Tell us about your favourite comfort film

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What movie is guaranteed to lift your spirits, whether you’re struggling with a personal challenge or a global disaster like the coronavirus pandemic?

What’s your reliable go-to comfort movie?Last modified on Thu 28 Jan 2021 12.34 GMT


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Erin Brockovich. I find it really inspiring and uplifting. 😍

Big Lebowsky

Soul Men.

Aliens with sigourney weaver

No. You'll try and get it banned.

Mamá mia!

Pretty woman!!

Blade runner

August Rush |. A magical film that was totally underrated.

The Irishmen, you can watch a short 45min clip and get a feel for the style and the plot with some wonder acting cinematography and direction.

Scott Pilgrim. And Lilo and Stitch.

Well considering I just watched Muppets Christmas Carol about 20 times last month it's hard to remember any other ones

has to be BRIDJET jONES

It’s a Wonderful Life - classic!

Mulholland Drive...

Clue, its a murder mystery comedy from the 80s based on the Cluedo board-game. It always works for me!

Inside job

The Quiet Man. John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara and beautiful Ireland

🤣 Bridesmaids. I love the airplane scene. “Welcome to Germany!”

The ones that teach people how to live with their mess and misery: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013), Little Miss Sunshine (2206),...


The dig was really good.



This one, but with the sound off. It's pretty.

Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer.

I watched Se7en last night before going to bed.

Shawshank Redemption. I've lost count of how many times I've seen it

Love Actually, has something for every occasion.

Life is beautiful.

The Seventh Sign. I have no idea what file that came from? lol Hope, she had enough hope to save the whole world!! Must go watch!


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Thor Ragnarok

Time Will Tell It's a Bob Marley documentary.

The Holiday. It's so feel-good....and very grown up for a rom-com. Plus, who can beat the combo of Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, Jack Black, and Kate Winslet with an adorable dash of Eli Wallach

Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory, whilst stuffing face with chocolate...I.

Any episode of FriendsTV

Inception. I like films when I have no clue what's going on. But have a teenage daughter to explain it to me.

Deathly hallows pt 1,2; Skyfall( James bond); prisoners; Zodiac; Silence of the lambs; a beautiful mind; theory of everything; matrix; interstellar; Gravity; the immitation game; the painist; the man who knew infinity; Twilight; Conjuring; sinister; Temple Grandin. List is ∞


'Chocolat' with Johnny Depp(although I dont watch anymore, as its DPB film label).

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Forrest Gump

American graffiti

boburnham ‘s Make Happy

'Alceste à bicyclette' , Luccini, Wilson. Always was a fan of Molière. Love the 'île de Ré' landscape. Try it. it made me forget the pandemic context the other night...

The Guardian

Elf! It never stops being funny and I watch it all year round!

Forrest Gump covers every range of emotion ❤️

5th element.

The Producers.

Van Der Leyden in the role of Hitler in ‘Downfall’, only better! Gripping stuff.

Glengarry Glen Ross

Dead pool

About Time - always restores my faith that things will be okay in the end.

The one that puts you to sleep gives you comfort the most.


LA Confidential and Gladiator are two that I go to when I don’t fancy anything else.

Back to the future - Can't go wrong. Or this is Spinal Tap

You got Mail, One Day

Predator .. .

Billy Eliot

Gravity .

Top Gun. Takes me instantly back to being 14. And has aged fantastically. Kids love it too.

Clockwork Orange

The Fellowship of the Ring


The Bucket List, The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons, and HarPot movies

Love Actually ❤️

Pride and prejudice

Sorts out any mood ☀️

Persuasion (1995)

Point Break.


Ratatouille ('Anyone can cook') Wall-E ('Plant!') Interstellar ('Love, TARS') Mad Max ('my name is Max')

Love actually, the Holiday from October to January. One day, Notting Hill, About time for the rest of the year. theguardian

A Boy Called Sailboat. Pure joy.

Also every year I absolutely love to watch the Harry Potter series, always make me feel so comforted and happy 3

Dazed and Confused

Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home

Amélie is so joyful and heart warming

Mr. Bean's Holiday. I've watched it dozens of times to laugh innocently.

Little miss sunshine


Once upon a time in America.

'A Matter of Life and Death' 1946 😊

The Big Lebowski. I have it on my phone at all times. The first 20 minutes is enough to put a big smile on my face.

Got to be 'Stand by me'. Such an affectionate, warm portrayal of four friends on an adventure and the cusp of manhood.

Strictly Ballroom. Or Stardust - the Robert De Niro scenes are just delightful

‘On the Waterfront’ - one of the most perfect films I’ve ever seen. Marlon Brando’s greatest ever performance, and simple yet beautiful storytelling by Elia Kazan.

Love Actually

Jurassic world fallen kingdom


The Silence of the Lambs. Real feel good film.

Emily in Paris

Unplanned by AbbyJohnson

has to be grease or the ancient singing in the rain sorry dont remember title or other ancient 'some like it hot'

Either Sunshine on Leith or Singing in the Rain or The Princess Bride

The 1995 Ciaran Hinds/Amanda Root version of Persuasion. Couldn't say how many times I've watched it. Nothing compares. 'You pierce my soul....' *Sighs*


So many to choose from... The Princess Bride is a good choice.

Bullit with Steve McQueen or The Producers.

Grease is the word.

The Adventures of Robin Hood. Wore out my video. More poignant now after the passing of Olivia.

A Serbian film always warms the cockles

The big lebowski. Gets funnier with every watch.

Harry Potter

Not a movie but if you’re having trouble sleeping or anxious, watch BBC Four’s All Aboard! The Great Reindeer Migration- on BBC iPlayer. It’s comforting and therapeutic 👍

Tremors (1990)


Groundhog Day


The Muppet Christmas Carol - not just for the festive season

Bafore Sunrise, Vienna in the 90’s seemed so magical

Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan. It's the greatest movie in cinematic history.

I've watched The Social Network about 20 times now. The dialogue, soundtrack, everything is just perfect. I have it playing in the background sometimes when I'm doing chores.

Armagedon fits current climate

The Birdcage, with Robin Williams. It took awhile to watch it again after his passing, but it never fails to lift our spirits. The Gene Hackman scene is priceless.

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