IS bride 'should live in Holland' - husband

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United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

Shamima Begum: 'We should live in Holland' says IS husband

In an interview with the BBC's Middle East correspondent, Quentin Sommerville, Mr Riedijk said he rejects IS and claims he tried to leave the group.

Ms Begum, now aged 19, and her IS fighter husband, escaped from the town of Baghouz, the group's last territory in eastern Syria, as the caliphate crumbled. Mr Riedijk also told the BBC he saw nothing wrong with marrying Ms Begum - 15 at the time, while he was 23 - because it was"her choice".


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So she’s got a husband and wants to come back to England. Very interesting indeed! 🤔

The BBC, refer, to this as 'news' and yet when it comes to girls groomed in Britain it is of no consequence. They don't report on court proceedings until it's over they the refer to the culprits as 'Asian' men instead of using the correct word which is 'Muslim'. Duplicitous BBC.

Funnily enough, I suggested that, because her 'husband' is Dutch and her child was born in Syria, then she should be allowed to live in Holland as the child is, in theory, a Dutch national. Perhaps her husband saw my suggestion online?

BBC Give it a bloody rest

Honey you made a choice to join ISIS, now spend your life with them, not The Netherlands.

You people should live with those you supported - in Guantanamo or Syria.

Anyone know 'jog on' in Danish?

She should live in hell!


Go for it.

How about Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan?

And both deserve instant prison

Why is this couple getting so much publicity?

Now that's called awesomeness. Jihadi husband, IS wife and a new born.They are called terrorist.Why can't they just settle down in a country that supports terrorism or look for a decent moderate living in the UAE which is an advantage

They belong in Arab countries.

So the groom and bride who want to rule the world killing all the non muslim are suddenly change and want to return there country . Slow clap

Landed in a Syrian refugee camp hmmm. The definition of a refugee: “a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution or natural disaster”. They belong to Syria now as far as I’m concerned.

Gitmo will always have an open door for people like them.


Seriously, no way any terrorist should be allowed back to their old country. Your choice to join ISIS, governments choice to ban you all

Good take her then

It's about time all countries stood up to terrorists and ban them from their country

Bi Bi - God help Holland

Big stoopit!

Organized terrorism is one of the cancers of the world. We will never find a cure, if we keep, fearfully, ignoring the cells that change course. The ignorance and intolerance, upon which terrorism thrives are as bad as the root of the problem: lack of understanding and diplomacy.

Their family can get drop kicked

Just leave them to rot and die there. Its just disgusting that they have the nerve to state something like that. We DONT want you here in the Netherlands. Please die quickly and leave this planet. The air youre breathing is just a total waste.

Anywhere but here...


Why are we giving this so much air time?

Who cares!!! Why are the BBC giving these idiots air time.

Simple solution - these people want to atone for their bad judgment by publicly condemn ISIS and militant Islam after comfortably back in Europe or US. How bout they conduct a 5 year program of public condemnation in Yemen or Syria first? Good intent. Then welcome them to EU/US?

Holland better close their borders.

Why did y’all leave Syria or wherever in Middle East you were at? If you two were together you should have stayed where you were.


Yeeees go there and please stay there

Well he will be in prison if he goes back and she doesn't speak Dutch beside they have said they don't want her in the country. Can't ever really believe a word these two say and Begum will be of no use to U.K. Security. Just leave her there

Would this not be a threat to the Dutch people? They turned their backs on society and now feel it’s ok to come back and be forgiven for their misdeeds now the net is closing on IS

Omg !!! Who bloody cares what this terrorist wants why does the media continue to give these two low life’s a platform to dance on! 🤬🤬🤬

Holland can look forward to some enrichment

Bastard media

Why do we continue to hear about these idiots Are they going to have their own reality show soon as well? Keeping up with the Begums? 🙄

They think it's the first steps to getting back to the UK and start up a new IS cell. You made your bed now lay in it. Stay where you are and rot.

No problem with that at all

New home: Guatanamo Bay. Seriously!? Six years only after IS fighters have done to Yadazi girls. Europe is a joke.

No way, we don't want any Isis crazy's here. They made their choice to be enemies of humanity now they have to live with that choice


Both the husband and wife should be handed to the Iraqis, Yezidis or Kurds to meet their justice. That is fair.

when is BBC going to learn we don’t care about isis cry babies?

I bet he cries after he’s shagged that 🤢🤢

Leave these killer terrorists where they belong. If they have any brains in the Netherlands they won’t let them in

Nee doei

'We hate West but we prefer to live in the West.' The height of hypocrisy!

Why don't they stay in the middle east?

Why do news outlets keep posting these terrorist stories? Terrorist gets caught, now wants to come home. Not even the biggest bleeding hearts want them to return

Fantastic news !!

Fuck them🖕

No one wants you to back in Holland or UK.

Why is this even news? Let the pair of traitorous scumbags stay where they are and forget about them!

No one wants them, sick people, with sick regime. they should just throw them all in gas chamber, or behead them whatever. They killed babies and my heart breaks for them.

As long as AlBaghdadi is still out there somewhere free... all JIHADISTS and their BRIDES should be in a very secure prison in the middle of the Iraqi desert .. Life Sentence to ShamimaBegum YagoRiedijk ..

ban all ISIS members from returning to UK - 577,237 signatures.

for geener pastuer

Good luck

When have terrorist get the luxury of demanding to live in the most peaceful and high per capita income country of the world?

Shamima Begum is more of a danger than her Dutch husband. Unlike him she shows no remorse, her arrogance and sense on entitlement exceeds no bounds. The women is a survivor, her controlling and artful nature will ensure her survival.

Shot between eyes

Poor Holland if this happens

Go then!!

I studied hard became Engineer. Still nobody is asking me whether I wanna live in Netherlands. This guy joins ISIS , realizes he fucked up. Now he wants to move back in. Everyone is crazy about him. Did I make a wrong choice folks 😂😂

He is not a 'IS husband', he is a TERRORIST!

Poor Holland! 🤣🤣

No way. Keep an eye on her plz. Here is best place. Plus she needs to do time for the crime.

Dutch are pro Islam they should take all ISIS fighters and wives.

i thought she said her husband died. am i misremembering, is this a new husband, or was she lying?

I would pay extra taxes to keep them all in the camps they’re already in at the moment in Syria for the rest of their lives. Terrorist experts have said that they are very suspicious of these very dangerous ppl who want to come back and are likely to act as ‘sleepers’ over here.

The problem is since their marriage isn't valid due to ShaminaBegum been under age at the time - she won't be able to live in Holland either. They can't marry legally while he's detained. El Oh El. Smiley face. ^^Couldn't happen to a nicer couple!!!

They should all be executed. You choose to kill now it’s your turn to be killed.

Nee, dank je....

Why should Holland suffer?

I’m sure Holland will fall for that one! And while we’re at it.. it’s about time Hard Borders were re-introduced across Continents!

Those people should stay in Syria. There is no place for these criminals in Holland.

How about NO.

CountDankulaTV is too controversial to appear on BBC but an actual ISIS fighter is given a dedicated interview, seems legit

No country should give shelter to ISIS.. U belong to terrorist group go n stay in Afgan or Pak.. Anyhow Pak giving shelter to Masood.. Lek...dawood..Osama.... This ppl want shelter in developed countries n incr their muslim population n infiltrate more

Begum your pardon?

Hope people of Holland take due diligence.

Stop giving these idiots airtime they lost that right when they joined a known and murderous terrorist organisation- let them lie in the bed they choose and support

No, they should be denied all access.

'We should live in Holland' No, he shouldn't be living at all. A bullet to the head, some bacon stuffed in his mouth, and a shallow, unmarked grave is all an IS scumbag should get.

They just wanna pursue their dreams to become another dutch DJ duo now.

Why they don’t want to live in Middle East in their own religion land

Be safe my dear Holland people

Well go on then! US don’t want ya!

I’m very confused... if shes an IS bride wouldn’t that make him ISIS?

They should both be hanged. How are the government's allowing this? They are both terrorists

And I want to move to California. Why is this news?

They should bothe be tried and punished in Syria

Holland :

Shouldn't he be living in prison?

Europe is so cucked it’s actually kind of sad

By saying Holland he means holland's prison,right?

stop this bug

If she survives a kurdish beheading, send her to Holland...1st class

Great idea.

Nah dude no first world countries for you thems the rules

Netherlands should reject her.

sandeepbaliga 🤣

Send them both to Iraq

They shouldn't be anywhere but in a prison cell. And to those saying she was a young girl who made a mistake, young people get drunk and do stupid shit like get tattoos, we don't join ISIS. Sincerely, An 18 year old.

Poor Holland had it bad during the war and now they have to accommodate traitors. There is no place in any country for people like that.

Why give them a voice? They should be executed on sight, period. You are humanising people who have brutally murdered many! Perhaps you should go visit prisons and talk about their rights, I would prefer it to these rats. DoYourJob

Do these individuals suffer from some form of disassociation from past deeds? Was it like some dark murderous jihadi holiday excursion filled with heavy duty drug taking and murder. They think they can just swan back to the countries they hate with such entitlement. Creeps.

Holland Rocks ! I love the Netherlands.

This Shamima scenario should be stop. There are better things to do!

Someone is delusional...

Is HOLLAND in fact HOLYLAND? People go for pilgrimage (in this case for chopping heads,committing mass murder and rape of Yazidis),can safely return & keep preaching the teachings they learnt during the pilgrimage. Good luck to the country with uncountable dams & amazing people.

