Jamie Oliver: Sugar tax could fund school meals

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Sugar tax could fund school meals, says Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver has brought his campaign for better child nutrition to several prime ministers, including Boris Johnson last MayJamie Oliver has said the millions being raised through the so-called sugar tax should be used to extend the provision of free school meals.He was instrumental in persuading the government in 2018 to impose the levy on soft drinks with high sugar content.

The levy raised £336m in 2019-2020, the year after it was first introduced and Oliver said that "if you look at the money raised from the sugary drinks tax, it's not far off what's needed" to fund those extra meals. Oliver has long been campaigning on child nutrition and the need to improve the quality and availability of school dinners. His 2005 Feed Me Better campaign led to the government pledging £280m to tackle the school meals programme in England.

Speaking to Nick Robinson, Mr Osborne credited the chef with having been "very influential" in bringing about the soft drinks levy in 2016. He added: "I honestly don't think there's anything more important for the future of the country but to make sure we deal with this - early years education and wellbeing.


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Fat tounged twerp.

Sugar tax? In that case just give up consuming sugar

Could and should

Looking fat and old -dude

Celebrity Tax He Doesn't Mention That Is He Being Paid By 75 Year Old Pensioners Whom Have To Pay The TV Licence Tax Now To Fund His Fuel For His Fee And Private Jet

What an Absolute joke sugar in all your dishes so you will go bankrupt in 7045 How Do They Get The Space Or Is He Spaced

Taxing anything because it may be bad for us in some people’s perception is outrageous. This Oliver pillock puts buckets full of salt in his horrible recipes, surely, Salt, nuts, lactose, fat are all bad. Keep celebs out of politics. Education is a better way, not Tax

Jamie Oliver should shut his face up. We already have seen massive reduction in Quality Street box sizes and Kit Kat bars due to his meddling.

Shut him up ffs 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ sugar isn't the problem. Kids got lazy is the problem. They're all indoors now parked for hours infront of video games

Only if can afford food for sugar tax, just give them free school meals

The ridiculous and controlling tax needs to be dropped let people make Their own choices in life. govermentcontrol

Higher taxes for people like Jamie Oliver would be better but divert that idea with suggestions on ways to tax the poor more 👌

Sugar tax could be used to subsidies healthy foods meats and vegetables

Don’t you think the public have suffered enough, I have a better solution as the MPs in Westminster got this country in the mess it is in, they should take a pay cut until this country is back on its feet.

Why isn’t Jamie Oliver the picture of health but feels the need to be the health ambassador!

So sad that we need a tax to fund meals in schools. Not that we don't pay enough taxes...

Why are parents unable to feed their children? What do they buy with their Child Allowance payments?

Is this the same twat that avoided paying £1.4 million in business rates?

Wow now you follow a Nazi Puff


Mr conspiracy theory?

Just another regressive tax on the poor.

Two pints for Jamie, I realise it’s a small group, but my daughter has PKU. Sugar substitutes are harmful! You are basically taxing her for her condition! Secondly the alternatives to sugar are often carcinogens so the benefit is more than diluted!

Jamie Oliver business sell the must disgusting and expensive fast food in France. Don’t comme to give nutrition advice…

Should tax Jamie Oliver for every time he speaks.

Sugartax is another way of stealing from the taxpayer

Brexit couldve funded NHS and we wouldnt be having strikes but Tories knew better and gave it away to the likes of Michelle Mone

See what happened in Seattle with the sugar tax. Epic fail

Bang on 🥊

Another ego trip.

Can’t feed em don’t breed em.

Pls don't attack the messenger, it weakens th argument for change Jamie's guess editor role BBCr4today explored why Gov shy away from obvious long term health benefit gains, but spend sugar tax on other protects Shouldn't all children get the best start in life? Write to yr MP

Could we have an hypocrisy tax,where entitled Loudmouth chefs are made to read their own recipes with loads of sugar? Maybe sell his vast real estate portfolio and also pay staff at the failed Italian restaurant chain before court ordered redundancy pkgs were issued

Or it might put a tax on families who use high sugar choices to provide energy and nutrition while Jamie offers a generic association.

He is exactly right. Sugar is poison and is the leading cause of numerous health conditions. Sugar is highly addictive.

He needs to pay his taxes and suppliers

Our country is embarrassing

Why do we think the answer to everything is TAX !

Here we go again😏😕🍐🍎🍉🥦🥬🤩🍔🍟🍰🍩🍭🍪🍫🥱💀

Why do you oh so clever people never learn! The USA brought in sugar tax to try to overcome obesity! Manufacturing responded by switching to High Fructose Corn Syrup! 10 times worse than super and is really bad for humans! Sugar tax - silly idea….

