Stabbing suspect family 'shocked and saddened'

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United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

Glasgow stabbings: Suspect's family 'shocked and saddened'

Suspect Badreddin Abadlla Adam was named by police after multiple stabbings in Glasgow on Friday

He said Mr Adam's mental state had deteriorated recently and his family were sorry about the people stabbed.


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STO reporting on this loser lo-life, if you want to talk about anything talk about the victims. Don’t give this scumbag any more attention

Shame on you

Does BBC care about the families of victims?

I’m more shocked at the fact the police man has been mentioned by name but no over victim. Is this because they came from the same country as the attacker and so we feel they are irrelevant.

White Lives Matter protest soon in London, Glasgow etc. ?

So no interview for the victims family? But the BBC is an 'Unbiased' news platform. DefundTheBBC

Wonder which hotel they are in?

His death proves what a danger he was and some must still be.

BBC are shit

Shocked and saddened as they had their bags packed....

Fuck out of here with the softly softly piece about the wannabe KILLER and the usual 'he was a good boy, we're so shocked' shite from the family. Talk about the VICTIMS and SUPPORT them. Media these days...

Mental heath issue well that’s ok then wait is there a criminal today who isn’t suffering mental heath issues seems like an issue to me so why don’t the gov reopen mental health hospitals which were closed to save money and get these people off the streets Oh yes costs too much £

Is there now going to be some warped protest because he was killed?

I don't buy the poor mental health excuse. God bless those injured and killed by this demon. Shame on you the BBC for publishing such drival in an attempt to 'explain' the actions of this evil man.

Mental health problems,,, Bullshit. A complete disdain for the place and people he found himself amongst.

So are the families of the victims.... Opens up another can of worms, which people won't want brushing under the carpet....

But it’s to late for using tht easy word ‘sorry’ ppl say after the incident!



As opposed to 'unsurprised and delighted' ?

BBC are looking for some support as the whites have had enough of them shit stirring things between everyones racist. They only get the support by those who are at fault, why feel sorry for someone who has done more harm than good, has the victims families must be seeing red,

He looks like a murderer

The BBC are deplorable. The sooner we defund the BBC and there left wing bias. We will all better for it.

What about the families of the victim’s?! Disgusting.

So “mental health” is being blamed again? Oh well - poor man....let’s forget about it. Never mind the poor police man that was stabbed. Honestly. Ridiculous!!!

The BBC are choosing, predictably, to focus on this man's state of mind & his family. They are building a narrative of him being a victim. They should be looking at the whole asylum system & how dangerous people are being allowed to stay far longer than they should.

🎼 Surprise, surprise. The unexpected hits you between the eyes

Lower scum than an ear wig...

Looking for compensation

Deflection tactics by the family - it will not wash. No riots, demonstrations or looting, I notice, by pained and anguished white people, BTW.

Not as shocked and saddened as the poor sod this scumbag stabbed Ill wager... ScumMedia

So this black guy stabbed 6 white people and I've noticed the BLM protesters have gone quiet....

What is wrong with these people.

Aren’t they always?

What about the families of the victims?

The man they shot dead, is a suspect?


Why is he described as a suspect? Absolutely no doubt he stabbed those people.

BBCNews Fran Unsworth and her boy blunder Richard Burgess must be so proud of their imbeciles writing this crap.

Apparently he is a very good boy and never was in any trouble.

Priti Patel if his family are here deport them now.

Who gives a toss about this scumbag or his family. What about the cop and the hotel workers. Typical of this mare from the Scottish govt, all she is intetested in is the rest of the illegals. No such thing as asylum seekers.

Oh look at the skin colour and they say blm, do they not mean bl is riddled with criminal activities?

Why, because he was shot and killed?

The officer was within his rights

Oh the poor victim, forced to stab people because he was in a 4 star hotel.

This statement reports the family’s response. It doesn’t exclude or minimise the victims’ suffering.

They didn't notice any murderous attitudes or notions or ideas though. I guess.

The British victims ?

Don't fear, there's no doubt that he was either subjected to lockdown / wifi issues and or had mental health issues... Either way it wasn't his fqult, he was let down by the UK government.

The English nazis are out the woodworks on this one.

The UK media have been sowing the seeds of discontent for weeks now, you've helped to regress western society. It's like you want all races to be against each other. Might be because i was a child but the 80s felt like a much more tolerant time than now.

Scrub him off your fee dodger list


And the BBC propaganda lamestream media couldn't wait to report this... what about the victims and their families? Remind me again why we pay tv taxes?

Yet another , and look at bbc reporting as usual

As a mental health sufferer myself i am sick of this excuse being used.

Well he’s not going to hurt anyone else, is he.... Good job officers, justice instantly served...

He was a wrongun END OF

I fear we’ll have a few more of these. They’ve had nothing better to do than browse online getting indoctrinated and fired up for violence for weeks on end. Now they’re allowed out and so are we. Run. Hide. Tell. 😓

When will they be demanding compo?

More unsubstantiated anonymous BBC bollocks. Fact check your own shit for a change. asylumseekingmurderousstabbingbastardlivesmatter

Who cares about how his family feel. I know that I personally couldn't give a stuff. Pure evil.

Light a candle, sing a song, see you at the next atrocity.

Not as much as we are and the peoples family of the people he has killed!!!!

Your saying he was suffering with is mental state well through be in lockdown for 90 days well welcome to the real world so have the rest of us its just an excuse if he was an asylum seaker just let im go back to is own country


Shocked.. seriously Doesn't anyone know the amount of violence goes in in Sudan? No of course you don't... because it's not news from America

Not as much headlines on this incodent when its a blackman trying to kill a white man if it was the other way about it would be classed as racist countrys getting out of hand now

Well done bbc...... he was a “relatively peaceful” young man 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

having more sympathy for the suspects than the victims...this is very typical from the BBC...

