Row over US teens taunting Native American

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Video of US teens taunting Native American draws fire


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Let's hope that when they are done with the WP they come after the BBC.

Really BBC...are you going to die on the SJW hill for this? What a sad way to go....brought down by Big Chief Bullshit. Delete this tweet and the story and apologise for spreading fake news. We will bury you next to Gillette.

Are you going to issue an apology and tweet out your new article which contains some truth to what actually happened? Again you also created this mess by regurgitating BuzzFeedNews 'fake news' about what happened. You owe the Students an apology.

When are you going to apologise to this kid for helping to spread lies? You have helped ruin his childhood with your poor reporting. Check your facts. You have a responsibility, especially when children are involved.

How can one guy do more research, than you?

They have been invited to the Polish Parliament....white house invite will follow soon I guess. Hey BBC you could invite them for a visit? Or no, that wouldn't really work out would it....because who the fuck would want to visit you?

Even fake news CNN has covered Nick Sandmann.s statement. You are the shame of our nations BBC.....have you not hurt enough children already?

Show this thread to anyone who doubts the BBC is fake news.

Fake news

This an example of how Trump has damaged America. Bigotry and racism is what Trump built his campaign on which the short sighted have now brought into and think it’s acceptable the youths disgusting behaviour beggars belief Imagine if that was your relative.

Fake news. Shoddy journalism and zero ethics. Why the F is this false and harmful story still up.

And if you see the other videos, you'd see that wasn't what it seemed. Tired of video snippets used to promote an agenda without regard to what actually happened.

Own it BBC, own it.

You're a disgrace to profession, and you're meant to be neutral. Currently you're a pro Left, pro EU propaganda merchant!

You're a disgrace to profession, and you're meant to neutral. Currently a pro Left, pro EU propaganda merchant!

What a schmuck! His parents have to be very proud. Next generation of trumpians 🤯😠

ruberbubers Kentucky? Mitch McConnell's Kentucky? Shocked! 😁😂🤣😐😑

This is why no one trusts you anymore BBC........

Be better People and Journalists she says......that means you BBC.

A smiling youth confronted by a fully grown man banging a drum right in his face. This is fake news, BBC, and you know it. But you would rather attack minors because Trump.

I've emailed them your articles including all your little 'edits'.

no encuentro la diferencia son iguales

The media got it wrong again!! American media left and dishonest

I think the Native American won that one. The lad started to crumble.

It seems BBC these kids are about to get free representation to sue the New York times....I hope they come after you and your ugly sister Sky News too.

Of all the nasty, spiteful, unprofessional things you've done in your anger since Trump won.....continuing to run this story when you know it's fake is probably the worst. BBC back to what it does best.....abusing innocent kids.

FakeNews Look at this. The Indian guy walks up to the kids, banging his drum and raising his voice in an intimidating manner. AT KIDS!!

Their behavior is unacceptable that's for sure! My question is with the kid smiling. Article states that Phillips heard them and build the wall chant, and approached them. So did he get in the kids face or visa versa,makes a big difference!MAGA

It was the indian harassing peaceful teens. Screw him.

Usual PTFe (PostTruth Fakenews) broadcast by the BBC - Mainstream media can plaster their viewers in shit propaganda but it'll never stick ;)

Wow calm down Buzz feed 😂. Watch the video fully instead of a watered down version and the full tale unfolds. scrapthelicensefee

It has been diclosed that the man was an actor , stinks of Democrat MSM set up.

Today's face of the USA to the world!

They are just children. It needs to be brought to the attention of their parents, not the world.

Fake news - should be deleted but then again you wouldn’t have any news !

This piece is still up witout a correction. It is factually incorrect & like much of your biased ‘reporting’ shows you to be fake news. Grown men approached school boys & tried to intimidate them with their aggressive behaviour & bigoted ‘go back to Europe’ comments. Pathetic.

As an Asian woman, when I got mocked and harassed, they just further called me crazy for standing up for myself or belittled, and blame not understanding ‘jokes’. LeedsUniversity England Racist

This is completely false. Shame on you BBC for perpetuating such a false narrative relating to these events.

