Labour announce backing for a second Brexit referendum

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Labour have announced they will back a second referendum on Brexit.


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Of course Russian backers do.

They will not be getting my vote come next General election We voted LEAVE. Just accept that and deal with it.

It was always on the cards. Could see it coming . Late Brexit means no Brexit

Yes, because referendums are something you just keep having until you get the result you want.

It's about time!

Does the word democracy mean anything to this knob, the people voted to leave, so we leave that’s how it works, anyone who actually thinks this dick is out to help Britain need their heads looking at! He’s a isis loving so called do-gooder

Can someone explain to me why this matters? Conservatives are in power so who cares what labour back

This will cause unrest not a good idea


Unless any second referendum has the option for a clean break from the EU, it would be the greatest denial of democracy in the UK. The repercussions of that would be felt for years to come.

JeremySteptoe they will try anything to get their way, anything.

Well that’s left Labour in the poo!

legendsofibrox Suppose to be democracy So if the vote was remain would we be having this discussion? What a complete joke 👆

We already voted!

We are doomed

Is this really the state of politics in this country. Vote and revote until losers get what they want. This is more about very poor politicians trying to get above their station

Great news.

SkyJacquie They are a now a complete and utter shambles of a political party. They are unfit to oppose the government never mind run run it.

Democratic system.... denied

Hope they go thru with it

So VOTING doesn’t work now.....

Labour are finished. No self respecting person can vote labour whilst jeremycorbyn is in power and they don't follow democracy

No he ratified brexit and now is doing a huge u turn in it. It's partisan politics

Same news as last year

Corbyn only wants number 10

Changes his mind more times than his underwear 😤

Absolute betrayal to alot of core labour voters . I have voted labour every election since I was able . Never again . Hope they get wiped out as a party next general election same as any other mp that went against the vote of their constituents

The country voted to leave. They do not give us enough credit. Do they really think that we didn't know what we was voting for? There's two words I can think of and hope they are intelligent enough to work that out.

Do you want to keep europe or Scotland

My own thoughts, brexit won’t happen there be the people’s 2nd vote & this time the establishment will make sure it wins, Scotland will get another independence vote to appease the logic behind a people’s vote, & the Scots could vote to go it alone, after the mess of Westminster

I fear That would be a very sad and troubling day for British democracy

Found out what a remoaner looks like.

And the whole of Europe will laugh at us. There will probably be conditions attached if we remain, these will favour Europe and our once great nation will become a joke. Thanks to all the politicians who don’t believe in democracy unless it suits them.

Forked tongue politicians,if we have another referendum think I might give this voting lark a miss,if this is democracy I don’t need it

Fingers crossed it will happen.

Ignore the original vote the people spoke the reason this hasn't been sorted is because of people like Corbin out for his himself not the people

It was always going to happen, if a early election is called labour would promise another EU vote in an attempt to get into power, lunatics and asylums come to mind

This destroys the entire concept of democracy. The UK already voted.

Gang of lemmings

Corbyn should answer: 1 Why he's changed his previous life-long opposition to EU? & 2 How can he & Labour MP's elected on 2017 Manifesto promise to implement Brexit, who voted for legislation saying UK leaves with/WITHOUT a deal on 29th March now within 2 yrs breach that promise?

Only if we can have a second general election if the benefit party win.

Forget the referendum labour doesn't even respect it's own manifesto promises

They just killed the Labour Party Farage Peoples Party will crush them FPP

Treacherous lefty lunatics betraying the British people again!😡

What a waste of time we are not having a second referendum the people voted please respect the result

Nobody cares what labour think. They are irrelevant now.

ozyosgood lol

hollyshortall 🙌🏻❤️

Disgusting!! Labour voters clearly voted Leave. Over 60% of their constituencies. Treachery!!

This is not democracy, 17m + people voted to leave. Act on this and do what the electorate voted for. Enough with the BS that they didn't know what they were voting for. RIP Labour Party if you go against this.

Labour are the lowest of the low 😡 I will never vote again in my life if we can’t uphold democracy Brexit

I vote best 3 out of 5

If Corbyn could be trusted (ha ha ha) then I could be tempted to take a punt ShitsAndGiggles

He finally grew a pair of balls.

