Teachers should be prepared to ‘sacrifice their lives’, says ex-Ofsted head

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United Kingdom Headlines News

United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

Children return back to school on 8 March

and the government has launched a £700 million school catch-up scheme to help children with lost learning, amid concerns children from disadvantaged backgrounds have fallen months behind their peers.about whether the learning gap can be closed between pupils from deprived backgrounds and other students, he said: “It will be closed if there is a real commitment and that is why there has to be a pulling together.


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Calling for teachers to sacrifice their lives... I am wondering if they need to work it into the curriculum on the first day back? Seppuku during registration... or will it be saved for the next inspection to show willing?

Not bein funny but how can teachers give teacher assessed grades if they all die from covid this country is a fukin joke

The idea that teachers should die to show their professionalism, their care, concern and passion for the work they do and the children they teach is said by someone who hasn't stood in front of a class for two decades. And that's my polite response.

Because under capitalism, human life has ZERO intrinsic value. The ONLY value people have is the profits they can personally generate for corporations. People who can generate less profits have a lower value than those who can generate more.

It's kids getting back to hating school the second they walk through the gates next week.....not PUBG.

This is vile.

Extreamly disgusting thing to hear, just shows how out of touch some people really are. Sacrifice should never be an option, as somebody who has two full time teachers in his family I would never want them to put their life in danger

If you want teachers to sacrifice their lives the same as Doctors, pay them the same you’re paying the Doctors instead of the average of £30K.

Just like Ofsted Inspectors that have been nowhere near schools for nearly a year as they deemed them unsafe but yet expected school staff to carry on 🤷‍♂️

Ex-ofsted head needs to keep quiet. Those who put teachers back to work without having had the vaccine should be put up for corporate manslaughter if anyone of them die from covid. Same as those who force front line emergency workers to work without a vaccine.

Over 500 staff have already sacrificed their lives. Honestly, this country needs to stop kicking teachers. So many have left; so many want to leave; who, in their right mind, would want to join?

What the actual fuck

What a fuck face! No one signed up to risk their lives. But unfortunately did to our shitty government we were ill prepared and many NHS staff lost their lives

Ahem Senator SeharKamran said it first 🍇🍇🍇

Excited for the poppy eventually becoming a symbol for honouring fallen teachers, LestWeForget

What a ridiculous comment.

I am perfectly happy to ‘do my bit’ and have done so since the start of the Pandemic -but could the department of Ed at least make masks mandatory for secondary students (bar exempt) and give us a vaccine to stop the virus spreading to to the wider community.

bilbalbag Our Elites always see us in the trenches --- fighting for this Emerald Isle... ... because we're that dumb!😱

Cool. Pay teachers as much as doctors.

Teachers should be prepared to sacrifice their lives, meanwhile Tories and their chums don't even have to show any sign of competence and commitment.


Absolutely ridiculous

Imagine being so ignorant of what school staff have already done and continue to do that you make this kind of callous statement publicly.

shut da fuck up, wackadoodles


They already have and still are!


Good grief and they wonder why people leave teaching after feeling they’re not being supported and that was pre pandemic.

The facts are 4,700 under 65 year olds have died with covid on the death certificate, including those with & without underlying health conditions. Any maths teachers here who can confirm this is a risk of 0.009% and if so share so there’s less hysteria?

No way!

WTF off

Analogy: pupil to teacher, 'I don't want to play rugby without my gumshield', teacher, 'suck it up, do you hear the England team moaning?', 'no, but.....' assume that would be a fail Ofsted ? Ofstednews

Medics didn't have proper PPE which is why some got sick and died. If they did have proper PPE, maybe they would be alive today. Teachers aren't getting prioritised for the vaccination so could die. These are teachers and medics in the UK, not in a war environment.

Sounds like a proper Subhuman Abomination. DissolveTheUnion Revolution

If a teacher gets Covid, they may not get sick, but 30 children have another 10 days of home schooling. Vaccinate teachers and school staff now.

1) this is the same bloke who, along with Lord Adonis, tried desperately to undermine what teachers were doing in the first lockdown to try and sell their latest software to schools which was just a rubbish version of twinkle 2) it’s not just my life, it’s my family. Bore off.

No words for you.

NEUnion Ofstednews MichaelRosenYes NAHT Inspectors to wear full PPE whilst working remotely? IStandwithTeachers

Can you tell him he reminds me of a certain 'Mr Haig' from World War 1?

But not the Eton teachers..... 🤔

I have dug a trench in the school field. At 8 am on Monday 8th March a whistle will be blown and we will all storm out of the trench into school with Wilshaw’s words inspiring us all .... awful man. What’s the view like from your bedroom you hateful, irrelevant dinosaur?

They still won’t put you threshold - even posthumously.

I tell you what why don't the ofsted inspectors go in and help with teaching

Will this be a question at interview?

Cut the crap. Take responsibility to get teachers vaccinated.

They are not soldiers who are the only people we expect to sacrifice their lives. No one would say to a fireman we 'expect' you to sacrifice your life, they would say make a dynamic risk assessment, and if you think you can save a life without losing yours carry on.

Wilshaw is a non-entity... what he says is unimportant. Why he's given air-time or tabloid inches is beyond me; he just panders to the narrative.

For peanut pay and not very much respect from society? No thank you. Perhaps he could be a role model to show teachers how it’s done instead?

I don’t remember attending that lecture in my training...? 🤔

Perhaps he would like to give a practical demonstration so those in the teaching profession can be totalling clear how best to achieve such an outcome and decide whether or not they wish to comply.

Good grief! I don’t suppose he’s proposing to kit the teachers out in the same full PPE as the medics risking their lives? (And I take nothing away from our NHS heroes, for whom I have the utmost admiration.)

