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'Bounce the dog is back on BBC News' – for an item about a new podcast curated for dogs BBCSimonMcCoy AfternoonLive



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Judges lose power to apply the law.

Rupert sodding Murdoch and his sh*te newspaper, ban all he owns!

Misleading headline. It should read “UK wishes to no longer abide by human rights courts”

The post is like a racist 🧲


Good, the power should never have rested with judges anyway. They do not decide or dictate government policy.

It is definitely like pre war Nazi Germany

At Last........

Criminal Tories, going the way of Israel and its ultra right-wing government. The British seem to be passive observers. Not a sound of protest from the media.

Try telling bbcdoctorwho

Two absolutely brilliant women. We need more politicians with their bravery, who don't bow to the mob. Both are working tireless to safeguard children and protect women's rights. We applaud them both.

Conservatives - no integrity. They’ve ruined this country and racist rag owned by tax dodging lord Rothmore will always print this tripe. What we should be seeing is a general election. The country deserves better than another year of this mess.

im sure that weakening our judiciary and ignoring international law to appease the most reactionary elements of society will absolutely not backfire in the longer-term

If only we had tonnes of safe gas supplies available under our feet rather than out at sea 🤔 Fracking


Getting desperate...

BoE are utter clowns if they think raising interest rates is going to reduce inflation 🤡

Proof that the Daily Mail is indeed just run by tantrumming, immature small people.

Duffield: Why I Left The Left (Answer: she's a transphobe)

Best way to protect women's rights is to not empower literal fascists, but right now that's what's happening with Posie Parker and Glinner's mob.

British people must be intelligent enough to see past these GIANT divisive headlines that single-mindedly propagandize a tiny social issue that should not be anyone's daily business. What is the agenda here?

Wow the daily mail is really getting desperate now. Trying to make their falling readership forget the Tories have been in power for 13 years.

Jesus that’s desperate even for the Daily Heil

Too right. Gender Dysphoria is a thing.

Well, at least the Tories are keeping pace with Republicans. “Soft on Crime” is the go-to when there is no refuge in actual policy and governance is driving the country into the ground.

* Illegal Migrant flights. We don't deport legal migrants...... BBC you are sooooo f***ed

Fantastic to see bi-partisan crossing of the aisle. More of this is needed to heal the deep divisions in our politics.

Are they wearing curtains?

Yep. Women are pretty awesome when they join forces. The female ones 💪

And wait for the “bigots ““transphobic” blah blah blah

Fake news about rusian spy ships

Imagine voting tory

Putin hates the U.K. so much. If he kicks off with the nukes, it will be one in the North Sea to blow up the power grid for us and Norway.

Fiat currency, printing machine, banker's pushing up prices, and elite keeping hold of resources. End result people won't get help from inflation?

FFS, this shit is old with a capital F

Even with a drop in inflation these new higher prices are here to stay. They will become the norm whilst greedy, profiteering supermarkets, oil and gas companies etc will double their profits.

They’ll never notice, they have their head up a fellas skirt right now lol. Just a joke from a friend abroad! We won sir!

Pump it! 🚀😂🤦‍♂️

Lets social engineer the public of the UK to support more of this stupid war in Ukraine. FYI, cyber attacks both ways are nothing new…

Targets aren’t used to incentivise or measure progress, they are a blunt tool for bullying staff. NHS need to rethink the performance model, less stick, more carrot. Need to change to an outcomes based model, that’s what matters to patients.

Starmer is right . Key targets are needed to measure access to care

Starmer hasn't a clue how to reform the NHS. What the pathetic British press should be asking IS WHY NO POLITICAL PARTY IS PREPARED TO BE HONEST WITH THE PEOPLE ABOUT THE FUNDING NEEDED TO FUND THE NHS AND SOCIAL CARE

I’m excited for the coronation!

Yeah yeah yeah!!

More would have died under Keir_Starmer UKLabour

Bring back Jeremy Corbyn or somebody else with a bit of charisma otherwise we will carry on having a Conservative government🙃

NHS been going wrong for years. Funding not even the top issue. The planning round, the savings targets followed by the rush to spend, the box ticking siloed culture means people don't get treated in time, or discharged on time, the private sector competition for staff.

Yea well, his far left pals at the unions are ruining it he should know..

No it's not.

The NHS needs scrapping

And money trees will bloom for an eternity . Please don't fall for labours historic shite promises. They never happen and they've never happened in over 100 years 🤷🏻‍♂️

Of course, the NHS is broken. The lie & underfunding of the past & present tories & labour governments. Yes, all politicians has blood on their hands. Even more lies promised by hopeful government to be. How much money would it cost to fix the NHS & how long would it take 🤔

Because you infiltrated it with nasty people you turned good people bad your basically the nazi party

Crime cities run by labour

Maybe a small amount more. But people pay with their lives to fund fat cat salaries in the private sector.

It’s not something new.

Careful Mr Starmer... you'll be getting a new name for yourself with comments like that - Captain Obvious 🤣🤣

The targets will return but he could not hit them. Could not hit a barn door.

Blaming the knives. 😂 They’ll use something else sharp if they get scarce. Screwdrivers can be deadly.

Wonder what happened to it. Maybe call Gordon, he'll fill you in as he's always available nowadays.

Huw Edwards before Gary Lineker. Simples.

I just wanted to 👍, me and my 35k friends

It was so obvious china created Covid 19. There was a film in china years before all about the exact same virus but it was engineered to kill.


I though the left didn’t like those?

Can the NHS ever be recoverable?

There we are Brexit worked . Done lol

The BBC quoting the daily express now 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Is it really?

only a F***ing roll of toilet paper such as the Express would spin this right-wing Tory tripe. no wonder they had a thing for Adolph.

All the shops closing beg to differ.

Tell Joe Average in the street that. Absolute bollocks.

That will please the migrants they can demand more more.

Economy on the mend no we not we in a recession and going to get worse

Nope. More blue bull ..

Except it isn't 🙄

This’ll trigger the usual suspects 😊

Is it? 🤔

Of course it is. It was going to ‘mend’ naturally after the pandemic. Didn’t need Hunt or Sunak

Nothing about the investigation into Sunak?



I noticed today thousands of people in my local town centre were rolling on the ground due to HAY FEVER HELL. If only they could purchase some form of medication. I imagine Sciences biggest minds are working on it twenty four seven. HayFever hayfeverhell

Economy is fucked

Ian Dury spinning in his grave right now.

Is the maths correct?

Why are you posting this, if I wanted to follow the express I would..

State media advertises right wing comic.


Who broke it in the 1st place?

Economy on the mend you say? Why? Who broke it? I thought everything was going well under this truly great govt. Are we still forecast to be bottom of the G7 for growth? Question; why are orgs moving from LSE to NYSE? Is it they are valued more in NY than UK since Brexit vote?

Sick and tired of this ever complaining family.


The Daily Mail does that every day, not just on Sundays.

That cesspit you were drowning in; there’s good news. We found a snorkel.

Those of the wrong sex, you mean.

Have people read the Daily Mail on a Sunday recently


Switch it off 🤷🏻‍♀️

Says yet another Tory liar

What’s terrifying? Had plenty of warnings that it’s happening and there’s way to turn it off

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bestheadlineever

Was it Nick Timothy ?

When are the electric and gas bills decreasing

Excellent news 👏

Why are you promoting this crap?

I'm identifying as a walnut whip this week

Daily Mail headline against alarmism.

Of course, the only scary thing is the fact that after this test, the system will be live. So if you hear it again, with hypersonic weapons estimated to be just 13 mins away, you might have less than the old Four Minute Warning.

I agree it is very creepy and Orwellian🥺😱

It certainly doesn't seem that way from here

Ah this is kind of sweet of them, tbh. It's a PSA (date and time front and centre), albeit in their unique own way. The more people who know the better, I guess!

Is Camilla addressing the nation on Sunday?

I don't know what's worse , the express 🚂 masquerading as a 'news 🗞️ paper' or the BBC reporting it as one 😂

Ive just been told one school near me has a student who is identifying as a cat! A CAT! I think at this point a padded cell is probably a more suitable environment than a classroom.

Devisive scare mongering by Daily Mail....as usual

I dare you to tweet The Morning Star for balance . After all, it’s only as left wing as the Daily Mail is right wing !

You spelt Stinking wrong!

Best time to keep the fear going in the meek, bed wetting mask wearers.

State of it

On the mend? You mean it’s slightly less f**ked by Tory mismanagement than it was last month

If you believe anything written in the Daily Express. Prince Philip was right. It is 'a bloody awful newspaper'

“S O A R I N G” aaaahahahahahahahaha

Also. A ‘proud Welshman’ has a problem with a Welsh landmark being referred to by its Welsh title. Mmmm. People will literally write ANYTHING for money. Shill.

How exactly would a prearranged advertised test terrify anybody ? The daily mail really is ridiculous

Well maybe, just maybe there might be an attack on a Sunday. You never know.

just think instead they could have just had a headline saying, readers the government will test its emergency broadcast on Sunday do not be alarmed instead this

What amazing drug are the editors of the Ezpress sniffing this time?!!!!!

Sunak getting things sorted!! 👍👍


Just switch it off.

Are you sure about that

Oh PLEASE!!!!!!🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Hey lefty BBC any news on your golden girl Nicola Sturgeon & her issues? Funny how you’re so quiet on her

RishiSunak : Forget ethics in the classroom. That's for whimps.

We’re in it together…..

Integrity...didn't last long in Sunak's govt. What a shock.

It's not over his wife's shares but over his lack of honesty.

And put it in Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo. Watch those stock prices go straight up.

Why bother? They all get away with it anyway!

Wow who would have guessed he would turn out to be completely crooked - except everybody? GeneralElectionNow

Hmmm how does that add up? 🤔 (See what I did there?)

Sottish police are being deployed with a legion of blue tents. GlennBBC will be asking what everyone involved knew and when they knew it. Before wall to wall coverage on BBC Scotland.



Oven ready insurance based healthcare from our prime minister to get green card back

That's what strikes are all about. Causing chaos to make the government LISTEN AND PAY UP!!!

They should be ashamed of themselves if they do

Does the Mail sponsor the BBC, they seem to get a front page advert on a daily basis?

If the economy wasn’t completely broken, nobody would have to strike. The government have made us a high cost economy and expect the people to get on with it on static salaries. Workers with a trade union behind them are having to take the nuclear option.

They should all stay on strike until demands are met

BLAME ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern for this situation no doctors or nurses want to strike they want to be be properly

'Chaos didn't happen when we said it would, so now we're chucking in a 'what if' for good measure.

Only thing that’s chaos is ur lack of journalism. All u do is copy and paste tory BS.

Where’s Barclay? Is he still on holiday?

As long as you allow billionaires to avoid paying fair taxes, you will have trouble funding essential workers like Nurses.

Parroting/promoting billionaire taking points isn’t ‘balance’ - I’m still not sure why the BBC do the paper review

The NHS is broken. We wouldn't notice more strikes as they don't serve anyone as it is.

The nurses union RCN did not reject the offer. Their members did. And you know that.

Sack these nurses and prosecute for organised murder.

It’s no less than organised murder. Like a fireman leaving a child in a burning building. Problem is, when the NHS became “Covid Only” and our hospitals were empty, they were made out to be heroes.

Sack all those NHS workers still striking. This is organised murder. Like a fireman leaving a child in a burning building. Criminal!

As Noa is also the name of a proprietary fragrance from Maison Cacherel perhaps the UK could take similar inspiration? StormOldSpice HurricaneHaiKarate

If doctors and nurses strike together we should increase the numbers from 1 in 6 foreign medics to 3 in 6. 🤷🏻‍♀️

It’s all political.

How caring of them.

Ironic if UK's fossil fuel interests (& climate change denial funders) drive the storms that power Europe's wind turbines. It can seem like The Star is just another card to shuffle before the BBC deals out the Telegraph's main headline in paper reviews on their News programming.


It’s weird how the media always portrays the reaction as extreme, rather than the action that caused it.

How do you get away with printing this garbage scum paper

The UK, the pettiest nation on the planet…

Well the incompetent Governing Party won't go what option do they have, they are not a charity.

No end to these whining NHS staff shitting on the nation.

What a sensational headline I must buy a paper well I haven't for 40 years so I guess this headline will ensure I never will

The Star still exists? And people list it as ‘news’?

'Fears of NHS becoming fully privatised if Doctors & Nurses strike together.'

Don’t know why anyone is shocked as it been coming for years that the tide will turn as governments of all colours have buried their heads in the sand after Austerity and the Private Funding Initiative killing off the N.H.S.

Best to pay them properly then.

Given that three quarters of the Telegraph’s readership are almost certainly reading this whilst being administered to by a nurse, this is going to be awkward.

So now they should

They should have thought of that when they underpaid and under resourced them for the last 15 years.

It’s almost like they’re pretty darn important to our healthcare system, and the govt doesn’t want to negotiate properly. And guess who’s mopping up? The agency healthcare workers who are supplied by… you guessed it… companies owned by Tory party donors

This is the way

Because storms are notorious respecters of international boundaries.

There are rental doctors and nurses in Japan. Amen

They should go to prison for this

Tory fanzine The Daily Telegraph with another dreadful headline, you really think nurses are targeting A&E? They just want to be able to pay their bills. Evidently clapping for them on a Thursday night wasn’t the solution the Conservatives were hoping for

Urgent and essential patient care being totally neglected by the nurses! Why did we ever clap for them

This is the outcome of government refusing to come to the table and negotiate. Let it be clear to everyone if patients die then it will be the Tories who will have blood on their hands ……not NHS Drs or Nurses


According to the press...

Mad what happens when you get 13 years of this shit and don't question it isn't it

Then your beloved Tories should pay them better !!!! 😡

More pointless strikes with the nurses putting their greed for more money over essential and urgent patient care!

Garbage rag

I will never understand the media's focus on demonising Harry and Meghan whilst giving Andrew a free pass. Oh, I forgot... Andrew isn't trying to sue to papers for repeatedly harrassing and printing lies about him, so they have no beef with him. 🙄

I hope they can be allowed privacy as family heal in time & come together HarryandMeghan have capacity to do such good if given the opportunity to support KingCharles. family

Says the obsessed Express who change their minds about Harry and Meghan every minute of every day. Tomorrow they'll print that Charles hates Harry. 🙄

Is he proud of Harry's Uncle?

He is naturally trying to smooth it for Harry coming over but he must also understand the deep resentment that cannot be ignored at the cruelty of the past few years towards our Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip.

Clap the NHS? Your all a bunch of money grabbing ba*ta*rds , get back to work before the whole system collapses


What's his thoughts on his predictor brother Surely THATS more newsworthy

God the Daily Express is pathetic

Less so of the BBC👇 Watch to the end for a laugh

But he threw his first wife in front of the pack 🤨

The King is a proud man for sure

Disgusting distortion by ‘government controlled broadcaster’ BBC. Cancer care and all types of treatments hit by years of government erosion of nhs would be more accurate. Why are Hunt, Hancock, Johnson et al not in prison?

When did anybody join the NHS for the money? I’m sure they did it because they wanted to help save lives. Their priorities have obviously changed.

Who's Suank 🤔

You are holding hostage sick, and vunerable people so you can get more 💰 money, SHAME ON YOU.


Government funded

The BBC draw attention from the ‘Elon Musk Interview’… where the reporter is unmasked as a liar and the BBC loses the last bit of credibility. The World to the BBC : ‘you’re liars’ The BBC to the World : ‘racists’

You mean a couple of Tory’s are worried about the up and coming local elections. The rest of the party and sensible general public agree with her.

How come guardian front cover is missing from the paper round up again ? It’s not been there for several headlines roundups? bbccensorship bbcnews theguardian news Labour

BravermanOut does not like black, brown and Asian people.

Shame you don't know what a 'journalist' is.

At last! Which is where the Tories will come at the next Election.

The economy anyone? Workers rights and the crashing standard of living How about tackling the actual climate emergency! Nope; it's all about trans people 🙃

Where's the Elon interview. It was great. Don't ya'll want people to see it?

How about real journalism….

Takes one to know one !

But does he know what a decent political party is …because the one he’s a member of surely isn’t one anymore

As if they are taking orders from the Tory strategists ffs

How distasteful of the Daily ShIt DailyMailUK to put that headline up against the picture marking the passing of Mary Quant......so so tasteless but to be expected from them!!

BBC, are you just going to report the headline without pointing out what a desperate, embarrassing vat of utter nonsense this is?

Look over here, don’t look at the mess over there.

It's worth noting the Mail-backed Theresa May was in favour of (positive) GRA reform and self-ID...

Why do you keep amplifying this shite?

regurgitating transphobia from the Tories, whilst distracting from the actuality of poverty & inequality actually happening around us.

We just sharing transphobia on the BBC News account then yeah? Ok. Cool.

UK media: stop being so transphobic :(

Karma where are you

How many trans people will get abused on the back of this? Feel their attacks are green lighted by the supposed prime minister. Grim. How many more suicide attempts? Get in the fucking bin RishiSunak and DailyMailUK Scum!!

'At the next election we haven’t got those three things [Johnson, Brexit & Corbyn] so we’ll have to think of something else. It’ll probably be a mix of culture wars and trans debate.” - Lee Anderson MP

Stop giving oxygen to this rag

The daleks had a word

Tell you everything that royal family are leaking that they are busy with planning their big event and haven’t planed to see Harry… surely a father reach out to son

The same old gaslighting and always trying to change the narrative. Most people couldn’t give a flying fig about other peoples choices, they have far more important things going on in their lives , like trying to pay their bills. Same old propaganda different day.

Tedious bollocks

What's a lottery win got to do with him being a rapist . 🤔

if this rubbish continues they’ll be banning drag by christmas- and that’s panto season

Victim headline of the week so far 👍🏻

Ok God that's it, I want to speak to your supervisor.

Check out the 5 point cut 👌

Now we need to have a publicly-funded broadcaster that knows what a woman is.

Time to shift the liberal wing of the Tory party to the margins. Braverman has not yet made one racist remark.

LOL yup it's a vote winner. The GE is in the bag now! 🤦‍♂️

Lol govt funded organisation go brrrrrr


So who should the 🇬🇧 public believe, an article in a woky left of centre newspaper peppered with quotes from unnamed sources slithering around the Westminister cesspit. Or a Homesec who tells the truth? Let's ask the young white girls who have been groomed and raped shall we?

I doubt that, he definitely knows what a tax loophole is though. Has Boris paid Richard's mate his £800,000 back yet? Have you asked Sunak where Michelle Mone is with millions of our money?

Shame we don’t have a leader who can do something about the shitshow of a nation the Tories have produced.

If this is all the Tories have now - it’s all over for them.

Can't wait to see what the BBC do if they ever repeat the 'hurrah for the black shirts' headline.

Let’s get him paying some compensation to his victim(s). He can afford it now.

First to post.

It is genuinely terrifying that this is a real headline in the national ‘press’ in 2023. I feel a bit sick. Neither our imbecile of a PM or the joke of an opposition leader are in any way qualified to make rulings on this topic. Again, I am ashamed to be British

Why is the BBC regurgitating twaddle from the gutter media?

Yay great 👍 more culture wars, I was literally having nightmares about how we weren't talking 🦜 about .5% of the populations bits while struggling to afford basic heating and food 🥝

Daily Mail is a Shame for UK

It’s all just a bunch of lazy whingers having a go at either Meghan Markle, Transpeople or Immigrants. It would be funny if people didn’t buy this rag.

Is this the.most important news in the world pathetic

ah bore off with this culture war BS and tell us why so many people over 65 died from not being able to heat their homes?


Maybe Harry doesn't want his wife and child anywhere near uncle Pedo? It's a win, win for the lad.

This is an old, old story

Who gives AF? More confected rage whilst Brexit Britain sinks under the waves.

I'd expect a leader to know something that even binmen know.

& that's all it takes to attract some voters 🙄

All our problems are solved

There's another right wing rag being showcased by our state media

Typical tory

Fuck’s sake . Presenting this shit without comment is tantamount to tacit approval. Yes, you are to provide ‘balance’ but amplifying a failing right wing rag that spreads hate isn’t the way to do it. If you want balance how about gov’t policies addressing pop’n concerns?

How about talking about the economy and how he’s going to deal with the appalling forecast.

Britain at its best again....

He doesn't really care so long as they have a nice big bank balance.

This is headline news? Jesus wept, this country is triple f*cked

Taken them long enough...

Ah. Dinnae. Care.

Surprised you lot haven't headlined it yourselves to try and get a few more of us killed.

First time I've ever agreed with Rishi tbh.

Sunak knows a penis when he sees one.

And now I think he should be ordered to pay out to his winnings to his victims.

If only it was a leader who knew about lowest living standards, soaring inflation, 0% growth, 15 hour wait for ambulances, 2 year hospital waiting lists, billions lost to fraud and tax avoidance, rising child poverty, food bank users, mortgage rates or energy prices, but hey ho.

