Risk in lockdown easing too soon, warn scientists

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United Kingdom Headlines News

United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

Coronavirus: Risk in UK lockdown easing too soon, warn scientists

Prof Edmunds, from the London School of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine and a member of Sage, said the levels of the coronavirus were still"very high" and many scientists would rather the number of cases declined before measures were relaxed.that Covid-19 is"spreading too fast to lift lockdown in England" and NHS test and trace"has to be fully working and infection rates have to be lower".

Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham called for the government to reveal the regional R number so that the public can judge the level of risk. "And I think it's now imperative that the government publishes this regional R number on a regular basis so the public can judge what they should do in response to the level of risk they're facing."

From Monday, all four UK nations are due to have guidelines in place allowing more than two people to meet outside.


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legallyginge scientist are a devils workers

BBC spread lies and FEAR. Switch them off.

Can you give a platform to the scientists and experts that disagree with lockdown, death figures and the severity of the virus too.

What utter rubbish. There isn’t a single medical study in history to prove you can infect a healthy person with airborne particles. This entire fraud isn’t going to end well for the Tory govt. Proof 👇

Only if people act like pricks. Which of course they will.

As long as English people are not allowed into other countries let them go along with this herd immunity project.

Get your facts right. A couple of Scientists from Sage out of a team of 50 make that comment and your all over it like a rash. I really hope your Broadcasting days will soon over

Well THAT'S odd because other countries have opened up FAR more with no problems at all! In fact Norway is removing virtually all restrictions in June, and says the lockdown was a mistake. There is still NO evidence it made ANY difference. SAGE are more political than scientific

I’m bored of the whole bloody thing to be honest, I don’t trust the government or their experts. If people want to hide away ad infinitum that’s up to them but I won’t be.

BorisJohnson 10DowningStreet Conservatives DominicSaysNoToRealScience he says listen to my pseudo-science, it's better it won you stuff. He's a faker, fakes his blog trying to look smarter & pisses on our Parliament. You are in his thrall we get it but time to DetoxCummings


Meanwhile most scientists, certainly those on SAGE, say we have to be careful but this is the step to take. Alternative headline, Minority-view scientists angry that SAGE colleagues and government reject their advice

Isn't it worth finding a pattern in daily infections that doesn't rely on an app? Some are out all the time flouting rules. Are they the ones getting ill? If so shouldn't we have a properly enforced lockdown? These people cannot be trusted to be sensible, putting others at risk.

Here a great little video - 8 mins showing 100's and 100's of falsified death certificates! Can't trust any of the stats! Doctors are speaking out about the gov guidelines to put covid down even when people have died of cancer and not tested for Cv!

Which scientists? The ones funded to say so! vaccines

The scientists can stay home. Problem solved 👍😂

You mean three scientists out of 50+ Scientists on SAGE? BBC always finds the naysayers!

Yes it is very risky. If we've got more deaths now than when lockdown came in then how can it be safer? We've got the part time PM who works hard to defend his buddy but does next to nothing to keep us safe. Anyone know how many times he's addressed England through this?


BORIS READ. In Mr Cummings New World neither his son, if ASD, nor mine would have the right to exist. His evil in pushing this vile agenda through Boris Johnson, a weak man, is opportunistic and disgusting. ALL Cummings team at No 10 are Eugenics fans.

Oh make your bloody mind up .... first the BBC push and push to ease the lockdown.... now you’re gonna go on about this .... anything for a fucking story!!!!!!!!

“Warn experts, warn scientist” Provide some fuckjng evidence and stop coming up with these shit fear mongering headlines.

People can make their own decisions - they don't have to go out, they don't have to mix with people. Take some personal responsibility!

What is considered 'not too soon' remembering that if you haven't had the virus and there is no vaccine, you are as vulnerable in 5 years time as you were back in February?

Well surprise surprise anyone with a shred of common sense could figure that out 🙄 Just a shame the clowns that run 🇬🇧 seem oblivious to it all. And please stop calling it lockdown as we have never BEEN in one thanks....

GeoRebekah warned Florida about this and they fired her. Why have scientists if you're never going to listen to them? insubordinate

This virus was about before Christmas. The government were too slow organising lockdown and now they’re too quick to ease it. 2nd wave inevitable now.

bbc your positivity is staggering along with your bias !

Family behind me having a barbecue! 15 people in garden all sharing cans & food. Kids everywhere & cars double parked! This is before next official easing of lockdown! Bring on secondwave aka BorisWave! Where BorisJohnson WILL be responsible, including economy's destruction!

You are getting boring now. Try reporting the news instead of writing it.

Not harmful at all. Every Californian asked, reports that lockdowns did nothing to effect spread. Hospitals were never overrun. All was a lie.

Fkin bullshit

BBC late to the party again... what's the point...

What happened to the government listening to the scientists?

Translation. If we open up now people will realise that no one is getting sick or dying and our narrative will be dead. and we cannot have that we must keep the fear going for as long as possible

You know when you see those foreign governments that don't seem to care how many innocent lives are lost...well that's not a foreign government anymore, that's our government. The foreign governments are the ones that try hard to save lives.

