Nissan to 'pull' making new model in UK

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Nissan 'U-turn' expected on new X-Trail SUV in Sunderland


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BBCWorld which nice scelet for car

After our exit from Europe, the government have to change the way the BBC is operated and funded.

David Cameron having set the Brexit confusion is now sitting on his ass, never to be seen again.

Can someone point me to the article that confirms the decision was Brexit related?

I love this. They're not even European. Well done, Sunderland. Wise choice

Oh, I love these daily news items that demonstrate the many benefits of Brexit. 😡

No jobs are being lost, none exist yet. Its all due to Diesel cars being gradually removed from the road.

Nissan the close sunderland car plant with the loss of 7,000 , not because of brexit BUT because of TORY anti business policies , fact .....!

Then that new model needs to either be banded from sale in the UK, or have a massive import duty added to its cost

Using brexit as an excuse to get a handout from the government to stay. Car sales are down because of the upcoming withdrawal of diesel this is just a way to get a handout to compensate.

BBC propaganda - British Bullshit Corporation - It all about the diesel scandal and not Brexit


Good on them!!

The usual cowardly 'insider' type leak to see how the news is received before a decision is made.

So what problems do Nissan have with production of cars outside the EU? None. Funny how suddenly Brexit is an issue. Roll on March 29th. nodeal

Didn’t Sunderland vote, almost unanimously, to leave the EU? Is this a case of the turkeys voting for Xmas?

Like a 61% kick. In your own balls.

Nissans parent company is Renault .

Most companies building diesel cars are seeing sales fall due to the Germans fiddling emission. Of course, if you want another dose of money from the EU blame Brexit.

Well at least this time it’s not an auto manufacturer moving manufacturing to Turkey on the back of an £80m EU provided loan 😏

Not political at all! Renault, French, own Nissan?

Don't worry people...once we have left we will sign loads of deals. We can just undercut the EU. No worries here.

Nissan reassured people before the referendum that a Brexit vote would Not effect be the plant in the uk. They were planning to a new model.

Jukes of Hazard.

Sometimes I think the penny might drop, scales will fall from brexiter eyes, fingers will be removed from ears and common sense will prevail. Then I realise that will never happen and project fear will become project treachery.

Sunderland voted for Brexit , now its😥😥😥😥😥😥

By not wasting resource on the X Trail that barely sells in the UK or Europe they are continuing to focus on Qashqai that is their biggest seller. Forget the propaganda it’s just smart business

I hope 'taking back control' for Sunderland was worth it

Would I be right in saying that this area of the UK voted heavily in favour of leaving the EU?

Fake News!!! It’s all lies... la la la la la la!! *fingers in ears* Brexiteer manual: Rule 1

Hardly a U-turn, when it's theresa_may 's inability to steer the 'Brexit ship' in one direction for more 5 minutes, that's the real problem here. Nissan were lied to and why shouldn't respond appropriately but hey as long as the Tory party is ok hey Theresa.

Well I have current model and it's an awful car. Worst I've ever had. Maybe nobody wants them.

Sheer speculation and fake news !

More negative comments from the BBC & they have the nerve to ask for a license increase. Are we going to be blackmailed or held to ransom by all the major manufacturers? When Brexit happens there should be an inquiry should take place into the BBCs handling of this.

Diesel and large 4x4 sales might well be reducing but skills like this plant produce are difficult to replace

I recently was invited by Nissan to visit their showrooms with a view to updating my lovely 2006 XTRAIL. I asked them what they thought would happen if we left the EU with no deal. Their answer was that they couldn't wait for the massive increase in Nissan Sales!!

Bring back BL 😂👍🏻

I'm from Sunderland I was embarrassed when the vote came out it wasn't economics it was wholly down to immigration of which Sunderland has a small % compared to the rest of the UK. As Nissan is French owned anyone with a brain could see this coming. I have no sympathy for them.