Tell you what could give school meals parents getting off their arses and getting a job to pay for them .

Get fecked , what like the plastic bag tax of 10p , yet supermarkets now charge more than 30p and they even charge for paper bags . Rip off Britain.

Hypoglycaemia in diabetics T1 you changed lucozade meaning you had to drink more and full fat drinks hypoglycaemia sometimes sugar drinks needed medically I don’t follow your book or programme anymore please stick to beinga chef not a politician

You know what else pays for school meals and many other things, higher tax rate for millionaires


Didn’t fund the Scottish government to do anything else so just silly to suggest the uk government would raise any cash by it 🤷‍♂️

Didn’t this guy go bankrupt?

The government could easily fund free school meals but it chooses not to. It’s an idealogical choice. Jamie Oliver is just muddying the water and probably has a new book to promote.

Still here Jamie? I thought he was leaving the country if we voted to leave the EU!

Maybe if Jamie Oliver actually paid tax it would help pay for school meals. Whilst we're at it, the same could be said for the likes of most celebrities and large supermarkets.

What about a butter tax Jamie? You are after all constantly cooking with butter arnt you turd! It beggars belief that you bang on about sugar when everything you cook has slabs of butter in it!!!!!!!Isn’t this just about putting publicity Jamie !!!

So could you with the wages you saved paying all youre staff off you t.....r 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

And that's just at his restaurant

Jug of orange juice for the meeting with Blair. A tonne of sugar in that. BUT sugar isn't the enemy. Too many calories and not enough movement is the problem. One tea spoon of sugar is 15 calories. Not a big deal. No PE + No walking to school. Sitting down all day = problems

Won’t happen tho! Will be pocketed and used to fund MPs payrise

I would rather have sugar than artificial sweetners how about taxing food with them in it.

jamie oliver tax could fund a hospital

Another little piece of self-promotion courtesy of the BBC. So glad my licence fee is helping him to sell more books.

Millionaire tax could fund school lunches. But he’s not suggesting that, because he’s one of them. Hypocrite.

Oh the irony. Jamie Oliver giving, anyone, financial advice…..

Just tax the parent of school kids. With UC etc. not sure why we should fund more benefits TBF. Maybe time for parents to be responsible; like when they wanted them.

Tax the rich.

Get your hands off my Lucozade you mockney twat

Seems to me many of these children are not fed by parents at all🤷🏻‍♂️ Breakfast clubs = free food, school lunch = free food, tea/supper/dinner = free food via a food bank😡 However, it’s not ‘free’ is it, because someone pays for it just not the person on the receiving end🤷🏻‍♂️

Stop telling parents what to feed their children they're adults they can read the packaging themselves

100% tax rate for millionaire Socialists to fund taxpayer funded school meals. Brilliant idea.

He's got so much money, he could fund school meals. Tax the public more is your message Jamie. No wonder Ramsay beats you hands down.


Bog off

Totally wrong approach! There should be a ban of added sugar in certain foods and drinks, esp those aimed at kids and artificial sweetners should not take the place of sugar.Nearly all kids drinks have sweetners now and all itbis doing is creating a dependency of sweet products.

The British royal family are worth somewhere in the neighborhood of US$19 billion. Tell me Why you are thinking about taxing the regular people instead of slapping a royalty tax on the royal family? How much is it going to cost to feed hungry children?

Hypocrite look at him..

Just out of curiosity, could you fund The children’s lunches and even breakfast if you stopped paying the royal family? I mean it’s clear you British are nothing special anymore. Tell me what purpose the royal family serves and I’ll drop this idea

The sugarg tax should be done away with. We should be adult enough to make our own decisions without this tax. The cost of living is high enough!

Michelle Mone could fund school meals too!

Yay more taxes please! The government always spend the money they steal off us so very well 👏

He looks like he’s had a few sugar lumps too many recently.

Looks like he's been avoiding the sugar tax himself.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

a tax on the poor who eat like the poor to pay for the meals for the children of the poor

Why Do They Say: No Worry! No Problem! When The World On FIRE? Wars, Droughts, Floods, Inflation, Taxes, Homeless, Terrorist, Food, Fuel, Gas Shortages! Soon Electricity Blackouts?

Pennsylvania soda tax hasn't helped do much except put small businesses out of business.

Why have children if you can’t fund them and why at 63 should l pay more for a can l like?

No tax will. Greedy politicians spend it elsewhere to benefit themselves. True story.

