Jeremy Corbyn prepared to back second Brexit vote - but would prefer general election

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More than 85% of Labour members think voters should have the final say on Brexit, according to the results of a new poll.


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jeremycorbyn What it should say is “Corbyn prepared to do anything to skulk in and grab power”

jeremycorbyn Corbyn won't get a 2nd Vote. He won't get a General Election. He will loose thousands of supporters if he keeps droning on.

jeremycorbyn a second vote wont happen

jeremycorbyn It will be DEMOCRACY at work. Go with the democratic will of the people of the conference. Never mind the will of the people of the people of the country! We voted LEAVE remember!!

jeremycorbyn There will be NO SECOND REFERENDUM. A second referendum would go against democracy, but what does Corbyn know. It’s just yet another band wagon for him to jump on and more unfounded lies to base his new direction on.

jeremycorbyn And of course they will!

Rowland72James jeremycorbyn What he's missing, of course, is that people are craving a people's vote because neither the government nor the opposition is representing the voice represented by 48% of the voters at the referendum.

jeremycorbyn How many votes do we need. We had a referendum and vote leave won. We had a general election where is was clear, if we didn’t get a good deal we would leave without and May was returned as PM. That’s two votes already just get on with it!

jeremycorbyn The Labour party needs to remember the British people already voted on Brexit and just because a handful of undemocratic Labour party lovies did not like the outcome no reason for 2nd vote lots of ordinary folk want to leave beware their wrath

jeremycorbyn Mr Corbyn, if we have another GE and you lose it like you did in 2017 will you finally realise that the Labour Party will never get into power with you as it's leader and do the decent thing and resign as party leader

jeremycorbyn Just an opportunist communist...will say and do just about anything to send the uk backwards 50 years...

jeremycorbyn Great, that would be the end of Corbyn and the Labour party for decades to come, wonderful news.

jeremycorbyn Looser

jeremycorbyn He will agree to say anything that he thinks will make him popular.

jeremycorbyn If there was a 2 nd referendum. Would this totally destroy democracy. The voting public would ask the question what is the point of voting.

jeremycorbyn But hold on, I thought last year he said we are leaving the EU. We are leaving the single market. Freedom of movement will end because the voters decided. He said all this just before last years GE. Why would he say such a thing🙄

LePlanRex jeremycorbyn If that doesn't tell us, loud and clear, that what he wants is to inherit Brexit, then we deserve all we will surely get if we allow him to force this issue.

jeremycorbyn Why should a 2nd referendum worry anyone, I keep hearing that no one has changed their opinion and you would get the same result.

jeremycorbyn These are fascist Labour members not the people of this country.The people have voted already.Undemocratic politicians and media are trying to undermine the peoples democratic.Disgusting little scum.

jeremycorbyn Well labour did have a strong chance to win a election ,but since this announcement they will probably lose,I won’t be voting for them.about time we moved on from brexit and sorted what’s going on with the poverty that’s going on I this country

jeremycorbyn Elections....referendums, loved by politicians hated by everyone else.

jeremycorbyn I support Labour and Corbyn. But while I’d love to see the entire Tory party in the rear view mirror, an election would further imperil the country’s chances of getting any deal by March wouldn’t it? Or would Corbyn play quick end with yes to customs union and Irish border?

jeremycorbyn He will never win a general election, can’t the Labour Party see that?

jeremycorbyn Babylon!

jeremycorbyn There will be NO second referendum. Are you deaf and blind?

jeremycorbyn So as usual he doesn’t know what he is going to do. He obviously fancies his chances against May but there again so would Mickey Mouse

jeremycorbyn And then do we have a 3rd if the result of the 2nd doesn’t suit

jeremycorbyn And what about the millions of Labour VOTERS who voted for Brexit ? The Labour party are willing to Listen to their Members but not all their people . Silly move .

jeremycorbyn Bring a general election on let's sort this out once and for all get rid of this conservative government and Sky News BBC News none of its any cop

jeremycorbyn You're a traitor to the British who voted to leave the EU. Shame on you

jeremycorbyn What a untrustworthy person he is . will not apologise find him very weird with his soft spoken kindness. He doesn't fool me . Something amiss with him .


