Jeremy Corbyn could be prime minister in days if Brexit deal rejected, Labour says

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Westminster is gearing up for Tuesday's 'meaningful vote' - the climax of 18 months' of negotiations with Brussels.


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No way


God help us all if this is the case!!!

Hope not


Oh dear the country is doomed!!!!

Literally, how.

Ah ha. So now we know. Labour under Jeremy Corbyn is in no way interested in stopping Brexit or in getting a Peoples Vote. It's only interested in exploiting the current Brexit mess to get into Government via a General Election (to enable it to continue T May's Brexit work)

James4Labour Yes! JC4PM JC4PMNow

Seriously how can you call yourself a serious news organisation when all you do is spout a load of nonsense?! May as well be reading the Daily Star ffs!!

K4Owen But labour doesn’t command a majority in the House of Commons


The title is misleading - Labour is STILL talking about renegotiations, instead of revoking Art. 50. That's not the way to success.

Marshmyst Wasn’t that last Christmas, is this a Christmas BBC repeat.

Live in hope!!!

Anti-semite communist in charge of the UK? Sad day in history if this happens. Rise against tyranny and reject globalism/communism.


Never underestimate your enemy.

Rubbish fake news ...

Is this the season one finale or is there a few more on Netflix?.... The toffee popcorn is in the microwave.... d’you think this could be the last of the suger?....... Thank fuck I live in Ireland........ Potatoes Potatoes potatoes!....

Media news is hysteria equals more money for them. People stop being stupid and listening to this shit. Really see him running the country.

And then everything will be alright, of course


I don’t think MI5 would approve, let alone the Queen. He is just a puppet of UK hating Trotskyist Momentum.

Rubbish he’s toxic !

I wish

& OH BOY do we NEED an honest hard working decent (actual Human Being) in Gov. With a team who are diverse, female, coloured, and not owned by Corporates. I love the Labour Team & I love the Silver Foxes that lead. It warms my heart with HOPE like a mug of cocoa in a Tory Winter

God help us

May’s another of the political dinosaurs that the UK tends to breed but let’s be honest, she was dealt a pretty shitty hand when Cameron walked. First job - Brexit!! 😳 Corbyn is an idealistic dreamer in my opinion. If he gets in then we’re all truly fucked!

Is he trying to force the dup to support the tories?

God help the UK if this Alt Leftist becomes the next PM!!

That's the day Britain really dies!!

Anne_Conner2 The danger of course is that the 'Tory rebels' will go over on their backs to have their bellies tickled. And the Red Tories must be plotting like mad as we speak. All because they don't want a decent man in charge.

Why is there a GE due this week?

The Ballad of Generation X:

O God noooooooooooooo

Time to emigrate

Stop it skynews just stop it


Will someone please let them have a copy of The Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011...

Hopefully not

'Labour says'. They say a lot of things. Apart from anything about their clarity of vision regarding Brexit.


Now you know why you cant trust Sky.. Corbyn PM doesn't bear thinking about.

Lol will he feck ya silly K'unts Sky news.

No he won’t!

Corbyn couldn’t run a bath, let alone a country. This is the biggest bandwagon he’s jumped on lately. Deplorable behaviour Corbyn

SkyNews: Of all the scenarios coming out of the BREXIT results Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister would be the one the NO VOTERS would reject! They stand for Remain, Single. Market, Custom Union!!! Democracy must prevail for UK. NO DEAL, FINAL SAY?


Not a fuckin chance unless he relocated to Palestine..........

Plenty of warmongers and Blairitorys shit scared of him being Pm

Don't keep talking shit sky news please

A declaration by Abacus Abbot?

In dream be happy what to do shameful politician greedy wish.

My old adversaries are now my friends. Remarkable how Theresa May has united the country against her. But the thought of Corbyn gives us pause.

He couldn’t run a race let alone a country

People would still hate Corbyn even if he got a deal from the EU. Some people's opinions can never be changed.

God help us , and er no he couldn’t ! Corbyn

No chance

Well he won't be getting my vote. To turn red now would reset the recession we've just come out of

Couldn’t be any worse than the one we have 👍🏻

Oh dear god 🤦‍♂️

And if your auntie had balls she'd be your uncle.

He doesn’t want to be PM it means he would have to work Mondays & actually deliver. He is a soap box activist nothing more.

