Opinion: Democracy just died in the Senate. So if Trump loses in November, don't expect a peaceful transition

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From now on the Founding Fathers' checks and balances are null and void

Accused of abusing his office by pressing the Ukrainian president in a July phone call to help dig up dirt on Joe Biden, who may be his Democratic rival in the 2020 election. He also believes that Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails - a key factor in the 2016 election - may be in Ukraine, although it is not clear why.Believed to be a CIA agent who spent time at the White House, his complaint was largely based on second and third-hand accounts from worried White House staff.


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I don’t think you understand how this works. Just because you didn’t get the result you want...


But it lives in the House You mean like the last three years Change your name to 'The Leftist'.

Apparently you don't know how democracy works. BTW the USA is a Representative, not a pure democracy, but you must have some fairy tail concept about how this country works vs reality. So whatever.

The liberals journalists crying, what funny!!

Just like Remainers then.

As opposed to the last three years since Hillary Clinton lost?

So democracy died because the election wasn't overturned? Do you even hear yourself? Stop claiming 'democracy is dead' every time you don't get your way, it's embarrassing.

We’re 3+ years into a non peaceful transition now sooooo....

Independent in name only.

owlwoman911_ Good greif yall are stupid. Trump will win in a landslide.

Abandon all you hold dear,and run for the border! Constitutional_Carry

He won’t be losing in November! Guaranteed!

What a ridiculous and false reading of this impeachment. The Dems are trying to kill democracy because they know that they can't beat Trump through the ballot box. So we've had Russian collusion and now the impeachment in what are blatant attempts to get round democracy.

When will you accept his first election, let alone his second?

Good thing we are a Republic. And why shouldn't Trump treat the Democrats the way hr was treated?

Your Derangement knows no bounds. You haven't accepted the results of '16 since day one.

Oh how peaceful Dems are every time they LOSE?

You are saying this while pack of angry liberals march in front of Trump tower because they can’t get over the results of 2016! Lack of self awareness in Liberals is astounding!

British fish wrap says what?

Repeat your leftists' crp as in 2016.

Yeah, since the last 3 years have been a peaceful transition. You guys can go pound sand. Probably come up with better news stories that way.

You're exceptionally ignorant. I'd suggest you read the US Constitution but that would be a waste of my and your time.

Where the fuck you been the past 3 years !?

Except my dear friends....................Trump will win in November.

I would to, just to get my own back for the abuse.

As if your opinion matters.

Like we saw 2016-present?

Can you say PROJECTION! It IS a mental disorder, you should really seek professional help! You asshats have yet to accept 2016!

Oh, we aren't a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. Massive difference.

'If Trump loses this November, do not expect a graceful exit and transition. He will claim fraud, a recount, an independent prosecutor (Rudy?) and perhaps even more.' Oh, you mean like you lot have been doing for the past 3+ years?

The Democrats have been trying to undo an election, so once again, accuse one side of what they are guilty of

The Democrats never gave Trump a peaceful transition. Hypocrites!

Trump is not Losing! Dems are crazy.

In 2016, it was that Trump wouldn’t accept the results. Yet here we are in 2020 and the Dems still haven’t accepted it

So how Hillary acted?

Kinda like Iowa?

British tabloid. Englandistan. FixYourOwnCountryFirst

‘Accuse others of what you do.’

Blaming the wrong side...

Garbage journalism.

Erm....just like the Democrats have been doing for the past 3 years you mean...?

Like the Democrats have done for the past 3 years!!!!!!!!

So he runs a play out of the leftist playbook? Got it.

You can't impeach someone for a crime that another person committed. Democracy was upheld.

Anybody who reads this garbage should have their heads examined.

He won't lose. The dnc can only rig their elections.

Written by someone who hasn't been paying attention for the last 3 yrs.

Oh, you mean like the peaceful transition from Obama to Trump? Led by the Resistance?

Dont speak of Democracy after the whole Brexit fiasco and what you stood on regarding it.

Were you asleep the last 3 years?

Which is EXACTLY what the Democrats have done for the last 3 years

Bore off.