Well the BBC is doing a great job at brainwashing the masses with their FakeNews Look at all the morons lapping it up. You'll see that it was the Native that told the kids to go back to Europe & the black activists were calling the white kids 'faggots'.

If you are running a company or business then you must need a flyer or poster, I have completed more then 100+ flyer/poster design perfectly professionally . My clients are happy for my work, If want to order for you, then please click on link below

AmroliwalaBBC So sad to see such ignorance...

Amercians been doing it for generations. But, it matters now because the kids got a MAGA hat on. If this happened under Obama nothing be reported.

The Americans who have robbed this land are horrible. Possibly the worst people on the planet at the moment.

What a punk. Embarrassing for the country

Fake news and false outrage from the leftist media yet again.

Typical lymie yellow journalism.

It is very sad to see this young men educated in a “Catholic “ school without values

How about you give people the full story? For those that are interested in making their own minds up, here's an unedited 2hour video of the whole event. Shame the BBC don't report truth anymore.

Wow, watch the 1.5 hour video, then apologize to these kids and then delete this tweet

Disgraceful on two counts, disrespectful to their elders and letting down the principles of the country

The young man is politely standing still and smiling at the drummer who is intimidating him. Who’s taunting who? BBC has lowered its standards to CNN and Twitter. I really thought BBC was better than Fake News.

...and, again, goes to the internet to see the full footage as the bbc clearly believes itcanallbesortedinpost Lucky the bbc is immune from fire by being uniquely funded no matter what.

how do i complain about fake news on the BBC

I have seen the compleat vidio this is all lies when did the BBC become so politily biased thats not what my licence money should be used for


They will turn out like Trump. God help em!!

Why haven’t you issued a retraction for this article yet, stating how your “journalists” jumped on this story and published it without at least watching the full video? Look at how many of your viewers are attacking the kids... shame on you! SHAME ON YOU!

The youngster, child like in appearance, looks to have made a BET with his child like friends. This is something we may have to live with has unfortunately these children are our future. WOW.

Shame on these students and on their parents

BBC lies again, editing a story to match their agenda

The democrat congresswoman is blaming Trump for the bad behaviour of young people? Any opportunity, no matter how slim a connection...

Young American people nowadays are easily brainwashed



Disgusting treating the native to the country like this people should learn to respect them

The video I just watched had a grown man bang a drum in a kid's face, the kid blushed red several times as he was clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Should say on the hat MARA. Make America Racist Again.

This is what I have been saying about Americans. Uneducated, ignorant and arrogant. This is how the world views and see you now.

Throw the bum out of school

Shame on you evil trump

Shame on you bbcnews for publishing fake news

If that happened in Ireland, someone would put that guy with the red hat in hospital

Lord of the Flies, Kavenaugh's Kids, the MAGA Youth...

Ahhhh ...nothing like a bit of white male demonisation from the media. Boy they love their narratives. Here's a more accurate picture - bating high school kids into conflict. Sickening

Please BBC! Do your research - The narrative is NOT TRUE!

Shocking and sad behaviour by evil, privileged and arrogant people. Their slogan should be “Make America Grate Again” Hope this never leaves them and stains the rest of their pathetic lives.

A one minute clip? Well, good to know we've got the whole picture and not just this selectively picked minute-long snippet to show the world then isn't it? 🙂👍

Apparently this was an anti-abortion rally. The gender balance is interesting. If nothing else it’s a good advert for condoms.

That hat may as well have nob head written on it....

This video shows what really happened

This is what we expect from a sensationless generation growing in virtual world. Media full of lies, violent and offensive speeches on the name of freedom of speech, nationalism with no patriotism. This is the world of today, literate but ignorant. Future is even worse.

...same as kids over here that voted brexshit...i blame shit newspapers...i blame breitfart...i blame shit politicians like gove and boris...i blame cambridge analytica...such a sad time for people...normal people...just when we were getting somewhere...

This is not the full video. Great reporting only what you want the truth to be, not the reality BBC...