So could all the dosh spent on channel arrivals

Get lost Jamie you are just desperate to remove sweetness out of people’s life.

I'd make a chicken tax, theres so many fake KFC's on high streets its betting shop, charity shop, charity shop, chicken shop, pizza, chicken shop, empty, empty

All tax is unlawful. Abolishing tax would provide relief for all mankind globally and feeding kids would be so different. End evils strangle hold. Learn what real money is not the debt fiat currency u currently use or the evil CBDC they want to push.

How about parents feed kids?

F.O with you tax

How about higher taxes for those with obscene amounts of money and give that to kids instead.

Parents could pay for their own kids instead of taxing everyone else Jamie.

Modern day politics: person that can’t keep a restaurant profitable believes to have the solution to the country’s financial problems.

A man who's food contains the most salt and sugar, who's restaurants closed. His food is unhealthy

He is the worst. Too much sugar

Jamie Oliver another one of labours useless celebrities is wheeled out.

He eats enuff as it is

Dont you think we being screwed enough not that it effects you as much

Raising taxes on food, sugar or any other so called 'junk ',never helped the poor people, never give them any food in schools, or any help regarding education for eating healthy Just more money for big names, big companies and shareholders

Good on him, but is this the only way that TV chefs get publicity nowadays?

Stop trying to control everyone’s lives. Like free speech we should be free to choose what we eat

better idea teach parents how to budget .

How about Govt could find free school meals. Simple. Pay for it out of recovered Covid and PPE fraud maybe

What it has done is slow one health issue (maybe jury is out) and create and massive ticking time bomb for another. The huge cancer spikes that will occur due to the use of artificial sweeteners like Aspartame. Well done Jamie you utter Cupid stunt.

Or you know just undo tax cuts on the rich and corporations.

Bloody nanny state crap! jamieoliver

Has he got a book out again ?

Tired of all these celebrities standing on the sidelines like a dad at a kids football match. If they wanna change things, go into politics, at least Eddie Izzard gave it a go

Sugar tax is used to fund the NHS and it’s fight against Obesity.

A lot of things could including state employees paying for most of their own pensions etc

If he stopped losing money for creditors they could make a profit. The man shames Essex a complete *****

A failed business man and average cook discovers you can't charge £20 for a salad and make money, his new venture pasta dreams sells small cans of fizzy drinks for £2.50. I wouldn't pay too much attention

Is it really the moment so put more tax on anything? I know it’s not politically correct obesity and all that. But try maybe to give subsidies to gym to open for kids free that would be more productive rather then punishing?

Maybe tax on booze, drugs and smokes could pay nurses, ambulance carers.🤩

He talks good

From the picture looks the Jamie could do without sugar as well

Oh do bore off

Surely he says 'thoogar' 🤷‍♂️

X tax could fund Y, says literally anyone

Great more taxes on the working folks that cant afford gas

Not really

So could more tax from rich chefs

What a great idea. Take money away from people with an eating disorder that there is no support or treatment for and give it to the school to feed the children whose parents couldn't afford to have children but had them anyway. Meanwhile, I'll just carry on sleeping in my car.

Should stop poking his hooter in

So could a wealth tax.

I thought Marcus Rashford covered the cost of school meals. Why do taxpayers need to pay more? If there's a shortfall, maybe multi-millionaire Oliver could cover it himself.

How about parents take responsibility for children? The government is not their baby daddy.

Anyone else just look at the picture and think, here that dessert looks really good 😋😋

Says a man with failed business

Lowering tax on fruit and veg could mean that heathy school meals are more affordable.

The government could also stop sending billions to their rich mates

Do what Just Eat or Uber eats do and add sugar tax on your full fat coke delivery and then a bottle of coke zero turns up 🤦🏻‍♂️millions in revenue i imagine

From a man who’s restaurants failed I’ll take your sums as a load of 💩

Why hasn’t it already then?

Surely he is only looking out for his family. As more of his restaurants fail and close he needs to make sure his 8 kids are fed

Stop asking the public to fund your whims jamieoliver. Instead why not start a business that funds school meals yourself if you feel that strongly about it. You never know it might be a bit more successful than your restaurants..

Who pays for this tax? The consumer? No thanks. Just out regulations on max sugar amount in products.

How about taxing the rich?

Too many celebrities with opinions who use their positions to manipulate others.

Yes tax the billionaires - but I also think processed food should be taxed . Probably won’t stop me eating it - but a bit more for the treasury (when the tories stop chucking it at their mates )

you should be asking WHY parents cannot feed their own children and take a look at their bank statements to verify the information. Crying poverty is becoming the trendy thing to do.

