'One million people' march in London to demand second EU referendum

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People's Vote campaigners hail the march as one of the biggest protests in UK history as they call for a final say over Brexit.

Other speakers at the rally included Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Tory peer Lord Heseltine, Mayor of London Sadiq Khan and MPs from the newly formed Independent Group.

The London march began at Hyde Park Corner before passing Trafalgar Square and Whitehall and ending in Parliament Square, where the area filled up before some marchers had even set off.


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1million did, but 65million didn’t, do the sums.... we’re leaving, that was what the public voted !

The majority of which did not speak english....the people voted to leave......just leave!

17.4m people voted to LEAVE

Lets keep voting until remain gets its way.

I thought it was a march for people to vote on the deal, a 2nd referendum isn’t on the table

17,400,000 demand they shut up and respect the result.

Someone’s telling porky’s

This is almost as ludicrous as the lauding of a petition which actually shows 12 million less people want to remain in the EU.

And over 17 million voted 2 come out of the EU!!!

Traitors to democracy.

If the referendum result gets overturned then this country will see a real march! WaitAndSee

We have already had one it is to leave, 😡

at first I thought the london marathon was a bit early this year !? to be fair I have just woken up !

Was it a million though 🤔

Pray tell me why

Undemocratic majority are foreigners

CarelBrendel 54 miljoen NIET.... das nou Democratie

Come back to us when another 16.4 join them then. All your bullshit ‘poll’ figures suggest many more would vote remain, yet all your replies to these kind of ‘ please lets remain’ tweets you constantly put out suggest something very different LeaveMeansLeave

British are fickle minded. How many referendums you want.

Does out weight the leavers vote.

Still 16.4 million short

I smell 💩

😂😂😂😂only million, what was the point in that ? Did you all stamp your feet and have tantrums and wear silly blue and yellow star flags, if you love the EU leave the uk, you won’t be missed

Not every one listened to either side and made their own minds up which way to vote. And we should respect the out come. So grow up. You don’t always get what you want in life.

Yet 2.3 million Londoners voted Remain. Where were they yesterday? They couldn’t all have been in Waitrose, surely? Perhaps a lot have changed their minds.....?

Who was doing the counting Diane Abbott sad bunch


What happens if there is a second vote and the result is leave just saying

The team is so pro remain it beggars belief! 1 million is a long way off! Pissing in the wind comes to mind! Brexit NoDealBrexit

johntrew888 FakeNews

Christ even Steve Cogan was there, tbf he needs all the viewers he Can get. Would they respect a leave demo?

Tell them to keep marching to the Euro tunnel to their promised land, then brick it up 😊👍

brb buying a plane ticket rn

17.4 million people happy with the first result.

I didnt believe my vote would make a difference at the start (corruption etc.) and neither option made sense with the facts... others like me who now have those truths/facts to hand want to vote, to be counted, to be heard, to make the difference. Please hear us now ❤

I want to remain as I love being part of Europe but at the end of the day our country had a vote based on democracy, we need to respect that or what is the point? It’s our politicians that are making BREXIT a laughing stock, they are pathetic & an embarrassment to us. Getonwithit

Think green

One million ppl who don’t understand what a one off referendum means! I cant believe that that many ppl don’t understand what a one off referendum ment. We need to educate ppl more. So many uneducated, sore losers out their...

Just like the million who voted against the Iraq war.

17 million people did not. End ex.

Cry baby tits 👍

Is their petition also hijacked by automated bots like their last one was found to be? More importantly, the petition is led by the same woman who made death threats to the theresa_may . Question is, will this country now start giving into terrorism?...

Don’t look like a million to me. Maybe 100000. Maybe being generous. Probably 10000

Fuck that the vote was to leave just get on with it whiners, we have had enough role on the 29th lets be free

That’s a lie. Produce a video of a million people

Which part of you bloody lost do you lot not get.

67m did not join them. What does that tell you?

I can't help but wonder just how many of those bleating today didn't bother their lazy arses to even go out and vote in the referendum. Quite a high percentage I bet.


Odd the other headlines said 10’s of thousands, a bit short of a million. There wasn’t enough coaches, trains etc to get that many people there apparently so stop exaggerating

It was 250 thousand.

Strangely undemocratic, let's have the bests of three

No they didn't, 200,000 maximum.

How many losers?

It's what Fascists do.. Demand a 2nd referendum because they lost the first..!