This act of naked aggression should result in expulsion from school CovingtonCatholicHighSchool

You say US but they’re all immigrants ain’t they? 🤷‍♂️

I think the really shocking thing about this were the kids were on an anti abortion rally. Do catholic schools in the US really take their children on anti abortion rally’s

Love the comments, these people existed in the 50’s etc when racism was rife (so we’re told), the only difference being the target of their hate and venom. So, so easy and socially justified to attack white males! EasyTarget

Interesting how the media has decided to misrepresent this video. Here is a full video.

The native Americans suffered the biggest genocide in the history of mankind - over 150 million Native Americans were killed by European invaders

The only REAL American is THE Native American, ALL others are land grabbers & snake oil sales men.

Fake news at its finest by the New York Times.

Hopefully Trump won't live much longer,

He a future school shooter,

The native Americans were there before any and all white people. How can white Americans be so ignorant. What do they teach in their schools?

I think it’s because the “young person” had the “I must be slapped” sort of face, that it gets so much attention. He is disrespectful but that reflects their Presidents actions, and it is very disturbing. 😮

Trump & Brexit. Both harming civilised behaviour

That kid has a very slapable face....

Turns out this is fakenews

Gene theft.

fake news why is the BBC putting out fake news?

Fake news the lad doesn’t do that at all

Meanwhile the democrats frolic on beaches

Great use of the picture BBC, this just shows your anti trump derangement... shame you don’t do the same when it comes to the ‘facist’ antifa , that doesn’t fit your propaganda agenda... privatisetheBBC

“ draws fire “ your not buzz feed. How about just being a news outlet.

You could say they were taunting each other

Just kids being stupid.

Would said kids be so gobby if left standing alone? Age begets wisdom. that's something which cannot be taught in school, as only experience teaches what really matters. 🤨

Shameful behaviour!

This is the next generation of entitled bigots raised by Trump. What a hateful legacy this President will leave his divided Nation.

I think people should ask Trump for a wall for unruly teens & section them off in a massive boot camp run by the military. That would slap them down.

They taunted the NA by standing ground whilst the NA approached them & banged a drum in the kids face? There are several videos of nevertrumpers actually harassing veterans but you have never highlighted them. Perhaps if the MSM was consistent people would give it more credit.

Headlines: US can’t decide who to discriminate against next, hat wearing child leads latest trend with disapproving results.

If true as shown, an absolute disgrace. The MAGA hat just tops it off.

That is what MAGA is all about. It is all about turning kids into the new Adolf Hitler.

Good morning! Calling all students/parents/Carers/those who have been off work or out of work for a long time. We’re here to help yoo fix tour resume today. Email us (email in bio) resumehelp resumeexperts fixmyresume fixmycv RT to a friend who needs this. RETWEET

These kids were protesting. They are anti abortion. Unfortunately, so we're their parents.

What a low life shit!

Just yobs in any language.

The boy in the cap looks ‘simple’ , ‘effected’, ‘challenged’

Another bit of proof showing how racist realDonaldTrump is making America.

CovingtonCatholicHighSchool looks like your system is failing unless your plan is to teach pupils to be ignorant rude bigots. Shame on you where were the accompanying teachers when this was going on. Sad but not surprising

Where's the story here ? What did the youths do wrong ? This is the BBC sticking their oar in again , trying to stir the pot .

The quote from was spot on. It only they spent all that youthful energy trying to make positive change instead of trying to “protect” what they think they already deserve through their white privilege.

The new America under trump. Just another shithole country

American belongs to the Native Americans Pow Pow

The TrumpEffect in full swing!!!

Awful treatment of indigenous people.

Huge respect to that Native American man who remained calm and dignified. That little shit should be taught manners and respect and should be up in court for threatening behaviour. Disgusting.

It was doctored by leftist media in an attempt to politicize an event that is designed to respect human life. I have seen the full event video and what you reported happened and what happened are two different stories, Media has been outed publicly twice in a week.

This is conclusive proof that inbreeding is very dangerous.