Another tax to add to the highest tax burden ever so more irresponsible and feckless parents get free food for their already obese children?

It could but it wont once tories get their hands on it

Fuck the sugar tax

Woke leftardation

So could £83m of unpaid debts on failed business ventures.

Tax tax tax

Tax tax fucken tax the only answer to every problem

What about a wanker tax? Make a fortune one here.

Tax The answer to everything

If course, journalism runs on could

Has he got a book to promote

1% raise in corporation tax.

Imagine what a wealth tax could fund


Don’t underestimate the sugar lobby and I would guess Tory funding would get in the way. Welcome to the UK and it’s governments priorities.

I do laugh at some of these chefs, school meals have always and will always be atrocious . Also so many chefs are overweight! 🤔

Does he have a new book out soon.?.

Well he hasn't aged well , or is he hungover

Raise taxes for ordinary people? Or... We tax the billionaires and the giant multinational corporations

Could we not introduce a higher VAT rate for restaurants so that those who can afford to eat in them can help subsidise school meals? Jamie couldn't object surely?

Oh the BIASED BROADCASTING CORPORATION just loves tax and spend. It can't help itself. Forever promoting more and more Govt spending. Never looks at the radical reform that so many of our public services need including of course the BIASED BROADCASTING CORPORATION

That’s just to simple for a government minister to run with

Alternatively, we could charge VAT on private education and use that money to pay for school meals. At the moment, we're essentially funding top-quality 3-course meals for the children of elites.

No jamieoliver taxing rich people could fund school meals. You have loads of money from charging too much for what you sell. Ask your rich mates to pay their taxes instead of banking with the cayman islands.

He must have a new book or TV show out soon

A good start , but we must ensure the tax system is reformed top to bottom. The fact minorities have to pay the same tax rate as the white majority is grossly unfair. This needs to be urgently reviewed & overhauled.

Hmm … he didn’t think of his employees or their children not eating when he sacked them & closed his restaurants!!! After charging excessive prices for his shite ‘cuisine’

Or, the government could like they are supposed to. By putting distractions on like this, you are deflecting... Again!

Say the 💩head who made millions out of sugar..👍

A 1% tax rise on earnings over 100k could pay for every child to have school meals

How about cancelling the levy and letting me enjoy full fat coke at the normal price again? Let's have a fat tongue tax and make him pay for them

McDonald’s all round! Thanks Jamie

Why should I have to pay a Sugar Tax for Children who eat too much of sugar, that's the parents job 🤔

Jamie was so clear and convincing in Today this morning. Free school meals for families in need is a no-brainer!

Or better yet… we should introduce a ‘Jamie Oliver tax’ so that whenever he opens his mouth in a public setting, he automatically donates £10k to a free school meals charity.

Good luck we tried that in my state a few years ago, the drinks/snacks industry fought tooth and nail to put the kibosh on even a tiny 2-cent per litre increase that could have gone toward healthcare.

Taxing basic necessities is peak socialism.


If it moves tax it. If it doesn’t tax it anyway.

Jamie Oliver needs to lay off the sugar. You only need 1 chin.

The same school meals you made taste like cardboard with your stupid recommendations?

Why not just keep your nose out get sick people like you,

Lowering prices to a realistic level might have kept more of his restaurants open.

'I'm going to have that third Mars Bar... for the kids.'

Has Tony Bliar had a word in your shell .?

If he's going to preach about healthy eating he might want to start at home.

I do wish all those multimillionaires who seek to make themselves look good would just shut up. How deep do you think the British tax payers pockets are 🤦

Means well but nieve, maybe make healthier foods cheaper by closing tax avoidance loopholes and using the money raised to fund that, school meal and far more

Dont promote this fool and at jamieoliver you have made a lot of money in you career so the tax wont effect you but will impact others so stick to what you do best cooking and waitrose btw waitrose is expensive. You used to be alright now not so.

Still pedalling that Orwellian nonsense ?

Added sugar is a drug, look at all the addicts in the comments. I'm surprised they ever managed to put sugar tax on fizzy pop...

A salt tax could fund it twice over but Jamie relies on packing his food with copious amounts of salt.

Jamie Oliver could fund school meals. But sugar isn’t anywhere near as bad for us as the aspartame in the sugar free versions

Why is a failed business man giving advice about tax

His meals have the worst ingredients in them he is a money making hypocrite

Middle class prick hasn’t a clue. Why don’t you start by paying your taxes

Expose the discussing immigrants

So could his wealth

He really is a chunky chappy

Dont understand the Tax? Legislate levels, then fine none compliant producers

Jog on numpty

Don’t you think we pay enough tax ?

