If the EU wants a deal the solution is simple: fire Michel Barnier

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'The Frenchman has been a complete failure over three years'

The clock is ticking down. The ports are being prepared, customs officials are being hired on both sides of the English Channel, and companies are being warned to make sure they have new systems in place. After yet another tense round of negotiations, this week it looked more likely than ever the UK would end its transition agreement with the EU without a trade deal. The two sides remain as far apart as ever on fishing, and a level playing field on regulations and state aid.


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The pathetic comment from the jingoistic DT shows MichelBarnier is doing his job successfully and is the best compliment he could receive!

Such a shame the UK won't be getting any of the ECB latest bailout for the EU 27 of over 750 billion euros to help jobs and industry.

I thought we had an 'oven ready deal' , are we now trying to get a different deal?

In other words, Johnson's oven-ready deal may have been a huge lie but we'll be damned if he takes the blame for it.

The Telegraph was formerly a serious paper of record. Now I wouldn't even wipe your arse with it.

He's mopping the floor with you

Pitiful self-delusion. Brexit is bad enough without piling on the humiliation.

Desperate headlines from a desperate paper

Still delusional I see...

More a case of an experienced negotiator having to negotiate with the UK's zenophobic child minded negotiation team 😡

Disgraceful that anyone should think it’s reasonable not to give ‘exceptional’ Britain exactly what it wants in every respect!!

That headline reveals a brick wall. Seems to me Barnier is exactly the right guy.

The EU and Barnier have been consistent, considered and constructive since 2016. On the other hand...

Yeah, that’s right actually. He’s completely failed - to let the rabid Brexit fundamentalists get their way. A united EU has been, by far, the superior side & has controlled the whole negotiating agenda from the outset (WA 1st). Running rings around the UK. Hard luck .

Pay no attention to these fascists Michel. Ireland and Europe stands with u.

An idiot paper for idiot readers. Brexit was always set to be an absolute disaster, that’s not the fault of the EU, it’s the fault of the rich, self serving charlatans who lied to the UK public and had their lies amplified by the right wing gutter press.

That's true. He is French nationalist who has Strong anTi Briton character

This is prewritten script. We can't have our Cakeism and eat it, so it's all Barnier's fault. That is BS revisionism. 1) May's red lines were impossible for the EU. 2) We kept moving the goalposts. 3) WE DIDN'T HAVE A PLAN. Meanwhile in EU land, the EU27 knew what they wanted.

Translation: He's not giving us little englanders what we demand and the UK is realising it is weak in the face of a strong EU. If only you could find a gunboat to send up the Zenne. You won. Suck up the consequences. 😅😂😀

He showed mark Francois up by being far better at his job.

He’s only the frontman. Did you think he thought it all up by himself?

From whom do you think Barnier gets his mandate?

Which of his 27 bosses - the elected heads of government of the member countries - is unhappy with his performance? The answer is none of them. Stop lying.

His tactics were how can we hurt the U.K., not how do we get a deal that we both need. He will go down in history as a failure, the man that broke Brexit

😂😂😂 Lies & yet more, pathetic lies!

Well done! Good joke. The whole of Europe is laughing its balls off. Baaaar baaar baaar - mutton for breakfast, dinner & tea for ever! Rule Little Britannia... Little Britains are now all Russia's slaves.

Fixed the headline for you: If the UK wants a deal the solution is simple: Fire Boris Johnson

Sounds like displacement to me.🤓🤔

four yrs ago UK held all the cards of course we know now that's what Putin told you and you believed him 🙄

Pathetic article. The telegraph used to be serious paper. It’s now just a cheerleader

No, it's not the Frenchman that has been a complete failure. It is the UK government that has been an utter disaster, in how they dealt with Brexit, the covid pandemic, etc, etc...

Michel Barnier receives his mandate from the EU 27 heads of state. What part of 'you can't have your cake and eat it' does Johnson not understand. Barnier is doing a fantastic job.

You do realise we have left the EU? You have ‘won’.

Da Englishman IN Da telegraph, write a load of da bollox.

only total fools read this paper, including my own mother im sad to say. Your lies will harm this country for a decade.

mattlynnwriter Exactly what compromises have U.K. made?

The Torygraph sounding even more desperate than ever. Looks like they are starting to realise we're in deep sh*t.

Remind me how many Brexit ministers have we had?

This is what they call 'projecting'

Always a great sign the negotiations are going well, when you ask the other side to send in a different batsman!

Reminder for the thickos who write in The Torygraph: Barnier works for the EU not the UK. He's been good at his job or they would have sacked him.

