Thousands turn out for UK anti-racism protests

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United Kingdom Headlines News

United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

A police horse has bolted at protesters at an anti-racism rally in London Tens of thousands of people have gathered across the UK for Black Lives Matter protests sparked by the death of George Floyd

O'Neall Rawle, a 27-year-old teacher from Leicester, said he was protesting"to hopefully spark some change".

And speaking on LBC, Dame Cressida said she understood the strength of feeling but urged protesters to find a way of expressing themselves that did not involve mass gatherings.What does the law say about protests? Police officers can hand out fixed-penalty notices to people who won't follow the health regulations. They can also arrest and charge someone with an offence.


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'A horse has bolted at protesters' ? WTAF BBC , your time is up DefundTheBBC

What happened to the peaceful protest if Britain 🇬🇧 as a second wave all you lot that attended the London protest give your selfs a pat on tour back and when we start to loose family and friends you all are to blame

And I don't agree that we should get rid of some of our programmes because they say its racist what about some of there programmes so if we have to scrap our programmes then so shouldn't they

BBC: white supremacist horse attack mostly peaceful protesters

I wonder if it had anything to do with the objects protestors were throwing at the horse.

scum media

Care to mention why the horse bolted? Guess not.


The protest Itself is racist... AllLivesMatter! It's scary to think we have to breath the same air as these scumbags who are chanting the name of a violent career criminal whose done time.

You are all stark raving mad, well done!

the horse panicked? is that before or after some socialist scumbag threw a pole at one of the police officers. once again the left wing media trys to be the lefty liberal do gooder total arseholes

I think these people are forgetting about the pandemic and how easy it is to spread the virus to potentially vulnerable people. I understand that people are mad with what happened but violently protesting in large groups is just going to make everything worse.

Zijn nog smerige dierenbeulen ook !!

Perhaps these protests tell something about the disparity in incidence of Covid 19 and the likelihood of a second spike

Any news on the little twat who tried setting alight our Nation’s flag? We should make him stand in that exact same position during Remembrance Sunday this year unless it gets cancelled because it’s not important enough but protesting & violence is 10DowningStreet BorisJohnson

If you, in any way, defend these thugs, you're part of the problem.

AllLivesMatters Claarts all tryn to look sorry they dont mean nothing to me

Clean up the fucking riot with predator drones

That poor horse was terrified. 🙁

The usual lies and subversion from BBC. What vermin you have become. Cancelling my licence today

You mean the horse that had a brick thrown at it by a terriorist?

Blatant Bull Crap

BBC is not delivering news anymore. Just propaganda.

What the hell is wrong with Europeans? Why are you having protests about a policing error in the US. Are you insane or have you all so lost your sovereignty that you think your Americans?. This isn’t your fight. Save yourself while we destroy ourselves.

What a sewage this 'newspaper' is. Who reads their Crap?

Do better, .

Who throws a bicycle at a horse? Ridiculous.

That's an Oxymoron right there 👉

Im in support of this movement to eradicate racism and i hope that the world will become a better place for all walks of life. However how can anyone state that racism is a bigger killer than COVID, both are viruses in their own concept but COVID is in an uncontrollable state!!!!

This is the way of mankind - violence & blame! Perhaps it's time humans become the phoenix that will hopefully rise as 'wiser' from its own ashes! It is unwise to burn your own house down in protest when someone else does wrong! Covid is priority...nothing else!

And why did it bolt? That's what you should be reporting on.

The trained police horse just randomly bolted, did it? DefundtheBBC

Bloody idiot's.Hope the poor horses are all ok. 😠

That horse is clearly racist you should investigate BBC



BBC is a joke

They do that when you throw bricks and Boris bikes at them

Mind virus combines with corona virus.

Second wave life’s don’t matter

Didn’t anyone have the decency to ask the horse if it wanted to go Why take the horse in the first place ?

WHAT IS A PROBLEM they are not protesting they’re vandals If black peoples don’t like Life in UK they are free to go back to their motherlands....

I hope that horse was reprimanded for it's obvious racism. how dare it bolt at innocent peaceful people who were not throwing anything at it at all for no reason whatsoever!