Do they not want live do they not want to stop the spread of COVID19 going to the beach is not essential sunbathing in your back garden is safer I know some people live in flats and don’t have this. StopTheSpread

Bla bla bla stop lying bbc

I've made this website to lobby your MP. There is a suggested letter to call for an inquiry and it invites your MP to question the UK gov failings, including the Cummings saga. Please share and retweet. bbcaq DominicCummimgsMustGo NotMovingOn

Stop spreading fear

That's SOME scientists, btw.


No shit

Lockdown?!! It’s clearly over!!! It’s absolutely packed where I live today and we are not a tourist spot!!

It's OK, they're used to government telling them what to do.

I totally agree. My sense is the Gov are leaning once more , surreptitiously toward a herd immunity agenda for financial favour.

Bollocks. Current techniques of diagnosis and testing wouldn't even meet GCSE level of scrutiny. Death certificates now include 'suspected' CVD19 based on if you coughed in the last month and PCR tests say on the label they cannot distinguish between COVID 1-18 and 19.

Well Duh!!

My upstairs neighbors had a party for family and friends in our communal garden yesterday. Social distancing not in evidence, lots of drinking though. I stayed indoors.

The UK govt has taken a very good decision. After all we have to live & fight this disease. Who will give us the ration? We have to earn bread & Butter with our own hands & We have to feed ourselves and our dependents will maintaining social distance. WHO

Pardon my French but Bullshit! Japan had no lockdown even with a tightly packed population but had less than 900 deaths. Also Imperial College already got so much totally wrong. BadScience

According to Cummings, Boris and friends, ITS ALRIGHT! NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!

183 more lives lost.....anyone else feel like we are being thrown to the wolves?Our 'leaders' are a disgrace.


SkyNews UK govt will do exactly the oppposite what the scientists will say

I thought the lefty wankers had no confidence in the scientists 🤔 all of sudden they are spouting them

'We're led by t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶c̶i̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ Dominic Cummings'

Just use common sense.

We know who you work for BBC.

Try reimposing it.

Let’s end this epidemic once and for all. Stay home until it’s gone for good l find it hard to understand why the government is trying easing the lockdown when coronavirus still lying around.

What scientist Because other scientists saying that lock down killing more people! And look at Japan, no lockdown and they sorted covid in 30 days !

Stop fearmongering. BBC is quite malevolent!

Show me the scientists.

WALES. 14 more deaths from suspected COVID-19 in Wales. coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) COVID19

Fuck Them

Capitalism will always win in the UK.

Doesn't matter what the experts say. The government won't listen

Yes..we know

France are reporting covid cases as far back as nov 2019. This has been with us for many months. Need to teach those who had symptoms respiratory alike from 2019

More proof lockdown doesn't SaveLives it just proves the fake projections were out by millions and that was the ONLY REASON FOR THE FAKE LOCKDOWN BILLGATESVIRUS ARRESTBILLGATES2020 arrestfauci endthelockdownuk riots2020 protests schoolreopening georgesfloyd bankruptcy

you guys are buying into the narrative in the most excuciating way. Funded by BillGates though so quelle surprise. Coronascam Plandemic COVID19

No one is going to listen. People will go out an see friends an family anytime they like, regardless of the lockdown. Because that’s what they have been doing already. People drive for an hour or two to see friends

Are you telling me scientists haven’t told the government to relax lockdown ? Of course they have. This is a different group of scientists. IF WE DONT GO BACK TO WORK WE ARE FUCKED.

Funny how Professor mukeshkapila was incandescent with rage on Sky News saying lockdown should never have been implemented, that 80% of sufferers never need hospital treatment and those that do the majority recover. Try reporting those views.

Can these scientists step forward? Or are they imaginary figures?



Denmark seem to be doing well !

This photo taken from a drone is completely different, this angle is for propaganda purposes.

Well good news that the NHS are keeping the hospitals running in a similar fashion as they know what's coming and there is room for you and your loved ones in intensive care ...at the moment😇💘🙈

FrancisRichens Then Why is BorisJohnson telling us different things? Doesn't he care about his citizens or does he only care about protecting DominicCummings

Too soon for who? not buying any of it anymore, never again should we ever allow lock down.

The BillGates funded scientists would say that - ScumMedia


They are deluded, many more scientist say lift the lockdown now. The BBC won't report that, they prefer to ruin the economy and emotionally damage people. The lockdown is killing people and their livelihoods. The public broadcaster prefers to push the propaganda.


Could such recklessness amount to the government being charged with Corporate Manslaughter when serious illness or deaths increase again. Or do they have crown immunity from prosecution? I don’t really know, but what I do know is that they, he, is accountable...

He's making a list and checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice 💀 This guy hasn’t finished with us yet 💀

RoundLike The usual fakenews that we have sadly come to expect from the BBC. Of course scientists will have different opinions (none can predict the future with certainty), but the government is following the consensus advice as the SAGE minute are showing

We all know the crack. We’ve been told enough now. Stay 2mtrs apart or you’re likely to catch this disease. Do the idiots on the beach look like they’re 2mtrs apart? Clearly not. They’ll only have themselves to blame.