Gods sake, enough!!!🙄🙄🙄

Just keep voting till they get the out come they want

a total let down to all labour leave voters I hope they remember this at next GE

And you thought the London riots were bad 😂😂😂


Wow...a twice in a generation lifetime decision.

At last the brits are beginning to see sense. The people who this will effect most (young people) will come out in their droves and vote to stay in the EU. The selfish Grey brigade are the wealthiest in society with the least to lose .

Nail in the Labour Corbyn Coffin. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Amazing as the UKLabour party heartlands voted leave.

it's the end of democracy in Britain if they have a second referendum.

Corbyn needs to resign

Smacks of ‘if I throw enough shit around, something will eventually stick’ with regards to trying to up their polling. Think this one may see a negative result

Traitorous dogs ! Actions have consequences UKLabour

All ✊🏻💦

Political suicide.

Why go back to a public vote when you haven't upheld and implemented the first one. It's all a flaming circus.

At last it's all coming together... They never wanted Brexit and now they all making sure it never happens. Might as well revoke article 50 and we'll give up democracy forever. Who's up for a British president!! 🤔😊

Like avin steptoe in charge jeremycorbyn is a total waster.

Sad old man is putting party politics first’s going to spectacularly backfire!

Yeah they have to cover the whole fence they are sitting on

Labour lied in their manifesto

What idiots!!

Ha ha the liberals are getting so desperate now it's just funny

Should have been done a long time ago. I don't think the Brits are that stupid to pul that stunt again. Nobody needs the headache.

Best of 3!!!! Leave means leave

These days, if you say you’re English, you’ll get arrested and thrown in jail.

He’s had a right Tony Blair cockneyrhymingslang SecondReferendum

All the people whining about disrespecting democracy in the comments: 1. A lot has changed since the vote. People know a lot more know. They know that pretty much every platform the leave campaign stood for was a lie. 2. The vote was never binding, it was to gauge public opinion.

R.I.P Labour

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They've had 2 years to sort this out.... No way another referendum will help. The politicians are to blame for this mess not Brexit.

That’s what u tossers wanted from the start u would certainly lose faith in the public if u done that stop going on about it and get on with it rich and famous still don’t like it because middle and lower class won this fight u rich ass holes don’t have to live with immigrants

Hahaha what a joke of a party, the biggest joke is their leader

Go away!!!

So option A leave the Eu with no deal. Option B stay in the Eu as it was before. Option C leave the the Eu with a crap deal in place that actually keeps us in the Eu. Both governments should be ashamed of themselves. Both are going to cause riots in this democratic country.

Interests of the party before the people. Just demonstrates that most politicians put themselves first above all else.

That’s a decision that will cost them any chance of victory at the next election as the labour electorate in the main voted leave and will either vote elsewhere or just not turn out

Course they do 😔 fuck the will of the people


One was enough thanks 👍

No we had one live with it

Spanners169 hope yet?

Damned if you do....damned if you don’t never going to be right answer.

Oh good! Shame that there's no majority for it in parliament and that only TheresaMay can call a second referendum and only she can say what's on the ballot. So a complete waste of time. brexit is a dead issue and now needs bringing to a close via a deal. Pointless debate.

I stopped voting labour when comrade corbyn and his ilk took over. I feel vindicated now.

I want another vote the other was based on lies and my kids need a vote as its their future everyone is messing with

How to loose votes in one easy move

YES!!! GET IN!!!! 💪🇪🇺👍 PeoplesVoteNow

Didn’t they vote for having the first one...?

That is the end of labour then, it is unconstitutional to hold another referendum with the hope that the result is different

Clutching at straws to win votes


It comes after Theresa May admitted she will not get a revised Brexit deal in time for MPs to hold a 'meaningful vote' on it this week. Instead, MPs will again get the chance to table amendments and try to alter the future course of Brexit, including attempts to extend Art 50.

If their brexit proposal doesn't pass the commons , then labour will back the 'people's vote' Did anyone read it ? Sure , you didn't!! Only thing you read was £350 million a week

we voted for out. PM is getting us out. get over it, job done, then when we are out , the negotiations can take place! can’t believe all this crap we listening to!