Tell Harry, dont make goal for enemy team.

Shame he doesn't know what an economic crisis is.

BBC.. a propaganda channel who knows who they serve.


A whole bunch of people who will absolutely be losing their jobs literally as soon as they let us kick them the whole hell out say what now?

Sounds like the mail is desperate to take attention off the state of the economy and the reasons causing it. Willingly putting up huge trade barriers with you largest, richest and closest trading partners has worked out great.

Daily Mail giving us another load of rubbish on their front page I see.

I suppose the Mail would rather report nonsense like this than report that Rishi has already started rowing back on all his recent commitments. pitiful

And people pay money to read this? Wow…

Bore the fuck off….please 🙏

JamesGunn won?!?! FireJamesGunn


Starmer does absolutely everything he can to court the transphobic bigot vote and this is where it gets him - a minority thrown under the bus for literally nothing

'At last'?!

God save us from gutter press like this. We have bigger things to think about. bbc5live wakeuptomoney

You can't harry love... 🤷‍♂️

Stay away. Who gives a stuff . Once a traitor always a traitor . Press frenzy again. I suppose that’s all Harry has to live for, Media focus . No longer important

Better cover up all the statues in the museums.

I don't understand, they are just naked bodies. Why is it sexual?

Twisted. It isn't education or 'liberation' it's sexploitation. Incredible that a school would allow it. Naked dating is also scraping a dirty barrel but at least it's for adults.

Bit like the daily heil's owners UK tax payments. Blink and you'll miss them.

The alternate Times cover today

Time to tell him not to come, he’s not welcome !

Vine is a hypocrite.

After the countless polls, I thought Brits didn’t want them there. So why are y’all mad now that Harry’s not staying too long? Why is everything Harry and Meghan do “BREAKING NEWS” in the UK?

British lives at risk from immigrants but you won't see that headline anywhere 🤷🏻‍♂️

Must admit I was a bit shocked at some of what I saw (which admittedly wasn't much). 4 adult men in affect exposing themselves to a group of under 16s was a little, er, odd.

From “they should not come as it will be all about them and I bet they will have a Netflix crew with them “ to “ how disrespectful they are not coming together and that Harry will only attend the ceremony and not the whole thing “

Who gives a monkeys? Come on media, do your thing at last and completely ignore him - just the way he says he wants it. Don’t focus on him, don’t give him air time and let’s crack on BAU.

newsnight is dogshit bring back the papers

Bloody awful typesetting.

Best place for her it’s her that’s caused this

Maybe we shouldn't be fighting proxy wars in Ukraine? Maybe that's what's putting British lives in danger.

Why are we, in this Country, so hung up about nudity? We are born this way. It's natural and nothing to get worked up about.

She’s not daft no one wants her here

BBC News is a heaping pile of rubbish. How did you like getting owned by Elon? Nice biased edittingnofnthat video btw.

Eh! Give him his privehcy!

“Posh up your garden!” JFC…

My timeline is almost full of BBC news showing daily mail front pages.

British lives at risk from British shit show of a government...

Meghan has more important things to be getting on with I'm sure and Harry has to show his face. Move on, nothing to see here.

He's damned regardless with the Mail eh, he should see his Dad crowned, lay flowers on his Mum's grave & get the hell out.

All because being near a black woman is too much for racist Kate Middleton

What a disgusting tax evading racist rag the mail ..honestly can't wait till it goes bust

BBC got served by Elon musk - you bunch of out of touch snobs,

Were these institutions always toxic or has something happened over the last, say 13 years, that has given ‘permission’ for such behaviour?

More like the leaked news we have SF on the ground... Man is itching to have cause to nuke us and the Tories have handed it to him...

Boycott Wimbledon

Only in the express!!!!

Why should Russian sportsmen and women be penalised for something that is nothing to do with them? Should British and American athletes have been banned when we invaded Iraq?

Wimbledon your a National disgrace!… advocating war criminals,, I shall never be going to the tennis there again..

Where more bothered about advertising this crap rather than the gentleman try to save his stay ie lord labour peer,

Eehhnn. Ain’t they at peace right now? USA is about to start something.!

Biden has no control over your peace process. He speaks and says nothing, except send me your money so I can give to Ukraine and the CCP

Correct. Wimbledon should ban them.

if i was a tennis player in this years wimbledon i would pull out after this news and im sure some players will

Is Biden so tall, or Sunak is short🤔

How is this front page news? Terrible editors dailytelegraph

If this means Wimbledon is allowing Russian players then that is outrageous ,simply astonishing. Putin is a war criminal & what does that say to Ukraine ? That is absolutely shameful. What is wrong with us.? We are supplying arms to the Ukraine who are at war with Russia!

'Contempt for ministers' efforts to hold talks.' Um, they've refused to hold talks unless the strike is called off, and we basically roll over and beg?

A person goes on a prebooked holiday. News?!


Wasn't the Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister on holiday when UK withdrew troops and had to evacuate staff from Afghanistan?

The Russians posted a video of the execution of a Ukrainian prisoner of war. Russian animals cut off the head of a Ukrainian. Unfortunately, this is not the first and not the last such case.

Lawrence Welcome to Ireland Mr President. Sorry about the rain!

He’s everything to everyone. Except for the fact , that he’s only allowed to tell you what his handlers tell him to say. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know fuq all.

What would they do if not on holiday? Speak to SteveBarclay ? Oh no, I remember, he won't speak to unions.

Rolling my eyes because the players are not flying the flag and other tournaments the same. I would bet that most of the players do not support the war and are ashamed of it but publically can't say that because of the repercussions.

13 years of complete & utter failure

Not allowed holidays the working class.

Anyone showing “contempt for ministers” is 👍 by me.

Lets ignore Wimbledon completely, no one should go there to watch sports

London Scum bags

Another day to be reminded that what a black man does, a white man has done before. 🤣 I thought this phone snatching was born in Uganda.

Russians must not been banned from sports or any other events

People need to start being more Street Wise and smarter about personal Safety and Security. Yes it terrible that this sort of crime happens and in a perfect world there wouldn't be any Crime, but this isn't a perfect world. So be Wary of your Safety

Just like Rabb when we got bottled out of Afghanistan

I know maybe they could have a referendum

If you read it he's actually at his best friends wedding. So unlike the BBC not to concentrate on the truth 😠

Joe baby, gun crime back at home impacts more lives.

Prepare for war

Yours and every president before you mate. The only one who made progress was Clinton. Two steps forward and all that

Oh yeah, that's what Northern Ireland needs. A senile, obnoxious American sticking their nose in.

Northern Irish peace is his priority? Didn't America have it's 45th mass shooting of the year the other day?

Is he still around 🙄

You would have thought Gun Crime back in the USA would have been his first priority? JoeBiden

Good. About time. Grant Shapps said he would do it, but as usual, just hot air.

Smart motorways require smart drivers - the section of the M1 between the M25 and Luton is blighted by some of the worst driving habits I have seen in the UK.

Good They're a stupid idea

Nothing wrong with smart motorways. The problem is we built motors and then didn't make them smart. Gov didn't implement the smart part. Instead it still relies on people to do the lane closures etc

Presumably reinstating hard shoulders will increase journey times, congestion and accidents. Maybe more accidents than the lack of hard shoulder is currently responsible for. Is anyone publishing this data or even asking the question?

Whoever came up with the idea needs a boot in the vegetables 😡

They would be fine if there was about four times as many emergency refuges

OneIslington OWandsworth One_Greenwich ioisours stopenfieldltns OpenOurRoads horrendoushack1 SaveColumbiaRd HackneySave cristo_radio RemoveAllLTNz TottenhamLTNNo TflTruth BylineTimes ScrapLTNs HighburyKeep SaveColumbiaRd1 takebackourstreets allinthistogether🧑‍🦼

like I said since I was young as these are the my words 'Live with it or die with it'

Who reads and believes this shit? 🤯

The 1920's real IRA are all dead now. These guys actually deserved respect.

🤣🤣🤣 can i actually buy this satire in paper form Would make a nice souvenir

Both the New IRA and UDA are scum.

This is stupid. You can't just regulate cultural exchange. Borrowed words have been a part of cultural exchange since ancient times.

Seeing many rngkish words are derived from theirs. So mm ..

I know an English word that should be banned... Monarchy. Hence... AbolishTheMonarchy NotMyKing NotMyQueen

Something sensible

So there is no other news !!

We should retaliate by banning all French letters

Epic cover :D

So Highways England invented 'smart' motorways but who was the individual who promoted this useless idea. Can we have a name 🤔

Typical French behaviour

10 years + of pain with the damn roadworks to build them and now this headline. Sums up the state of the country!

Well that's our government for you. Useless Pricks..

I am intrigued.

Bravo. The Japanese created an entire writing system to use on imported words - thus robbing their citizens of creating their own nouns and expressions in their own language. Once lost, you can't get it back. Protect your language.

I always have the impression that people working at British tabloids really do have a lot of fun whilst creating all of this; it really must be something hysterically crazy. Also, they must despise their readership, and I guess the world in general, a lot. I do too. Sending a CV.

Smart motorways are downright dangerous and yet on the naughty boy/girl speed awareness courses they attempt to brainwash you that they are safe.

In Bedfordshire no one would travel anywhere on the motorway, when the hard shoulder is closed everything grinds to a halt and villages get swamped with traffic. Great idea

They work in Europe. But then I’m guessing they’ve had them a lot longer and people are used to them.

Did abba not write mamma Mia ,, they are not English 🤔

I’d love to know how much tax payer money has been wasted on smart motorways, who has profited and who awarded the contracts. Guess all that should be in the public domain

Reviewing the paper’s is not news

Good! Whoever dreamt these death traps up ought to be in jail. The ultimate in lunacy.

But he told us he's friends of the IRA and ROI..

Not too many people in America would be upset if you kept the potato in chief


Ridiculous. The aim of language is to communicate. If we can synchronise words across multiple languages we should

The Daily Star's continued existence baffles me. Just write the fucking article like a normal person, who actually thinks this an acceptable form of news consumption?

The Medico's are really out to kill us for sure. Are these the parasites we applauded a couple of years go 🤔

Calm down Italy.

IRA. They're not even proper terrorists. Urban gangsters who've watched to many Hollywood B movies.

The Troubles 2: Irish Boogaloo.

Dear thetimes 'Tory underfunding and negligence to overwhelme A&E' Fixed it for you

The fact that it's not that simple

Easy solution. If you choose not to attend Court for sentencing then 10 years added to your sentence; irrespective of the length of your initial sentence.

We need 338+ barges

I will never believe anything this liberal tory government says until they do it.

High time you stopped amplifying these hate-stoking ToryLies, . TomorrowsPropaganda DailyTorygraph

Anybody been watching the BBC’s latest adaptation of “Great expectations”? Ring any bells?

Neither is true. Surprised you’re not leading on this, Daily_Express? White Grooming Gang Preys on Kids: ToryLies humanrights

Migrants or asylum seekers will be put in a floating prison. They will always cost the UK taxpayers money as long as they are prevented from entering UK society, finding jobs to support themselves, contributing to the UK economy, take the load off taxpayers. Money won't be saved.

Overkill from the scared brit establishment that is fine tuned in manipulation of the people. A mere £600 grand that was earmarked for independence campaigning and you treat this like Fred west's garden. Pathetic if people do not see through the UK gov and their hold on police.

It's not the smart bit (extra monitoring, signs, variable speed limits) that's the problem. The problem is all lanes running and no hard shoulder.

No what that should read is King Charles to pay for his own coronation....then that would definately save us money

We're worried about 'fair' when these freeloaders shouldn't even be here. Stop justifying yourself ffs. Ignore the self loathing charities and govern for the majority

It's never matured as a newspaper has it

Backlog of around 160,000, and this prison ship will hold 500. Amazing. Well done.

11 years ago we hosted the Olympics.

“Slimmed down coronation balcony”. Zero would be the right number. NotMyKing

are we the baddies? gif. Imagine writing this headline and then going home to your family.

It will also put alot of hotels out of business.

Sentence doesn’t start until you’ve appeared for sentencing. You want to stay in your cell? Do it. For however long it takes to change your mind.

This has been done before. In January 1997 at Preston Court Terence Clifton was convicted of a double murder he refused to attend court. The trial judge, Mr Justice McKinnon ordered that he be brought into court to hear the sentence. It took 6 prison officers to get him into cour

Maybe imposing longer sentences is the answer. By not going they're just demonstrating the contempt that they have for our justice system.

I'm pretty sure they already announced they were going to change this but then again, this toilet paper will try anything to fool its readers. We have seen it time and time again.

‘Smart’ motorways aren’t.

RishiSunak it's inhumane you are evil NeverVoteConservative

OMG 😱 I don’t believe the Neanderthals reading this rag won’t connect this case with say…Mone…Johnson…oh never mind, they probably won’t.

Morals is the answer!

Except that, Daily_Express: BBCPapers TomorowsPapersToday

Don’t fund hate. DefundTheBBC

Right Wing Propaganda, dutifully amplified by the British State Broadcaster.

Why have made more of the SNP story than the corruption we've seen within the Tory Party? Russian donations, PPE contracts for Tory friends and donors, tax avoidance by ministers, loan scandals, yet a sum of 600k gets all these headlines. Impartial, my ar$£!

If 🙄

In your dreams.

🤔 Is this how one conducts peace talk diplomacy nowadays?

Whatever sells your papers and keeps viewers on your Chanel compared to real news. Fake News always sells. May as well follow Cardacians

BraggSaveAmerica lashawaydoncon lockhimup Honestly, what kind of role model is the donald for U.S. adults and kids? He is neither fit nor proper to serve the mighty USA!

It's gonna be Alvin Braggs reckoning ... dude is in over his head

You reckon 🤔

He need a podcast with tate and all votes are for him

he need house arrest with Cobratate

I was told that every achievement begins with a decision to try. Ignorance destroy so many opportunities, I'm a victim but I was convinced by the right person Cressida_Galea

I was told that every achievement begins with a decision to try. Ignorance destroy so many opportunities, I'm a victim but I was convinced by the right person Cressida_Galea

I was told that every achievement begins with a decision to try. Ignorance destroy so many opportunities, I'm a victim but I was convinced by the right person Cressida_Galea

I was told that every achievement begins with a decision to try. Ignorance destroy so many opportunities, I'm a victim but I was convinced by the right person Cressida_Galea

I was told that every achievement begins with a decision to try. Ignorance destroy so many opportunities, I'm a victim but I was convinced by the right person Cressida_Galea

Fair enough. He'll be King himself one day.

Hahahahaha I love it!

america is just a banana republic now 😂😂😂

what is reckoning?

Trump ( he is not getting away of it 🙄 😒 because he is a not a very nice man 😒 ohhhhhhhhh no ( he is going two prison for long time ohhhhhhhhh yes 👍 form andrew Michael Johnson

Aaah the paranoid victim defence, coupled with the conspiracy theory mitigation. Go the full hog, get Alex Jones as a character witness. 🙄😑

Front page: “rich kid to do a thing in the future for rich grandpa’s party”

More feudal propaganda. NotMyKing

'to star in' - it's not a film 😂


Abolish the monarchy

Der alter Mann hat Probleme

Anyone commenting crimes should be charged even you committed crimes to other countries you should be charged stopping protecting criminals like Paul Rusesabagina you’re hotel Rwanda hero

Yup. Focus on the left wing view of this. Classic ‘neutral’ BBC


Breaking News… BBC still don’t like Trump


It is so obvious that this is a witch hunt - 😡

America where political opponents are arrested to stop them running. Putin would approve.

Royal hubris, US politics and corporate affiliation

Do Hunter Biden's laptop next.

He is a common criminal and should be treated as such.

Mail doing a great job !

Sir Keir does lack vision. Totally. He still struggles to tell a man from a woman. Though he’s improved, he’s now right in 99.9% of cases.

I haven’t been asked yet so I must be part of the other half who ever they are

Yep! He’ll never be PM. He lies more than Boris!!!

They said the same about Cameron.

Almost half of voters have never seen anything said by Keir Starmer not filtered through the right wing media

The only 'vision' Starmer is interested in is that of him as PM waving from the front step of No. 10. His blind ambition and singular lust for power is all he has. Policies, plans, a genuine vision for our country? He's got nothing.

Cashman is a typical Liverpool yard dog. There's plenty more who have already taken his place. There'll be more killings once the mock horror and show of false indignation wears of.

Beautiful Olivia little angel 👼💐

Starmer not only lacks vision but charisma and leadership. A good Sir...

Liverpool will go through its usual and well rehearsed show of indignity that in actual fact means nothing whatsoever. The city is void of morals and leadership

Wrong to let him stay in the cell for sentencing. If I was the judge I'd have took everyone in the room to the cells.

Convicted criminals should be in court to hear their sentencing, by force if necessary.

On the Phillip Schofield story important to note he was already aware of the sick acts of his brother (as his brother told him) so seems strange how all of the sudden once the masses became aware he decided to come out with his statement FRAUD

What you won't see on the peedo-loving Biden shilling BBC. DefundTheBBC

. Over half of voters say Keir Starmer has vision. Fixed it for you Mr Murdoch! Newsnight

It would strike me as reasonable to require the presence of convicted criminal in court to hear their sentencing, by force if necessary.

His vision is clear. He wants to make a better, more fair Britain. Anyone (or paper) that wants another 5 years of this shit deserves to wallow in a hole somewhere. Honestly… we are a shadow of our former self.


my friends art . Please take a look 👍. ( not sorry for the shameless “piggy back” of a tweet 🤷‍♂️🤓) his new and his really good. Take a look 🤓

Philip Protected and covered up his paedo brothers behaviour .. sack him

It's still not long enough. He should never be released.

Why hasn’t he been sacked? His brother told him what he done and he covered it up. The man’s a sicko!!

I hope he has to serve the full 42 years.

Would have dragged him there.

British_airways worst customer service - rude & disorganised. Needed to board my connecting flight from London instead of Munich (already paid for a seat on both flights) & they demanded £2,100! What kind of customer service is that?! Give your money to someone who cares, not BA!

Well it's a Republic that formed from breaking away from us. Of course he wouldn't attend.

If Biden is too old to travel to the UK, isn’t he too old to start WW3 and fight with China/Russia/Iran simultaneously? Why do Americans let him do the latter?

Why on earth should POTUS have to watch the 'coronation' of an entitled, undemocratic, unearned wealth, member of RoyalFamily leech even more money from the UK taxpayer?

Why would a democratic US president come over the celebrate the crowning of 2 adulterers cheating their way to their £7.5m throne ?

Like all other US presidents

*In 1787, After winning the Revolutionary War, US Constitution was signed and states that Americans would no longer live under the rule of a Monarch. The President takes an Oath to uphold the Constitution. No US President has attended a Coronation. deborahturness its HISTORY!

Doesn't want to alienate his Irish voters

In 1776, After the Revolutionary War the US Constitution was signed and Americans would no longer live under the rule of a Monarch. The President takes an Oath to uphold the Constitution. No US President has attended a Coronation. It is not appropriate Tony_Diver JamesCrisp6

Sectarian shitshow. Shove it up your union jacksie.

phone tappers anonymous, making it up as they go along.

Me too

As if it matters anyway.

I can't see why he was even invited.

Eisenhower didn’t attend Elizabeth II’s coronation. Roosevelt didn’t attend George VI’s coronation.

Once an IRA member ……always an IRA member

He will send the MVP VP in his stead.

Very wise decision... I've seen the film where all the World Leaders meet in London.

What a load of absolute rubbish! Our best and biggest trading partner was the EU. Bloody paper!!!

Did you vote for that deal, ReccyTheBinLid? No, you didn't. None of us did. Suddenly voting for this kind of thing isn't important?

And you uncritically post this gaslighting? Pathetic.

No elected leader should support an undemocratic monarchy. NotMyKing


The only thing worth reading might be Mary Berry's recipes for Easter.

True journalism DailyMail Brexit

Biden blew Nordstream Biden blew Nordstream Biden blew Nordstream Biden blew Nordstream Biden blew Nordstream any chance you could even ask the question…EVER?

Let me guess, we will be paying more to transport due to distance .

All I’m seeing on my timeline is bbcnews tweeting front pages of right wing newspapers. Correct me if I’m wrong but as a license fee payer I should be seeing “balance” to this.

Gas lighting bull shittery

Now a Tory right wing Zionist broadcaster promoting a Tory right wing Zionist newspaper. Time to stop paying my BBC licence fee!!!🤬🤬🤬

I turned mine down too🤣

Yay 0.08 in a decade. Reminds me of something the Trotters used to say. But the the Daily Mail flat out lying is just par for the course

0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08%

Another lying headline from a rag owned by an offshore billionaire

Is this another 'at last, the mother of all budgets' bollocks from Dacre...?

