying what ? ..... not a news channel just a dirty, scruffy excuse of a story

I seen 'archive' footage of him cutting Vince McMahon's once.

Any footage of Prince Andrew with Epstein or does that not fit your political agenda?


Could you report on these as well. You know, just for balance....?

You really are scraping the barrel Sky News you could just as easily show the 50 times that Bill Clinton is seen getting on Epsteins plane but you don't because you are biased

And this is the flight manifests and he’s not on them, check and report on who is

Epstein has got some creepy Vampire teeth in this vid . Jeepers AtTheMarket

Young guys having a great time and laughing, Is it a crime? what is your agenda?

here you go Sky News

why can’t you print the truth that Trump had him banned from their for inappropriate behaviour. Also why don’t you print the flight manifests to Pedo Island,.....I know why because Trump isn’t on them ......

It was 100 yesrs ago! Stop it please! What are you trying to do!

Was this just before he barred the dirty pedo from his resorts for life for assaulting a child

This is worse 🤮

So, just because you know someone doesn’t mean you know all their secrets.

1992? That’s 27 years ago!

He hung out with a lot of people and celebrities who seem to fake hate him right now. It’s all as fake as the news.

Now do Clinton and Prince Andrew

Do we really want to see racists running our country?

Sky news scum🤬

What’s wrong with having a NFL party? Where is the rest of the video where Former Democratic Rep. Tom McMillen walks in with a woman? BTW Authorities arrested McMillen 1997 for assault. Your hit piece is an epic fail & you are no longer a credit source in my book.

And his fan base will continue to justify these things he could literally shoot a baby in the middle of New York and they’d still follow 🐑

45 years ago I met a man at my mothers house. We shared friendly greetings and casual conversation. A few years later he murdered 3 of my dear friends, I had no further association with him. GET REAL AND GET THE REAL STORY

This man is going to make burning crosses if front of Baptist Church normal and the use of racist slurs. Why are the republicans not doing anything. We used to be a proud country who welcomed all. Now look at us, just look at us!


So you're guilty by association now..

if guilt by association is what your getting at, why not show prince andrew and bill clinton their is far more footage of them with epstein . not to mention all those who hung around with Jimmy saville

Prince Andrew? Clinton? The list goes on

To funny. Bill Clinton also hung out with him much more recently.

Even then he had horrible hair.... money can’t buy class

Any footage of Epstein and Bill Clinton, there must be some because Bill went on his sex plane about 24 times according to his people, not sure if he went to Orgy Island though?


Bill Clinton was a regular guest of Epstein.log book showed he was on that jet 27 time.Bill Clinton said he was only 4 times. hypocrites plus Epstein private island burned the had of his Arrest.


Blair and Gadaffi?

You guys are on the ropes aren’t you? Something has on the horizon isn’t it?

Prince Andrews best mate,what does that make him.

The same mara lago estate Trump threw him out of for inappropriately groping a young girl

Considering Trump claims he never liked him he seems to be enjoying his company.

Originality. Truly American at heart. Se the amazing way he was connecting with both people. Great guy. TRUMP2020

Cocaine is a helluva drug.

Ha ha ha trump fell out with him over him being a pedo its his other mates that should worry you

If you can dig crap like this up on realDonaldTrump why not dig it up on brown or smith / this scum in Telford ? Or are you not allowed to ? Because of your political agenda.

The dishonest media on the smear campaign.

Just saying

Archive footage shows orange man and Jeffrey Epstein hanging out Mr orange man's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in 1992. Get more on this story here:

Any surveillance video of Clinton in the Oval Office enjoying a Cuban cigar, oh sorry he was enjoying someone else enjoying a Cuban cigar. 😳

The company people keep huh ?

Unfortunately you can't stop these people visiting hotels and golf clubs. Yet think a vid from 27 years ago is news ffs get a life and do some upto date news ffs

Sleezebags together!! How did this moron get elected Are there really that many Americans with no morals or decency

Imagine Trump chucked that sleaze out on his ear once he figure him out. Trump is so much better than I would have ever guessed.

The days of our youth. But Clinton and other world-wide, high-profile people are the NOW.

Trump maybe hasn't taken a drink his whole life, but my coke radars pinging here...

Obama hangs with Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton so what’s your point

1992? 27 years ago?

So what . Was Boris there ? Look like a great party.

Where is Billy Clinton

Have you got any Clinton pics to show us?

He’s coked up here surely

😂😂 really sky news 1992 old video that’s all you got, he servered his relationship with Epstein more than 15 years ago, plus banned him from trump properties but I forgot left wing news don’t do whole truths only half truths 🙄

That's where people's hair styles come from today then with that line shaved in the side!

Thing that bothers me most about this footage is the piss-poor attempt at dancing on the part of realDonaldTrump

Oh look all the footage of Clinton with same man has been deleted by Google etc strange that

So what

Didn't trump throw him out when he heard about peado island But many others went their after trump fell out with him

Wow , utterly pathetic , are you actually trying to rid yourselves of any credibility

Trumps nickname should be Margaret Thatcher because they both fucked minors.

Have u any off bill Clinton on his plane?

Fortunately for Trump's failing memory there is video. Poor old sod is losing it.


anonymoo27 is this the guy u were on about the other day?

Oh look, here's Obama with his best buddy..Mr Weinstein

So 26 years ago two blokes had a chat at a party.......

How many hung out with Jimmy Saville over decades.

And Prince Andrew using tax payers money to travel around the world with Epstein as a guest. Sickening.

If a journalist who works for Sky News interviews a known terrorist does it make the journalists & sky news guilty of terrorism

Before anyone knew

total non story

Hmm..Prince Andrew and his friend..