Bypass the labour party, let the SNP run the government 😀

Trust Corbyn ha


This is the funniest story to come out of Brexit yet. Bring back Mr Bean I say

Delusional jeremycorbyn

God help us...

Why could he? I’ve not voted for him! Well to be fair my votes not been counted anyway even after Brexit was announced. I vote leave it don’t count! But I’m just a mindless racist ain’t I

Labour in power😂😂😂😂

Be ready for a quick descent into bankruptcy, curfew and Sharia Law.

Move over useless bunch of ToryFuckwits

MackenzieMarina Who the fuck really thinks this IRA loving ingrate vile scum fucker could lead this country,if Theresa get beat in the house then we have a no deal situation,if the back stabber Mogg has his way then she is removed and a General Election is called,who would vote for this traitor

Jeremy Corbyn is not fit to be in charge of a school crossing patrol - let alone be in charge of the country. He is a total waste of space.

God help us ALL

Haha bollocks

God help us

This is just the type of incentive Teresa needs to ensure backing, bravo

Bring it on!

If that’s the case! “GOD HELP US ALL!!” 😱

I hope pissing not.

This man and his deputy would kill this country quicker than May’s deal

AssedBaig Labour says. Labour says lots of things. This is not news.

Let’s hope not


Can't believe you are talking about bringing the DUP on board What's going on.


Needs to win a election first 🙄🙄🙄

May God help us

God help us!!

And pigs might fly

And Abbott would be Home Secretary 😳

Couldn’t run 2 metres

No chance!

He has my support


Well that’s spoilt my Sunday!

God help us

Jeremy Corbyn in power could result in a repeat of 1812!!!

Then we are all screwed



That's great but how long will you last he struggles to put two words together let alone run a country and the EU will literally stick two fingers up to him that's the labours deal

On an X Box maybe?

Only if the Russians pull off another election miracle

Dear god I hope not 😳

Hope not


Run for the hills people.

Yeah and Dianne Abbot might have her finger on the nuclear button and countdown... 5..4..3..6...8...9

Total scaremongering as normal


I've suddenly changed my mind. Take the deal !!!! godnonotcorbyn


stacyherbert Buy bitcoin, gold if this champagne socialist gets in office.

theresa_may may just go down in history as the worst prime minister, certainly the worst of the last 200 years or so

The IRA fan?


And Santa could be real 🎅🏻

God help us all

Anyone seen my passport

God Forbid

Dont count your chickens, no place for communists in number 10,

That would be entertaining.

Hopefully Labour would also call a general election and be anihilated. The voters don’t like stitch-ups. May would then have a big mandate to finish the job that she started

mmjblair flyingpigs

Have you lobbied him yet to get the job of Corbyns/Momentum’s state TV yet or are you running on equal pegging with Jon Snow?


😂😂😂😂😂 And Calculator Abbott will be in charge of the police and all security services!!!!!! 😱😱😱🙄🙄🙄😮😮😮

Loads of people saying Corbyn would be a disaster. No one gives a reason. Luckily the polls say different. Get this lot out now, the country is nearly on it's knees, while others are dying on the streets.

I don’t think so!


No, no, no. If he does, he'll probably kick out Larry and then make life unbearable for Jews.

Brexiteer General....

Then we really would be in the shit!

Heaven forbid, somebody who denied the Holocaust, allegedly,is Not the person fit to govern!

God forbid...

Doesn't work like that. DUP would prop the Tories up to form a govt again but only after giving them a huge scare and reality check.

Never in a million years. If Labour had a leader. A proper leader. They would be miles ahead of this shamble of a Tory government. Does not the Labour party wonder why they are not miles ahead?

Britain will Fall to its knees if JC gets in.

Don't be efin stupid

I dearly hope not

Please god no!!!! We are in a bad way but this would cripple us!!! 😰😱🤬

God help us

This however is not a solution because it doesn't StopBrexit. A CorbynBrexit is not a better option than a MayBrexit. It's either Remain or NoDealBrexit. The latter will be catastrophic.


I could be receiving a unicorn


Please don’t let this happen

Oh god! May... no. Corbyn... no! Isn’t there anyone else? 😳

Please god no!! 🙏

Marshmyst Just saw a pig fly past my window!