A futile gesture in desperate times.

How is offering zero tariffs for imports of, at best, mediocre palm oil from Malasia, causing deforestation & indigenous lands being stolen and where a lot of fake and dangerous 'palm oil' is known to be traded?

If anyone is so thick that they believe a word of this, please seek medical help urgently.

A marriage made in heaven. We buy things whilst they manufacture and sell things. They’ll take the money from rich consumers whilst they’re still relatively rich.

'Minister tells us any old rubbish and we print it to lie to you about Brexit because our tax avoiding owner wants it.'

April Fools Very funny 🤣

KremlinRussia_E StateDept SecBlinken SecretService VP TulsiGabbard elonmusk georgegalloway DHSgov UnderSecStateP China and Russia dealt a Fatal blow to the Dollar 💰💵 !! Vivà le Putin 👍 Vivà le Xi Jinping 👍 Two of the greatest leaders of 🌍

why are you pushing this shite?

I love these parody accounts 🤣

Good man

This is a really disingenuous headline. Please try printing the real story. Import duties on palm oil will be reduced to ZERO.

No. Do you serve the public at all or just whoever is the current Tory gaslighter.

The delusion is strong in this one

Good. I'm not going either

If I fitted a turbo charger to my car and it delivered just 0.08% better performance, I’d take it back to where I got it from and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.


April Fools.

Is the owner of BBC Roman English or Scandinavian English?

A deal worth around 4 times less than Man Utd 😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂 What the absolute fuck is the BBC doing, sharing this utter tripe propaganda?! 🤣🤣😂😂

Is the owner of BBC Roman English or Scandinavian English?

Why are you advertising a newspaper even wiki thinks lacks credibility

I'd take Joe's place, except I feel the need to AbolishTheMonarchy

Mary Berry to Turbo Charge Britain?

If only The Mirror and The Guardian were bolder in providing an alternative to this bullshit, the country may stand a better chance

For who?

Is there any straws left for this shambles of a government to grasp?.

Biden turned down Coronation Street? 😉

It certainly got the remoaners crying and guaranteed the ignored it. The meltdown has been epic today. Brexit

Turbo charge BREXIT Britain It's AprilFoolsDay2023


More Tory lies from . How come you always share the Mail and Express?

Worth 50 times less than our previous EU trade.

So what , who cares if he comes anyway

Only a right wing rag like the Telegraph could make Mike Vaughan out to be the victim. He was the captain at Yorkshire when racism was endemic and he did nothing about it.

Must be the most drawn out process I ever seen in my life. I thought naming Pope was long until this!!!


Good, Biden is scum.

Ten years....

Good heavens obviously nothing going wrong anywhere then

Imagine the headline if we ever do do a decent trade deal that we have some control over

If my cars turbo performed that badly I’d want my my money back

Keep dreaming.


I didn’t fall for the bullsh1t the first time & you’ll be lucky to get the people who did to fall for it again ToxicBritishMedia gaslightingbritishmedia

So, let me understand this. Kemi Badenoch says that shipping our goods to the other side of the world is a better deal than shipping them to the other side of the English Channel. My children came out of primary school with a better idea of geography and economics.

A turbo charge of 0.08%. Lies, damned lies and the daily mail


Since when is a gain of 0.08% better than a loss of 4%? More Tory lies

Turbo charged 😂 1.8 billion over 10 years. Is this an earlier April fools joke.🤣

April 1st remember don’t be taken in by this April fools joke! Because no one can believe this is the actual truth!

Nope !!

Any news on when our tiny island moves to the Pacific? I'm gonna miss the north sea

The mail... Desperate tory wank sock


I guess it's possible to whip a dead horse indefinitely & brand it 'turbo charging a dead horse' for marketing purposes.

Did anyone else read this in a sarcastic tone?

Everyone knows it is a political stitch up. Dems must be as scared as Boris’ opponents

Stop it. Just stop it. You must know that this is all nonsense, so stop it!

The Daily Fail has no idea what turbocharged means and it’s certainly not this pathetic deal

‘Turbo charge’. Yeah. Right. What a Tory rag .

Referendum on CPTPP needed.

In opposite land.

0.08% boost to the UK economy, that’s going to help how?

I'd like to congratulate the FT on it's correct use of 'turns himself in'. Much better than the appalling 'hands himself in' that the dire BBC News reporters use these days.

Deluded doesn’t cover it.

Yet it ISN'T. 😄

Is it aye

A lie. Utterly shameless.

Lol, we came out of a trading bloc with our nearest neighbours, losing 6% trade, but it's okay because we'll increase trade by 0.08% with nations around the pacific. Brilliant boost!

More Lying Tory Pish.

The Daily Tory 🤢

🤡 🤡 🤡

Dream on…

Anyone noticed?

Desperate bull💩 from another Tory w⚓️

Jesus wept

Thought this was an April fools headline but then saw its the Express.

They’re not gonna cuff a 78 year old. He’s not a physical threat to anyone but himself. They also know he actually does want to be cuffed for the optics and won’t give him that W

I’m sorry, Michelin-star dining with toddlers? What is this world coming to?

Refusing to be handcuffed almost always works out, doesn't it?

Brexit has broken UK more like

The Democratic swamp fights back .

Unfortunately scum like this can do prison time without a problem. They wear it like a badge of honour. Prisons are far too soft for these bastards. Bring back hard labour and get rid of the pool table’s and gyms. 💀

He took an innocent life?So sad?They destroyed our beautiful country? Greedy politicians responsible for this situation in uk?Both parties are fighting for get the power back?Labour always get strangers into our country?Now see the results?Who is paying for the price?innocent kid

Managers of democratic-captivity perpetrate this kind of gaslighting.

On what planet was it murder? I couldn't care less about the creep but there's no way it's murder.

An the Politicians?

I'm stopping / opting out of the nest pension scheme till the Government sort the economy out... Stock markets still have a lot of downside to go and don't see the point in paying just for it to get eaten up by admin fees... 😎

It's only Justice if he gets actual LIFE IMPRISONMENT, which he won't. Going around shooting at people AND missing.🤦 FFS, he could have killed somebody out walking their dog!🤬

So you have to reapply for your driving licence at 70 but its fine to still be working, even if you've been doing physical work for the previous 54 years. It's fine for those sat at a desk or working from home but physical work just isn't practical till your 70

Some may say the British should be the following example of the French and taking to the streets.

Legalise then ffs

French style resistance needed now....if only the people of Britain had thd balls for it..

Do you include Michael Gove and Boris Johnson in this?

Now we riot like France

The French have the right idea.

Is this aimed ex public school types?

Simple sums, there’s not enough contributors to the NI, so many people do not pay national insurance for one reason or another, of course theres going to be a huge gap until radical thinking on the way it’s collected and distributed.

Make employers pay more than the basic 3% stakeholder contributions, over the next few years move to 5%, matching employees

'If you are paying for a TV licence, your funding Lineker's lavish lifestyle' - £1.2 million per year for talking about football.

That’s so they can pay for all the illegal migrants…..

Legalise them then 🤷

Yes. Everything bad that happens in the world is your fault. Thanks billionaire political donor. Rich people also buy drugs btw. Lots of drugs.

Why doesn't the gubberment just print moar money?

ToomajSalehi , the popular Iranian rapper, has been in solitary confinement and under torture for more than 4 months just because of his protest against the terrorist regime of the Islamic Republic. His mental and physical condition is not good at all, please be his voice.

Alternatively give the people lower pensions at 65. Can't have it both ways, life's not like that.

There'll be another one unfortunately. The city is without hope after almost 70 yrs of militant or labour control.

Alcohol users are resonsible for all the rapes and murders linked to alcohol use.

Yaar aas tray liya waali blondinbabli ko bhi lo na show main kabhi ☃️☃️👻

Krishma.. tell them arrest father of my lover ivanka i don't care but never ever think about my papli ivanka.. Krishma singapore main lagta hai garmi shuruh ho gaee hai na ☃️☃️👻

Where does/ did Michael Gove buy the coke he admits to using?

I'm in my 30s and accepted a long time ago that I won't get a state pension

It's Liverpool , there'll be another one. It's a socialist cess pit.

Wow people keep taking the Covid booster shots not many are going to reach 70 🤔

The only thing the tories are good at reducing imo is life expectancy...... vile

That's why I grow my own

PandaScottish I might fall just before that but i can't see the state pension being enough to survive on by then, if i even make it that far. We need a responsible Government in ASAP and a good Green opposition to push for keeping our climate sustainable. That's peoples priorities, not boats

has any one told mps?

If you support the Tory party you are also responsible for the drugs getting into the country in the first place!

Anyone disagreeing is all part of the problem

What an hysterical headline.

A lot of people in their 40s will have private pensions and will retire when they can afford to. The state pension if it still exists in its current form or if it becomes means-tested will top up existing pension pots.

And the problem is? I’m 62 but if we’re all living longer so be it. Suck it up and get on with it! We don’t exactly have it hard do we? That’s why everyone wants to come here. We’re soft!

I'm not slaving away to make some other c*nt richer till I'm 70 because the govt has the economic competence of a used condom I'd rather go mad & burn myself and the place to the ground, laughing madly amidst the flaming corpses of my co-workers than die of old age at a desk job

Mines at 67 lol


Japan is going through the same process.

If you're buying electric vehicles you're responsible for poor African Men Woman and Children's death. Same story different scenario

His face doesn't deserve to be on the front page and certainly not alongside Olivia's.

As a 42 year old, i don’t see the problem with this. Life expectancy by then will likely be even higher & if it’s not then it won’t be increased.

I know that person won't do well in prison as even some of the most hardened criminals just won't stand for people like that, I hope he really gets his comeuppance big time.

Where's the missing £21billion

Where's the missing £21billion

Ridiculous people never get to retire

Fire up the riots! Let’s kick in the Conservatives

BorisJohnson michaelgove

It's OK, we'll all be dead by then 👍

Government taking the piss again most pple won't even live to see there 70's if they had that so called COVID 19 vaccines that's a major.killer now

So it’s crystal clear if Conservatives & RishiSunak win the next election they will increase the pension age again. Absolutely shocking, I tell you what why not bring the age MPs can get their pensions in line with the state pension.

Okey dokey


Another example of Hypocrisy from the Torygraph,I bet half their Hacks are no stranger to the odd liveiner.

If you buy the Telegraph you are responsible for Tories.

Work until you drop, should be the headline.

Def a

And if Labour win the next election will they reverse this? And before everyone said yes they , will they really or just use it a manefesto promise, to never happen. This seems to be how they all work, we promis to do this and that, we just won’t follow through.

That waxwork is terrible

…good morning, this is your pielot speaking. Hope you’re feeling lucky.

What happens when you have a government run, Ponzi pension system. BBCPapers TomorrowsPapersToday

It's not gonna happen.

Most will actually die.

As a mud 50 year old the young need to stand up now before it’s too late the money is their it’s just in the hands of a few even thatcher recognised that you need to share the wealth

At what point do we follow the lead set by the French & start saying no?

And I. France they go fkng radj at the prospect of working to 64 🤬🤬🔥🔥. No way we should accept 70!

Why because they will be dead before then :( - come on britain stop this rubbish- no-one in my family lucky to get much of their pension contributions! Why do we contribute!?

Adding this to my list of fake news 👉🙄

Is it the fault of: a) the Tories b) Brexit c) The war in Ukraine d) Antivaxxers e) Climate change f) all of the above

More believable than the Covid scam!😂😂😂. The sheep will lap this one up! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

This is amazing. They are self aware

The suffering of Africans (blacks) is denied only by the ungrateful. They were persecuted by Europeans (whites), and to this day we find racial discrimination and killing because of skin color prevalent in what is called America.

Don't tell me...it's Meghan Markle's fault. Again?


my mom still likes reading it tho'...

Thank God. Bring it on.

I thought it referred to the rag for a moment. What a shame it wasn’t

New low for the bbc here...... fact checked i bet.

The intellectual's newspaper.

Apt headline for the star

Why isn’t Paul O’Grady on the front page. Very poor decision by The Times

Well thats global warming for you , look at what running cars is doing to the sun 😂😂😂😂😂


The Daily Star… FFS

Interesting headlines abroad.

I suppose we should be thankful this bin liner rag isn't still featuring topless women

I loved watching Paul O’Grady he made me laugh, inspired me to get Rumpole my rescue “mostly staffy” and he seemed to be a thoughtful caring man - thanks for all that RIP -

Daily Fail: “Is Meghan Markle to blame?”

The Daily Star has literally no one on its staff intelligent enough to be reporting on this. Stick to reporting on when celebrities get a new haircut and unquestioningly parroting Tory gibberish.


Well I'm not going to stop using gas

Do parents generally get a letter informing them when a new child joins a school , like ' today Emma 7 joined the school , she is a girl ' ?

Wait I bet that’s our fault too due to “climate change”! 🤦‍♂️

Not now, Sun

Yeah. And Freddy Starr ate my hamster.

Joke's on them, I can't afford to use gas as it is

best make more fires then

Imagine the looks on their faces when they wake up to a sunrise in the middle of the English Channel......deja vue time.....😉

The people who arrived on boats, are put on a boat to live....that's ironic


Think his love affair is under wraps?


It's high time the BBC stopped this daily propaganda farce of publishing majority right wing front pages.

Good news

Freedom from jail and hell

Freedom from jail and hell

I’m sure the king might have a few spare rooms.

Good plan. Sensible and pragmatic. Use any available space that doesn't cost the taxpayer. Anyone not happy with the plan needs to house a migrant family.

Luvly Jubbly

Well that sounds like a better option than electric cars that run on gas.

Agenda 2030 in action. 15 minute cities for the Brits next. What’s next?

Isn’t that how they turned to sending convicts to Australia?

The EU? Kowtowing to German economic interests?!? Say it isn't so!

I can provide you Real Estate Active Cash buyer leads. SalesLeads MotivatedSellers RealEstateInvestor CashBuyerLeads ActiveCashBuyer Investor CashBuyer Homebuyer RealEstateLeads Propertybuyer SellerLeads Fiverr link- Thank you..

owned by a Tory donor?

Is the King meant to be looking on with a bemused expression on his regal countenance, or was it just a 'whoops,' call by the page layout people, or whatever you call them at the BBC? Go on, you can tell us.

I’ll wait…

Front page!!!! I guess there's nothing else going on...

And all government buildings will be net-zero by 2028, including all council houses and flats? As it’s that important.

Yeah sure. Right after they reform the Met & somehow tackle Michelle Mones massive fraud

Just send them home.

13 years

Underfunded and unappreciated.

British public have faith in the NHS, but no faith in the government’s funding of it. There, fixed it.

This is what the Tory’s have been working towards for the last thirteen years they are scum

Would you be so kind as to stop advertising Tory mouthpiece news papers please in light of impartiality stance thank you


Tories hate our great British institutions, they destroyed our NHS and are trying to destroy the BBC

How does this compare with when the Tories took the NHS into their custody?

How about you show other papers headlines? Or won’t you’re bosses allow it?

Pushing the Tory narrative to get rid of it

Then the twats shouldn’t have put crooks in government!

Nah, house them in English Shires, with middle and upper class liberal English folk - preferably with lots of daughters. Just see how long that woke attitude lasts. lol

I totally believe in the NHS, I don’t for one second believe in this Tory government.

It's your beloved tory lowlife party fault.

Where's the £37 Billion that was taken from the NHS for dodgy PPE and Track & Trace contracts? Do your Job BBC, instead of promoting highly questionable right-wing newspaper's?

I am currently visiting poorly spouse . 6 weeks in hospital . Maintaining a diary . It’s absolutely terrible !

I haven't. I've had great service both dental and gp. It's a post code lottery down to the health authority.

Let the covid begin.

Management failure not the staff to be blamed about. Hierarchy of Authorities- who failed.

British public's shocking loss of faith in the Tory party. Unfit to govern.

Have the ships parked in the middle of the English Channel, then the dinghy can stop off there, have their applications processed while they stay on the ship and if refused put on a dinghy back to France

Vile rag.

Some of us have always thought it’s a bit shit.

It’s not the NHS I’ve lost faith in. It’s not them. Terrible headline, why not try talking of all the amazing things done day in day out by people in the NHS. Then, that’s not a click bait headline is it. I have faith in NHS.

Not loss of faith in the NHS, loss of faith in the British Government to fix what they broke. Correct your headlines BBC

Great. Can get about 2000 of them at a time and sail them the fuck out of here.

What a load of BS Skypapers LBC Newsnight

Gee I wonder why? It can't have anything to do with the massive spending cuts thst the Express has championed can it, or the demonisation of NHS staff that the Express has gleefully engaged in? I wonder if the Express owners might profit from privatisation of the NHS 🤔

Shocking problems in NHS and some lack of empathy and care in many parts is disturbing - very sad

They'd call them 'Hulks' but they know you're too thick to get the reference..

That is the intention of the Conservative Govt by underfunding

I wonder how and why this has happened?

Ah, the Express.....helping the government to put forward a case for privitisation. Absolute rag of a paper.....

Is it shocking? They danced through Covid, finding is rubbish, nurses attitudes have nose dived.. if you don’t look after them, they don’t look after you.

'Tories planned to ruin NHS and have almost succeed'

Insert meme of man in hot dog suit

It’s not shocking. It’s exactly the reaction the conservatives want after a decade plus of under funding the NHS and being on the payroll of private healthcare companies

Remember the 20 billion the Tories cut from the NHS budget in the mid 2010s?

Sad but true I can’t condone 50000 a year person going on strike for more pay I earn a third of that the unions are using you

Published by The Tory BBCWorld for the tories

Nothing to do with locking down and denying healthcare to millions



Standard methods. Underfund a public service, then when the public complain you hand it over to your mates from Oxbridge to run it for profit

No. Public's shocking loss in faith of Govt financing the NHS

Thank 13 years of the ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern

Racist rag.

Great news

Universal healthcare!

“Billionaire Media moguls who directly profit from NHS Privatisation strangely decide to lie to the whole of the UK…”

Maybe the public have realise that all they are interested in is money 👍

Duh! Socialism doesn’t work!!!

You wouldn't get many on a barge

Failed to focus by the dad-daughter pic, UK is ARABS now

Why are you reporting this as if it is news rather than the propaganda of a right wing rag?

Why is it shocking? The service, if you actually get one, is absolute shite.

Nazi camps are here

Who governs this country? A conservative government with a 70+ majority in the House of Commons, or unelected left wing judges + activists? If Tory MPs want to win reelection they had better prove they can actually deliver, otherwise they face total electoral wipeout in 2024

Hip Hip!👏👏👏👏

Due to the conservatives running the NHS into the ground

Or we could just process them quicker and then they don't have to stay anywhere. You know, like every other country seems to manage relatively fuss free.

Great news - bring it on!! They have the choice now to remain in safe countries before they get to the UK or face the same situation as the UK homeless! No more 5 star hotels and ripping off the taxpayers!

If only they'd unveil the plans to end the farce of ministers giving contracts to their friends that waste millions.

What a load of bollocks! I've received excellent treatment!

A mirror of the Mirror.

Why are you tweeting this bile. It’s the Tories that have caused this and not the NHS who are working their butts off and fighting serious underfunding. Stop promoting false news, you twonks!

Not even fit to be used as toilet roll. SaveOurNHS

Think seen this in and off for years. This govt is pathetic and repellent

The UK under the Tories summed up in one chart. Everything is a gamble.

Taxman is where the money comes from for the social services. GaryLineker 1 The Poor and Needy 0

One of several words never used anywhere outside tabloid newspapers, ‘lags’ for prisoners is another not actually used in conversation since 1979

mad how quickly the metro became a total pile of shit lol. the joys of having a bored, captive audience I guess.

Isn't that how most Trust treat patients and families when things go wrong 🤔

'Honest Taxpayers' 0

Tefal heads?

Interestingly if it had been upheld I think his tax bill would have been bigger than the PMs. First world problems.


Did the DG order you to tweet that?

So you can't call a wife a wife?

I'm payin $ 5,205 💚for the first 15 People to DM 'BLESSED'God bless y' all🕊️💜🫶🏾

I'm payin $ 5,205 💚for the first 15 People to DM 'BLESSED'God bless y' all🕊️💜🫶🏾

Where is Guardian front page?

In England thetimes support the Tories. In Scotland they support Labour. timesscotland

Does anyone consider reasons why people retire early? Worked themselves into the ground. Self-protection for physical & mental health. For family reasons. Having worked well over average daily working hours. Higher than reasonable expectations of effort. TomorrowsPapersToday

Unbelievable. Actually it's the unfettered fiscal stimulus and the printing of money by the central bank and government that caused these issues. But sure ....the elderly are an easy defenceless target.

Utter nonsense

The pension industry is at fault

Why does anyone read this rubbish?

The loss of Free Movement must be to blame for the high rates then.

