How many lives have been saved by covid-19 vaccines?

  • 📰 TheEconomist
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A new study, based in part on The Economist’s estimates of the pandemic’s true death toll, attempts to model just how many lives have been spared since vaccines became widely available to the public

, attempts to model just how many lives have been spared since vaccines became widely available to the public. —found that in the first year of vaccine rollout, jabs saved the lives of 19.1m-20.4m people. Without vaccines, the study estimates, roughly three times as many people would have died from covid in 2021 alone. And 6.8m-7.7m of the prevented deaths were in countries covered byStill, a lack of vaccinesstill led to avoidable deaths.

To arrive at these estimates the researchers, Oliver J. Watson, Gregory Barnsley and their colleagues at Imperial College London, began with an existing transmission model used to track the spread of covid infections. They then combined this model with’s estimate of the pandemic’s true death toll to estimate how deadly the pandemic would have been without vaccines.

The study has its limitations. It relies on assumptions about the share of estimated infections that led to death, for instance., which has limited reliable data, was excluded from the analysis, as were very small countries. That means the total number of actual averted deaths will be even higher. On the other hand, the researchers did not attempt to model how people or governments might have changed their behaviour to limit infections in the absence of vaccines.


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MerluzoConReineta la reineta más cara de la historia

A disapproval of 62 % of the Gabriel Boric administration compared to 33% who approve. Disapproval of Boric grows and he is the worst evaluated President in his first 100 days in office since 2014.

Death with covid or from covid

denounced for false, its a Lie

Would that be a model?

The lie they want you to believe cause they didn’t know how to deal with it properly in the first place scam

A model with a lot of flaws. As the whole counting in this pandemic, starting with not differentiating between people dying from Covid-19 and those just testing positive and actually dying from other causes.

If Modena doesn't make this virus there's no need for a vaccine to save lives😂😂😂

Propaganda by people that said “2 weeks to flatten the curve” Your models are rubbish. It’s not what would have happened. What a fantasy in a chart.

Stupid. You don’t know. Why are so many people dying that received the jab?

Is it possible to estimate the number of probable deaths caused by Boris and his 100s of mates partying?

Ooooooo now do excess mortality since the vaccine rollout! And use actual data and don’t “model it” to create the outcome you want.

Bloody lies about a PLANDEMIC. Reality and statistics are not the same.

This is hilarious, buckle up buttercup

Show the numbers of people who died of other causes because of the severely limited access to health care due to the ridiculous restrictions. I do a part time in a hospital, some people died in corridors while waiting for test results.

You mean we managed to avert writing 'cause of death corona' into the death certificate! Overall mortality was within the expected variance for all of the time. It is just about how we label a death!

Satire right?

Made up numbers

Compare to 2010-2020 average death rates

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