Thugs attack police horses by pelting them with bricks & other objects including a bicycle. Panicked by this onslaught one horse bolted. In another incident thugs cheered and danced as a policewoman lay injured after her horse came under attack and similarly bolted DefundtheBBC

The George Soros protesters attacked that horse

'Bolted be ause of the violent protesters' There you go

The people seen talking on camera without their mask on are going to infect or be infected with the virus, and be responsible for the death of innocent men and women. This is irresponsible.


The BBC are a lost organisation.

Why df do British people care isn't that American problem

Fake news. The same fake shit here about news of the black lives matters protests. They attack police men with brutale force. Destroy historical monuments. What a thing to be proud of.

Sorry u don't throw a bicycle to a horse. THAT'S NOT OK

Bcc have been fake news for a long time

You wonder whyyou are called MediaScum when you deliberatly lie in your reports the horse was attacked with fireworks it did not bolt at the rioters but run away from the attack frightened and confused a police women was then seriously hurt! MediaScum

BBC the Bull💩Broadcasting Corp.

Horse is racist, obs.

Horse riders clearly been attacked by someone that seems to be a BLM terrorist.

Where are the animal lovers? Rioters chucking bricks at innocent horses.

LPM. Lamp Posts Matter

Is that horse racist too?

Fixed it for you: “A police horse has bolted because protestors throw objects and spook it....”

The police do not heed horses, they could have more cops on the beat if they got rid of them,

Isn’t this the same horse whose rider was knocked off after the collision with a traffic light? Are you implying mounted police are a danger to protestors? Aren’t mounted police used for crowd control?

Absolutely ridiculous that we let this farce continue. These people are not for the BLM 'movement'. Get the army out to restore order!!

'A police horse bolted from violent protesters at an anti-racism rally in London, when missiles including flares were thrown at the horse and a cycle into its path. Protesters and police, including the rider who is in hospital, were hurt by this deliberate act.'

It's easy no one would of got hurt if these vile people weren't allowed to be there . The horse bolted because the scum pelted bottles and fire crackers at the horse that scum blm should be arrested and deported BLMscum

That horse didn’t bolt ffs, after unseating rider it just ran due to being scared, they are flight not fight animals. No amount of desensitisation can prepare them 4 the real thing. No horse is 💯% bombproof & I personally don’t think 🐎 should be used, due 2 stress caused 2🐴👎

Hear the woman shout at the Police ‘you fucking deserve it’ 🤷‍♀️

You cease being a peaceful protester as soon as you become violent .then you are a criminal in a riot

This is disgraceful behaviour

as you can see the officer and horse survived the bike attack to see another day

Protest peacefully,and remember to social distance,or in two to three weeks many will be asking the NHS—-please save me

False reporting you should be disgusted at your choice of words

Do we know how the police officer is doing, I support peaceful and lawful protests, I don't support throwing projectiles at police officers and their horses, who would have been at fault if others had been injured? Always the minority spoiling it across society... determined to cause harm the officer did not plan their route and this happened

Что сейчас должна сделать власть в США, Лондоне,чтобы люди успокоились и поверили власти?

Sadly, I wonder what all those people risking their lives protesting hope to achieve. What is the plan for how we are going to end institutional racism? How can a policy-maker possibly affect change for something which involves people’s inherent biases?

WOW, A Police horse deliberately bolted into a crowd of protestors. Has the horse been arrested yet? Should face the full force if the Law.

Shame on you let me add some balance...police stormed peaceful protesters

You are disgusting. You know what happened. Report the truth

You're blaming the horse? Fucking unreal.

A women beaten by US Police Bruatality of US Police Is this not a Taliban This is A Great America where all things are happening Please watch complete video

This needs water cannons tear gas, batton rounds & if necessary the army to quell these riots now. The ring leaders must be rounded up, tried & slung into prison forever.

Thought these protests were supposed to be peaceful. Why are they throwing things. 😥

“Bolted at protestors”

Im not against people protesting, but what happened to people giving a shit about spreading Coronavirus?

It is a shame that we pay tv lisence and and all we got if biased BBC News.

SCUMBAGS throwing bikes at police horses!😡

Why the fuck were missiles being thrown?

That looks more like a collected canter to me. But I think it’s main aim is to get away from - not bolt at.

Scum media

Hope the horse was ok, such a shame the poor horse was in a panic. GeorgeFloyd poor man killed by the police very sad.

