U.S. ‘Vulnerable’ to COVID-19 Without New Shots: White House

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'The window is closing.' White House warns U.S. faces new COVID-19 risk without more shots

'The Window is Closing': White House Warns U.S. Faces New COVID-19 Risk Without More Shots

His warning came as the White House said there could be up to 100 million infections from the virus later this year—and as President Joe Biden somberly ordered flags to half-staff to mark 1 million deaths. Speaking of a need to provide vaccination assistance to other nations, Jha cast the urgency in terms of the benefits to Americans, even if they never travel overseas.“All of these variants were first identified outside of the United States,” he said. “If the goal is to protect the American people, we have got to make sure the world is vaccinated. I mean, there’s just no domestic-only approach here.

White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha speaks during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington, April 26, 2022.Jha said he’s been making the case to lawmakers for additional funding for weeks, calling it a “very pared down request” and “the bare minimum that we need to get through this fall and winter without large loss of life.”

“I would say we’re really kind of at that deadline and waiting much longer just puts us further back of the line,” he added. “If we’re willing to be in the back of the line and get our vaccines in the spring, we have plenty of time. But then we’ll have missed the entire fall and winter. That’s not an acceptable outcome, I think, for the American people.


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Haven’t had a single shot or booster


Wear your masks, wash your hands and practice social distance as the authorities still do not have a hold of this mysterious virus....

SveErthNtrePplWldlfebyonewndw oprtnPlnttrilionsNeemtreesevry nck&crnrofWrldPrvdeU24hrsoxygn (Onlytre)&sckalcrbnfrmatmsphr UachveZrocrbnCntrlClmtchnge NrmlzetmprtrRdceGlblwrmng SprvccnRmvealinfctsdisswth100% rcvryVrsklrBldprtrHghptntlfrtlzr& StrngdzpstcdsIncrsealcrpyld Cmeprprpth

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Stupid people not getting vaccinated, and not wearing masks, will kill many!

The propaganda machine is in full swing.. most of the posts I see from you guys is bullshit like this.. move on world.. there was never anything to see here.


🚫 The Great Vaccine Robbery. Putting BigPharma in charge of global COVIDvaccine rollout was a big mistake. Pfizer has had an exceptionally good pandemic. 🔺Covid has made it clear: the likes of Pfizer only really care about their huge profits.

🛑 Pfizer’s Revenue Explodes. “It’s Nothing Short of Pandemic Profiteering”. The corporation is making as much as $1 million in profits every hour from CovidVaccine sales, boasts revenues will expand exponentially in 2022 to as much as $102 BILLION

We need to stop the “fear tactics”. COVID is old news. It’s simply a bad cold.


Nobody cares

Talking covoid again,then back to mail in ballet's, and the POLL'S left open for day's again till they get the mail ins they need,seen this movie before


You mean those same shots formulated for the Wuhan virus that don’t work against the omicron covid virus? I keep trying to follow the science but following the “science” always ends up following the money. Hmmm….

And by shots, they mean Corporate Welfare



Bull shit.We won't believe Fauchi or Brandon both have been lying for over 17 months.Power money and control is the game they play with the American people


And another previously respected news publication bites the dust. please let it go

How is Africa still alive with such low vax rates?

Biden & the whole Democratic Party can inject all those new vaccines into themselves.. Put America back the way you found it! We the people aren’t listening to you any longer

No surprise here, both the Republicans & Democrats have made a mess of this Covid Pandemic. The American handling of Covid has been a disaster. Imagine, over 1 million dead & we know it's probably higher.

Many nations are at risk with not enough people vaccinated in the pandemic cause of misinformation from right wing media worldwide. US & Canada are 74% fully vaccinated which still puts everyone at risk of getting infected by these new variants every day. WearAMask StayAtHome

Nope. Move along. Report on the Pfizer data dumps about efficacy.

White House is shilling for BIG Pharma.


One million dead yet Trump said it wasn't bad

WhiteHouse is lying.

1+ mil views 🎉 We need to end this virus NOW by all staying home! Let us know if you're striking too! fb link-up ⬛ StayHome TwoWeeksForAfrica GeneralStrike Omicron COVID WeGotLove Strike4SafeSchools LongCOVID 🖤 TWFA

We need annual boosters like the flu shot.

What window?!

Noone cares

There are potentially better and cheaper approaches that are likely to be more effective because they exploit SARS CoV vulnerabilities (inclusive all variants). They haven’t been tried… We know by now the limitations of the vaccines.

Nobody needs 'more shots.' You know what they do need? A healthy diet and consistent exercise. This fat ass country is incredibly weak and paunchy. Take your big pharma marketing elsewhere.

Millions of Americans have decided the pandemic is over. They're tired of it. May they rest in peace.

I may not be the best, I may not loved by any one but I am me. That’s what makes me special.

Well. Wtf not?

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