I'd move your money out of the pound then GB will crash with that synario

Fearmongering. How about an election first? Be prime minister 'in days'!!! Yes and pigs might fly.

god help this country - people need to remember what he thinks about trident not a good time to disarm when Russia is rearming

What would be his target as prime minister

Yes and I would be 21 again, dream on !!!!

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

God help us

Meanwhile, Corbyn is in hiding in case someone asks him a question on Brexit, he might have to commit to something!

I thought Halloween was over few weeks ago

sandieshoes Hahaha

God help us......

Not going to happen.

And the country’s Fuc*ed......

OH NO..swapping one Poli-Trickster for another....Jeeez...


jeremycorbyn step down n labour may stand a chance! I used to vote labour until you lead them!!

Don’t be silly!

Better not be

A 5 year old has more chance

Please not this old goat

God help us!

Not going to happen Tories know they are toast if it is a GE

So half a million registered Labour Party arseholes think they will run Britain?!!!

Oh noooo, it'll be a disaster! Can't Labour find better than that?

What happens when his brexit deal is rejected.

No he really couldn't pathetic sad sad sky.

God help us all if that happens

Just what we need, an idiot who started the Brexit vote, another idiot who made it a permanent Brexit for NO reasonable reason, and the Marxist fool in Government, does the dopes of UK politics realise what they have done. Well, actual probably not.

As usual Corbyn is talking nonsense... really DUP will switch to prop up labour along with SNP and others. His ideas are as mad as his policies.

God help us all 🙏

If it ever happens' everyone with a job, a home, and a desire to provide for their family will be fucked over in favour of the mindless, militant, 'do fuck all but I have a right to be kept' brigade.

Hope not we can't have hug a tree corbyn in power

No he can’t there has to be a General Election first. That’s how it’s supposed to work in the UK we vote but it looks like our democratic vote accounts for nothing these days

No he won't be.

Nobody else is saying it only the politburo who all live in la la land

What a load of bollcks

sandieshoes Fake news!

Without a general election Oh ye that's right I forgot what people voted for doesn't matter.

That’s not going to happen there will be other referendum befor that happens witch will take us in to next year , and there will be question on the ballot paper , 1/ except the dell 2/ stay in 3/ leave without a dell


Corbyn would be stabbed in the back by Kier Starmer if there was a chance of a Labour PM, Starmer has always had a different agenda to Corbyn he wants to stay in the EU and if the only way to do that is walk over Corbyn he will do it with no conscience

What alot of shite , Scotland wont vote for him. England will be split and another coalition in the offing with Tories the winners again. England is too right wing to put Corbyn into number 10.

Sky reporting

Labour in government? Are you kidding? That would be the finalnail in the coffin if they took over!!

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 best laugh I have had all day...

Labour can’t force an election and the Tory’s have no appetite for one either. If May goes she will just be replaced with someone else, it’s called a fix term Parliament

Please explain how and will he call a general election ?

God help us and Diane Abbot as foreign secretary. Shit creek without a paddle comes to mind. That’s the politest I can be 🙈😡

Bring it

Oh fuck

Yes why not...a good old fashioned coup d'etat...the only thing we havent had yet!

Aye right 🤦‍♂️

Can't we hire out Donald Trump out for a year to sort out the EU & BREXIT?

Don’t we have to have an election first

sky are NOT reporting this on their news channel because they know it isn't true and they are using the internet to force FakeNews on to unsuspecting and naive followers. anyone with a small degree of intelligence knows this isn't even possible.

Corbyn looks as if he is ready to take off not realising he ain’t getting clearance in the British airspace. He could crash land with a thud!

I’d emigrate immediately!


Have they legalised cannabis? Thought it was just the oil stuff. Either way he is smoking some serious shat if he thinks that’s about to happen

So he hasn't been elected. He hasn't won anything. But he could be PM because Labour officials say so ? And your news outlet reports it ? What sort of shit works at Sky news?

stacyherbert Corbyn is only the current ‘leader’ of the Labour party because the previous incumbent failed so badly. The party just doubled down.

jeremycorbyn time to abandon ship.

So, we have referendum (an alien concept to the U.K.), a demand for corrective voting and now we seem to be doing away with an electoral process altogether! Are the establishment still our friends?

Don’t be so friggin stupid ProjectFear

No chance the British people might not want May. But they don't want Corbyn either

He's in the mix to be fair but to be honest I wouldn't worry, at this stage more chance of CherylOfficial having a hit

There’s literally millions of people in the Country who are more much capable than Corbyn of leading us

Could be the worst PM this country has ever seen. He’ll spend more than we have and get ousted by the stories. The Tories will have to cut again and the circle of life continues.