Rowland72James jeremycorbyn He actually said he would support whatever UKLabour conference voted for .

jeremycorbyn Just seen him regurgitate labour policies from the 1970 ie worker directors in firms that employ more than 250 people . This is exactly where Jeremy belongs in the 1970 ,how good was it then😂

jeremycorbyn Did we already vote. Let’s do it ten times so you get what you want.

jeremycorbyn Worst thing this country could do is let this terrorist sympathiser in power.

jeremycorbyn Another U turn. He says anything and is least trustworthy politician in possibly the world.

jeremycorbyn Nothing like putting your own ambitions in front of your countries democratic decision Can you imagine Corbyn negotiating with the EU

jeremycorbyn Militant power grab

jeremycorbyn We would all prefer a GE but May is too fierty to call one as she knows she’d lose it, again! So the people’s vote has to be a priority as it will bring her downfall then a GE

jeremycorbyn We’re ok thanks

jeremycorbyn Have an election he will still lose.

jeremycorbyn Go Corbyn!! :-D

jeremycorbyn Good move Corbyn, piss off all those Labour voters who bought about Brexit in the first place...

jeremycorbyn The British public voted to leave end of no 2nd vote, just need to see this through now

jeremycorbyn Changes his mind all the time and this makes him untrustworthy! I mean would you buy a second hand car from him!

jeremycorbyn Read as. ‘Me being in power is more Important than any other agenda. I can the bankrupt the country again with my socialist policies that scare away the higher earners who actually pay taxes and then wonder how things will get paid for!!’Great policy.

jeremycorbyn 2nd Brexit vote would be a treachery. EU'll win again.

jeremycorbyn Chancer

jeremycorbyn “If people make me do the thing I don’t want to do as a heavy anti-European, then I’ll consider doing it, even though I have no interest in doing it. My preference is to do something completely unrelated instead.”

jeremycorbyn If only people were bright enough to get the long game. It’s been obvious for two years. Calling for stand alone re vote is undemocratic because of the promise to implement the outcome. It wasn’t advisory. But if Labour members ask, that’s different. Just stick with it.. 👍

jeremycorbyn jeremycorbyn is not and never has been a supporter of the EU behemoth. Brexit transcends party politics. Cameron et al failed to prepare for a leave vote leaving us now playing catch up. theresa_may as a remainer has no appetite to fight. We've been sold down the river. Again

jeremycorbyn He may aswell give up trying .cause there isn't Going to be one...GetOverIt....🌏

jeremycorbyn Again thinking of himself rather than the country. Politicians are all the same

jeremycorbyn I’d vote for hitler before him...oh wait a minute 🤫

jeremycorbyn Look at all the vile comments made by what only would be scum Tory voters ,you all should be ashamed the way this country is being torn apart by the Tory government. Police ,NHS, growing mental health crisis in young people.!! Disgusting!!

jeremycorbyn Voting again and again until you get the desired result. What's the point? Lmfao.

jeremycorbyn They say a large majority of Labour members are for 2nd vote. But 70% of Labour constituencies voted Leave . So who's out of touch with who. If your a Leave voter who believed the Labour manifesto last election and voted accordingly. You were fooled.

jeremycorbyn If there was a general election Corbyn the Clown would fail then he would resign leaving a space for the first women labour leader Dawn Butler L O L

jeremycorbyn 😴😴😴

jeremycorbyn If there is a general election and he wins, there won’t be a second referendum. He would still use the Labour win as a confirmation of the will of the people to enforce Brexit. Don’t be fooled, he wants Brexit.

jeremycorbyn He had one, he lost.

jeremycorbyn Is it wrong I just want to laugh? He’s a total bell end!