Do us all a favour Don't do politics on Twitter for the simple reason that it might lead to a revolution.

One of the silliest comments I've heard in a long time!

What the fuck...

truthshamesthe6 Let's get morale up, shall we?

Says old man, already vaccinated, retired or WFH....

Just as well this is an ex-head of Ofsted not a current one. No-one should expect that kind of sacrifice of someone else. Do better by teachers.

Ex-Ofsted head should give his head a wobble

Wilshaw is a trained teacher. Why doesn't he go first?

MW is an irrelevance.

This tells you all you need to know about Ofsted.

Yep .. 😂😂.

Should they be issued cyanid pills and a service revolver just in case? Blood and Sand. I’ve never heard such twallop.

Everyone SHOULD GO ON STRIKE seriously british are obedient fools


And yet schools are deemed unsafe for Ofsted inspectors. Hypocrisy.


OK, so why doesn't he lead by example and teach alongside them?

As a TA that works in Primary with SEND pupils with 0 PPE and 0 social distancing I can tell you it seems that we are.....



GCSEs and alevels NEVER mattered this much oml

As a teacher, we will CONTINUE to work each day and sacrifice our lives for children. I don’t need someone who has no idea and sits behind a desk telling us teachers what we SHOULD be doing when we are doing it already! How about you help out in your local school Mr Wilshaw!


cabinet ministers first please. Then we'll talk about next steps

What a ridiculous statement - teachers are at no more risk than anyone else - children should be back to school now

And it might be worth remembering they have had to do it with zero PPE because it was deemed not necessary - disgusting!! And disgraceful!

Why does Michael Wiltshire even need to exist - he doesn’t! Schools would exist with or without him and his dysfunctional services he has had any input on! He has had zero impact on the education system! Actually the challenge is there for him - what material impact have you had?

How much have people across the NHS claimed in overtime VS how much extra work teachers have had to cater for - with no overtime!!!

Of course it's fucking Wilshaw

This is where the rhetoric of “biggest crisis since the Second World War”.... “we prevailed in two world wars”.... “we are in a war on the frontline against an invisible enemy”, etc, ultimately leads — wholly unreasonable expectations that key workers should lay down their lives.

Sacrifice their lives for what exactly? Most teachers go above and beyond on a daily basis and have been throughout covid. This bloke makes me sick. People sacrifice themselves for meaningful causes but to cover up governmental incompetence

This is a non-story. ➡ Schools haven't closed throughout this pandemic ➡ All members of staff stepping into the classroom have known the risks ➡ Some staff have sadly already sacrificed their lives ➡ Staff's ongoing attendence at school is evidence enough of their commitment

I mean 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

The UK is a mess of a “country”. Thank god I’m not British. Phew

And this is why I'm no longer a teacher! Makes me so angry, my friends still in the profession have been giving their all for the last year and all they get is constant crap like this! Grrrrrrr.....

Current ofstead head ...’he’s said WHAT now?’

how about you eat my shit and hair

Wow. Just wow. How out of touch can someone be.

Said NO ONE EVER. SHAME on YOU... Teachers & children in highly vulnerable positions should be PROTECTED.

So when do all MPs go back to parliament?

Already have. Many teachers & assistants have worked at risk through all 3 lockdowns. Whereas Ofstednews school inspections have been suspended. And as most Civil Servants are over 40, they'll be getting vaccinated before teachers too (average age 39). NEUnion Unison


That's right, they knew what they were getting into when they singed up, teaching is a very dangerous career choice, almost as dangerous as nursing, they knew what they were getting into...🤦‍♂️🤬🤦‍♂️

Disgraceful. Utterly ridiculous opinion. Just fuel on the fire of teacher blaming, from someone who worked in the profession. Disgusting.

Work places need to be as safe as possible! And there is HMG legalisation,

It is an employer’s duty to follow health and safety guidelines. If someone is seriously ill or even dies who in education will be legally liable DoE the governors the head teacher the SoSE - just saying something is safe doesn’t mean it look at asbestosis smoking to name but two


That isn’t what he said at all. The headline is the problem !! Crap journalism

Spirit of the Blitz can go too far


What a truly stupid statement they are teachers ffs not sodliers or policemen die for teaching absolute rubbish only an idiot would suggest such a thing

What!!!!!!!!! Unf**kingbdlievable

Bigly ratioed.

To which every teacher should reply “Fu*k that” and go on strike.

holy shit


Or you could just take the vaccine?

Me when I see a kid cough at work.

Fruitcake alert. Many teachers have been in since March 23rd last year working with vulnerable kids. Nice that it's been noticed . LOL

Good grief, Wilshaw is like a General Melchett spoof. Stupid man.

What a nasty and unthinking B’stard

Would he like to volunteer to lead the way, and set an example?

Michael Wilshaw, the Dirty Harry of Ofsted

Let’s hope Wilshaw sacrifices his life for something. Anything really.

They already do.

This is a bit of an excessive statement quite frankly


After you, Mickey boy.

But not teachers at Eton, I assume.

Shouldn’t he lead by example and sacrifice himself first?

Off you go then, Wilshaw. You first.

Hope he’s first in line for a full classroom. Michael Wilshaw.

Stenography isn't journalism.

The most toxic OFSTED chief ever, and believe me, the bar is pretty high. He said that school management could only be judged as successful if the teaching staff were demoralised.

I bet he sits on his local parish council, votes Conservative ( or worse), watches cricket and is a keen researcher of local history.


The mans an idiot

Why doesn't he sacrifice himself and go into school then?

conzitu get ur fucken finger out

Not a price I’d be prepared to pay.

Thats fucked up. This guys a fuckwit

Shocking remark.

What utter twaddle on so many levels

That's nice of a Knight of the Realm.