Ha! Like the last one?

He will never lose, and the tactic you're describing is exactly what the Democrats have been employing since he got elected.

You mean like we’ve been living with for three years now? Piss off!!

Lol..... we are three years Into the largest temper tantrum in history because one side didn’t win. So in other words, you think he will mimic the left?

LOL. I remember when dems were saying there would be problems when Trump lost to Hillary. Instead, it was dems who have had a 3 year wedgie they can't loosen up after Trump won. Try to look in a mirror.


So he’s basically going to transform into a Democrat then?

So true. The recent words of a WH staffer on this very issue: “It will be ugly.”

So expect what the Dems have done for 3 plus years?

Pot paging Kettle.........?

You are wrong.

Kinda like what the democrats have been doing the last three years? But don’t worry, trump isn’t losing in November lol

Is it me or does the picture look like him necking someone.... Jeez the thought

That's funny, because if Trump wins, I also don't expect that it will be peaceful. I mean have you seen the 'resistance' since 2016

Judging by recent polls he isn’t going anywhere ... I just don’t get it.

Actually democrats party has died!

Fact: Democrats are still out of touch and keep accusing Republicans for shit that Democrats do.

You mean like HRC has been doing?

No that’s Hilary

Guilty conscience, a twisted mind and TDS, huh?

And if he wins will the left be peaceful?

What about the last 3 years would you call a peaceful transition? Given how the last administration behaved I'll go ahead and assume you're completely ok with is if Trump uses the FBI via the FISA courts to spy on his opponents.

crying like hillary?

Like HRC and the Dems/left have done for 3+ years?🤷‍♀️

You mean like what Hillary and the dems did in 2016 and are still doing today.

Ummm. They voted and that’s democracy. Just because you don’t like the results. Get over it. Trump for life. Long live Trump.

So he’s going to act like a Democrat?

So just like you guys the last 3 years.


A democrat committed crime in the Ukraine, Trump is innocent, still President and the US is booming. The demorats want to turn the US into a third world shit hole as they have done with the demorat controlled cities.

You absolute childish clowns.

Education died at the Independent. Apparently they don’t understand how it works. The House has the job of making the case not the Senate. Please..... it’s getting so old.

Wow! What do you call the shit show the dems have been running for the past 3 years? Delusional is the nicest description I have for you clowns

Your TDS is showing. We all know Trump is going to be re-elected because Dems can't find a worthy candidate. Biden wants to do push-ups and can't remember where he is. The rest of the field are Socialists and plan on ruining the U.S. economy. We know Libtard Dems will cry foul.

I like how you idiots still dream about him losing 2020 yes, nurture that dream, hold on to it all the funnier for us later

The is garbage on steroids.

It’s not a democracy.

Oh there will be if the military drag him out.

😂😂don’t worry thanks to the looney left he will win hands down ,

Based on what? Just because you believe it, doesn't make it true.

He’s already doing dictator-type things like sending thugs to Democratic primary polls and tweeting “president for life” memes.

😂😂😂😂😂. Still wishful thinking are we?😂😂😂😂😂

Ha! Like the last one? You know, like the one you liberal hacks have been fighting for 3 years?

Want to know why Trump doesn't wear glasses? Because he has 2020!

The op is confusing Trump behavior for Democrat behavior. Dems have been doing this since 2016.

You mean like the Democrats have for the past three fucking years?

Oh, you mean like you and the unhinged left have been doing for the past 3+ years?

Wasn’t that precedent set in January 2017?

🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦=8 TrumpLandslideVictory2020 MAGA KAG

Dude this is the Dems for the last3 years

The irony this statement is literally astonishing, considering the behavior of the Democratic Party and their constituents the past 3 years. Truly amazing.

Already putting the spin on the Democrats cheating their way to the White House, with George Soros investing you can be sure of some shady results, it worked in Canada, beware America

Your 'opinion' is not only absurd, but an UNtruth! You fail to mention the anti-Constitutional way the Commie Democraps went around this fake impeachment. No due process AT ALL! Held behind closed doors & no one is allowed to speak except corrupt SCHIFFTY?! Ridiculous!