The US has laws for traitors fighting for our enemies like execution like why tf don’t we use that anymore for US “traitors” citizens

Thanks BBC for giving these poor excuse for humans air time. We really want to know what they think. Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? Could not give a fudge. Nor does any sane person. So stop wasting your air time. And you SkyNews. You are giving them a platform.

This story is still being pushed I guess is a trash rag. Nobody in their right mind would ever think these people being let in anywhere would be a good idea. Try reporting on an actual story

Please stop giving them airtime. They are ISIS terrorists. Please spend your time getting Shamima Begum booted off Twitter. Right wing gob shits like Tommy Robinson get booted off but not her who stated blowing up kids in Manchester was fair game

bbc Scandinavian social security who want to miss that, isis or otherwise .

I say let them stay in the Netherlands... in a zoo like the beasts they are.

Seriously, , these are people who would have had no problem whatsoever with beheading “non believers” if they ever came across one in the Islamic Caliphate. And you think we should feel sorry for them? They have dug their graves, now let them rot. I have no sympathy.

Asaclown, why not is Syria?

Nope you traitors made your choice, reap it

Why continue to give press coverage to these people? No need at all

They should go what they were fighting for. No way I will let them come and live with us after what they did. Next terrorist stack waiting to happen!!!!!!!

Why are we looking into what a Daesh terrorist wants? Or his 'bride'? Holland & England will decide.

That woman disgusts me. She's a terrorist supporter. ShamimaBegum ISISBride

Yeah and I want a billion dollars.

Tell em box head JustinTrudeau will gladly take them!!!!

Oh .. These criminals can have a choice too ? Poor Netherland !!!

Ask the Jespersen family how they feel about this piece of sh*t coming to their country.

Holland people do u want these sick people kn ur country?

BBC is the biggest proppganda channel...Seriously these guys r treatin these terrorists as celebrities and askin for their Wishes as if these mutha fuckin terrorists asked once the poor souls before beheadin them..No need to pay any attention to these devils

Genuine question why hasnt Shamina Begum's husband been charged for having sex with a minor? Obviously he's looking at a v.long charge sheet but I haven't heard mention if this being one of them.

The child deserves the chance of a good life, leave the other two to rot in Syria....Problem is when the child is old enough to understand you may well end up with a mini-me you don’t know about, now that’s dangerous, enough of them here already...

And you might, beginning with a jail term.

They're terrorist supporting sympathiser's, let them rot where they are, no one want's them back in the modern world! 💢💢

PrincessofWails No they should be sent to Pakistan. End of.

Excellent, another reason to Brexit.


The BBC... Always had great comedy.. Just not funny anymore


Media needs to stop giving these Terrorists a platform to spew their bile. Send them to work in Syria/Iraq unearthing dead Yazidi bodies like the Nazis before them.

Why exactly is he being interviewed instead of arrested for the crimes that he very obviously committed? ?

Devil4President No fucking way. Stay there and have a miserable life.


Why don't we let them both into the UK. Seriously I know an airsoft range looking for some moving targets

Please call Elon Musk to book a single-trip to Mars where you can live happily ever after without suppressing western people.

How about they live in Syria?

Stay where you are thanks! Don't say sorry now after it all went to shit.

STOP giving terrorists air time 🤬

You are a useless burden on earth.

He should be imprisoned as an Isis foot soldier. His wife has shown no loyalty to Britain shut the door.

Why isn't Syria executing them as terrorists & murderers? Even of there is no 'proof' they entered & lived in a country illegally & can be detained as spies.

Because we should all care about where a terrorist family wishes to live happily ever after ... hope they burn in Hell

I thought he was dead.


Neither one of them should ever breath a free breath they should be placed in hard labor for life & their child should be placed with a proper guardian

Vezi Tweetul lui POngeluk: And look at this...

Why is this scum bag getting any attention. Justice would be a linching.

The BBC would be kow-towing to the Gestapo if they were still around. Compulsory funding of the BBC must end.

So they left together and only 1 surrendered they just let her go and within what 2 weeks they let him go and he not made it to refugee camp for his wife who he can remarry so she not as young then holland may let her in

If we know where he is why is the BBC interviewing him when the SAS should be taking him out. The world has gone mad.

And Holland's response?

Nope. Stay in IS territory where you chose to go. You killed innocent people. Go to hell.

What is his heritage, Muslim Bosnian, Albanian?

No doubt living in Holland and/or England is much better than the now burned and bombed out Syria.. which got that way with this guy's help. Yes, living in a democracy where everyone's interests are protected... is the best way to live.

We Dutch say: “No thanks, you may keep her“

Dear cops you have a new target practice. Don't leave him as he won't leave your families.

Best thing I’ve heard all week......

This isn’t the Onion? Sounds like it

Yeah, NO!

Pathetic. Talk about putting distance between himself and his actions and playing the victim.

Of course. It has good welfare payments.

‘We should live in (whereever will be stupid enough to accept us)’

In a dutch prison? That is the best they can hope for.

He should go to prison

Is the war over? Why are they leaving the front? Or is jihad transiting?

Interesting that her husband is only now being brought into the discussion. Prior coverage made it seem like a single mother fleeing the failed Islamic State wanted to come home, as usual with media, not the full story.

Huh, this is the first tine I have heard she has a husband, her ISIS husband, and he wanted to come to the UK with her. It was put forth about her and her child to draw pity, and now that that idea failed they want to go to Holland. They should go to Bangladesh.

Why is this guy getting air time.

Good luck with that. The Dutch are tolerant folk but not THAT tolerant!

Why is this still the top article on BBC news?

As a Dutchie, I'd like to kindly reject this. Please don't come here. Ever.

Do terrorists typically get to choose what sovereign nation they want to live in? Outrageous

Citizenship should be revoked revoked because of their connection with ISIS

I hope the Dutch, tell them exactly where they can go.

Why isn't this piece of crap in a Syrian jail for life now. Give him over to the SAA, what sort of a jail do the SDF keep ISIS terrorists in, a nice room doing interviews with foreign press rather than being in a cell with no window for life!

Tell me again why they dont drone strike the bitch?

Where is she?

Why are these terrorist still getting air time?


What was wrong with living in Syria

As a Muslim, I have no sympathy for these two! Why must another country be stuck with these two?! Both of them did this to themselves. As for this idiot, if you know she was young, and you know it was not right, why go through with it.

Why are you still giving publicity to them. They should be tried in Syria & then forgotten about.

You should live in hell, “IS husband.”

What about all the Yazidi's he helped murder, rape, and enslave? Do they get asylum too? Put him in a catapult, and aim it at the ocean.

What has Holland done to deserve this shite?

They can live in a woodchipper greased by pork fat.

So he wants to start killing Dutch citizens

Interview NadiaMuradBasee on YazidiGenocide

The BBC giving too much time to these devil's of society. How about reporting real news the public want to hear?

She can relocate to the pits of Hell, as far as I’m concerned.

I don't understand why so much media attention is given to this couple. They just need to sneeze and it is front page or breaking news in the UK!

So a pedophile married an ISIS bride and now wants special arrangements to live in Holland. Wow! Is there anything else this couple needs? Housing, a car, financial assistance The nerve of this couple is amazing. Let them stay in the ME.

can i recommend a muslim country? why live in what u hate? holland please don’t accept these terrorists

Are criminals allowed to choose where they live? A cell is a cell, no matter what jail you are in!

I'm sure Holland would love to have the likes of you. Not.


No. Leave holland out of this. Go somewhere else

I would not stop you that's for sure.

You should stay in your caves where u belong. why should the Dutch ever take you back

Nee!!! Nee Netherlands 🇳🇱

They can both eff off. 'Dutch' and 'British' my ass.

They should both go straight to hell. Damn ANY country that willingly takes in this trash 'family.'

Where’s his fucking clogs?

Well why doesn’t he cough up his own money and get himself there. And when he gets there he can face trial. Honestly why does the BBC insist on giving these two numbskulls so much attention?

So the Netherlands are going to accept terrorists? I guess I’ll add that my list of places I won’t ever travel to. Why doesn’t she just go back to some middle eastern country that doesn’t support the shitheads and put the drama to rest.

I wonder if she was a white Brit converted to Islam, would she have been stripped of her citizenship? Just throwing it out there

RitaPanahi I find this whole story unbelievable. When I was 15, the thought of going to a known hell hole would not have entered my thoughts. They obviously didn’t care or really think. They have wasted their life.

If he’s so worried about her and the fate of his kids why isn’t he with her?

Nobody gives a fuck. Report on actual news.

You should all go back to the third world. Unfortunately we don’t get what we want.

Holland says 🖕

Fine with us!

Only the left wingnut BBC would think this is a good thing to broadcast. The BBC Loves terrorists as much as they love themselves.

Why are u giving these people so much attention ? This guy is a convicted Jihadist terrorist he plotted to massacre innocent people visiting a music festival. If he shows up in NL he will be arrested his 'wife' will not get a residence permit on account of being a security threat

You don't deserve to live anywhere but a desert you filth

He mispronounced Syria

The nerve of these people, the entitlement astounds me.

By the way how old is he? An she was a kid. Definitely a pedo as well.

Why why why is this news story being given sooo much spotlight in the news. Nobody actually cares, so sick of hearing it everyday.

I felt sorry for those in the UK, now I only watch as you destroy yourselves. Tommy Robinson is deplatformed, harassed by media, far left groups and is put in jail and the BBC are giving Islamic State fighters a platform to speak. You did this to yourselves.

These ppl wanted to kill non Muslims, so why do they want to go to a non Muslim country

What else would you expect from the BBC, protected pedophiles for years and now clearly sympathetic to terrorists

So he still thinks he is in a position to ‘want’ anything? Let me help him to wake up from his awful dream… Dutch law clearly states that those who fight for an army/organisation that is an enemy of the nation (or its allies) revokes his citizenship. End of story...