For shame, BBC news, FOR SHAME.

How many antifa did it trsmple to death? Lots i hope

Old town road (colourised)


Time to put a stop to these protests now as there becoming an excuse for violence against the police.

Did you write this? maitlis

At a riot. It wasn't a rally you liars.

The horse was attacked by a violent mob. Report the truth.

Somebody threw a damn bike at it! These protesters deserve everything coming to them.

It’s seems that only black lives matter, the selfish acts of all those protesters as put everyone’s life at risk. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour the protest lost all credibility

When morons are throwing bicycles at them, ask yourself why horses bolt

Is nobody feeling sympathy for the horse as it had projectiles thrown at it, no wonder it was running

We don’t need the bbc anymore you can get the news form Twitter as it happens by people who were there from 5 different angles, and Netflix is for chilling

Show the video where the brick was thrown at the horse !!

Not protesters rioters

'As missiles were thrown a police horse bolted'. Nice use of weasel-words, Commies. I can do that too: 'As policemen knelt, George Floyd lay motionless.'

Before you riot again, watch this and tell me Candace Owens does not have a point and has more bottle than most of us out there. Let the twitter hate begin OnlyBlackLivesMatter

They should just stop protests bring in army to wipe them out before the wipe is all out with carona the dirty shellfish bastards there not happy with police brutality but happy to kill people themselves with carona

Police officers had been low profile all day in everyday uniform helping and guiding the march and protest. Why did the minority of morons ruin it by attacking the police and horses. Press are playing it down to try & support BLM. Support but help identify & prosecute the rioters

Why do you find it so difficult to tell the truth and you wonder why people just don’t trust the MSM. On top of that, the officer who was on top of the horse was taken to hospital with head injuries

Are you actually blaming the horse?!

Imagine if Johnson had decided to hold an experiment in the midst of virus crisis said we are going to get 10000 people in close contact to see if infection rates increase. He would have been derided in National press..yet in the main they tolerate this & the violence/ vandalism

Because gobshites are throwing things at it..... get the tanks in rather than horses and shoot all the dickheads rioting and see how brave they are then

All these people in the middle of a pandemic with no sense of social distancing whatsoever. A sense of elitist MeMeMe self-centred mindlessness about it having no consideration for others at all. Alarming and disgraceful their attempts to 'justify reasoning'. Pitiful🤦‍♂️🤮💩🥱😴

That’s a ethnic horse wanting fair treatment so will get house benefits won’t have to work intergrate or follow British laws

Mass gatherings whether at a beach, park or protest are an insult to those who died or put their lives at risk caring for us

Police used horses to charge at protesters and disperse crowds after heavy rain fall. Horses are not weapons. Pikes were invented to defend medieval armies against cavalry. The only alternative protesters had were the things in their hands.

Not the full story though is it scumedia

Blotted “at”. The BBC has to go. Sinister organization.

These people are ignorant and seem to have little regard for humanity, we are in the middle of a pandemic, so you travel and mix with others spreading the virus, then behave badly and ignore social distancing, lives matter, this will cause more pain, death and suffering.

Peaceful demonstration yes violence no. Thanks for putting lives at risk from Covid..

Ten police officers hurt BBC!

The BBC reporting of the lowest order.

Unfortunatley it missed all those ‘protestors’ thugs. Need more acurate horses with targeting technology in the force, and flight-give them flight

'A police horse has bolted at protesters...' WTF? The horse bolted because the protesters had antagonists the poor animal. It bolted in fear OF protesters. idiots.

Are you for real? And people pay a fee to watch this drivel?

And I bet all these fuck wits will be the ones crying out on Monday they can’t go back to work because of Corona. If there is a second wave and more deaths every single one should be blamed for it. You’ve got blood on your hands!!!!!

Which ever journalist wrote the foreword to the video clip needs to ‘revisit’ the meaning of accuracy. The horse bolted due it being terrified at having missiles & fireworks thrown at it by a hostile crowd. That caused it to bolt resulting in it’s rider being dismounted.

Was it really a racist attack or a violent arrest, was racist comments made?

BBC making out that the horse went for the protestors. Cringeworthy left wing journalism. The cause was the violent protesters not the horse!!