You find rich people always suggest idea's that cost the poorer in society more....like I'm alright jack, but you can squeeze those your trying to help even more. As it's those poorer in society that will bare the brunt of the cost.

The last thing the UK workers need are more stealth taxes

Oh yeah cause similar bans and taxes in NY did so wonderfully well

We already pay enough tax to fund everything…

Tax doesnt fund spending and its about time the BBC stopped allowing this myth to thrive. Govt spending is funded by new money creation. Tax destroys money. Not properly funding school meals, or the nhs for that matter, is a policy choice - not an economic necessity. MMT

Ffs tax us for have a shite 💩 next where will it end

Tax the poor, to feed the poor - the sugar tax raised the costs of certain food and drinks which are primarily bought by poor and struggling families on limited budgets. Jamie Oliver is out of touch with reality.

Taxing rich people more would also work.

Maybe start with a celeb cookery book (rehashed recipes from Victorian times) tax ?

What an utter hypocrite. This is the man who criticised everyone else for selling high sugar drinks & still sold over priced bottles of Coke in his Jamie’s Italian chain. What data has he used to reach this decision? He’s a failed restauranteur so why’s anyone listening to him?

It can also pay to heat MP's second homes when we can't heat our one and only.

Why should we be taxed for liking nice things just because Muppets can't control what they eat.

Fund it the normal way by taxing rich people, instead of this convoluted nonsense.

How about a tax on the wealthy, we're already paying sugar tax soda's 2.89-3. a bottle let's turn this around on the rich, make college educated people pay more raise their taxes 30% schools are OVERRATED and kids are still stupid as mud!

Children can stay hungry like children in Ethiopia. Equality! Thanks but no thanks. Just like Brexit had to fund the NHS. Stop lying to people, disgusting bastards

brent945 Never that’s being siphoned off for Richshi and his mates.

Looking at him... he needs to keep off the sugar himself...🤔🤷‍♂️

Pay for your own kids

No it won't, going on past records The Con-servative will find a more worthwhile alternative to where those funds would go.

He needs stick to cooking and but out of what dosnt concern him.

Less tax would allow people to feed their kids as we did in the days before socialism

Love when multi millionaires spout forth but make no financial contributions

No child in this country should be without basic routine and food. But if this is such an issue is the basic parental responsibility of prioritising a bowl of cereal, a sandwich and an evening meal for a child being addressed?

Looking at the picture, Jamie should stay away from sugar himself tbh...

This member of the super rich should stay out of working peoples lives.

Why tax everything? Give people info and left them choose. These taxes are just pocketed by gov members

More tax! Great idea Jamie

Why should I fund other people’s kids lunch FFS? WTF is going on is the country!!!!! 😡

Government could do this too if they were not such a bunch of greedy nasty bastards

Sugar tax hits the poorest people. Proven fact, which let's face it, chubby doesn't have to worry about.

It remains one of our greatest shames, that kids from families that can barely find money for uniforms, have to the go without in order to ensure their kids are fed on even a basic level. School meals for all of them should be free.

Tax tax tax... the thing that rich people don't pay, only the poor

Of course MORE TAXES for us little people 🙄. I wish 'do-gooders' like Jamie, who I might add is worth millions, would stop preaching

Dear old chubby will be one of the biggest payers then.

Always good when mega rich individuals want to bring in taxes when most of the country are struggling!!

What a typically middle class idea. A sugar tax will be passed on to the already cash strapped customer and then some. Then the rich will make even more money. 1. Tax the rich to pay for the school meals. 2. Change food standards laws to reduce the added sugar content of foods.

V high sugar tax, ban supermarkets from selling alcohol and tax all fast food/take aways which serve high fat and high salt content foods. NHS can’t cope with all the obese/diabetic/alcoholic people, an unhealthy population is breaking the health system.

It’s got to line the pockets of the Elite first

Scrap the tax

Is this muppet still waffling on?

God I just wish this man could just stop I mean he is even begging TV channels to show more of his shows because he is broke and about to become bankrupt so why are you letting him take space up in you're papers that could be used to tell us all some real news

Is he going to go back to the schools again?

Just like council tax is supposed to be fund the councils, NI is supposed to pay for NHS.., these taxes only take from the peoples pockets and pi$$ed up the wall then we’re told to cough up more! Do one!

