Tell us: have you been affected by the coronavirus?

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If you have been affected or have any information or news tips for our journalists, we would like to hear from you

According to the head of infection medicine at the University of Edinburgh, four people in Scotland are being tested for coronavirus after returning from Wuhan.


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My emails are all about cancellations and postponements. I am usually inundated with quote requests in March ahead of a busy summer season. A supermarket delivery job would be great to take my mind off of it.


Deliver groceries to people so crazy busy with it currently. Think its having a bit of an effect on my mental health, like a slight paranoia. I'm sure I'm not alone in that though. Might just be how this is really uncharted territory for us all.

Weird headline tbh

Only by the media going on, and on, and on, and on, and on fuelling the panic. Every time you idiots (media in general) show an empty shelf... people panic more! GIVE IT A REST.


What I'm affected by is how trump has not been affected by corona and the 30.000 US Troops heading to Europe for war games In the middle of A Pandemic?

I think it is awful that nurses and doctors don't have protection or clear guidance in hospitals it's not good enough. What about community staff they haven't a clue about what they should or shouldn't be doing. This government not taking control.

I have been self isolating with a bad cough since last Tuesday having to cancel work and I am self employed. There is no testing so how on Earth does anyone not at deaths door if they are infected and therefore immune after a illness? iwantatest

My daughter was doing a Fulbright in Uzbekistan. She fled to Turkey to stay with a friend and his family. Barely made it out. US Embassy wanted her to come home, but given the situation at the airports and in general, we think she made the right call. Now in quarantine.

We've all been affected - even if not infected.

Not being sarcastic but does a 2 hour wait for the checkout at Tesco this morning count?

I’m one of the high risk with kids of school age that panics with the lack of a plan from the government. Only half the pupils went to school in my daughter‘s school, a gcse class. ill or kept away? How can I tell and protect myself?


The only thing that has affected me is the fact that I'm a NZder living in Thailand and have to do Visa runs and because of the restrictions I dont even know if I can leave or come back which will make me illegal. Also not getting the financial support I need. Cant even fly back

No, but the gov response will make more sick



What? Who hasn’t?

Why is the Guardian doing this

Reading the hysteria and becoming more and more fearful

People cancelled this week where I work. I'm a casual. So no work for me in the foreseeable future. 🙁

Just got back from Amsterdam And stupid people panic buying Humans are thick

Who hasn't

I am disgusted at how the media has been handling the coverage. Fear mongering, and at times even pushing those vulnerable to panic buy. Instead of helping this country unite and work together, they're pushing people to fend for themselves. We should be helping each other.

Day by day, enjoying simple things. Staying home day 8 Rome Italy

This, from an article by borisjohnson is alarming to read under the current coronavirus situation (via

Maybe . Who knows. It's like common cold after all for a majority

Yes, I am delighted by the decrease in pollution.

You have one Dr. RamdasAthawale in India who thinks saying 'Go Corona' will drive it away.

I think the more appropriate question at this stage is, Tell us: Have you NOT been affected by the Coronavirus?

the virus is bad, the draconian totalitarianism worse

Not physically, but all the incessant talk and inability to purchase basic products due to others panic/bulk buying is having a massive impact on my mentalhealth

Yes Big time Kenn Amoako inside Peki Ghana

How would we know? Had the cough but not being tested!

i found out hiphop yoga is a thing ArianaGrande

I've been driven mad by it. How many people die from smoking every day?

I'm in California and we are too scared to go out in park and shopping mall.. Rice shortage in many stores no washing liquids, chicken and baby diapers in Costco. It's getting tougher

Yup, reselling hand sanitiser and toilet paper on ebay at massively inflated prices is now making me rich, nice 👍

Here in Milan, stores and bars are closing a bit earlier, but everything else is completely normal. Supermarkets are still full, Ubereats is still working, we just can't go to see our clients.

Yes... the media scaremongering is getting right on my tits!!!!!!!