I think you will find it ran home when the officer on its back fell off after hitting a road traffic light

British shouldn’t believe American’s VTR, they are all fake and Prince William’s video message is also fake, both are filmed in 80-90’s by the Cult Chinese/Korean criminals living in Jap. They have plotted all virus and other terrorism then still made strangers confused on media.

Tens of thousands have gathered illegally to spread coronavirus....why so few arrested? Shame the police horse was so lenient!

This has got to stop, with corona virus deaths still high. If they want to protest that's fine but do it peacefully and if they get covid then don't complain.

Don’t like hashtagscummedia but that is what you are! The horse bolted after being pelted with bottles the rider could have died coming off the way she did and the hooligans were in the way! Truth! Your version spin and lies!

These aren't anti racism protests, they are anti capitalist protests.

I know it's difficult for the BBC to actually describe things properly when it's not part of your agenda but - the police horse bolted after being hit with a bicycle

Why are you intent on not giving the full story of this incident? Also Maybe report on the fact that there will now be a second covid spike thanks to all these moronic covidiots

‘A police horse has bolted *at* protesters’. How do you manage to make even violence directed at a horse sound like it was the animal’s fault, not the mob’s? Your coverage of these demonstrations has been woeful.

Great. Give it a couple of months and we’ll get more demonstrations because of the sudden spike in deaths, these more adversely affected than the rest of the U.K.

Equine Lives Matter 🗣️

Headline is trash ScumMedia

well done keep up the protests

Typical lies from this corrupt organisation there had been a bottle flung and the officer came off the horse

The responsibility lies at your editors & ‘reporter’s metropolitan feet BBC!

Typical of the left-wing , blame the rider NOT the rioters for the horse bolting. The scrapping of the BBC cannot come soon enough.


ScumMedia are spreading fake news again

How many people out of this and other protests will get Covid 19. The memory of the man will be paid but the safety of the rest is in doubt.

It was a reaction to multiple things being thrown at it. Please change the headline to portray the fact it was basically a riot.

Protesting for rights but committing animal cruelty?

You forgot to prefix it with the words 'largely peaceful' as you insist on doing during the radio news bulletins. Not that you have any agenda of course.

Explain why the horse bolted BBC. All the facts please? Don't cherry pick to hide the fact this was caused by the rioters.

*Someone hurled a bike at the horses legs causing it to bolt, the policewoman hit her head on a traffic light resulting in a head injury and was sent to hospital.

“Police horses were used to regain control, but one horse galloped ahead and its rider fell to the ground after hitting her head on a traffic light.Her injuries are not life-threatening, the Metropolitan Police said” - REALLY!

Horses lives matter

Protesters? You mean modern day thugs?

Great 👍👍

“Protesters”........ pfff . This is no protesting this rioting just for the sake of rioting, Has nóthing to do with what happened in the USA, racism or whatever. It is just an excuse for..... yeah for what...?

Why can’t these idiots protest in peace?

Absolut ideots ! Putting not only their own but other people lives at risk. No thought of the elderly some of who have been shut in their homes for months and are waiting patiently for the virus to subside so they can get out.

Police horse bolted BECAUSE the protesters were hurling missiles at our mounted police ... what is wrong with you !!!

No they haven’t. A number gather under the guise of BLM only to incite and create chaos. That number are nothing less than SCUM!

Jesus you have reached a new low BBc. Conveniently editing out the bit where the officer is nearly killed. ScumMedia MediaScum

A police horse was attacked by a mob that forced it to bolt

Completely ignoring the riots. Absolutely disgraceful. ukriots DefundTheBBC

In Thailand (same size of population) died 60 people from coronavirus. In Britain 40.000. Excellent NHS. But... Black lives matter!

After having bricks thrown at it. It’s rider was badly hurt. Fuck her life though, eh?

Very very very bad media coverage! Shows how you twist things from the truth! Who allowed this story up? We want to know who was responsible for this false reporting! pritipatel ukhomeoffice UKParliament HouseofCommons GOVUK 10DowningStreet BorisJohnson

Boo-hoo something must have spooked it fir that too happen, maybe all those bleeding hearts!

Well, BBC, that headline is actually a lie. It did bolt 'at' anything. It was attacked and ran away. It isn't a 'rally'. It's a mob.