LotharBirkner jeremycorbyn joo dabei...! Best wish germany

jeremycorbyn When the British people speak, their voice will be respected, not ignored. If we vote to leave, then we will leave. There will not be another renegotiation and another referendum

jeremycorbyn It really worries me that he doesn’t see that a PeoplesVote would likely lead to a GE...

jeremycorbyn Will he resign when UKLabour "Austerity for the Many", are defeated again...? I really hope not... opengoal

nuttyd50 jeremycorbyn Figures plucked from a sample vote? does NOt represent all Labour members

jeremycorbyn So if there was a GE and Labour won , would he back a second vote ? I don’t think so . When will these politicians stop messing around and get on with it If you can’t , move over and get something that will !!

jeremycorbyn Hence why we dint want u in power .Voted out ....Out we are coming .Get over it

jeremycorbyn Will he also have second vote for London Mayoral Election? Brexit

jeremycorbyn Going against most of his electorate. Good move. 🙄


jeremycorbyn All those labour leave voters voting for the tories will destroy his party

jeremycorbyn How many times do they want a vote. People have already voted. Can't keep asking for a new vote until it goes their way.CORBYN's an idiot.We might as well stop working & studying as benefits will be a better wage for most

jeremycorbyn He’d lose on both counts...........does anyone actually take the guy seriously

jeremycorbyn Now we know all the facts, and exposed the lies the brexiteers told, it makes sense.

jeremycorbyn Once Brexit is done and Jeremy Corbyn has gone more people will go back to voting Labour.

jeremycorbyn OK Jeremy, I thought you’d have done this at the last election, but ok, since we are now certain that these Tory imbeciles have nothing to offer, put it out there. If there is no chance of an election, get the 2ref on the table anyway. demanded brexithokeycokey

jeremycorbyn What a tit... rather than worrying about a pretend future for our country, help get sorted what is realistically going to happen!

jeremycorbyn Labour would agree to anything to get into power and not look towards holding this government to task. Pathetic

jeremycorbyn What is it with people not getting the point that we’ve had the referendum and theresa_may could not have made it more clear that there will not be another Brexit vote/People’s vote/undemocratic vote - Please, put your energies into life after we leave the EU.

jeremycorbyn Anything to stay leader of the inept Labour Party.

jeremycorbyn He would destroy this country . Nothing but two faced

jeremycorbyn Remember Tony Blair and labour made this country as shit as it is today

jeremycorbyn Corbyn should leave, and give the Labour party back to the decent working majority.. With his rabble of cockroaches behind him he is totally unelectable.

jeremycorbyn Why do we keep getting to this, Brexit is happening so deal with it. No second referendum. We have already had a general election and May just scraped by... just get on with Brexit.

jeremycorbyn Way to upset the 52% by going back on your words . shame on you Jeremy

jeremycorbyn doesn't gives a dot about anyone other than his nasty self. Before voting at any election please spend a bit of time reading about who yr voting for. If you think Corbyn is the man read about him. & if sense prevails you'll never ever consider voting for him.

jeremycorbyn He will say anything to get into power think this one will backfire LosersVote

jeremycorbyn A 2nd referendum would destroy the country completely let alone with that idiot interfering. People are criticising the government over brexit but it’s not solely our governments fault, people fail to realise that the Eu are just as much to blame.

Corbyn would sell his own granny and your granny for a taste of power , if he manages to hoodwink the people of this country , it would be d disaster, can anyone name a country in the world where the far left have got in and left the country in s better state when finally ousted

jeremycorbyn Pure opportunist. Wants another general election with no Brexit proposal?

jeremycorbyn Jesus wept. We as a county managed to have a sensible negotiating stance for less than one weekend. This basically tells the Eu to keep being stubborn and intransigent

jeremycorbyn Jellyfish

jeremycorbyn Baldrick’s latest cunning plan: Gain power, bankrupt the country through rampant nationalisation, censor the media, second vote on EU, rejoin EU, blame EU for result of Labour’s policies. Brilliant.

He might want one but the old commie is not going to get the chance to make things worse!

I don't think praying will help...