It is not 1st April yet. Retiring early increase inflation joke should not take seriously

How to make the housing crisis even worse

Do they include the Over 50s who died from Covid? Why does 200K excess deaths not have a similar impact? What Bailey means is, he fears wage increases of those who remain in work. Well, as an in-work 60yo, I haven't seen anyone suddenly getting inflation busting wage rises.

Retiring early? Fat chance. My retirement age has gone up nearly a decade


'I say, get those low-paid slaves back to work till they drop what?' ToryScum 🎯


How dare I save hard and pay shedloads into my private pension and retire at 52 I knew all of the country’s financial problems would be my fault rather than the fault of our incompetent Conservatives government!


Always us to blame for failures in gov

Ageism in the workforce is to blame. I’m a highly experienced creative & hitting 50 years old nobody will put me through their filters. I have years left in my brain and fingertips. I’m 35 years into my career and I still love what I do. I get up everyday and think of a new idea!

So the government made working conditions dire. Austerity meant no rises in wages and cut backs. Efficiency meant more work and less and less people. Staff became disillusioned and bailed out. Pension age rises But it's our fault for not sucking it up.

The UK is basically one unending crisis whereby those with power and influence (politicians and the press) blame people further down the ladder for all of the misfortunes that befall the nation.

Sounds like same number who died of Covid - could it be a coincidence the workforce has shrunk?

They just want to work everyone to death.

adzo72 Page 9? Lol. They want it buried!!

Nothing to do with the 30 billion pound liz truss spent?

'Work forever and smile, serfs'

Odd that they’re not mentioning that they’re being sued into oblivion 😂

Ahh yes, people retiring on money they’ve already earned is the problem, not profiteering oil companies.

Old people are now blamed for inadequacy of the Tory government? Nice one BBC.. definitely not spreading propaganda

What a load of bullsh1t journalism On what planet is This based on ? One that didn’t have Brexit, Covid, the debacle of a budget in October 2022, this Government? but go on blame the OAP’s.


Paying 80+ thousand a year more like

Is the British government now a town council?

What age does someone stop being considered a yob for having drinks with their mates in a holiday home?

Defund the BBC DefundTheBBC

So is he saying that nothing else caused a sharp decline in the workforce?

This won’t result in eviction in 2 weeks. It simply reduces the notice period from 4 to 2 weeks. Still need a court order and subsequent warrant to evict. ZERO chance of getting a court hearing date in 2 weeks!!!!

Torygraph blaming its base now 🙄

'work will set you free'

Or Serco payments £50million per month Press room €2.6million Subsidising Tesla cars €1.2million per week Private polling £580k ONE Australia return flight €500k Transporting files in cars €500k Photographers £100k Downing Street flat €50k

Or Wasted PPE contracts £437million of lie sed Covid vaccines E250million Starter home scheme €250million rihonladved A yacht £200million Defective face masks £150million A single Tory council wasting €125million Wasted ferry contracts €50million

Not this Bounce back scheme failure €17billion MoD wasting £13billion Defective PPE £10billion Rishi Sunak fraud £4.3billion DoH irregular spending €1.3billion Fraud and error from grants £1billion 'Eat Out, Help Out' failure €850million Aborted Nightingale hospitals €532m

Get ready for the retirement age to go up

Daily mail headlines lately are like someone wrote down everything the pub bore said after a few pints, and then used them on the front page as things the Govt are”looking into”

Nothing about your favourite target Prince Harry ? Hypocrites alive and well DailyMailUK

Where are they going to go. A simplistic solution bound to fail.

Simplistic tripe. Must do better. What about all that leisure time we were promised back in the early 70s?

Why don't blame all the illegal immigrants the country is taking in? You know the cost each day right?

The relying on other news outlets for their news! Nice! DefundTheBBC

If we're going to ignore the actual banks raising interest rates, the next link in the chain are the people and companies profiteering, the ones profiting from raising their prices and fueling inflation. What a nonsense statement, bank governor is gaslighting us 🙄

What a wonderful day! Dm if you have any CC debt while you get them paid off now without any string info

What utter bollocks. The Bank of England raising interest rates, and mortgage lenders cashing in, are to blame, its that simple. Interst rates are not a tool bankofengland should use so freely, it's not effective enough to justify consequences.


Yep it’s true Harry’s happy to be away from his wife

All credibility is lost by this tired 3 month old headline

The telegraph blamed remainers for brexit mess now retirees for high rates 😳 it gets madder week by week. Just out of interest are the owners living in this country paying tax 🤔.

Thought he’d already been kicked out of Frogmore Cottage? 😜

Start with No10...

So unlike the BBC of old. It was not a surprise to the court. Do you have any real journos left?

Any news though?

Enoch was right.

Kushti 😊

What a load of crap complete lies. They've done the inflation on purpose the plan

Bollocks! We all know it's...

Load of bollox!

Yeah, not the £30 billion lost by the tories, not selling off our assets, not spending billions upon billions on war, not the railway skyrocketing from £33bil to £100bil…it’s ppl not working until their dead🤦🏻‍♂️ good luck trying to enforce that, it won’t just be London burning.

Shrink workforces…sounds like another Brexit benefit 🤦‍♂️

Anybody forced to have the AZ jab should sue! AstraZeneca 🖕🖕

This time next year we'll be.....

Yeah right. The courts are jam packed due to government underfunding. You can gain a possession order for non payment of rent in 2 weeks but then have to wait 2-3 months for a court hearing.

For once DM are not mentioning Harry on the front page? - or the ECHR? - meanwhile food banks overflow, lack of rent controls & tenant rights or no plan to fix cladding for those in lower height apartment blocks - still everyone is sat hoping for airbnb parties to end!

Page 1,4,5,6 and 7. Slow news week? 🤔

strange absence of Prince Harry court case!

Covid hit & companies decided to make redundant, those in the ' older age group'. As we can see, that went well, not. Post Covid also showed that those 'older age group' workers did the overtime to boost their pensions & the younger age groups preferred.........

Love how Harry thinks he’s everyone’s friend

Add that to everyone over 55 buying their forever home for about 70k 20 years ago.. lol,, no wonder retiring.

Brexit, energy prices and Liz Truss but yes let's blame those not prepared to work themselves to death.

It's because American tech takes all the money while we brits work harder. I'd retire as well if I could. Working is a mugs game.

Yep, most pressing problem in the cost of living crisis .

It's the UK's inability to build that's holding the economy back.


But she’s a pretty girl

Like number 10?!

Benefits Britain, the reason 1000s of jobs can't be filled, and a migrant magnet

This is dumb.

I’m afraid David Jason (Frost, Arkwright, Des Boy) is a typical socialist, promiscuous luvvie. Preaching Marxism, quoting Shakespeare and spaffing both irresponsibly & theatrically.😡

Won’t be long…’enemies of the people’ Deflection tactics once again versus the total & absolute dysfunction of our country 😡

Surely if you’ve retired early you have money and are doing better with higher interest rates ? But our biggest problem is a certain event in 2016 . And Mogg could actually be correct in thinking the benefit could take 50 years if it occurs at all . Not sure that was on the bus ?

She looks like a younger David Jason in a wig.

Stay at home, eat bugs and just comply.. no chance...

He also blames Brexit but you’ve decided to focus on something else. I can’t imagine why

People still buy the Telegraph? colour me shocked 😲

Does number 10 downing street use airbnb?🍻🍻🍻🥳🥳🥳🥳

Why are the newspapers just spaffing out government gimmicks? Just like the laughing gas policy, it’s all just nonsense headline grabbers with no real substance behind it.

Play it cool

13 yrs of power and this is what they have

'And a temporary relaxation in our attacks on the Human Rights Act'

why, did he grab her throat too?

So it weren’t Albie Littlewood? Mad.

Slow news day

Are you sure It’s definitely not Alfie littlewoods

Dont expect to get a penny off him though, the fellas tighter than a ducks arse

Might not believe the first one scam story....For Del Boy happy days enjoy xxxxxx

Do you know you can earn up to $1000 within 24 hours of your investments and with the profits of 10% within 24 hours of your investments dear?

I'd give Scotland away tomorrow tbh. It's a financial drain on England

Can’t really hear this as anything other than sarcastic air quotes.

Go on. Gives him some boxing and send him to Russia.

Interesting :D

Or until the next general election?

But not those UNION members who were, ‘Essential Workers during Lockdown!’ If You believe that Health and Education are an Integral part of our Infrastructure for Growth, Pay the Nurses, Teachers etc what they are worth!!!! ToriesDestroyingOurNHS ToryLiars

He’s as strong as a 1/2 pint shandy 👇👇👇👇


More lies

We fight back

Why can’t the Scots have their sovrinty and take back control?

Our Colonial master speaks

‘Our precious union’ 🤦🏻‍♀️

And Ukraine is part of it, in his head.

Some unions good. Some unions bad. Sheesh.

Time to take back the land from Palestinian terrorists

Reimburse the consumer let the company drown bad buisness being balied out is madness we want beavers not Rats

i have a feeling if the daily mail was in france they would be having their building burnt down

More free advertising from the BBC for this Tory rag. And licence fee payers have to put up with this propaganda.

That’s a 80.000 pound watch

The Daily Mail isn't a newspaper but rather a work of fiction. As such, it should not be featured in any 'Review of the papers' or a 'Look at the headlines'.

£2,100 more like £30,000

“Let them wear Rolex’s”

danger of posting other papers headlines...you're going to post it, define 'mob'. bellends

For ‘the mob’ read ‘the people’

The irony is that most of the Daily Hate’s readers are old age pensioners who have retired well before 64 (the preposed retirement age in France)

Don’t fund hate. DefundTheBBC

Shouldn't that be 'Macron honours the will of the people'


He didnt hide it. He took it off. DailyFail

Good to see that the Doolally Fail endorses protest against the government 🤔

Are they fighting for a pension age of 25? 🙄

The Daily Mail really hates working people

Can't read the small print. I expect its all...

2,100? 😂😂😂😂😂 You are jocking

I not rt this! as your cast typing the people who have less sway power each individual France protester.then the macaroni him self they are the real gangsters

The U.K. has surrendered to Islam, which is worse 🤔

Stupid nonsensical headline.

Would the Telegraph prefer that the King visits France during a riot ?

The mob? Macron forgot like our government has forgot that their there to serve the people not themselves. The people have made it known they don't want the retirement age raised to 64

The Rich Get Rich and the Poor Get Poorer. Look at the contrast from the upper left to the lower right of the paper. Diamonds and emeralds everywhere!

Even the BBC quoting this disgusting little toxic Rag.

70k not 2k haha

Up the revolution. Daily Mail supporterd the Nazis

What? That headline is utter nonsense..... Telegraph

Let me correct it for the mail , our king 👑 first state visit will be with Ursula von der Leyen . lol

Bitcoin is the only answer to the financial crisis.


'Strikes work but we don't want you thinking that'

Where is your uk_morningstar story, for 'balance'? Scumbags.

Ridiculous hiding such a watch next we will have to pretend that we don’t own cars or other property

Macron pays as much tax in the uk as the fail’s proprietor.

Brexit again causing the commotion when will the horrors end?

No democracy works he’s not a dictator, if people want to protest against a dictatorial move then good for them

Daily mail writers knowing they have been leading the mob for decades in GB

The BBC supporting the right wing rag. Shameful

pakistani should do the same to CMShehbaz and culprit band of monkeys imposed on Pakistan ..

BBC support for the Daily Mail again. How much do they pay you?

You can always rely on the Daily Heil having the absolute worst take

Have they heard of zoom?

Buy 'mob' you mean the French public, right?

Hardly a surrender by Macron - watching the news the last few days should have provided enough advance hints to the palace. Unrest and protest is definitely not the time for a state visit.

How are the French 'allowed' to riot over & over again?

This a real front page? 😂

‘The mob’ No, the people of the country showing their anger at Macron trying to turn France into an author active state and take away the right to vote on serious matters. Well played people of France


Like his mum

Paris is a shithole

And he couldn't go to hospital or a private dentist why? This sounds much more like nhs bashing nonsense. Toothache couldn't have been that serious anyway If he booked a flight to Ukraine and flew for 3 hours.

Please do it brexit is a disaster

Meanwhile in France..


The everton lad never played again, nor did the man city or man utd lads, but the arsenal lad is playing regular, funny that

Innocent until proven guilty

Because the value of an assets supersede the value of one’s morals. I wonder if they’d take the same stance with the kitman (nope).

So is it caicedo of brighton? Partey of arsenal? O a another?

Innocent until proven guilty

Who is it

Maybe piersmorgan has the answer to that.

Ca ching maybe. ££££

Well until police investigate & charge them then it's just claims. Which could potentially be false or incorrect & so until there's further information that makes them more liekly to be correct or police charge them then they're innocent.

Is it that straightforward? If you suspended based on an accusation then it does invite crazies to make any accusation they like to influence matches. There’re 11 crazy fanatical Spurs and City fans out there that could wreck Arsenals title bid by wiping out their team.

Because of lefty labour loving lawyers

Innocent until proven guilty. One of the longest and most important tenets of British law. Except - it no longer applies on social media or where women’s charities are involved. Any time a woman claims assault by a male, she must be telling the truth and he must be guilty 🤔🥵

He should be suspended whilst the investigation continues. Apparently helping England score goals means he is exempt from suspension.

I'm guessing that the key word there is 'Claims'

Is he still playing because he is innocent until proven guilty in court?

McJJ__ sausage partey

Because it is a claim not a fact. It may be a bogus claim, so why should he be punished when the case is not even heard let alone proven. Google Eleanor Williams and check out the case.


Where’s justice! Imagine, it would be so frightening and terrifying to see a criminal playing a healthy sport😤 Forever condemning!!!!

Another one for the snowflakes. Innocent until proven guilty! Why are identities of women who falsely accuse men of rape never revealed? All to easy to accuse men and have them remanded until found not guilty. Life changing! Whilst the women go about their lives unknown!

Daily Mirror why haven't you asked Starmer why Nick Brown ha been suspended for the past 6 months. Is there a press embargo preventing you from saying anything. I think he's dead.

Not knowing who or which team he plays for let alone the circumstances of the allegations. If a player can be suspended & stopped playing by mere allegations it lays the foundations for opposing or rival fans to decimate a football team by making allegations against its stars.

Claims* the media have found him guilty already.

Why is mark Williams Thomas talking about another peado… the peado he’s talking about is another high profile actor on uk tv “he’s from a sitcom and everyone says his catchphrase” but the cps won’t prosecute..we have to wait until he’s dead to find out

Innocent until proven guilty.

Does anyone remember that serial child rapist the BBCBreaking assisted in allowing the offenses to go on for years?

AFTVMedia ?

Maybe because they are claims and he hasn’t been proved guilty yet

Should be suspended until case comes to court

Why are you or reporting the protests in Paris?

Maybe because he hasn't been tried or convicted? Just a thought

'Claims'.. NOT Prosecution!

Take the case of Benjamin Mendy, six accusations and cleared of all six counts. Career is now ruined and he was proved innocent. Let the courts decide not public opinion.

Because he playiny in Arsenal

‘Claims’ being the main word I think!

Because he’s not been charged with anything yet, innocent until proven guilty

Innocent till proven guilty don't we do that anymore. I thought that was the British legal system.

Because it seems 99% of the time these claims are falsified by attention seeking money grabbers, why should a person's life and career be out on hold beofre guilt is proven and not after?

Innocent until proven guilty? Had this country forgot that?

Thomas Partey

Shame on you …

Yes, he should have his career wrecked only to have the charges dropped like Mason Greenwood. Totally fair.

Not the 1st time he's been accused, either

Very good point its a disgrace. This club have let women down themselves down and football down they should be ashamed and deducted all points when he was in the team.

Not guilty until proven guilty.

Because there claims

It’s called the law. Look it up.

Now if this was just a working man in a office or factory his name would be known and told by his employers to take annual leave. I do agree that all parties should be anon but why do celebrities keep the privacy ?

Serving firefighter promoted while under police investigation for rape

Because arsenal are a classless football club

westsydneyAFC Partey

They have to pretty much. Its breach of contract to sack somebody that hasn't not been charged

Isn’t the basis of English law that we are innocent until proven guilty?

Because if they suspended every premiership footballer with these claims against them they would have to field 5 a side teams for the rest of the season ⚽️

Is he white or black? Race card helps.. here in Ireland we had a African supposed refugee playing for Bohemian FC who gang raped a schoolgirl and was very well supported by his club and looked after.

Because the law

Great question

Only a matter of time before the banking system collapses.

Maybe … because he is innocent until proven guilty. Just saying.

Because they are claims?

Finally someone had the balls to call it out DailyMirror 👏👏

Meanwhile billions of counterfeit shares in our markets. Innovative companies are being destroyed by 'smart money'. And when they get caught ? U3 Halt by the regulator to protect counterfeiters. $MMTLP Destroying our economy treasonous!

I don't believe tiktok .shut down

He's playing well so he's not even arsed. Probably thinks he's above the law. Not a surprise he's playing considering the conduct of his club and manager this year. Horrible lot.

Here's hoping MarkJCarney comes back.

You got to laugh, if the left hadnt protested on mass regards Poll Tax, people today would be paying a lot less, with the councils raking in a lot more simply because everybody would be paying and not just a house. But hey lets not mention that huge own goal.

Claims aren’t convictions. Considering how many women make up fake stories to get back at an ex (trust me, I’ve been on the end of women making up vile lies), I’d ask why are men guilty until proven innocent. Maybe we should all put woman face on & then we can get treated fairly

‘Claims’. Sorted it folks 👌

Disgusting club and manager

Probably because at the moment is only allegations . If he isn’t in remand, why shouldn’t he play ? Don’t forget a recent alleged victim convicted to 8 and half years. If he is found guilty I don’t believe he will be playing anything for a long time. Till then…

More money less services!

Presumably the Club has spoken to the player and the player had denied the claims made against him. And of course there exists a premise of innocent until proven guilty. The player has not been named by the police - because he has not been charged.

I demand an explanation of why you are tweeting a daily express front page without commentary

Jesus Christ. The is more and more a tory propaganda tool.

Because he's innocent until a jury says otherwise.

Accusations is not the same as being charged with an offense. We all know who the player is and if he is never charged the offences this sort of journalism will be so damaging to the bloke. If he is charged then he will be suspended from the club straight away.

Daily Mirror, quick enough to spout human rights when it suits its agenda, so where is this footballers human rights when it comes to innocent until proven guilty

Same club that threw ozil to the wolves for daring to speak up about the Uyghur genocide. Is anyone surprised?

'The Arsenal'

Another one in cloud cuckoo land. It is the rich blaggers that are causing your problems, sitting on their wealth, hiding their taxes, so just go away until you come up with sensible ideas instead of making the poor poorer. Why don't you start by taking a cut to your wage Andrew.

Our CT is £2600. Two bedroom bungalow. Surrounded by £1 million house. They won’t adjust our tax band 🤦🏼‍♂️

Bankers = Greedy self centred Wankers! Who should not gamble other peoples money for big bonuses! But invest wisely for investors big bonuses! Itsarseaboutface

Because it's a claim and not a proven legal fact and many, many women like rich men's money.


Rip off Britain !

About time. Arsenal you should be ashamed

Welcome to the Partey, Pal.

Because footballers are god's apparently 👍

Yet he will be no doubt one of the first names on the team sheet for Arsenal Vs Leeds at the weekend 🤦‍♂️

Er... because they're claims?

A Don't panic headline if ever I saw one. That it's the Express, should worry everyone...what with the opposite becoming true.

Because as it’s all a bunch of BS until there is actual proof. And no matter how much people cry about he will play every game unless he gets a guilty verdict. If you don’t agree you have no idea how the world works. Everything is alleged until the justice system decides🤷‍♂️


Dunno. Maybe hes black?

If they are only claims right now, then innocent until proven guilty.

Stop the pretence, just ban it from your jurisdiction .

He’s a smug fat cnut

Trying to get into his head again😂😂😂

Say his name. Thomas Partey.

Innocent until proven guilty?


Thomas Partey. Soon to be Champion of England

Special rules for elite connected politicians - gettting rich on inside deals

We had a drink during the daily Covid briefing it became a ritual don’t see the problem 🤷‍♂️

Surprising headline from a lefty newspaper on a lefty channel.

Same for Starmer then eh?

more socialist mirror shite once again....

What about our darling Keir Starmer and the COVID Curry Gate Cover up ? Keir_Starmer

I still can’t fathom why nobody has a problem with the amount of drinking in the workplace, they’re supposed to be running the country! 🤬

strutting it’s leftie credentials again

And plenty of us were having drinks, you know, like normalpeople do?

Yes but after their difficult day they did a dance routine on tictok..

Sure, I think the Prime Minister’s position is probably the most difficult job to have in the UK. I would imagine taking up 20 hours as day, every day. Just saying.