In the last 5 months, coronavirus has killed over 100,000 in the US, but remember that the common seasonal flue kills over 500,000 people yearly in the US and it’s just as infectious and symptomatic as the dreaded covid19 ? Why the scaremongering?

People are flooding the streets, they want to end this lockdown non-sense. Nothing will stop them. Get over it.

So 3 out of 257 say they are against the loosening. That is what committees are for. You go with the MAJORITY view. I'll wait for the BBC to interview the others....

Don't trust your figures or bias BBC , you will be an irrelevance very soon

I thought this was the decision, based on the science

But Primark doesn't have an online shop so how can I get my cheap tshirts

BorisJohnson apparently looks at the science clearly not HerdImmunity

Is it that people are no longer dying of heart diseases, cancer, other viral and bacteria infections. Did u know on a good year, atleast 450,000 people die and on a bad year 540,000 peoples die annually in UK, I mean hospital deaths. Y D scaremongering or scamdemic ?

The Royal family are not the legitimate

The guy sounds just like furguson to me.

To be honest - ‘reap what you sow’...or ‘reap what you sew’ depending on where you’re from...

Oh horrible why are thay not dissenting

I have seen the under takers in my village 3 times this week. This isn't just on the government this is because people haven't been follwing the rules. Cummings should go but even still we should know not to follow that example.

It doesn't take a scientist to look at the graphs and realise its too soon 🤣

Just remember that the NHS didnt use the nightingale hospitals but instead sent infected into care homes. Which is where all the death toll comes from. Barely anyone under age 60 has been affected.

How do you trace that fucking lot on the beach stupid individuals ,and arrogant to think they are immune to the Corina Virus ? shame on you for putting the rest of us at risk ?

They keep warning us that boris has it wrong

'England' easing too soon. FTFY. ThankfuckiminScotland


People should make up their own minds. If people want to stay home then stay home. If they want to live their lives and enjoy themselves then go for it.

'Trust the experts....we know they made errors and huge mistakes....and didn't listen to their own rules...and constantly breached lockdown...and have gone on record saying they got everything wrong....but trust them THIS time' - Clearly unbiased Media 2020

no news so just make stuff up

We all need to accept responsibility for this as well as the government. They are damned whatever they do! They are giving us all the guidelines to adhere to to keep the virus from multiplying amongst us. We need to continue to do this and get on with a new normal life!

Too soon and done without being thought through. Boris just goes from error to error. But it risks lives

Given the minutes show there are typically 20-30 scientific experts at each SAGE meeting, it's surely no surprise that not every single one of them agrees with the government's lockdown strategy at any one time. A bit of dissent could even be welcome.

These the same scientists that said we should try herd immunity

1). There is no evidence anywhere of a second wave 2). German, American and Russian authorities have expressed what a huge over reaction the lockdown was in the first place 3). Which scientists are saying this? The same ones that predicted 500,000 dead in the UK?

Ah so the BBC have rememberee how to interview scientists xD shame they only interview ones that agree with them. Plenty of epidemiologists out there that say the opposite. Why do they not get a say? That article should interview both opinions...

With the gov 'Trust in me, just in me' plan; focusing on a job creation plan; citizenship for a lot of HK. (They are a low risk country LOL and need a job when they get here). Did they not want independence? Border force say if we can't control the border (If we had one). Help.

No shit?

Why didn't journos call BorisJohnson out for his lies regarding lockdown easing? Point 2. Death rate needs to be coming down. BoJo said it was. HMG slide showed a raise. Point 3. The R rate to be coming down. BoJo said it was. CMO said it was same as last few weeks.

But Johnson et al want you to forget about CummingShouldBeGoing

They should publish their evidence or we can safely ignore their advice.

Lots of armchair scientists here. Haha.

What a load of rubbish even Boris contradicted these claims 👍👍👍👍

Risk of people having fun and feeling happy.

People need to be a bit responsible. Unfortunately there are many idiots in the British public, moreso than other countries.

this is not a reason to organize mass gatherings of people :/

This is crazy, isn’t BorisJohnson meant to be following the advice of these scientists? Or has he lied about that too? Stop trying to bribe the public Boris...

Problem caused by idiots. Like 100 drunken louts in cramondvyesterday by the river. No distancing.

Its not easing too soon, its broken! Johnson has lost control of lockdown, we have also lost control of isolation! The owners of the local stables have been diagnosed but are refusing to close. I predicted a second spike in September, I now think it will be July/Aug.

Only been done to take emphasis away from the Cummings issue. Also why does paper today say R rate in public is .5 or less, it's higher in care homes and hospitals!

Where is your apology to maitlis ?

Lets do away with elected government all together and just ask the BBC because clearly they know better.

FakePandemic FakeNewsMedia FakeSocialDistancingFacts

You broadcast this yet you suspend Matlis for questioning a government aide's behaviour, that put people at risk, during lockdown?

Media caused the fear with the constant negative stories. We never hear the recovery rate, we never hear that for most people the virus is not serious.