All Jamie did was create an extra tax to take money from ordinary people to give to the elites to play around with and claim for expenses.

Why should I be taxed ,taxed and taxed again . How about the parents pay for their own kids (like I’ve had to) instead of wanting hand out after hand out.

O great, another fricking tax, can’t we think a bit more outside the box any more

So the the Government gets to decide what nurishment I can put in my body? How about fuck right off.

Can’t feed them don’t breed them!

Sugar is now 95p a kilo. Almost double what I paid a year ago. Millionaire jamieoliver needs to get out more. Also, surely parents should feed their own kids, not expect taxpayers to do it? If you can't afford kids, don't have them.

Cutting tax breaks to wealthy people’s private schools could fund school meals.

DanHanzus thought you'd turned into a mildly annoying British chef for a moment

AHH Jamie Oliver, the irony. Look at him He's a bloody porky now

Now that's the great idea 👏👏

Oliver went bust owing small butchers, bakers & big catering firms £80m.. That’s a lot of school meals. He’s basically a lefty virtue signalling twat..

Perhaps profits from his excesses could fund school meals instead of forcing people with no children to fund children whose parents can't abstain from either over consumption of food/drugs or recreational sex.

Someone who made money out of selling expensive deserts 😂🍨🧁🍰🥧😜😂😂

How about your government stops wasting the money it already takes.


Get stuffed Oliver - no one voted for you so unless you want to be an MP or get an MP to introduce this as part of a party’s mandate then stop trying to impose your fanaticism on the rest of us.

Like your desert menus

Oliver's foods so bad he went bust lmao....still in a mansion though..😮

Do one fatty....🍩💨

Have the people not enough to pay out on other things just as interesting and urgent.

Or Tories could pay for them by windfall taxes

Think we’re paying enough tax ffs

He should stay off the sugar, he's got a right Derby on him

3% sugar cut from food products in 3yrs They could force multinationals to seriously reduce salt & sugar from processed I use term loosely 'Food' & include toxic chemicals causing health risks & a mention that unhealthy products are all most can afford

Sugar tax was the impetus for food companies to use more synthetic sweeteners (which are carcinogenic) rather than natural sugar

Piss off Jamie

Don't trust a man who puts chilli jam on egg fried rice 🤷‍♀️

Stop subsidiaries of Mps food and heating and put it into funding all children. No child should be left behind.

Good bloke talking common sense

If he is so determined for kids to eat healthy, why is his food range, such as 7 veg pasta sauce so outrageously expensive, not many families can afford that if they have a few kids He’s a hypocrite.

Im sick of these Commie tw*ts. Less tax, less nanny state, more choice I dont need the Govt taxing me more to supposedly fund school meals as they bloody well wont Same as National Insurance doesnt fund the NHS even though it was supposed to

That man needs to concentrate on his restaurants and stop interfering in schools

Definitely tax Alan Sugar more!

Look my new 🔞video in profile🔥

What does it fund now?

Whilst he intends good, he's not someone I'd trust with sums.

Removing charitable status from private schools will more than cover it.

But it won’t because look at the car crash it has been in Scotland, perhaps he was distracted by his son urinating in the driveway again when the tv crew was there

No. Definitely no more tax. What planet are you on. 🤔

I think it best if jamieoliver keeps his nose out of politics being his past has nothing in it to be desired …

Even better, serve roast Jamie to the kiddos

How much is raised by the sugar tax? I couldn't see it. I don't think it should just be for UC children many parents that work are really struggling. It would be good if all school meals were free, other countries do it. Stops the hassle if schools becoming the food police

Just stop manufacturers from putting sugar in everything! Easy, problem solved!

So could expropriating your 'Empire'

He couldn’t even pay his employees properly!

jamieOliver needs to go away now

People who don't have kids, should they be made to pay for school meals ?

The taxes I pay now could fund school meals. A sugar tax just makes it a luxury for the wealthy.

Just tax the richest, crikey I can barely afford to eat as it is, why add more to my tiny budget. I need to get fatter I need more cake!

Just tax Jamie Oliver every time he fucks up cooking rice or completely destroys other cultures' regional dishes.

Do you know what else could fund school meals Jamie? Paying tax!

People with lots of money always think taxes on the majority are a good idea then use a financial advisor to allow them to pay as little as possible themselves. Go away Jamie Oliver.

Or tax the rich like emmm Jamie Oliver 😉

Has the tax worked? Has obesity levels fallen in children and adults?

Good grief does this prat ever go away?

Feck off Jamie. We are sick of taxes.


You need to pay off your creditors!