The excuses he used were entitled! BorisJohnson Boristheturdthatwouldntflush BorisTheLiar Boristhebullshitter Torytwattery


London Ealing pro Khalistan activists attacked my family police not helping they have home address please help us

Left wing rag

Yes. And many people took a drink

SunakOut SunakTheSnake

'Difficult day'

ye all sharing work canteens together or stood outside having fags or doing stupid dances

Is this news, or a party political broadcast for the Labour Party?

It was 'A difficult day' for a lot of people who did what they were asked and didn't break your rules

Looking forward to seeing Boris' tik tok vids 👍🏻

And don’t you love you and the Mirror are a disgrace

So was the Mirror who seem to forget that the so called people party that was The Labour Party were doing the same thing.

Most we're having difficult days, and lots of us did have a drink at the end of it, many who were being paid 80% wages to stay at home!

And you at the BBC told us drink intake had risen.

Still missing the bigger story that the whole thing was a psychological manipulation. The flu rebranded & hyped up, corrupt counting methods employed, crazy protocols that harmed more than helped, all to keep up the fear & illusion.

oasis reunion? Australia please 🙏

Just like Starmer did but Starmer wasn't in his workplace!! So who's guilty? Starmer of course. Police fined the wrong man !! Political bias !!

And plenty of people had drinks after a difficult day DailyMirror What’s your point? Other than the vindictive vendetta against Boris ?

if johnson has a shred of decency he ought to do the right thing and come clean. the lies, corruption and deceit need to be brought to an end, for the sake of the nation, do the right thing. enough is enough.

He was always a egotistical liar when he was voted in. Not sure why the surprise now.

Anyone with any sense was doing exactly the same as Boris and ignoring the covid claptrap.

And plenty of people where out and about having drinks

Like Kier starmer did ?

Who cares I think people have got more important things to worry about. What a waste of time and money.

Yes and I’m sure many were having drinks too

Journalists like you cheering for pointless lockdowns created those difficult days. On top of that misery, we’re paying for it now economically. Shame on you

Bit like these👇eh?

I too had drinks after a difficult day during lockdown… in fact most days I reckon

Blair. A million dead. Cake

Some of us still are thanks to lockdowns. But you supported them didn't you, even though case for them was unscientific. Govt knew it & hence why they didn't adhere. As did scientists even Ferguson didn't adhere. But tell you what, what part of lockdowns would be bound to result

Do they include Keir Starmer in that too ?

Please stop referring to this person as ‘Boris’. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Wondered why he can sit just ful of denial...

And plenty of us were drinking more than before. He wasn't wrong about drinking

Yea lots of people had difficult days and probably had a drink but not everyone was running the country

Why are you Tweeting the font page of this vile newspaper spewing rubbish. Disgraceful

Client journalism

Agile as a cat? The one that vomited into your slipper and sharted on your bath math…

Why is the BBC quoting the Daily Mail?

I had several drinks after a difficult day during Covid so no different to Boris! 👍👍

Where’s Nick Brown?

BBC trumpeting Tory supporting newspaper yet again.

And that’s why The Daily Mail misleads those who waste their money buying this tripe. Sarah Vine is a columnist and not a journalist.

It's possible the Committee was seeking truthfulness rather than agility.

What is the point of this rag

'agile as a cat' not a common thought about the confused red faced sweaty squirming fat lump lying his arse off...

Alternative world.

Waiting for the impartial displaying of other newspaper front pages.

Tory state broadcaster publishes article by Tory state newspaper (that has been banned by Wikipedia as unreliable) by woman who was wife of a Tory cabinet minister at the time the incidents under enquiry happened. As balance, BBC is tomorrow publishing the works of Karl Marx!

No everyone still thinks he’s a liar.

The DM must have been watching shooting else. Johnson was made to squirm.

Hey UK, why isn't your headline: 'Sarah Vine backs liar Johnson revealing herself to be...' I dunno... what would an impartial observer call Sarah Vine at this point You impartially decide UK

I wish now that I had a proper funeral for my mum, why did I stick to the rules, because I was told too. How wrong I was. 5 people and he had a party.

No. Just confirmed that he's either lying, incompetent or a vain, deluded sociopath. Or all three. 🤔

Harman is smirking at the egotestacle fool

Daily Fail.

WestminsterWAG are you not ashamed to be a Johnson sycophant,.simply to support your boss' overwhelming desire for a knighthood? What a very sad life.

Why is Harman being allowed to speak she is evil .

I always check what The Mail says, and know that the opposite is true.

Agile as a cat, while lying like a rat ..

Don't know what Vine was watching but it wasn't the committee hearing.

I thought it was satire. Come on BBC I think it’s about time you stopped sharing the Mail

Must be a lot of arthritic cats in the daily mail newsroom if they thought that was ‘agile’. Client journalism at its absolute worst

I have always wondered why you highlight papers that have a dwindling readership and make sure they have a longer reach...have you no journalists of your own?

What was Sarah Vine watching?

Johnson is done.

Entire fabrication

I doubt the vast majority (on polling) have changed their minds at all - they still believe Pfeffel is a mendacious, self-serving pile of offal.

Sarah vile.

Face like thunder......really? Just looks like she's listening to a buffoon to me 🤷‍♀️

'I put it to you Mr Johnson, you did not take proper advice' says Sir Bernard Jenkin. There we have it. The Privileges Committee charge against Boris Johnson is he misled MPs 'recklessly' because be did not take advice from experts on whether rules and guidance were followed

Is this the Daily Fail? Not a word. Tory BS

He may of had a few vinos after all the pressure of covid ,but at least he's not been caught bare face lying to Londoners on NUMEROUS occasions like Sadiq Khan.Khan makes him look like a boy scout when it comes to corruption ,totally different league is Khan.

Lying as usual DailyMailUK must think the plebs don’t have TVs unless they’re flatscreen and bought from benefits The useless oaf spluttered his way excruciatingly throughout the afternoon ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern

No everybody still thinks he’s a lying Narcissist


agile as a Cat? 🙄😂 and the answer is no!

Getting harder and harder to defend him isn’t it you parasitic sycophants?

Bullshit. Sorry. Just my opinion

Hand on heart, complete fucking lie:

it seems that the committee has to decide if he’s: a liar , an idiot or a reckless gambler . Can I suggest all 3? JohnsonComeUppanceDay JohnsonLies

Well if someone wants to defame you at all costs, this is what happens especially with two faced Hypocritical Politicians. A play on words from all angles. The media should know, they are experts in twisting word's around to suit their agenda 😉

You know BorisJohnson is lying because his lips are moving

Absolute bollks

They misspelt Bullshit again

The Express and Daily Mail. If we have to thank Bojo for anything it will be that their defence of him will be nails in their coffins.

He doesn’t have a heart so that doesn’t mean much

What heart ?

I cant help drawing similarities between boris j and prince andrew.. He hangs onto this bizarre narrative of his own inncocence shared only by a few deranged zealots of his inner circle.. Thank god both are mostly marginalised from public life.

He hated not being as rich as his fellow ‘chaps’.

Rates were raised during the global financial meltdown of 2008-09, but no one saw the signs until it was too late

Loving the Metro Add placement

Yeah ! Bozo is going to be the 'Warm Up Comedian' at all the Tory Conferences and Fundraisers from now on, as all the Russian Donations have dried up.

So he rightly should. This is a witch’s

They've spelt bullshit wrong.

Clearly a typo in the headline, obviously this should read 'Bullshit Boris'

Definitely read it as 'Bullsh*t' Boris 🤣

'Bullshitter Johnson up for the fight'

Sexual liberation comes with a price it seems.


Typo.. bullshit' surely...

Say it like it is

Wow. They are finally admitting it. LifeSite LSNCatholic JhWesten LifeNewsHQ HumanLifeIntnl EWTNNewsNightly RaymondArroyo

the local like him . they can control him.

Line up folks!!!!

Boris has got bouncebackability if anyone has.

Makes one wonder why Tony Blair never faced such scrutiny over his war crimes doesn't it 🤔

The trial ended long ago - he’s guilty. This is the narcissist playing games and wanting to be the centre of attention. He should be confined for His lies, deceit, divisive nature, corruption under his watch, Covid deaths, partygate etc Worst are those who still support him

Comrade Johnson

Strange this hits the press as Boris Johnson goes before the committee. I’m not belittling the report, but I smell an attempted dead cat.

The right wing media is after blood and backing the enforcement of woke political correctness on police. They have to deal with the lowest of the low who use profanity every other word. It’s difficult to view it with the same horror politicians try to instil in school children.

This is “Little Britain” level laughable. He really is taking the piss

Trial by tories lol..

BBC Silence about the goings on in Paris. DefundTheBBC

Could use headlines about the strikes

Whyyyyy the tabloid promotion? Whyyyyy?

Everything is labelling people. Im sick of it. Its far left rhetoric. Enough with this crap

And that’s just the front bench

Just about Sums up all the news outlets bullet points

These terms have been so diluted they have lost shock value

Yes, very informative, but have the male officers been investigated yet?

Yup, that sounds about right. Nothing new here.

Saturated Inflation challenges Powell. Balloons under stress, but no going back. Min 0.25 to maintain momentum. COVID ends, 15 year Easing adjusting to a 6% level. Ukraine's disruptions receding. China Manufacturing Relocating. Deficits sustaining 3.4% Unemployment.

Ground Hog Day.... (2008 repeated) Bankers pay themselves millions in bonuses year after year: Some Banks begin to fail = Governments engineer bailouts = taxpayers foot the bill = no bankers go to jail = unacceptable whitewash

Wait till the whole lot collapses.

You weren’t saying that the other day who changed your mind your tory puppet masters

Labour Labour Labour Ra Ra Ra

Redford & wilton 8polocies labour 7 wide margins cons 1 Ukraine that's only by 2 points starmer 2 points clear of sunak, 20 points clear other rating companies, its called there's more than I poll its name checky outy others, plus budget boost check other firms also diff,?yip

follow for follow back pls 3

Great news now how about this

Who says…?

No, the Express just wants a commercial rival to disappear.

Budget boost? How? Why? Oh, I forgot tax giveaways to the 1% are a vote winner 🤔

Yep .. you're screwed 😆😆😆👌

Alive? Dead or alive?

Licence fee set by the (Tory) government, obviously. How does this worthless rag survive?

The Express needs to stop telling old people how they should think.

It faces a revolt if it keeps taking orders from the Tories

Bull. Bbc license fee is terrible

Revolt? Rioting pensioners?

Mmmmm yes the license that's bullshit

'Revolt' Hahahahahahahahahaha! There won't be any such thing.

Wait? Kate is on every front page. PR team working hard for a raise

The Government sets the licence fee, but you already know that.

Conservatives How dare those doctors and nurses demand a liveable wage.

Tbh it was the language of a colonial empire, and now is the official language of corporate enslavement.. wokely said :D

Actually BBC publishes all front pages as tweets (just got them all on my feed). However, the Mail avoiding the big news stories, we'll that's a surprise now, isn't it

The Mail has been for a while. Why is this on the BBC News site instead of Have I Got News for You or The News Quiz?

Daily Heil

‘Fair’ implies not fair. Any yet the bankers fill their sacks. Or in other words, why Britain is f****d.

I mean English literally is the language of a colonising nation...

For god’s sake don’t mention the strikes, collapse in living standard or government corruption. This will do.

Sweet yet another charity with a vastly overpaid ceo I won’t be supporting then 👍

'Motherfucker' will be banned next🙄

No donations from me Oxfam if this is true

I can give you a list of at least 20 Tory MPs who are beyond parody.

From an organisation with an history of sexual abuse of young children and woman all over the world

This will do wonders for their fund raising efforts in the UK. BTW, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands all had colonies and I'm pretty sure they all have their own languages too, so why aren't they being called out?

ABC of Daily Express less than 200k. Let them go.

How stupid. How disrespectful to mothers, fathers and women.

Was it anything to do with the BBC's 'impartiality that they failed to cover or mention 700,000 marching for the NHS in London. Where was the coverage of this monumental protest?

Metro is not a newspaper, 36 pages, 30% advertiing, not front page news . Not newsworthy.

Was it anything to do with the BBC's 'impartiality that they failed to cover or mention 700,000 marching for the NHS in London. Where was the coverage of this monumental protest?

Oxfam has always been a self loathing liberal entity. I remember it's staff offering food for sex in a disaster zone a few years ago. Just don't support it and let it wither.

Beyond parody from, checks note, The Mail 😂😂👌😳😳

They’re only doing it wind-up the staff and readers of the Daily Mail. 1-0 Oxfam!

Daily Mail circulation has collapsed to 790,000. BANNED by Wikipedia Editors as a source of truth.

oxfamgb you complete and utter 🤡 I'm sick to the back teeth of all this wokeshite In future I'll treat your collection boxes the same as I do the RNLI, for providing a taxi service to illegal immigrants, and ignore them 🤬

I will stop giving to this ridiculous charity

This will do wonders for their fund raising efforts in the UK. BTW, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands never had any colonies and I'm pretty sure they all have their own languages too.


I assume the increasingly unhinged Fail’s headline here is self-referential

Say NO

It’s not over yet it’s an OFFER NOT A DONE DEAL

Well we know who’s side the ‘impartial’ BBC’s on now don’t we?

BBC platforming far right propaganda again. Impartiality is paramount 😂😂

These papers are going to end up sinking themselves into irrelevance. Sure, their output has never really reflected lived reality for a lot of people, but the separation seems even larger now.

Is this another headline story where I look it all up and find it isn’t true eh Daily Fail? 🤔

It certainly is


Yup front page news.. a human went to the shops themselves

Never shopping at oxfam again.

No. Tell them to stuff it.

Yesterday’s demo. Where was your chopper?

Oh who gives a shit, much more to worry about. Like how we’re being fleeced by our own government

The replies to this. Just read this shitrag, believe it and don’t bother checking the facts for yourselves. We’re all fucked, we really are.

Hundreds needlessly died during the strikes. Should haunt them forever.

Great use of people's donations. There was a time where that money was used to help those in need. Now it's to facilitate the obsession of some on 'decolonisation' and sexual exploitation by their so-called aid workers.

Oxfam on shut down in the UK.. All the best on future donations.

Who is the bloke in the photo?

Let’s hope brown people were doing all the donations. White supremacist evil slave trading Nazis (All English people so we are told) won’t be giving them any more money. They take 30p out of every pound for themselves. It is a disgrace they spit in our faces - they get £500m p/a

Whoopee, a massive 5% pay rise!!!

Daily_Express don’t count your chickens yet the staff don’t like the offer.

Why did it take so long RishiSunak - you could have ended this months ago 😡😡😡

Oxfam has just lost another donation from me, the world needs a kick up the arsenal

Gammon piss boiling right now 🤣

isr*eli occupation forces have arrested 1300 Palestinians since the beginning of 2023. Palestine

Tiresome Right Wing Propaganda to distract from real news about the public sector pay deal. Nobody cares! But as ever, The BBC is so happy to spread the 'news'.

aniobrien Time to find another charity

Sad to see the BBC validating fascism

Pmsl no it won't because rich unions would be out of business

Cave in or part of cunning Tory plan to try to win back electorate, they won't

Groundbreaking News on the right there 🙄 Imagine a celebrity using a supermarket 🤯

I know they can hand out drugs, but isn't this a bit extreme.

“Yes” did that work?

Outrageous headline

Stealing from pensions meant people retired early and stopped paying income tax etc. Removed the cap so they can steal more, and Guardian calls it a giveaway for the rich. Guardian has to push that narrative...

Typical liberal garbage! Making petty, immature people JEALOUS of the rich! And I am NOT even close to being rich! Taxing them heavy will NEVER pay off all the expenses (good and bad) that created! With good bills there ARE lots of secret items added by BOTH SIDES!

The Uk will never recover no matter what these clowns 🤡 do .



Bbc =🤮🤬🖕🤮🖕🤮


🤣🤣🤣 Pathetic.

13 years of total failure says you won’t

Why are you promoting the express? Is this the famous BBC impartiality?

No, it’s a budget for the rich 💩🤮



It's not enough to make us forget that the Conservatives were accused of using Nazi rhetoric and then tried to make the BBC remove the accuser despite him telling the truth. We'll never let this one go!

I have just complained to the bbc about it

The Queen is broken. Get another one.

Yet more right wing promotion from the bbc

Volume 5 of ToryCharmOffensive fails!





Tory scum, Hunt's Budget is no different than the ludicrous spending plans introduced by these two prats:


Turn the tide of what, the shitt they've poured in the rivers and the body politic

As MarinaPurkiss says, the outlook isn’t good. This is smoke and mirrors, all hype! The only hope the Tories have is vilification of asylum seekers and blaming all our woes on them.

It was a crap budget

clientjournalists defundthebbc

One way to avoid inheritance tax for the rich. Top up that pension. In most cases, any pensions you have can be passed outside of your estate and so won't be subject to Inheritance Tax. Clever move to look after the rich.

RishiSunak your chancellor Jeremy_Hunt is continuing FiscalDrag = Tax raising Government, the likes of Keir_Starmer Labour would be proud of. TaxBurden same at Clement Attlee times! It's madness, taxing yourselves out of office! Get back to Tory Values! GBNEWS LiamHalligan

No, it is passing the debts to the next generation to pay it back! Short-sighted symptoms comforter with no long term plan or vision!

No of course not

Why does the BBC keep promoting this newspaper?



Great to see giving space to right wing mail again, in a totally impartial way of course

It's a no from me

you are just having a laugh now surely

Tories will always be in power as they have the keys to the Bank of England and hidden £billions from Covid PPE & track and trace scam Budget2023 BudgetDay

Jeremy Hunt's talk of 'Brexit freedoms' sounded hollow and disingenuous. With access to the latest UK economic performance data, he knows very well that Brexit is BS!

The Guardian is so ..hang on… so .. wait … so so so shitey poo

It’s like they don’t want to win the next election

Can't say.

It's a blatant vote grab for an upcoming election.

Umm…let me think…no. Not remotely.

🤔 is ok to break someone’s nose if it’s just the once ? AskingForAFriend

And the rich get richer while the public sector get the square root of fk all! General Election NOW!

Ha ha ha


No it isn’t!

Hmm... Daily mail may stop print as no one reads it BBC uses it as the main picture. Why so... Hmmm... torybbc ?

Grand economic illiteracy from the DailyMailUK. News in - nothing is free, somebody always pays. The question is who is the right person to pay.

I know we’re a socialist nation but as a gay man with no kids I get screwed thru the floor subsidising the existence of everyone else’s kids. From birth to nursery to school to college, child benefits. Just seems a little unfair to me.

Easy. One spoke out against cruelty, the other spoke out to defend assault.

Lineker was removed from his post, Bruce is still in hers Also, Bruce defended wife beating as a one off.

Is this brought to us by the same 'family friendly' Tory party that cut the sure start centres.

Simple don't pump out kids u can't afford

Exciting! Which coal mine the daily mail editors suggest for the toddlers to be sent?

Whilst tweeting about the budget you strangely highlight the vile bottom right column by Sara Vine of the DailyMailUK. It happened on questiontime on the BBC! But “it only happened once” so I guess it’s fine. stopVAWG ImWithGary

Why does any right minded person read this rag? ...

Umm why would Fiona be lionised for defending domestic abuse? Sarah Vine is on her usual horsesh*t again I see

Because she is white GL is Black !


The Daily Mail asks why people react differently to a person trivialising domestic violence to a person expressing their concern with our govts approach to dealing with the most vulnerable people on the planet. I wish the readers would not see the headline as rhetorical.

Come on support democracy free and fair elections nawaz sharif that got away with assassination of journalists arshad sharif represents lawyers for failed shooter that has instructed custody murder and dreams to kill imran Khan and attempted arrest for the same reason this is emb

The same Tories who cut 500 Sure Start centres.

Bbc journalists r as incompetent like the British police that have got evidence that nawaz sharif gave instruction on assassination of journalists arshad sharif and evidence of representation of lawyers for the shooter that failed for imran Khan Bbc the chanel that supports mafia

It’s easy one said “punching your partner is a one off” while the other said we’re using the words of Nazis

Come on BBC British police cid anti terrorism incompetence that fabricated medical grounds nawaz sharif who gave instruction on assassination of journalists arshad sharif. The failed assassination of imran Khan y is lawyer of shooter appointed by nawaz sharif British police incom

How has Fiona Bruce been hung out to dry Sarah Vine? She wasn't suspended and left the charity Refuge instead of Question Time as that's where the money is.

More anti family anti conservative policies from the “conservative” party.

Stop. Oxygenating. Right. Wing. Client. Media. Please.

More revolting Tories. Will they ever stop? budget tory revolt

Year one already covered by maternity leave

Guess they didn’t want pension tax cuts for millionaires to be the budget headline!