What does this tell us about OFSED? Sound judgement? I'm afraid it does nothing to inspire confidence.

Just sickening

People don't sacrifice their lives- they die as a result of doing a dangerous job that has been made more dangerous by the failure of the government to provide adequate protection. They don't go to work with the intention of dying to save others like in a war.

Teachers should go back - on the same day all MPs are back in parliament and all private school teachers and pupils are back in the classroom. If it’s too risky for MPs and rich kids its too risky for our kids

This was never going to go down well given teachers are so reluctant to do anything other than strike even on a good day.

I would argue that an economic system that requires literal human sacrifice to function might not be the best system to perpetuate

YouYesYet 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿? ToryScum 🇬🇧 Brexitlanders want you to die to ensure their profits are not compromised. DissolveTheUnion 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇮🇪🇪🇺 🔥 🇬🇧 🗑 ToryDeathCult

I understand people in Uruguay are shortly to be receiving their first vaccinations One of the priority groups : Teachers

He's just another has-been with no value, he's another one on the list of people who I actively ignore.

Poor old teachers, such a hard life, lording it over children, and only getting twelve weeks holiday a year...

Ex-ofsted head should STFU

What right does anyone have to ask another person to sacrifice their live in this situation Are they going to be teaching?

This is totally insensitive... some poor teacher have !!! disgusting statement 😡😡😡😡

no? this just completely wrong

grahamlaurie1 I think he/she/they should be first to sacrifice!

He should do motivational speaking! Interesting to add though that OFSTED inspectors, barring a few exceptions, haven’t set foot in schools for almost 12 months now.

What a horrific headline! No person should be prepared to sacrifice their lives!

They're teachers, not fucking soliders. This country is insane.

Someone should tell Michael Wilshaw to fuck off.

It isn't obvious why a former head of Ofsted's view should be taken so seriously in what is, essentially, a medical matter. Ofsted is an inspection organisation. It's a necessary role, but so are MoT test centres. Should we ask our local mechanic about Covid transmission risks?

Teachers are prepared to sacrifice the lives of Ofsted executives.

The NHS staff that all get the vaccine? Whereas teachers don’t?

Another retired political appointment wheeled out to justify his portly pension ?

Seriously WTAF is wrong with people! Teachers should not be sacrificing their lives at all! They are not soldiers they are teachers for gods sake

Helen121 'Your sacrifice-Your work-Will see us succeed'. That essentially is what is being expressed here.

not paid enough so no

SteveBU2B What the actual Feck! 🤔

What utter stupidity! Teachers to be prepared to die to absolve the government of its duty to provide them with suitable protection? They won’t have signed-up for that and it shouldn’t be expected of them.

Doctors can't take patients' notes/files home (to mark, commend and give their next step...)!

When did Ofsted become the SAS?

What a 🔔🔚

the tory mindset - isn't everyone used to it yet?

To Ex-Ofsted head - Mate- They're teachers not the Royal Marines

LUCYBRUL Guest time.

Says someone who isn't a teacher.

Always knew that Ofsted had teachers’ wellbeing at heart.

Ofsted has killed the joy of teaching.

justiceTpope1 WTF, would that person be prepared to sacrifice their own?

😂🤯 Berk

What an unthinking statement? Does this person know the meaning of life itself, before suggesting that teachers should sacrifice their lives? No we know how selfish and ignorant some education inspectors can be.

peterrsimms Think very sadly quite a few already have, as many teachers have worked throughout the pandemic keeping schools open for the children of key workers

Yea ... you first

Seems that’s the Masonic answer to everything, why country is such a mess

That the government failed to give NHS staff correct PPE, thus leading to avoidable deaths, is not something we should be highlighting as some kind of great sacrifice, you great Berk. It was incompetence, which cost lives. We should be looking at prosections, not emulation.

Is this the same Ofsted that won’t allow its inspectors to currently visit schools because their health and safety can’t be guaranteed? This guy is another Tory shit stain. Let’s hope he’s willing to sacrifice his life, if that’s what he thinks. I very much doubt it, though.

JackieKane Sounds like Tory regime shite

Yet our prime minister at the slightest hint of the virus (if he is to be believed) took up a vital ICU bed, thus depriving someone who may have really needed it, for two days.

Will he lead by example? Or is he chatting shit from his comfortable armchair....

Just on principle teachers should immediately strike! This is a disgusting statement, an aberration of the duty to decency and health and safety! I encourage everyone to write to OFSTED and demand resignation!! Haven't enough people already died in this tragic mess of a response?

Have we got a surplus of teachers that need culling ? Add them into the eugenics program for the elderly, poor and disabled.

My ex got paid extra for putting cones out on an active motorway. Because people die now and again. Teachers deserve extra money for putting their lives and the lives of their families, at huge risk.

Fuckin disgusting

They didn’t come into schools when we went in throughout , for Ofsted it was unsafe. But why is it all ways teachers, support staff ,office work cleaners and cooks have been going to schools to! We are never mentioned!

are they going to be paid more for the risk?

A small vocabulary lesson for the noblest of Knights, SIR Michael Wilshaw... What do you call the murder of a man? - homicide Of a King?- regicide taking one’s own life? - suicide Of a father? patricide Of a Chief Inspector of Schools - country side... You sir are a disgrace!

Can that twat lead from the front ?

If I was teacher I would resign


No medical professionals, hospital staff, teaching professionals, school staff or other critical workers should ever be expected to 'sacrifice their lives'. Appalling statement to make. What they should expect is medical grade protection and proper investment in safety measures.

johnmerro1 Jesus lady

For the decriers of teachers- Teachers are in close proximity to students to assist, give demonstrations, in the case of younger children- comfort, wipe nose etc. Teachers teach over 30 children daily who are coming from different homes. Teachers are extremely vulnerable.