It’s ok we won’t need cars post Brexit 🐎

Xtrail was never a volume car in any case

Wasn’t Sunderland a major “leave” majority? Well, Nissan will “leave” soon. And no, it’s not fear mongering. Factual from the company’s news. Hope that vote to leave was going to be worth it. Brexit

Well if our treacherous Government made our Emergency services by vehicles built in Britain to support our WORKERS. Brits pay emergency service personals wages not the French Swedes or Krauts. Get your bloody acts together SUPPORT BRITISH WORKERS and manufacturers

Another blow for the UK, the employees and their families and the local economy. Brexit (or not) having dire effects on the UK and still theresa_may & her puppet masters continue to disregard the impact of the perverse (corrupt even) ideology.

I seriously doubt Nissan have done a U turn just because Sunderland voted to leave the EU. Some of the comments on here are worthy of primary school 😄😄

If the BBC stopped running the leave vote down you would not have all this uncertainty

When Airbus follows they will say it’s the collapse of diesel. Brexiteer have answers to everything.

Nothing to do with brexit. No job losses.... sorry bbc, is it not about bent board being under arrest, emissions scandal, and structural decline?

Great majority of people from Sunderland backed brexit. That’s you’re brexit. Enjoy

Nothing to do with Brexit

All Brexit voters are responsible and all LabourParty who did nothing to persuade voters to be against Brexit. I will remember you all for ever. As for the PrimeMinister she is the leading brexiteer with zero vision. UKRIP

Why don't you just merge with those other pathetic unprofessional journalists at sky you were made for each other. Sad sad BBC/EBC.

I hope everyone that will be buying a new car in the next 5 or 10 years remember which companies support U.K. manufacturing. 🇬🇧

Nissan: Only clowns would have voted for Brexit in a place dependent on Japanese investment, access to single market and JIT supply chains. Sunderland: Hold my beer...

Sunderland voted to leave. All those affected at Nissan will be thankful that whilst brexiteers are taking back control they will be signing on. brexitlies

Oh deary me, who could have possibly predicted this? ;-)

Well done brexiteers in Sunderland...enjoy your shit storm. No sympathy for brexitidiots. BorisJohnson & michaelgove will plant you a money tree and Nigel_Farage will take you all for a pint

Just dont buy nissan , these companys that pull out of uk either hit them hard with import tax or dont buy their products

Nissan are only here because it was a tariff free route for selling cars into the EU. Deal or no deal that free ride is over.

It’s alright because the Brexit brigade will make it ok!

Good to see this headline was later changed to a more refreshingly honest narrative. More improved BBC stories at realBBC. Nissan brexitdebate LeaveMeansLeave

There has been rioting every Saturday in France for 12 weeks now, and basically nothing from the BBC or MSM In the 🇬🇧 we have a DNotice in operation no reporting or only to suit globalists narrative Yellowvests

This move, if it happens, has nothing what's so ever to do with Brexit. The fall in diesel engines is massive in the UK and the eu. The demand has dropped by nearly 90% that's why the xtrail will potentially be dropped in Sunderland. STOP BLAIMING BREXIT

Easy let’s stop buying Nissan’s in future.

I’ve just stubbed my toe, can I blame Brexit?

They've finally woken up to the fact that for most folk the days of putting a £30k+ Datsun on a PCP are over the horizon.

Remainstream media in overdrive!

Sunderland what did you think would happen when you voted to leave. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

If, maybe, expected, could.

Let’s hope workers who voted leave will be the ones who lose their jobs Karma They voted for it they deserve it It’s their fault

And the madness continues!

Bye then... 👋👋👋

The majority of people in Sunderland voted for Brexit. The imminent decision of Nissan is a by-product of that. The arrogance & lies that the UK was immune to basic business sense is now clear. None so blind......

Can you blame these companies? They don't know What WM is doing, WM don't know what WM is doing. Tory mess. Broken Britain.

Nothing to do with Brexit over supply in the marketplace is the problem & now they need to save money & the biggest overhead is staff. If I was in government I would suggest that the government become a partner into the plant out of the 39 billion & not over supply.

For those who did not believe, Brexit effect starts! No Project Fear! Reality!

This will go on for decades long after we have left the eu. Every glitch major or minor which would have happened anyway will be blamed on brexit. Especially by the BBC.

How much do Nissan can off May again?..May must the the softest leader of any country...

Trust the biased BBC to make big headlines on this before it’s even officially announced brexit brexitcentral

Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn has been arrested over claims of financial misconduct, the carmaker has said. Mr Ghosn, a towering figure in the car industry, will be sacked from the Japanese firm after a board meeting on Thursday, its chief executive said.

