The Game Awards will be ‘significantly shorter’ this year due to feedback | VGC

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The Game Awards will be ‘significantly shorter’ this year, host Geoff Keighley has revealed. “We’re cutting back on [things that want to be part of the event] to hopefully have a bit more of a streamlined show.”

has said that the upcoming show will be “significantly shorter,” than last year’s show, due to feedback from viewers., and ahead of the event, Keighley hosted one of his regular Twitter spaces audio streams wherein he revealed some details about the upcoming show.

“One thing we’re doing this year is we’re trying to make the show a little bit shorter,” Keighley said. “I won’t say anything officially until we’re through our rehearsals, but we think it’s going to be a significantly shorter show this year.

Keighley also claimed that there will be fewer big games as part of the show. “We definitely have cut back pretty significantly in terms of the runtime on the show and just you know kind of fewer games, fewer bigger games that’ll be in there.”during a Reddit AMA. He also claimed that the show would feature “30-40” games showing new content and “a fair number” of new game announcements.


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Basically less indie fodder and more AAA games

So the Movie Awards get a cut?

Hopefully it means less ads instead of less awards/recognition.

Dang it, no more Raid Shadow Legends ads 😭

Great. This means they’re cutting back on the mobile games nobody gives af about… right?

So we can expect game awards annouced as fast as side effects in US commercials.

Instead of showing less games he could just do less bullshit that are not related to would be great if he just showed game after game.

Less is more (applied). Last year was painfully bad

I assume, given the trajectory of previous years, that all the winners will be announced via chyron while trailers, music, and interviews play.

No! The longer it is, the more Steam Decks that will be given away!

Hopefully this means we'll be getting more of the actual show (the awards/reveals). Last year's was so packed with ads I had to wait for a video and skip to the good stuff. The whole show is already one giant ad. I don't need MORE ads...

So it'll just be ads then.

Less Celebrities and more of the GAMES!

Oh thanks God. The show was waaay too long, with lots of stuff that felt just like fillers

Remember he did ask last year what could’ve been excluded, and what could’ve been improved upon. Perhaps geoffkeighley listened this time around.

Less live music!

Doing the show 2am for half world is the problem

Just give us the launch date for The Last of Us on PC

Just show me games. I love developers talking about them but when you bring out random celebs to the show plus the cringe that is trying to be hip and cool to the kiddos we do not need. Just give us reveals.....and GTA6 reveal would be nice this year too.

Because OnDeck giving away a Deck every minute right? Longer means more free Deck

Lots of games, less musicals is a significant improvement:)

TGAs are so bastardized than people is talking about cutting orchestras and ads instead of cutting down the extreme amount of game announcements in an event that should be a celebration for (mostly) existing games. Meh.

No anti vape ads? Fuck the videogame Olympics this year then

One time I watched it cannot remember but the amount of ads o.O instant switched off

Because they're giving away Steam Decks every minute

who cares i just watch the youtube short clips about who won what

Good no more showing mid stuff

I mean more than 3 hours is not short.

Hopefully that means cutting down on ad time, and NOT speedrunning through a lot of the awards.

Shorter show but it's still gonna be 85% ads, watch lol

Sounds like theyre cutting out awards so they can keep the space for trailers

To reduce free Steam Deck

The show is already 90% commercials. Thank God they are making it shorter.

Damn, looks like The Rock will have to find a different place to plug his energy drink...

Like Level Infinite?...

Start by cutting best content creator award.

The feedback also said the Game Awards suck

so no awards will be rewarded then and will all just be rattled off as an aside thus making time for the adver....err world premiers

Just so Valve doesn't have to give away as many steam decks...

Less cheese would also be nice this year, Last time I turned off half way through, It was very cringe worthy.

Focus on video games and not music performances. Something like the Super Mario Bros movie trailer should have been shown here. New game announcements, new hardware announcements, and of course the awards themselves should take priority.

You mean having a random music artist come in and perform a song doesn’t captivate people?

So even more ads and less actual games?

So this is how Valve can afford giving away 1 Steam Deck every minute…

Valve realized how many Steamdecks they were giving away and were like ' cut the length of the show in half'

all games were trash this year .

Yeah ok lol


Thank god holy shit these award shows are mid af anyways rather watch my grandma watch paint dry

So in other words less games more ads

Means less credits ?

Not to be pessimistic and I hope I’m wrong, but the shortened times will probably be less game reveals. The Ads will stay the same 😩

Axe the musical guest segment and celebrity guest speeches that talk about their 'love for gaming'. That will save you a few chunks of time.