We are supposed to go skiing in Haute-Savoie France next weekend, but that suddenly appears a high risk area and is not far from North Italy which is in quarantine. Should we go? COVID19 COVID19france

Yes, all me stores ran out of toilet papers and selling expensive toilet papers on eBay

Close the schools! Alienate people! Stop the gatherings! The loners will survive! coronavirus COVID2019

No, why should i? Besides the laughs about the panic mongering in the news.

No. But I’ve still got 3 rolls of loo paper left. So, it’ll hit me in a couple of weeks.

not yet

yes, panicking omg panic lol panic panic lol was available at supermarkets supermarkets lol panic omg

Yes, I can’t go on social media or pick up a newspaper without reading about it 2 people have died, the way you’re going on about it you’d think 75% of the population had died!

Out of sandwiches in Sainsbury’s!!! I mean what sort of 🤬 is panicbuying sandwiches?

Couldn't get toilet roll, all ran out in my store, so borrowed a pile of Guardian papers from the supermarket, as its always full of shyte & my friends cat needs a dump...

More affected by this crass ‘toon’

Yes, no passata left in Tesco for my spag bol

Lol this is the laziest journalism: 'please come to us for an interview because we don't really want to look for you that hard.'

Well, the news has become unwatchable, but otherwise 'no'

Yes. Now I have to hear 'Orange man bad' from the godammed left over something new.

Yes. My lungs packed in, I struggled for breath, and due to hypoxic brain cell death, I became a Guardian columnist


Surely you've enough intelligence snouts in your org for all the 'tips' you need.

Well coming close to wiping my bum on napkins...

Covid19 has really affected we the Nairobians greatly. Some factories which depend on Chinese suppliers have reduced operations forcing the workforce to stay at home with zero earnings.

Every day by the rubbish media lies

Yes my online shopping order have substituted my preferred toilet paper brand.... it’s the living end!!!!

Nope and I’m finding it very difficult to come up with any situation where I am likely to be.

Only by the hysteria generated by the media....this issue has not been ‘reported’ it has been sensationalised!

Still no

Yes, surrounded by panicking idiots who think toilet rolls and hand gel will save them 🙄

I have found your articles to be informative and helpful. In such a fast changing situation we need to be informed. I have been assisting with plans for clinicians to work from home to reduce spread and will work from home myself. Virtual consultations have many benefits for NHS.

I got laid last night with a girl without protection, I think that I might....a sorry sorry, coronavirus, no not at all.

Hk people now in rally. Live, Hk police brutality

I'm fully stocked with bog-roll and beans. Bring on the apocalypse!

Only by media reporting this as a looming apocalypse. In April 2009 The Guardian reported that a 'best case scenario' regarding Swine flu was 3,100 deaths in the UK. A 'worst case scenario' was predicted to be 65,000 deaths in the UK, also Guardian. In reality 167 people died.

Really? Are you begging for free articles? Why don't you go and interview surviving patients?

Click-bait gutter journalism. Unworthy.

Three of us think we have already had it!

Well, I'm a US citizen in Rome and there are no lines to be told of. Almost wondering if I should get tested here before I go back and get quarantined. coronavirus covid19

Yes!! Every time I turn the news on some other so called expert is giving their opinion on it. No one has a clue. Can we not just put it into context and report on how many homeless people die a day in Britain cos the tories are cunts !!

I'm flying to the safest place on the planet now. China. Way safer than UK if you get the virus.

In Kenya, not yet,but we are tempting it with a banquet of roses, by welcoming flights from its den.


I was affected when I went for some Loo roll and the store had ran out. People are so stupid.

In 4 weeks we were due to begin a cycling challenge which crossed straight through Northern Italy. It seems like this may no longer be possible...

Not that i know of , no symptoms as well

Yes because of the propaganda your spouting everyday

I can't get any wipes for my a**. Everybody is panick buying.

Yes, I've become highly anxious from reading your coverage.


I’m a x-ray tech in Los Angeles and I feel like I been exposed to like 10 corona patients they are not testing the patients this is going to be a mess

China is the culprit! The government has been denying and concealing facts at the beginning of the outbreak. Hence, the virus could not be contained. The figures released by the government are FALSE!