15 million remainers didn't and 17 million leaversdidn't , this is not the British people speaking it's a minority

within politics. Her arrogance, mockery and sarcasm are unbearable and nobody within the Conservative Party wants to take her on. Horrific Prime Minister, horrific Conservative Party, horrific situation in GB ......

Imagine the carnage if there was a second vote. There would be riots. Or the leave votes do a march next then the remain do another March then the leave etc. It’s silly. As the new petition says let’s have a rematch of 1066 and the battle of Hastings. It’s silly.

An incredible march .. I don't think however that it will have much effect on Theresa May. She is ' above' the normal people who are desperate for a second referendum. She lives a life of lies and pathetic leadership. Actually, she has no ability to lead, negotiate or to work

1 million 😂😂😂😂 getalife

What a bunch of ant democratic kidullts.

Voting will mean nothing then! So we have a massive vote and now as some people want another one we should vote again. It’s not even a majority,it’s a split still. London is not England !! Far far from it.

That’s poor, so the other 15 million are now Brexiteers?

While 17 million leavers got on enjoying their weekend

20 coaches from Yorkshire lol almost as many as the EU parliament drag back and forth at much greater expense. May listens to winners not losers that's her job.

17.4 million marched to the ballot box let me know when you match this leavetheEu


Grimsby Town are using the same counter as used in the London march and are pleased to announce the attendance today was 76,345. A record!!

Ah ffs not again

‘one million’ who are not mature enough to accept a democratic vote. Got it!

What a turnout. I managed to get this pic. Everyone in this pic voted to revoke article 50! Honest. PutinHelpedMePutItToThePeople

Sky News would say it was a million if it was half that number. And if a Brexit march had a million they would say it was a hundred thousand. Because Sky News reflects the Establishment and not the majority of the British People who voted for Brexitr

More people bought a shit coffee they didnt need in london today, wheres the point

Doesn't matter if 50 million marched it changes nothing for get on with it it's impossible to take back now the people voted nobody would vote again!🤣

Why? Nothings even happened with the first

And a million people who wasted their time.

Biggest protest was 17.4m putting two fingers up to the arrogant elite and voting Leave.

These will be the same people who rack up at a demo to protest against the likes of Russia and Zimbabwe denying its people a free democratic vote 🙄


One Million My Arse....

16 million short.

BREXITDREAM v BREXITREALITY and many politicians showed us how naive and power hungry they were going for an exit based on lies! Democracy would be an informed vote based on many facts - not a vote based on the dreams of the few!

What balls

EXCLUSIVE: LosersMarch official counter revealed.

Where they tagged ? Be careful what you wish for what if the vote was still to leave ? 3 rd 4 th boy coming up !!

Fuck the lot of them .

And only 200 bothered to turn up for Farage's leave march


How many? This is a quarter million....

Scotland will be next if this happens ?

So the 'one million people' headline has been written on the back of organisers estimates Sky, as fake as you are, even you can't believe that figure - Wembley Way on cup final day looks much busier and that's 90 thousand fans - you're expecting us to believe today was 11x

I am expecting John Ryley the lisping dwarf and your organisations editors to be charged with incitement,treason against democracy, and country's democratic process& attempting to bring down an American President thorough lies and propaganda. I expect you will be looking at 10yrs

Which and whose estimates are you using ? If you can’t substantiate figures why are you using them?

1million ? 😂

Pls sign and RT:

And what happens if these muppets get their way and we have a second referendum and they win the vote this time, do we have a decider in a few years time ? 🙄

They march to support the urbanisation of the countryside and the destruction of UK wildlife by unrestrained population expansion!

More bull shit from sky news nothing about the leave demand is they.

Lol, not even 10% of the people that voted to leave.

They march to support population expansion in the UK and the inevitable destruction of the British countryside and wildlife as a consequence!

Nowhere near a miliion. But don't let that get in the way of the propaganda 👍

Fake news........ independent sources say only 160k attended. Who counted for you Sky? Dianne Abbott?



March, they couldn’t even form an orderly queue

These fools surely must have mental health problems?! I actually pity them.

If that’s what a million people look like. Manchester United get that many at every home match

Why not go to EU & Ask for better deal.

Yeah and? There are 17m people that demand Brexit.

Sky News is biased and bent. We've all noticed volume levels on interviews with leavers and remainers. And how hosts let remainers talk over leavers. You're the epitome of fake news.

Waste of time. The 500 remain mps lied .

I demand not to have one. Waste of their time.