Besides we know the Russians are inferior to the west and the us militarily. They can't even conquer Ukraine. So I doubt the truthfulness of the story, especially if this came from Russian sources

Get the Parents back to work early ah.. work longer don't see your child and get less money for doing it ,

Any lingering doubts on who Fiona Bruce might play for now completely dispelled.

And as I understand it, it was a collision although I like to know how a drone and a fighter can collide. This could all just be Russian propaganda.

Lucky USA : it was just Drone .

How they expected to pay for the public sector pay rises?! Nothing comes free.

How about more pay for those without children always having to cover for those on maternity holiday?🤷‍♀️

Except that, Telegraph Tories: BBCPapers TomorrowsPapersToday

Also Mums that are properly broke, go back to work as soon as their employe full pay maternity leave ends (if they get it) which for my kids, meant starting nursery at 5 months and 7 months respectively, as statutory maternity is no where near a full time wage.

US will claim was just routine surveillance

Shouldn’t Matt Hancock be in parliament doing what he’s paid to do .

Boys having a biggest Willy contest again 🤷🏻‍♂️

More scaremongering

Hancock has no idea what’s coming to him. Imminent. 👍❤️

I wonder if (as happens with the 30 hours “free” term-time childcare for over 3’s) the nurseries will charge absurd rates for snacks and lunches

I'm payin $ 5,205 💚for the first 15 People to DM 'BLESSED'God bless y' all🕊️💜🫶🏾

Those who need it most are still buying fags at £18 a packet. Get real Mirror.

Wearing dead animals is not a good look!! AnimalCruelty FurIsNotFashion GoFurFree

I'm payin $ 5,205 💚for the first 15 People to DM 'BLESSED'God bless y' all🕊️💜🫶🏾

Why is the state raising peoples children. It's baby farming on a national level.

Have the nurseries/playgroups etc got enough staff for extra children or is Jeremy going to increase the children to staff ratio to dangerous levels? I don't like any Tory having access to taxpayers money, it's time they went. GeneralElectionN0W

Or design a society that allows parents to actually parent and be the main care givers to our children.

'Hot to trot Hancock' WTAF The Torygraph seems determined to compete with The Daily Star for stupidity - without the humour 🤪

Everything he does is revolting.

Don't want them home instilling values and morals in their kids

Hunt is revolting in any context!

I have a feeling the US was pushing its luck somehow

The well-off get the carrot, everyone else gets the stick

When us drones strike civilians there is silence, but Russia strikes down an unmanned drone that is on the other side of the world to the USA and it’s shown as a horrific attack


The Tories 'helping' so many into work Wow Actually just another way to raise more taxes So the Tories helping themselves to more money

I thought the Conservative Government wanted 'Work to Pay' yet they still have to subsidise ChildCare after 13 years in power Budget2023

As usual, there is a Thick of It quote.

distraction tactics

MPs still get Free/ subsidised child care within HoC throwing a few hours at the poor so they can worker harder for less.. well done the ToryFascistDictatorship 👏👏👏

Never know with these things. Maybe the Ruskies wanted to make a statement. Maybe the US wanted to push the limit and observe the response. Dunno.

Has Brian May had a blue rinse?

Let's wait for the small print.

like the 'Refugees they support too! A rag & typical of journalism today

Typical just as my youngest goes to infants!

The big issue in nursery provision is not just places but STAFF!! The wages are low even compared with retail but they are expected to be qualified, first aid trained and regularly tested by Ofsted. Ratio is only one part. The rooms need to be big enough too. Research by MPs?

He should shove it up his hunt sideways..

We say no to election rigging in Kano, please we are appealing to all international observers, to put all their effort in rectifying true democracy in kano and free from elections violence.

Has he been listening to Liz?

13 years of tory rule.

I know where I’d put the carrot and stick if I met Hunt 🤣🤣

Dreadful music, stupid hair.


Maori greeting :D

Just in case you don't read the Daily Mail the BBC will do 'Free Advertising '.

Nah, we good x

In the interest of impartiality - remember that - where a photo/post of a newspaper paper endorsing his reinstatement? Or do your lizard overlords not like those?

I can’t wait for the day this newspaper dies.

Or “Boris’s Bent Chairman would have got away with it if it wasn’t for those pesky members of staff standing up for free-speech and decency”


A slap in the face for the Daily Heil and whinging Tory MPs more like!

You ain't gonna have many licence payers soon believe me

Establishment elites in the Daily Mail get slapped in the face by reality that doesn’t keep pace with their manufactured culture war. The Daily Mails bullshit is a slap in the face of journalism.

Seems like the license payers got what they wanted

License payers don’t want to be paying. You should not charge us for a state channel if your own journalists compare the government with Hitler.

it's not impartial to seek to court favour by retweeting a right wing rag that Wikipedia banned because they saw it as an unreliable source

… And yet the BBC continues to proudly publish the Mail’s front page.

Not for much longer I suspect. Face it, the BBC have failed at every turn this week. Somehow managed to get a DV champion cancelled, suspended and u turned a 'freelance' face of the organisation in a few days, and basically appear incompetent. No one is happy.

Nasty racist rag. Don't know why the BBC promote it.

For those still asleep, the crash of the banks has been the plan for years, Covid was invented for it, digital currency is the plan, and your Government will come to your rescue, and the majority of fools will beg for it

Gary Lineker boiling the piss of the Daily Mail. Wonderful stuff

Good to see the Daily Mail trying to keep stoking the fires of hatred. 🙄

As a licence payer I think it's brilliant that the individual in question can tweet his personal views from his personal account. I don't think it ok in any shape or form for a BBC presenter to essentially make light of domestic violence IStandWithGaryLineker

“Hello, hello, good to be back, good to be back…”

Who “accused” the BBC capitulation, was it the government or the daily mail. Freedom of speech and cancel culture doesn’t extend outside the paper’s viewpoint.

Shock as nonce tries to nonce after being released from a prison sentence for noncing.

Given that 75% of people back Lineker the Mail is yet again telling porkies.

FireGaryLineker time to DefundTheBBC

Says the Daily Mail - bunch of clowns. Why was Lord Sugar not censured, I suppose the clue is in his title- you bunch of self serving hypocrites

Chairman needs to be sacked asap!

No, a slap in the face for Daily Mail readers so who frankly gives a toss? 🤷🏻

Take it he's back in the gang

I thought the DailyMailUK wanted free speech? I thought the Daily Mail hated cancel culture? The right wing media should be celebrating Gary Lineker's return to the BBC

Is the DailyMail talking about Laura Kuenssberg using her platform on the Sunday Show to broadcast her egregious bias against Gary Lineker whilst being on BBC and taxpayer time and wages?

A campaign called 'Back to 60 movement 'has won the right to a Judicial Review and is taking the DWP to the High Court 5th/6th June 2023, over pensions for women. Michael Mansfield QC will lead the case, attempt to get the 3.9 million women justice over non consultation-pensions

Apart from the YouGov poll shown the majority of people supported Gary Lineker. I think the DailyMailUK is the one out of touch.

Hopefully lineker's contract won't be renewed as he adds nothing.

The mail has to keep stirring

Trump Did It... In The White House... With A Pen & Paper

...predictable stance from a pamphlet that all too often skips 'journalistic' rigour and the noble journalistic traditions of truth, accurancy, and objectivity.

Free speech triumphs over fascism

I am a license fee payer and that’s not what I think- my guess is that the mail just made this up.

Why are the daily mail such snowflakes? I love how they’re throwing a fit over this. Surprisingly they don’t mind that Alan Sugar is constantly trashing Labour on twitter and Karen Brady sits in the House of Lords for the Tories.

Gary garlanded.

Bur remember it's asylum seekers who are the criminal allegedly...funny how he hasn't had his citizenship revoked

Aas I've said all week...the Tories are using this to try and discredit the BBC .... Hopefully they are failing, despite the pathetic efforts of the World's greatest...

The BBC is dead. It has been brutally exposed as a peddler of propaganda for this cabal of Conservative criminals masquerading as a Government in London... bbc BBCBias Lineker GaryLineker GaryLinekerIsRight

Daily mail saying your not allowed free speech.

idk what they were even thinking... they literally placed him where i grew up... which is surrounded by 6 schools and a college... 🙃

AskingForAFriend So Is it ok now or not to break someone’s nose just the once ? …. BBCQuestionTime

More like a kick in the nuts and punani for the Tories !😭😭

The BBC is dead. It has been brutally exposed as a peddler of propaganda for this cabal of Conservative criminals masquerading as a Government in London... bbc BBCBias Lineker GaryLineker GaryLinekerIsRight

You mean... have the Tory party put a nail in the coffin of licence fee?

More mindless inane distraction tactics from the Tory propaganda rag aimed at the hard of thinking that is the Daily Mail.

Never forget who the real fascists are......

That's the Express.

Its to be hoped!

As a popular dog would say on another channel 'Oh Yes'

Back in the real world, it's a win for BBC licence payers. The Beeb has finally stood up to bullying from some MPs and the Tory press. Common sense returns.

It is a slap in the face when you realise you are paying towards Tory propaganda.

Typical daily mail. 🙄

GaryGlitter He's back!

Maybe ask why the Daily_Express and DailyMailUK are so hung up on what an ex-footballer tweets?

No. But he has put the Board and DG on Notice.

Jesus christ can't we ban this right wing crap of a paper

The arrogance and stupidity of Davie to lecture everyone on impartiality given his CV, after him silencing someone criticising the government is quite something, why isn't that being discussed more?

bbc BBCBias Lineker GaryLineker GaryLinekerIsRight

Is it ok to break someone’s nose just the once …. Asking for a friend

The BBC is dead. It has been brutally exposed as a peddler of propaganda for this cabal of Conservative criminals masquerading as a Government in London... bbc BBCBias Lineker GaryLineker GaryLinekerIsRight

Here are some more:

Include all the undermining turds!! Devalued the national Assest for personal gain!

Get the rot out of the BBC! Why should the public pay for sleaze and corruption Boris Johnson pumped into the BBC

How fashionably woke

The BBC is dead. It has been brutally exposed as a peddler of propaganda for this cabal of Conservative criminals masquerading as a Government in London... bbc BBCBias Lineker GaryLineker GaryLinekerIsRight

In the case of 'Oberschlick versus Austria' the European Court of Human rights had decided on 25th April of 1991, that the Nazi comparison against a concrete person, who planned a legislative initiative discriminating migrants, was rightfully.

Sacked Tim Davie & Richard Sharp yet?

If he'd only said that 'the beatles are bigger than God' he'd have got away with it!

I would like to know what’s Linekers proposed action on Stopping the Boats and those stopping those poor people from drowning in the freezing English Channel !! Or is the same as Labour let them all in !!!!

Match of the day is actually better without all the bullshit.

They own you. Winge about Lineker and your bosses cave in. Sugar can inaccurately tweet nazi picture of Corbin(should've been red square to be reasonably accurate) no problem. Lineker tweets accurately about rhetoric(try replace migrants with Jews in the speech) and is punished

Pure distraction from the cost of living crisis

BBC is there to support the right wing only.

No one's indispensable! Plenty more fish in the sea for up and coming vacancies at the BBC.

Just settling in ready to watch footballfocus with new line up ronmanagernottm

Nazi government and BBC misjudge the UK.

GL's your a-typical, narcissistic, white, wealthy, detached, (from regular folk) woke virtue-signaller, who'd change his tune if a boat load of vvapists were on his door step, and/or threatening his partners honour.

GaryLineker + David Attenborough or Suella Braverman + Tim Davie (impartial Conservatives donor and candidate)

Solidarity from his friends - absolutely right.

BBC POLITICAL IMPARTIALITY?✌️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 WestminsterNewspeak UKSSR

Can we just remind people the real issue here is how we fix the migrant crisis, not some overpaid prima-donna and his mates falling out with their employer!

why are these lefty’s intent on stopping attempts to deter people from crossing the world’s busiest waterways by criminals 59% of whom are Albanians? When Thousands of people in tents mid winter on mountains desperately trying to resettle being push to the back of the line?

it's Mr Lineker to you fascist. go back to giving the poor immigrant a good kicking that is what you are good at.

I'm fed up of former footballers sharing their political views and fully support the BBC. Sticktofootball

BBC you are out of order. In this country we stand for freedom of speech. What you are doing is unacceptable

BBC is taking orders from a fascist government and BBC have a fascist corrupt CEO🖕🏻 corrupt

I support GaryLineker His message is correct, he is right to protest about Gov. Small Boat immigration policy. It stinks of Germany 2WW persecution of Jews, Homosexuals & Mentally ill people. Who Next?

GaryLineker is not as clever or heroic as he thinks he is. He wants to make uninformed statements to affect public opinion but is unwilling to engage those who disagree with him. He wants all the benefits of his influence without any responsibility. Big ego, limited substance.

What's more disappointing is that the over rated, tax fiddling waste of space hasn't apologised to all of those communities that were persecuted by the Nazis. This was far more important than disagreeing with any govt policy or taking his half soaked team to Qatar for a holiday

The BBC has scored an own goal and lost the dressing room. It says it has the full confidence of The Board, but we all know what that means!

It seems if work for bbc you have no voice whatsoever = a version of gov controlled tv

I pay TV Licence for what? Is it for BBC to censor freedom of speech? Yeap, you are a total disaster..

The BBC is no longer impartial it has become the Völkischer Beobachter under Conservative rule, it is now the voice of the fascist right wing. Brexit has destroyed who we are!

Boycott BBC, Cancel TV Licence

When it ruins prime TV viewing, that's a sign we've been sleep walking towards fascism. State censorship will continue to infiltrate every part of our lives, & it can now arrest us for protesting too noisily whilst they abuse the system. END suppression by Tory Right wing Rule!

Sort of proves Gary's point don't you think BBC? You are lost, you used to be respected...no more

is a propangda outlet, should be defunct.

BBC = Backers of British Conservative

BBC why are you stifling the free speech of these presenters?

We want employees to be impartial, but if they air their personal opinion now and then, that's ok. I will never forget when people had a go at Huw Edwards for supporting (checks notes) Wales. I mean how dare he be Welsh and work for the BBC? Come on auntie, you can do better.

BBC should change its name to TTT: Tory Tabloid Trash.

How to use Britain to hide & launder LARGE amounts of cash, NO QUESTIONS ASKED

People can voice their disgust at the BBC with their wallets and in return SuspendPaymentBBCLicenseFee, there’s no legal requirement to pay the BBC License fee if don’t watch it and watch just streaming channels without ‘live’ channels.

Yes Minister said it all about the BBC under Tories and it’s compromised Tory Chairman

Shame on you bbc

This Government is a fascist one. 13 years of destroying the UK and counting. BBC is a corrupt institution, the chair of BBC is corrupt, the chairs were political Tories Donors etc. There is no impartiality in the BBC. Gary is the voice for the voiceless!

More money for doing SFA from the UK happy days we will of course keep letting them through in fact we will point the way.

Ahh that's where you got that headline from in your latest tweet about the 'bromance'..

I have no confidence in the BBC being politically neutral, it's become part of the Conservative Party.

For 40 years, Japan has distorted history by perpetrating forced family rape, human experimentation, and forced sexual slavery in Korea, and pouring huge political funds into it. American politicians taste Japanese money, ignore Korea, and only support Japan's rearmament.

What the Telegraph publishes as opinion is not any sort of 'news'. You are a disgrace.

This is the same as when StephLunch made a harmless jibe about a certain out of his depth PM, er... Boris someone I think, then suddenly lost her BBC post, condemned to earn a measly living on C4, 😰 BBC = Blatantly Biased Conservatives Sorry to capitalise the 'c' word. 😬

Got your new BBCMOTD line up

This is the sensorship of Putin's Britain. The BBC's threat to all presenters to tow the party line. I've watched MOTD since I was 5. It's over.

Why the fck are advertising for the Express? Isn't that showing bias and advertising? Both of which are not allowed on the BBC.

Reminder that we wouldn't be in this mess of Brexit hadn't ripped up the Dublin Accord.

All siding with Lineker will no doubt have to sew a yellow football on their coats starting Saturday night

Anyone else boycotting MOTD until Gary is reinstated..?

Yes very impartial when your chairman is giving money to the Tories. If it's about impartiality why isn't Richard Sharp being asked to 'step back'.

Ridiculous from the absolutely ridiculous

Looks like your mob are going to be apologising to Gary soon enough 🤣

Does Thomas Skinner want a go? West Ham fan, loves a bit of ⚽️.

BBC - why don’t you stop promoting the very newspapers that want you to die?

Excellent. I’ve spent years protecting my wonderful BBC against people who claimed it had a political agenda. Turns out, they were right and I’ve been paying for a license to a censoring organisation along! No more. You should hold your heads in shame. IStandWithGary

Blown out of proportion. Again.

Broadcasting House this evening..... MOTD GaryLineker

Time to go lineker and match of the day 👍👍👍👍👍

So glad we've got complete control of this post-Brexit 🙄🤣

We need to see the proof and action. Words do not work!

France must think that we’re back in the European Union. Absolute joke. Get this man out of number 10

All footballers must bend the knee for Gary tomorrow! The patron Saint of small boats.

The BBC managers have lost the dressing room. The BBC board needs to resign and we need non partisan managers to take over our BBC.

BBC care to react to anything from Kaveh on Sky?

The boats that they caused

Nah, not far enough in my opinion. Anyone else who broke a work contract would be sacked for good.

He had no problem working in Qatar. Double standards or what

Take back control- and then give it to the French!

Is that them stopped then?

Almost 500 million to get the same deal we already had in the eu

Let's have a bit of perspective. Let's not forget why this all happened: because Rishi Sunak invoked the enablement of slavery, among other things, in his cruel and inhuman immigration policy. Also forget not Paloma Faith's accurate response to his evil plan.

They're only mad because he dared to compare their rhetoric to that of the Tories 😜

And here we are again: BBC News platforms right wing hate rag This is completely normal behaviour now, by the Conservative propaganda machine: The once respected BBC Try googling: Can I trust the daily mail? Make better choices, BBC

Gary 'the legend' Lineker 😁👍🏻💯🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

The establishment elites at the Daily Heil are playing the public for fools.

Scraping the bottom of the barrel.

You've been playing the British public for fools for decades. Do one!

Do the BBC ever show the front covers of say the Mirror or the Guardian perhaps for a bit of balance or are they happy in their role of a public funded Tory propaganda shit rags mouthpiece

Don't give the rag of a paper the publicity.

'BBC' British Broadcasting Conservatives

The DailyFail is really trying to pull him down .🤪 Do you have any REAL NEWSpapers to show us?


Another free advert from BBC for 5 or 6 Establishment owned MSM's. Never mind the falling sales and online alternatives, lets keep promoting the same old rubbish.

Try looking into your 1938 publications first before you try writing front page trash. For the BBC, a Tory mouthpiece to cover this mail headline is atrocious. Sharp and Gibb at it again🤬🤬

Right wing fascist rag!!

What a ridiculous waste of a front page. Thank heavens that Lineker didn’t point out the similarities between Ms Braverman’s rhetoric & the language used by the Daily Mail in 1938 when it referred to ‘German Jews pouring into this country’

nighthawkgeoff Well played there Gary - and you’re right, they are fools. ToryFascists

Linekers playing the BBC says the Mail.. I thought he just expressed an opinion

The GaryLineker story is over and this Tory headline is a distraction away from the horrendous issues that this government has caused and we are not seeing solutions.

The BBC are adept at doing that themselves

The irony of GaryLineker comparing the UK government to Nazi Germany then getting into a chauffeur driven Mercedes. YouCouldntMakeItUp GaryLineker

Is this the sex obsessed Birbalsingh at it again?

Tories grateful for anything they can pivot to except the home truths ?

The media including the BBC apparently ...

The BBC know they do not occupy the moral high ground due to their allowing free reign to Laura K and Fiona B to openly favour the Tory Party. Sanctioning Gary Lineker would turn the spotlight on them and expose their right leaning favourable presentation to all.

The BBC dancing to GaryLineker tune. Paying the piper with our licence fee.

Hooray for the black shirts.

Daily Mail play the public for fools every day & many fall for it. Lineker speaks truth & they are scared of truth so here is more truth:

Daily Mail not reporting on Johnson putting forward their previous editor to lords (AGAIN) ?

The Daily Mail plays Britain for fools.

If halted, this project will never be restarted. The Tories will of course be blaming the government at that time for it's failure. It is a Tory white elephant that will be blamed on Labours mishandling.

I hate this paper. Absolutely hate everything they stand for, everybody that reads it and everyone that believes the shïte they write.

WTF he works for you, you work for mail?

I stand with gary GaryLineker

Patriotic newspaper not in the 1930s when it voiced support for fascism,what’s changed

How the fk is this the most important story in the world today? ImWithGary

So Britain change immigration rules that likely circumvent human rights and the story is, GaryLineker calling them out on it. World has gone mad.