Pity it didn't trample these COVIDIDIOTS to death! londonprotest ukprotests BlueLivesMatters BanProtests

Protesters getting to much now they should not create further problems and George Floyd case should b sorted out soon.

Shameful reporting BBC !

Your reporting is actually at an all time low it really is 🤬

사랑해요사랑해 사랑해


The horse bolted because a thug threw a bike at it the policewoman fell off and is badly injured the horse ran back to its stable tell the truth stop the bias

Hello ,,covid pandemic anyone?covid 19 be like

Terrible reporting BBC.

Africa America, blacks means a lot, they are almost now to burn White House, we're scared.

Just watched the report. Your reporter said ‘the female office managed to knock herself off her horse’. What a crock of shit.

What the media never seem to report is that on all of these protest and rallies 99.9% of people go with truly genuine & sincere intentions but a group of left wing hooligans turn up every time for a ruck with the police and to get others involved. Been going on for years.

Majorityof the protests were peaceful but that agitating violent element always rears it head Until the protesters can exclude or peaceful self-police this agitating elementx we will sadly see the scenes of confrontation & violence splashed accross the news.

Risking horses’ lives in riots shouldn’t happen. And no protestors should even think of abusing an animal. It doesn’t get any point across other than they’re a pretty awful personal using the guise of a protest to unleash private psychopathy

Want to have a peaceful rally .. then have it ! don’t start being an ass by being cruel to animals. Life lesson nr 1. Your parents should’ve taught you that ! What right do you have to be cruel to another living being ... 🐎 ? 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

GO HOME JACOB FREY GO HOME 😂 FOOTAGE INCLUDED JacobFrey Minneapolis GeorgeFloyd GeorgeFloydWasMurdered protest2020 BlackLivesMattters londonprotest ukprotests icantbreathe

Stop lying. It's not working anymore. We can see the lies now. ScumMedia

This is why even the famed RCMP, where the M stands for Mounted, rarely even use horses anymore except for ceremonies.

Just part and parcel of living in London.

It’s called a riot

So why don't you show it on BBC News channel? Why don't you show the footage of a protester ramming a bike at a horse? Why don't you show what really happened instead of editing it all and appeasing scumbag protesters? Equine Lives Matter.

Sickening to see this. So these people riot to keep in line with the Americans. Can't do anything peacefully. Racism is disgusting but causing unrest is ridiculous. This is what American police killing black people cause.

Horses should be used to charge at people horses ukprotests londonprotests blacklivesmatter

Horses shouldn’t be used to charge at people BlackLifesMattter ukprotests londonprotest horses

The police Cavalry charged into the protesters, then a clown rider lost control and ran into a traffic light. Utter clownery from the Met. BlackLivesMatters BLMLDN

Dixie4Alberta Yeah you already regret posting this one don’t you BBC?

Police horses are highly trained for it to Bolt It must have felt threatened I hope this poor defenceless animal will not be destroyed peacefully please animals have feelings too

If we’re addressing racism worldwide, why were there no defending for the Chinese community or people of Asian descent who was physically and verbally attacked during Covid19. If we’re speaking up against racism than we should speak up for all who cannot defend themselves.

The BLM may have the choice of protesting what they believe in and aware of the risks taken but others don’t have that same choice and do not want to risk their own lives and their loved ones.

Hyper liberal losers supported by the MSM. Nothing to do with racism, just politically motivated attempt at anarchy. Clear as day.

IMPORTANT: Please check out my profile if you are protesting or know someone who is. I have a whole thread based on precautions, tips etc. It’s the first tweet. Share it as much as you can.Stay safe!

Wow. If you cant protest effing peacefully STAY HOME you are a danger, dont protest at all!! Shits me. Poor horse.

Lies bbc it was attacked and bottled by rioters not black lives protesting!! Vandals and corona hazards.Shoot on sight!!

No mention of why the horse bolted!

Naughty horsey

After having a brick thrown at it. But yeah, tell half the story of the horribly brutal Tory horse.

And why did a highly trained policehorse bolt ? TellTheTruth BBCNews injuring a policeOfficer trying to do her duty ShameOnHumanity BBC the Media has blood on their hands

It's beautiful to see people come together.😢😢😢😢

And how come horses seem to be behaving more civilized than humans?

