Joe Biden signs law to protect same-sex marriages striking a 'blow against hate'

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United Kingdom Headlines News

United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

Joe Biden has signed legislation protecting same-sex marriages and declared the 'law and the love it defends strike a blow against hate in all its forms'.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he would don the same purple tie to the ceremony that he wore to his daughter's wedding. His daughter and her wife are expecting their first baby next spring.

"Thanks to the dogged work of many of my colleagues, my grandchild will live in a world that will respect and honour their mothers' marriage," he said.The new law aims to safeguard gay marriages if the US Supreme Court ever reverses Obergefell v Hodges, its 2015 decision legalising same-sex unions nationwide.

It will also protect interracial marriages after the Supreme Court in Loving v Virginia struck down laws in 16 states barring interracial marriage in 1967. In a statement last week, Mr Biden said:"Congress has restored a measure of security to millions of marriages and families. "They have also provided hope and dignity to millions of young people across this country who can grow up knowing that their government will recognise and respect the families they build."


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Didn’t know the U.S was so far behind in this area.

Headline should say, 'Old white misogynistic traditional womanizing straight guy signs gay marriage bill'

Things that were illegal once upon a time.. now become legal 👴🏼

Oui biden veut que tous les etats soient des homosexuels c est le seul moyen d augmenter les taux de natalites, il est trop intelligent ce biden......

this is globalisation, it's coming with consequences and they'll affect us all.



Could this be away for WEF to control world population. Yes, same sex couples can adopt, but that's not adding more babies just relocating them.

Sodoma and Gomorra. God said that it will pour fire on them.-

This is illegal I will go to the supreme Court Us is a republic and localities have a right to decide

All for show and appeasement

Homosexuality is very important for the american agenda. But why? Trans issues are very important for the liberal west. Why though?

This is Over Reach.

Ummm...this was already legal in the USA 10 years ago..during BarackObama tenure as President..this was just a dog and pony show to get ppl to forget about inflation and the Border Crisis 🤷

We already had a law protecting gay marriage, why do we need another one? I bet there is a lot of 'fat' attached to it which they are NOT talking about. This is how we loose our rights without knowing it. The patriot act is a prime example.

Since 2015!

pssst No state did NOT recognize them. just FYI

Which ones didn’t already? These people are useless.

Remind us, which states didn't?

Headline should say, 'Old white misogynistic traditional womanizing straight guy signs gay marriage bill'

That's been the law since Obama was in office.

LEVITICUS CHAPTER 20 VERSE 13----If a man lies with a man as he would a woman, both of them have committed an abomination The Democratic party is a full blown anti-God party 85% of countries don't allow same sex marriage

Give over. He thought he was signing his Christmas cards.

You cannot change the DEFINITION of a word. Marriage =man & woman. If they’d come up with a new name for same sex union, I’d support it.

A bipartisan law turns in partisan photo opportunity. The price of working with Democrat gop?

Well done to him👍 Totally support this😃

Now if people could just stop hating women and we can sign the right to ALL healthcare for women into law. That would be fantastic!

We still hate them.

What’s wrong with allowing same sex marriage?

Woke Biden

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