Good because 3 hours is too long honestly

We have the expectation of trailers and reveals preloaded into our heads and that makes almost any other content more uninteresting by comparison


finally jesus christ the last few events took forever

They’re speedrunning more categories again, aren’t they

If we can see more great reveals of AAA and futurof gaming then its worth it, let be honest, except Goty award, the others should be as fast as possible 😐

I just want to win a steam deck 😂

Valve might run out of Steamdecks giving 1 unit every minute of the show.

Good if he means it like he says. TGA was always way too long, but if he’s axing a lot of the advertisements and “trailer we’ve seen already but are reshowing to a big audience” we can have a tighter show with cool reveals

No Imagine Dragons, let's go!

It's definitely not a bad thing.

But what will we do without 20 minute profiles of streamers no one has heard of?

Hopefully they cut out all of the dance routines and stuff that most of the audience doesn't care about that also costs them a lot.

The big reveal will have to come at the end, otherwise everyone is going to go crazy and not pay attention to the rest of it

could they just cut out all the stupid awards and have like a 45 minute block of game trailers. Id be down with that.

I mean...good? Last Year's show dragged on

So actually no awrds this year's, just trailers, lol

'There will NOT be a reduction of commercial breaks however.'

Just show us games

If they can spare us the political inclusion bullshit no one cares anymore it will already be great.

Thank god I can go to bed at a reasonable hour

Less games more ads and BS.

Should be 2 hours max

The video game awards has become a far left woke piece of crap over the last few years, and there is no chance in hell that I’ll be watching this year.

So 2 hrs?

What kinda quote is that? Did you guys put a whole sentence in for what you THINK he meant?

Less adds and movie crap

Well... it should be well known gamers want to come to the point directly. We don't like unnecessary filler crap like collaborations, merchandise, celebrities, political agenda and other shit lol

I hope this means less ads and not less reveals

No one needs Gaming Awards anyway, idk why people care about awards. It’s already known that the Oscars and Emmy awards are paid for, I assume the same here

The show will be in the middle of the night here in Europe. Will watch the trailers the next morning with a cup of coffee 😂

Who cares?

Hopefully less bs ads and more game revealw

Just cut down the useless adverts 🤷🏾‍♂️

They cutting out the ads?

So less game reveals?!! Wtf

Hopefully some of that ‘interview’ style filler they had. For a game awards, show the awards, the reveals, etc. It doesn’t need devs talking for 10+ minutes about background, ideas, unrelated business. Some was informative, but save it for cons and reveal events.

Hopefully we get less pandering and political shit. I’m just trying to watch some video games


Oh so that’s why the Steam Deck is every minute I see

Knowing Geoff that means mora awards will be handed out during ad breaks.

And you still shouldn’t watch it

thank fuck for that, the less we have to hear from him, the better

Geoff doesn't want us to have them steam decks lmao

i knew it, it’s to save on the amount of steam decks given

It’s less of an award show and more of a giant promotional event that happens to have awards sprinkled throughout

We've cut all the awards from The Game Awards to give more streamlined access to the ads.


I genuinely only care about the announcements. IDK if this bodes well for that.


Thank goodness!!!!

Hopefully that means less stuff like movie trailers

Cut out the stupid E-sports crap, less musical numbers, stick to awards that matter and some world premiers for 90 minutes or so and we're good.

Hopefully less extended gameplay demos of space thriller survival shooters that all have the same art style and don’t stand out apart from each other at all.

more to the point with awards and reveals and less pr stuff please. Despite that, I still love The Game Awards every single year👀

Hmm I wonder if valve had a deal with them so they don’t have to give away so many steam decks lol

Went from 3 hours to 2 hours and 59 minutes.

This is good. It was definitely a little too long in the past. Hoping for Spider-Man 2 footage but I doubt it.

Last year all its was was like 5 games shown some music and 4000 ads

They could just save us all the trouble by admitting they are giving all the awards to sony, show a trailer for kojimas new playstation game and then feck off with themselves 🙄

So they are finally not going to have 2/3 of commercials? Not doing some painfully cringe sponsor breaks that ruin the flow, going to actually focus more on awards and give them more time. Because persona 5 was very disrespected when it won a game award.

Zeldaaa 🎉🎉

Just reveal the winners and be done with it.

Fewer awards and more trailers. Got it.

Less awards and more announcements please. (I know its going to be the other way around… 😩)

It’s going to be extremely streamlined for me because I’m just watching the trailers the next day

“It’s ten mins”

Thx to sony pushing hard on activision deal both sony/Microsoft had to cut trailers out

Had to give the Muppet Animal more screentime.

Hopefully this means far less musical acts, esports, celebrities, movie trailers, and Kojimoverrated.

All that's needed are the awards and world premiers

I hope Rocksteady show some gameplay of Ssktjl

Good , respect peoples time and announce the important stuff.

I hate this.