Utter scum... what sub-human.. black or white would throw a bicycle at a horse? Absolutely disgusting! Throwing stones and bottles at horses and police officers is equally abhorrent. I hope the police officer that was thrown from her horse and the horses are ok

As well as the virus, even horses are now racist

What the header doesn't say, is that the roiters were barraging the horse with thrown objects. Which apparently is a detail worth ignoring and the police fault, as opposed to the dickheads attacking them.

Terror in London Thanks a lot AntifaTerrorists CCP

Well done horse👍🏻

When will London's protest for the killings in Nigeria? BiafraReferendum

Nothing about the violence, grafitti or other idiotic actions by state censured news. Well done bbc, North Korea would be proud of you.

One thing not adding up though! We all know that in China, black people have been given the worst experience as many restaurants, bars and hotels all over China have been banning black people over the years... Why is it that China is still untouched by those protesters?

Terrible grammar BBC news. The horse didn't bolt AT protesters. Horses instinctively bolt away from danger. The poor horse was attempting to flee from perceived danger, which is a natural response.

Biased broadcasting corporation at it again.

Bloody white people and their racist horses!

Disgusting opportunists!

I kepted looking at the BBC news channel all night..not once did i see you cover the protest all night, especially when things were kicking off..shove you're tweet and your license where the sun don't shine.

Garbage journalism, honestly if you pay the licence fee your a mug. scrapthetvlicence scrapthebbc ScumMedia

So-called leaders SadiqKhan BorisJohnson pritipatel absolutely pathetic,Cressida Dick metpoliceuk impotent & UK press filtering news. piersmorgan silent again, exactly lk last Sunday when Police attacked & memorials defaced in London. What’s happening to BBC & this country?

Respect is earned not given. The 5% makes the 95%s life hell. The solution is treat people the way you want to be treated. BlackLivesMattters ActLikeIt

THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS If the ducking Dicks won't act, then Pritti must ... or simply call the fire brigade ... used dye in the spray and DO NOT TREAT anybody seen to be involved with this madness.

The horse didn't 'bolt' at protestors...the officer clearly loses control of his horse and runs straight into a traffic light.

The shocking behaviour of rioters hurling missiles at police officers and horses should be the headline. When will the BBC actually report FACTS?!? 😡 I hope those responsible will be brought to justice. Absolutely disgraceful.

Against Government advice. The events leading to this protest are absolutely terrible. BUT. All the sacrifices and struggles we as a Nation have endured risks being undone because there is a real risk of wave 2. The BAME Community are at particular risk. It’s worrying.

This is what the BBC call a peaceful protest

The horse had bottles and bikes thrown at it, which made it bolt. Care to mention that?

coronavirus what next with the privaledged CliveMyrieBBC on £200k+ salary & annita_mcveigh on only £35k! Dr Gwen Knight states that shouting in or around groups can transmit the virus more. Dr Muge Cevik explains risks of no social distancing. BBC condones protests!

None of these protests will have any sympathy while they encourage the 'rent a mob' mentality.

We don’t live in the US. People now find it too easy in the digital age to get mixed up between our countries problems, and the USAs. We don’t have racist cops, in fact we have the complete opposite, we have lefty, woke cops

How in any way does abusing our police correlate to what happened in America? Not even taking into consideration the pandemic and the fact our front line services have gone above and beyond these past months. Im pissed off seeing this bull shit

It did not bolt at the protesters. You make it sound like the police horse had a choice. Did you not see the so called protesters throwing bikes under police horse legs. Change the headline , BlackLivesMattters

SkyNews metpoliceuk piersmorgan anthonyfjoshua Today you have caused racial hatred in this country. The BLM have lost support from the majority of the British public. Actions today on D Day have been shameful. Graffiti, horses and police attacked. ALL LIVES MATTER

Reported in a way the CCP would approve of...disgraceful.

This is a wilful misrepresentation of what happened by . The horse was attacked by thug protestors and then bolted. You are inferring something very different. Why aren’t you reporting the countless acts of violence and vandalism by the protestors?

Looks like LBC are able to do the job you aren't, even with the billions you are fleecing from the public.