But the BBC won't show you this

Book written by Freud - Psychology of love life The future of illusion Extract page 60 If, after this orientation, we turn to the religious doctrines again, then again we dare say: They are all illusions, unprovable, and no one should be forced to regard them as true,

Oh look , the BBC only telling a bullshit narrative again

What bollox! show the whole video. At no time is there even a look of aggression or taunting on the kids face. He is enjoying himself. PC gone made. Making news where there is none!

i will act as user and test your website according to usability, layout, design, spelling and grammar, responsiveness on various platforms and give you a proper report and suggestion about what to edit and what to do to improve your user experience.

i will act as user and test your website according to usability, layout, design, spelling and grammar, responsiveness on various platforms and give you a proper report and suggestion about what to edit and what to do to improve your user experience.

Bet he's not so smug this morning. Have to wonder at the intellect , or lack of in this case.

Naturally there are people saying it’s not the kids fault but the elderly Native American war veteran 😐

No surprises. Trump supporters do not understand that the first americans are human beings and US citizens by law. Genocidal tendencies of Republicans towards these people needs to be stopped particularly in North Dakota. This is cowardice and unChristian!

Strange headline for Written very passively, as if the US teen 'drawing fire' was the news. Not 'massive gang of youths intimidate peaceful Native Americans going about their business' or 'White Privilege recorded as it grows in schools'.

Should tell those kids to go back home as it is the land of the Natives

I hope the parents of these little treasures have confiscated their x boxes.

America. Institutionally RACIST. Fundamentally stoopid.

Shame you didn't do your research . Wider footage shows the native Americans approaching the students themselves, singling out the individual above and getting in his face. There was no surrounding at all... yet they released a cropped video not showing the start of it.

I am not sure who should not have being there,who went to whom first, after all to me these are kids messing about,not harm done,I did not see an aggresive actitud just a silly one,the boy stand there and me Phillips stand too close to the boy,was it some kind of provocation ?

Just the ignorance of youth. If they grow up normally, and decently, they will bitterly regret their actions in 20 years.

None of you will be but you should all be deeply ashamed

They were on an anti abortion march - says it all.

Little prat in the red cap needs a bloody slap

Make America Shameful Again. This era is seeing American youth socialized into madness on an internationsl stage.

That smart arse at the front who was blocking the Native American drummer/chanter should be named and shamed and expelled from the school - who actually does he think he is? His silly grin alone suggests to me he’s the school kn0bhead!

Full video of what happened... Don't believe the hype.

No surprise really. Trump's racist mantra has empowered these numptys to behave in this manner. I hope that the close relationship between the UK and the US re-emerges once he is kicked out of office.

Anyone else see shades of Hitler Youth?

son and father?

What a disgusting person .I have to ask myself how his parents brought this idiot up? After all the person that he taunted is a true American not him.But then he may be a Trump follower. And we all know how he disregards people ! Shame on him and the rest of is family !

You’re story is fake but you’re happy to run it. The story below is REAL (as you can see from the video) and you didn’t run it. Agenda?

There are two sides to every story and the propaganda state news decided not to mention the fact the old man walked up to the crowd.

Didn’t happen. The video shows the ‘Native American’ approaching the group of kids.

What have them wearing MAGA hats got to do with anything You seemed like you had to make sure we knew they were Trump supporters for some reason, like that has some connection to with this issue

These were pupils from a fee-paying Catholic School that claims to “build minds”. Where were their teachers? At confession?

Whether they go to a Christian school or not, people who do not love other people, do not understand Christianity.

MangoMaCall Utterly disgusting...

Nobody was attacked, swore at or even insulted, bit different from the masked antifa mob that do all those things and more. He banged his drum with gusto in a free country.

The Trump hats just finish that off nicely. What awful people.

More racists for trump

CovingtonCatholicHighSchool 'building minds, living faith ' . The pupils themselves should each personally apologise, face to face with him and offer some kind of token of respect to show they realise how abysmal and shameful this behaviour is to ANYONE.

