Tell us about your family lockdown activities for the chance to win a £200 holiday prize

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What hobbies and activities have kept your children entertained in lockdown? Tell us your secrets – the best tip wins £200 towards a Canopy & Stars stay

Tue 2 Feb 2021 17.30 GMTKeeping the kids busy in lockdown isn’t easy, but taking up new family hobbies and activities can help everyone stay calm. Whether it’s photographing or exploring your local area, dreaming up treasure hunts in the garden or putting on puppet shows, what has helped keep boredom and anxiety at bay? We’d love to hear about uplifting activities your kids have discovered – and why it’s been a lifeline.


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Excellent I can put the £200 towards my 10 year long holiday to wormwood scrubs

Epic trolling

I beat the wife,the wife beats the kids, the kids kick the dog.

I take drugs, drink alcohol, and masturbate to midget porn. When do I collect my prize?

Reading the daily express and doing the crosswords.

A £200 family holiday? Where to? 1974?🤔

Talked the wife into Anal & have started drinking everyday at 9am. So far the lockdowns going pretty well.

Wanking and drinking.

The children have taken up dog walking (exercising and earning money at the same time) and I have taken up cutting the hair of joggers (a good few accidents at the beginning but once I started using rounded scissors the cuts became far less). My wife has become a webcam 'girl'.

I’ve started researching the origins of the Mockingbird Media and realised that the Guardian is part of that Cabal.

£200 holiday prize. Is that a week in a Siberian gulag ? What a classy paper.

I have learnt three new languages, I am a a cunning linguist.

£200 !!!!!! I don’t even go down the boozer with less than that in my pocket ! Never mind a fucking holiday 👊🏻💦💦💦

Spent the first 6 months looking for Guardian readers. Found none so repeated for the last 6 months

£200? You keep it. How else will you be able to keep Polly Toynbee on?

Dialing California unemployment CA_EDD over and over and over and over and over and over and over for days to try to get someone to answer the phone to tell us why my hubby's unemployment was cut off right before xmas. Alternatively, trying to buy milk with nothing.

Went to the shops, nicked a bunch of Guardian newspapers. Burned them in a big fire.

I am a single parent to a baby yoda. I’m trying to hold down a job, work from home and home school my child. He hates being disciplined and he choke holds me when I try to correct him! I really need that voucher, taughts and prayers xoxo

Online beer orders, drinking said orders, hating everything about dystopian lockdown, work, sleep, repeat oh and the odd wank.

Is this real journalism or more psychological torture I will go with the latter it’s 🤡 journalism

£200!!!!!! LOL The Guardian are really in the crap!

Well, I'm about to give birth in the next two weeks. So guess 😉😉😉😉😉🤣

Is holiday prize the new name for a grocery shop? Because even if we could leave our homes for anything other than tescos we'd not be going far on £200

I don't have a family. Thanks.

Lots of wanking and jigsaws.

£200....?! where we off to Blackpool? 4 pints & a bag of fish & chips?

4 children between the ages of 16 and 6 - at 3 different schools (in 4 different key stages) + husband running business from home. All using video conferencing. All involved with team sports which have been cancelled.

We play monopoly, scrabble, and gin rummy. My 12 year old son is learning about real estate, finance, vocabulary, and good decision making. Single Moms are creative Teachers!

To be sincere it been hard on us here. Very tough.

Take care of daughter, prepare breakfast, play games and draw, prepare lunch, play games, prepare dinner, tell bed time stories. Drink a tea and fall asleep in front of TV.


It’s a virtual holiday

This is kindling.. I’m sure it’s not the happy stuff you plan on hearing.

Well that's me going on holiday on my own for 2 nights 🙄

Since quarantine, My cooking skills are like YO. I gained 18 lbs & I lost 18 lbs.😂 I can hardly wait to show off my new chess skills. Doesn't everyone have family movie night? Who knew books were therapy? And Alexa and I remember songs together. Where's my $

ate. ate some more. then i ate some chocolate. oh btw i ate chicken schnitzel and chips. After that I watched documentaries on the eating habits of llamas. Not forgetting all the bloody chocolate I ate while tossing off and looking at nude pics of hot soldiers also tossing off.

The Guardian: We're giving out £200 to one lucky peasant whose life has been ruined by draconian lockdowns!

Growing mushrooms

Calling the GP for antidepressants for ongoing post-natal depression while both of us essential workers still have to go out to work, and care for a 1 year old without support when at home.

Weekly Zoom quizzes!

Sitting on the couch eating and drinking.

turning on the oven to cook crinkle paper cartoons pins and key rings..running out of paint at the last minute or the tanturm from scissor cutting and the breaking the ears are is my electric bill🙏😂🤣😇

My son is converting a large van into a camper van for use when he can return to surfing !

Another day begins with the familiar thump of my heart pounding in my chest & I’m reminded of the pain & devastation that my life is filled with as result of 3 years of crimes. All I want is closure! Will you please help me get a fbi/FBIPhoenix/TheJusticeDept investigation?

Lol... VERy SIMPLE....Tried VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY HARD 2 Make him/her 2 Sleep 14 hrs/Day... WHAT else 2 Say? Slapping REAlity of LD's...

I love spending hours on the phone especially on hold to SkyHelpTeam and SkyUK listening to patchy elevator music just to speak to a human when sky screws up.....fairly regularly And the best but is they always blame this cr*p service on the virus, the one we’ve had for a year

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holiday to fucking Wales or smth, fuckin 200£ for British family holiday seems hilarious

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