The BBC are making themselves look ridiculous pushing their Tory-biased notion of impartiality.

Such fine journalism. Britain's number one selling paper. Doesn't that really sum up how bloody stupid this land can be.

“Levelling up” 😂 Please, show us some respect. It’s just a nonsensical soundbite.

Now the BBC advertising the Torygraph? Is the dodgy donor Tory chairman Sharp writing these new headlines? It’s disgusting.

Northern powerhouse, give it time through the door house yip.?

This on the day it comes out that Johnson has asked for an honour for former Mail editor Paul Dacre....

Daily Mail or is it Viz headline

So don't teach children how their bodies work and how consent works, and leave them open to deception and coercion? Great idea Telegraph - keep the lower orders poor and stupid.

They struggle to stop the boats. I know someone, French, working on the beaches for the French government. It’s almost impossible, and they try. English charities are helping, they bury the boats/parts of boats, then, if they get into the water threaten to throw the weakest in.

HS2 now nearly 6K per inch 🤦🏻‍♂️

With a rapidly falling circulation, hardly anybody notices what the faily wail says.

Correction.. * BBC paying Lineker like fools

Pick that one out of the back of the net BBC and Mail. Lineker has the backing of the majority

Those PG Tips chimp glasses.

We do not need to be invaded by immigrants

'Just make it sordid and put Lineker's face on it'

The stinking, hateful, xenophobic Mail, which is forever putting the boot into foreigners, given exposure by the BBC.

I can't stand Liniker but FGS give it a rest, it says something when you/they are more interested in a free speech comment than the actual reason why the tories are likened to nazis in the first place.

Seems they are worried about upsetting more Tory constituents before an election!

More Conservatives failure.

Oh, so that’s why the faux outrage about Gary Lineker…

Tories playing the people of the UK for fools. NeverVoteTory ImWithGary


It's OK for sugar to post pro government posts.

Lineker living rent free in the daily fail’s head

Now, what possible reason could the Mail gave for going in all guns blazing for someone critical if our government? Oh.

They should just give up on it, make the land they already bought a wildlife corridor and pay down the national debt with the money saved.

With the money we have wasted on the HS2, we could have funded our military, the NHS or public services. I literally never even plan to use the thing, what a shambles.

Maybe sit this one out DailyMailUK

Mail has Lineker front page three days in a row.

Where as we know that the Daily Mail ARE fools!

Quoting the mail again!!!

So are the Government with our taxes

Nah, he's just exposing the likes of the Mail for fools. And he's not even breaking a sweat.

Fu(k the Daily Mail. Ownership that was actually supporting the Nazis. The hypocrites.

Scrap the whole thing. Waste of money and average Joe probably wouldn’t be able to afford a ticket. Levelling up my arse. They never intended it


Typical UK front page. Racism accusations complemented with royal propaganda

We can only dream of his silence instead of his arrogant extremism

The mainstream media Tory mouth pieces are doing a good job on distraction tactics from the real nasty things they are doing behind the scenes.

Not about silencing him, it’s about him using inflammatory and toxic dialogue. He is a disgrace.

Well you're wrong Gary. It's the first thing I do when MOD comes on.

He may never stop talking. Thats fine. But will he ever listen?

Don't be silence Gary,take 10 of them to your house, you are rich enough to look after them, make sure you lock your bedroom door, when you are sleep!!

Sack lineker

Not really bothered what he comes out with, all I see is crisps.

This is on your building :

When any BBC presenter becomes the big news item of the day on a regular basis, as Lineker does now, they have to be sacked. These egotistical presenters are spouting their political views regularly and it is big news due only to their BBC profile.

As licence fee payer I resent my licence money being paid to a champagne socialist tax avoider

You can’t keep a black man down.


The BIASED BROADCASTING CORPORATION hasn't got the balls to sack him.

Big ears - Big mouth. He’ll land on his feet whatever happens. He’s divided public opinion. Lost and gained support and will probably end up with a higher paid job with another broadcaster

Fine let Lineker gob off, but get him off the BBC!! It'll save money and save the viewers (the few that are left) from having to listen to his inane wittering on MOTD.


Get him off the BBC and let him open his gob in his own time

Lineker the voice that can’t be silenced. The only adult in the room that has the honesty, courage to speak the truth. The Tory Government is a Fascist Gov. mirror 1930s Nazi Germany propaganda. The BBC IS NOT IMPARTIAL. The BBC chair that sort out a loan to get the top job.👎🏽

Even though he often is soaked in sanctimony I respect his right to speak what he thinks. Btw most 'asylum seekers' are albanian which suggests that 'asylum seeker' isn't an accurate description.

Should be 'I will never be sacked no matter what I do'

Good for him. He speaks for me.

He will be one day

I don't really care what he thinks, but I don't want to pay his wages.

tomorrows crisps paper

Mass refusal to buy the Tory donors BBC licence.. we pay the BBC head a million a year he loaned 800k to Boris de scum.

It is with dark irony that socialist Gary Lineker uses the socialist state broadcaster, which is funded by the people on threat of imprisonment, to degrade political opponents as Nazis, and is then defended by former propaganda chief for socialist UKLabour, Alastair Campbell.

If you don’t want to be silenced, Gary Lineker, then seriously, BBC should sack you and more British people stop paying for TV licence

Can barely believe people just don't understand that you can WORK at the BBC but have an independant opinion without bringing the BBC itself into any disrepute.The entire storm is from BBC haters.Our licence fee covers Lineker talking on Match Of The Day NOT on Twitter.

What a shame

Haha BBC impartiality storm. Try this Bolted Barn door Horse Too late

Seems the BBC has been purchased by Lord Rothermere.

'How dare you call us fascists! You're fired for disagreeing wih us.' 🤔

Ooh got the Tories rattled as Gary..and so they should be ...they don't like anyone questioning them...Braverman is a disgrace.Does it mean if u work for the BBC they own Ur voice and sensor what u say on your own personal SM ?

My TV has a mute button, so...

Gaslighting the right wing, bashing H&M and praising the Princess of Wales. The perfect storm for the Daily Fail.

Champagne socialist just like Neville, lost all credibility when they all went to Qatar, they put money before their beliefs, then they have the audacity to lecture people.

Has she volunteered for the Ukraine, to fight against the guy who wishes to emulate her husband family?

He's a supporter of far right misogynists and homophobes and the licence payers are footing the bill 🤷🏼‍♂️

Name them. All of them, please. You must be confident you're right if you put it on the front page. Go on.

That will be a 'No' then.

If GaryLineker will never be silenced then he must not work for th4 BBCSport BBC any more. They have rules about impartiality that also include not voicing personal opinions even on electronic media like Twitter. He should get off his Tracy train.

BT Sport will probably sign him up in time for their merger with Eurosport so he can be the main anchor for the new TNT Sports network. He’s worked for BT Sport before.

You tell us, you're the BBC

Stand your ground Gary 👍👍

He is a disgrace. Won't be watching match of the day anymore and I'm not joking. To much of this going on. It's okay for the rich to spout. It's the working classes that have to deal with the mess.

Me every time I see the front page of this nasty, right wing, vile, horrible excuse for a newspaper

Gary Lineker has a massive following and support

Why would BBCnews retreat this drivel? Maybe because the Chairman is a Tory donor?

Full on Gammon fest of a front page.

Does anyone actually give a fuck either way?

So the UK is finally rejoining Dublin III?

Resignation or sack for Lineker ! Don’t really mind which happens!

How can anyone publish propagandist lies and look at themselves in the mirror? BBCPapers

Resignation or sack for Lineker ! Don’t really mind which happens!

Yeah right. The fact is fkall will change. This is like when the Tories won on the slogan 'Brexit means Brexit'. And they are now going with 'only we will fix the boats'. Unfortunately that slogan will probably win. Despite the absolutely sh1*t performance of the conservatives.

He's hardly going to go cap in hand if he is.

Standing up to fascism should not put your job at risk.

Boycott the bbc stop paying the tv license

Between Lineker and the BBC Orchestra and Choir, I would stay with the second option. His salary alone could fund a lot of the members of the orchestra and choir that the BBC is cancelling.

No. Next?

It would be amazing if he did. I am sick to death of his hypocritical views and his patronising opinions. He hates Britain and is so biased towards the far left.

Which is being cheered on by Tory MP Lee Anderson, who this week said he supported the right-wing protesters who set fire to a police van and rioted in Merseyside, which was broadcast without comment by the BBC. BBC = Tory Political Broadcaster.

Kate can still look glamorous even when she's wearing army fatigues.

I wish he would the self righteous prick

Will you be phone tapping him?

I bet he’s really worried considering he’ll be offered another multi million pound contract with any number of rival broadcasters

No he isn't. Next question. Does the Home Secretary know what is being sent out in her name? Answer appears to be no.


No, according to Boris, all GL needs to do is say a non apology and then he'll be given a knighthood.

Dont be absurd

Daily fail on another loser here

If a Prime Minister thelreateks to ‘battle judges’ then our institutions are surely completely broken.

This 'immigration battle' is nothing new. And not a Conservatives problem either UKLabour

Sack the judges?

more waste of taxpayers money


Of course he is - knows he won’t win so he can be seen to be tough on refugees and blame leftie lawyers That’s what our PM is doing now

Let’s all go and shit on ministers’ doorsteps and see if they like it.

How would that work? 'Hello, we are sorry but we just met our quota for refugees...come back next year...please step on the coach back to France'

TBF these aren't refugees. They are illegal migrants. Refugees should already have a limit. Same with visas.

He also should plan to cap on people he is allowing from his own country.

Don't? We got another one coming?


The ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern ?

Hopefully at about 1.

The Telegraph's lockdown reporting doesn't appear to be in line with the balance of public opinion. BBCPapers TomorrowsPapersToday

Given how low the refugee rate is into the UK, then if the cap is actually lower than what's happening now, it's nothing but racism.

PeterDClack 🤔

Good God about 20 years too bloody late 😡😡😡

Hancock files and you headline the fear which bs.

Follow the science they said.........

He knows that. Nothing will happen. It's just words to distract from the main failures of this apology of a government.

The Daily Mail - a Tory rag notorious for pushing the truth and people's patience to the limit! Sadly for the Govt they need other countries to be willing to take illegal migrants in and they won't do that without a costly backhander from the UK. Another Tory con!

Tory Britain

Revolting. This really makes you ashamed to be British

A “Final Solution” then ..?🤷‍♂️🇬🇧☠️🇬🇧☠️👇

Politically stupid. Either you hate this, or if you are one of the people who actually LIKES this, you wonder why they didn't do it before, if the law is apparently so flexible? Desperate and cruel and based on a lie.


Fascist Propaganda from the mindless inane propaganda rag that is the Daily Mail.

Of course it is unworkable. It is just a smoke screen. He will let millions of illegal immigrants who don’t want to work in the UK . They want to destroy this country

Utterly immoral. Disgraceful. High time you ditched the paper review - it’s just daily amplification of right-wing bigotry. HumanRights ToryFascists

Just break it, the laws were made when it was much harder to travel the planet and when some countries didn't dole out huge amounts in benefits to anyone willing to risk the journey.

Ministers must...

Despicable. And don't think it won't be used to turn the gun at Citizens. They all work for cooperations and media masters. Those cheering should remember the Covid fiasco, them partying while your lived ones dying

Home Secretary to risk breaking the law. I thought she was supposed to maintain law and order.

There is no such thing as a gov plan being unworkable. A ll they have to do is, repeal current laws that stop them, and pass a subsequent law, to enables what they want to do. Ignore current Treaties if they have to.

Please don't fall for the Tory Party's inept attempt at watering down the ECHR. That's there to protect you from Government overreach. Hungary seems to be managing fine protecting themselves whilst still signatory to the ECHR. The problem the Tories have is a lack of spine.

Nothing about the corruption and cover ups in the government as shown in the released WhatsApp messages? It's not going to go away.

of course its unworkable, he has no intention of sorting the situation

That's supposed to be a good thing?

Covid manslaughter news

Refugees and tits! It's ultimate Daily Mail!

Just terrible people

Very smart move!

Sir Dad 🙄


The Guardian!!!

BorisJohnson is GUILTY!

Fools on here still trying to excuse him though. 'It was his place of work' and other such weak bleating. If the FPN wasn't justified you can guarantee that his 'team' would have appealed. They wisely decided not to. If you've got complaints, address it to the Met. Stop whining.

😂😂😂 pathetic

The far left are trying boy's.. Let's just reserve judgement on Labour until we find out what naughty Nick Brown has been upto, Keir_Starmer can't hide him forever..

This man is a total disgrace.

Can’t wait until the revelations about the Nightingales come out. Scaremongering, plywood props not fit for purpose for which they knew NO staff were available. £Millions down the toilet to frighten the masses into obedience.

Sick 😷 of listening to the same crap it’s becoming draining for the vast few years am done ✅


Well I'll be darned. Who'd have thought it?

Boris will claim that's a lookalike.

Making money is an action. Keeping money is a behaviour, but 'Growing money is Wisdom'.

BorisJohnson COME IN BORIS, YOUR TIME IS UP.................... FINALLY

Amongst all his mess, one of the saddest things of all was his betrayal to the Queen of England, prolonging of Parliament to party gate, man this bloke come on enough is enough .

Boris still believes it wasn't him but his evil twin who was to blame ! 🤣

One of the weirdest things about this guy, as mayor of London .walked into the Queen Victoria soap opera EastEnders ,I don’t think he ever left that fictional pub scene 🎬 . with Barbara Windsor , strange name Windsor it’s it . !


Nothing about Sir knights dodgy civil servant appointment then 🤔

Must be true if it's in the 'Guardian' 😂😂😂😂😂

That’s right he did . And the weirdest thing is his followers want him back , I can’t get my head around that other than indoctrinated cult that need help

Who cares apart Westminster bubble.

If that was in Downing street.... It was his residence and place of work. Lockdowns were wrong anyway.

We all know that johnson is a fat lying toad .You can't trust anything he says and he still truly believes his own bull sh*t . We need to move this enquiry on and begin to root out the bad eggs and then move on to where all the covid cash went. Sunak is guilty too !

Short memory BJ 👀

Any different to this though?

Can’t imagine former communist DAaronovitch imagined his aims of revolutionary change would transform into promoting dietary drugs

To the world we need help in Nigeria We never voted for tinubu or is party APC the election was rigged to favor then because of their agenda we don't want tinubu we don't want APC Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again and again and again and again

The picture caption contains an error. That’s not the Queen. It’s Camilla. Not the Queen!

Camilla now being refered to as the Queen, the consort dropped.

But the metpoliceuk didn’t investigate or charge him despite fining junior civil servants for being at them OneRuleForSome

Who cares

“Comeback” 😂 no means no!

Hes gone and lied to Ukrainians too, we could not win against russia, and sanctioned like them, wed be dead.

Why are you giving him this airtime?the man is a feckin joke and a delinquent

Poor old Boris he gave us a year off and then had a few drinks and this is the thanks we give him..... 🙄

'may have misled' fucking LIED!

Is this a fake BBC account?

Who is the author.

He would wouldn’t he?

It's true

Of course he does…

….it’s the Express. Why do you give it the time of day?

Looks 😄 funny!

This coming from a man who had an 'oven ready deal'...has he checked to see if his oven is switched on?

Then nothing will. Scurry back to where you cams from!

Daily_Express being paid to promote the criminal BorisJohnson ?


Coming from the man who had it all and then was ripped apart by his own party for his lies and deceit. I'd rather listen to mickey mouse talk than this buffoon

Does that mean that Boris lost control?

the tory soap opera continues.

Is BorisJohnson basically admitting his own deal was a bit shyt?

Because........ No deal will take back control. The lies have it, the lies have it.

Why are you platforming this desperate rag with its pathetically low circulation?

Why is this irrelevant person making front page news

Johnson's agreement certainly didn't

O get Boris off!

I see Boris is crying over spilt milk, just because he couldn’t get it sorted - we’re is party unity

I've paid very little attention tbh, but, as Boris is a pathological liar I can only assume the deal will take back control.

The more I learn about this the more it seems we are moving closer to re joining eu ffs

WEF scum

No, it's not, and it's appalling you should even suggest it.

They all knew that there was no pandemic They all knew Covid wasn’t deadly They all knew kids weren’t at risk They all knew restrictions & lockdowns were pointless They all knew they were lying to us They all need gone every corrupt last 1 of them

In HOC Johnson said he wasn’t worried about Sue Gray report. But then it was never released

Whenever you read the Mail remember the owner :

No it isn't. However it shows a lack of judgement on both their parts as it is important not only to *be* independent and impartial but also to be seen to be so.

When will bbc realise they are not Tory soundbox? We pay for Independence and bbc know full well partygate was no Labour plot. It was Johnson & Sunak having parties and getting fined and joking about it. Silly journalism from rw press & bbc.

Sue Grey was given a job to do by the then PM. She finished that job. So, in this democratic country, why can’t she make any career decision that she wants to? At least there is no record of her getting the appointment because she greased the wheels to get Starmer a £800k loan.

Betteridge’s law of headlines strikes again.

Erm, I thought the Daily Fail thought Sue Gray found nothing important 🤷‍♂️

Just check the facts.

The Sue Gray report was so bland that it basically exonerated the guilty BoristheLiar and the rest of the guilty 10DowningStreet Conservatives for partygate Boris was ousted because he lied repeatedly to Parliament and The UK people. BorisJohnson made a mockery of The UK.

Sue Gray had nothing to do with Johnson going, more's the pity. Remember, he was fined by the police (a criminal) but refused to resign. Also - the backbenchers backed him. It wasn't until his Pincher lies undid him that he went. Tories are such liars.

Who cares? It stopped another lockdown 🥳


As it was the ToryLiars who kept insisting she was a professional with high integrity and to wait for her report, then NO! PartyGate JohnsonLies ToriesUnfitToGovern

And so it begins.

Yes a Labour plot they sent all the cheese wine cakes on many occasions to trick and snare poor Boris and his friends at many parties. All the lying sleaze is Keirs fault. You’ve got to love the Tory press

No Next question...

This is the very reason the house of Westminster is a swamp that needs draining

Um....didn't the Tory govt. appoint her? 🤔

You had your chance Boris.

Utter rubbish I read SueGray is next in line as the next DoctorWho . I have that on good authority:)

Yes. Absolute disgrace

The Mail has gone far beyond lies now, I honestly believe that some of them high up there have some kind of severe mental illness. There's simply no other explanation for the things they put out.

wow, a whole new level of low we didnt know existed.

Sue Gray has impeccable credentials.

Point being missed by professional as s clowns. The rules were bollocks or in English unscientific. Despite saying they were following the science. Which is paid for by big pharma Bill and Melinda Tony Blair institute etc. Go Interview professor pants down Ferguson for some stats

Nice Nazi salute Boris.

Nazi loving newspaper talks rubbish DailyMailUK

Yeah, it was all a Labour plot. How pathetic. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Don’t you remember all the senior Tories coming out to assure us that Sue Gray was impeccable, tough, fair etc etc etc?

Torys still not taking responsibility for things they do. More at 10.

Yesterday’s man. Move on.

Anything less than our [own laws] incl tax and more importantly the ability to set our [own VAT rate] will be a TOTAL sell out,the government only have a MANDATE to leave and nothing else. The EU are afraid that if we set our VAT at [say] 12.5% we could bring them down.

Now there will be a narrative that states anti Zionist Jews are uneducated and extremists which is why they reject Israel.

Huh? The “ Partygate” probe was needed by the public and the Govt manipulation to appease it was to get her to do the investigation over the police doing it. Ultimately met did to ltd evidence after her inquiry. She glossed and papered in favour of Govt. Now employed by Labour….

The best way Rishi Sunak can undermine Boris’ challenge is to continue to build closer ties with EU. This will bring both voters and businesses on his side by ensuring a succession of economic “wins”. Unwind Brexit and win!

Maybe he could have done something when he was PM, rather than spending all his time on the lash.

Not Sue Gray doing the Tories dirty like this, we love to see it tbh 👸


A united Ireland would I suppose 🤷

Of course it was, GMB ran the story for 120 days straight interviewing Labour activists who had no problem using their dead loved ones as a political meme pushing the nonsense narrative that Boris Partied while your loved ones died! It was sickening!

Has Sue Grey brokered an £800k loan for Keir Starmer?

YES it was.

Who cares

Absolute bollocks. She's probably took the job because she's sick to death of the debased govt that is in charge now.

She's advancing her career which she is entitled to do, the fact its annoyed the extreme right is a bonus.

Tory rag clutching at straws

Paranoia? It was everyone else's fault expect his....

So, Sir Keir Starmer sent out party invitations saying 'Party at mine bring a suitcase!!'? Well, that isn't very nice of him. The dirty rotter! What a load of old shite. I don't care if he told to police about the parties happening, in fact, I would say it was his duty.