People's vote , the way forward.. After lies of leave campaign, imbecile and incompetent lot negotiating for the brexit, PM dancing in Africa for the trade deals, it's the people's vote which gonna decode which deal suits us. Ciao

At fucking last!


And if that doesn’t bring in the desired results, we shall bloody hell have a third referendum


Bye bye democracy

Why ? We’ve already had a referendum..end of debate !

The only problem is that the party offering a 2nd referendum is unelectable and unfit to govern. Can you imagine that lot at the wheel? Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott, Gardiner....FFS Between a very big rock and a very hard place.....

Why not just flip a coin. You could not make this bulkshit up.

Just let us leave we voted , so they are basically saying that everyone that vote “we are going to ignore your vote ,to vote again ,if it was other way around that would have been sorted but because the vote didn’t go there way they are f**king it for everyone that wanted out

KateWilliamsme Took their time 🙄

Pathetic party

Breaking News? They are backing what 2nd referendum There isn’t one to back 😂😂

Definately won't be voting Labour any more...

mcquillanator Be interesting to see how many of the Labour MPs in constituencies who voted leave will back a second vote.

Useless politicians


aint gonna happen so many mps gonna lose seats come may

Please ...

The electorate sold out by Westminster scum.

What would realDonaldTrump do? WWTD UKLabour we voted leave! Leave is what the people wanted! Hush yah pie hole, do something right for a change! Not what’s right for your own pockets and bank balance!


“This isn’t democratic!” while referring to holding a democratic vote. No wonder so many people voted for Brexit 😂

Whaaaat... Corbyn got off the fence?!!!

politicians don't like the result so let's have another vote. let's also have an election and see how many turn out for either

Maybe the U.K. will understand the question this time and listen to the truth rather than the lies. £350m back into NHS? Yep right. U.K. pays more to subsidise N.I. than it did into Europe each year. BrexitShambles brexit

So essentially the vote didn't come out the way some hoped and it's a do over. You live in a 'democracy'....

More voters slipping away from Labour......

The initial vote was ill informed. Since the vote, the amount of lies and misinformation have been brought to light and the economic impact is already being seen. What about this situation is still looking positive? The wide spread poverty? The catastrophic unemployment? Curious.

Just what we need. Don’t think it will be popular though Brexit

It will the 175th Referendum for Diane Abbott

I've never had less respect for a major political party than I have for Corbyn's Labour. Rancid 😭

If it’s for remain I want best of three, and then best of five will be needed, so just fuck off.

I’m not a Tory by any means, just a working class lady, but I just can’t bring myself to vote for corbyn, really can’t stand the idiot! The Labour Party no longer stands for the working man! HiddenAgenda

JeremySteptoe What a bloody shambles

If man u played man City in a final and man u lost could they have a rematch because they lost

Fuck it best of three UKLabour 🗳 🤔

How much longer is this going for. If there is a no deal brexit they should just keep in the EU.

No No No No we didn't ask for a second Referendum. You have to honour the first one. Remember DEMOCRACY. That is what we are here in the UK 🇬🇧

Here is a picture of that important meeting... corbyn on far left You couldn't make it up

I will never vote Labour ever again

Definitely not the way to go. What if the result comes back to say remain, we hold another referendum? Just can’t be going back and forth. Accept May’s deal and lets move on!

Again they are so far of the mark with the electorate, all anti democracy makes my blood boil

Nigel_Farage brexit party must be laughing all the way to the voting booth

As long as Jewish people aren’t allowed to vote eh Jezza?

So Brexiters if we get forced into another Referendum we Boycott it and give it no validity .

Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.

Thank goodness- let the people vote now that they know how screwed they are going to be!

God, they really are desperate for power, both major party’s are a joke

Ok, he’s following what was agreed at conference ... nothing more, nothing less . People need to pay attention and read beyond headlines!

Wow that'll make all the difference

And will this drive the myriad of companies and regulatory bodies to do a U-Turn and stay in the U.K.? What do you plan to do to resolve the divide between London and the rest of the U.K.?

RIP labour while ever he is in charge labour will never get in to no 10

About time!

So the last few Corbyn supports have been cut in half... Labour surly can’t stand by the terrorist Corbyn now?