I’m quite looking forward to asking future OFSTED inspector I come across, their opinions on this.

And he should be prepared to fuck right off

WTF he should be first in the class room!

No BorisJohnson MattHancock pritipatel michaelgove GavinWilliamson should be prepared to sacrifice their lives. NOW !



1. He should come out of retirement and help then. 2. If we are in a situation that means there is a risk in schools, admit it. 3. Teachers will go in and do it. They always have done. 4. Why the argument against making schools as safe as possible?

Don't worry, I'm sure we will have a 'clap for teachers' on the 29th Feb at 8 pm😉

JohnSteed160672 When Parliament is packed again, then and only then, should schools be fully reopened! ToryNegligence ToriesHaveFailedTheNation ToriesEnemyOfThePeople ImpeachBorisJohnson


He didn't actually say 'Teachers should be prepared to 'sacrifice their lives''. Your headline will only make angry. This is NOT nice. ClickBait PressResponsibility


Workers giving their lives for their employers is a tory dream on Nonce Island

NO they should not! This is sick. This is wholly wrong! This country is a shit storm of fascism!

Gross negligence Manslaughter

What an insulting joke! Ex-Ofsted head. Says it all teaching undervalued

If Wishart’s so keen stick him back in the classroom! You wont see him for dust

Ofsted inspectors won't visit schools for safety reasons while saying teachers should be prepared to sacrifice their lives. Just like the generals in the 1st World War sending troops over the top into enemy machines guns from the safety of their behind the lines offices.

Sums up what the teachers will be doing so that kids can get an education.

Teachers are mothers and fathers to actual children whos lives would be ruined if they die. I have young children should I die for others so they can suffer? I have a Speech & Lang therapist who is currently pregnant working in my class. I’m worried sick for her. Seems he’s not

Hmmm ...why the BBCNews regularly wheel out this individual goodness only knows. He is known for making attention seeking soundbites...imo

Eeeerrrmmm ...... fuckin’ really? Some shit is worth dying for .... this isn’t.

Politicians should be prepared to sacrifice their lives. Open up Parliament the same safety provisions that the average class gets and start that lottery... I wonder how many Eton parents are going to be fined for not sending their kids to school until April?

Teachers have already showed their dedication & devotion, with everything they've done over the past year. I'm so angry reading this, our teachers are hero's end of

What an utter bell end that guy is.. OFSTED should be distancing themselves from as even as ex-head this will reflect poorly on them.

SandraDunn1955 Well that was t sensible!

JustjojoB Vital to take VitD3,zinc,VitC daily.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 No.

Errrr WTAF?! The fact they were put in this position before the vaccine roll out is bad enough.

why are ofsted quoting boris johnson?

He doesn't say that. Clickbait.

Surely the only way to live up to our medics - who in some cases sadly gave up their own lives in a mission to prevent loss of life - is for teachers to put further burden on medics now and lose their own lives in a new important mission of false equivalence?

Many school staff already have given their lives.

You first.

Wilshire should therefore everyday stand outside the gates of a school in a deprived area, maskless and invite all hose who feel unwell to cough in his face

Ofsted, the organisation that stopped going into schools because of COVID, why don’t they sacrifice their own lives instead of commenting on others.

You first

Why are you publishing the inanities of a doddering, psychopathic pensioner?

'Over the top men'

That’s absolutely disgusting. If he’s that bothered maybe he should lead by example & put his money where his mouth is & start teaching full time in a class of 30+ children from 8.30-3.30 every day. Shame on him.

You first, Michael. Lead by example, why don't you.


'Former Ofsted Inspector' So other than opining how teachers should be risking their health & the health of their families, what's he doing? Of course, if Sir Michael Wilshaw is going to be rolling up his sleeves & delivering catch up lessons in schools, that's quite different

What an absolutely idiotoc statement

Funny how ofsted aren’t going into schools at the moment. You first mate.

You first, prick.

Surely a more straight forward headline would be: 'Ex-Ofsted head is a fucking idiot'.

People really show true colours when stories like this appear. The ‘whataboutism’ is unbelievable. No one should be prepared to sacrifice their lives. The profession is under attack and teachers are getting vilified and branded militant for raising concerns

More money, then..

Headline doesn’t reflect actual words, as usual. But teachers have already gone above and beyond.

Like the doctors and nurses have? Can we not just have nobody die please? Like Australia and New Zealand? Why we killing teachers now? More Filipinos died of covid working for our NHS than the entire death toll of the Philippines. Can we just not let them live please?

better idea, can we sacrifice this government? Old Aztec style?


We already had quite enough evidence of how little Wilshaw cared about teachers’ wellbeing from his time at Ofsted

The man is an idiot who loves feeding drivel to the right wing press because they pay him for the interviews and articles, a nice earner in his retirement years.

He’s got a knighthood so he’s obviously dead hard.

He’s not going to stop being a prick just because he’s no longer head of Ofsted.

Michael Wilshaw. Nuff said.

Tens of thousands of infections daily. Tens of millions unvaccinated. Tens of thousands of schools opening. ... Can anybody else hear the sound of a massive third wave about to break? 🌊🌊🌊

In that case, MPs should return to work in preparation of sacrificing themselves for us!

Schools have been open here since September. Not 1 teacher has 'sacrificed their life'. Is this paper on another planet?

Ofstednews disgraceful. I imagine many of your inspectors wouldn’t feel comfortable in classrooms all day (hence why they’ve been working from home), so why are teachers any different? Is it that you look down at teachers and have an ideological urge to make them suffer?


Uhhh. No. Not when that “sacrifice” is really just a failure of the state. Idiots.

Medical staff were allowed to wear full PPE (when it eventually arrived). Is this ex-Ofsted head also suggesting that ALL school staff (not just teachers) should be able to do this, I wonder?