Sadly the government has got what it wanted in the beginning herd mentally expect it will be blamed on the public

It's all about the money for this bunch of crooks and charlatans. Lives mean nothing to them.

It's crazy. Instead of the staggered approach that we were promised, they are opening schools, shops, markets, showrooms, people's gardens etc. roughly at the same time! People will die because the government needs to create a quick distraction 😕 BorisJohnsonCoronavirus

Yes more deaths, of course their is

We never had the level of lockdown required. We didn't close our borders. Cummings destroyed any trust in government & the law. Current tracking policy won't work. - If we don't co-operate rather than politicise the response to the virus, we are doomed. DecisiveLeaderRequired

John_Dyas Complete madness loosening lockdown when there thousands of new cases everyday and over 300 deaths yesterday

We need to do 2 things urgently: 1 EndTheLockdown 2 Sack everyone at BBC. There is nothing worse than misinformation for which you are forced to pay.

AGENDA ALERT!!! Where were the scientists that have a different opinion to the two scientists you interviewed this morning. There are plenty of them about. You chose not to get a balanced view. mediabrainwashing ScumMedia

Everyone else just doesn't care anymore. It's kind of like those flashing signs that tell you you're going too fast. You pay attention for a start & then after a couple of weeks, the sign just pisses you off.

Is the view of these 3 the whole of SAGE? Portayed like they arethe authority view of SAGE Last minutes said there were 50 members It's not the view of the Chris Whittey, Steve Powis et al. who lead the breifings and they are on SAGE Undue prominence of 3 opinions

DrSpock_Vulcan So a couple of scientists. What about the rest?

It’s an unknown risk. Because easing of lockdown does not equal going back to same as before, more shops will be open, more people on transport but with social distance and more care, plus track and trace to interject. Hopefully it will be a sucess , but there is a reverse gear

BorisJohnson 10DowningStreet Just listen please. When was the last time you went to the beach with the everyday public? People don’t even social distance in parks. Many still not taking this seriously. Think of all shielding.. trapped..waiting CMO_England Keir_Starmer

This is a video of BBC News getting exposed! hope you guys enjoy!!

Actually that’s a pretty tautological headline. We will know if it’s “too early” only if it proves too risky.

Which scientists?The ones from a certain ideological persuasion with certain 'connections' &funding streams who get a free MSM platform when they want,or the hundreds who disagree but never get to make their case on the MSM? like this lady,to name but one;

This was done because Cummings wanted to justify breaking the law. Boris went along with it because he didn’t want to be seen as doing one sided favours .

We have a flu vaccine but you can still get the flu. There is no vaccine for the common cold so you get one and then recover. Both are classed as coronaviruses. So, following the above we get a Covid19 vaccine but you could still get it. What happens then?

And they want the children to go back to school & act as virus mules.

Why don't the ones who are 'at risk' remain in isolation and those whom aren't get back to some semblance of normality

We are an extremely concentrated island. The virus is doing this to us because of our density. We can hide forever im afraid. People that dont want it lifted are those who cba to work again

What's that Skippy . . . We're all going to die Mmmmmmmm

Rubbish! And any scientist with integrity would say so. Thise in with BBC are paid by their master Bill Gates

Death by lockdown is greater than death by COVID. Put a stop to this nonsense. Even the CDC now admits COVID-19 death rates are similar to ordinary seasonal flu. Trumps medical advisor Anthony Fauci said the same in the New England Journal of Medicine.

I hope that everyone will be put to justice. simondolan court case is on, have a look. Absolute insanity pleading for an extension of the lockdown. Crime against humanity. If you're scared of the virus, please stay at home and leave the rest alone. Thanks. endthelockdown

Let’s not forget that the scientists calling for this, sit on the SAGE group, advising the government. This group is funded by the Gates Foundation to the tune of £200m. Perhaps a little compromised?

Wake up people, government has never stop Hurd immunity policies, hence why they indirectly killed thousands and thousands more will sadly die

Tbh apart for shops there was nothing lockdown-y to any of this. People were and are out and about all the time, mask-less and ignoring social distancing. And anyways police isn’t enforcing anything? They can’t fine you. They would never stop anyways and you don’t need proof.

Just watch the arrival of the second wave courtesy of UK government policy.



Drop your handles let’s follow you 😉👈

'warn scientists we found who think lockdown is the answer, the scientists who think lockdown makes things worse we ignored, we're not biased at all'

But they had to take the publics mind off Dominic Cummings, even if it puts us at risk.

What coronavirus risk in UK BorisJohnson is doing a great job, right?

Oh shut up. You're wrong about everything and you have no right to take people's rights from them.

Yep, high-risk! We have to assess and decide Ourselves! We are not sheep?

' DominicCummngs pushed those Scientists to back Lockdown. Now silly BoJo stops them from speaking. My kids ain't going backtoschool in June. “– says furious mother of four, Samantha Newton. “No law for everyone, and not for the few is going to see my kids at those desks.”

So is Boris and the government going to listen to the experts or just let the situation get out of control? You know how children react when you give them a toy to play with then take it off them 5 minutes later.