Best out of three then !!! I'll just drop it in now !!! What happen to the once in a lifetime vote on the E U these politicians are treating us like complete fool's the majority voted out the stop squealing and do it !!or call a general election and let's get rid of these idiots

Good luck on that one😂😂😂😂

There was a vote and it was to leave time to deselect labour mp

jeremycorbyn You've just signed your parties death certificate. You are to be congratulated . . . 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


This is deadly - It’s like getting to the season end of your favorite box set only to find they’ve released another series - pure entertainment 🤗 🍿 ☺️

Labour are finished

Ignorance is showing it’s face on brexiters ‘We already voted, its undemocratic to have anthr ref..’ Let’s abolish the next G.E. After all, you ‘had ur say’ in the last 1 right What abt those who chgd their mind. Can’t their voice be heard 2? No harm in Voting leave again

Nob Ed’s.

Have voted Labour all my life but if they go against a democratic vote to leave, by having another vote, this will be the end of my Party membership and could be the last time I vote Labour

How is this helping to deliver Brexit?What would a second ref ask?No deal would have to be a question and in 6 months time back in the same position with more unproductive talks with EU.

Get on with it FFS

Last week: Corbyn goes to Brussels This week: Labour want second referendum. Common denominator is..... It isn’t our decision, it’s the EU’s.

About time they grew a back bone

How many more times. We've been through this already. 17.4 MILLION. I shall say that again. 17.4 MILLION voted already. Now can we please just get on with Brexit...

KateWilliamsme ...and?

SkyEnda Do anything to get in power...

Thats us in the north betrayed, Never getting our votes again just cause u live in that London bubble.

Democracy is one vote one outcome, anything else is a farce and would be an end to the democratic process.

DON'T VOTE LabourParty

and there democracy dies.. what a country we have become !!

61% of Labour constituencies voted leave? What an implosion.

Corbyn is a total waste of space as a politician and even worse as a party leader, he just loves playing political games,


Zzzzzzz sky ffs

🤣🤣do they now. Are they also asking for all jihadis to be returned to our shores.🤬🤬🤡🤡🤡

They must think there must be votes in it . What about the Labour supporters who voted to leave do you turn your back on them.


Cunch of Bunts

Let’s face it if there was another election who the f**k would you vote for? You cant trust any of them these days.

If a second referendum is called I would quite happily start a revolution to dissolve all parliament, the people have spoken now do your dam jobs and get it done

And this is why Brexit hadn't been sorted. Too many politicians serving their own agendas. Had you accepted democracy then Brexit wouldn't be as fucked as it is now. The Queen should remove all of you from her government. Embarrassing

We had our referendum first if you have second referendum about leaving Europe which most of Scotland voted to remain it's only fair we get a second shot at independence first. Only fair first come first served and all that indy2

Hahahahaha! It's like the Grand Old Duke of York!

They want a losers vote they aren’t getting it we already had the vote leave won why can’t people just accept democracy and move on and stop moaning like children.

There goes more credibility and votes. Well done Comrade Corbyn.

FFS we've had one........ the country voted.... end of.

Labor betraying the people yet again.

If this is some sort of cunning plan to stop Labour splitting itself down the middle then they've successfully split the country down the middle even further. anothervote morechaos

DSSGBR Labour?. Who where they?.

Be honest who didn't see this coming? 😂

I just don’t find Corbin or Labour as a whole a strong party. That being said I don’t think any of them are good enough.

Labour couldn't back a winner in a one horse race 🐴🤣

And labour staggers into another huge tactical blunder. You couldn't make it up how inept and clueless they are. Presume it's intended to stop others leaving when they'll simply be annihilated at the next GE. They now have condemned themselves to being in opposition for decades.

Has anyone told Jeremy?

LIES!!! Party before Country. Corbyn is coming to heel in a bid to prevent more MPs jumping ship.

Holy shit

So we don't live in a democratic society then. The 17.5 million will demand a 3rd...If it doesn't go our way. ..etc

Rock, scissors, paper for the next one then!

If all my Northern friends could re-tweet this, that would be great.

Brexit means Brexit. We voted to leave, don't be undemocratic pillocks and accept the majority's vote.

Hopefully 40+ yrs after the last one has been implemented

They have done since conference last year.... this isnt new news

Are they hoping that we'll vote to remain and this headache will just go away?

