I’m calling for a cabinet of women to stop a disastrous no-deal Brexit | Caroline Lucas

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Female cooperation was vital to the Paris climate agreement and bringing peace to Northern Ireland. We can stop no deal, says the Green MP Caroline Lucas

It is hard to remember a moment in my lifetime when Britain faced a greater crisis. A coup led by a small group of rightwing libertarians is all but complete, as the Vote Leave team has been reassembled and taken control of 10 Downing Street. They are set upon implementing the most extreme no-deal version of Brexit – and, most terrifyingly, we are running out of time to stop them.


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Why not like minded people who can get the job done What the heck has been a woman got to do with it...

The Country might be a great deal better if STRONG women were to rule,as there is no way they could do a worse job than the men we have had to put up with,and with a couple of the women who have dropped the ball

Shame her father didn’t win withdraw

Probably one of the most stupid and undemocratic suggestions I have heard for a long while


Why does she remind me of Hartley hare from Pipkins

Oh my god!😱

And do what?

No Dawn Butler, no Dianne Abbot, no Priti Patel. She’s a racist 🤮

Talking bollocks again..

Will you be asking theresa_may 🤷🏻‍♂️

She's just another shadow government puppet perpetuating the treason, we never lawfully been in the EU, now proven, all treaties are null and void!

Hope someone shuts her up though she’s become a national joke

The Green Party means a lot in our current climate, pun intended. That voice for the planet against a threat of global warming. Caroline. You’ve just shit it. If any momentum didn’t need bat shit crazy, this was it. You’ve put the science momentum back years. 🤷‍♂️

Notice how Remainers always include 'disastrous', 'catastrophic' or a similarly negative adjective to precede 'no deal Brexit', as if that makes it more likely to become reality, whilst Leavers talk about 'new opportunities', 'freedom from EU shackles' etc. Who do you believe?


On this basis, I think equality and diversity training in the workplace needs an update. Or most certainly so if she was to get anywhere near the claws of power. Don’t think anyone needs to worry about though.

Surely she’s a parody?

I’m calling for a Parliament of Daleks!!!


That women has dellutions of grandeur. But im not suprised given the press coverage she gets. Why do people admire a person whom said she wants another referendum and if it votes leave she will ignore it. Eveybody his talking about the far right but what about people like her?

Rather sexist isnt it!!


Feminism... I suspected the new wave was more about power than equality! Corruption too. .

shealan_1 your comrades on the radical left are entertaining 🤣

Yeh good one. The people just want out now. Next you will wanna play James Bond

Is this peak woke-ness?

*of White women

The woman card gets misused nowadays...by rogue actors.

Crikey Brighton’s lunatics have escaped from the asylum and taken over the town 😱

deluded weed smoking clown!

How is brexit a sexist issue? Also, to fight sexism with sexism, has it ever worked?

😂😂 someone that doesn't fully understand what equality means. Could you imagine if this was reversed? Sexism works both ways sweetheart.

There’s been enough elections for people to vote green and they haven’t. Completely delusional.

Silly identity politics crap for the wealthy.

Wimmin unite!

The Pink party !

Is Caroline okay? I think she might need help.

Team Slitherin has another idea to keep the peasants in line. Team Slitherin always knows what's best.

A sort of 'Frau House' then? Will they be 'cross' party or quite mild mannered? I suppose they will only sit between 9:40 and 2:30 so they can fit their work around school times?

. . And all THE FBPE MUPPETS go Yay 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 . .

. And all the FBPE MUPPETS GO Yay 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 . .

Lol silly cow. She should go back to her old job as a stunt double for Mr Spock.

. Well we have had 2 women mp's 1 was made of iron the other of mud (clay is to strong) I have no desire for a third especially if its green Green is the colour of vomit which is how I felt over the last woman who ran the show A cabinet full of them please god no .

(I wonder how far away we are for this to be deemed a sexist comment by a woman, can't come soon enough

I’m calling for free beer over the bank holiday weekend...just as likely to happen CL

Surely in these pc times it's got to have a least 1 bloke who's transitioning?


what a joke

What the actual fuck 😂🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ and she wonders why the greens never get anywhere at general elections.

