Trump makes sinister claim Biden won't 'last two months' as president

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Trump claims Joe Biden would either die or be overthrown by 'communist' forces in his own party within months if he is elected US president

Donald Trump on Thursday claimed Democratic nominee Joe Biden would either die or be overthrown by “communist” forces in his own party early in his term if he is elected in November.


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Wouldn't know anything about that, but it sounds dope



Trump doesn’t sound desperate does he?

Many think that, he is their best chance of beating Trump, once elected, nobody knows what might happen. My guess is a war somewhere.

What an idiot.


If only...

Everyone is saying Trump has “gone bonkers” —-and after that last claim about Biden I believe it!

Trump is unhinged.

To be fair ,Obama and Biden did nothing to protect USA from CPCs attacks on the US economy. They didn't even relise they were in a war till 6 months ago. Unbelievably naive.

Sour grapes Donald Duck

This utter BS worked for the Tories.

Bet Trump will be removed, if he gets re-elected, by the GOP or by the FBI for criminal activity.

No limit to the scaremongering lies, huh? It’s gonna be a spooky October.

Trump is unhinged

Why....trum will hire a shot man to kill biden ? Well khamala hatris will be the first woman to be president. Trump' favourite movie is the manciurian candidate. Is he...trump a wall steet candidate?


Trump now turn to prophet, foretelling people's future. Politics is a life changer.

That thing is maddd

I doubt anyone will listen to what trump says these days LyingTrump

What I would say about this is that Biden is a very strong candidate so JoeBiden My prayers are with you u will live long to fufil your promises to US good luck from me😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

So very true

If only that were true

Crazy sayings! All of us will die but we will live strongly, courageously, bravely and confidently as long as we are alive. Joe Biden's immune system is strong enough not to have Corona. Actually, good people have mental strength as well.

It’s almost as if he wants lose

without looking to the Nazi side that is standing by!

Well, we'll see.

Nothing will happen to Joe and he will complete his full term .

What is wrong with this man Seriously, someone tell me please!

An extraordinary utterance

Poundshop💵 Trump waffling about losing weight after discharging himself less than 4 days after being diagnosed with Covid19 & claiming he has 'Antibodies'!Spouting mindless rhetoric & failing to recognise his own catastrophic mistakes by continuing to politicise😷usage of masks!

They are still scared of communism all these years later. Wouldn’t even know it if it hit them in the face

Trump doesn’t sound desperate does he?

Hmmm an unfortunate careless remark laced with innate hatred.Well the of God will always prevail but not that of man. As the old adage goes ‘ man propose God disposes .

Well there it is folks. It’s always a projection or self fullfilling prophesy with him. Now we wait...

Lol. Show me the lie tho

Whelp there it is. It’s always a projection or self fullfilling prophesy with him. Now we wait...

How is an impeached “president” allowed to run for a second term?! IMPEACHEDTRUMP

Fingers crossed than

Who was it that needed an inpatient admission, an experimental cocktail of drugs and 20 doctors? Who is it that owes millions to unknown sources? Once again an example of Trumpian Projection.

How is this breaking news? Hasn't anyone realised that the sheer amount of exposure Trump gets will give him the election?

Going full on manchild mode.

They ask about Trump's health '' What about Joe Biden's what is his medical report like?Also, is he up for the job if elected President. Joe's health was mentioned in the debate.?

He is crazy ,jesus

The President is definitely on steroids but what else have those military doctors given him? He is certainly showing symptoms of hypersurreal.

Trump has undoubtedly succumbed to his madness. Isn’t it about time that the medical problems were treated?

Trump should be declassified from running for office solely on the grounds of his costic vitriolic LIES, to say it's unpresidential of him is such a huge understatement🤦‍♂️ VoteTrumpOut VoteHimOut VoteForBidenHarris

A reprehensible POS realDonaldTrump

so there you have it in the last weeks of the campaign it will be all Trump & capitalism v Biden and socialism/communism

Breaking news Ukraine in UK sign of comprehensive free trade agreement!!!!

They also said Biden would fake covid and not go to the next debate but guess who did that? realDonaldTrump

He’s off the rails!

And this is the man that called himself a Christian

Ask Trump to define communism

Remember Trump projects so is he saying we are going to be overthrown next year?

Science fiction

Trump has threatened Joe Biden

Trump has been listening to his own campaign conspiracy theories to much !!


If trump is elected again America will become a black hole 😼

The meds are currupting his brain

More bad Karma to come Trump's way then

More like global elites operating under the banner of communism.

Trump2020 ‘s latest statements & tweets exhibit classic psychiatric text book qualifications of a scared psychopath. If he were in the UK he’d be Sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

Maybe it's time for human civilisation to call it a day. If this is the guy we let lead, we've no right to waste this planet's time.

Love how the Americans throw the Communism word around but nothing or no one in the US even comes close to being Communist

He is a patsy, if he became president he will be removed and Clinton will step in! Calling it now!

Could this be taken as an open threat to a political opponent? Or a 'call to action' to his far-right and QAnon minions? This statement is serious indeed, and very concerning. TrumpIsANationalDisgrace BidensUnitingUS BidenHarris2020

I genuinely didn’t know that Trump could sound crazier than he normally does- I guess they must have given him the good painkillers when he was discharged from hospital?

The Secret Service needs to investigate him.

We’ll roll the dice Mr Trump. You are a 1 term President. And please, do something about the raccoons at the WH.

Either is preferable to him staying in charge.

Will this rubbish ever stop!!!!!!!!!!!

He won't last Kanala will be president and Pelosi VP...You'all ready for this

Have they got Trump on crack?!

If any further proof was needed that Trump is insane and doesn’t know reality from fiction then these comments are the proof.

Ok Trump is now dangerous time to get his party to remove him from office RemoveTrumpNow

Terrorism again. Death threats.. wtf lol. How come he knows communists 'forces' in Biden's party? Or communists at all?

This guy may need to be put under serious psychiatric watch, before he goes irretrievably rogue.

It’s time a medical intervention was made regarding the super spreader! He is not fit to serve..

Debate is face to face, but if it is hypothetical then it is not called a debate

It’s all names and not substance ....

Trump is cracking up.

No way he would see out a term I agree.

😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Currently he himself is on deathbed 😝😝😝😝

meds talking again...

Very true !!!

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