I was today years old before realising Rhythm is a Dancer is 27 years old.

Prince Andrew is pedo!!!!!

But he will say he didn’t really know him and they never associated with each other, and his base will believe him even when video evidence shows he is a liar!

What a disgusting, insinuating agenda you have EnemyOfThePeople mediaagenda

jimmytabuk He's oot his face on the old Columbian super dust🤡

why are you so keen to make a connection between Trump and Epstein yet ignore Clinton's 27 trips on 'lolita express'?

Why don't you report on how often bill Clinton hung out with Jeffery Epstein including frequent trips to his island. Oh you won't because you've been told to do anything to demonise Trump ... fakenews ... fake biased fkin news

Be very careful with this one. Many people are potentially implicated in this, Trump is not one of them.....

Trump is on it. Couple of lines and some swedgers.

What about highlighting this sly news?

Now show the videos & photos of Bill Clinton & our own Prince Andrew not only partying with Epstein but flying with him over 40 times on his Private Jet & staying at his actual home with verified harrassment accusers! but you wont will you


There’s also plenty of footage of him with people like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson from the 90’s. But you don’t want to talk about that huh?!


It’s better than the may-bot

Buddies. Fact

Can we see the Jimmy Savile tapes in the houses of Parliament and royal families homes now too ?

The women were ga ga for Trump weren’t they.

People who don't believe Trump is a pedophile probably still believe in pizzagate.

And? Does it make realDonaldTrump responsible for J. Epstein's individual actions? Please, please, please...

Do you know hero general sun shin lee

Dont forget BillClinton was on Epsteins plane 26 times

This is him before or after be became a Millionaire.

Are you going to show the far more recent photos of Epstein with Prince Andrew? You know, the ones after he had actually served his jail sentence

Just 27 years ago then? I am sure we all said and did things 27 years ago, which we would not say or do today? In fact 27 weeks or months is a lifetime away with the pace of change of today?

Trump kicked him out of this club and banned him a short while after this.

realDonaldTrump looks wired 😎

Omg 😴😴😴

Now do bill clinton.

Video emerges of orange man and Jeffrey Epstein partying in 1992

Tony Blair must be shitting himself

Hold my beer, I'll just pop out an get some straws for you to clutch

What he did in 1992 is totally irrelevant.

I was once in a nightclub with Robbie from eastenders in the 90’s, might have a photo if you need it!

What a disgusting 'news' organisation you are. BLATANT agenda....this is what he means when he says EnemyOfThePeople


I’m sure Mr Trump met many people in the 1990’s. Your point is what exactly?

Desperation.... .. utter desperation....

You’re already getting a lip-reader on that, right? 🙏🏼🧐

What a scoop!

Where's the pictures of Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton , regulars on Epsteins plane and island?

The desperation of the establishment trying to push a FakeNews narrative looms large here sly ‘news’

......this makes people support Trump even more, keep it up Sky 👍👍

Show us the many of Bill and his shenanigans.


Trump was doing what any host would do to entertain guests and make them feel welcome. Was Trump also checking out a prospective club member?


Bias type analysis: Guilty by association.

which is worse?

can you sink any lower ffs 🙄🙄

In 1992 I watched Jimmy Saville so what

And your point is

Have you got the one's of him and Bill Clinton partying? Why have you omitted that Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a_lago and omitted the fact that a prosecutor stated that Trump was the only person who fully helped the investigation? The Clintons refused.

Do you think people are so stupid and cannot see the quite deliberate engineered narrative in this tweet?

This is me we Michael Eavis but I don’t get free Glastonbury Tickets every year ( wish I did ) so don’t let photos fool you 🤔

BILL CLINTON used Epsteins private jet 26 TIMES and was a regular visitor to his Island. GHISLAINE MAXWELL (Robert Maxwell's daughter) Pretended to be his girlfriend & acted as a recruiter for him. JEFFREY EPSTEIN - Paid off SARAH FERGUSON'S (Prince Andrew) debts. RealNews

Smoke & fire....

Sky news you’re an absolute disgrace. You’re just a far left propaganda channel. Digging up a photo from 27 years ago really. How about some very recent speeches by Ilhan Omar which is far more relevant. Do you know what balanced and fair news is ?

Will you be releasing information on other presidents Epstein knew?

This is why USA choose her President !!! What a disgrace. God help USA

and ? i partied in 1992 will that get in the news

Hey Sky, that tree you're barking up, its the wrong one. But you know that.

OMG! This is absolutely groundbreaking. How about reporting the facts and how they relate to those all important 'Flight Logs' U shitty little news channel.

So what he partied with clinton too but you dont mention that

So what?

Majority of Hollywood have been with Weinstein at some point. They all sexual predators too?

Seriously Sky.......trying to conflate Trump with Epsteins crimes.

Do you hav any of him partying with prince andrew


Desperate much? two pervs in a pod!

Prince partied even harder only 7 years later.


Sky probably gave Jimmy Savile and John Leslie good press years ago. You are one biased and useless organization.

Here's jimmy Savile with Margaret thatcher any links here.

So did Bill Clinton and the top man of sky news.


Tell us about Bill's 20 plus trips to Epsteins rape island.

This video proves what

He could have been recorded in a video touching young girls and that would just make him appeal more to his supporters. He's putting on a performance and the sadists want more.

He looks like sanjay dutt from india

so no CLintons? No podesta? No pizzagating? 🙄

Oh yeah, except he's already said he used to hang out with him until he kicked him out of Mar-a-Lago in '98 and barred him from ever coming back. when was the last time the Clintons, Branson and the rest flew the Lolita express?

Epstein? That's jewish

Looks like Terry Venables 🤣


He agreed but had a bust up in 2002

Relevant news please

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