One million people who wasted their Saturday

One million snowflakes

17.4 million VOTED to leave.... no demanding necessary

1 million? Fake news.

Hahahahaha 1 million people. Seen more in bramall lane

Start going to spec savers or learn to count

17.4 million voted Leave, without the sponsored walk. NEXT..

Haven't seen so many beta males and baby carry blankets in one place.

If you want BREXIT you must join UKIP now, there can be no limp excuses about TR being associated with them. UKIP is the only party currently in a position to deliver, if your serious about BREXIT you will use your keyboard to join, not just to bitch! It's £30 for the year.

17.4m has a sit down protest across Ikeas, Football Stadiums, Home, Restaurants etc for Leave but I don’t see you reporting about that! Biased

Demand all they want ,the people voted leave already, pointless protests from pointless socialists.... democracy already spoke

Are you sure it’s a million? I doubt it .

Never going to happen,the vote has been done & we WILL be leaving the E.U.


So there are a million people in the UK that reject democracy.

Ah bless. If only more had turned out on 23/6/16 they wouldn't have to bother with this pointless protest.

I million idiots who can't accept they lost. So sad..

Abbott counts better than you muppets.


What about a second Scottish independence referendum 😊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

And 17.5 million voted to leave

Probably ends up being less than 200k and all white.. middle class.. and public sector..

You do remember that quite a few more people voted to leave the EU and the gov don't seem to take notice of them. So what makes this lot think they will be heard? 🤣

And 17 million voted out

Got a head count from an unbiased source? Won't be a million that's for sure.

100 😂

17 million voted to leave 👹

So still a minority then

1 million losers

Bolide explosion of 173 Kiloton occurred over Bering Sea

My only problem with previous referendum was all the lies about money staying home. Campaign with sick videos of A&E etc. It is known fact this was PROPAGANDA and MANIPULATION - a lie for which no one is being prosecuted. I’m convinced a lot more people would have voted remain...

Who counted them?

17.4m sat at home knowing they've won.

When brexit doesn’t happen I hope you got a lot of got news teams ready for the discontentment this may cause

Think a RE COUNT would be in order !! Shocking mathematics LeaveMeansLeave

New world record for the biggest mass tantrum in one place for not getting your own way. The losers march


So wat 17 million point 4 voted to leave pratts

Yip the remainers march because the vote never went there way, what about the 18 million who voted to leave?should they march as well

point less

That will be overstated by 75% going by previous LosersVote estimates

Don’t you mean losers...🤔

Who gives a fuck, why should we care when over 17 million are ignored, why the hell should we pay attention to these remoaning marchers, tell me why.... These remainers are dividing the country, the longer this goes on the the more anger and division builds...

Wat a load of Bolitics!

65 million didn’t!

Yes but f they lose the next vote will they protest again and again and again.

Apparently due to not having 2 million they want another march as first one didn't work

Lets count them together, 1 2 3.... how on earth do you count how many? Think of a number, double and add...

17.4m have previously demanded leave. 🤔

No they didn’t !

If referendum happens democracy dead

Statistics provided by Diane Abbot!

DO YOU STILL NOT UNDERSTAND 17 MILLION MORE VOTED LEAVE!!!!!!!!!! Pathetic attempt to spin a narrative you are supposed to be non bias

Don’t talk rubbish 1 million

If there’d have been another 16.5 million of em this would be interesting 👎👎👎

Has anyone mentioned to these plonkers that we’ve already had a referendum

What ~NOT THE 4 MILLION petition signers ~or the 48% who voted remain. STILL a Long way Short of 17.4 million~But with msm support & Self serving MPs=give it 5 yrs more of this Crap & Remoaners may catch up, with Silent Majority, who dont jump on Free transport for day in London!

Who counted them Diane Abbott

Poor babies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 they didn’t get their way! 🤣🤣🤣😢

Not quite 17.4 million then


16 million short

There must be no re-vote on Brexit, otherwise democracy is forever dead in the UK and it’ll be pointless ever voting again! If any political party gained power but 51% of the country decided we don’t like them, can we demand another vote, NO! So get over it. We’ve voted already!

200,000 actually

Breaking News : If vote leave wins again do we get another march?

Well 17milliom voted out so do one fuck the 🇪🇺

And over 17 million would march to ensure they uphold democracy if it was ever needed 🙄🙄

One way to waste a day.

48% of uk chose to leave, why is this even a thing... Where are the other 47 million...

How's about they just march into the ocean instead

1 million!? Nah I think there was surely atleast 12 billion

Is that all?