You misspelled 'The Dems are corrupt and would totally do exactly this but not Trump.'

Trump by a landslide, just look at the numbers. His rallies His Twitter likes His Twitter of response (good or bad) His support everywhere else. Don't need fake polls to know who has 2020. The news media no longer controls opinions. Bad news for the bad guys. Winning MAGA

Remeber when everyone thought that riots would take place if Trump lost to Hillary and the opposite happened?

What like you guys have done for the past 3 1/2 yrs

But hes not gonna lose. Dems have nothing to offer except socialism masked with bumper sticker slogans. Thats why they wanted him impeached because they know they cant beat him

0.0 chance of him losing as things are now.

I don't understand why the media tries to convince us that conservatives will behave like crazy leftists when history has proven otherwise.

We didn't ask for your opinion

Starting with the bullshit already? Trump 2020!!!!

If he does you better expect the same kind of bullshit from true Americans.

StillYourPresident ForeverAcquitted

In your equation democracy = Demwits not winning? Hmmmmm.....what a joke!

And, of course, if he does lose and there is a peaceful transition, it is only because of the tireless woke efforts of the 'resistance'. Good plan, claim victory no matter the outcome.

The left the Democrats and the liberals never accepted the 2016 election they created a phony Russian story and a sham impeachment. it's so ironic that everything they claim Trump does, they are the ones actually doing it. And America sees it

I'm coming to the unhappy conclusion that Trump is unlikely to lose in November. Democrats will probably refuse to vote for someone who doesn't match their idiosyncratic views 100%, whilst Republicans will vote for Tump even if he runs down the street naked, shooting children.

Just like the dems didnt do a peaceful transition ? They are still fighting the last election...

Well I guess you won't have to worry about that . Trump WILL NOT loose. Trump 2020

You guys are the biggest sore losers and liars. Thank God Trump keeps beating you, as Boris did, too.

Trump in a LANDSLIDE!

Haven’t the liberals been doing the same thing for the past 3 years?

Yes, just like democracy died when Clinton was acquitted by the senate, right, Independent? In that trial - unlike Donald's - there actually WERE crimes being considered - perjury and obstruction of justice. Acquitted! The Clintons have lied and obstructed justice all their lives


Really what you folks are actually doing is setting it up to claim that Trump cheated if he wins along with this BS story! You’ve been watching “minority report” again remember how it ended!

Dems denied civil rights thru House scam. Americans are awake. Trump will win big in 2020. 30%+ Black vote! Great economy. Works for citizens safety and health.

WE ARE A REPUBLIC NOT A DEMOCRACY!!! Jesus no wonder you have so many problems...

We have 3+ years experience with non-peaceful transitions so I think we’ll survive. That’s a big “IF” anyway. Thanks for the concern.🙄 Trump2020KAG

You're projecting leftist values onto normal people again...

And he should because Democrates have been showed to be corrupt look at the last election! Thousands had to be tAken off CA voter roll thanks to JusticalWatch law suit. In Michigan and Texas and let us not forget Florida Boward corruption! in 2016 Hillary asked for a recount

This is what you said about Trump in 2016. You expected him to lose and for him and his supporters to go crazy. Instead HRC, Pelosi, Schiff and their supporters went crazy. Your inability to stop propagandizing and give proper news is why you are failing.

Oh so like you did in 2016...got it.

Well the scaremonger propaganda started

Transition won’t be necessary, President Trump isn’t going anywhere. Trump2020

and if he wins u saboteurs will just keep on doing what u r doing

Trumps the man, best thing to happen to America in years. People are waking up to how good he is for the country, it’s only the corrupt politicians and lefty loonies who are still bleating.

Where do you find these retarded opinions?

Like the one we have been experiencing since 2016 from Dems? Get over yourselves. Beside it will be a TrumpLandslide2020

We didn't have a peaceful transition this time. Obama left people behind and the MSM with the Left and the intelligence community have been undermining this administration since day one. Strzokandco

Good thing Democracy died, now we can get on with being a constitutional republic.