Sloppy seconds....😉

If TONY Blair came back maybe..

if he ever gets in my country is truly f..ked


I can't wait.

Fucking hope not

Keep dreaming sky. You not got a story right get. Where's the coverage of the Brexit march or are you waiting to say how it was all fisticuffs?

Sky your getting desperate now

Rubbish! jeremycorbyn is unelectable


So weds is a D day for TM? Interesting times in UK

It’s almost like they are working together in some sort of consensus!


This country is finished, if that happens, Abbott and Lammy in government


Wow a Christmas present from Jeremy some money off his money 🌲

Yes, and I going to walk on Mars next month.

Utter bullshit. The conservatives will have to call an election and they won’t do that. Deluded labour again.

God help us!!! We would be all screwed

Really Sky News! Surely even you have more intelligence than this headline indicates

Oh my god

God forbid

Is he deluded he will NEVER be pm.

The Tories can still form a majority with the DUP under a new leader. Corbyn won’t get a look in. 👍🏼

No harm in wishing but simply won’t occur. God help us if there was any possibility. If we think we are in a mess now, please let me assure you things would get horrendously worst!

Yeah, yeah.

He’s been saying that since the last general election... he was walking around all smug saying he’ll be Prime Minister soon 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean we might as well give it a go, can’t be any worse than the mess the conservatives have us in 😱

Not a chance

I dam well hope not. Get Chuka Umunna as leader then Labour are onto a winner imo.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Never going to happen

not without a General election.

There's no end to this shit !!


The nightmare just gets worse....!!!!

🤣 🤣 is it April already

Utter rubbish - it’s impossible without a General election - or has he asked for this for Christmas?...

God help us

Oh Lord help us........ We will be speaking Russian in a few years.

Nightmare in the UK


God help us all

I don't think so! I have my hi viz ready if that happens.


Wow so many turkeys in this comment section loving the shithole coutry the tories have created. Imagine being happy with austerity, poverty, police fire ambulance stations closed, schools bankrupt, record homelessness, but hey ho the Sun paper says JC is a threat to the people!!

That would be the end of the world!

3 2 8 16 8 1 let's get Abbott and the tramp in power!!!!................

God help us

RebelHQ Abacus Abbott Defence Secretary.


Absolute garbage Sky

This would be the worst thing ever to happen to this country

Corbyn's bad news for UKLabour - just as toxic as TheresaMay on the vacuous Brexit merry-go-round

In their dreams

If this happens I'll leave my job and leave the country. I cannot continue to serve in a military that has decisions about it's future made by a man who supports groups that actively want me and the people I work with dead. He is scum.

Yes, and pigs may also fly in days. But as we all know, both are highly unlikely!

The UK is in enough trouble as it is without Corbyn and his cronies at the helm.

Jeremy Corbyn is absolutely deluded if he thinks he can just walk into Downing St and form a government! His party is in opposition and never won enough votes at the last election to do so. The PM may resign, but will simply be replaced with another minister!

That would result in pain for the many and not just the few... 👎

Really?....I don't think anyone really believes that...

We are all screwed anyway but disastrously so if that idiot gets into power

Haha ha frigging ha dream on.

We might be in a right old mess but God help us if Corbyn ever becomes PM

Thiaman has delusions of grandeur

RubanSelva3 Just when you think things can’t get any worse.

Oh shit, what have the people of Britain done?

Yeah thats never happening lol

FamiliesSkype What a great wedding present that would be ♥️

Fuck. We really We have a problem if this maniac gets power

Fake news defined. What he would be in on Tuesday with no election called? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

As much as I am a Labour supporter, I don’t want this to happen. Rather a People’s Vote with option to Remain than another G.E with Labour still pushing for some form of Brexit

Labour are deluded.

Good joke there....

It's nice to dream!..

Yea right,and pigs might fly.

Blackmail or the real project fear, I think this government strategy is rubbish using the extreme view is only works with the small minded. Using I will revoke Art50 would be much easier to understand

If jeremycorbyn was behind peoplesvote_uk UKLabour would be in next week. But he's not so we'll get Boris. 😡

Then we are all doomed

He couldn’t run a bath

An early present from the devil if jeremycorbyn become PM



A lot of people keep suggesting they could “get a better deal”, yet no one has any evidence to suggest they have better negotiating levers. The EU have made it clear there is nothing else on the table. Many just using it for party politics or personal career gain.