Goodbye 👋 good ridance result

Should be dead.

ShamimaBegum WAS seduced by a fairy story about magical beings and lands and a foreign adventure. She followed through. But how many thousands more like her have been tempted, but thought better of it? These are the youths who Must be at the centre of our attention! deterrence

Stop give them a podium to speak! Let them be judged in Syria.

Fuck them

Stick the pair together against a brick wall and shoot them in the head.

Hey BBC, why are you giving these animals a platform?

Why - what did they ever do to deserve the refuse of a hate-driven and loathsome “caliphate”?

She gots a nice spot in Hell the both of them

no they should stay where they are.

You rape a child repeatedly, forcing her to give birth and call what's survived a 'family'?

He really thinks he deserves to pick which type of air he’d like to breathe in.

Question for why are you treating terrorists as if they are celebrities? Why dont you ask these people the 1st question - if you wanted to live in Netherlands why did you join ISIS, which wanted to destroy the liberal secular West?

Thry should all be locked up!

Y'all gonna do holland dirty like that?

Cheers Holland

Eh no. Never gonna happen! Netherlands should remove his passport too!

NO, This is where you should live,,, in the town where you caused the atrocities

Garbage journalism.

Nope, they should go live in the IS.

'We, a pair of terrorists, really think we deserve to live in one of the best countries in the world'

When there’s a huge Middle East out there he chooses Holland. Hilarious. The only thing in Holland these characters should visit is the ICC in The Hague. Act 1: Destroy the west, they say. Act 2: I wonder how social benefits are in Holland.

Your home is 6 feet under, buddy.


I just don't understand what he could have offered her as a young teen, that could have been better than her parents love, who no doubt were living comfortably in UK when she left. Was it Clothes, Money or a Scholarship? Teens Shamima

Nah you should live in Syria

Why are these scum getting headline news? I’m disgusted with the BBC.

Oh interesting isn't it now we see him . We didn't see him when he was busy murdering and beheading people. Well to be honest I wonder if they will be Accepted in Holland. I would be saying No ...

Hang on wasn't it reported that he was killed by IS members? If you're gonna bullshit us at least be consistent with the BS...

Stay in Syria

Yes please, go there

Stop reporting on this BBCFakeNews

Who the hell do they think they are? They think they can join a terrorist group then when things go wrong they think they can just move away just like that? They living in a bubble? You're no longer welcome anywhere else.

Don't know why they can't both stay in Syria. Sorted.

Like a few others I thought she said her husband was dead another false statement what other crap are they are covering up why give these murders so much air time just because they are losing they want to come back to the west why when they ate us so much leave them out there

Yes please live in Holland

RIP Holland.

She's been married several times

Fuck to the NO.


Trust the bbc to turn these two low life's into victims.

Stop giving these losers publicity. That’s what they want.

What do they have against the Dutch?

Stop giving these Wahhabi / Salafi Bastards any platform. It is because of the filth like these that the rest of the Muslims get dehumanized and face persecutiona and racism in Europe. Hand over these people to the Syrian President Basshar Al Asad, he exactly knows what to do !

You should live in Guantanamo !

Lol and I want a million dollars

That's why I love trump..

Why exactly did we get rid of the death sentence again? In the medical scene when cancer crops up you destroy it, you don't make it comfortable to kill you from the inside.

🎶”M-m-m-my Shamima”.🎶

I don't understand why he's getting media attention. Him and his wife are terrorist. Don't let them into other countries. It's common sense. Why is that a hard concept? I could care less for their crocodile tears.

We don't FUCKING CARE!!! Stop giving them exposure!!!!

No holland dont deserve this


I don't understand why this dude and his wife think they deserve a peaceful life after they both went and willingly joined a terrorist group Revoking their citizenship would teach them a lesson they should never forget- 'you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes'

They'll do it too. Holland is doomed

Fool the Dutch government if they take a ISIS fighter and his bride to Holland, a man who he said ISIS thought he was a spy if so he would have been dead long ago.They are saying anything to return to countries they turned there back on terrorists not to be trusted.

how was the Syria trip?

They should be given the death penalty .I wonder how many innocent people they killed in the name of there barbaric religion

Lol literally anywhere but an actual Muslim country. The Islamic communities obsession with hating whites but also living off them is incredible

Yep that’s ok, send your address to the MOD for us, thx

Is this idiot for real. I can’t believe the BBC are still giving this waste of skin air time.

Why are you promoting this BBC? Normalising these terrorists? Agenda

Why dont members of Islamic State ever want to live in one?

Did he really say'to be honest' and sex with a15 year old is statutory rape

So, Islamic State of Holland, is it?

The pair of these terrorists need dealt with, not a platform to talk from.

Thank fuck for that.

Why is this individual referred to as a ‘husband’ - he was an adult at the time of the so-called marraige and she was a child not capable of giving consent to marry. In any other jurisdiction he would be condemned for grooming and child sexual exploitation.

Anywhere but here!! I hope you support her and the kids?

Stay your ass where you are. The nerve of them to try to move to Western countries. The same ones they claim to hate.

300 dead in EU thanks to these... I think we should change politicians... Even thinking about these ones as EU citizens

And I thought she said her husband died?! So why is he there talking?! Guys alarm bells should be ringing

Why don't she live in Syria?! She went there so she lives there

Scummy arab, asians, and such comming back either stopped or 20 years hard labour. They are killers man or woman, and if let in anywhere will be sleepers.

Who cares, stop giving them attention

Why are we interviewing these people?!? Are they repentant in their roles? All that should be done is: bring your citizens home, arrest them, go to court, jail them place them in solitary or execution as criminals against humanity.

People should be ashamed of giving this guy a platform to speak on. That woman chose to join a terrorist group. She is a terrorist and so is her husband. Disgusting. They have a hand in murdering and terrorising innocent people.

BBC is such crap for giving people like this a voice, even if for lols/clickbait

GwnnethA No you should live where you you wanted to. A free caliphate of similar crazy goat fuckers. ( or young prepubescent girls( as you love so). In tents( Bedouin delight). While realising that the West ( that you despise) is well, carrying on as usual

In Holland prisons’ correction

The Dutch won’t want them any more than any one else

They should live in prison or be executed

Hand them over to Syrian, Or Iraqi government. Problem solved

How about they live in any prison that will accept them?

Send him back to Syria, preferably by a catapult.


I am quite shure, normal people in Holland don't want those terrorists in their country !

Why are we following these people? just two run of the mill terrorists among thousands; we’re done having to deal with them.

These fuckers marry kids and they wounder why they struggle to get on in the western world lol

Will you stop giving these wastes of oxygen publicity? These monsters have murdered and abused and slaughtered millions of innocents. Would you have interviewed the nazis like this?

It starts with one.

The only place they should live is prison

🎶OH hell noooooo oooohhhoooooo🎶

Why are we giving these parasites any airtime. First the women and now the men. The bloody media are turning them into celebrities which they most definitely are not

Our State propagandist giving more publicity to the ISIS men and women who tortured, enslaved, raped and murdered tens of thousands of young Yazidi women

And I'd like 15 minutes on the holodeck with seven of nine...

You shouldn't be living at all.

It can stay there too, make sure it dosent slide back to Britain

Roxiemusic2018 The story should never have been about her. This is merely distraction and deflection. The story should be about all the dangerous jihadist who have been let back in without a squeak. In Holland, Britain, Canada etc. That's your story.

BCC you should be ashamed promoting these killers every country should be ashamed of themselves if they give place to those killers the world should remember 💔😭😢👇👇💔😭😢

Stop giving terrorists a platform to speak through! Make them live in the communities they destroy.

Parasite has no right to make any choices

Why are the press promoting a terrorist and a peado still

Are the BBC sympathising with Terrorists? Wtf

And under freedom of movement we could then move to the uk 🇬🇧

😂 oh yeah Good luck with that! I don’t think you can live any where in the world with these faces! We seen you, and as you, we will fight for our ,,western,, values, stay where you are, is that not a place you was fighting for?

What IS fighting for? Freedom to practice their beliefs, without oppression or judgement? Millions of dollars flow to them. Where do they live now? Why don't they just use funds to start their own community away from Western beliefs and rules? Many civilizations have done this!

That weed plant behind him doesn't look to healthy.

Live in Holland so you can pop over to Vauxhall Cross for briefings. Very easy, MI6 uses Battersea Heliport in unmarked questions asked.😂😂😂😂


Fuck both of them. She chose to join the Islamic state, let her live with her new terrorist friends. No country in their right mind would let her live there. She made her bed, let her screw herself in it.

Exile to Holland is only reserved for royalty... kaiser willhelm 11 for eg

I believe Gofuckistan is lovely this time of the year...

Please go.

This dude needs a reality check

Maybe the Dutch will shut them down too

They should both be put to death

Don't trust sleeper cells

Like they have a choice ... stay in Syria

Can you not

That’s great they are making future plans unlike the Yazidis and other victimes that are either dead, missing or so traumatized and have lost everything that it will take years to rebuild. That’s where the the media focus should be.

Let the Syrians deal with them both.

Good move. Couple of spliffs and the two of them should chill right out

Hope they lock the paedophile up if he goes back 'home'

So now he’s done with his life with IS, he wants to return to a comfortable life in his country- which he was happy to leave. The audacity of it all.