This is the only legacy Trump will leave when hes forced out of office: legitimising bigotry and hatred against minorities!

I stand by what I said when I originally saw this posted : and I still reckon the old guy could take him! 😎


sums the character of the T party supporter-vindictive vile and limited IQ.


This has realDonaldTrump written all over it

If this is to make America great again, they can keep it, no respect, bullying, attitude , welcome to the Trump way!

fakenews 👍

Shocking distortion of the facts. Who researches your news BBC?

They had America great and then you lot ruined the place and committed genocide. Disgrace of a people

Shows how a video can be edited to fit an agenda The boy did nothing when the old bloke was banging the drum at his face

Ironic that native Indians are exactly that. Native. The teens ancestors are immigrants!

Shockingly those kids where there for a prolife/anti abortion march, yet they treat humans this way. Their school and parents should be ashamed

Fake news bbc

Trumps Troops!!!

First class idiots, just shows they haven't read their own history, total lack of respect to their elders.

Try to keep up, BBC; that is NOT what happened!

Who taught these immigrants to behave so unspeakably badly?

why do they think they have the 'right' to not only act in the worst way but also attend an anti-abortion rally - this school has a lot to answer for

So now that the truth has come out about this incident and we can see exactly what went on will the BBC offer a retraction or even an update? No.....just like the Buzfeed story fake as fuck news. The real story here is some crusty old geezer who was bothering kids.

Hitler Youth.

Expel him and make sure every Prospective employer remembers his behaviour who would employ such a low life .

Hundreds of them and one of him. It's still the weedy kid in his face who looks scared. Scumbags.

Young man, I am betting you are arrogant enough to read this so. You have embaraassed yourself and your country. Now, apologise to that gentleman, as I suspect he his the dignity and grace to accept it.

There's something very wrong with humans when young people think this is funny. Take a good hard look at yourselves and change. You are NOT making America great again!

Could I first of all apologise for my ancestors invading your country 🇬🇧 and secondly for the morons that they have become. Your country was already great until we found it.

Yawn. Both sides are protesting. You leftists think your side has a shield of not being challenged based on race or gender. Show the clip where the eldtsotnwere telling the kids they were thieves who stole land. fakenews

Oh those damn Catholics.

So the church will carry out an investigation. We all know how well that will go! Cover up time. Do they quietly move racist shit bully boys to another school in the same way they shift child molesting priests.

Wow you got this spectacularly wrong, poor reporting, is this done by a 12 year old, watch all the evidence and you will come up with a different perspective

Just because the UK Government wants a so called free trade agreement with the ‘grab ‘em by the pussy’, tiny hands, junk food scoffing & man-child president, whom the PM held hands with twice, doesn’t mean you can downplay rancid racism by referring to it as a ‘row’.

He should have head-butted the smug little c×nt!

Just as I thought, not only was the old man protesting the high school kids but he is a professional left-wing activist, those propaganda images have only one purpose and that's to make Trump supporters look like racist, it was all part of their plan

BBC yet again you should be ashamed of yourselves! This is no news this is warmongering of the fake MSM, secondly shouldn't you concentrate on the problems the UK is encountering?

I can’t wait until the BBC is gone

More fakenews from the far left BBC

He stuck a beat. I am more disappointed that the calm young lad didn’t break out into full dance. Ah well. Strictly have missed out on a talent here.

Regardless of the facts (I wasn't there) I find it laughable that teens think a stare down will make America great again as their hats state. In Scotland we would call them 'a bunch of fannies'.

Forged Fake news,

BBC news why not show the other videos, you know the ones where the native Americans are telling the kids 'with the white faces to go back to europe' and then see the totally peaceful reactions of these kids' Vilifying these kids for nothing.

oh dear what n idiot don't he know natives have been there longer then he's been born

Fake News. Expect this story to be pulled by the afternoon.

Bullshit. The “Older American” was in the “younger American” lads face and he just stood there. Talk about changing the narrative to suit the leftie bbc and it’s snowflake followers....

fakenews It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud. When the Saxon began to hate.