😂😆😂😆😂😆😆😆😆er no

Being least worst choice is hardly a mandate though is it?

Luckily have one of those in the bedside drawer.

Hahaha Moron!

I think that's bull. They have no credibility

I could be a pilot if I stole a plane

Oh s*it he's even worse! I mean seriously, can we just get an anti globalist, pro border, anti immigration, pro Brexit and pro British politician?

Dream on

Dream on losers.

Not going to happen

😂 UK shows the world what a brilliant sense of humour has by even contemplating the possibility of electing this clown to power

Hmmmm I could win the lottery next week , I applaud being optimistic .

Holesie Magic Grandad “Things of my younger days I like to keep near me, resolution 485, shop talk, like my door, always closed....Comrade, Comrade you’re lovely...”

The Tory’s will just pick a new leader ffs

The Country Will be Totally Doomed with him at the Helm! Shambles!

Oh look there another flying elephant!

HA like fu*k. I think the majority of people would rather have Trump.

A Democratic Socialist Labour Government for Christmas, now there's something worth celebrating 🍾🥂

Divide and conquer

Oh good So everyone make the most of this Christmas cause it’s last one you’ll be able to afford if this joker dose get voted in 🎄

And that's us all screwed the man's a tool

Yeh 👍🏼

AssedBaig Dont write it off. If the USA can put a totally incompetent, out of touch, egotistical bell-end at the helm, then so could we.

God help us I would vote Labour if he wasn’t leader but he scares me!

They seem to be operating in a different world to everyone else. He will not be PM, there won't ba a general election and they will not be negotiating the brexit deal. They are a shambles of an opposition

Not without an election and I’m not voting for him

No he couldn’t and it’s ridiculous to use this as a threat to coerce MPs to vote for Mrs May’s horrendously bad WA. Lack of commitment by Govt. to deliver a proper Brexit is shameful and must be reversed.

Wonderful looking forward to this day

Corbyn couldn't run this country, in fact he couldn't run a bath imo. Brexit

God fucking help us then. That man is a menace

So they and Sky are using this to support Treezer too? Bizarre.

Do you think the torries wont elect another leader and carry on with this Brexit farce. May will resign and they will put up another chump. All this choas lies right at Camerons door. Tory led brexit shambles

We’re all doomed !


Not a fat chance,no even if this country falls would we vote him and his terrorists friends in gov.

We MUST stop this. It’s time to backboris

God help us if he is we are doomed.

Honestly ! This bloke is a lot better than SteveBannon puppet , lying BorisJohnson .

Brilliant news. ToriesOut


We can now see why majority of us treat skynews as a parody

Come on sky news where are The reports on the march in London today are or you so bias and scared you darent report anything that is against your agenda

No they couldn't!

Out of the fryer into the frying pan - I think no matter how much the LD’s have disappointed voting for them may be the only way of keeping Labour and the Tories under control.

God forbid the guy hasn't got a clue

God help us well be bankrupt in a month

You mean FOR days right?

Sky News and their crap.

Yeah right.. and the UK will still go down the Brexit tube...

God help us😩

If Jeremy stepped down, I truly believe Labour would get back into power...

And my wife sophie010886 is going to get her very own unicorn! 😂😂😂

Don't be daft this won't happen

A change of Managecis all that is needed by the Tories to sink a Labour vote


Then we would be in the shit ! Bloody muppet and his cronies- no chance


1. Could, but not likely, and it isn't a Brexit Deal, it's just the withdrawal agreement. If the WA is voted down, May should go. It is intrinsically linked to her. Then a new Tory leader, who will have DUP back onside and will see through Brexit before any election.

Having jeremycorbyn as Labour leader is putting people off voting Labour, I'm one of them! Surely the Labour party must know this!

British Politics is an absolute joke and so embarrassing to your citizens.


Yaaaa a quicker United ireland

God help us all

He has had a golden opportunity to weld his weight of opposition in the past few months and failed spectacularly. Labour would be romping home in the polls with a half credible leadership

Oh great we might as well hug the terrorists he supports and accept we will be a soft nation like he is. Cuddly cuddly talk talk talk ... woohoo safe hands, we know how he supports our military ...