If they do let them in I hope they have the sense to prosecute the both of them for terrorism and manage to find that innocent baby a nice home

She should dlive in Bangladesh where she belongs

I Think This Is Their New Planning To Blow Holland . People Of Holland Keep Your Self Ready As They Are Not Good For You All

Still giving these time of day? Bore off

This has to be a joke. She should live in prison

No capable of generating sympathy for terrorists by the thousands suddenly and oddly wanting to return to their homelands, the same ones they were fighting.

Would this marriage even be legitimate? Age and under what legal construct was this marriage anyways?

The country as a whole is crumbling and you busy talking about those, yes there are too a***les on this world.!?

So does BBC support terrorists then?

There not even married that’s a joke in its self , the Dutch or the British would not recognise them as married people that’s for sure

Hey BBC team. I know it is Sunday, but don’t you have any other story to feature?

You're both not welcome there either. Stay where you are.

Imran say I think he 's is right 👍

Do they get a choice? Wow what a liberal world we live in..🙌🏽

I know, seeing you’ve got a spare slot on BBCPanorama due to the findings by Tommy Robinson. Why don’t you fill the gap with another program full of fake news trying to convince us on WHY they should be allowed back to the UK?

Bye then

alistairpge Personally, I don't give a damn where they live...long as it's not 'dear old Blighty'!

Go live in Iraq

Holland has prisons too.

Even better, the USA should provide them housing and medical care at one of our finest resorts in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Islam has no place in Europe

How do these people keep getting interviews? Who cares what they want? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Who does he think he is?

Lol. Sadly there are probably a lot of EU globalists in Holland who would do it

They should be dumped in the middle of the ocean on a lilo

How about he go in live in Iran- He wants the freebies from the EU😡😡🤬🤬🤬

He wants to return to Holland whilst having pure hatred in his heart for the West. If Holland has him back he will cost the citizens dearly in cash and he will always present a danger. So don't!

I wonder what Mark Rutte thinks of this? I know the Dutch are kind people but this is too much.

I always thought committing and supporting treason brought the death penalty not a new address.

This is the definition of play stupid games win stupid prizes

If Holland accepts this filth then they deserve everything that people like this will bring to them!

Hope they rot. Sympathy from the devil.

Are the news channels think we are finally going to give in a feel sorry for them? Take the baby boy from his mother, joining ISIS makes her a unfit Mother, end of.

please stay in Syria.

The Dutch Won’t Recognise Any Fake Sham Marriage In Syria How Funny And sommervilletv Trying To Create A Sob Story For Murderer’s Who’ve Killed And Forced People From Their Land So They Can Live There? That Sounds The Same As The Israelis 1948Plan

Let's see what the Dutch have to say about that

They shouldn't be living in any EU country. Threat for society anywhere...

No, they should live in the Middle East, where they belong.

Wish we could just stop hearing about these two monumental bellends

Holland take to take one for the team... We DON'T want her back!

'We'd have such a blast there!'

Her husband, this IS terrorist is still alive. This proves that our governments don’t acknowledge we’re at war with these people, and don’t care if these monumental security risks return to europe in their thousands. They should have been liquidated when captured.

How come this sick f**k isn’t in jail or hanging from a rope or not put in front of a firing squad, if they won their “war” they would of executed every last one of us now they get given fame and a voice wtf....

No both should be in jail. You’re terrorists that failed and now have nowhere to go. Should be in jail, child given to family that won’t pollute its mind with hatred. Six years? Not enough! If you leave to fight against your country it’s treason.

Wonder how much the media are paying them for their pathetic life story. All from the licence fee!!

Oh, boo hoo😈

Go back to your cave

Islam is a cancer to entire humanity. UK ,Europe must learn before it is too late

SS officer says he should life in Argentina


Yeah I’m sure the Dutch want some isis fighter living in their country

These donkeys are so entitled. You should live in a jail cell. Or in a coffin.

He is a child rapist and a terrorist, there is no place for him and his psycho wife in civilized society, as they will raise their children to be same

For any Dutch lawyers out there would the Dutch government even recognise this so-called marriage as she was a child and could not consent to becoming his wife

And I should live in a palace in Monaco 🙄

Why would holland take them?

You will interview murderers and employ pedos but somebody with views leaning a bit towards the right are portrayed as racists.

They should live in a jail cell for the rest of their lives. They are terrorists and should be treated as terrorists, not treated with kid gloves and given sympathy.

You should be dead

Why isn’t he arrested?!

Why the BBC insists on present these two individuals as victims and believe their repentance? What about their victims? Their hatred for the non muslims? What about the terror they participated? They are not prodigal children. They are part of the problem.

No. You made a choice to leave. Stay where you desired to be and figure that out. Can’t just come home because you lost.

why are they being given attention?

actually, you shouldn't live ,

Therefore no longer UK news... Move on!! Nothing to see here!!

How about this place?

Yikes. Holland better say no.

They should go live in hell

holland deserves better. don’t let his family into the country.

So he can kill people there

'We should' as if this bastard is the ruler of the entire world

BBCWorld = ISIS sympathizers!

No, hell no.

Crack on

Well as long as they are happy together and don’t come to Britain

Literally a marriage made in hell.

Oh dear.

Absolutely terrifying that ISIS members would be allowed to live in any Western Nation with that amount of hate and evil.

the guy is a terrorist and you’re interviewing him like it’s some sort of bit on the one show

Why would anyone offer these filth a home? Should be locked up and never see day light again .... religion do keep a favour

You should live in Hell, but the closest place we have available is Syria, so you should live there.


You shouldn't have even interviewed him period! Gross BBC News gross!

Last time I left a comment on BBC twitter I got banned for 12 hours. :)

I would like to see him live in a six foot deep hole, accompanied by his wife and a hog for good measure.

Better ask Holland if they want you

Sad, I have learned the hard way when I make bad decisions life has no rewind button.

He actually stood by and watched a woman be killed with stones for immorality.

He made his choice to hurt or harm people by joining a terrorist group. His choice has consequences.

Hopefully you'll never make Holland, fuck all these people do is lie, two bullets will do, one each. Is anyone still unclear ?

It’s what I’ve been saying

Now the husband is involved? Yea...this is not about her changing her mind.

TheWarOfNow He reappeared pretty quickly.

Cheeky fuckers

stop giving these terrorists the attention they want. Nobody cares about them at all so just let them fade out of people's memory.

You should live in hell.

Good, let them be Hollands headache

Off you go then bye bye!!

How much did pay this butcher for an interview.did it cover the cost of lives of thousands of men, women,children slaughtered by him &his cohorts? Beheaded christians raped Yazidi women sold used & buried alive with their babies? Shame on BBC. Leave him in Syria to rot

muItimiljonair will welcome u with open arrms

You are right 👏🏻

Why are you giving these wastes a platform? fucktheBBC

PandwrynKappa not safe for you anymore monkaS

Drone him.

He should be hung so should she

This is boring now! He is an IS fighter!!!! Let him stay where he is by the 🗡 ......reap what you sow!!

geertwilderspvv Please intervene a d ensure he is not allowed in Holland

Why are these monsters still aloud to live anyway. Sorry if people dont like me saying that but after what they did

Well then go on!!!

Why is this terrorist and his wife even trending ? Why


Zero fucks given as long as it’s not the UK .

Hmm we’ve only got brexit around the corner

They should not be free to live anywhere. They both knew exactly what they were doing.


Come in . We are sick and tired of hearing about these members of ISIS wanting to come back to the U.K. or the Netherlands! They made their choice to become terrorists, they can live with the consequences! Make them stay where they are!

Send them both to Guantanamo!

He’s a pedo

Nobody’s arsed, lads.

Let it go ffs no one gives a shit where they live

What? You both should be jailed for your actions,you both knew what you were doing ,what you did has nothing to do with my honourable religion

She shouldn't be 'living' anywhere.....

When was the last time BBC reported on the VICTIMS of isis?

She joined when she was a kid FFS! Let her come back, throw her in prison but take her back! You people don't understand how to defeat terrorism ' Oh ISIS is almost defeated' Yeah there's around 150 known terror groups and we spent the better part of 2 decades fighting 3

Cancel your TV Licence if you're sick to death of the BBC pandering to those who want us all dead! Stop funding their pro-jihadist/ISIS stance!

Nobody cares! I want many things too, where's my air time?! Enough bored with this

Ask a Yazidi what to do with them.

Yes she can go to Holland

This story is a manufactured and spun smokescreen . How about publicising the fact that this country will be in complete chaos in 26 days

Should've been droned.

I really hope Holland don't let them in!!!they've made their bed now they can lie in it!!!

These two should be executed immediately. Case closed.

Surprise to be told he was killed in war zone by the same BBC.....probably other two children are not death...nobody knows what Shamima actually has in mind...

Why are they not looking at other Muslim countries to live in. Weird that they all want to live in the West.

Begum is from the UK and should face her sentence and complete it.

Good !! Fuck of!! And go live there!! We don’t want you on my country!! You left yo join these animals! So stay with them ! You still be with them if they were not defeated!! That’s the only reason you want to come back !!


You should bith be 6ft under, that's where you should be

Why is he not in prison?

This ain't news chief

He willingly joined a terrorist organization. He needs an introduction to a predator drone.

Who is going to protect her? How much will that cost? Will the British police be charged with her protection? That's aiding and abetting a known terrorist! As is your and anyone else's support of her. Think your Baby Buggering Club would have learned about aiding terror from 911

There’s only one person in this situation I can care less about what they want than Begum, and that’s the ONE WHO IS STILL A MEMBER OF ISIS

Good, bye then.

lol, no

She must be punished for belonging to a terrorist organization as well as her husband if he knows so.

Plot twist he is white 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

Should be in jail for life anyway. Stay there

Sounds about right.