Corbyn is a man who cant look foward,just keep voting until the answer changes notgonnahappen

It’s all about trying to get the first referendum overturned. Democracy in this country has well and truly finished. It’s only democracy when we give them the answers Parliament want.

I will never vote Labour again.

At least they have made a decision. Either way the party is screwed because of the division of leave and remainers. The could be said for the Tories too. The whole thing is a mess regardless of your vote.

Surprise Surprise

I’m all for a 2nd referendum , but I bet there won’t be a simple remain/ leave box to tick?

Corbyn proving he is a two faced arrogant man yet again. Hitler would be so proud of him and his shadow cabinet. Sad sad sky.

Here we go, bit late in the day isn’t it? JeremyCorbyn just wanting to cause trouble again....

Of course they do. Yawn.

This is democracy . Not a best of 3 !! Absolute baloney .

That dumpster fire Theresa May has had two years to work out a deal, she's failed big time so the adults have stepped up. I'm a remainder but I'm also not a single issue voter. I still support Corbyn.

athen3579 I bet the mainstream media do not put it to Labour that this could be seen as a betrayal by millions of their core voters.

Time throw the whole Brexit experiment in the sea and RevokeA50. Too many more important things to spend time and money on.

So Corbyn allegedly wanted to remain originally (although he was absent for most of the campaign!) now he wants a 2nd referendum! More party political posturing!

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, never going to happen. brexitshappening.


Could have done this months ago but wanted to create maximum damage,wankers.

As a labour leave voter I am dismayed and disgusted in the new stance, you have forced my vote among many many others who looked to you to implement leaving the EU. I will never vote labour again!

About f-ing time. Good gods, get it together (said the American living in constant shame and panic)

Disgusting. 2 years of foot stamping and tantrum throwing by the Remoaners, and Corbyn caves. They're like badly behaved spoiled children, and should be treated as such.

A vote is worth nothing.

Bastards, I'll never vote Labour again.

People celebrating democracy being ignored by our public servants, great... 🙄

Time for theresa_may to call a General Election! This proves irrevocably that UKLabour cannot be trusted with respecting democracy and governing the nation!

I won’t vote for Labour if they support this. The votes been had and most Labour constituencies voted leave!

I voted to remain and think brexit still has the potential to be a disaster . However a second referendum is political suicide as a vote was done and it just means democracy is dead and we will keep having votes till the one that’s favourable with the powerful few gets picked

Who cares what labour says..they want to let a terrorist back in to Britain ..they don't my vote ever

Hahahahaha the peoples jeremycorbyn has played a blinder here 😂😂 bravo

democracy RIP - proof your vote means nothing

That sad scruffy gimp will do anything to gain popularity 🙄

Sure just keep going until ye get the right answer!

Bye bye UKLabour

Too little, far too late.

Maybe a 3rd then a 4th until u get the result u want 😂

There finished

Great news! Let's see if the leave campaign can do it legally this time.

We need to get away from being asked questions about bullying and anti semitism in the party …… boom back 2nd referendum 👌

Jeremy is a very confused party leader with very little leadership qualities

Labour selling their core vote out.


So the question on the paper is vote with TM deal or vote for no deal. No remain option needed as we already voted on this one. No splitting the leave vote so remain win !

So much for the working class labour voters but then again Corbyn only interest in the layabouts and anyone who hates the country

JeremySteptoe Few MP’s strip off and he turns like a proper worm. Desperate to be PM at any cost. Good luck in all those leave Labour towns 🤣🤣

Ha ha! I’m looking forward to the fall out from this. *opens popcorn* 🍿

All Labour supporting Brexiteers now need to find their voices & let their Labour MP's know in no uncertain terms that they will lose their support if they follow this treacherous & suicidal route.

Nobody cares, won't listen to commies who love terrorists.

Why do we need a second vote ,we’ve voted once ,I won’t vote for labour again ,well done Jeremy you plank ,labour will never be in government,whilst ever he’s in power .labour ignoring democracy....

Reckon it should be a best of 3

Shock! If the Tories said the sky was blue, Labour would say it was green and vice-versa! This isn't news, it was always going to be the case! If May said she wanted a 2nd ref, Corbyn would campaign against it! Pathetic

All the brexit bots are exploding with rage lol

Then when the result is something we don't like we will want another referendum as we like throwing our toys out of the pram when we lose gone r the days respecting democracy & being a fair loser I will never vote again as this proves he politicians don't listen to democracy

Better late than never.