For a dated, restrictive, cramped, system that delivers a meaningless overdistilled cipher at the end which is manipulated on top of all that. Ohhh I think not!!!!

Why is this past his sell by date fruitcake getting oxygen?

Definitely the reason teachers went into teaching. And as ever they are just not committed enough. What happens to their children and families when they ‘pull together and sacrifice their lives’

Tone deaf remarks. My partner's a supply teacher. Fortunate in some ways to have certainty of work. Been teaching in person since start of school year. Gets home & works til 10 or 11 preparing online lessons for home schoolers. Only paid for time in school. She puts kids 1st.

I’m presuming Ofsted have kept themselves out of harms way since this all began? Yeah, thought so. Shut up.


Imagine having the brass neck to make a comment like that from his sofa. Offsted have refused to go into schools as they don't think it's safe.

Eugenics in action. The working class have always been cannon fodder for the political & elite classes. Teachers & medics may be seen as “middle class”, but this is a fake construct of the political class, to falsely elevate some, hence divide & conquer. ISuportATeachersStrike

No they shouldn’t ffs

What madness is this?!?!?!

Didn’t need to read that to know it would be, ‘Leaders know they’re doing something right if their staff are unhappy,’ Wilshaw. The guy is a fucking psychopath.

WTA? Can we start with sending all cabinet ministers, councillors and Ofsted inspectors into classrooms first and do us all a massive favour?

He is simply a con man

Tell ex-Ofsted head to shove it

You go first ‘Sir’ Michael and Williamson can follow. Congrats. Silliest thing I’ve seen for a bit.

The man is losing his mind.....

FFS! What a absolute 🔔end. They're teachers, not the SAS! Get them vaccinated.

How f**ing ridiculous is that idiot 🤦‍♂️

If teachers all died where would education be then?

Boris wouldn’t even sacrifice his holiday to attend SAGE meetings at the start of the pandemic. Ofsted/this government can jog the fuck on.

That’s a big nope.


They should prepare for an all out strike

It might be cheaper to just vaccinate them?

But it's so obviously not what they signed up for?!?!?!? Why 'should' they sacrifice their lives it's not in the job description

Those who can't teach, preach. Schools are not financial instruments. Deaths are not statistics

SurpriseSparrow NO WAY. this society doesn't deserve neither the sacrifices that have been done, nor the following ones. Point.

Why should they? They trained to be teachers, not soldiers. Medical staff shouldn't have to sacrifice their lives either. The environment they work in should be safe enough so they don't catch what their patients have.

Having already ensures there will be a post pandemic crisis in NHS staffing why not make sure the same happens in schools.

He didn't actually say that.

This country is now so far right wing extremist they’re not even hiding the fact they’re willing to kill teachers anymore

You first.

johnmerro1 Well driving to school can be very dangerous.

I could maybe understand asking someone to sacrifice their life for the lives of children, but a few months of algebra really isn’t a sacrificial service.


The minute Wilshaw starts putting his life on the line for the education of this countries kids he can make that statement.

And where is sir wilshire? Nowhere near a school I would venture.

I sincerely hope Ofstednews are going to publicly distance themselves from this man and his awful comments.

locket1979 Yeah without the vaccinations eh Wilshaw?


Counterpoint (applies everywhere):

Sounds like they need to be getting hazard pay as well as a pay rise, like soldiers tend to.

Perhaps MPs should do the same

In other news, ex Ofsted head is a moonhowling bunglecunt

Eh, no. No they shouldn't. Govt should ensure they don't need to.

What a preposterous thing to say. Why are older people always so lassez faire with younger people's lives.

WTAF no words, shocked.

They’ve already done that by looking after your shitty kids 8 hours a day, they shouldn’t be expected to die on top of that!

FFS?! 🤬🤬🤬

I wondering what he’ll be sacrificing? A substantial final salary pension no doubt?

Blimey! Perfectly happy to sacrifice your Nan, your A&E staff, your kid's Teachers, etc but ask them to 'sacrifice' a Tax cut themselves & pandemonium breaks out..TaxTheRich ToryScum 🚮

HughJaeger Ex-Ofsted head is presumably going back into teaching, to lead from the front?

Hi Sir. Can I have you’re number please. It appears you’re asking teachers to kill themselves to me, an innocent bystander. I think maybe you need to have a think about what you’re telling people. Some teachers have worked every day during this pandemic. We need a chat and quick.

Can the current head of regulation respond please? I understand no onsite education inspections for nearly a year due to risk to workers (inspectors) health. If regulator sees risk why are they not speaking up for staff and pupils?

Why not vaccinate teachers first

Oh he does does he? Teachers now reduced to cannon fodder 😡

Get stuffed

How’s about fuck off. Let’s see useless, answer-for-nothing M.P’s, ‘sacrifice their lives’ first.

Ex ofsted head who couldn't wait to get out of the classroom into a cushy job in inspection.

Arrogant tw*t. This is real Victorian stuff. Get to the factory, screw health and safety. Factory workers should sacrifice their lives for productivity. Or, perhaps politicians should just do their f*cking job!!

I decided last March, as an FE supply teacher with no sick pay or job security that I wouldn't go back until the students wore masks. I'm still waiting.

Government hates teachers. They have a good union who look after their members. Until Teachers decide to doff their caps, accept 60 kids in a class & look after kids after school until parents finish work - they won’t get respect from Government!

Michael Wilshaw sounds like one of those WWI generals who was eager enough to send tens of thousands of young men ‘over the top’ to die while sitting safely on his amply padded arse behind a desk back at HQ. ‘If a thing’s worth dying for, it’s worth someone else dying for it.’