Have you completely lost your mind CarolineLucas? Not the best time for it. Please get it together. Thanks.

What a clown.

SandraDunn1955 I normally like Caroline Lucas, but she fumbled the ball on this one. It should be painfully obvious women politicians, as a whole, aren't any more competent, compassionate or pro-EU than men politicians as a whole. (See: May, McVey, Rudd, Patel, Leadsom, Hoey, etc. etc.)

Arn't the women in the present cabinet amongst the most extreme and heartless members?

Maybe this bloody world can be saved by women!

Can we now get rid of these progressive feckwits, please!

CarolineLucas hope you realise that this is discrimination and sexism. I guess you don't, so just letting you know.

Priti Patel, Kate Hoey, Andrea Leadsome, Theresa May., Nadine Dorries... They would be SO intelligent, concensual, effective, sensible? I mean, you just wouldn't want Grieve, Starmer, Clarke, Letwin etc, would you. Not when you can have that bevy of beauties.

That's sexist

A woman was just a prime minister...


Nope, glad to have some masculine common sense back in charge, female flakiness has set this country back hugely. 👍

It won’t make any difference. Margaret Thatcher dispelled the myth that female politicians operated differently to men.

Does it even need to be pointed out what a load of nonsense this is? An unelected cabinet made up of ten MPs of the same race and gender, set up to overturn a democratic decision. I think this is more about grabbing a headline than anything else.

Normally vote Lib Dem or Green... not anymore! Absolute arseholes.

She is one of the reasons someone like Johnson can become PM. Brexit isn’t a male thing and Britain is a multiracial community - where are these representatives in the plan. With that level of thinking she should resign and take the paperwork back for recycling.

These liberal idiots can say, and promote, these crazy ideas and proposals, because they have the safety net of knowing they will never be in power. This Lucas woman is only slightly less barmy that the other one from the Greens.

The woman is deluded.

Why 'a cabinet of women?' What's genitals got to do with political competence? Why is this not being called out for the 6th-form sexism it is?

You do know that the surrender treaty was negotiated by a woman

This is like watching a poodle trying to run on Lino...

That worked well in Sweden didn’t it 🧐

I had to doubletake to see if this was grauniadmeme or not

I am calling for all remainders to get lost

I’m a woman. Nah

I calling for a ban on Caroline Lucas and all he asshole ideas. Why doesn’t she stick to the day job......... I forgot she doesn’t do one!!!! Well just arrest her the in the grounds of insanity

If the women have two testicles then sure

🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😅 But not because you are a Women, but because you are You. 🥴 😐

Silly cow.

OMG a sexist member of parliament, me thinks she needs ousting and rethink her sexist remark

They’ll be far to busy doing the ironing

I think we're done with the matriarchy for a while. It's time for a man with balls the size of watermelons to lead the way...

For a party of 1 MP would be a sensational power grab deludedcow


Ah bless

What a fruit-loop....!! Crazy Cat Lady Alert...!!!! 😳😳🤡🤡🙈🙈

I don't care if they are blood Martians just stop this damn No Deal Brexit...

Here comes the clowns .

Imagine the headline if this was an all male cabinet!

Why does she think a cabinet of 'all women' can fix things? Not all women make things better. Theresa May, Maggie Thatcher anyone?

Stupid woman!

This screaming skull couldn't lead a one runner race.

Keep calling. !

Of course you are

Sexism is strong in you my little one

Just not Kate Hoey

The Guardian. The only rag still in the British isles trying it's damnedest to push divide gender politics. At least the red stops are subtle about it.

Shall we have a referendum on it and let the people decide? We can always have another if Caroline doesn't get her way.

This is a brilliant idea. At a time of unprecedented polarisation of society, let's exclude half the eligible candidates from making the most important political decision of our lifetime based purely on their gender. What could possibly go wrong?

Doesn't her party have one MP? She's a joke.

Can you imagine if a man said something similar.