May right now!

the long awaited True betrayal is almost upon us. You are witnessing the death of democracy in slo-mo.....

I wouldn’t vote ever again if they run a second one, remainers are the same as the politically correct liberals who operate the stupid practice at schools these days, no there’s no winners and losers, just competitors 😡😡😡

About time remain

Lying scum with no respect for democracy,I can't wait for the next General election to teach these people a lesson

Who would have thought that ? Just when he has returned from his meeting in Brussels with Junker and his cronies, Corbyn backs another referendum, I wonder what they promised him ?

This guy lives in the Twilight Zone doesn't he? I am a Remainer and even I don't want another bloody referendum!

Another nail in the Labour coffin

MI5 should of killed this looney left dickhead years ago. Once again he's showed he doesn't know what he's doing.

Betraying the working class again. Lol.

Finally...... but is this too late

Surely WTO brexit would need to be on the ballot paper

We’ve already voted get lost

destruction of democracy


Traitors to the people.need to bring these treacherous bastards down no one will vote for them again

All this because Komrade Korbyn thinks he can one day become PM.... in his dreams


British people watching democracy being snatched from them. Don't allow it. Get out on the streets and protest. Peacefully, but make sure they know. They being those that were defeated on a fair and free vote. Brexit

Then a third & a fourth.. or until they get a vote that keeps us in the EU. And never again will us oiks be allowed that opportunity again !!! Democracy is dead

Your politicians will diddle you out of Brexit for sure. So much excitement for nothing...😇

They are beyond desperate. 2017 manifesto promised to deliver Brexit when all they really care about is getting their grubby loony left cultist paws on the keys to no.10. Corbyn you’ve been sussed out and you’re finished and so are your rotten cult. Good riddance

A complete and utter betrayal of the millions of Labour voters across the north of England and in Wales who voted to leave the EU.

Interesting, more information please. What questions will be put forward, I wonder, May’s deal, Corbyns deal, Remain Maybe 🤔

ne0liberal watch Brexit win again

NO WAY. NO DELAY. If there is a delay then I want a General Election and I will not vote for Conservatives AGAIN for ditching Brexit or vote labour for pretending to support Brexit

Bottle job Corbyn. Just for votes

I welcome this, with caution. Option to Remain must be on the ballot. Would also like to see finalsayforall - the last vote was hopeless undemocratic and disenfranchised the five million people most affected. jeremycorbyn the3million BritishInEurope

Labour and Jeremy Corbyn turn their backs on 17.4 million hard working people. We can never trust them to truly trust them again. At least Theresa May is trying to deliver the outcome of the referendum. If she fails only the Brexit Party will represent us.

We voted get over it labour am a joke that idiot corby doesn’t know what he wants, stick your vote let’s leave,

Well at least all the working class Brexiteers like my self won’t be voting for them again😂

Just a question: when does it end and become justified democracy? What if after a second referendum, the other party wants a 3rd and the other a 4th etc?

Treacherous bastards ! Will never vote labour again !

Yes lets have a referendum they are ALWAYS a good way of getting a clear decision, what could possibly go wrong?

Whoopy bloody do. I'll remind u it aint thier decision.

...are they assuming that the people are too stupid to know what they voted for the first time...?

Sky news wanking it's self silly over 2ref.. no leaver can keep a sky package or vote Labour now...No by elections, just a good bye to Democracy. As long as no deal no cash is on it..

Ahhhh the Labour Party. 💩ing all over the votes and voices of 17.4 million people and committing political suicide in the process. You’ll only get the chance if any,to push for a second referendum if you’re voted into power. I think we and safely say 17.4 million times 🖕you!!

JonD99 The biggest suicide note in history.

Not happening and labour know this hence why they are support this.

He was for the chop pretty soon anyway, this should accelerate the process nicely... Lovely 👍🏻

I'll still vote for Brexit.İll never buy any European cars or motorcycle and see how they like it.Selling my BMW bike and moving to Japanese bikes.Screw them.