While OTHER scientists say 'Bollox' Death rate ~ 0.03% you lying dog-faced pony soldiers. No 2nd wave, either, you shits.

Then 'the scientists' are lying and should be sacked!

I did some information hygiene a while ago and opted out of the BBC licence tax. So great to be free of MSN. Opt-out of TV tax and don't be brainwashed

One day the media will deliver an honest and open dialogue, but obviously not this year

Thanks scientists we know but what are people going to do money is drying up and food supplies are lowering and last time I looked no supermarket was giving food out for free for understandable reasons

Thank you for your good work

No shit...

Right now all across England Coronavirus is having a party that it has been invited to by a government trying to move the media on from the Cummins saga. People will die as a result and further Lockdowns will be enforced.


R rate. Be worried. Be very worried

Said this couple weeks ago

R rate is Brighton has risen to 1.3 , so stay away

We just need new 'Scientists' That is all. Can the UK have the Swedish ones please? They have nothing to do over there as: It is Over - Ran its course - It is done

The countries with the most successful covid 19 defence are the ones who listened to the scientists and ignored the politicians.

WE KNOW IT IS! Try telling BorisJohnson and MattHancock and uksciencechief and CMO_England though! In about 2-3 weeks time, due to idiots on beaches 🏖 for example, things are going to ROCKET 🚀 and you don’t need to be a Scientist to know that Boris! TOO SOON!!!!

solange_lebourg Listening? BorisJohnson

We need to take control ourselves. If people can’t behave appropriately it’s their fault not the governments or indeed the experts. This virus has been turned into a political football.

Are these scientists the same ones who have been wrong about everything from day 1? I'd rather listen to the ones who follow the data, not the ones who consistently make incorrect projections...

All man for himself. You are on your own.

Maby BBC like to put propaganda out be there received £2 million of Bill Gates Foundation Even the Guardian millions our all our medical universities receive money 30 of the 35 of the SAGE committee received over £200million off BIll Gates Foundation Chris Whitty £30m

What do you think aunty BEEB?

What sort of scientists say this? Dozy ones. The sun produces Vit D in the body which boosts the immune system. Plus, the virus dies at temperatures above 20.

... it is what it is. good luck, everyone. 😷✌️

How many times the bbc use their favourite word 'lockdown' today.....

trust the boas bbc to tweet this!

The same scientists that said being at Cheltenham wasn’t a risk 🤣🤣


Far too soon! 😢

I am staggered at the number of people out and about the today! It’s like the flood gates have been opened

No, Risk in England, not the UK, even your own article says this, so why say UK?

Of course it is...but our 10DowningStreet PM had to catch up with Mr Cummings...

120 German Health Pro's Denounce lockdown2020 I wonder if these scientists are in the pay of Bill Gates and his vaccinate the planet agenda! Imperial Colleg London, home to the infamous Neil Ferguson who recommended lockdown to Chairman Boris is certainly a beneficiary!

England....don't drag Scotland into this.

BBC spinning negativity as normal. ScumMedia

Coronavirus: Risk in England lockdown easing too soon, warn scientists. Fixed it for you BBC.

Seems like we've just accepted more will die. Sad... I can only hope my family will stay safe.

Lockdown is over.

Well, that’s hardly a surprise.

Money money money. Trillions are available to help the hand to mouth credit debt economy get through this but the greedy who maintain our wealth gap that keeps millions in poverty have it greedily locked away.

What is it with our government? We go into supposed ‘lockdown’ too late and now before rate is really low enough, we begin to want to come out of it too early. Its like they want to have the highest number of deaths. Is that financially better for them in the long run?

Brighton beach later today... secondwaveincoming

SECOND WAVE.... beds available but the staff must be shattered but life must go on with or without Viruses. It will become the survival of the fittest, so help the NHS and yourself get fitter if you can.

It is too soon. If people can afford to stay in they should. Make your own risk assessment - Personal Protection Plan. Be selfish for once and take care of yourself and your family.

The 324 is not just a number!!! They are lives!

THIS Johnson is throwing every man, woman & child to the wolves to cause a massive deflection to cover up Cummings going on a HOLIDAY(yes he did) to his HOLIDAY COTTAGE(yes it is) during Lockdown. Why aren't the CONservatives moving to remove them both?

Tell us something we don’t know.

Another wave of Rona.

BarringtonMole Darwinstheoryofevolution Act as sheep, unfortunately kill others along the way. Sheep do as the shepherd says. Sadly our shepherd hasn't got the balls to lockdown armystyle. There never was a proper lockdown! Imstillinlockdown

We know this please be careful

I thought the government were following science? Which scientists are they following?


England. England. England. England. England. England. England. England. England. England. England. England.

The risk is people not following the social distancing rules. They think of themselves not others. We have to learn to live with this and the sooner we learn the better .

Scientists? Or Soothsayers? If terrorists gangs( antifa/BLM) in America can run free right now then we can end the lockdown in June.