Humans actually asking to be taxed, hilarious. Demise of society right here …

Bang on 🥊

Sugar tax doesn't work

I support a tax on Sugar to pay for free school meals for every pupil

Tax is theft

... ubi will cover it maybe ...

It wouldn't though, it'd just make food more expensive. It is regressive, disproportionately affecting low income families, and much of the evidence we have indicates such taxes do little to prevent obesity.

From a man that cant even run a business .

Such a tax would be a choke on freedom of choice, it is fine for Oliver to preach as he has the financial means to buy sugar at what ever price is set, as for Artificial Sweeteners they taste foul, they have not been is use long enough for any real negative effects to be apparent

No more taxes please. The government get enough of our £. Stop ploughing £ into idiocies like HS2 and spent it on this instead.

But its morally wrong. Stealing people's money

Slap it on a bus mister and be done with it.

From slavery to obesity, the sugar industry has much to be ashamed of, so taxing their products to reduce its use is the least we should do.

Tax aspertame and other toxic additives.

I say Jamie Oliver is a 🔔 end.

Another ass who needs a soil overcoat

Tax tax tax tax tax 😡

Or.... the Government could just fund school meals cause you know its the right thing to do 🤔

The turd that won't flush.

So could returning the gimmigrants

The sugar companies give loads of money to the Tory Party. So the sugar tax will never happen.

Says the man who ruined school meals

Why don’t they introduce a sugar tax then? Always going on about obesity in school children. The tax could go towards healthy school dinners for children.

FU Oliver, why should I pay more for sugary foods to pay for other people's kids meals when I don't have children myself? Parents should feed their own children, you shouldn't have children if you can't afford to feed them

Well give them free school meals

So could taxing the 1% and taking away subsidies for parliamentary food and drink. Sugar needs to be in some things to help diabetics why should they pay more.

Yeah and leaving the EU could help fund the NHS to the tune of £36 million a month! Mwahahaha! Stick to picking your nose Jamie!

So could scrapping MP’s subsidies on food and drink,Non doms,bankers bonuses ,MP energy subsidies,water companies fined for pollution,Proper rates of tax for people hiding their monies on a computer somewhere like Rees Mogg and Johnson,the King paying inheritance tax.

The chubby failed restauranter 🤔

Yet another tax which would break the British workers it’s ok for him he has the money

Recreational cannabis would bring in more. Prove me wrong.

Oliver, your opinion based on your previous experience in running up massive debts with not so good ideas is not needed. On the other hand, keeping you in the news will promote your own self-serving ventures, won't it 😉

Or parents could feed the children they chose to have 🙄😕👎

FoldableHuman help us

Don’t be tricked into fighting socialism with socialism

stop spending taxed money on immigrants

Could find your restaurant chain thst went bust

Where have you been for the last few years Jamie?

Paying your debt to HMRC for Jamie’s Kitchen would help as well ! Think about it

He is a prat of the first order of prats.

I think Air breathing tax is an even greater idea

It's honestly about time that someone in Jamie's circle of friends told him what the rest of the country is thinking - 'STFU'. Everyone is sick of Jamie Oliver pretending to be some expert on everything nutritional & education-based. You're a cook, get back in the kitchen.

That prat can sod right off. How's is his businesses going? not good last I heard.

Why are ‘peddling’ the opinions of a bankrupt failed cook & alleged businessman ?

Millionaires could fund school meals

Tax pays for nothing. Our children don't have free school meals because our government CHOOSES not to fund them. Simples.... Watch this 👇

1st good idea by Jamie. Let´s go !

Counterpoint: taxing Jamie Oliver’s socioeconomic class properly could fund school meals. What did he have to say last time that was mooted?

No, it needs to be abolished. All it does is remove freedom of choice. Not buying too much high sugar stuff is the responsibility of the parent, not a supermarket.

Parents are responsible for feeding their kids!

Why does he INSIST on meddling with people’s lives? There is nothing more infuriating than a meddler where it’s not wanted or listened too by the collective. Mind your own, and back off.

School meals should be free for all, children don’t have any income. Meals are free in prisons and for hospital patients, why not for school children.

However it's funded all school meals should be free and it's ridiculous that they aren't

There was a case in Rotherham where kids turned their nose up at his meals & the parents smuggled chip butties/burgers thru the school-gates. They're not in a position to kick off about schools taking over parenting when they don't bother to properly parent their kids themselves.

But a sugar tax would hit the poorest hardest as more of their income is spent on food. As usual rich celebs think that taking our money and spending it for us is completely fine.