Best laugh I've had today.🤣🤣🤣 What idiots would vote for that bunch of imbeciles when the country is at stake?

The country is a sitting duck. The incumbent is drowning in a sea of treachery , yet Corbyn is still unable to break in to mainstream support, relying on Momentum an buying the youth vote, with undeliverable promises. Looks promising.

Hopefully Not 😈

Hope not

How? he LOST the last general election and since then has gone from a weak leader to an embarrassment to an already embarrassing UKLabour party 👴🏻🙄

Ooh look at that!

Not a fan of Teresa May but in even less confident about Jeremy.



Then we really will be fucked

God I hope not

How have things got so bad that there's no party or person preferable for the PM job . everyone of them looks a bad choice . like trying to pick you're favorite turd out of a blocked toilet after curry night at whetherspoons

😂😂😂😂 Then we’ll all be fucked... God Bless Us!

Lost my vote after their conference. SDP is a much better prospect.

UKIP2014 Dream on jezza

God help us all if that happens. intotheabyss

Hope to god not, Corbyn I mean..

Please don’t - much love, Mark X X X

He’s not my prime minister.

And that’ll be it for Britain sadly, Brexit means the biggest economical challenge for the UK something the left is clueless about

Good that will shoot those remainers that got us into this position right up the jacksy.

Diane Abbott says Labour has the numbers. What better expert do need?


Complete fake news nonsense. If the deal is voted down then DUP will support government. They said that a couple of days ago

This alone is reason enough to BacktheBrexitDeal

This would be an even bigger disaster for the people of the UK.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Ya think !!


DeclanBurke2 Hahahahahahahahahaha...breathes in..hahahahahahahaha....oh and for good measure...hohoho!

Teresa probably itching to say Fk it,you sort this mess out Jeremy because I can't. Then we're all screwed !

jeremycorbyn UKLabour

He’s going to be prime minister anyway when 17.4 million people don’t vote at he next election.

And monkeys might fly out of my butt!

Well that’s pissed on my cornflakes

MPs “could” respect the 17.4 million people

Oh no no no no

And then the UK would be in ruins within weeks of Corbyn taking over.

Not likley. PeoplesVote StopBrexit

rather have Nazis

Is it April ?

HELP, get me out of here

That would be a nightmare, 4 years of sitting on the fence still blaming everyone else.

Well that's not true is it. There has to be a vote of no confidence, then there's a 14 day period of grace for the government to sort themselves out. Seems like just another MP talking shite again.

All the tories creeping out now 😂😂😂


AssedBaig Wouldn’t there have to be a general election, or do you think he will become PM by some kind of mass acclamation of the people?

Cuckoo cuckoo

A true disaster for Britain

The key to the report is... “Says Labour”

The scariest thing i can think of right now.

What a very frightening thought...

F**ck may ! Bring on corbyn 🙊🙊


But I want to be PM, I'll form a minority government, who needs general elections anyway!!!

Quick get another UKLabour leader in then they may have a chance!!! jeremycorbyn needs to GO…

Total BS scaremongering with fiction

Scary times with Comrade Corbyn

Dream on.

😂😂😂on the day so of the idiot Jon tricket 😂😂😂

99 to 1 that there will be no Brexit. Globalist at Brussels won’t allow it. They’re fighting very hard for this invisibly as they are fighting against realDonaldTrump . They own every liberal networks and control everyone thoughts. One world order will win.

Out of the fry pan and into the fryer

What a bloody thought that is. A nutter incharge of the Assylum

O DEAR 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

What a piece of compete nonsense and wishful thinking.

BentosTheEnigma God help us!

Wow sky sink to new lows

The British people may be a lot of things, but they are not that stupid!!!

Omg NO

Ha ha ha ha ha ha

The best thing that can possibly happen to this country right now would be a labour government

Anyone other than Labour saying it?

So Laughable

Heaven forbid .... 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 .. we’ll be off then!

Oh goody !! 😂😂😂

joke WTF StopTommyRobinson GraceMillane SundayBrunch SundayThoughts AntiCorruptionDay andrewmarr Brexit BlockTonyRobinson Caturday DoctorWho FarageOnLBC HomegrownChristmas kickitout MeaningfulVote TheresaMay theresamaystay theresa Vegan Pride2018 racism

Such an ‘if, but and maybe’ headline. Why can’t you report on facts. Regardless of who you support, the people are sick of reading this rubbish.