When they say 'UK' what they mean is England. Johnson, like his hero Trump wants to save his economy anyway he can and so what if it kills 70/80000 people in the process. TOO SOON ENGLAND!!! BorisHasFailedTheNation BorisTheLiar boristhebutcher

Will need more than lifeguards when that 2nd wave hits!

have you seen the tory piggies! living piggy lives

suem2wdl They will not learn....they have now gotten to the new norm; deaths in hundreds per day is no longer new...this is sad. While smaller countries like New Zealand and Taiwan are winning this battle, UK and US have chosen to live with the invisible enemy. This is a shame.

When you mean by 'Scientists', do you mean WHO who actually help make this mess worse and helped cover it up in China? If so, then safe to say, we can go outside.

Nothing on BBC about Couriers for swab test deliveries going on strike and being praised by Labours McDonell. Good job Spitfire pilots didn`t go on strike.

Meanwhile, the projected lockdown fatality rate is still rising

The hysteria train is running out of steam I’m afraid.

Say about 4 scientist out of 50? Go ask the others now.

The science has been wrong from the start with inaccurate reporting , counting different coloured jelly beans when your blind doesn’t work

Healthy under 50's are at minimal risk and should ignore lockdown. Restarting most of scoiety, schools, shops, resturants... No need for 'social distancing'. It will lead to herd immunity in the group. All others MUST remain in lockdown for now.

Humanity is it's own immunity MediaBias mediavirus

If we riot the virus and social distancing disappear, see USA for details.

Do it when it's safe. Not cos it'll help the economy ffs

If only we didn't have an incompetent PM and government.. we could have been easing lockdown by now..

Elephant in the room.... The British popn on average are some of the most unhealthy in Europe, which in addition to a poorly policed lockdown means the number of new cases remains high

Going by the figures of the past week, the 2nd wave may be in progress. Does Dominic Cummings need to go somewhere?

They are NOT protecting lives. Hidden agenda. There are FOUR at no 10 Downing St, who must go. They no longer have public support and trust fouratNO10MustGo

Fake News on bbc again - “too early in ENGLAND “. Schools , England 1st June Scotland 11th Aug (if science allows) - thank goodness for devolution DissolveTheUnion 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

There are always conflicting views. How many people on SAGE? was 20+? Past experience of expert on MMR probably responsible for death and reintroduction of mumps etc. Common sense, hand cleanliness and slight modifications to behaviour is the key. Sadly we need to move forward.

A 1 in 200,000 chance a healthy person of dying isn't a risk, its getting 5 balls in the national lottery. endthelockdownuk

There have been 1000s of this type of prediction in the past few months. All making headlines. None reviewed in retrospect.

England, not UK

Johnson and Cummings incompetent. UK needs new leadership.

I don’t like being on lockdown but I think it was and is necessary. The ultimate liberty anyone can have is the right to life, death has a way of curtailing that.

If your scared stop in your house simple don’t signal virtue and tell other people they are stupid because they don’t agree it’s about choice that’s what the government are giving people so it deflects accountability like it or not the economy is restarting.

This is all to deflect attention from Cummings, & to get the working classes back to work. It's much too soon without the proper test/trace procedures in place. If scientific advice is being deliberately ignored I hope criminal procedures are brought against Boris for genocide

Just take some responsibility for your own life!

BBCLookEast Far to many abandoned lockdown after week one which is why the numbers are so high

Well there’s a surprise..

But MattHancock says 'We are following the science' L M F A O

Good. Clear the country of bellends


Well, yeah...the little critter, SARS CoV-2, hasn't gone away. If anything, it's now more established. We need to get used to it.

When 'the scientists' put their hands in their pockets & pay for a comprehensive trace & track system, that's the time to believe there's some credibility to their sanctimonious, pontificating hypothesis.

The government knows, they understand the science (plus it’s common sense what will happen), but they don’t care. They’ve made their decision - it’s the economy that comes first not the health or safety of the public. If thousands more die to keep the coffers full then so be it.

Bill gates paid off scientists you mean. Right!

Think scientists haven’t covered themselves in glory over this pandemic-why do they continue with their highly pessimistic predictions - they really do think we are all stupid. The SAGE group where this guy belongs to also had a certain MrFerguson and we all know what he thought!

Whenever the lockdown is eased it will always be too soon according to scientists They keep banging on about a second Wave no it's in their head there is no actual scientific proof we all have an immune system get over it

Usual dose of anti Govt propaganda coming from our British media aka public menace ! highlighting the few scientists that think we are coming out of lockdown to early.

Theres risk everytime you leave the house to being run over but you dont broadcast that everyday bore off scaremongering media showed true colours through this

Why are you trying to scare people? Of course there’s risks, they’d be risks is two years time, and why state 2 scientists are warning against it, and not 32 are saying it’s ok?

Ok this is the plan, give the people a taste of freedom, and then come in with the big second wave and blame all the people and another lockdown will follow. WHY DO YOU MORONS NOT SEE WHAT IS GOING ON HERE

Scientists' acting out of fear and stupidity. The only resemblance lockdown has ever had to science has been a poorly executed uncontrolled experiment and immeasurable social cost that ripples through the entire of the entire society.