Oh? Teachers should go in without protection, while Ofsted inspectors refuse to go anywhere near a school due to the risk it poses to them? Ofsted & govt ministers should spend a few weeks volunteering as classroom assistants then go home to granny if they're so sure it's all OK

Many already have.

That guy is an oddity

Nope - they need respecting and protecting. this chap can go do one

Oh, Michael Wilshaw. As you were

We’re not much use as teachers once we’ve sacrificed our lives!


They have been already as they had to keep education going as the government are inept.

Nothing changes... 🙄 OFSTED: Overpaid F*ckers Shafting Teachers Every Day

Let's sacrifice this dickhead first.

Oh wow!

Ohhhhhh HELL no. I went to college to be a teacher, not to sacrifice my life. You wouldn't ask a lawyer or doctor to be prepared to lose their life at their job.

Him first...

I am excited to see what the next forty years of Thatcherism brings.

Toby is just dying to get back to his Algebra class. And if you're not dying to teach it then you're unpatriotic..... or something. Jesus, this country is a frikkin embarrassment.

O.F.S.T.E.D = Overpaid F*ckers Shafting Teachers Everyday

A teacher in his 50s near me lost his life to Covid-19. Wilshaw should sit in front of his family and tell them teachers aren’t doing enough. What an idiot.

Did they say that while sitting safely in their living room? Ex Ofsted head can fuck off.

I hate this timeline

Incredible hypocrisy from someone who won’t be anywhere near a school from March 8th

BeverleyColclo1 Can you not just have a mass strike until something is done about it. How dare he say that. !!!!!

For Covid, or in general?

What a f*cking shower of shites these people are. Ghouls JohnsonGovtOut CovidCarnage BritishDemocide

Ex-ofsted head who deserves to lose his actual head for saying such an incredibly stupid thing 🤦🏻‍♂️

This is beyond awful! How dare he? Teaching is already such a demanding job. Noone should risk their life doing it. It's bonkers!


I’ve never heard such shite in my life

I suspect the Health and safety at work act and later regulations don’t allow “self sacrifice” in the risk assessment to justify the waiver of control of risk management or employers duties to give a safe place of work. Red tape eh? Who’d have it.

Thankfully he's ex and should be irrelevant to this conversation

Like MPs...

My initial knee-jerk reaction to this statement was '**** off.' After further consideration and reading, time to think and refine my initial outburst: '**** RIGHT off.' I love my job, I really do. But I love my family more. More than I love other people's. Sorry.

Utterly ridiculous just Vaccine them So schools and Colleges can get back to normal .

It’s always so inspiring to hear people who will never have to risk themselves on the frontlines pushing others to lay down their lives and be prepared to die.


MPs should be prepared to ‘sacrifice their lives’ after all their on a much better salary than teachers who r eligibly expected to sacrifice theirs?!

Again I say, Ex-Ofsted chief... Poor didums. Still feeling the need to make himself relevant. Plus, this isn't a battlefield, I go to work to teach kids. Plus Plus, what about all the other sectors that are front customer facing. Does he want them dead too?

They don't get paid enough to sacrifice their lives.

Sir Michael Wilshaw, my advice to you is - don't get a vaccine and volunteer in schools everyday. When you get virus, please just sacrifice your life by not accepting help from NHS. Let me know how that works out for you? Don't tell people to do things you would NOT do yourself!

The ex-Ofsted head is “working from home”, presumably...

I guess that's why he's an ex-Ofsted head.


How crass, facile, and cowardly. But time for some leadership, so you first Wilshaw.

OK, him first then.

They're all just, full-on, pulling our chain, now. This pr1ck can get all the way to fck.

Dulce et decorum est.....


Sacrifice their lives......fuck me. I absolutely hate this island.

NoelMcgree Awhhh shit we are all going to die. From a virus 99.8 per cent survive.

He’s not fit to be heard All teachers need to be vaccinated before returning to the schools - it’s fucking common sense

* in the revolution

I wonder why they are now an ex..

Offensive & ridiculous - & I’m not a teacher.

Utterly ridiculous !!!


Sir Michael Wilshaw isn’t a very Noble Knight of the Realm willing to sacrifice teachers than himself.

He's got some nerve, Ofsted won't even send thier inspectors into schools at the moment.

Why don’t they drag there arses down to a school and teach then. Bet neither have been anywhere near a school while this pandemic has been on. They ought to try telling a teenager to put there mask on every five seconds as they keep taking it off like there invincible.

Not MPs of course..

His comments on this were disgraceful

I'd give the views on education of anyone who worked for Ofsted the same due respect and reverence as I'd give to the musings of the drunk, permanently unemployed bloke in the pub giving me his views on Coronavirus, immigration and Chelsea's recent form.

& folk wonder why Scotland wants to GTF away from WM? EndLondonRule !

They are teachers not military, this is really bad mindset to have

Another collaborating establishment c**t wheeled out to spout shit for the criminals robbing us all. Setting us up another distraction argument. I'd like him to talk me through it face to face. 👍

You’re gonna have to pay them a metric fuckton more than they’re making for that.

Give me 1000 litres of decent wine 🍷 and I will 🤷🏼‍♂️

Nope nope nope.

Gaynorann46 😳 Wishaw was always a nasty b*st*rd, but that’s just psychopathic. FOFSTED

Sir Michael Willshaw should lead by example in that case. Wanker.

Beyond disgraceful.

For £25,714 a year?


charlotte_mads don't

This is why the right has demonized the teachers unions. The unions need to stand up for teachers anyway. It was bad enough that the Republicans were expecting teachers to get into gun fights now they simply want them to sacrifice themselves to an invincible enemy

Not for $7.25 an hour

Tories, and the rich, first! ✊🏼✊🏻✊🏾✊

Err 🤔 No thanks

Teachers are no more vulnerable than other frontline staff. Some will be shielding and others who are vulnerable will be prioritised for vaccination but there is no scientific or moral reasons to prioritize healthy teachers in 20s 30s and 40s them over other frontline staff.