To be fair, the Conservatives need to sort their shit out pretty quickly. If the above headline from 'impartial' sky news doesn't give them a kick up the arse then fuck em, tories have no one to blame apart from themselves.

I'm not sure anyone tickles my fancy for a decent PM at this time.


Next your be telling us Theresa May in next years Strictly! 🤣🤣🙄

Not a chance

Seems Tories like using the womanly touch when electing leaders.


Really? It’s come to this? Focus on the important stuff and facts UKLabour and JeremyCorbyn4PM don’t have a chance. Pathetic reporting.

He wishes.


Oh no he won't! - (its Xmas panto time innit?)


Brewer Sun_Pol_Scot confirms Labour's 'Bananas' & ' Bonkers' priorities: 1. To get GE and fight for Leave; and if that fails, 2. To get a Second Referendum and fight for Remain. Described as 'Bananas' & 'Bonkers'. The Labour Party: from 'vague joke' to 'all over the place joke'.

Ohhh my God nooooooo

Labour would say this, wouldn't they Sky ? Hardly anybody else is ! They are opportunist and would try anything to elevate jeremycorbyn intoNo10.

OMG noooooooo!!!!

You see this country am mess now , brace your selfs!! It will be hell off lot worse than it is now, we will be on are knees with him in charge.

David_Cameron aim of referrendum?



Not sure how that one will work

Please make this fake news 😒

OMFG!! It’s getting worse!!

There needs to be a GE then, you can'take just be come the Government.

Ho Ho Ho it’s Christmas not April fool.

Hope not. Been a labour supporter all my life but I cant back Corbyn.

I know I shouldn't be unhappy but surely government's are formed after winning the argument. This is easily the worst government I have ever seen and I won't miss them but I really would rather beat them

GOD help us!!!!

And we thought it was chaotic already. You ain't see nothin yet!!!

We're fucked either way

In other news the Pontiff converts to Judaism, the Mullahs of Iran denounce Islam in favour of new atheism (inviting Lawrence Krauss to come bring them up to speed) and the French give Macron a 100% approval rating apologising profusely for their jaune gilet antics.

No he won’t

Then we are fucked..

Corbyn would be more damaging to the UK than any kind of bodged Brexit deal or even a no deal.

I see the twitter reaction to this hilarious suggestion has hardly got off the ground

You are so full of rubbish Sky remainer leftist propaganda machine. Wheres you report on the Pro Brexit march ?

Dianne Abbott explaining on TV that there are just 17 weeks until Christmas

Well, if that doesn't unite the Tories, I don't know what will......

Suspect this means Labour is trying to get others to back the deal.

For the many ( terrorists ) not the few

Shitenews at it again, this time even less believable than their projectfear brexit bullshit

And pigs might fly....

God help us

Dianne Abbott in power, Jesus that's scary.

I fuckin hope he isn’t

Let's hope not 😱

Labour says a lot of things depending on what they think will win them votes. At least we’ll get everything for free if he is and everyone will be able to live off the state.

never in a million years

Eh not happening like he is racist

And pigs fly ... they’ve taken over reindeer’s

hahahahaha good luck with that

Seriously,have you not been listening to people across the country,not a chance Corbyn would be elected leader of our country.Nobody trusts him and nobody wants Abbott anywhere near a government office

God forbid. We’re all doomed.

He’s hoping lol

/ Would not JC & The Labour Party need to be elected to form a Government first ?

I bloody hope not!

Ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa Yep and I could win the lotto and dick grow to at least 5 inches... I’ll keep praying 🤣🤣🤣🤣

have you been starting the christmas piss up early 😂😂😂😂

I'm leaving the country and taking my family with me if this Marxist bastard gets anywhere near Downing Street.

For the country, no! For the laughs, absolutely!

And if that doesn't get the deal through nothing will. Bullshit

This is why the tories won't vote the deal down - with a few Labour traitors this deal will get voted through

God help us all

.....And Diane Abbott as chancellor 😂what could go wrong🤣🤣

Money or LIBERTY?

And they said things could not possibly get worse !

Ah... the old jeremycorbyn will be PM by Christmas story.. as festive as a Michael Buble LP

Venezuela will be declared a superpower next year, and every nation to adopt socialism.