Failure for who? Pretty much protected EU interests and then uk goes and appoints D. Davis, Raab, Frost...sigh...

How many brexit secretaries have we had?

He just never accepted the strength of the British majority who want out of the rules of the EU,I totally agree he should be sacked.

Sour grapes.. telegraph..you have LOST..GET OVER IT..And btw.. Brexit WILL BE CANCELLED

😂 desperation stuff from Pravda

Really ? Everyone I know in the UK think he is great .

What else can you expect - Anglo-French relationship never has been an easy one

I think he’s been doing a rather fine job for the EU. You do realise he’s working on behalf of the EU yeah?

Yeah - the deeply weird owners of the have always had a 'thing' about Frenchmen though.

You wish

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 Losers!

The Torygraph bullshit. 🇪🇺 🇪🇺 🇪🇺

What arrogance

Utter desperation from the super little Britons 😂😂😂😂

I’m afraid - for you and the British people - that the problem is not Mr Barnier, it’s the inadequate Government you have - think about it at the next elections!

hmm, brexit meant brexit, and no deal is what they demanded - and now the ToryGraph readies up the more than expected blaming the EU again, this time for Englands choice of brexit, Govt, and PM.

The death of irony...

WRONG: Barnier actually enjoys very high levels of support among the people he represents: he is not failing the EU27.

Yet to me he has been the consumate professional The UK government on the other hand

You do realise Barnier works for the EU?! His job is to get the deal that the EU wants. Perhaps you should look at the job the various British ministers & negotiators have done. I say various because there's been many, and most have lost the job for being crap.

If UK want a deal fire Frost

What a terrible,fabricated story. Barnier is implementing the negotiating line mandated by EU members, adhering to EU rules.LiarJohnson has declared the deal he negotiated to be ‘oven ready’. Why then does he not just sign up and move on. Answer is, he lied. That’s what he does.

You're a crap news outfit.

Michel Barnier is a hero to so many in Europe and the UK. He is an iron fist in velvet glove. The EU have been very lucky to have him, as I'm sure you realise.

With apologies to Adam Hills : Arguing with a Tory Brexiter is like playing chess against a pigeon. It’ll knock over the pieces, shit on the board, then strut around as if it won.

mattlynnwriter Population of EU a multiple of UK....GDP of EU a multiple of UK....10% of EU exports go to UK, 40% of UK exports go to EU (they might be replaced with Trump’s chlorinated chickens)...who needs a deal? Your ignorance is matche only by your arrogance

Their leaders didn't pimp the population out for their own gain. Cambridge analytica fail brits.

111meeuwis Time to block this fucking stupid Telegraph account

Frost versus Barnier is like Nobby Stiles taking on Didier Deschamps - I know who my money is on...

mattlynnwriter Not a breeze Lynn, not a breeze

You know he wasn't on your side, right?

Stupid “writer” writes stupid story for stupid people because they think sun shines out of England’s arse and can’t understand why other people disagree and aren’t prepared to lie down and take it up the backside. What a w⚓️

London deal breakers. Is that why we are increasingly being isolated by the world.

Sry, the only ones that were a failure where the british - complete and utterly failures.....you owe your mess them


But we hold all the cards!! The German car manufacturers will be pushing for a deal! Oh I know, let’s blame the EU for defending their interests

If the UK wants a deal, the solution is simple. Fire Boris Johnson.

Interesting take on CORRUPT Tories changing their minds every 5 minutes about what it is they want But then why would we expect HONEST REPORTING for a paper owned by Tax Evaders in the pockets of CORRUPT RUSSIAN TORIES NOW IF WE WANT TO TALK FAILURE JOHNSON THE LIAR HAS FAILED

That’s my view since day one, a French EU negotiator doesn’t work and the poor results prove it! A German, Dutch or Danish EU representative would have been better for all!

I ❤️ MichelBarnier I hate the Telegraph. Nasty, racist paper WeAreEuropean

More Telegraph propaganda not based in real world negotiations but on some channel island castle in tax exile. telegraphfail

The EU specialises in reward for failure so his position is safe !

Don’t forget the first rule of Brexit club: It is never our fault.

The EU only 'wants a deal' to stop the UK doing untold damage to itself. They're being incredibly magnanimous in the face of a four-year temper tantrum from the Brits

British fails and then turn it around blame others 😂😂 sorry wont change reality uk failed

Laughably inaccurate. You have to wonder if Russian intelligence is also controlling the Telegraph? There can be no other explanation for such barefaced lies.

Cameron, May, Johnson, Gove, Davis, Fox, Raab... Tell me where the failures are again ?

