US Capitol under lockdown after security threat

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United Kingdom Headlines News

United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

Capitol Police say a suspect is in custody after a vehicle was reportedly rammed into officers.

The incident comes nearly three months after the deadly 6 January riot at the Capitol.

Shortly after 13:00 local time the Capitol Police alert system sent an email to lawmakers and their staff ordering them to stay away from exterior windows and doors. Anyone outside was instructed to seek cover. The entry point on Constitution Avenue where the vehicle struck the barricade is directly where Senators and their staff come to the Capitol each day, according to observers.The FBI's Washington Field Office is responding to the situation and is now providing support to the Capitol Police. The US Attorney General is also aware of the incident and is being updated, according to CBS News.

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If Carlsberg did massive overreactions...

Nation of islam black power activist.

The suspect is revealed to be a black Narion of Islam follower and immediately stop tweeting about this event

If only the driver had taken is foot off the gas sooner, the white police officer would be alive today. Maybe the biased BBC could explain, why it isn't reporting this murder in the same way it reports other murders in the USA.

Can't wait to see how the media blame the police for this one, condolences to the families of the victims is this what BLM wanted?

THINGS m u s t be SERIOUS. BBCJonSopel GRACED the NEWS with his PRESENCE.

You soon dropped this once it was confirmed as an Islamic attack Your newsreader at six o'clock was a disgrace, continually talking about a riot on 6 January. I don't recall the Capitol building being set alight. I remember 'peaceful BLM protesters' torching buildings

boris johnson lies to us daily and BBC news ignores it

BBC editorial bias on show again, Jan 6th is framed as riots because they're seen to be made up of right leaning participants. BLM & leftist leaning 'Riots' are always framed simply as 'Protests', most would agree both qualify as riots, so why the difference in headlines BBC?

Great job in not reporting that the guy was a member of the Nation of Islam. Can't have anyone thinking badly about our islamic friends. ScumMedia

Washington Capitol Hill suspect Noah Greene in his rightful place - his deathbed. RIPBillyEvans

If it doesn't fit your theory, fantasy theory BBC Yiu won't report truth until 2 yr later at trial that won't happen, he was member of Islam but you won't report that, not journalists your repeaters, shame on you BBC don't for your theories, you don't have your own voices

My thoughts, my prayers go out to the family of William Evans, he was just doing his job & he did it so well it cost him his life, America doesn't just need to rethink security it needs to learn how to share information from county to county it's not U.S.A it's Divided states

Noah Greene, 25, Indiana, sexually abused by members of senate, report that, report the truth, get a grip, do your job BBC, nothing to do with extremism

Nothing more to report BBCJonSopel

It’s been nearly 3 hours since the attack, and the BBC have hardly updated the news, maybe this is since they found out the culprit is a member of the Nation of Islam. Worst news state news organisation, laziest journalism, if it doesn’t suit their narrative.

Must be a mentally stressed white male.

I give it an hour before this is blamed on trump.🤔

There's no one there anyway lights on a timer go off at 11 every night



High alert due to the kiddie sniffer having to go upstairs.

'follows the deadly 6 January Riots'......... And months and months of deadly riots by BLM & Antifa. DefundTheBBC

The orange man’s legacies that may never go away. While evidence of children in cages under his ruin rages in the background, Asians are being shot at, attacked on 🇺🇸 streets. Someone trying to make a highway out of Capitol Hill is his latest addition.

The cause of all these terrorist operations is the Iranian government. With these attacks, Iran intends to force the United States to lift sanctions. Mr. Biden must stand up to this terrorist government. They are forcing some people to commit terrorist acts by giving money.

Iran, with these terrorist attacks, seeks division between Democrats and Republicans. The terrorist supporters of the whole world.

Its been locked down since 20th Jan

The fact it hasn’t been named a terrorist attack yet means the suspect is white

DissolveParliament because Boris Johnson wants VaccinePassports. We think it's time he is gone... KBF MBGA Freedom BorisMustGo BorisJohnsonOut GeneralElection2021

You're very quick to report what's happening in the us !

So unlike the yanks to over react to something.

Wouldn't be the first time white nationalists have used cars to ram people... Charlottesville... Thankfully the National Guard are poised to deal with any further issues

This is on Biden. He’s destroying America one day at a time.

I am looking for new, good friends

Irish republicans raging Biden is taxing Ireland 🇮🇪

Christian Holiday = Islamic attacks

Snowflakes all over. What happened to real fucking men and woman. It does matter what you are or we’re even come from. To mAny snowflakes who don’t even know what a good days work is. snowflakes

This should be interesting, they can’t even Lockdown during a Pandemic..... let alone a security alert 😆

Car crashed into two police officers. Man arrested. That’s it.

Bidons american

A car hits a barrier and the American lockdown the capital

BBC, fake news.

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