17,410,742 people ( The actual & irrefutable number ) demanded to leave the EU by democratically voting to do so. That was 16,410,742 more people than this supposed march of a 'million'. Such facts kind of make this march look pointless, silly and a waste of time don't they Sky?

Will any newspaper or media outlet ever report this...? It looks like a VERY clear case of Tory Party Conservatives anti-Semitism.

Will we get it though

One million ? Where's the rest?

Leave supporters on twitter having a great time disputing the numbers this week. First the petition, then the march. Difficult to admit the tide might be changing. Bless them.

Well at least they had a nice day. 🔔🔚s

If they have a second referendum hopefully the 52% that voted to leave last time will vote again and then when we have the same result what are you dickheads going to do demand another vote?

only 200,000 turned up for the peoples march , just 200,000 .....!

Yawn 😴

So how many tens of millions does that mean stayed home?

we the people the 17.4 million want our FREEDOM from the corrupt EU

Lets hope they take all their shit home with them.

995,000 of them from the EU and too lazy to apply for citizenship.

I'll stick with the 65million who didn't then 🙄

London isn't the whole of UK though

Lol! the numerical skills of the media has never been very good.

16 million more and we'll talk 🤣🤣👏👏🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️

How many marched there way to the polling Stn 3 yrs ago ?

You only said hundreds on your news report at lunchtime. Been found out now have you?

It’s like a narcissists convention 😳

Who's counting? Diane Abbott?

We had the 2nd Referendum in 2016. 1st one was in 1974. 🤗

I love how the leave camp is all against peoples democratic right to protest. It proves how scared they are. And this is coming from someone who couldn't careless now if we stay or go.


The march is over now so can we all get back to living our lives and reading some real news instead of reading about 1m people who voted remain marching for remain

Sky officially verifies the march numbers today & that they are all British eligible voters, just like they did on the last one & proven wrong!!

One million.😂😂😂

I demand a recount 😂👍

900,000 were out shopping, you fool's 😊 brexit

British media starting to lose credibility with all the mass hysteria with remainers. If they were to even start to look at things from positive angles and believe in the country things would be much better. Also presuming is going to change its name to SkyBrexit too

We worked that figure out before. There is no way that it was more than around 300,000 people. Why continually exaggerate?

In a few week will get adjusted figure like last time.. sky peddling there own agenda again

This lot of remoaners will keep demanding referendums until they get the answer they want

So these sad pathetic dummy spitters have had their petition, they've had their march in London, what will they decide to do when we eventually leave?

Blah blah blah you lost ffs

While 17million sat at home laughing at them

17.4 million people demand we leave the eu. Sad sad sky.

Who was counting!? 🤨

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I didn’t realise we had 1 million idiots in this country

17.4 million people the biggest turn out for an election in history and its trying to be ignored the media is so biased and so is parliament big business and celebrity backing for EU Mafia What do we want OUT When do we want it Now

Again....well short of the 17.4 million who voted to leave. Most of these marchers just fancied a chance to be on the TV. We’ll no doubt see them waving at the cameras smiling & taking selfies later. If it was a protest of any worth, there would be Millions marching. There isn’t

only need another 16.4 million.

Nothing better to do 💤 sore losers

17.2m voted leave!!

17.4m vote to leave EU: ignored, 1m clowns walk in crime riddled mess of a town: sky news coverage

I take it you counted every single one then

'one million' 🤔 Cry babies

30 million voted in the last referendum.....not sure one million shouting for another is gonna cut it....

Strange BBC usually up the figures for ratings,maybe sky wants to be the biggest liars in the media.!!!!

66.8 million people live in the UK. 1 million (if accurate) choose to spend their Saturday walking about in London. 65.8 million decide to go about their normal Saturday business. Apparently the 1 million is significant and the 65.8 million is insignificant. 🤔.

1 million 😂...1/16th of those who lost the original vote turn up to sulk.

What a March just think soon you can buy some British shoes to replace your worn out soles


If you have a 2nd referendum & remainers win it's only democratic to have a 3rd & deciding referendum. But then, as uk democracy will have been shot to pieces, which side has to accept anything in the future!

And 😎

A million people with bugger all better to do on a Saturday

You ARE funded by Soros

Over 1 million people! Who was counting? 🤔

They had their vote and can now jog on!

Not enough of them got up and voted remain nearly three years ago and some of them were probably in that march today.

...and a third a fourth a fifth etc...