It’s now clear that as coronavirus does indeed discriminate, perhaps with the help of many of those involved in these demonstrations of solidarity, the virus will wear itself out, and those of us still adhering to social distancing will be allowed to live on for many more years.

Take that licence away ffs and quickly

Horses tend to bolt when anti-social thugs throw bicycles at them. I notice your news report said a police officer fell from her horse. No mention of the fact she was knocked off by a traffic light after the frightened horse galloped along Whitehall. Selective BBC reporting.

Rasism is a bigger killer than Coronavirus. How many people have died of rasism in the last 12 months. Absolute bollocks!

The horse bolted from protestors not at! Horses don’t do that - how can you be biased towards a police horse ofcom Bbc at it again and not reporting facts accurately

ScumMedia MediaScum

Police horse bolted? BBC you really are taking the piss now. Tell the whole story.

The BBC blaming the horse now on Twitter saying it bolted at protesters , as if the horse and the police wanted to to happen They fail to mention the real truth of a bike being thrown at the horse ,here is what really happened

So sad

'violent riot breaks out in London causing scared police horse to bolt injuring officer' (sub heading) 'are your kids out of control?' fixed it for you i am available if you need a headline writer, DM me

Police charging on horses is very aggressive and bound to upset someone

Dixie4Alberta BBC, so you are aware, the horse bolted after a brick and bicycle was thrown at it by violent protesters. I hope this helps with your future fairy tales.

The police horse didnt bolt at protesters it bolted as it and other police horses and the officers were having all kinds of potentially lethal missiles launched at them. The sooner this pandemic is over the better so our Majority government can radically shake up the BBC

The protesters are disgraceful in their behaviour, selfish in attending and will cost some of them and their families dearly. Utter stupidity. I don’t want these fools protesting on my behalf. Go home and stay home for the sake of the wider community you claim to represent

The poor horse was abused but the BBC dont want you to know that, the BBC are a disgrace

Poor Horses

This is fake news. The horse was bolting. You, are a liar .

Why are people acting like this? Equality legislation (sinceMacphersonreport) has challenged institutional racism. This is reflected in equality statistics where ethnic minorities r shown to better WB in areas including education. Race isn’t an excuse or a barrier to achievement

The horse had a bike thrown at it, yet again failed news on the BBC! Trying to tell everyone the protests were calm here is video evidence the BBC dont want you to see of a horse being abused

Why did it bolt?

What is police doing with horse there in the first place. Knowing horses can be rattled with even a noise

ScumMedia lies.

Here you go BBC try this angle instead Police officer assaults traffic lights with her head during peaceful gathering. That fits better with your lying narrative. ScumMedia

So a peaceful protest I see. I understand and applaud the reason BUT, find it worrying, that the majority of protesters are in a group that are at a higher risk of dying from C-19 and don't seem to understand the risk. The violence is really not acceptable on a peaceful protest.

Not a good idea taking an animal to contrôle wild protesters. I hope all goes peaceful.

The horse had missiles thrown at it and was spooked. Don't lie.

Rally 🤣🤣

Bolted at ? Attacked and bolted you absolute shit houses.

Let's see if there is a worldwide protest by animal welfare campaigners in retaliation to these violent thugs who attacked this poor horse

They tend to do that when you lob bikes at them 🤔

I support the cause but this shouldn't have been allowed. Everyone who participated will most likely becoming infected or infect others like vulnerable people, do you know what they'll do Go on Twitter and scream it's all Boris who is to blame and won't take any responsibility.

This headline is a disgrace

End it now!!!

Lying ScumMedia

Not one of you shithouses could be arsed with the sacrifices that NHS staff have made in recent weeks to curb the covid19 threat and you turn out on the streets today to piss in the wind of their FANTASTIC efforts shame on you shame on you, you'll will break/crush the NHS


You really are shit.

Rioters are scum

A bicycle, flares and bricks were among the missiles thrown at the mount officers and their horses - the horse didnt just bolt out of the blue.


You forgot to mention the bike thrown at the horses

Don’t you just love the BBC. The first line ‘A police horse has bolted at protesters’. Shouldn’t it have been ‘Police woman hurt as rioters throw missiles at horses’? Oh no that doesn’t fit the BBCs agenda does it.

Bbcapp being deleted from phone and tv. Can’t believe how it bends the truth and sits on the fence

These people are rioters, criminals and thugs, NOT protesters.