Can you hear those violins..... 🎻🎻🎻🎻

I cannot read this s**t without being so annoyed asylum seekers not happy at been in hotel and its being looked into

Not as sad as the Policemans family & other innocents this Black Muslim stabbed !

wtf are you people talking about this family didn’t do shit and their son turned out a murderer and terrorist of course they’re sad

i dont care about him what so ever,i do the pple he slain

That is another Qur'an (such as Sura 9:29) motivated Muslim hoping to earn his heavenly rewards after fighting 'unbelievers' to attain martyrdom.

And the victims? God you really are dogs!

They always are..

Same old narrative from the bbc... defundthdbbc DefundBBC

Oh well that's ok then.

That makes a change, they were always such nice boys 🤔

Was he a wonderful and kind lad as well that old chestnut

Hideous organisation. Employees need investigating. DefundtheBBC

The BBC are intent on causing trouble.

Every fucking time.

Wow scummedia defundthebbc

Ew these comments do not pass the vibe check

Fuck the BBC

what utter bullshit!! using mental health as a cover up is insulting to people who actually suffer! I have been sheilding for 13 weeks and i have mental health issues and i still had to pay rent get my shopping delivered pay my own wifi and i haven’t gone and killed people

Thank god he was a terrorist. Haha.

He should be stayed with his shocked and saddened family, instead of entering this country illegally and stabbing innocent people.

checkpointminx Poor murdering bastard's family eh!

We aren't in the least bit bothered

The family of the criminal never have any idea what he was up to ..he was always a nice polite boy

No bugs to eat so I go stabby stabby.

It’s always the same family are shocked he’s a good boy....then we will find out that He has been linked with fighting for a cause.... and that he planned to do this ..ohhhhh then the government will tell us there are lessons to be learned from this attack yet again😤😤🤬

Was he a 'lovely boy' like the Reading attacker was he BBC? Fuckin monster is what he was. DefundBBC DefundTheBBC

But he was such a good man !!!

There’s a new one now in premier inn - another illegal immigrant gone rogue

Not as shocked as the families of the victims.

Lol they are always “shocked and saddened”

And why should we care about what the suspect's family feels?

Why was he over here in the first place, if his family is over there?

Must have been awful for him. I mean turni g up in a country illegally and being house and fed in safety during a world wide pandemic. How awful for him living at our expense. Thexrwal scandal is the silence from NicolaSturgeon and HumzaYousaf who have went missing here.

I bet there really pissed as their ticket to the uk Has gone now unless they get to move here so as to visit him in prison you know how soft this country is.

Feral fucker should never have been in our country. Give the officer who was stabbed and the one who shot him the highest honour going. I really hope he felt it before he croked !👍🏻

BBC more worried about this man and his family that the victims & theirs , & they wonder why people want to stop paying the licence fee.

If the family are here and he has friends why wasnt he living with them Sorry the conditions are not what he expected in the UK, perhaps he should of gone back to the conditions he was accustomed to.

Typical BBC shite. What about the victims families?

Is this a wind up?

Amazing how often when a nutjob kills innocent people , the family are always shocked . It's as if they didn't know the killer at all .

The BBC giving it’s sympathy to the criminals as usual

And blacks wonder y there stoped and searched more um.

WTF. 😳who’s bothered about him OR his next of kin. What about the coppers family and how’s he doing. FFS YOUR MORALLY CORRUPT.

Ah the old 'family are shocked' gambit. That along with the 'lone wolf' and 'mental health' excuse. Almost word for word from the script. No mention of him being Muslim, no mention of him saying 'alluha Akbar'. Another one brushed under the carpet. Anyone remember Reading?

A violent Chancer good riddance

Jesus, people’s lack of sympathy towards the family is mind boggling. You know they didn’t commit the crime right? Yes, they should be talking about the victim’s families but let’s not forget that there are others hurting as well.

A headline designed to create the type of responses within the thread below. 👇🏿

100 asylum seekers being put up in a hotel what the fuck 🙈

Piece of dog shit, shouldn’t have been within 1,000 miles of the Uk.

Are we supposed to be bothered about how his family feel? What about the victims and their families.

Why dont you ask the victims families how they are doing.


Why on earth r the BBC even reporting this when victims families are not hardly mentioned.. Bloody annoying 😳😡

Like the Reading attacker his family are 'shocked and saddened ' while safe in their own counties...

BBC will never side with the family of victims, it's always the immigrant.

Nice slant on this one. Go Beeb.

The English like to speak on behalf of Glaswegians.

I would rather hear about how the victims families are feeling instead. His family are irrelevant.

Suspect’s family must be going through hell at the moment

WLM low can you go bbc

Black as your hat...and dead as a doornail.

How are the dead people's families ? Or the family of the injured policeman doing ?

Should deport his family aswell

Don't let the poor victims next of kin get in the way of the offenders families feelings.

Pointless article and headline. Helps nobody.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind

How’s the wifi in the family abode?

Yeah, nice try. The families are always shocked. He was such a fine fellow ... Yada, yada, yada ...

They always seem to be

Just look at that turd.

'family find out son is a muderer - family seemed surprised' As for the victims? Who cares

blm will idiots say. blm if your father's gay.

Would rather care about the victims families or don’t they matter BBC?

Not as sad as the victims families!!!

Oh well.

I'm guessing the victims' family aren't too pleased either!

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