Your reporting is way beyond hysterical and over the top, stop it.


yes cos i’ve got a 97 uear old grandmother who needed emergency aid that has nothing to do with this virus but of course it took me ages to get through due to the amount of panic calls


I am a Hotel Communications Strategy Consultant. My fee is paid by room sales revenue. Hotels are not selling rooms. My work has completely vanished.

Sitting here at the bottom of South Africa, worrying and washing my hands a lot, just in case.

Not yet fortunately.

Yes. I am encountering a massive number of morons.

Stop creating panic

Only mentally.


Yes. It is a worry and I wonder who is responsible.

I think with the media coverage, we all have.

Not yet but is just a matter of time

My social media account was infected with hysterical nonsense about Corona. I have indeed become sick of it.

Yes, I was because some of dance events I was supposed to attend have been cancelled plus people acting crazy about coronavirus while shopping notoiletpaper nohandsanitizers flightscancelled

Yes! It is hard to find toilet paper 🧻 in Australia

Yep, couldn't get any bog roll at my local Sainsbury’s last night..personally I blame the hysterical 24/7 media coverage. Surely you can’t maintain this pitch for the next 6 months....?

Yea, it’s dominating the news and my twitter feed

Wolf Parade cancelled their tour but they will be back


Yeah been affected, bored to fuckin death. Scaremongering deflectionists....we see you 👁

There’s no bloomin’ toilet roll in the shops!

No idea b/c, despite presenting with the symptoms, the fact that I haven't 'returned from a known source of infection abroad within the last 2 weeks' means that I can't get tested. That's how our Govt is 'dealing' with it. coronavirus

Only from the endless fearmongering from the media. The virus itself? Not a concern.

yes I died, but I got better!!

Never heard of it.

He's the Guardian, fishing for stories from the public to use to throw onto the hype fire. Newspapers and journalists used to seek out stories and write about them. More and more the Guardian simpy publish stories that other people provide them.

Yes I have. The wall to wall coverage of something that is more minor than flu is pissing me right off.

Yes. Every poxy medium is filled with the alarmist cobblers.

Not yet!

I suspect I am one of a few resistant to it having grown up on a diet of Cream Soda, Orangeade, Lemonade, Limeade and who could forget Cherryade. That was my Corona.

Hell yes I don’t need to go to school 😋

Even in normal times just wouldn’t want to be in one of those. Ok they’re big but so many are crammed in. No thanks.


No. but did you report the several thousand that got the flu bug and and the many hundreds that did die in the last two weeks. Ummm No. Or the thousands of cancer and hart decease patients that died . Again no. The media needs to chill.

Well I'm two days from shitting in a bag, if that counts?

don't panic, there is treatment guardian, please do a report on remdesivir. it has worked for the 1st patient in USA, bichat paris, spallanzani rome , and likely china. and there's this journal article supporting remdesivir :

Facing racism and freedom of speech issue in a London modern development and care issue from work place

For myself, not really. I worry about friends and family in the event of a pandemic. My mum has a lung deficiency after an infection a few years ago so her breathing is really limited (she uses an oxygen machine a few times a day). So, a spread is a really scary thought.


Not particularly, though I am watching it unfold with a morbid curiosity. Like I'm playing a game of Plague Inc with better graphics.

Here's one for you morons, today 24,000 kids will die of starvation and preventable disease and you will not know or report a single one of them

Busy taking screenshots of denial threads like this one. Each month I'll check the list of usernames to see who's still online/alive.

In Los Angeles, every store is running out of hand sanitizers, masks, toilet paper, towels, tissues, paper towels and water

If you haven’t yet.... You will be

No. It’s a fucken media virus, don’t forget the real news

Have been in 'containment' with my daughter for the last two weeks - and for possibly another 3 weeks.

Due to the toilet roll shortage, I've had to resort to using your newspaper instead....

Supply problem here. Things we thought were “local” turn out being Chinese.

Other than suffering the press beat up about this to blow it out of proportion? No


Waiting in iso for coronavirus test result. Feel like garbage. But so far no pneumonia so yay for that

It's all I hear, so my hearing has.