One man's failure is another man's hero. IMO Barnier is exactly what I would like our negotiators to be -open, straight, honest, competent & courageous Compare Davis, Raab, Barclay & Frost against those criteria

More sillyness and delusion. Johnson tried to go over Barnier's head last year by meeting Junker and Varadkar and ended up signing a worse deal than was negotiated by May.

In football terms he's in a different league from xenophobic brexiteers this government is a complete FIASC0

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Out of your collective minds.

mattlynnwriter Matthew Lynn - moron or liar?

Tick Tock Rising desperation as Brexiteers begin to realise that right wing nationalist bombast and bullshit isn’t working Meanwhile, in the real world......

Did Boris tell you to write that? telegraph is a propaganda paper.

He's had a plan and stuck to it. He's been incredibly generous and kind to the UK Govt giving them chance after chance to come up with a plan. The EU picked the right man for the job.

More effective would be replace Johnson and Cummings.


This headline proves just how effective he is! A star, erudite, classy, fair, balanced and thoughtful. Unlike the screaminng toddlers he has to deal with in the UK. A future EU President. MichelBarnier guyverhofstadt

Wow real desperation Confidence in Barnier from the 27 member nations who employ him is 100% His mandate is agreed and ratified by the 27 heads of state Changing negotiator does not change that mandate Obviously he is doing a fine job and the UK is scared shitless of Jan 2021

Blame, blame, blame. This is you Torygraph:

It's like the Neanderthals criticising the Romans.

Easiest deal in history

Utter delusion and bone headed stupidity. Glad to see the keeping up the standards it's now famous for...😳

'High-handed, patronising and provocative, the Frenchman has been a complete failure over three years' Patronising and provocative? Hahahahaha. The lack of English self-awareness is very strong here. Thanks for the great laugh. If only England had somebody as professional.

haha! and the complete lack of strategy from Theresa May and Boris Johnson about what kind of deal they want is not part of the failure? the fact that they want all the benefits and no commitment

The EU refuses to be bullied into giving UK all it wants. I think Barnier is being rather successful.

Barnier gets his mandate from the 27 member states, and nothing will change with another negotiator. Besides, we are very happy with Michel. He looks really professional next to the British clowns that you have sent over, clueless and dumb one and all.

Hahahaha. You must be getting very desperate. How many failed negotiators has the UK had so far? It's always 'simple' in Brexiter eyes isn't it? That's why Brexit is going so well: simple 'solutions' to complex matters, that clash with reality.

You don’t get it, because you’re not going to get it (i.e. cherrypicked access to our market). I guess Brexit really does mean Brexit?

Dear stupid, He works within the guidelines given by the member states. Your welcome. Next! idiots

No they've had enough of the hissy fit Brits and quite rightly so

Did anyone really think there could be a trade deal with the EU? The EU is barely holding itself together, and still needs to resolve its budget shortfall. With no trade deal the UK can settle any divorce bill over the next 50 years.

You guys are jealous. 🇪🇺has simply the more professional and better prepared negotiators and a clear strategy. Little 🇬🇧 has unicorns and empty slogans

Who’s panicking now little England

Tories in someone else's fault shock 🤡🤡🤡💩💩💩

'High-handed, patronizing and provocative' : the perfect description of the current Conservative cabinet. Jacob_Rees_Mogg MichaelGove BorisJohnson Barnier

Where is the mob media baying for his blood coming from

Somehow the British governments little humanitarian violation of human rights, their little faux pas seem almost a non impasse, yet almost unchallenged. Human rights and their violation are serious state crimes on the international board. Boris and his gf are vicious demons.

Fire bojo the clown instead.

From a British point of view of course. 🤣🤣🤣. Go suck up to Trump. He’ll save Britain.

You don't get the benefits of free trade without sharing the responsibilities. Shameful lies of the Telegraph and the Tory leavers coming home to roost

The Torygraph in full bullshit mood, reality of the Brexit disaster is sipping out everywhere no trade deal with USA this year, zilch from Japan nothing from new Zealand nor Australia!! UK is in complete decline and vile accusations of Barnier will not alter the UK incompetence

'The Frenchman' has qualities sadly lacking in the British negotiators. Diligence, courtesy, in command of his brief. He regularly reports progress, or most likely lack of it, to the other members of the club which we have decided to leave while expecting to retain all benefits.

Embarrassing from the pitiful UK as usual

Pathetic as usual, for you to print this drivel it’s obvious he is doing his job well.

