US vaccine expert predicts life could be back to normal around May

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Operation Warp Speed chief says if immunization plan goes well enough Americans should be vaccinated by May

Pending regulatory approval for the first vaccine means the first Americans could be vaccinated outside of clinical trial by mid-December.Pending regulatory approval for the first vaccine means the first Americans could be vaccinated outside of clinical trial by mid-December.As the United States recorded itsCovid-19 case, the Trump administration’s vaccine program adviser predicted that life in America could be back to normal around May of 2021 as immunization is set to begin.


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I could have sworn that there different strains of this virus and these vaccines cover them all? 🤔🤔🤔

Dangerous headline

So wait a Trump appointee said this? And we should believe it? Got any credible sources?

In the meantime, try not to kill your grandma over Christmas (unless, of course, you want to).

2022 right?

no,1 April

Did he mention which year?

monicacsango I've got a couple of questions - Back to normal for whom? Does that include everyone around the world, or are we only talking about affluent people in the west? - Will the normal be the old normal, or can we hope for a new and better normal? I hope, but I have my doubts

It is too early to make predictions. Only considering logistical aspects and success in the missing studies, we are at least a year away from overcoming the virus.

Not even close. Distribution list will start with the medical staff, then the elderly, then the immune compromised, then the elected officials, then some of the public, depending on how fast production is. 7 billion people, over 200 countries will need to have it, twice.

So what are the side effects & no liability

Obviously, the Trump administration’s vaccine program adviser is an ignorant. DrGeorgeSMack

Safe to say he ain't an economic expert... 🤣

US vaccine expert with stock wants life to be back to normal before May. fixed

I hope we learn from the 'positives' which happened as a result of COVID to move into a new sense of normality instead of going back to what it was like pre-COVID

If we globly announce that everyone inhale eucalyptus vapours, in their homes for only 7 days.We can control COVID-19 disease because the covid is basically starts from respiratory system and if we control on it from the start of its spread in all over the body we save lives.

More like a dream or fantasy. The reality is that we’re stuck with this for most of 2021.

Please let this true.

Any advisor to Trump who isn’t named Dr Fauci is not to be trusted. And Fauci is no longer advising Trump. So.

Bull. Unless you condition us to consider the “Freedom Passport” as ‘normal’

I am sure it won't, as 700,000 people are already in rent arrears and will have no means to pay it off. It's going to get really cold for the next 5-10 years and no one has a job and power companies are upping their prices and no one has had a wage rise. Money wil be worthless.

Until the next pandemic. They way humans live it’s going to become more frequent.

Unless Trump works with Biden on the transition, including the logistics of getting the vaccine out, it won't happen. Ppl who hate Trump wont take it and vice versa. And logistically it will be a huge undertaking.

Chinny Do Reck.

Rule of Thumb...never believe this kind of shit.

All these forecasts are predicated on a high take up of the vaccines. Something tells me it’s not going to go that smoothly.

*Life in America

They forget this is America.


A little light at the end of the tunnel. Let‘s hope the best for the world until then!

It's almost as if they have a crystal ball.


Can you imagine just how surreal all of this will appear in retrospective? Imagine, some years from now, you have to explain to your kids what has going on 'back then'. We truly live in a strange time.

We must not comply with this attempt at money grabbing by big pharma. Never forget swine flu.

I want to believe but honestly


Only if everyone gets vaccinated, and digital ID's are given, and movement is tracked, and people with dangerous opinions are arrested

Good reason to swerve Christmas this year!


SundayGrandWord If you are walking right before The LORD, the fear of The LORD that you will Exude is HONOUR unto The LORD.

Some good news in 2020! vaccine endcovid

Sounds good to me. ;-)

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