Perks of terrorism

Wonder how many people he murdered and tortured in the name of ISIS with impunity. But he still wants the west to help him relocate his family to Europe so they can spread the ideology they learnt.

Can we not just ban them from the whole fuckin planet instead? Like just place them in a quickly assembled space shuttle at high risk of faltering and say find your own world you fuckin cretins

Hooray. Crack on

They’re lucky they don’t get the death penalty for being a member of Isis but they also expect forgiveness and sympathy for fighting a war against a free world And anything Bad that happens to them is what they deserve we can’t sympathize with terrorist

Sounds like a good idea. I heard the middle of the sea is nice to

This BBC headline translates THE EU LET MY PEOPLE IN who runs the BBC? Mullahs from IRAN?

I thought she did not know where he was! She is a liar and proves she is trying to get him over here

Why shouldn’t ahe live there? It will make it easy for her to slip in and out and commit terrorist IsIs activites. Let her rot in Syria

Why are we giving these people air time


Nah, she ain't welcome there either. She can stay where she is, with her group of clowns in syria.

That sounds good to me anywhere but Britain

Sorry, no. They should go and live in the war they created. Why should they escape the horror they actively sought out?

Good man. We don’t want her. Take her to hell if they let you in

You should be in prison you melt.

Stay in the Middle East.


The EU is crazy and you thank Merkle for devastation she has caused that will last a millennial

Who cares what he or she thinks!! Criminals ThugLife

Media houses are disgusting. Dey R giving air time glorying these bastrds who kill in D name of God N religion .Not one media hiouse ever bothered to knock the doors of Yazdis whose children as young as 5 have been raped and killed by the same ISIS pigs like Shamina &her husband

Why does the BBC keep going on about these muppets?...The British public don’t care where they live just as long as it’s not here!

Put them both in jail

Does he actually think they are gonna go back to Europe like nothing happened? Why aren't they in Syrian jail right now?

this guy needs to b executed ! dont tell me he did not cut heads, isis r evil, no excuses...

Why do these people never want to live with their own people?

IS Murderer

Why are we giving our enemies so much air time? And the BBC is antiWhite and FakeNews

They deserve no sympathy

How did they prove they are married what legal documentation did they have? In the eyes of the law they are common-law partners nothing more!

No way! keep them both far away from Europe, but they should be tried in an international court.

The purpose of you should be hanged for reason!

Waste of time. Airing interviews with terrorists encourage others to do the same and seek fame. Prison awaits for them - for life!

North or South Holland ? Or somewhere else in the Netherlands ?

The BBC love giving these ISLAMIST STATE terrorists and rapists airtime! but that Tommy Robinson is a bad person but Killers like this savage are okay?!

No one cares..

Why is twitter giving so much attention to these terrorists? Makes me wonder...

Problem solved.

Don’t worry, the UK won’t stop her, Holland may however have something to say about it and I wouldn’t blame them...

The Dutch people probably don't want this terrorist or his whore any more than Britain does. Both violently rejected the West and Western values. They were involved in terrorism abroad. Leave them there to pay for their crimes.

Syria and Raqqa seem like perfect locations for them.

The fact he's getting a choice is excruciating.

Get to Holland asap....give us all a break!

Farewell and enjoy Holland

You sir are a terrorist as is your bride. You should be bared from all countries of those countries that don’t want you. Make your bed, sleep in it.

maybe focus on people who didn’t join a terrorist organisation. Stop feeding these people’s ego. No one cares they made their beds let them lie in them. I’m sure there are plenty of other newsworthy stories.

Good news. Mr. Wilders will be there to welcome you all.

LiamGreatrex seen this mate this just gets more ridiculous

They shouldn't live at all. ⚰️

We should live in a world without terrorism, but that's not the case. We do have choices and the terrorist made theirs. Consequences matters. Excuses are irrelevant.

Is that what they now call Hell?

They should live in GITMO or a black prison site.

What makes you think the Dutch are taking you in?

Muslims live by this Duality... As long as they attack and take non Muslim it's OK in their Hadith

Why is this on my news feed. Stop being sympathetic to people who ARE NOT deserving.

They want to come back to the west to commit more terrorist acts.

Paedophile should go straight to jail, for life.


Why must you persist in interviewing these parasites?.

Why don't they go to Turkey, the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia 🤔🤔🤔🤔 They'll be happy there, they can worship their imaginary friend without annoying sane people.

Why on Earth these low life's are given airtime?

What the fuck?!! He's a terrorist, yet he's able to make a interview with the MSM and select where he wants to live He should be strung up for his crimes, these people inflicted so much misery and pain on those they came across. terrorism DeathPenalty CrimesAgainstHumanity

Why is BBC A govt paid media so interested in an ISIS female I don't understand UK has rejected her Bangladesh has rejected her For all they care, she can live in timbaktu What does BBC want Do they want to employ her What's the news in this Does BBC want her back I see no reason

Those that fight and run away live to fight another day. Surely on one is seriously considering letting these terrorists ShamimaBegum JihadiJack ISISBride ISIS back to live freely in the countries and with the people that they chose to wipe-out...absolutelyclueless

both of 'em shall first go to court and be judged in Iraq or Syria for what they did...

solinimpex If Holland is stupid enough to accept them, the UK must express leave the EU before they use the right of free movement to come here. Begum


Wtf shouldn’t be given any airtime can just imagine few years from now after a bombing in Netherlands saying we knew about him he was on the watch list keep them both in Syria

Why give these animals the airtime they seek? Stop reporting on this as very few people care for there plight, they left there homelands, became terrorists and should now be shown no sympathy or support.

I should live in Windsor Palace 😀

I didn even know there was a husband?! Where did he pop up from And what happened to their other two babies

Wrong pal you should be in jail or dead in a ditch for all that you and your Isis people have done.

Oh yeah Holland wants a psycho terrorist family moving in that’s cute 🤮

So...we want them to stay with the IS and continue to commit violence? Lock them in prison if you want but it should be up to the country they have citizenship with to take them back. Countries like Britain are more than happy to deport people to their places of origin.

Hold on, he says he lost 'a' daughter to malnutrition, but she said she lost 'two' kids whilst in the country? So which is it?

No, you should live in Syria in a burnt out building as a slave to the Syrians for the rest of your life. You participated in the deaths of hundreds and did nothing to stop it. You deserve nothing. Let alone a TV interview.

Western media is so stupid! Atleast our media is sane in this way!

annofarabia Well he is Dutch so she now has more right to go there with her destructive ideas than here.

Seems like a doting husband and father to me.Begum should join him over there,shouldn't she everyone. 😉😉😉😉😀

Sure that they will welcome you with open arms...... As IF !

They are traders to their countries. They chose IS, watched people die, went there to breed little soldiers. They are both Sickos.

Just crossed Amsterdam off my holiday list

Shame on you for interviewing a terrorist! beyond disgraceful

And THIS is why the UK needs to leave the EU


The irony of this piece of shit coming from Arnhem,those with knowledge of British military history will see it!

BBC are so corrupt, it’s scary.

Well your wife is a dog

Media going round interviewing Isis husbands now and giving them media attention ffs?!!!!!! ISISBride isishusband

What is worrying me is that if UK is riding roughshod over the 2nd most important law if the United Nations (crime to create statelessness) and we are still reporting to the European Courts if Justice then what evil have the Mayzis in store for us all after Brexit?

Yes best place for them

😂😂😂 Yeah right, let the Dutch deal with them. I’m sure they’ll love that! Leave them in Syria!!!!!

Why should a country you were planning to attack welcome you back? Saying sorry doesnt cut the mustard, so your ideals have conveniently changed because?........

BBC and Sky News make me 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Welcome to the BBC. PR company for the jihadist cvnt Begum and her ilk.

Breaking news! Someone wants to live in a different country! Seriously, stop reporting this utter tripe.

Can't disagree with a wife living withher husband, in his country.

Ah. 'Loves young dream' is it now?

Every last person male or female who joined ISIS should never be allowed in the west again. They should be tried in the region they committed their crimes in by the people they terrorized. Personally I am ok with just putting a bullet in all of them.

What are the Dutch laws on sleeping with, impregnating and marrying a teenage child? I want to know.

Yeah and he wants us all dead. Why are people giving him the time of day?

Click Bait. Throw them both in a pit of gasoline, set fire to baby and chuck that in too!.

That’s nice.

He can go live in an islamic shithole if his choice. Leave Holland alone.

Bbc again stop giving them air time i never watch bbc they r rjbbish


Bastard still think he's a King or something.

I am a big supporter of the BBC but why are you giving terrorists airtime again?

Pity this chap isn't dead in a dusty ditch somewhere rather than being given the oxygen of publicity.

Why are you leading with this story too much publicity.

Give them to America, A spell in an orange jumpsuit & some water boarding should fix them.

Funny how they dont want to luve in an ISLAMIC COUNTRY

Bloody hell Stop flogging this dead horse We dont CARE As long as her and terrorist husband NOT HERE

After you face trial for war crimes and genocide in Iraq and Syria.

Yes you should keep out of the UK


Why is the West is giving democracy lessons when they were arming those monsters against Syrian people but they are so terrified when just a little young mother wants to come back home? You provoked those terrorists, you got Syrians killed by them, now take your terorists back.

Holland is welcome to the pair of you and your innocent kid. Afraid she'll NEVER be welcome back to the UK.

They can have him every one seems to moving there lol

On behalf of all Dutch people, I would like to pass them on to the Germans.

Why are these people still receiving UK Airtime? Go away and move on. UK don’t want your family 🙄🙄

The term 'should' by both of them needs to be changed.