No more bit with Geoff dancing in Popeye underwear? Aww man.

GOOD! Last year had too much cringy BS going on in between the actual awards stuff so I hope it actually feels streamlined.😤

Get rid of all the pointless esport awards and that will save a good chuck of time.

💩💩💩💩💩 No thanks, I won't waste my time watching that garbage 🖕🏻

I'm sure this is totally unrelated to the Steam Deck giveaway. 🥴

geoffkeighley Bro, worst year to cut it short, Valve is doing a big giveaway this year 😂 1 Steam Deck for every minute

I didn’t mind the 4 hours, Showed quite a bit. The ads where a bit much but I get why they’re there.

Thank god. The game Awards have become bloated with shitty ads. I get that's how you get money to put on the show but good god man, scale it back a bit and you won't need so man sponsors.

In other words: “Only a few Playstation games were nominated this year so the show is gonna be shorter.”

so less games, same/more ads?

Must be because of the Steam Deck giveaway, gotta keep the prize pool to a minimum lol

So no world exclusives? Lol

Maybe this means cutting down on ad breaks

Translation: We received less sponsorships & previews, so wrap it up.

Mmmm I guess PS and Xbox are holding back some announcements

if so, good call

It wasn’t that summer game fest was too long, it was that it was bloated with too much crap that nobody cared about. So much level infinite stuff that ran the show.

Plays into steam decks hands lol


IdleSloth84_ Good

I mean is it really an award show when most of the run time is on reveals, while awards are announced off stream? Just call it a showcase at this point

So basically more adds less games


Show us a trailer and name the winner. Just do that back to back and the show will be great

JustAnLED Thank god

This’s nothing but a good thing to me since one of my issues with past year’s show is how long and drawn out they were.

Translation: We cut giving out awards publicly to the lesser awards but kept the same cringe and marketing for next product.

Thank god

So less CGI and more actual gameplay geoffkeighley ?

tbf we're just there to see the GOTY and reveals, not the cringe advertisements

Can they make it extra long this year instead? I need a Steam Deck

If you cut out the guy saying 'World Premier', you'll shave off at least 45 minutes.

Can’t wait for the billionth procedurally generated indie game🥱

fuck man i always kinda liked how long it was. even though there was a lot of filler as a gamer in the back it was always fun

Weird he cuts back the games but still has 50 Hollywood celebrity guest appearances.

IdleSloth84_ Idk if that was the main problem of the show… if you have shorter version of last year does that make it better if it’s similar content 🤔 we’ll see in couple days

It needs to make a lot of emphasis on the awards and build anticipation not just show them without any excitement. Also world premieres thank you


this man looks like the son of Willem Dafoe and Ryan Gosling

Best news I heard about the Game Awards. Usually starts strong, bad middle and an okay ending. Lets cut out the fat.

I’m expecting the same amount of ads

No weird Pokémon car thing again? That’s a relief

so 90% leftwing politics and the rest 10% commercials?


Less advertisements? If it is, that's good.

Damm this is why Steam agreed to give away a Steam Deck every minute 😂 make it longer geoffkeighley

More ads pls

If they are cutting filler and ads, they are welcome.

I hope they cut out the gaming part of this show. I want more Dwyane Johnson movie and product placements damn it.

I'm willing to bet there aren't that many reveals.

Did Valve ask you to do this?

Bigger games less indies ez formula

and yet... muppets... 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️

Helping steam out with their one steam deck a minute giveaway, lol.

As long as its well paced the length doesn't bother me

The content is what’s important not the duration

Gamers don’t have the attention span for their own award show.

Lemme guess, less games and guests so they can fit in more ads.

Need a Redfall release date.

I just hope that most of the announcements are things that people are looking forward to instead of 90% of indie Games reveals

So the ads and psa's will still be frequent, and some categories like RPG still wont get any attention, but they have less to announce.

Maybe it’ll be good then?

Hopefully that means they’re cutting out the live music segments.

Hopefully it's because of NO ads and random interviews to people no one cares about..

So... I'm guessing less games, but the same amount of padding right ?

Thank god. I remember it was around 11pm when it ended last year.

That’s good. It kinda kills me every year when I have to wake up at 4 and watch it until 7 in the morning

Valve told them to shorten it 😆

Copium for Armored Core 6 and Elden Ring dlc. As well as less irrelevant ads.

Es decir 'no tan aburrido' 🙃

Give us Final Fantasy 7 Remake announcement for Xbox. I want to see Indiana Jones Xbox exclusive and Overdose Xbox exclusive

No more crappy artist performances and corporate dev videos please

That’s good. It likely to be better if it doesn’t go on as long. Especially for viewers in timezones that want to stay up and watch it when it’s on really late.