In that case we'll have neither ! But a split in both the Labour & Conservative Party would be welcome . The Brexiteers could form a pro Brexit anti establishment party known as the Rebels Moderate Labour MPs could form a Grafters Party . Bring it on

Subverting our democracy by backing a second vote would be the biggest betrayal in our modern history... the PEOPLE voted to LEAVE, now accept it and bloody do something useful and help the country move forward, not backwards towards the EU... RespectTheVote

To;d you,Labour is a fascist party.Going against the peoples vote for Brexit.I can see big trouble ahead if these fascists get their way.

There should not be a 2nd referendum...remoaners can’t just keep asking the question until they get the answer they want

Didn’t he throw someone out of the shadow cabinet for suggesting a second vote 🤔

The man would lose both.

Can’t believe how this man changes his stance wherever on whatever to what he thinks opinion wants to get votes without his team backing up with hard facts and figures, promising stuff that can’t afford, this country ruined as is but will b totally done if he gets in x

jeremycorbyn, we've already had the EU referendum. Vote Leave won and we're leaving on the 29 March 2019 at 11 p.m. If you're not happy about the way democracy works in the UK then piss off to China. 'Second Brexit vote' was NOT on the ballet paper. Sorry. Brexit EU

Voted Labour all my life. Not any more. I am one person but I won't be the only one.

Let the people ' Have a vote on " do you we want a 2rd brexit vote " ' and if its yes we have one but if its no ,then no 2rd brexit vote....!

His popularity is dropping so the only way he can try to revive it is to completely change his stance on brexit. This man is so disingenuous anyone who believes a word he says needs their head testing.

UKIP and DnV will win most seats big shocks in store forLab/Cons

What a clown


Terrorist loving old wankpot.

Course he would 😂

He can prefer what he likes. Unless the Govt loses a commons majority there won’t be a GE unless May (or whoever is leading the Tories after their conference) call one.

I would brexit

No idea what he wants apart from power.

Both would fail 😂😂😂

A bit similar!

The death of the Labour Party ,you could have 2 million members and it still wouldn’t get you elected ,although look at the Calibre of the members hardly a representation of the country ,by the way the north voted leave do you want to lost that support

Let them. As a Brexiteer, I am supportive of democracy. If he can win a no confidence vote (impossible) and then win a GE with a 2nd ref in his manifesto (highly unlikely) then they can have one. That’s the way our democracy works.

What a CT...Labour the antisemitic democracy party for the people...Corbyn you are a threat to national security...and an embarrassment to the UK 🤬🤬🤬

Just hope labour get wiped out by leave constituents

"Labour should listen to members who want a new vote." Really? What about the Labour VOTERS who voted for Brexit? Should they be listened to as well?

Please send the details of any other bandwagons to Corbyn he likes to jump on anything, even Diane Abbott.

Conservatives now grab this chance and finish UKLabour, you don’t ignore a democratic vote and expect that same democratic process to put you in office. Ask Zimbabweans how it feels to have your voice, your democracy, your vote stolen. They have lived with the pain for 38yrs.

The anti-democracy cancer in the labour party has spread to its leader jeremycorbyn

Brexit is a farce and we the British people are complete pawns in a chess game played by people who can play chess 😤 get someone who knows what they are doing and we won't have news posts like this ever!

You can’t back something that is not going to happen. Unless this isn’t a democracy after all!

The government will automatically collapse when the PeoplesVote takes place jeremycorbyn

It’s going to be so beautiful when we leave, can somebody live stream Corbyn’s stupid face 30/3/2019 please

Labour just lost half their seats in the North and Midlands

He will change his mind tomorrow when asked I'm sure

But nobody wants him 🧐🤣

Imagine Jeremy Corbyn standing up to Brussels, Merkel and macron.maybe he'd send Diane Abbott instead

Cat weasel will be getting neither ....

Their won’t be a second Brexit vote .

I’m confused. I thought Corbyn was against EU

pathetic, anti-semitic opportunist!

Still the lies the basic truth is that the EU will never give us a good deal because other countries will leave as well

What on Earth does a general election achieve re brexit? Other than a waste of time followed by an unknown attitude of the new government towards brexit...