What so he cando terrorist over their,its a front,they made their bed when they let others die they are to blame,let them in any country then goverment have blood on their hands,they will target other countries dont be fooled.

You should live in jail you murdering pair of c**ts, and your child should be adopted and never told what tossers it’s parents are. 👍🏻

CLASSICFOX In a world where R Kelly is about to go to prison for abusing young girls, this one has mouth to sit here and say a 14 year old asked to be married at that age. Where is the justice? The rules apply to every1.

In a grave

Filth, most hated couple.

Live in your Caliphate. Oh I forgot it doesn't exist now. Even if it did what did they intend to live on or produce. The destroyed everything.

have you ever thought sticking these idiots on your website every day actually incites violence by making radicals & just plain idiots think they will become infamous? stop giving them a platform to promote themselves, report about something good for a change not this shit

Stop giving these terrorists coverage

And will the Dutch want them? Once there, they'll have free access to the UK.

Really, what about Syria or Iraq

Leave the both rotting in Syrian jail for ever just let the baby leave

That sounds good to me ,F..k off

What makes you think they want you.🖕

Yes she does need to live in holland but i doubt they'll ever have her or you

Why we still talking about her? 🧕🏿💣

Must be a slow news week if we STILL hearing about this shite. nobody. cares.

'We should live in Holland' says IS husband and says headline but NOTHING in article about why Holland, nothing about motivation to live there- this is so important - why return back?- what is there that you want, was there lessons learned that call you back?

NOT what we want to see. Please stop wasting out licence fee on things that no one wants to see. We want to see real news not this


🤣🤣🤣🤣 prat

I couldn’t agree more! My sentiments exactly!

Even that’s too close for comfort..

Take her then. She's not wanted in the UK. No country should accept her.

FAKE NEWS! Abolish the BBC!!

Under no circumstances should these two and their son be allowed to live in the UK or Netherlands.

On behalf of my Dutch friend xTreaZure I say don't let them in. They had one chance and they messed it up. He said Holland instead of the Netherlands and that pisses me off!!!!!!!

The only place you should live mate is in a small prison cell ....for a very very long time

Not in my Country

You forest my parents to move to Damascus, I couldn’t in any chance travel back to see Dad before he passed away, you tried to build a state, all of you just coward, moderate Islamic life said

Shame on you BBCNewsuk. Giving this terrorist so much importance

Why are you interviewing him? Stop giving these people the spotlight

They should not be allowed back safety of uk first

Bad news for Holland


You should both stay in Syria where you chose to be. No one else wants you now and quite rightly so.

Oh so they are giving him air time too, what next a press conference in a lavish hotel?

Erm Holland doesn't want you either and plus only place both of em should be going is prison

Stop giving terrorists a platform

Why are the BBC even giving these criminals the time of day? Rather you spent my license fee on stories about hardworking local heroes in the community not this!!!!!

ISIS terrorist: let's have a friendly chat. Tommy Robinson: Let's try and make it look like he abused Lucy Brown. FakeNews BBC

That's settled then, she can go to Holland 👍

MinPres MinBZ Het zal toch zeker niet?

Good.. as long as it's not the UK .

Utter bollocks , they would say anything to deceive the so called none believer

No time to read the article? Here it goes.... gimme gimme gimme

Who wants these monsters living bear them ? So she has a husband ? That was covered very well , I was lead to believe he was killed.!!?

I thought he was dead? 🧐

I'm sure the people of Holland will be over the moon.

Why is he not in jail? Why is the media treating ISIS terrorists so well? WTF is going on? We don't care about them or where they want to live!!!! Did they care about all the poor people they helped torture & slaughter? Why is this shit even in the news? Sick of it, enough now!

Isis thought he was a Dutch spy hey! and survived that allegation? So tried to escape hey! waited until the last remnants of the Caliphate was being destroyed Captured more like His wife enjoyed living there she said.Story doesn’t match up

No.Unless we have reached the point of decadence where we treat people who murder, mutilate, rape & enslave as if they'd been on a 'Gap year' & now they wish to 'come home'

Thought he was dead


Then go..: we don’t you.

Why give him any air time and I'm shocked that he is only serving 6 years in prison.. Its just not enough...

Who gives a shit... Stay in Syria where you chose to live end of....

Dont know why they are getting this air time! Thats exactly what theyre after. Getting boring now. How about reporting some proper news story instead of just click bait!

And as if Holland will want a paedophile/terrorist living in there country! Stay in an Islamic country.

This sounds like an excellent idea so that they can play 'Happy Families'. Only potential problem - Will Holland welcome these two lovely people?


And I should be rich!

We don’t care where you go in the world hopefully under a 50 megaton nuclear device as it’s detonated and reaches critical mass ! Please RT if you agree

The girl is an idiot but in perspective - the UK is and remains one of the leading arms exporting countries, has a rich history of its citizens going out to kill in other countries, has a rich history of accommodating murderous despot & regimes etc etc...

Yeah good luck proving your marriage was legit under Dutch law. Sure you have to be 18 to be married under there laws. The Dutch won’t recognise your marriage

Stop feeding the trolls and they will go away.... seriously you are feeding their egos and just whipping up hatred. Let them live their sad little ignorant hateful lives without limelight. Why do they deserve a platform? Simply answered they don’t! Do one!

Yes Defeated and in a camp I’m sure he does Both are terrorists and traitors Used to be countries knew how to deal with cancers like them


He looks like he’s one sandwich short of a picnic - they’re welcome to each other ! You wanna go to Holland and “live a peaceful life”? 😂😂😂😂😂

All of these isis fighters are hilarious, they fight for a terrorist group against the so-called “oppressive West”, then when they get beaten they expect to simply return home to the west like kids who have ran away from home for two days.

Preferably in a prison cell

Anything on Jack Letts? Or are we not reporting on him as his profile doesn’t fit the ‘brown’ narrative?

ISIS crumbled so now they want to come home.....they made their home with a terror group but no money in third world weak terror organization. Sorry with little remorse don't cut it

This is so obviously a Trojan Horse plot. No way would I be taking the risk of letting any of these IS fighters and their affiliates back into Europe.

Their world is medieval. If they want to live like that let them but, I dont.

Surely the NLatEU will not allow either to be there?

Stop trying to distract people from the shit show that is brexit. These pond life oxygen thieves should both be locked up for life and never appear on the news.

Hasn't he been punished enough he was forced to marry Jemima Begum. He was probably like oh shit I got the ugly one.

All IS should have been executed on the spot

Is he serious, choosing where to live, seriously.

Stay in your flea bitten shitehole practicing your dark age cult

Match made in heaven then.

Or anywhere but Britain/England

Fuck o

Bye 👋

Bore off Shamima 😴

Go and live in Iraq or Syria, you made the choice!

So you can can go to a country, totally annihilate it. And go home as if nothing's happened?

Crawl back under your stone with that midden of a wife

No you should live here in the UK were you belong.


Couldn’t agree more

Also today is the 5th annual Visit My Mosque Day in Britain. A Muslim is prohibited from entering any other faith's place of worship. The priest killed in France in church? The muslims paying their respects were all outside during the service. Wouldn't enter. Equality, respect?

Too close to the UK !



No. One. Cares.

Enough already BBC. We know you want terrorists in the UK and you’re continuing to spin this story for all it’s worth to get the luvvies to back you. But we don’t want to the little bitch in the UK. Let her roast in the hell of her choosing

Go away and do it.

Yh go there not the uk

Holland please don't be fools

If Holland takes them in then they are bloody crazy 😡😡😡😡

Why is this scumbag and his 'bride' top news on BBC News NO ONE CARES!

Hell no let them all rot over their they liked it for years 😡😡😡😡

Why does the BBC want us to care?

Let’s create a crowdfunding page to pay for its flights along with that other piece of work!

It’s funny how these murdering Isis scum who have lost their war never want to go to a country more suited to their ideology, like Iran or Afghanistan- all want the easy benefit enhanced life in Europe they claim to detest

No, stay where you are.

No I'm very confused as I watched an interview weeks ago and she said her hubby had died that's why she's in the camp!!! Now here he is asking to move to Holland... Why are the alarm bells not ringing here 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰

Go tell it to the Dutch authorities

Not bovered were she goes as long she doesnt come here

Can we not just send a friendly drone out for the both of them?

Why is the giving this story so much air time?. I bet this is a cover up for something bigger that is happening but don’t want the UK to know about? As far as I’m concerned - they can stay where they are 😡

And I want to see foofighters wembleystadium

Shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near civilised societies frankly.


God No . Britain and Holland don’t want scum of the earth people like these - they should have to stay there . They made there choice and should loose all three human rights - they went to kill - disgust me both of them

Whilst some are having their voices silenced due to their political beliefs, these two have been given celebrity status by the media. Funny old world isn’t it?

Why would Holland want to finance for life a paedophile terrorise, his radical wife and the first of no doubt half a dozen kids? These ISIS goons really are not the brightest. A detention centre should be created in the middle of a desert and they should all be sent there

Take the child away from both of them and put it into the care system then send them back to Syria. Possibly with a photo of the innocent people the people they supported killed in the Manchester bombing. See the real damage they have done.

what's the point of having MI5 and MI6 if they don't quietly whack enemy's of the West like these three? 😎

And be threat to that beautiful country?

Celticanz What did Holland do to deserve that ?

Banged up for war crimes alongside tony Blair

And what do the Dutch think about having another terrorist amongst them? No doubt the pair of them will qualify for a European passport giving them access to any country. They should both be sent to a country where they have the death penalty!