Huge percentage of labour constituencies voted leave ! Does this bloke not listen to anyone even his own voters ?

I guess it’s easier to call for a second referendum when you know it’s actually not going to happen.

So the Nazi Party better known as The Labour Party are showing their true colours

I’ve voted in the referendum! WE VOTED TO LEAVE ARE YOU THICK? Oh know you work in parliament!

Labour abandon democracy and demand repeated referendums.

Yeah and look at what else and who Red Corby has supported over the years

So if we have a 2nd vote and it goes for remain, does that make it 1-1 and we go to a 3rd deciding vote?

Mugs! Just shows how they're for the many then, the few voted to stay and now they're for the few! Labour couldn't run a bath yet alone the UK. Party of fools for the fools!🇬🇧

The End of Jezza above other than the London elite .

Yet another reason not to vote labour, obviously don’t care what the majority want..... Labour not for the many for the minority

NOW? It's taken this long before you see fit to be the opposition? Too bloody late!

bellacaledonia Wow this means labour will want Scotland to forge ahead with Indy2 referendum 👍🏻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Well done labour and jeremy and all his back office team they listened and have stood up for the national interest

The grumpy leavers are annoyed, the fanatic remainers wet thier knickers. The EU giggle and breath a sigh of relief because they know that this once proud and strong country that would have stood up to the world has lost all backbone and given in 2 the Stockholm syndrome minority

I think we should just make whoever voted leave have FUCkWIT! tattooed on their forehead. Would save a lot of time and hassle.

'ONCE in a Lifetime ,ONCE in a Generation '

JeremySteptoe I wonder what JC was promised during his EU vacation...... corruption afoot 🤡

You back it as much as you like you ain't getting one. 29th of March here we come 🇬🇧

bellacaledonia If this is the case, I wonder if anyone will actually specify what we are voting for this time? Brexit means brexit is so 2016.

Shock horror

I’m sure a majority of Labour seats voted leave. What a betrayal! A clueless party!

Desperate stuff as the Labour Party is collapsing from within

UGambini No integrity. Corbyn reneging on his long held principles to stop his party from haemorrhaging more MPs. And people wonder why populism is on the rise! What alternative do the disenfranchised have now?


Ludicrous nonsense. This is a pathetic attempt to try and prevent more bullied, tired and sensible MP’s from resigning a once great and proud party that has no turned toxic and desperate.

Need the detail. Not sure it will be that straightforward.

Excellent. Maybe we’ll be more savvy towards the BS and outright lies that were produced last time around. Jail time for those trying it this time around. 👍🏼


People are you going to stay or leave ?

Pathetic. Trying to win back the public. What a mess they are in. Get a grip

Why are they letting down their voters the majority of which voted leave? They are becoming unelectable with this and letting the likes of Hatton back in yet loosing good MP’s because of anti semiotics.

Labour are desperate to attempt to distract everyone from the fact they're a toxic cesspit that's rotten to the core. They think a second referendum will play to the crowd. They have no idea what they stand for anymore. Corbyn has been their ultimate undoing.

Kiss goodbye to any hope of getting into power, because the 30% to 40% of labour voters who voted leave will never ever forgive you. Shameful spineless disgrace

The government's just outlawed Hizbollah and are earnestly attempting to prevent terrorists from returning. Now feel the wrath of Albert Steptoe.

So Corbyn lied!! Yet again he has changed his mind! Not fit to be an MP.

So if Labour win the next GE I assume they'll have no issues with allowing another GE is anyone thinks the result of the first GE wasn't correct. Good to know. Oh wait they won't. So it's just referendums ( that they voted to allow) that they don't respect,

The day democracy died

So after two years moaning that may plan not working Labour have come up with absolutely nothing either , Let us have another vote waste more time and then another vote ECT usless the lot of them .

Going in circles springs to mind.....

About time!!

And the polls say teamhopeless

It’s about time!!

UKLabour you now have my attention

That's jezza gone then

Pinch me father for I’m about to win

If there is a second referendum, the the only question is asking if to take the negotiated deal, or go for a no deal

Their plan all along disrupt it then bin it

LOL ... You Sad Joke for a Publisher of the News! So WHATS FCUKing New! This has been their agenda for as long as I can remember; the only difference is that they are now opening admitting it! Are you surprised this is why NO-ONE Supports UKLabour? 😂🤣🧐🇬🇧

Can’t blame them. If anybody with an ounce of intelligence had been handling the whole process there wouldn’t be any need. Utter shambles from the start so people need to be blaming the Conservatives if there is another vote.