What a joke headline. Us complaining about Barnier when he got the Withdrawal Agreement done and represents his constituents well proves again that he is doing a good job. Too bad he is not working for us.

A great Negotiator. The Uk is caput, Being taken down by a corrupt WMGov

Please don't be nasty to Messr. MichelBarnier. Be kind, generous and forgiving. Let's create a new UK based on Trust, Honour, Friendship. We need to reboot a better world.

Remember, free trade is a zero sum game!!

Unfortunately for the UK negotiating team, the 26 EU countries think he is a great success, and has protected EU beliefs and values

This is going to trigger the sort of people for whom Barnier is a heroic European political titan who can do no wrong. A guardian of The Project.

Not just over 3 but 30 years!

That the Telegraph want Barnier fired shows how effective he is for the EU. Let’s go right to the cliff edge on this and whatever happens, happens.

It’s always someone else’s fault.

If this is your opinion, doesn't it prove he's been doing his job pretty well?

Think this summed up the british negotiating team and attitude perfectly.

Does anybody think this pathetic piece of bankrupt paper has any hope to be influential any more?

Or , just perhaps, the promises made by the two Leave campaigns couldn't ever be reconciled in this solar system. Trying to pretend to reconcile them won't end well, couldn't ever end well. But that's Barnier's fault? Priceless What do you actually understand, ?

'BorisJohnson, his government, his former employers at the , the ERG, rampant Brexiteers and Brexit have all been a failure over 3 years' 👆 Fixed that headline for you. You're welcome justsaying

I'm sure the EU will be happy to take advice from the Telegraph. 😀😂

Projecting much? 🤡🤡🤡🤡

And ditched uro ton all

has been a complete failure as a newspaper over the past decade

mattlynnwriter Done any research? No-one leaves a club and then dictates the rules.

Coming from the country that took 3 times to negotiate an interim agreement and now can’t agree a deal...


UK dont want a deal they never did oven ready deal was a lie UK have lied about many things not the EU

Why should the EU *want* a deal? As an EU citizen, I would *accept* a deal with a 'third country' as long as there are clear benefits for us, the citizens of the EU. The UK is not special. There are other places to buy lamb, etc. Join the queue. You're good at queueing, right?

'The EU has completely failed to change the rules of its 27 members to accommodate one ex-member. So it must be Barnier's fault'.

Wrong as you know !

Brexiters are getting desperate. It's quite embarrassing to be honest.

Do as the UK wants just as UK doing what United States wants

Utterly silly comment from paid to tow his masters' line hack. The 'complete failure' has been that of UK Govt to recognise that a country cannot leave EU & still expect its multiple benefits. Rather like cancelling gym subscription while hoping for continued access to facilities

Doesn’t it embarrass you to print such crap? It should.

Replace 'Frenchman has' & 'three' with 'Tories have' & 'Ten'.

Telegraph now trying to muddy the waters on negotiations,attempting to sanitise UK position,no wonder its on its last legs.

From your perspective possibly but from the EU position he has done brilliantly.

He'll either be the fall guy or the hero; guess it depends on your perspective of how this pans out. My opinion - he's doing what he's told, he doesn't get to decide the EU's position. My money is on there'll be a deal and he'll be one of the heroes.

Well guess what. They still have the EU and we look like imbeciles.

Mmm, yeah right.....

Failure for who? Cos he hasn't caved in to Brit demands?

The solution at the Telegraph is simple: fire idiots who write rubbish like this article and employ proper hacks.

'We Brexiteers are not xenophobic' 🙄. He has pissed the 'we don't need Europe' brigade because...well...they always knew they needed European. EU been very consistent in its negotiating position and team. How many different negotiators have the British had at this stage

Any wonder, with this sort of bigoted bollocks, nobody wants to relieve the Barclay Brothers of this fascist propaganda sheet masquerading as a newspaper.

Are you so afraid of the 'frenchman' You can leave, guys... Just go.

The bottom line is the French didn't want us to join the Common market, now they realise the cash cow is moving to a new milking parlour. Playing the heavy handed I will show Britain will not and has not worked, Tactics all wrong

No. We've nothing to say or do here. We've left. So,uk has nothing to say here.

There is zero chance of that happening. Barnier has unanimous support. Brexit is a failure. You won. Get over it. Now own the problem.

Well he got the American to agree to slice off 1/4 of the UK and let the EU economically annex it, even though the American himself said no Conservative Prime Minister would let that happen, so he's doing something right.

Your 'paper' is fit for wiping arses only

And BoJo - the two together...

No. Brexit is rubbish.

LOL this headline shows what a great job Michel Barnier has done. Brexit was a lie.

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