There was no “taunting”by the students, the group was deliberately approached by Phillips, who then beat a drum in a boy’s face to provoke him, Phillips’ buddies even insulted one of the black students. Now edited footage is being used to claim harassment. FakeNews

LIARS. antiWhite, racebaiting LIARS. The Native activist approached the, slung racial insults. drummed in these boys faces AND the LYING so-called, 'news' media incites a manufactured antiWhite, racist witchhunt over LIES. EnemyOfThePeople


No class or respect , what a set of vile privileged individuals

Hi hoping you'll make a point of showing this part of the video

the full accounting here. judge for yourself.

Fake news

Is this guy with the red cap retarded or something. These so called students look like they are on drugs. They are so full of their own bullshit it makes me laugh.

Watched the full footage, absolutely appalling behaviour by these children. No respect for this elder, he’s also a war veteran.

Of course when anyone impartial watches this video it beats hardly any resemblance to the bbc’s Fake news headline🙄

Because inquisitions before evidence always works out, right?

Amazing , how about putting another picture with a different camera angle ! It’s a different story! Shame on you BBC. Please show full story !!

Teens with the brain of a 10 yr old should be publicly humilated and have some of their own medicine


Shameful fake news from BBC.We must end this forced tax, left wing propaganda tool.

‘Thick US teens’, I think you mean

Cept they dint mkay

We should all watch the full footage before pronouncing guilt and punishment on what we think happened. Just a though. getthefullstory

They are Americans. It’s not their fault. POTUS should be very proud of the sort of America he is creating. A racist self centred small minded arrogant nation setting itself up for a big fall.

It's seems we've already moved on to: 'It's more important to be morally outraged than factually correct.'

People who raise animals like this should spare us all the disgust

Watch the video before commenting, the intimidation is the other way around, the boy just smiles at the antagonist as the protester gets uncomfortably up in his face.

We all are God’s children.

The old guy got in the kids face.

Fake News!

In the full video, u hear whites go back to europe, but u didnt mention it tho, that selective reporting again bbc

The Neo Nazis don’t shave their heads and wear DM’s anymore. They wear red caps!

Funny how Trump gets all hot and bothered about Kapernick taking a knee, but not about these punks disrespecting a Vietnam Vet 👊.

you are the enemy of the people.

Isn't it great to be great! I think we should abolish the birthright to citizenship if the parents came to this country uninvited and illegally. But does that mean the Native American Indians could kick us out? Bummer. Lucky we won, Built that tunnel! I mean wall!

As a Native, I see a lot of hatred and disrespect in the crowd BEFORE an elder even approached. Maybe he thought some ceremonial songs would bring positivity to these barbaric animals? I don't know the whole story, but honestly that's what I see.

Disrespectful little *%^* - Go learn your history and see who is actually the alien in America 👎🏾

Suggest you go to YouTube and find the whole video before judging!!!!!!!!!

this tiring, report the truth for once.


Another leftist lie what a shame

Throw the immigrants out....


Up to the crowd or through a crowd to the memorial.


This is what the world is coming to and the media including the BBCPolitics others are complicit inciting hatred and racism by not calling out what it is and always trying to sensationalise and report far right groups it a pity they are not treat like u treat labour!

media will make something out of nothing these days....smh

Stupid hat and big nose .


This boy needs to be learned a lesson.

Fake News. Old guy is racist.

These silly boys wasted probably their best ever opportunity to appreciate genuine dignity.

The Catholic continues to fail.

realDonaldTrump Time for you to deport the immigrants and give the land back to Native Americans?

RegressiveWorldMedia and their FalseNarratives!

It was a Liberal media plant. He approached the teens not other way around. Fake News

Strangely similar to the bbcquestiontime experience of HackneyAbbott with the bbc and its audience. It's what minorities have to deal with in one way or another.

BBC bullshit again. In uncut video. The old dudes went up 2 them & started taunting them. Pure set up as usual.