But wasn’t it a democratic process that kept trump in office?

Democracy is fine. When Trump gets an overwhelming win, everyone knows the radical left will continue their violent temper tantrum, maybe even get the screeching harpies to go up a notch.

Opinion: Trump will not go quietly. Also Opinion for the last three almost four years: Trump is an illegitimate President! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Do you even listen to yourselves?

'prediction, if Hilary wins, Trump will not accept the results of the election' I wonder what it is like to dunk on yourself all day everyday

Hahahaha the irony is unfounded.

Because Trump’s transition into office was peaceful 🙄

Sounds exactly like what the Dems have been doing since 2016. Just yet another example of them accusing others of what they themselves are already doing.

When POTUS wins in November can we expect a peaceful acceptance of a democratic result by the Democratic party? Or will the resistance to democracy continue for another 4 years? 🤨

Oh, just like the Democratic party hissy fit that's been going on since 2016?

Like the democrats have been doing for 4 years.

More hyperbole and hysteria I see

Is this put out by the DNC? The media has been saying shit like this for 3 years. Are Democrats stupid or do you think they are stupid. It's one or the other.

Easy there, Chicken Little. We've heard this song and dance routine before... The Leftist projection/deflection, and painting their opponents with the very sins they themselves are blatantly engaging in, is getting really old.

What have Democrats been doing the last three years?

I’m shocked that DemonRats still think they can win the Presidency this November. It boggles the mind.

Yeah maybe he'll blame the russians and say the election was stolen.

Yeah, the Democrats are really good at accepting election results they lose, too.

This is an example of Low information OpEd

You mean kinda like the Democrats have been doing for the past 3 years?

The Leftards can’t even count your own votes. We sure as hell don’t trust you to count ours.

Like the one we haven't had since 2016? Those type of transitions?

you people have no self awareness

Is he taking notes from the Democrat party?

Like democrats?

What utter rot. Did democracy die in 1999 with Clinton’s acquittal? Or does this only apply to a Republican President you don’t like?

The majority won..Democracy at its finest

Well that’s what the Democrats have done, thanks for the reminder 🤠

Your 'Opinion' has been disregarded & has been thrown in the trash.

We haven’t had a peaceful transition all 2017-2020

They are so out of touch they literally don’t see that they have been doing this exact thing for 3 years..... amazing

Offering you a copy of this Thread with 200 MVPs - gratis. Might save your dignity, such as it is. Might cause hysterics and weeping. Not responsible for either. Truth - it can be so Inconvenient, no? Sedition - it's a terrible thing to ignore.

Lol was his a peaceful transition? Maybe he could have his cia and fbi get some fisa warrants and launch some baseless investigations? Special counsel anyone? Little bit of impeachment, leaks of everything?

It’s funny, the left loses a BS impeachment and their Russia claims are proven to be false , “Democracy just died.” When major news organizations that were carrying the water for these false claims and are called out for misinformation and lying “Democracy just died.”

Yes because Hillary & The Dems are such a glorious example of a peaceful transition.

Whenever you’re side is done throwing your temper tantrum, come join the adult table.

As opposed to the graceful acceptance shown by the left for the last almost 4 years now? Right gotcha.

MAGA army will resist

So you are saying that Trump will do exactly what Hillary and the Democrats have done for the last 3 years... it is a set precedent now... that is how American elections are done. If Democrats didn't want that they should not have set the standard

Five more years!

For example, see Hillary and the DNC these past 3 years.

Like the peaceful transition in 2016? Independent is a rag.

if Trump wins there will be no peace on the left. They will cry and if the GOP wins both houses there will be violence. They will no they cheated and still lost.

America is a Republic not a Democracy


Oh no, a british rag is trashing Trump. What will we ever do?...

So how have the Dems handled the last loss?


Is that called journalism nowdays 🤡🤡

Please don't let the intern tweet

Yeah, because the left has set an absolutely shining example to be followed. Good grief.

The fuse was lit before Trump was elected. Slow motion boom. The 'best' yet to come. Boomerang

Aah...The Independent. Anyone else remember when it was? Just for the first few years after its launch? Before it became The Guardian MK2?