IMO the Oscar level worthy event for gaming is the BAFTAs. But hopefully geoffkeighley can change that, because it should be here in North America not in Europe :P

Optimism: Cutting back on ads, padded trailers of games we already know about, and PR people talking for too long. Reality: Cutting even more awards and relegating winners to a side bar.

Hopefully it's the random pointless interviews and band segments lol. Just give us games mate.

TGA shouldn't be longer than 1.5 hours and it should be filled with game reveals, awards and nothing else.

Less ads?!

That's good. Less studios showing concept arts and ideas for a game and more concrete stuff. And I know it's not gonna happen but hopefully less irrelevant advertising segments for a movie, or some show. If the Oscars ran ads for a game that would be a first.

Can they cut out the content creator part? I don’t care about a bunch of that sit in front thier computer for 7hours.


You know what’s streamlined? A one page PDF press release of the winners.

Good. Last year was brutal.

No 3 minute selfie video from The Rock talking about tequila and movies on your video game show? I’m afraid that’ll be a pass from me this year.

Thank GOD!

erm... hello? OnDeck giveaway. This thing needs to run all night.

Oh nooo. How am i supposed to watch it without the Rock talking mumble jumble for 5 minutes then mentioning his energy juice while doing the eyebrow meme thingie 😥


Hopefully less Weeb trash games.

Less game reveals, more advertising for certain tv shows then.

Damn no more ZOA ENERGY?!

Stop talking so much Geoff. Show us the money

Hopefully that means that we will see less ads.

Hopefully that means that we will see less ads.

Fewer bigger games. This is gonna be an indie reveals snooze fest.

they better not cut it short on trailers. xbox alone should have 20 games to announce any day now. 'any day now' he said. knowing fully well, that xbox barely has an interest to release any games at all, as they still believe others will release enough which they can sell with GP

Steam Deck chances getting slimmer...

Just cancel the show !

The game awards are nothing but playstation ass kissing anyway. Waste of time and money.

Is this not a bold faced lie? Steam says they're giving away about 200 steam decks during the event. One every minute. I'm not a mathematician, but ain't that still 3 hours and change?

Gta 6

Not like I’m watching that crud. Appreciate all games not just selected ones.

Time it starts still sucks

Cut all the mobile shit out please

What a great man geoffkeighley is! He’s an intellectual beast, he listens to peoples’ concerns and negative reception. 🔥

The show is full of ads! Anyway!

Less ads and music performances I hope. Also actually give proper award announcements than 3 second winners.

They should just focus on reveals and updates, keep awards seperate, so the people who want to watch specific parts can. Or just watch supercuts without the unecessary filler and ads the following day on YouTube.

Make it start like 3 hours earlier, too and then maybe I have a chance to watch it

People are going to bitch anyway 🤷‍♂️

so less ads? and more gaming?

I only care about the games not the extra crap

Sony and Microsoft can't reveal new games while battling over Call of Duty 🙄

But the Ads will remain.

Yeah and no virtue signaling

Yeah this is a good move. It was slowly morphing into those 4+ hour events that could have been an email hahaha

Thank fuck, honestly the biggest problem with geoffs shows is that they're way too long with things like ads and interviews that drag on for way too much time

Everyone here was complaining about length of the previous awards and the The Last of Us schtick, now they're trying to insinuate there's nothing to show? Gamers cannot be satisfied


They’re making Geoff shorter?

Can they just do part 1 part 2 shows?

Lords Doritos is cutting them ads? Holy moly

It's just a big exercise in dick sucking and nepotism. The only real reason to watch is for game announcements

How is 3 hours significantly shorter? That's still pretty long. I'll be watching in IMAX so I wouldn't want to be sitting in a theater any longer anyways.

This year Summer Game Fest was too long 😅

Good news. 3 hour Game Awards are simply too long.

In other words 'We don't have much content to show. Even tho what we always show is mid and never lives upto the skyhigh hype we falsely create '

I hope we get to see more of Space Marine 2 this year. That’s all I’m hoping for.

Good, it starts at 1:30AM in Europe, I don't want to stay up until 5AM for ads and The Rock selling me his energy drink

If that means less ads and more awards/announcements then I'm more than down

They still gonna show us those pointless ads about being inspired by gaming and all that nonsense.

Why do that this year Geoff? Wait till next year, a longer show this time means more Steam Deck giveaways!

JulienChieze 🧐

And the Steam Deck giveaways as well lol boring ass commercials and political advertising? sign me in

Doesn’t sound like a lot of game reveals will be happening here.

No more boring ass orchestras doing music nobody gives a fuck about

you can carve at least an hour and a half from the show and make it much better

So no useless, unnecessary advertising for shit no one cares about like last year then?

Bet still oozes political correctness the last one was a joke

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