Sick of hearing about it, sick of the media blowing it up and causing mass hysteria, sick of being told to wash my hands like I’ve never washed my hands before. what’s really going on? What truth are you trying to distract us from? conspiracy COVIDー19 coronavirus

Yes. Enormously! My information and concern for the well-being of Xi-Jinping's sister has gone completely ignored All because of CoronaVirus! Not Cool!


No other than being a bit more vigilant about handwashing


Yes, it took my awhile to spell it.

Every Asian has been hurt by the COVID19 racism (although you western media intentionally rephrase it as xenophobia).

Yes. My employer has enacted a freeze for hires that can be delayed, projects that can wait, and training and travel for all. I'vs also cancelled plans to go to mini gay days at Disneyland on 3/7.

Difficult to know if you are not tested.

No, thank (our version of) God, I'm Greek!

It has given me a massive headache as I am sick to death about hearing about it.

No, atm.


No way .

Tell us, what do you think of Trump's overriding concern about metrics?

No 👍

We’ll see in 6 days

yeh i’ve been affected by the media hyperbole virus blowing this out of all proportion and making people fight over toilet rolls


Yes. I’m in Seattle and have been placed on a two week self quarantine by my doctor. I came down with pneumonia 6 days ago, respiratory symptoms for several days before that. They still won’t test me bc I’m not sick enough to be hospitalized.


Yes, I have been to scared t go out & now down to my last tine of baked beans

I've been affected by it. I don't have the virus but I'm a maths teacher in China. Left for my winter holidays on January 2nd and was supposed to go back February 14th. I'm still in Thailand waiting on word when I can return. Suppose it has affected me in a positive way 😁😷

no idea unless one has a test.

Nurtured diabolical aversion to people with common cold.

inabster The Infected, The Affected, The Unaffected, The Unfactual, The Ineffectual, Should be affecting us all!

In many countries the tests are run properly therefore there few cases... In usa people Pay to be testes 3000+dollars, there is no a team to find patient 'zero'...

About time we were informed about how to care for relatives isolated with the virus - what is best to eat - hot or cold drinks - hot or cold house? We need basic care information urgently

Still no

Yes my timeline is fucked

I keep crying my from my bum... please send help!

I’m in the USA We don’t test for that stuff over here because our president is not only a genius he is also a god

Only by the media bombardment has it affected me. Without that we'd all be carrying on with our lives as per usual. Strange isnt it when some Jihadi explodes and kills we all HAVE to carry on as normal yet some little virus and we have to change everything. Funny old world.


Wasn't that rendered a made up fake hoax by the messiah trump

What's coronavirus?

No, Trump stopped it in America

Yes, by the amount of hysteria and crazy people surfacing from the woodworks

Yes, i have a reservation for Milano, all flights cancelled from Turkey to Italy, however booking and the hotel don’t pay me back :( bookingcom

Yes! I’ve had to listen to Pence drone on more in the last week than I have in the last 3+ years!

What planet is the Guardian on? I'm not sure it it this one?

My hands are really clean and dry

Yeah, I can’t stop washing my hands..

No, I haven’t.

Oya come and carry us

Media hype for media's sake ! If you think a knife wielding street gang member gives a monkeys about Corona virus, washing his hands.....or not mixing in public with flu symptoms....think again ! ...much more likely to want to catch the bug so he can extract cash with menaces !

Honestly I think I have it and there are no test kits.

Not yet in Uganda but we are praying so hard not be infected.

Yes. I read ten billion tweets about it daily when there is nothing I can do about it except wash my hands. It is beyond annoying to constantly read about.

Affect 2 trips..One is to Japan one is to beach...on the other hand it saved a lot money and free time with full pay..etc..🎋🤗

Maybe! Here in the USA we can't afford to get tested.. so.. 🤷🦠

I can't source masks for working with dusts and fungi from compost. Some people are buying them all up and sending them to China. The market should have raised the prices to lower demand or requested trade ID. I guess you only care if it affects socialised healthcare workers.