Baseless predictions. You guys still think it’s 2016?!

Trump is like Parker Louis, he can’t lose!🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂

Democracy dies with fakenews media every day. 18 witnesses and ZERO evidence. Day 125 hiding Atkinson's transcript.

saiwarlord Always look carefully at this kind of stuff. They ‘predict’ violence to ENCOURAGE it. It’s the aim of many in the media and government. And when the violence they desire occurs, watch for the power grab by the left. To protect you, of course.

HAhahahahah Have you even been awake in the last 30 years?

Oh, Do tell. miss me with that.

The Independent. Isn't

Lol, you mean democracy just won. And I really don’t think we won’t a repeat of the violence and tantrums of the democrats in November! So please try and stay calm!

Unlike infantile Socialist Democrats, Americans accept the results of an election even if they don’t like the results.

You mean, like the left has done since the 16 election?

Hoes mad

U mean like the fascist Dems & Hildabeast have done? Yeah I think we should start talking about impeachment if a Dem wins. They would be traitors & REAL Russian or China assets. The difference would be we don’t need a 2 1/2 yr investigations, we got proof now.

Dangerous headline. Irresponsible 'journalism'.

2016 be Hillary “grandma death” Clinton ”ebil drumpf won’t respect election results” lose claim election interference muh Russia probably extraterrestrials special prosecutor impeachment sham whatever bs they think of next Dems are so good at peaceful traditions

Peaceful... like what’s happened since 2016?

you mean like what Hilary and the dem party have been doing for the last 3yrs?

Oh? Will he spend the next three years saying a foreign country stole the election from him, trigger special investigations to stop the winner from governing, and launch an attempt to impeach the victor? And if so, how would that be any different from what you helped do?

Like 2016? Republicans don't react like the dems. Didn't try to impeach Obama for 8 years. Just fought & won the next election.

What's this 'If' stuff? haha

You mean like when Hillary lost?

bUt hiLlArY WoN tHe pOpUlAr vOTe Hypocrites, all of you.

Oh you mean like the democrats have been doing for the last three years?

Phhhft, the writer of this juvenile piece found the ONE woman who supposedly left America because of Trump. She’ll be back, by the way- if she even exists.

Independent !A more inappropriate name for a newspaper I cannot think of utter crap and totally biased.

The Independent 😂 Just lol...

Pieces like this exemplify why the media is merely a hollowed out corpse.

What bathroom wall did you get that opinion from?

Self awareness level: non-existent

This is describing 2016...... but the other side.


You Guys are insane. The LEFT is still struggling with the last election, they make up FOOLISH rules, destroy every structure just to own TRUMP. It’s not TRUMP we should be worried about but the shameful left....

Good thing we all have the “peaceful transition” demonstrated by liberals in 2016 to see us through!

Eventually, he will have to step out of the white house. But he will live in your heads, rent free, forever. F O R E V E R So get used to it.

DeMoCrAcY jUsT dIeD iN tHe SeNaTe BeCaUsE rEpUbLiCaNs DiDn’T vOtE hOw DeMoCrAtS wAnTeD tHeM tO

He won’t lose. Bye

You mean like the Democrat’s Resistance movement? Like the fake Russian Collusion narrative? Like Pelosi’s temper tantrums? Think the Democrats are the ones who can’t accept losing

Apparently an old man with loads of vids of him touching kids and women inappropriately is the best chance 🤷‍♂️

HorseshitAlert Winning

Why bother with the word 'opinion'? Everyone knows you're not journalism anymore, you're just activists with hard left 'opinions'. Thats literally all you are now.

Like you are doing for the last three years? Shame on you!

Don't fret. Trump is going to run the table. It's not even going to be close. We are coming.

So nothing new then? Your hysterical 'democrats' are doing the exact same thing for years now. Interdependent my 🐎 Insignificant - 100%.

That's rich considering the Left has been screaming, crying and generally throwing a massive tantrum since 2016. Better stay hydrated, Champ because you have 4 more years to go.