Wilshaw is, and always was, a bully. He despises the teaching profession. Remember his comment that heads weren’t doing their jobs right if their staff weren’t unhappy. He’s a clown.

You go first.

Fucking hell. I’m sure the doctors disagree.

Well in that case he should be the first sacrifice

How about nobody should have to sacrifice their lives! What is this the 21st century or the middle ages. Dr's should have adequate PPE/vaccine and so should teachers. Ridiculous notion! What about those teachers' families? What an idiot!

Like fvck they should!! Govt should be prepared to ensure all safety measures are in place, including vaccinations!

Operative word 'being ex-Ofsted...'- brave.

mikeonthemarne I am very willing to sacrifice the live of a certain ex-Ofsted head who sits in his safe office.

Ex Ofsted head can go first ...

Am I wrong or have ofsted stopped going into schools during the pandemic 😂

🤣 No.

Christ on a bike! Is he for real?

Ofsted inspectors won’t visit schools for health and safety reasons. Nuff said. These people are despicable. No teacher asked to be locked down and all teachers have put their lives on the line since the beginning. I see the right wing mud slinging at teachers now in full flow.

Teachers have gone the extra mile during the pandemic and without PPE! Risking their lives and their families lives.

Pay them 5 times as much and you might get some people agreeing with you

All you need to know about Ofsted's thoughts about teaching. Utterly ridiculous

Fab4FaBS Ffs... he can fcuk off with bells on ... fcuking knob...

Oh do shut up Wilshaw

squeakz73 Have you seen this bullshit 😡😡

This is not just offensive, it's downright evil. If you can't be kept safe in work, don't go to work. Nobody has the right to demand you risk your life in carrying out your normal, day-to-day duties. And for protection, JOIN A UNION!

You arrogant !£&!!!!

Why does Ofsted suck so much?

Lol have sense please

No they shouldn’t.

This opinion has been rated a poor opinion

Could they sacrifice him instead perhaps!

Ex-Ofsted head can get to f*ck.

No. No they fucking shouldn't.

You wot?

That is insanity!

TheCartHorse1 I assume from this that the “ex-Ofsted head” would be similarly willing to sacrifice his own life?

Allchanges I'm sure Mr Wilshaw will be right there at the head of the queue.

Nope, not even click bait 🙄

Let’s be honest, what has the govt done to prepare schools? Said that masks need to be worn and then said they are not compulsory, so nothing. Gave us loads of tests, but said they are not compulsory, so nothing. Vaccines? Nothing. They have done nothing to prepare schools.

Err no they shouldn't

What an utter (unt

Read the first paragraph of this article it’s just ridiculous the way you’d are spinning this

Maybe, just maybe, if we paid them all the close to £200k he was getting a year, that would be a remotely reasonable request.

I notice he’s ex...

You fucking what?

I think most teachers would gladly sacrifice Ofsted heads. Seriously, they would not be missed. They were the classic Conservative money making con job in an educational setting. The hilarious part was they were mainly staffed by failed managers.


He wouldn’t sacrifice a biscuit.


It’s a job!

What a callous man he sounds

Imagine actually comparing the necessity of face to face risks in medical care and teaching...

Medics had no intention of sacrificing their lives: their lives have been taken from some of them - several hundreds of them. Wilshaw's views on this matter are contemptible.

Nice twisting around to get a clickbait headline. 👍

GusLanzetta ananias_1979

How fucking sick .... Ex Ofsted Head is clearly a arsehole ... 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Ex-Ofsted head should be prepared to ‘sacrifice his life’, say teachers. Yeah, thought not.

Time for strikes?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander then

JurassicArse Another threat from Big Chicken


Teacher (average pay range): £23,720 – £35,008. A doctor in specialist training starts on a basic salary of £37,935 and progresses to £48,075. Salaried general practitioners (GPs) earn £58,808 to £88,744

What do teachers and students having premarital sex have in common?

personally, I think Sir Michael Wilshaw should be prepared to do the same, and before any teachers. in fact, he should sit in a classroom with 30 kids and see how he feels about sacrificing his life

Stupidest fucking country

Wilshaw always was an idiot. Nothing’s changed there. This will not help education. His interventions never did.

Eh ? WW1 general, right there 😂😂

this is presumably why they are an ex Ofsted head? as in that they are insane?

If there was anything that should make teachers strike it is that statement

Wow, then maybe you should pay them for it

Medical staff enter the field knowing that there is a risk involved. Teachers do not.

He says with his full pay cheque and his comfy home. I speak for all teachers and support assistants when I say...

From which ivory tower was Wishaw proclaiming.He wants teachers to 'sacrifice their lives' because a useless PM and his crackpot cabinet cannot do their job. Always the Generals bravely sacrificing the foot soldiers.

Such a disgrace.

A teacher doesn’t go to school preparing to die? What a stupid statement to make

Sir Michael Wilshaw, my advice to you is - don't get a vaccine and volunteer in schools everyday. When you get virus, please just sacrifice your life by not accepting help from NHS. Let me know how that works out for you? Don't tell people to do things you would NOT do yourself!

JRowing Wilshaw was drawing equivalence between NHS workers and teachers where there is none. If someone needs to be in hospital to save their life then the staff have no choice but to be there. For our kids, we taught them, online, safely, with no need to risk anyone's life.

LJR1626 Horrendous

Will this ex Ofsted be providing PPE, Face Shields, Gloves, Aprons, washable uniforms, for Teachers, so they can sacrifice their lives? I did not realise Teachers took an ethics oath to preserve life of pupils/students?

SpanishDan1 Yeah, no thanks, old man.