It's certainly infecting my Twitter feed


Just had my flight through HK from the Philippines to Thailand canceled. Then work informed me that I shouldnt travel to Thailand at all, so I had to just come home.

Yes. It has strained my eyes seeing the 1.2 million articles written about it each day.

No I'm feeling just fine lol thanks for the interest

Saw this tweet, pls verify, add subtitle. It’s fr wuhan’s people about a doctor describing those infected by virus but not showing symptoms. They will endanger the health of the unaware when having contact. Thank u.


Everyone in our city is in quarantine.

Made the fastest beeline from airplane to outside at SEA and didn’t touch ANYTHING. May have set a new record🤔

Considering the greatest threat to humanity, climate change, takes a tini-tiny part of the narrative, Coronavirus is swallowing too much of the news cycle. Covering the medical consequences is great, but personal stories are given too much attention

Yes, I'm bored daily by the scaremongering



British humor cracking bones!

Marega hypocrisy. as long as we do not abolish financial racism, all other forms of combating racism sound like hypocrisy.

I caught it

Yes. My son’s exchange trip to China is on hold. I think it’s a big panic over nothing, to be honest.

not yet we will prayer to keep us from human annihilated virose


no, but I am wondering about the Wuhan story of the virus coming out of a Wuhan lab? How come there is not follow up on this story?

I certainly have. It has monopolized my newsfeed. It is a plague.

You are spamming again.

If you haven't been to China recently... If you don't live/work with someone who has been to China recently... If you're not treating patients who have the KungFlu... Then you have not been affected.

I have been mildly irritated by the constant press coverage, implied racism and out of context memes of people in bio-hazard suits juxtaposed with the phrase 'remember, it's just the flu.'

No 😷

I’m not being bothered by Chinese tourists anymore

Yes 🗣🗣🦠🦠 and now ur too

Yes the hysterical media coverage has driven me crazy.

Everyone could be affected because in every city on the planet there is a China Town..

It´s Coronation Virus,some say that males are more in danger because of smoke. Someone has to tell about families like Marlborough & who are their descendants & who they want to 'out-compete? Which Royal wants success only if other leaves on the tree of that bloodline are 'cut'?

Just come across this tweet. China’s silencing more outspoken people. Please verify & report. Media will save them.

Nope and none in the tertiary hospital I work at

It has made me realize that the China government is stupid.

With the WHO refusing to recognize Taiwan, we're here fighting coronavirus COVID_19 on our own. So yes, it's affected me.

Coming across lots of Wuhan ‘s people 🆘 tweets and sending them to media. Alongside w HK police brutality against HK people protesting v lack of govt help on virus prevention. 😔

Everybody's dead Dave

Yes. I import from China and everyone’s closed.

Yah I’ll never eat bat soup again that’s for sure

Yes. It's made me a bit dark on China

Eventually, in one way or another, everyone will be.

How many chancers have been phoning in to work sick claiming they have symptoms of the virus?

We applaud the great leardership of the CPC, The great Unity and resolve of the Chinese Nation, The Heroes at the frontline fighting Covid19.God Bless China.Victory over virus is certain💪✊

Heads up Guardian ,Brexit didn't cause it. Just in case you haven't noticed...


Company can't get popular product because of supply chain interruptions.

10,000 of 1.6bn people in China. 1.3bn in India, 5bn elsewhere. I risked it by continuing to live through these shittyguardian tweets and so far, nope haven't managed to contract it. Get real and stop this nonsensical tabloid tripe.



Yes. I was planning on travel to the Philippines next month. It's pushed back indefinitely now.

Not yet 🙏🏽

Cancel the holiday, searching to buy surgical mask, searching how to post back to hk , stay at home etc etc

Sometimes Its good to be on Panic mode Takes away carelessness complacency casualness About most things we take for granted Like health Health scare Life generally People we love Those who love us Also Reset correct Things gone wrong Forgive forget Move on All is fine Mode

Yes, I’ve been infected by morons with mass hysteria.