Those, who voted for Brexit, are going to love being on the dole.

We have to realise that big business does not run this country our elected politicians are supposed to do that. I hope all these companies in the future are made to pay for their decisions they are currently making.

Gammons will be happy. Thick as mince....


Diesel. It’s on its way out.

I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed bbcnews post anything positive!!!

So the company won't comment on speculation or rumours but the BBC will.

Isn’t Brexit fab for Business?

This wouldn’t be anything to do with the worldwide downturn in carsales , particularly 4WDs then ?

Some real news.

Well at least we will have blue passports.....

Production has not started , the sales of this model have tanked due to emissions ! But hey blame it on Brexit 🇬🇧

Jesus FFS. They pull the X Trail because it was shite not because of Brexit. shitecar nissansarecrap

U-turns are illegal in the UK, Nissan ✋ NissanUK P.S. Who told you to speculate about (implied) Brexit link, robyounguk? 🤔 BBCBias ProjectFear BrexitBollocks vs. BrexitReality ⚖

I thing this is something to do with politics. Let’s wait until brexit is completed and see how many other companies are paving their way to the uk.

Wait for the chorus of Brexit ministers saying 'we dont care'....

Is this speculation or has Nissan confirmed? If the former why is it in the news?

Customs union here we come

So, don’t buy their cars! If someone pisses on your doorstep, you don’t invite them in for tea. You remainers need to start “growing a pair”, and stop using Brexit as an excuse for underachieving... (makes mental note to see how long it is before one of “them” calls me a c**t 😏

BrexitGary : Brexit bc - stop blaming brexit. Brexit a.d.- it's because remainers didn't leave properly. When your a twat...the world is easy. brexit

As the sales of Diesel cars has been falling in at least 20 countries in the EU including steep falls in the UK and Germany, I suspect Brexit is being used as a handy excuse here by Nissan. I could of course be wrong but I doubt it.

The EU and Japan have just signed a FTA which covers cars - meaning they can import from Japan without being penalised

I did it myyyyy waaaay.

That's what I voted for 😲 BrexitShambles

Anything to do with the recent EU/Japan trade deal.. as they’re already made in Japan?

Bloody foreign companies

Very quick with the bad news BBC , lets hope your TV license sales drop.

When the original investment was announced the Co. said that it would involve 'hundreds' of jobs. Now the local MP is trying to give the impression that many more jobs will be involved. As the Automotive industry is suffering turndown worldwide who says this is Brexit related?

If that’s how Nissan want to play it I’ll never buy another Nissan 🤷‍♂️

There will be no British Industry left soon!

One for you remoaners blaming brexit. One automotive analyst said that falling consumer demand for diesel vehicles and Nissan's weak recent sales performance in Europe were likely to be factors in the decision.

What he means troubling news. 😂

Mmmmmmmm I’m not economist but this looks bad. Also can anyone tell me of a good thing that’s happened financially recently. All looks propper shit. I blame the remainders for not getting behind Brexit. Any psychiatrists in the room. Massive uk self harm.

Brexit to blame even if Brexit has actually nowt to do with the actual decision,Brexit will still be blamed just add salt to the wound of UK’s decision to leave the EU ! Everything like that WILL blamed on Brexit, in a masochistic kind of way,methinks !

Stop talking reality down. They need us more than they need them. Project fear.

The poor people of the North East , hoodwinked by Nige , Boris and Mogg . I suppose they’ll send them some of their millions to help them out !

Keep going Brexit, keep going😂😂😂😂😂

Faisal of Sky has gone with ‘understands’.

The collapse in diesel sales for big cars will be a key part in this.

Another massive BrexitSuccess

Killing own jobs to own the Remainers

Tell them to get out then...simple.

Told ‘ya!

Well done Brexiters .. *slow clap*

NoDealNoProblem, I guess new workers can get jobs somewhere else doing I don't know, something that might work for some

Nowt to do with the downturn in diesal sales eh? Also who buys an x trail nowadays? Finally isn't the head of Nissan in prison?

Well done theresa_may

What did people n Sunderland think would happen when they voted for Brexit ? Well know they know.

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