Stop giving these scum headlines, they hate the West, you are only feeding them, more pressing news, how about the kids being stabbed and supporting how to stop it.

You shouldn’t even be walking never mind living in another country!!


Should be locked up for this life and the next one.

How about Guantanamo?

Has anyone asked him how many women he's raped and how many people he's murdered.

You lost all right to decide where you want to live when you became a terrorist !

Doubt they want you.

You opted to live your life in this way, accept the consequences and stay in Syria

I thought Shamima ran away from her refugee camp. Is she now safe somewhere new?

Stay in Holland then with her.

They and all their friends should all tried as war criminals, and if found guilty executed. Funnily enough The Hague comes to mind, we should resurrect it again.

Must be great to be able to have that choice of where to live. Terrorist groups whether they are black, white, Muslim, Christian, or Catholic,don’t often let the innocent people they butcher have that choice.Whatever your views are why take lives.

givencesarfo Ayyyyyyyy ayyyy my people don’t need them leave us alone try America

There's a six year prison sentence waiting for him. The mayor of Arnhem (of Moroccan origin) says he doesn't want the likes of him returning to his town.

Don't people forget what isis did they killed inisant people.They should never get to live in any country they should be put on an island of their own. Or send them to Alcatraz if it's still there.i suppose it doesn't matter where they go people will still be killed by them.

Why is he not being sorted? He is an isis fighter. How come the BBC are sat with him

WE ?

Why is B.B.C. wasting licence fee payers money on this story? We have said we're not interested but they won't listen. Just like they're not listening to thousands of o.a.p Over 75 who they want to charge a fee? We don't want to pay for irrelevant news and repeat programms

Good go to Holland Goodbye

Thanks Holland... no room for disloyal people in UK uk

In a Dutch prison.

Yep suits me

Oh so he ain't dead? That's off, how come both their children got killed but they survived? Somebody needs to re-do the job. Guy still wants me, you and your family dead. I don't think there is any other point of view on this.

So the EU can deal with both of them...

I bet he does

Why should the Netherlands have them?

Can't they both just be taken out and have done with it?

You should be both strung up from a tree

brexitisus I have a better idea. Go to Syria or Iraq and answer for your crimes.

Definitely should

I see the bbc have still learnt nothing

Syria 🇸🇾 for you as u think so much about it.

In Pakistan we make people like him “disappeared” never to be found again or straight up death penalty. Bring back capital punishment for these kinda parasites

Well, at least she won’t have to worry about Brexit !

This is like a really bad teen movie with both protagonists as stupid and dumb as each other

Next. Was she groomed/not? What made her go abroad. I want to know. Both of them in court will have to touch the Quran as oath. So they will surely reveal more details of evil death cult. We need to know. And by knowing we prevent harm & protect innocents.

Just go to Pakistan, they love housing terrorists

We don't want here here thanks.

Absolutely go & live in Holland👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

If Shamima Begum wears a burka in Holland she will be in trouble because in Holland they have banned the burka, so good luck with that one

We’d all take the baby and give it a lovely life, free from extremism.

Let Syria take them back Isis is ruining the uk,Europe and everywhere else

“Well Hung in Holland” 🤔

He's choosing his prison-for-life location now is he?

They can go wherever they want...why do we care ? Why is this trending on twitter ? No one gives two shits about Shamima or her Isis husband....

You should live behind bars.

Why not just live as hostages in an IS execution camp? Wait your turn, and bingo - one step closer to your God. Sorted.

Wait wait. I though he was killed

Who fucking cares what he wants. Stop giving them publicity

Ok goodbye, enjoy your new Dutch life, but don't bother sailing back over to UK or flying back....we're onto you...

good riddance

Victim mentality. Revolting.

Good idea

You shouldn’t live.

He should live in prison till he dies.

Who gives a single fuck?

Still waiting for the Real Housewives of ISIS reality TV show to come out

Och sod off, you AND her!! This is now OLD news!! She's had her citizenship revoked!! Now chuck out all the others that have apparently been allowed to return?!?! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

And we care because Nothing to do with us I wanna move to new york put that in the paper!

Yep you can have her

Wasn’t he dead?

They would be even less welcome in Holland than they would here.

Hey bbc. These are murderous criminals that you are giving airtime pleasantries to. We don’t pay £££fee for that.

Click Bait. Sick and tired of the BBC

Because he knows already it's simple to enter uk from holland illegally using the ro ro ferry

My nigger I’m from Holland and I lived there till I was six ok and now I live in the uk and when I tell you there government is so strict so if the uk didn’t want you I’m sure Holland wouldn’t want you either

More worryingly... he married a 15 year old. Having sex with an underage child would get you banged up & put on the register. These are the rules in this country and most civilised nations. 6 yrs for joining a terrorist group, 12 years for sex with a minor. That’s 18 in my book.

since when the terrorist choose where to live?🤬

The Dutch are known for their liberal stances, but come on, who's up for talking proven terrorists into their country?! Try the UK foriegn fighters in absentia, give them all 15 years to life for treason and none of them will return.

So now it's the norm to give interviews to terrorist who's killed British soilders and people absloute fucking disgrace giving these people air time the only good thing now both him and his bride will be wanted by isis for going public



I thought he had been killed ?

Ta ra

I thought he was dead

Meanwhile, she has “gone elsewhere”! What does that mean? She’ll be turning up on our doorstep with a Times reporter, no doubt!

Shouldn’t he be in a jail somewhere right now?

Wtf are you even giving these people airtime!?

It's a shame he didn't die. He will only get a few years in prison. There's not enough mention of the word 'treason'!

Shamima Begum insanity for godsakes IS, these people are murderers they should be seriously imprisoned throw away the key

Maybe he should live in Syria. In a jail. After being tried for terrorist activities and sexual abuse of a 15 year old girl.

My mum always said and still does you make your bed you lie in it simple as that they chose that life so be it let them Rot in hell

No one gives a fuck!

Why are you giving publicity to these west hating criminals

Yep. Agree with that.

No he and her should stay and rot in the hell whole they helped create.

Wonder if they will have them ..

Excellent reporting. Where is full interview. Both of them should face Yazidis, Syrians & muslims. For betraying their faith. They must charged. With court hearing. Tried. And the baby should not be raised by them as they willingly chose an evil murdering raping death cult.

Easy fix. Bullet in both of their heads. They are a disgrace and traitors. 6 years in prison is nothing compared to what they have done to innocent people. Kill them both. Why give mercy to the devil? Shoot em both and be done. Leave the child with the family.

What is your agenda regarding these IS members the bbc seem quite obsessed, they shouldn't be breathing let alone minor celebrities

Watch Mr Robinsons documentary and stop paying the propaganda tax for this shite..

Think everyone’s being harsh on these 2, at the end of the day all they did was join a murderous hate group, it’s not like they hurt anyone or betrayed the country which provided them a home, oh wait a minute...

The level of the news is so poor Jeremy Kyle show seems more civilised.

You should not be allowed to live in any western country you pair of terrorist c!nts.

At 23 he married a 15 year old as well eh!

They should be in landfill (together)

That's a terrific idea!

I'll bet the Dutch are delighted...

BBCWorld execute them both then nobody needs to bother about where they can live.

The Dutch won’t like that one bit

Why is this still getting air time?

No you should be in he'll paying for your crimes against humanity.

I'm sure the Dutch will be thrilled to take them!

You turned your back on the accepted norms of that society to go a join a death cult that treats those of different religions as inhumane, using them as sex slaves, human shields or murdering them. And now you want to come back because ISIS is losing. So no way.

Since when did the BBC become family friendly?

Love, you should live where you wanted to be originally! Go to the people you’re now scared of. NOBODY wants or trusts a traitor let alone a terrorist/sympathiser!

Good luck....

So much for being dead . Just a big ploy to get her and him into the country

If any one further needs to understand ISIS bride Shamima Begum character ,pls read the link below. Regards

The problem is if she is allowed to to take up citizenship and move to holland, She then becomes an EU citizen which gives her the chance to move back to the UK. This is the back door method, Something which our government are fully aware of..

DutchMFA Surely the Dutch won’t have him back. Are they nuts or just don’t care about their people’s safety.

Piss off why should anyone else take her😡😡 she didn't give a toss about it when she set off to help terrorists murder innocent people!!!!!

You just can't go and participate illegally in a war & think that's ok, then expect to come back to your own country and think that is ok. Let them back & suffer the legal consequences.


The only course of action that these 2 should be bestowed is kept where they are and tried in Syria for crimes against humanity.

Shouldn’t that be IS terrorist husband?

Dont come back. You belongs in jail for life together with your bride!

Yet again the BBC gives a platform to terrorists, this time the husband of Shammima Begum. Isis have it's own propaganda company, It's called the BBC

Yes, yes, yes. Remember? Juliet was 14 when she met Romeo. Let the world show a little compassion and get these two together with their child. She has already said she'll wait until he ends his prison sentence in Holland.

SteveBrookesMBE Agreed 👏

Great idea.

are apologists for ISIS

Of course he'd say that it's just a ferry ride across the North Sea to the UK.

Why are you giving them so much attention? Treating them like celebrities is just odd, and not sure who benefits from it?

Sex with a minor and confirmed terrorist- job prospects don’t look bright. Not exactly a model citizen.


I think they should be given a tent and a nice little spot in the middle of the Sahara desert.

When is Javid stripping Jack Letts of his citizenship? Wait a minute he’s the wrong tinge😂

BBC. You've hung this story out to dry for weeks. Stop giving it the publicity it does not warrant.

Holland can have them. They’ll probably take advantage of free movement and end up in this country. Or am I just being cynical, probably not

How about Iran? More your kind of thinking, love.