Fuckheads....typical Trump supporters

This is why modern liberal media is full of lies. Watch the entire video and it’s a completely different story than the liberal narrative. Total BS

Trump's Youth Movement

Catholic schools known for tolerance NOT sexual abuse and blatant racism and people wonder why we don’t trust religion

The MAGA hat is the new KKK hoodies. And that kid who grins in front of that REAL AMERICAN, is the face of future racists and bigots of the great America. Smfh

White teens wearing MAGA hats mocking a Native American Vietnam veteran is the perfect tableau of America today. This is white supremacy being openly embraced by America’s youth because the president himself has deemed it acceptable once more.

OMG BBC!! There are longer videos showing this is BS. How can you call yourselves journalists The kid is approached by the guy with the drum and just stands there. He did absolutely nothing wrong.

ICE agents should round these students up for being un-AmerIcan. Respect veterans.

Why is this news?

drpatfarrell It’s all over the world now. I hope this TrumpYouth and his ReligiousSchool are learning a lesson


All those kids need parents to parent them

Fucking immigrants. They should all leave. Then the Native American guy won’t get hassled by them :)


Not sure how's that any different from their own president ... a 'tremendous' role model he is.

Did you see the part where the bro tells that white mofu to go back to Europe?

BBCWorld Have you done your research or just jumping on the false narrative bandwagon?

And now for the truth.....

There is a whole lot of footage not being shown here. This man walked up to the boys, approached them and then just stood there in this kids face banging on the drum and chanting. The boy just stood there and listened.

The old guy walked up to them and made them uncomfortable. He initiated this. FAKENEWS

I just want to.....

Confirming to Group pressure, it’s only that. Nothing more!!

Unfortunately for all the media outlets it was the old man that was doing the taunting. Trying to ruin these kids life is despicable!!

The boys must WANT to be famous at their beloved CovCathColonels! Tricia Zunker Covington Catholic High School: Principal Robert Rowe E-mail: Telephone: (859) 491-2247 Diocesan Board Superintendent, Michael Clines: (859) 392-1500 E-mail:

It was actually the other way around but WW don't expect accurate reporting from BBC

That facial expressing is so disgusting. It so clearly says 'I don't know you, but you're browner than I am, which means you're worth less, and I genuinely take pleasure in your suffering,'

Trump will be proud MAGA MAGAYOUTH


It's not what it serms:

Watch the entire video. This is fakenews shame on bbc.

why do TRUMP supporters think it is ok to intimidate NathanPhillips NativeAmerican vietnam veteran ? the first nation of Omaha–Ponca was in america before trumps ancestors (Germany Scotland )

It's fake news, the NA walked up to them and even walked right up to the one kid and just stood in front of him. There was no Build the wall chants as many have falsely claimed. The NA walked up to them because the were wearing MAGA hats. People need to do their research...

Get the facts first before you jump on the first false narrative the white-hating press coughs up.

Wait! Does the kid want to keep himself out when he chants build a wall? Does he know that the indigenous people were here first?

Trump’s great America

That is just Ridiculous. EVERYONE there was having a Very Nice Time.

They're 'christians' from Kentucky, Trump and Mitch McConnell country

Pontifex CinState


These occupiers should be ashamed.

That’s not what happened BBC News. This man walked up to these kids that were waiting for a bus after a march for life they do every year. They didn’t even know what the hell he was doing. They were respectful but a little weirded out! Fake American liberal news as usual..

The worst of America...on parade for all to see. I am ashamed of my fellow countrymen today. We are better than this.

The church have failed Jesus Christ

Good people on both sides Donald?

Reports are this schools reaps of racism.

These are teens going to a Catholic High School......Typically US Christian religions act this way.


Stop it with the fake news. It's already been discredited.

Like the Vietnam natives did when he served in Vietnam then. Selective political bollocks.

What do I want to be known for for the rest of my life?

Please stop! Check the full video! No more fake news!! Sick of this !

racist pieces of sht. nothing but centuries of privilege that leads to this kind of disgusting behaviour. scary where the world goes in the hands of these boys

FakeNews from bbc again

Shame on American’s values.

Storm in a teacup.

This is a disgrace to this country

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