Encouraging. Corbyn must now whip his shadow cabinet to vote in favour of the amendment calling for a PeoplesVote and dismiss any who refuse .

peoples vote should be mays deal or another deal/no deal. Remain shouldnt be an option after 2016

Meanwhile in Europe

Labour don’t wanna see lots of jobs going for the U.K. I hope u lot all get Sacked for going against the will of the people

I can’t wait for this to be over so I never have to to hear brexit again

Good Democratic Party , what happens at the next GE when you get beat ? I presume on this statement you’ll be want a second election ? UKLabour you are quickly becoming a laughing stock

Why the hell do we need a 2nd referendum? We got what we wanted when we voted LEAVE!

All those Labour MPs in the strong leave area in the north of England will you be supporting this motion and betraying your constituents? CarolineFlintMP lisanandy

Hoo bloody ray!


Best of 3? Respect the result ffs.

What a joke. Don't count on my vote for the foreseeable future.

Bore off already. We’ve already had a referendum. Seriously though the government must carry out what the people voted for otherwise democracy is dead in this Country!! I voted remain by the way!

I smell gammon coming to the boil

Not sure why the o.t.t reactions - merely a sound byte- running out of options. Tories made/making a right Horlicks of Brexit etc - Labour equally so. Corbyn is like a rabbit caught in headlights. Unelectable. Both party leaders are finished post March onwards.

Core working class Labour vote f~ked

UKIP hopefully another election coming, when they can sack theresa_may for being weak as piss, and show that rat jeremycorbyn he isn't wanted. GerardBattenMEP

RIP labour. Selling out your voters. Shame on you 😡

I don't remember them asking for a re-run of the last election. Presumably they were happy with that result?

jeremycorbyn tom_watson Keir_Starmer if Labour now backing peoplesvote_uk I will reinstate my labour membership

Democracy is being betrayed.

Democracy in action. We all want democracy don’t we?

What part of brexit to labour not understand brexit means brexit no deal .


You have been SoldOut labourleave LeaveMnsLeave KateHoeyMP JohnMannMP bulsoverbeast gstringermp +17.4m of all political colours voted to leave, now your party is changing position again 7 believe me as a ex-tory I cant vote again from my former party conservatives.


What a mess of a party, make your bloody minds up.

T'was always the only space Labour could step into. Well done.

They have lost my vote, do we keep on voting until they get the result they want. We voted out, so much for democracy. Labour trash.

How will that be received in the leave voting labour constituencies? The London labour elite don’t care about the democratic vote that has taken place.

I will never vote labour again


Good. Let’s get on with it and get the correct result according to public opinion, now everyone knows better what brexit actually means in terms of the effect on average people and companies.

Absolute pellet. Desperation. Can’t vote Tory. Cannot vote labour. Clown.

You do that Labour. Massive thanks to you for sealing your own fate. Bye 👋🏻

Go back to your constituencies and prepare for decimation....Brexit BrexitBetrayal

This is it, crunch time. If it doesn’t include the option to Remain, he’s finished. Similarly, we will take a dim view of any attempt to get his fantasy customs unicorn on the ballot.

JeremySteptoe Cant vote for them now!

I wish he would just disappear. Useless.

Mike needs a settee, because he has more need than jezza and a referendum

A communist that doesn’t believe in democracy...

Sure we had a referendum ffs what if we vote leave again Will there be another one ? , with any luck this is the end of the terrorist supporting leader

A party led by an idiot, we have bloody voted one it's a joke, why not just do paper, stone, scissors be a lot quicker.

total betrayal of their voters


Brexit 2Referendum

What an absolute waste of time.

Makes shit difference Not going to happen.

Well that ends the breakaway independent group.

That's the death nail for them then,bye bye

So democracy counts for shit all in the Labour Party


Absolute joke of a political party now. Lost the north.

Why! We have had a vote. What happens when it returns the same result? Another referendum? Come on man!! Just get us out the EU for God's sake.


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