Sorry BBC, move on this is non news and so called tomorrow's fish n chip paper!

W the other terrorists🙄🙄 Goid job Europe!! Take note America!!

You should both be dead

Great. Stay out of the UK

Now its his turn in the public eye...

He should be charged as he had sex with a minor

And if they do go to Holland they are one step closer to the UK terrorists on our doorstep.

Both of them deserve death sentences. Who the hell keeps giving them the platform to come out to say these nonsense?

Why, Oh fucking Why, have we to witness this news, I don’t give a flying .... as to what happens to these reprobates!

Oh, another fvcking victim!

Oh my God, will Shamima Begum and her peado husband not just disappear.

Will be be charged with having sex with a minor? Probably not, bit he should.

Not exactly as far away as possible

Oprotten en gauw!

Stop giving these wasters a platform to speak from! They deserve nothing given the choices they have made.

How long before she is on good morning Britain telling us how evil we are

What so she can sneak back into the UK.

You Should live in hell.

Holland wants them? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Fjordman1 Anywhere but the UK is ok with me. If we have to take her back, then straight to military prison.

NEE! 🇬🇧🇳🇱💪🏻

Countries with your level of ideology, freedom of speech, freedom of gender etc. Afghanistan. Iran. Mauritania. Oman. Saudi Arabia. Yemen. And you want to go to Holland?

Why Holland? Why not to stay where they both are as this was the country they both chose with free will!

Yes great decision

Didnt he join a movement that wanted to kill Westerners and impose extreme brand of Islam on everyone? Not sure why he thinks he can just come home now. Surely he can live in the utopia of the caliphate? Oh yes, I forgot.....


You have to feel for the Dutch.

Been saying this all along...

I don’t care where that ugly tnuc long as it’s not the Uk. As others have mentioned a drone strike is the best thing that could happen to this pair of wronguns.


What suckers the journalists have been on this story she told everyone her husband died. Now he's miraculously come back to life. I hope Holland tell the pair to piss off too!!

Why did the reporter just focus on the fact he'd married a 15yr old? IS don't care about the age of the girl!

Lucky them. Not.

Why are you giving these terrorists the platform they want? Poor journalism

Wish them the best and ship them off.

Why are you still giving this terrorist airtime? 🤷‍♂️

Thought he was dead? Why doesn’t he go back and meet the 💕 of his life? 😂

'Was not interested' ....but were shagging like rabbits(3 kids later).

2 people less on benefits for the rest of their lives if Holland accepts her & the baby !!

If the people only knew how many 'former' ISIS & Al-Qaeda members are living among them in the UK and all around W. Europe. the governments let back in thousands of them then denied entry to only 1 and used the media to make it look like they are denying entry to all of them 🙄

You should be in a body bag

If the people only knew how many 'former' ISIS & Al-Qaeda members are living among them in the UK and all around W. Europe. the governments let back in thousands of them then denied entry to only 1 to and used the media to make it look like they are denying entry to all of them

I don't understand why the BBC are giving these scum so much attention. Once again it's the lead story, once again they have interviewed one of them like they are some kind of celebrity. Is 'where a terrorist wants to live' really that important to you?

Personally 6 foot of earth is good for you and your evil wife.

You should stay where you are,, isn’t that where you wanted to be !!!!

That’s the right idea

They need to be tried in iraq for crimes against humanity.

Leave her where she is, to rot. She made her choice - she can stick with it.


Yes please!!

Bbc articles get worse by the day. Why dont you all go and live together, you seem to get along so well

For the crime of supporting IS, you should only be in a prison of any country where you are identified !

I thought he was dead 😳

I think the Netherlands is a mature enough country to take responsibility and action where this country has not

Good plan.

Hmmmm has he been reincarnated 😐

Not dead then now she didnt get her way he suddenly appears

Totally agree with him

It doesn’t really matter where they live for now. They will both return to ISIS when it regroups. Probably Libya. We should have got her back to uk and taken the baby into safe custody while we had the chance.

We The only thing that should be happening to them is death.

That pervert should not be allowed near her or the child.

I can imagine Holland fixing the terrorism issue by decriminalising it.

No you shouldn't

Nah mate. France.

Or how about PRISON where you belong

Why is she called ‘bride’ instead of wife? Surely not trying to be sensationalist are you?

I can see how the public is duly-informed and well-educated on their family business through this piece of non-news, other than through all the articles that actually feature legal argument or repatriation-deradicalisation schemes.

Bye bye then!

Hang on. He was dead the other day?

And why are we still giving these people air time? Shocking. Dwelling on the negative all the time.

We are all being played? She was found by a Times photographer 😡

Hold on I thought he had been killed?

Fine, they can go to Holland, Balgladesh or preferably, Hell. But the terrorist vermin are NOT coming here. Oh, and dear BBC.. better advise them in advance, if they pick Holland or Bangladesh they might not be allowed to bring their collection of severed heads along.

They'll clearly want a feature in Hello magazine growing tulips.

Yes you should in one of the canals.

I assume he is going on the sex offender's register? sexoffender

I agree they ought be allowed to Holland,and dumped in Rotterdam docks! How dare this lowlife open his hated filled mouth!

He's a paedophile, a terrorist, probably a murderer too, why am I paying the BBC to put people like this on the news

She should live where SHE decided to leave for. No country will accept a potential if not already proven terrorist!!

The Dutch should revoke is citizenship!!!!!!

They joined the Islamic state. Stay there. Stop trying to make these murderers out to be innocents.

Tidy, crack on Ruud!

Excellent idea, where hopefully they will raise their new born child together and be a family.

No special place in hell for you both

Asked upon the royalty.. Mr.mssNFit..?!

You should not be granted the option of living anywhere as shit never leaves the shovel.

not a shred of remorse... forget about me fighting for isis... we can now go home and live happily ever after smh... 2 bullets would sort the situation out 👍👍

no mate, please don't do that...

how about she lives in a cave and faces the consequences of her actions by not being allowed the live the life she left by joining a terrorist organisation.

FFS this is not news and they should not be given publicity like this

Good because the UK dont want you

I thought he was dead!

You should both live in a prison

You should live in Syria. I’m sure Holland want terrorists as much as Britain do.


Stop giving these specimens the oxygen of publicity.

So actually he is a child sex offender. More than 6 years for that I would think.

The BBC loves to give a terrorist air time.


Problem Solved, ship her there, and stop reporting on her now, we dont need mud dredging back up every five bloody minutes!

Yes, Europe is Good For You. Heil MerkeL, No isis here in USA. Trump MAGA.

What would these people be doing if ISIS won!!

He’s a pedophile gross!!!

I’m sure the Dutch will welcome them with open arms “Come in, sit down, have a smoke and a pancake” Or.....maybe not.

More time is being spent on these people’s needs WTF

Her marriage at 15 probably won't be recognised by Holland, anyway that guy is in jail no? But TV interview are fine? Terrorist, murderers, rapist are given more air time than victim, that's sad...

Yes you should 👍

Has this even been substantiated?...Or is it simply poor reporting?...what testing has been performed to confirm father and child?

Why is the BBC providing yet more coverage of terrorists

It’s interesting she never mentioned his capture and torture. It’s almost as if it never happened _DHOTYA

Try the United States they will take care of you 🤣

What has Holland done wrong? 😳

There you go, a solution. She can apply for Dutch citizenship (probably will need a marriage certificate), she can learn Dutch, show full integration into Dutch society (& give up UK passport). She only needs to live there for 5 yrs by which time he'll be out of prison. Win-win.

Would you like to keep your Yazidi slave?

A curiosity indeed! Those who would seek to destroy citizens rights wherever they go (until they can make their own rules for which the penalty of disobedience is death) are very quick to protest when denied said rights.

Why is the BBC still acting as a PR firm for this terrorist? Where were the BBC journalists when a British born man, Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon), was dragged off the street and unlawfully jailed by Judge Geoffrey Marson? Did you interview his wife about her anguish?

Wait a minute, isis husband wants her to RETURN TO HOLLAND with him so she,s not alone, and this camp is for terrorists to choose a home , like first time buyers deciding on which property to buy. we've gone from not dealing with terrorists to kissing their feet, WAKE UP UK

You should be locked up for life you and your bride

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂let them be social benefits are much better for hopeless clowns like them and they can get high everyday 😂😂😂😂

Poor Holland

Both should be in wooden boxes in the ground!

Lucky Holland.😎

Firstly I would like to know how the Times or why the Times has focused on this particular woman? And if IS we're winning their war, you wouldn't be hearing from Ms Begum. Says it all really. What does Holland say?

I think Syria is the best place for them!

The decision should go to the relatives of those burnt alive in cages, beheaded or thrown from buildings in the places where they were captured.

They should live in a black hole

Good call. Holland with their wonderful free movement of people allowing them to travel snd create freely across another 26 countries. Bring on brexit. ShamimaBegum


And would you like a townhouse or a little cottage in the country? And what about the walls? Magnolia ok?

It's always I want, I want. Never any remorse.

You should be shot she should be in a prison

Does it matter in which country? After all, a jail is a jail.

No, both of you should be handcuffed and executed on the spot

Just as casually as that?

Entire episode is faux!

You should live in hell...

Let’s hope they won’t be heading there anytime soon.

Good luck

I do not see why Holland would want her norealremorse

He 'fought for IS'? For a murdering genocidal psychopathic organisation? And expects people to be ok with that?

Anywhere but here!

No you should have a visit from a drone

No, you should live in a country like Saudi Arabia where you’d feel more at home. They kill gay people, you’d like that.

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