My wife's response to this was unprintable

Don’t be so stupid love

One of the worst cases of Brexit Derangement Syndrome that's been seen. Why do you print what you must realize is utter drivel? Or is the Guardian suffering too?

CarolineLucas hates men clearly. We cannot allow sexists like her to run our country

What is wrong with just having the most able people in the cabinet?

Yeah, that will fix it... absolute misandry! FFS

Regressive sexist nonsense

Is this serious journalism? Sounds sexist. People should get jobs because they are the best. Their gender, race, religion, sexuality should not be factors.

We could as well have a cabinet of women leading to a disastrous no-deal brexit. This is utterly ridiculous. Gender doesn't entail ideology. Le Pen, Palin, Maggie, the list goes on an on. Cut the crap and focus on the real issues.

She does a great Chris Eubank impression every time she speaks.silly middle class Cow

If a man called for a cabinet of males he would be made to stand down and crucified

Comrades, I'm calling for a cabinet of albinos to stop a disastrous no deal Brexit! Diversity, once our must-have, only way to run anything panacea, has now been replaced by our strict uniformity! Because no women voted to crash out of our beloved EU.

This is cleverer than it first seems, because it gives cover for Corbyn to temporarily step aside without being seen to be week or compromising. Only problem is, I doubt he wants such cover.

How sexist


Then for every 5 days of the month, menstruation sets, resulting to a monthly nuclear war with Iran and during menopausal, the dark ages of Great Britain? A bit sexist, right? So as your suggestion to an all women cabinet.

Hey. Aren't you a woman?. Dont you have a vested interest in this?

So the idea of the best qualified person for the job is a non-starter? Only gender counts? This is what the Greens offer as a good idea.

That is incredibly sexist and deeply offending. How depressing.

The people have already voted - support democracy not your own vested interests

Typical of anything the Greens do, totally unrealistic, stupid and ridiculous.

I'm ok with that so long as Nadeen Doris is not included.

Apart from it being completely sexist and illegal this is fine until it’s time of the month.

I don’t think saying stupid things like this does her credibility any good

The greatest trick ever pulled by feminists is convincing the world it's about EQUALITY, they mustn't know what EQUAL means...

Straight-jacket for Ms Lucas!


Still fighting perceived sexism with *actual* sexism... Yay vote green for misandry?


ryanellis1998 the equality is going well

White women. White only. Very diverse.

Labour are the only realistic alternative but you’ll promote anything but a Corbyn government. 😪

Have they no shame left at all?

Where to start with this?! Apart from the fact that this is possibly the most sexist comment I can recall from a political ‘leader’, the individuals suggested have more chance of uniting a bag of stray cats than they do of commanding confidence in the country.

Not sure if anyone knows this, but we just had a female PM and she made a right mess of things, so I suspect an entire cabinet of wimmen may not work...

I would hate to be her husband. He probably walks around the house with his cock tucked behind his legs to avoid upsetting her.

Cabinet of women? Why?

What a terrible idea. I’m a woman and I say no to a cabinet of women men. Yes to a cabinet of capable, professional persons.

Caroline Lucas on why she should never be let near number 10 due to her sexist attitude towards men. She has definitely lost the plot!!

Oh dear God save us from these people

Ridiculous. Why only women?

She is certifiably insane.

Women. The best teams work with men and women in them. I have worked with an all female team before now and tbh it was a bloody nightmare. Never known so many tears and tiaras. No thanks. And completely unacceptable to suggest this in the 21st century. carolinelucas Brexit

They have to be vegan trans women who like crossfit!

Just when the remainers couldn't get even more sick and deluded.

Yeah 🤔, lots of choices, ABBOT, SOUBRY, COOPER, SWINSON, 🤔DREAM TEAM, or even incorporate STURGEON some how

Perhaps there should be a gender adjustment at the next election to give an equal share of the vote to men and women in each constituency instead of women getting more say because they live longer.


Oh and full of public school 'experts' like you? I have a degree of support for green issues but you? Never

Why would a cabinet of women make any difference

Good greif! Another politition has a break with reality. Are there any sensible people in parliment any more? any? at all?