Good Then maybe we may have a more happier country

He would still have to respect the people's vote no deal

Good luck with that!

Really.... the hamas amd ira lover

Yesterday I said The end of the EU has started with Angela Merkel stepping down...if JC becomes PM, that'll be the start of the end for the UK...Brexit or no Brexit!

What a load it nonsense, scaremongers at there best

Do the Deal Do the Deal!!!!!

As a Labour supporter, no chance.

Bring him on

Erm yeah let’s hand the reigns to the loony squad, Abbott Home Secretary 🤪 macdonald chancellor 😳 how can people think of voting for them. Shows how naive young people are.

Brexit will be the least of our worries if this goon gets to the levers of power.

Heaven helps us...!!!! 😱

Ha ha ha 😂😂😂

At least Father Christmas is real.

Really they are having a laugh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

mattremains With Corbyn's pathetic record regarding Brexshit I would suggest he doesn't bank on that.

What a lot of plop

Nope, nope, nope

Cue Tory Twitter Trolls - all Tory Twitter Trolls called to stage right.

Yeah, 999.99 days

God forbid!

This scruffy, tambourine rattling lunatic couldn't even run a bath. And people think he could run a country !?!? Give it up.

Corbyn as PM is worse than a hard Brexit

He’s got massive hands.

Heaven forfend!

Can't we hire Donald Trump for a year to sort out the EU & BREXIT?

Dream on idiots. god help us with that old fart🥊🥊🥊


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last one out please turn the lights out


God help us all!!

Well are all doomed

True. About 1000 days. But even highly unlikely then.


Time to move to Ireland GB is an absolute mess

😮 if Corbyn was some how able to for a minority government the queen would reject as would 65% of the countries population. There would be a civil war.

He couldn't run a domino card!

Labour says a lot of things.

Good banter but utter bollocks as usual.

Labour says 😂

what drugs are the labour party on Jeremy corbyn couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery

I think should start reporting the important issues. ie Is Mike Ashley selling Newcastle United or not?

Horse shit

Oh Labour said it so it’ll definetly be true.. 😂😂

He'd do better than the Tramps from U.S. and Motherfuck Theresa

Well people laughed and said I couldn't be President, so go chew on that !

Hahahaha Labour says You know what, i dont care anymore who is PM, see if they deliver what people voted for, which was to leave the EU, then fair play to them! We all know that neither will do that though, so they are both to be held in contempt

OMG anything but him.

LOL! Utter delusion.

hes that much of a joke even Mickey Mouse has a Jeremy Corbyn watch

Still trying to scare people into remaining, skynews ? Didn't work in 2016, won't work now.

And how does he intend to replace the new Tory leader?

No, No, do they know what they do.

Gawd help us!!

Hahaha hilarious Now that is project fear in overdrive

And THAT is May's doing.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (you know the rest...)

BIULDING Britain for the many not the few but who are the many and who are the few


Rubbish. DUP would never support him. Do the maths


Now that's a scary thought


The key words (which effectively make this article not worth reading) are “Labour says”.

And pigs might fly.

A woodpecker with a rubber nose would be more effective. And I despise the Tories btw.

The country could be bankrupt by the end of the year with a Corbyn Government.

That’s not what the scarecrow on his allotment told me!

😂😂😂 ProjectFear ProjectFascicle

We are doomed!

If he does, he’ll be the biggest cunt to lead the country since, well, Theresa May. When was the last time we had someone in charge of this country we could be proud of? Does such a person exist?


Yeah in he's dreams

Now your really taking the liquid.

God help us all.....

O fuck.

No, he couldn't.

Priminster of what country...

I hope so, more than anything I've hoped for in years.

God help us!!!!

God help us all....

God help us

Never heard such ridiculousness in all my life....😂😂

Heaven help us!

Is it April Fools day

False dichotomy - May’s deal or Corbyn is not the choice - however much Sky wants to suggest it is


This will never happen. It’s a total fantasy, as is Lexit.


Weeks maybe

Absolute banter. Labour Party always provide the comedy in politics.

Errrr fantasy

About time the MSM told the truth. Though for the wrong reasons I suspect. nodealnow

This man will never ever see power. The days of even the kids being fooled by this terrorist supporting UK hating lunatic are over!

We'll need more than thoughts and prayers if he does

No chance.😁

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