Yeah I'm affected worrying if a virus is on its way to kill us all 🤷‍♂️ Coronavirius

No, no one has🤷‍♂️😂🤣

Yeah, we're bombarded with it by media outlets who love pandering to the fears of morons.


It's affected international bookings to our festival due to travel bans and uncertainty, making it hard to get the numbers and insurance. Mind you, the fires took us too.

Only by the Media's incessant propoganda

according to the virologists that I follow, COViD-19 refers to the disease caused by the disease and not the virus itself. The term is being applied to the virus in your articles and live updates.

Of course. Not every Asian is Chinese, white people. And not every Chinese is from Wuhan.

Tell us, have you been affected by the Chinese lust for eating wildlife. anthropocentrism

Reluctant to go on holidays abroad mainly south east.

Not yet.

And the western media continue their insanity

Corona born in US lab Gone viral Arrived in Wuhan Became Chinese To decimate 1.4 billion Reduce their number Or US will be Eaten by 1.4billion Bat cat rat eating Chinese If China survives corona Buy US vaccines to Kill virus US wins yet again China might Arise Revenge shame


Yes.....constant trolls from the Guardian asking me if I have been affected......

That’s your job. You’re welcome. But if you could just contribute to my bank account, that will enable me to provide you with more invaluable advice in the future.

We’re only getting half the story because this is China,if you believe otherwise you’d be naive,I won’t be an alarmist in saying it’s time to panic because it’s not,but in the coming months the truth will shock you.Stay tuned.

I have not.

Sure has. It's made me realise the Chinese are fudging numbers. It's also not as deadly as people are making out. If you are healthy, you will survive, which rings true as far as the stats go. So then why did the whistle blower doctor die? More fingers at Chinese government.

I passed the Corona Fizzical.

Yes, The Guardian have been bombarding my twitter feed with terror stories.

Of course, I have. Here am I, sitting in my home, 6321 miles from Wuhan and I'm terrified of going out, in case I bump into someone who just returned from China!😣

Why was coronavirus patented in 2015?

No. but my area inside the US will be since we just had a plane with 100 evacuees from Wuhan land at Lackland AFB with two exhibiting Symptoms. I am not confident that our local hospitals are up to the task. sure they are good hospitals, but this is a virulent virus!

My balls have coronavirus.

Yes. Wife was in cn (not wuhan) with family for cny. Picked her up 29th & been in self isolation (working from home) since. We hear worry 1st hand. I also work for a company that's affected due to travel restrictions. Ppl in UK not taking warnings seriously & terrible hygiene.

Fed up hearing about it.

Don’t your small city of London have too little things and people for you do the report ?

Cancelled air travel for the next few months.


Spam spam spam.

Yea I’m actually tweet dying right now, thanks for asking.

absolutely man it's gonna take at least £2,500 to help me with the healing process


Not nearly as much as I've been affected by the treason of Trump

Yeah, it is highly likely my proposed trip to China next month will be affected.

We tried buying masks for a whole other reason in Europe and we can't get them... All the weishangs bought them and sold them for profit to China.

I’m traveling SE Asia as part of a career break, I was in Saigon before Chinese New Year. It was bedlam and full of Chinese tourists. The impact has been acute paranoia. Every cough, hot flush has made me think I am seriously ill. The hysteria online and with some press is gross

We have 2 cases in Adelaide . Self isolation is a respect to yrself and others!

yes the pandemic of outreaching articles in social media has reached disease, proportions

yes, it's breaking my balls

what is this coronavirus? Should I be worried. Just on a cruise.

Yes!! It's on all the news, all the time.


Let me see...people are turning racist against Asians for a stupid flu. Nope, nothing changed.

writing another racist story about Chinese people.

Yes. It’s making me stop watching the news.


Mind you're own business

I work for. Chinese company. Only yesterday were guidelines issued. And none of them covered international travel.

Yes, I'm riddled with it.

yes...but in a good way. I teach online ESL to Chinese students and booking rates are high. None of my students have been outside in over 3 weeks.


Yes, the common Cold!!!