Fuck that noise

How do you all still have an entrenched aristocracy? Has England not invented the sharp object yet?

What a ridiculous thing to say. No-one should have to sacrifice their lives at the behest of privileged politicians or ex heads of Ofsted. Who the fuck does he think he is?

Is this the same Ofsted which suspended school inspections due to COVID?

Are they soldiers?

Why give this odious view the oxygen of publicity?

johnelalamo He can start, then.

He should be prepared to fuck the fuck off

Well he appears to be a nice person. Don’t suppose he will volunteer to teach

Sounds entirely unacceptable nonsense. Whoever said it should try it...

Maybe ofsted heads (especially ex-heads) should sacrifice their lives for teachers.

Absolutely not.

That is insane. Just f*cking vaccinate them. FFS.


Ofsted should be replaced with something more accurate than a stranger nosing around a school when it's looking it's best and everyone is on their best behaviour. My school was a trash fire every week Ofsted wasn't there, inspection week was the only week we had toilet paper.

(...he said, from safely behind his desk...)


Astonishing! What about their families? What a complete nincompoop.

Thankfully this is an *ex*-Ofsted head and not the current one. What an unconscionable malignant abhorrence.

he compares them to medical professionals, as if they could skip a year

If you don't do what you're told by OFSTED then they'll grade you down and then offer your school up for sponsorship to a Multi Academy Trust - often run by one of these guys.

what the fuck

Shall I tell my daughter, who is doing her first year as a teacher? 🤪🤯😡

Come and join us why don't you!

Get lost facist


Why are you talking to the Ex-Ofsted head and not the Current Ofsted head ie the one who actually matters? Imaginary other bloke said 'Teachers deserve a medal for keeping schools open for children of essential staff' - that's as valid a statement as one from this guy

Old man who doesn’t work, wants other people to suffer. Seems about right.

It’s really very easy to ask others to do unreasonable tasks like the govt does for teachers (ex tried to get them to report on migration status). Teacher have worked extremely hard to provide remote learning (without any training) as well as teach in class .

Ofsted head should be willing to do the same or shut up.

BoardsJohn Can't help thinking that had OFSTED not decided that schools were unsafe environments for its inspectors it would have been publishing a lot about teachers and school support staff 'going the extra mile' already.

Possibly the man with the lowest regard for teachers that this country has.

He can come out of the retirement and help!

wicks198 What a stupid thing to say.

I owe you an apology to ever doubt your sincerity and professionalism. It’s was just like a dream to me when I received my first payment. After my second payment it became a reality now after several payments it has become a way of life. SamuelEddy_

Right chaps. When I blow this whistle you will all climb out of the trench and run towards the enemy. I will be here in the bunker, directing safely. ofsted Covid19UK MakeSchoolsSafe

Yes all those health care professionals willingly sacrificed their own lives ... 🙄 ffs, they died as a consequence of working in covid (deadly virus) environments that are not safe due to governmental decisions not because they went to war!

I must have missed that module during my PGCE

I’m not even a teacher and I think the ex-Ofsted head can get stuffed! Nobody goes into teaching willing to sacrifice their lives for the privilege of doing their job. What an incredibly stupid thing to say. Worse, I’m not even surprised that he said it 🙄🤦‍♀️

I'm afraid that is not in the job description for this pay grade

He really needs to fuck himself xx

frankenfurter__ Hmm. Anything to shift the goalposts even further..... Why does society hate teachers?

It is easy to say it for a politician who is not risking his/her life. If teachers wanted to do so, they would enrol in the army or police police

No they shouldn’t. Nobody in a civilian role should ever expect that doing their job may kill them. Disgusting attitude.

You first

No I shall not. If I'd been prepared do that I'd have joined the Armed Forces or possibly the medical profession. Willshaw is a proven idiot.





The man needs locking up somewhere secure.

Oh ok. Where do we get the new teachers to replace them?

This country is so clapped.

It doesn’t say that in the article though, misleading headline...

Stick your life on the line first then.

This is why we need rid of standardised testing. Sick fucks like this rise to the top because they have good memories, smash tests, get into good unis, & stamp all over their peers to rise to the top. At no point is their ability for empathy or general decency taken into account.


Wasn't aware the classroom was that much of a warzone!

All teachers should be vaccinated before schools re-open. If medics are given priority, so should teachers

Oh yeah?

Check the actual interview. If it was the Newsnight one - he didn't say that .

Well I can definitely see why they're no longer head of OFSTED with that attitude 🙄🙄🙄


Yet Ofstead didn’t want to go into schools. No rational human being wants teachers to sacrifice their lives.

The unions should now say no jab no teaching, the establishment obviously see us as expendable, about time we put ourselves first.

After you, asshole.

Didn’t realise that I had signed up to the army 😬 As soon as I saw ex-ofsted head .... I just knew it had to be you Wilshaw.

Words just fail me !!!


How are they sacrificing their lives? I worked every day during this pandemic, so did grocery store workers, Walmart employees, healthcare workers....etc...why are teachers on a different playing field?

Is this covered under ad-hoc duties?

There is a difference between saving lives and teaching children about photosynthesis. How about remove the incentive for schools to rack up as many GCSE points as possible and go back to teaching a reasonable amount of subjects?

Where will that leave the country with all the 'dead' teachers?

Numpty 😩


Anyone would think they are going off to war 🙄

We should probably pay them more than


Fuqing insanity

Really? Is that in their contract somewhere?

Preposterous nonsense

No .. I disagreed .. We all should preparing for the lesson and learnt and making sure we follower the health and safety policy. Just be aware and working together as a term.


Wait, what?

This is unconscionable, & downright immoral.

This is the same BS mentality that said our older population should sacrifice themselves so that the younger population can survive the coronavirus.

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