Ah yes, oh course... Sexism will solve it.

patel4witham ? Or just women that agree with you?

Luckily for the UK this idiot won't get anywhere near Cabinet 😂😂

We've just endured 3 years of the worst Prime Minister in British history and guess what? She was a woman. No thanks... WTOBrexitNow LeaveMeansLeave

‘Ok sexism’

What difference if it’s a cabinet full of women or men...the current crop of politicians in this country are all unfit for purpose piersmorgan

Can you imagine the outrage from Caroline Lucas if someone created a cabinet of just men to push through a no-deal Brexit? It works both ways.

She’s gone to the dark side of radical feminism and has been sent on the front line for Gal Queda...poor Caroline, she used to be normal.

What a complete bell end....

SEXISM is alive and well in the green party.


Why is the Guardian promoting sexism?

Them looneys will destroy this country!

Please God JuliaHB1 take down this arrogant and ridiculous idea

A woman PM would never have led us to this point.. oh wait, never mind

Cabinet from Ikea would be more productive😏

If Caroline Lucas was a man I'd call her a bell end! However, given that she obviously has no concept of gender rules, she's a BELL END!!

So your sexist? Aren't you worried other people will call you that? Ha

This statement is sexist, call it out for what it is.

Last word, let’s just think about it seriously. Nation wanting EU membership, what do you want ? £10 billion per year and ? Want to be defended and ? All our unemployed who are costing us, we want them out of the country. And, I want a villa in Southern Italy. Okay what can you


We've just had a woman in charge for three years and she was neither use nor ornament....as useless as a chocolate teapot...

Come on guys it’s “women” needed, a penis is no barrier remember....pass the skirts and lippy around. TOFTT

A party with one MP ? What a joke.


What an utterly stupid individual this woman is.

back in the kitchen!

Typical leftist feminist - doesn't see the irony of proposals to exclude men🙄

It’s not really the right time nor the right topic to connect women’s issues to. Ms Licas is a gift to No deal Brexiteers if you push for that. Just to remind you, it was Ms May, a women after all, who backed Brexit into a corner & is to a large extent responsible for the mess.

Labour are never going to go for this. Needs a short term coalition led by Corbyn but key roles for Lucas, Swinson, Grieve etc to do something about brexit before a general election. There isn't time to argue PM shouldn't be Corbyn, but needs agreement GE will follow.

Will this include all the female MPs who campaigned for remain and voted for it.... so she will be asking Theresa May to join...?

Never heard anything so ridiculous in all my life. It's actually made me laugh it's so preposterous

Often wondered when the NHS enacted their ‘Care in the Community’ scheme that turned inmates from Mental Hospital on to the streets, what happened to them. Clearly many went to the Green Party and LibDems and I guess many, sadly ended up in doorways.

Remember who won the Euro elections?

Fml.... can't anyone do anything normal in British politics?!

Sexist moron who believes an undemocratic, despotic group of unaccountable beaurocrats should decide what we can say, where we can live, who we trade with, and steal vast sums of our money. Politics is aids.

Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry? Joking of course aren’t you?

Why women only? Isn't that sexist?

Somebody call a doctor the woman is mental

Oh dear. Has literally everyone gone mad?

How about we don’t decide someone’s worth as a politician by what genitals they have, and instead form our opinions based on their actions?

This is what remain have left....an undemocratic and now sexist coup against 17.4m people!

She had a real opportunity to unite the country & splits it on gender which is irrelevant, Priti Patel, Andrea Leadsom, Esther McVey, Theresa May, Caroline Lucas, Laura Pidcock, Jo Swindon all female, all as different as any male MPs need to see individuals not gender, race etc.

If there must be a bloke he's needs to be woke


So she'd prefer a cabinet headed up by Priti Patel, Esther McVey and Andrea Leadsom rather than one containing Remainer men, just because they're women? What absolute nonsense. One of the most moronic suggestions I've heard.

That's a bit sexist.

Disastrous for whom Have you a crystal ball lady

Women like your fracking friend Jo Swinson, Caroline old girl?

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