'horse has bolted at protesters'... This terminology displays shameful bias. Should read.... A frightened horse has bolted FROM protesters.

A disgusting & shameful reframing of the event. Police ran horses through peaceful crowd causing mayhem.

Planet of The Apes.

2020.6 crazy world gang stalker paradise YouTubeより

Why did you delete the tweets that were much more accurate of the situation?

If a 2nd wave of infection was on the cards after the hot BH weekend then it defiantly is now.

He is a pacifist. I hope everyone is okay

I hope you're proud of yourselves for egging this on BBC!

COVID 2nd Wave on the way. Protesting about lives matter whilst putting lives at risk.

Poor Horses should not be treated this way, they have rights to HSIGlobal HumaneSociety ASPCA peta

'Black Lives Matter' . . . . . 'So long as they are American'

No. A mount was knocked off his horse.

Regardless of being peaceful or not, this demonstration is a big mistake and innocent lives will be affected Covid19UK COVIDIDIOTS

These horses are trained for public order duties, it would take something extreme to make to make it bolt. But then, some of the objects being thrown at police were pretty extreme. The horse slammed it's rider into traffic lights, knocking her off, then ran home through the crowd

why not report the truth you cowardly bunch.. it's a chance to riot and should be condemned. the horse bolted because the thugs were throwing things at it..scrapthebbc

BBC social media handler, ask a mounted policing expert what it would take for a trained police horse to bolt. And then maybe revisit the tone of voice of this tweet.

They deserved it

'A police horse bolted' thats what you saw? You might want to remove the rose tinted specs. The pathetic BBC adding to their long suicide note ScumMedia

London is not safe


This is your second attempt at this tweet, why dont you tell the truth of what really happened

Why did you delete the original tweet? Not on message mentioning the officer getting knocked off? ScumMedia

I see the usual violent rent a scum turned up !

Really bbc news , is that what you come up with.

You're going to regret the way you have reported this. That police officer has serious injuries

BBC desperately trying to spin that the protest didn’t turn violent and that rioters didn’t attack police with bricks, bottles and bicycles. Disgraceful scenes from thugs that had already desecrated national memorials. Shameful actions.

horse must have been racist

Why are you not showing the full story which shows the horses being attacked and the devastating injury the police officer must have got? Biased scum and you need taking down

Why are people throwing things at the police?

How is the police officer metpoliceuk that came off the horse? I hope they’re ok, they took a really bad knock.

The government need to take argent action now because its getting out of control people are taking the law into their own hands over anti racism and why are they allowing it to go on.what are they gonna do next let them tear down the houses of parliament.

I’m so disgusted in you BBC

Its not a rally anymore, its a riot

PEOPLE, the protest has turned VIOLENT. They are ASSAULTING police officers in London and defacing monuments. BBC is hiding this. Just so you know.

0:22 someone launches a bicycle into one of the horses. WTF the horse isn’t racist.

The guy hurling the bike at the Police horse is clearly black and obviously a BLM protester or why would he be there? I ask again, HOW does this help their cause? The cause is lost. That’s not racist, that is fact!

Hey BBC News, the protests are not sparked by the death of George Floyd, the protests are against the killing of George Floyd. By all means adhere to legal restrictions and definitions, but you should report that a policeman purposely KILLED George Floyd, not that he simply died


Well the horse is innocent. It was scared by the people throwing things at it. Can you blame it? I blame the idiots throwing the things.

ScumMedia being MediaScum

Hardly surprising with scumbags throwing missiles about is it ? So much for peaceful protest ! BlackLivesMatterUK

The police horse didn’t BOLT AT PROTESTERS, it was startled by a flare, ran in panic, unseated it’s rider and ran in fear. These horses are highly trained for crowd control not being pelted with bottles and flares. Report facts not fiction

very interesting use of words here to make it seem that the missiles caused the police horse to bolt, lets make it clear that the police riding it rode into a lamp post and was removed by said lamp post.

The horse has bolted. Reality is now generating profound metaphors before our very eyes.

BBC now even finds horses guilty of not being leftie enough; are you sure Cummings didn't train the horse to do that? When did the BBC become so pathetic?!!

More like, bolted away!

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