“Socialism. We reject it utterly for, however well-intended, it leads in one direction only: to the erosion and finally the destruction of the democratic way of life”

I wish Jamie Oliver would stop poking his nose in the make himself relevant. I don’t have kids for a reason so I shouldn’t have to pay a sugar tax! If he wants to fund this - he should.

If he means alan sugar then I agree


You can't fix a problem by adding a silly tax to it. It never solved anything. The correct thing to do would be to teach kids about healthy diets and exercise. Ohh, and stop telling them being fat is body positive.

Yeah lets tax normal people more to pay for their own kid's school meals. Why does this fat tongued bellend still get taken seriously? Stick to the kitchen lad.

Business parasite

‘Jamie Neville knows where the real problems are but just like the rest he opts for the least pushback and safe target Government’

We should create a whole new voluntary tax band for celebs and lefties where their extra taxes could be used to finance things like this. There seems to be so many of these types, it’d raise billions. A ‘Tax Czar’ could be appointed to ensure it all goes to the ‘right’ causes.

Or parents could, wow what an idea.

Celebrities with a platform saying what should happen in schools how about you just F.O. & let us parents decide what is best for our children because thanks to your interference in school meals my child comes home hungry daily due to the portion & lack of choice. So jog on pal!

I don't think someone lacking business sense is best placed to offer advise on funding.

jamieoliver honestly just f*** off

There are no redeeming factors about this man

Just stop putting so much sugar in food in general. Simples

Like his monotonous recipes he should stick to his lemon juice and olive oil.

Can't even eat anymore without being lectured. What's the world coming to?

Don't get me wrong he aint fat but he is a tad on the podgey side to be the main chef that campaigns for healthier eating in schools

Attention seeker

Sugar taxes should be thought about in the same way as alcohol or carbon taxes. It’s a huge societal harm and comes at great financial costs too via obesity related illnesses. It’s a no brained UKLabour.

His business went down the tubes almost went Bankrupt. Now he is trying to re-invent himself again. Same bracket as Geldof, Bono, just turn ignore him know.

Can think of other ways to raise some money

Financial advice from this guy 🤣🤣🤣

I thought sugar tax was to fund school fitness and sports equipment. Can’t say I’ve seen a single football from it at our school. Where does the money go?

How much tax and vat was lost with the closure of his restaurants

Reducing politicians milking expenses would also cover it

Even if something like that *was* introduced, there's no way the money would end up going to the right cause. Tories like to skim a little (or a lot) off the top for themselves.

Why is this guy who refused to dip into his 70m fortune to pay his staff who were left out of pocket still given so much airtime ?

Looks like Mr Oliver has been having plenty of sugar, judging by that photograph and double chin. Why doesn’t he pay for the meals, rather than chirping on about it for years, ultimately raising his own public profile.

Higher tax on Tory pricks would be more justified!

The lad gets a lot of stick but refined sugar is one of the most damaging and addictive substances we have. If someone introduced the product now with all the data we have it wouldn’t be accepted or normalised the way it has been. This idea should not be controversial at all.

Wealth tax could fund school meals, NHS, and everything else we care about taxwealth.

Poking his Big Nose in Again

Or, you could make your wealthy pay their reasonable share of tax? No. Pardon me. That would be *frightfully* unbritish.

So could he hes a multimillionaire

How about taking personal responsibility instead of taxing everyone.

You know is makes sense.

Why penalise people who like sugar? Artificial sweetener and plant based tax could fund school meals. 🤔

I’m a bit fed up of rich people not understanding that the poorest people in society are struggling to survive with low pay and inflation. Adding regressive taxes to cheap food that will only affect the poor, is just not going to help anyone. 🙄

Parents should feed their children.

Don't fund progressive programs with regressive taxes.

It shouldn't need to. If Politicians stopped thinking about themselves for once there would be plenty for the working man. Even a substantial rise for Pensioners too!!

Like we don't have enough taxes already.

We all know he gets kickbacks from Monsanto aka makers of aspartame and sweeteners. This is nothing to do with reducing sugar. It’s promoting sweeteners so we buy it and he gets rich. Bosh

How about the parents funding their own children?

I wish wee fat chops would stop this nonsense. There’s already enough taxation on food. The government/local authority simply need to stump up if they want to extend FSM entitlement.

Sugar tax isn’t a person - you mean poor people.

F*ck the 10p sugar tax at KFC even though they have nothing in writing to say they can do this!

The world would be a better place without him

No. jamieoliver could fund it himself

So could companies that only employ sub-contact workers, all the money they save by not paying any NIC.

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