Because the democrats have taken their L so well...😂😂😂

There hasn’t been a peaceful transition in 12 years

Says the party who LITERALLY just failed at removing a duly elected president

Define 'Democracy.' The operative focus of Democrats since Nov 16 has been seditious. There needs to be a losers consent statute.

Didn’t y’all try the there won’t be a peaceful transition before...only to spent this mans entire presidency not peacefully transitioning

I though that the Senate had just created a monster; I cannot, yet, compare him to some world leaders who are monsters. The Senate have, however, given him the authority to be a monster should he choose to be one.

The US is no more a Democracy than we are .With the rich run ing the press and the daft voting system in both countries neither are real Democracy’s

Right now, I put the chances of Trump's re-election at 95%. The 5% is for unknown unknowns. The opposition won't accept that result if it happens, and it will be the most violent election/post election in US history.

Lol.... Indy on side of anti-Democratic losers again.


As a human being from the Netherlands, I am shocked.

RealDonald Trump shall surely win November pool, He have restored Jerusalem.

Reckless man...

Daft opinion

Wasn't much democracy in the House was there, when he was denied due process repeatedly by Adam Schiff. The Independent really is no different to a bucket of pigshit.. Peaceful transition? The Democrats are having the longest bitch in history.

Seriously. That BS is you 'opinion'.

He wants to win. The naivety of US citizen will follow him.

Any way you look at it it's not going to be a peaceful transition. He'll be burning up twitter calling people names and being juvenile and disrespectful that you can count on.

A scarcely credible and wholly partisan impeachment attempt died in the Senate.

He will get his come uppance eventually. November 2020 the Americans will vote him out. No one in their right mind can support him.

Zero chance of him losing

Where’s his neck ? 😂

Yeah, we kind of stopped caring what subjects of the British Crown think of us back in 1776. So, GFY.

Blind Justice !!!

Yes democracy died. Didn't they take an oath and have now failed to keep it? Bravo Mr.Romney as the only one to keep the oath.

No. Wokey lefties who were never happy with Trump tried to remove him using whatever they thought was good after a few pints.

Lolz 😂 keep crying

Is this like voting for him to be the president will spark ww3, nuclear holocaust and cotton farms staffed by slave labour or will this prediction come true?

Democracy in this country didn't just die in the Senate but it's clearly busted (IowaCaucusDisaster is a better example of that), and it was busted LONG before Trump slithered into the WH.

Trump isn't going to lose in November. Those games by the Dems are childish and have alienated many independent voters.

s9tmt Those senators sided with an enemy of America. They went with party before country.

Humbug, utter bocks, stop with the fake news & lies

If he losses? If that's the way it turns out, I hope they drag him out by his feet screaming and hollering.

Oh, and for Britain did democracy die briefly when an elitist, undemocratic Remainer MPs coalition & several newspapers sought to oppose the outcome of a majority Brexit Referendum vote ? The Independent was one of those arch-hypocrite newspapers; and still oppose it. Appalling!

I want him to lose just because of my fellow Black african american living in the usa. They need Freedom

😂😂😂 He won't lose. 🇺🇸

Hyperbole. If democracy really died today, then how could Trump lose in November? You guys are a pathetic joke. 🤣

The Independent: This is the fault of the Democrats from the beginning they went all out to remove him from office if they had not have done that it might have been a different story. Democracy just died that must be the Democrats a failed party?

Leftist propaganda

Can the fearmongering please stop? I've been hearing this same hysteria since Bush/Cheneyac. To quote Obama: 'Stop whining.' Please.


The result was literally 5 mins ago... a pre-prepared salty opinion article? It’s almost as if you knew the whole thing was total BS, beforehand 🤔

Democracy? USA / Brazil 👇🏽

, you are not independent

Trump is going to win!!! By ALOT!!!

When you come at the King, you best not miss.

Lest you forget, realDonaldTrump.... ImpeachmentVote

Do you know what democracy is?

Salty tears 😂 Don’t worry about it ladies. He won’t lose 👊🏻

Except he will not lose... sadly.

But I suppose there will be a 'Peoples Vote' right?

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