Infection rate rising exponentially... but fatality rate stays at 2 % Assuming it isn't an American pathogen with an anti-dote waiting in the aids..... and....given a world population of 6 Billion..... 120, 000,000 fatalities could be on the cards

If we remove our cynicism from China’s response ie is this covering up something else? Then take it at face value. It’s coming this way. 100% impossible to achieve 100% quarantine so expect 6 to 8 weeks delay at most, then BAM 💥 💥 💥 💥 In the meantime ReleaseTheRussiaReport

Chinese restaurants are offering massive discounts.

Not yet no but if it is half as bad as your mass hysteria suggests then watch this space.

I’ve got a rash on my arse. Should I be worried?

If only approved vaccine/medicine can cure all the cases 😕

Def ! we in SE Asia are taking precautions but face masks are sold out everywhere ! a burden to wear and to buy on top of other expenses

There just seems to be something that doesn’t sit right about being led to believe that a political, economical, financial, commercial, cultural and educational center of Central China ...

No 💪

I'm constantly affected by the Guardian



I got a awful case of the Guinnessvirus after last weekend.......

Suppliers from China cannot send goods.

Not yet. Keep trying though.

God forbid.

Yeah. My local Chinese takeaway place has closed down.😂

Apart from flooded timeline, no, not yet...

In Singapore, they have effectively ban all Chinese passport holders and those who had been to China 2weeks ago from entering Singapore including for transit and we have our first citizen infection. Check channelnewsasia or straits times.


Yes & No - Every day I hear the morning radio guy make a dumb joke about the virus & beer. Irritating. Not to mention the internet is full of stupid people doing the same thing. The name is unfortunate for the beer company. I'm sure they're losing money.

Yes, the hysteria is displacing news about the corruption of the Morrison government sportsrorts droughtrorts gasrorts

Yes. Sure.

Ya Allah, I seek your refuge from leprosy, insanity, multilation and from all serious illness. Please protect me, my family, people I love, even people who wronged me from Coronavirus. I love them for the sake of You. Protect them My Lord. You are the ultimate protector. Ameen.

30th Jan 2020. This is a remote village in Hubei, the police was saying, go inside, go inside, close the door, close the door. One died, six confirmed cases in that County. WuhanVirus ccp ChinaVirus

I returned my hometown in china 2 months ago from California and I will be with my parents and my dog together.

My Chinese fiancé is scared to go outside, not because of the disease, but out of racist ignore and high risk of hate crime against our Chinese friends in the UK.

Is that affected or infected neither .... yet

I wouldn’t be on twitter if I was


tell us would you like a vaccine loaded with side effects?

What were the options again?


Yes twice. I completed it.

No, not at all.

Nope & don’t plan on it

AGAIN, yes, because I live in Taiwan which has to fight it in isolation as it is excluded from organizations like WHO and ICAO.

Not in a while, no

I sold my Apple stock like an idiot at $310! Now it’s $324

Thanks to NoAction ScottMorrisonMP too bloody scared to leave my house!!! Live way to close to a University where students are coming in by the thousands!! They should be stopped!! coronarvirues

It’s breaking my fucking heart and I can’t sleep at night 😡

Yes, the media won't stop harassing me with sensationalist and hysteric inducing bullshit for clicks.

YES! I am affected right now, this over-hyped flu is all over the news!

Have you been affected by the Queen Mummy Virus?

The Japanese government let two of their citizens repatriated from Wuhan refuse health checks and even gave them a ride home gome 🤔 are they trying to spread it...?


No....should I?

Dunno but I have been snotting, coughing or puking the whole time since November. Will that do?

Not yet and I’m hoping will be all good in 3 months time . Heading towards China Beijing

just want sensible, verified information, so I know how much to worry about friend!

Yes. As I said the last time you tweeted this, I live in Taiwan where there are confirmed cases, but the country is still excluded from UN agencies like WHO and ICAO. Why not write about that?

My are getting too warm to drink!

I hope they contain this before the Republiclan National Convention takes place. It would be awful if one of the spies from Chi-na who regularly hang with Republiclans, carried it there. That would be awful (for the staff).

I'm watching 'Convection' for the third time.