BBCLookEast We cannot keep hiding. Sooner of later you have to face life's risks. As an example children are in more danger of accidents on the school run than being infected with C19 in school. Life IS a near death experience so make the most of it while you can.

My local county council has no Labour Councillors, it's over 80% Conservatives, it's 'following the science' & not a purely political decision by the weak & feeble Johnson to deflect attention away from Cummings, it is NOT REOPENING SCHOOLS. BorisRESIGN

Scientists opinions are not needed anymore now cummings bitch bozza wants to try herd immunity

Last week all they could say was ‘follow the science’...we are being played by our crooked employees.

Very high !! But for now the weather might help !!

Advisors role is to advise and they are responsible for the validity of the advice , they are not the decision makers . There will often be conflicts . There are no easy decisions in mitigating risks

Still scaremongering.

Nothings changed only few schools bk most things ok for 15th

The relaxations of lockdown increasingly look like the 'Government' caving in to pressure from its elite Libertarian chums and supporters - where Libertarian equates with increased liberties for the already advantaged at the cost of protections for others less blessed. R4Today

Errr... you mean only 2scientists from the SAGE advisory group!!! And why NOT MENTION THE OPPOSING BELIEFS OF OTHER WELL RESPECTED SCIENTISTS- immunologists and epidemiologists - or even the WHO’s latest statement !! WHY STOKE FEAR


Every other answer boris gives, is based on scientific advice, so on one of the most serious situations they decide to go against the “scientific” advice ? Lockdown eased, Looks like they want a second wave.. it takes the focus off all other news.

Here’s the new school uniform for the kids going back to school on Monday

❌ 💩 🕵️‍♂️

Say public sector, taxpayer funded ‘scientists’ who don’t rely on the economy.

And the main one is to keep us ill

Risk in ENGLISH lockdown ending too soon you may want to correct to. Ah but that’s right - when it’s good news it’s England, when it’s bad it’s UK!! We’re doing fine under NicolaSturgeon leadership thank you

Listen to the scientists. !!!

Risk is that it’s 100% guaranteed to increase the spread of the virus! Is this really how we’re going to handle it, yo-yo between lockdown & no-lockdown until we’ve all either survive/died Herd immunity on the sly...

We won't let you ignore the damage and deaths caused by Cummings, we are notmovingon

Ok nobody doesn’t anything ever 💪💪💪

It's your choice if you chose to go out or not. If the evidence is there that it's not safe etc then make your own choices about how you deal with it. We dont all need to be spoonfed or have our hands held, we made choices before all this about things!

Isn’t it interesting how remainers are desperate for the lockdown to go on indefinitely until the economy is trashed.... hmmmm

no doubt this is the lefts doing again have to bring misery to evryone including thermselfes get at them boris

What do these ‘scientists’ want then? Shut down of the economy unending? Mass unemployment and poverty and

So 2 out of about 50 says it’s not safe. You’re never going to get everyone to agree so unless the other 48 come out and say the same stop scaremongering.

Usual daily anti Govt propaganda from irresponsible media. Public menace.

I have noticed a trend..... the stronger the feeling that WE need to get back to work...the better off they are... So not exactly frontline workers on £10.50 per hour.. whoops we've never stopped working or do I mean dying?

This is the government following the 'science' in words only. The Cummings affair is a clear indicator of how to present 'the facts' with small regard to the reality of the situation. Beware the 2nd wave.

Bull shit , the scientists want it to go on they want us all scared ,i think they enjoy the limelight

Thanks for giving Rob a voice for those of us shielding. It’s really hard on mental health. I’m one of those extremely vulnerable people living in family situation. Super hard.

It's far too soon

I don't see the risk here, let all the alcoholist gammon faces rush to the beaches with their BBQs and crowds and get infected and then the country will be free for us immigrants to take.

I’d say so. People don’t know how to behave: even the least unexpected.

Please clarify that it was TWO Scientific advisors out of 58 advisors on sage that did not agree with the government decision. Why have you not Said that 56, including the top 20 experts AGREE? This is typical distorted reporting by the MEDIA. Try honest journalism.

More doom and fear. 🥴

✍️ second wave expected around September

A blind man can see this however there are too many people of the view this isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. The BIG mistake was not having a fully law enforced lockdown not the voluntary treat people like they’re intelligent enough to know what’s right from wrong.

Did someone say UV light kills bacteria? Or is that only for pond life...

ScumMedia mediascum

Yes, lift all lockdown. Let’s kill peasants. Unless you earn above £100k. Send your kids to schools to catch and spread virus. Let Tory ruin everything. Welcome to Trumpian England!

It's like playing hokey kokey. In out in out make your minds up please

It's coming.....2 nd Wave..buckle up.

The only risk is to those stupid enough to go out and carry on as before unnecessarily without taking any precautions or avoiding likely hotspots. Only the Stupid will make it worse.

Same scientists who said 500,000 would die?

Why didn’t these 2 scientists pipe up on May 11, when the first easing was announced to begin on May 13 ?. Deaths and infections were far higher then, but not a sequeak from them. How political is their decision?.