Still not enough

That is complete lies. 200k max

Very undemocratic, promoting anarchy I’d say

So 15 million of the people who voted remain couldn't be bothered to show up? Doesn't say great things about that movement.

'One Million'

Waste of a good walk...

Power to the real voice of Britain, decent , proper people, not ye scummy racists etc! This is what our country is about

Mob intimidation


And if you want to stay in.... Sod off to France 🇫🇷

I hope you report the march to leave next Friday or will you keep it quiet like always. Out means out

They have marched. Now they have all got it out their systems. Move on now please and let's just get on with the final process.


I’m sure a million people marched against the Iraq war, remember how that turned out!

Still short by 16.5 million

1 million Londoners , I wonder how london voted in referendum?🤔 Theres life outside the M25 you clowns !🤡🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤔

One Million? And yet 4M+ supposedly signed a petition?!!!!!

Awww bless em, they probably didn't have anything useful to do.

They couldn't understand at first give them second chance

If May now gets her bill past the House next week, they will so pissed off they wasted their Saturday 😂

Thats a big tantrum

You giving that a lot of coverage no coverage for london 110000 death as a direct result of conservative policy dwp figures. No coverage for the 1.9 million OAPs 4 million children living in poverty never a word. But you like a march led by the bombers. Mike Grapes Chris Leslie

I doubt that figure

1 mill my hole 🖕🏼

A march to kill democracy, shameful

Best of Luck.

According to Dianne's crowd counting

1 million 😀😀😀, yeah....... sure.

Such a shame there were,so few of them relatively pointless gesture Now if it had been 17.4m they could've claimed a possible moral victory

I’m confused...... I thought the nation wanted to surrender to the EU.

So if the remainers obtain and then win a second EU referendum, those who voted leave would be justified in asking for a 3rd referendum.

About 250k

So if we have a second referendum and remain wins does that mean we need another one? Because that would be 1-1 so surely best of 3 then isn't it?

Over 16 million voted Remain, what does this march prove other than that they never accepted the referendum result? And the 2nd Ref they want wouldn’t have an option for the original Leave voters to choose other than May’s deal, which is near enough Remain.

So, 1 million on the streets, 4.5 million on the petition. That leaves 12 million to go. Then again, the online petition can be voted for more than once by the same person. And I'm fairly certain PM said she'd ignore the online petition anyway.

I enjoyed CNNs characterization of tens of thousands lol. People arent blind. Just the media when it doesnt follow their narrative

So nice to see so many British flags! Where has our country gone...who are these people that want foreign rulers?

90k according to the police

26 million short then!

Let me get this straight, people are marching against the will of the people for an anti democratic vote to revoke a democratic one, in order to not leave an undemocratic totalitarian regime? Wow that's well fucked up!!!

Sad gets u lost in the referendum

Who counted them Diane Abbot.

Bull Sh!t

Powerful forces will not let you leave even though you had an election to do so.

“65million people did not call for 2nd referendum”

Who was counting? HackneyAbbott ?

Have you hired Diane Abbott to do the head count? Now divide that number by 4

SO WHAT!!!!!!! NO F...ING DEAL!!!

Cry babies


Amazing....let's hope theresa_may listens PutItToThePeople 10DowningStreet

Still not 18 million though is it?


I voted remain but I’m willing to bet if we had a second referendum leave would win by more.

Flood warnings downstream as the tears of a million* cry baby remaoners cause the Thames to rise by 5 feet *figure claimed by the ‘organisers’

Looks more like 8-10 million.

Sky News = fake news

That was a waste of time then :) brexit

17 million voted what is a million gonna do

Ok let’s forget about the referendum

We have voted already to leave. Let us get on with it!

Why would the government take any notice of 1 million people when they’ve ignored 17.4 million...there’s a thought for you!


this is just how nazi germany started , i'll do the silly walk !

No there is not FakeNews

How come the bbc report hundred of thousands and once again sky over inflate the truth for there own agenda !!!

one million not but doesn't speak for the 17.4 million plus that voted leave

We had a referendum it was a democratic decision by the voters of this country. Remainers lost. Accept and move on we dont live in north Korea were we live in a democracy .

Breaking news Anna_Soubry was doing the counting. Numbers reduced by Half to account for double vision. 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃 TigGinClub

I take it that’s the same million who wanted to leave in the first place? badlosers

Fraction of the people who reside in the uk

It looks like it’s been snowing in London

Its done there will be no further vote get out

Yeah 1 million yeah course it was 🤥

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