General election!

This old Sod would kiss the Devils arse to get elected. Bugger Brexit or Any Deal he wants an election and has Now said if the Labour Conference Want it he would Back another Referendum. What an absolute Joker.

Would Jew believe it. Still banging on about something he wont get.

He’d lose both

Would say anything to get his cronies into No.10... if you thought Miliband was a puppet for the unions its absolutely nothing compared to comrade Corbyn

At last he's off the fence. A general election could be fascinating.. staunch labour supporters voting for Tory to continue brexit and the same the other way around!

Our politicians are a complete joke. No matter who’s running the show it’s always a shambles. I wouldn’t trust Corbyn to make a cup of tea. We need politicians with backbone and integrity not people who will do anything to further their career.

There will no no second referendum and there certainly won’t be a labour government.


Yes listen to the members because they are the priority NOT THE ELECTORATE. Thanks for making it clear Jeremy. Please can you remove your foot from our backs as you step over us.

laurabundock are you lying or don't you know the difference between mandatory reselection for all candidates and what you pejoratively keep claiming is deselection, which it clearly isn't. Why can't you get it right?

The Tories forced a Referendum to save their party and now JC saying he will call 2nd Referendum to reverse the first. When is it about the PUBLIC & NOT THE PARTY. They are all hypocritical tellers of untruths!!!

Arse biscuit !

400 constituencies voted leave EU what has happened to UK democracy

What a stupid mistake by Labour. To try for an election after your admitting you want a 'people's vote' (aka 'Losers vote). That will definitely antagonise Labour voters who voted Leave. If you support Brexit then don't vote Labour simple as.

He's a gutless self-serving idiot. He's ridden the fence on brexit since it started and is only coming out with remain now, two years later!, because everyone can see it is going to ruin this country and he wants it on record that he was remain all along. We know the truth

jeremycorbyn prepared to say anything to worm his way into no10. Devoid of integrity.

Go to the country!

He would loose both but still maintain he'd won

30 year eurosceptic Corbyn stickking to his principles again, not.

If Id of voted for Nick Clegg back in 2010 based on the Tuition Fee promise & I wasn't happy with the result of a coalition/broken tuition fee promise.Could I have another GE or would I have to wait for the next one. Isn't that just as so-called "democratic" as another vote.

Labour does not have to inherit the Tory / UKIP vision. They don't have to pretend the Brexit that was sold is possible, because they didn't sell it. They should only move forward in honesty, and not enable a course of action that benefits tax dodgers at the cost of the many.

What actually is Labours policy on Brexit. Have they published any plans. What about the large number of Labour voters who voted leave? If there was an election it must be treated as a referendum.

Good job he ain't got a hope in hell of either

Finally doing the right thing. Country before party, well done JC. If Brexit really is “the will of the people” then leavers have nothing to fear from a peoplesvote

This guy wants your vote yet he disrespects the majority of public opinion

...and would we have to accept the results of said GE or would there be some kind of loophole that the majority vote wont count if you disagree with result and then will we be told it was a bum election and demand a re-vote ? and on and on, who can we trust anymore ? ☹️

And then if he gets in, I'll be backing another general election! FFS!

Just ignored 17.3 million britons

He can’t have a General Election until 2022. The Conservatives aren’t going to try the 2017 stunt again.

Keep an eye out for any block voting or privileged votes...

Corbyn a disaster but made look good by a shambles of a Tory govt

No to 2nd Brexit Hell no to general election But i’d be down for a vote on the actual leave deal that gets made tho.

You're getting neither out is out.

Strange how jeremycorbyn , who was anti-eu, but to keep position as leader, he will now betray millions of his laboueleave voters, but not surprising as he called for the boycott of Arsenal due to sponsorship "Israel"

He is and was a Brexiter.

Im stay, and I will not change that,however the circumstances

Funny he hates the EU but will give into the unions and momentum hypocrisy much


No thank you to both.

jumping on bandwagon now?

Wich One

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