No one is forcing people to break lockdown and act like an idiot, if you break the rules then enjoy your illness but I am not changing anything I do until the end of June when I will see how things are going

😮😮 'Sage meeting on 23 April estimated there would be only 1,000 cases per day by mid-May. Instead, estimates by the Office for National Statistics suggest there are currently 8,000 cases per day in England alone. Those figures do not include cases in care homes or hospitals'

Yes, much better to hide behind the sofa for the rest of our lives

Government being pushed by business and putting this before people’s safety and lives.

The scientists the government use have been useless. 😆

How much longer do they propose we continue. From August companies will need to contribute to furlough. We risk many thousands losing their jobs. Have they ever thought of the impact on these people's health. doubtit. We have to start taking some risk, and we all have a choice

this is the real truth of coronavirus

Why a 2 month time lag in the publication of SAGE papers? Not much use to the ordinary public to have it so belatedly. We are forced to rely on out of date knowledge when exercising common sense . Patronising and untrue for Govt to claim that this makes all open and transparent.

Just check out the beaches or parks today, local and national there wills be 1000s flouting rules today and police can't do anything following the actions of BorisJohnson this week.

I want us to get on with our lives in someway asap. But people have been flouting the rules & boris doesn't seem to care.i would like to go to the beach etc.. but people are to selfish & putting my live at risk let alone their own.

People will unite, hug and break social distancing rules or they will get complacent or COVID 19 cases and deaths will rise again. Lockdown will resume. This is my concern. People are people. Social distancing rules don't reflect the reality of real life.


More poor reporting from the BBC. The two names referred to in this are members of SAGE. There are over fifty scientists who are members of Sage but the BBC choose to highlight views of just two.

Of course it is. World leaders keep saying that South Korea got it right. They have just gone back into lockdown because of just 57 new cases. We have 8000 cases per day and are easing lockdown.

What another terribly misleading headline, it's as if you have some sort of agenda 🙄

UkSophism BorisJohnson risking our lives by opening up Lockdown too soon, to save his super rich ,posh advisor DominicCummnings Let’s be clear additional deaths are on these men Rich politicians who have chosen not to follow the science Boristhebutcher..

Lets hope some of those who think its all bollocks and use Cummings as an excuse catch it then. Let the party game begin.

Concerning story, though all I see is a backdrop for the magnificent ‘Harold’ in the image Coldwar_Steve

One says too early another says 2 mtr gap should be reduced, no wonder people don't know what's going on.

But you'll all forget about Dominic Cummings as you galavant about spreading it

So on the article it states ONS estimate infection rates are at 8000 a day. If you can't read, ask someone to read this graph out to you. Clearly shows less than 3000 as of 29th May and is decreasing rapidly week on week. Stop pushing fear into everyone and ONS

But isn’t that part of a divided opinion? Why headline only one side of it?

Deaths yesterday across Europe: Spain 2 Italy 87 Germany 24 France 52 Turkey 28 Belgium 42 Sweden 84 Portugal 14 Ireland 6 Poland 13 Romania 13 Hungary 8 Netherlands 28 UK ... 324

The scientists are killjoys and spoildports, here we are trying to reopen the country again, and there they are wanting to ruin people's summers and push the country back, well it's not their decision to make, and secondly they don't care about the damage to mental health.

getting cummings out the news peoples lives COVID

Patrick VALLANCE tweeted a link to all the minutes of meeting of the SAGE experts Group. Read them and you will see JUST HOW MUCH JOHNSON IS NOT 'FOLLOWING THE SCIENCE' IN ORDER TO COVER UP FOR CUMMINGS, THEREBY ENDANGERING UK PUBLIC HEALTH.Johnson is unfit to be Prime Minister.

Is it possible for you to report something positive for once, like publishing more optimistic and hopeful predictions from a wide array of scientists including Michael Levitt and Anders Tegnell, or would you prefer just to report only the very negative news stories?

In that case, we may have a few cities that are fairly fucked

This manufactured virus has already done the rounds across the planet, so anything else that hits from here on in is yet another biological weapon. So whatever scientists your quoting, you can keep them.

All I can say is BorisJohnson and MattHancock should be ashamed.

I'm guessing that it's possible to find some scientists to say that the risks of easing lockdown to slowly will have significant and longer term economic and associated physical & mental health problems, for many years.. Go on , let's have a positive news story.

How many ways are you going to spin this story? FFS!

*Risk in UK lockdown easing too soon, warn precisely two scientists, while the overwhelming majority of scientists on SAGE have not.

Same scientists who predicted 500000 deaths?

That’s because people are,basically, stupid

Warns MI5 'scientists'.

Will warning bring a change?

Let’s hope people use common sense when out!

Risk to who? 80% of the population needs to get back to work, the 'at risk groups' isolate yourselves.

Sage committee member and the director of the Wellcome Trust Jeremy Farrar says COVID-19 is spreading 'too fast' for the government to lift lockdown measures

BS !!!!

Yhhh yhhhh 😏, wash ur hands ⬇️

We’re all just a number.

We shall all overcome this invisible common enemy Chinese invented

Left wing scientists.

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