Nauseous about the stupid Japanese government.

Still a better option than Brexit

Shouldn’t that be “infected”

I’m all good thanks.

No our Religion keep us From Such Virus Alhadulilah proudtoBeMuslim

2020 so far: USA and Iran WW3 threats Australia fires coronavirus epidemic Indonesia floods Kobe Bryant’s death Magnitude 7.7 earthquake between Jamaica and Cuba britishairways cancelling flights to China Brexit in 3 days People still cant spell coronoavirus ITS JANUARY

I identify as not affected or infected with Corona...

Yes I have. I'm traumatised by the amount of media coverage it's been getting over other important events.

Well I just sneezed........ Maybe 😱


I was going to grill a bat for dinner but am having second thoughts

Yes, in Hong Kong, people know how serious WuhanCoronavirus is from the experience of SARS. However, HK gov still claims that we don't have to wear mask, due to some political reason about the anti-mask law... Not embarrassing Xi Jinping is more important than people's health.

Yep, sick of hearing about it...

yes I have it and died , but a witch cured me... burn the witch

I can tell you this: You give me nightmares that your newspaper is read by young people who are impressionable and innocent and beautiful. Apart from that, no I don't require your medical advice. Thank you anyway comrades. Keep the red flag burning!

Yes Deeply It's very unwoke not to be.

My twitter feed has been full of it and I'm starting to become mildly irritated by it

By how much I hate China and it’s lack of descretion for completely decimating the entire worlds biodiversity. Not only is China killing us that way, but by spreading animal Bourne diseases similar to the way aids was spread- by eating diseased animal meats. coronavirus

Yes. I’m fucking bored of it already.

Do I get a free Parker Pen if I get in touch?

the relentless fear mongering has rendered coronarovirus non threatening whatsoever.reminds me of the ebola which was supposed to kill us all


I am quite anxious over it , a lady sneezed a few feet from me in the supermarket today and l asked her had she been to Wuhan recently.


Yes. Reading the news stories about it has made me mildly more anxious. I'm happy to be interviewed about it for a modest fee (8 pack of Cheetos).

Think I may get hoegaardenvirus in the morning? Just an hunch


Every time I see an Asian I hide behind a trash can

Yes. I died from it yesterday


your pet may have been?

Yes I now order Koala and Peacock well-done to be safe

I have, that's why I don't drink that crappy beer anymore

Had to change my beer.

Who the hell comes up with the names for those viruses? Why didn't they call this virus the Pelosi, Waters or the Clinton virus? They are just as deadly.

shortage on koalas

Not me but owners of Chinese restaurants around the World are hurting since many regulars stopped going for Chinese food, afraid some workers and their friends may had gone to Wuhan

Almost definitely. Probably won't be in work on Monday. Tuesday's not looking hopeful either. Better get someone else to do the things I haven't finished yet.

I’ve been affected by corona I drank 15 bottles and shit my pants

Death toll is now officially 41. This will be bigger than SAR outbreak years ago.

What!? Like as Ebola propaganda effected me? Dream on! Spin on the world when people have colds and flu in U.K. to same symptoms as this pop bottle virus ! Least we get money back !

I heard there’s a greater chance of catching and dying from regular flu in North America rn so coronavirus isn’t really a hot topic

Peckitt Nope. But if you like I could try to become ever more nervous and paranoid and just slightly xenophobic in my world outlook.

The annual winter bug has killed more people than the coronavirus... Worry for people with pre-existing conditions they are the ones in danger not 90% of the population who will get over this virus No confirmed cases just people with hight temps getting off a plane in quarantine

We face to very critical situation in China due to corona virus.. We are inside the room from long time we can't go outside.. We wanna shaft a safe place...

The high risk peroid would be AFTER Lunar New Year as the overseas students return UK.

Got the cure right here!

Yes, because CCP didn’t tell the truth and caused the spreading of the coronavirus from China to HongKong, US and many other countries

I'm in Glasgow airport regretting two things. 1. Being in an airport 2. Reading articles about the coronavirus.

Anxiety is off the scale!

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