Sieg Heil Norris

Nobody cares what this absent backbencher thinks.

Why is the bbc promoting the Daily Smell?

Answer - No. next question.


Truly the gutter press.

Headline with a question mark. Lazy and weak.


Like Hansard, the Express records backbench opinion.


The tories ASKED her to investigate 😂😂😂

No. Next Q?

No 🤣🙄🤔

Oh FFS, Johnson appointed her to lead the party investigation, not Starmer!

“Oh no! He hired someone that investigates into the truth! In a role she will have to be truthful!” 😮




Well if they never had the parties there wouldn't have been a plot.

I think even if it was a labour “plot” (unlikely) the public would thank them for it, because it removed a man who was unfit for office.

So now the Daily Mail as reporters who are conspiracy theorists hahahaha Boris personally chose Sue Grey you 3 will be telling us labour organised the parties next what dip sticks and they get paid for this shit

Keir Starmer is a genius, arranging all those parties. What a cunning plot… he knew poor old Boris Johnson couldn’t resist a bottle of Rioja and some stale peanuts. He also got loads of extra Clubcard points.

I doubt Labour where involved, otherwise they would have managed to turn the argument in on itself and had a self destructive row instead

Say goodbye to the Mail people

Because labour is scared of Boris

Honestly, what a load of rubbish from the Daily Fail. A x

Daily Mail once again showing they are gutterpress

Said it all along them and MSM

No. It is proof that the Daily Mail is dreadful excuse for a newspaper

Well they didn’t think much of it at the time….

Desperate stuff.

Ahh..Partygate back on the menu... Besides she is leaving a sinking ship..

I’ll say it again. Why the actual f*** do the retweet/display/publicise this fascist rag? It’s not news and hasn’t been for 20 years. It’s a comic for bigots & has no place in mainstream media.

It absolutely baffles me how anyone can read headlines like that and openly admit to reading this rancid publication.

Rather than turning all the blame on our intelligence services for missing a trick how about keeping the focus squarely on the foreign terrorists who actually thought it would be a good idea to bomb a concert full of kids!

No wonder people get fed up of politicians!!!!

Good news for Labour that Partygate back on front pages

Tory BBC platforming the ridiculous Daily Mail yet again. Believe neither, they have their own agenda.

Think the ‘might haves’ ‘could have’ and ‘possibly’ is doing a lot of the lifting here!

With this kind of unhinged headline it can come as little surprise that readership continues to fall and consequently the daily heil is making more journalists redundant.

Haha the daily fail gets worse..boris and all the other tory mps said how great and impartial she was so does that mean they are all liars or just all thick and easily duped

Absolutely, yes.

Almost there Daily Mail. You’ve used the words shaming, horribly wrong, for years on your front page. Strip the rest out and you have your new header.


No, it obviously wasn't.

I think we should wait for Sue Grays' report, before we come to a conclusion.

The dullards will gather towards that.



Surely the bigger question is why is the BBC, out of all tomorrow’s front page spreads, are you pushing this one?

God,you must be thick to believe the twist in that headline.

Betteridge's law.

So Labour plot also includes the met police who were involved after sue gray had revealed some of her findings ? Let’s remember Johnson lied about many things from brexit to Pincher. He was the arbiter of his own downfall at the hands of his MPs who finally could take no more

But how did Starmer force Johnson to have all those parties? Any ideas?

Only if you aren’t interested in the truth.

Nearly every newspaper headline that asks a question can be answered with the word, 'No.' This is a classic example of the genre.

If Faux was a 'news'paper.

No. The partygate probe was a result of the Tory lockdown parties.

Johnson, who ordered the probe and hired her to investigate him and claimed to have been vindicated by her was supposedly dupped by himself for investigating himself and it's all labour's fault even though they're not the party in power... Have I got that right?

No it's just top trolling from Starmer.....

I almost feel sorry for this rag.

Because labour run areas is all about people not wanting be part uk ! This amazing thing Muslim people mixing loving arms ! The family this bomber needs to answer and mosque ! Family knew ! But blame m15 ! Total joke !

The tories and their tory-brexit have devistated the UK. They have become a cult and are no longer conservative just Britain haters

Why no outrage at the Terrorist and his aider & abater and outrage at the machinery of enforcement.

Why is this old bag of hoaxy bollocks being dragged up again? Fear mongering? Division?

Yet again...

Let’s keep increasing business taxes and see who else we can drive out of the U.K. Jeremy_Hunt

中共又灌臭气恶心本人,中国人支那猪真它妈的低贱人种! 才会有中国共产党邪恶反人类政权!

A woman literally renowned for being a scoop driven terrible person. No way, what a shock. Ego is wet as October the now

So much for Singapore on Thames

Hancock and Johnson betrayed the Country

Clearly Hancock does not know what is in the public’s best interests. We do though! He is cooked both sides, well done. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Well done IsabelOakeshott great call 👏

Bet the BBC feel really stupid now pushing lockdowns

Daily Cruel

Amazing Chateau in the French Alps for Harry and Meghan

Is this the biggest news right now?

Why on earth are you tweeting this front page it is yet another newspaper article from a tabloid newspaper based on hearsay from a ‘close friend’ ‘royal insider’ are you not meant to be a news channel not a gossip column

Its the King's right to do with his own property whatsoever he wishes and there's nothing that they can do about it.

Daily Shite 🤦🏻‍♀️

Just ffffffffooooffff you’re not wanted back in this country

They're upset that a house in a different country won't stay empty. Fair enough

Boo hoo...

Stop whining, it's got them what they love most...publicity.

What did they expect? Clapping, cheering, awards for being great humanitarians. Disgusting behaviour! Good riddance.

Poor lambs. I shall hire a full orchestra and send you the bill.

And the BBC gleefully promotes it......


Why They don’t live here anymore 🤔 I’ve heard the travel lodge near Windsor is nice. They can stay there if they ever want to visit 😏

Give it to the child molester?

I heard they went out and had a blast with friends. But hey, who am I to argue with the british tabloid/poison pen biddies/old male gay courtiers who dress up in Liz's gowns ?

The media beging OTT once again, I bet they're not even arssed

They never wanted it ... too small for their lifestyle ... LA mansion is there vibe

ma come stanno messi in Inghilterra?!?

Boo hoo... now jog on you woke prats

The average person really doesn’t care about poor rich people and their petty squabbles.

I’ve got no sympathy for rich people getting evicted from one of their castles 🤷🏻‍♀️

Think it’s called karma. Why the surprise !

Nana said we could stay there.

They live in a 25 million dollar house. Not a true eviction.


not cruel at all - they do not live in england - such awful people


Why..? You both said so yourselves that you hated living there...are you planning to move back... Are you planning on visiting..!! What...!!? What makes you so mad about being evicted..! Doesn't feel good does it..!!?

Not an eviction it you left willingly years ago

Harry can write a new book.

Cruel? Man and woman who make millions trashing their own families and claim to be happy in their life in America are unhappy that the house they do not live in on another continent is being taken away from them? If they are that bothered then buy another one with their millions

Such a wonderful father! Not.


They can always cozy up with uncle Andrew when they come over.

Really? They haven’t said a word about it but still the press print shit

HMKC is an arse allowing Pedo Prince move in

Why are you showing the front page of a newspaper as news?

I'm sure they can handle it with a few yoga exercises on the Netflix profit. 😄

I didn't think they wanted to live in UK?

They walked away from UK and didn’t live in the house, so hardly evicted.

It says a lot about the late Elizabeth II that she had given her consent for Harry to marry for love... and that she had expected her family & subjects to support them. Her judgment was informed by the lessons of a lifetime that no one else seems to have learned.

Seriously, BBC, you are no better than the Daily Express, promoting this sensationalism.

The lease was up

It is terrible what this royal family is doing to one of their own. Come on royals and stop the percussions.

No they wasn't..they was out on the town jollying it up 🤣😂 what a piece of crap story

Oh dear what a shame never mind 😆

Talk about wanting your cake and eating it

Serves them right, they will get what they deserve, nothing !

All for a pedophile.

Oh look the BBC sitting in the gutter and reading the gutter press.

Absolutely disgusting behaviour from the palace!

It's a tied cottage. If you stop turning up for work you get evicted

Who gives a damn

Absolutely nobody cares about harry and Meghan, even the yanks are turning their backs. South Park exposed the truth of peoples opinions

Why should people who are not part of the active Royal Family have access to a royal property? It was their choice to leave royal life and to disparage their family.


How much did KingCharlesTheCruel paid you and the DailyExpressRB ? Wait I lie. I mean the British taxpayers… 😑

But they live in California!!!

Lol. Imagine evicting a family and installing a guy who consorted with sex offenders and sex traffickers and who spent £millions settling a peadophile court case.

what nonsense 'raging' should be ashamed to have this associated with the BBC

Oh my god, there are much important problems in the Uk. Like people waiting hours for an ambulance.

The period of silence from hearing from Harry and Meghan's claims of wrong doing against them is shattered. Why are we extending a hand of kindness to these two most selfish and self-centered individuals such as Harry and Meghan. So they can't stay in the lap of luxury, boo hoo.

Besides this is just another fabricated story from some reptile of a journalist.

What bollox! As if they will be rough sleeping anytime soon! Insulting whinging by two entitled nobodies.

Oh a empty home!! Will they have to pay bedroom tax!! Can homeless move in!! Shame to leave it empty!!

King Charles is trying to distract the public. Because everybody is thinking about Diana before coronation

You can't blame the landlord for kicking you out after what has happened.

They live in California. I doubt they care.

I thought they lived in the us it's a waste for a home to be sitting empty


It's not the fact Harry & Megan had to give up Frogmore,but to be evicted and the house given to Andrew is showing up what a cruel father Charles is,Charles wanted to rub salt in the wound for revenge,he is a very very bad father to treat Harry in this way.

BBC why are you advertising the ‘reliable’ paper that is the Daily Express

H & M bogged off to the US to live, having decided they didn't want to remain in the UK as major royals. Hardly surprising then that the King has told them to Frog Off out of this royal cottage.

no. they did not. one have no way of knowing. one would expect that but God already showed them 'i got you' all the pagentry can be a pile of dust 1 day. Great power means great responsibilty & they r very irresponsible with it. we send our lawyers to deal with him & his consort.

You don’t want to be hounded by the press, but you go out of your way to go on every media talk show. You lie and I’m sorry to say it Harry turned your back on your people. Shame on you, you’ve been blinded by love. She will leave u for publicity

good job King Charles 👍👍👍 now please off with their titles too.

A house paid by the taxpayers.

Won't be able to sleep tonight

Pathetic. Spoilt rich man living in America does not need a property funded by the taxpayer. Let’s all grow up!

No One Cares. Stabbed the RF members in the back, told terrible lies, are disloyal while still taking Charles' money. The King has made a good choice, now ask the government to take away their titles. We are sick of them moaning and playing the victim card.

They don’t want to be here anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️

Not as if the bailiffs are on the way with a court order..!!

Another book incoming ! Ffs

Usual express crap

Why the hell does Andrew get it? He should get nothing for free, except perhaps a cell. Give it to a charity to help homeless or children in need.

How can you be evicted from somewhere you don’t live ?

Can we stop making these two headliners? Leave it to the gossip magazines and keep newspapers and online news for the more interesting stuff? Stop feeding the beasts.

I’m still not sure it should be taken off them when the queen gave it to them on their marriage.

Did they really ? This being Reported by a paper that doesn’t report a lot of truth.

They have said their never coming back so what does it matter.

At the end of the day they live in a we America and they wanted that option . The king has full right to do it and if they come over to visit then they get put up in one of the places the king has eg Buckingham palace , Windsor castle etc . They can’t have best of both worlds


It's like the King is in town. Let's clear out the riff raff, hide all the poor people & get rid of all the other garbage so all looks primp & proper. Duh.🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Why do you let this happen o your daughters ?

Soo cruel. Lol THEY DONT LIVE in this country and we certainly don’t want them back.

Don't you have to be present for an eviction?

They don't care. They left the UK and don't want to return. That's fine. The cottage can't remain empty forever. What's all the fuss about?

Privileged people.

Spectacular OG by Charley boy

How is it cruel? They don't live here any more!

They are victims yet again - it’s worth another season on Netflix 🙄

Big Brothers gone down hill

Couldn’t care less about Mr and Mrs pointless, long live the king

Where ,show we where they have raged.

What’s far more important is are they going to be refunded for what they paid in full for it? Remember, our taxes don’t support them anymore; they’re self financing. The DailyMail , the Cambridge’s publicity brown nose sycophantic propaganda machine wouldn’t headline this!

Nobody cares 😴

They want to dismantle the privileges of the monarchy AND keep them?

Millionaires living in a $8m home get kicked out of a property owned by the people they endlessly attack. Too bad snowflakes.

I am sure some of you will not be singing LONG LIVE THE KING

The never happy are never happy

Repercussions of your Memoirs. Amen, you told the Truth and they cannot digest it. Now tell us how the wicked Queen Killed your Mom. The MI 6 guy has told it how he did it by cutting the Brake cables.

Why? You don’t live in UK, you live in America

I thought Frogmore was gifted to them by the late Queen.

I suspect there are thousands of crueller evictions every year... Poor families who never reach the headlines

Thought they just went out on the piss?

But they 'escaped'. What are they moaning about now? Her fans keep posting photos of their 16 bathroom complex in sunny Montecito saying 'she'll be fine'. Great, stay there then! (Hopefully Harry and the kids will be fine too, but they were forgotten)

Oh MailOnline Daily_Express will be publishing stories about Royals for days to take the heat off Johnson, Hancock, Sunak and there despicable covid behaviour. When you see a Royal spread look for the story story hiding.

Another lie 🥱 and don't you have more important news to report? Gosh!!

Charles, AKA King, shows his tough side. Offering to his Perv Brother is rather cruel though.

Not cruel at all. They don’t live there. They made clear they don’t want to come back. So it’s just logical.

And the cottage goes to Andrew?

AAAHHHH.. My heart really goes out to them. I cannot keep the tears from flowing. Back to reality I could not care less. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

We’re they planning to move back into the cottage? If not, then surely isn’t it better that it is used rather than be left empty? Perhaps they could have a suite of rooms in one of the palaces when they next visit?

They're never there? I don't see the problem.

Why does pander to Daily_Express trolling of the Sussexes? The Hampstead Village Voice does not recognise the Daily_Express’s right to exist. It is the lowest form of gutter press.

It hasn't been their primary residence for over a year and they haven't been paying rent during that period. Personally, I think Charlie should send the bailiffs round post haste to remove their goods and chattels

Daily Express is this front page Headline news. Poor state of British Newspapers

Thoughts & prayers 🙄


I have a feeling the biographer is trying to stirr up more sales of the book. Why would those two care? They aren't coming back are they?

Do they know the definition of ‘cruel’ 🤷‍♂️

Ludicrous. Evicted, when they live in a luxurious California mansion, they and their supporters sneer at their rarely-visited UK residence as a 'hovel', and they say they feel 'unsafe' over here?

Well I was made homeless by a no fault eviction notice, so why not Harry ? Welcome to my world.

They have only topped there 3 times in 3 yrs they will have to stop in a posh hotel in London if/when they ever come back? Poor things

‘Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!’ The mantra of todays press and exemplified by the BBC. There is probably a simple, practical reason behind all of this as the King in particular does not like waste. That house stands empty 9/10ths of the year 🤷‍♂️

The great BBC has been reduced to half a broadsheet.

Eviction implies residency. Wrong word!

Interesting choice of rag to share as 'news'

Tell em to go and play with some tiger sharks!!!

Ah diddums! And it’s not like they have the means to afford their own £50m Mansion ….. Oh wait a min….

No they don't, they don't even use it anymore. But maybe the monarchist will be happier it's given to a nonce!

I mean they aren't even living in it

Why is it so surprising

Why are you peddling this fiction?

Since when do humans smile during eviction Y'all racist are acting like human are happy been evicted

What the hell did they expect?

Who gives a fcuk if he's evicted from the 10 bedroom cottage he doesn't live in anyway etc. I'm more concerned about a single parent evicted from their 1 bed damp-ridden flat by a rogue landlord that the Tories don't care about because so many of them are landlords.

What utter nonsense! You can’t be evicted from a house you don’t live in for gods sake!

Since when is an express headline news? Ffs bbc you can do better.

Hardly eviction. They are never there!

Why are you sharing the Express headline now Incredible!! They can do that themselves y’know. Not even pretending to be balanced anymore. Very disappointing BBC

Once upon a time the BBC had class. Now they are a simple controlled and manipulated propaganda establishment. 'When the head is bad, the whole body is rotten'.

Ah, diddums.

They ain’t lived there for ages so what’s the point

Sucks to be them.

Why why why. They deserted the country to become Oprah's bitches take back their homes. Titles. Money. Privileges. They want to be Americans so good riddance to the prince who deserted his country

They live in The States through choice. They gave up their 'tenancy'.

What's cruel about it ? Frogmore is a Crown Estate used by WORKING Royals .

Is this a true headline? The daily express has said there is a polar vortex heading our way for a good few weeks now.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣what do they expect they moved away don't want to be working Royals but want all of the benefits. If they visit they can share with Andrew

How can they be evicted from a home they no longer live in

Clearly this is all fake news, another source close to them…😂🤣 utter bollocks

Tired of hearing about these two underwhelming, entitled, ungrateful whiners. May they fade into media obscurity soon.

Not sure why the state should provide a holiday home for a couple who so obviously hate the state

oh dear! poor things they don't derserve to live here! well done King Charles 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Anyone that believes newspapers when they quote unnamed sources is a fool.


What did he expect? Imagine Charles didn’t Spare a thought for the upstart. He had a very comfortable life thank you very much, but he couldn’t help himself. So tears shed. I just pity those fools who bought his book. The whole print run should have ended up being pulped.


It needs to be lived in

🤣 they left

How is it cruel? They chose to live in America and the house is just lying there vacant. Tough!! I say.

Cruel? I don’t think so. Practical and common sense decision.

Good to see taxpayers money well spent on the BBC’s unrivalled journalism

More and more it seems like daily soap

But they live in US to be away from the public (🤣🤣🤣). How can you move out from the house you don’t live in anyway? 🧐

Get them out!


There's 3 sides to every story: Theirs, His and the truth.

How do you know? Have you spoken to them directly or is it just another click bait headline ? Don’t you think there are more important things to report about ?

Unless it is a direct quote, I will always call BS at the British Media quoting Harry and Meghan. Sorry, don't Trust them.

British public is more upset about them than nonce Prince Andrew.. 🤣🤣🤣

They want everything for nothing. Big fancy wedding no doubt not a penny spent by them. A fancy house that people can only dream of. Just a pair leeches

She didn't like the place anyway, she once said she didn't marry a Prince to live in a house!!!!! Ungrateful!!


The thing im bothered about is the fact they’ve given it to a nonce now, some royal family these are, they’re nothing but dirty little nonce protectors AbolishTheMonarchy

Now king Charles is cruel for evicting harry and Meghan Markle. King Charles has reasons for doing so .

Soap opera by a bunch of fabricated characters.

They get to play victims again. Bit more money now for them.

They don't live here!!

Why would they be raging for a property they stayed in for less than 2 years? How can they be evicted from a house in a country they don't live in? The media just get worse everyday.

Well done the King 👏👏👏👏

And the world applauds King Charles.

For goodness sake they ain't homeless are they! They don't like this country, his family or us.

Great news . Get rid of their titles now so we don’t have to listen to the poisonous pair

Because one home in another country isn’t enough! 🙄

Meh children what did you expect child Out that energy on world food or migrants Wasteful lives

What did they expect

Why is this news with the utter shit show that is going on in our country and abroad? No one cares anymore about this nonsense. Move on.

But they don't live there. They rent it to someone else. Which is not why they were given the use of the house in the first place. Its a grace and favours house for services rendered. This have not done any services for them. So conducting no function there.

For what they have done ,and their in a rage, wow, get rid of titles now

Why are you giving this tabloid trash a platform to spew its bile?

There must be some big Royal or Political shyte about to hit the fan to wheel out the hate machine against H and M again. No wonder this couple now live overseas

Really? When there's how many people on the streets or are facing actual eviction with nowhere to go? They need to get over themselves if that's how they feel

I thought they was never coming back to the UK?

Harry & Megan through the stones and have said they don't want toncome back or they don't want to be part of the royal family so you don't get the luxuries that they get.

Moral of the story is don't bite the hand that feeds.

They rented the property, they renewed the lease last year and the 12 month contract will be up soon. Both are multi millionaires, its not like they will be on the streets begging for money.

It's not like H&M wont have anywhere to stay if they come back to the UK. How many homes does Charles have use of? How many does he actually own. H&M will be able to bunk up in one of them.

Maybe it’s something to do with climate change. We will all have to make do and live a little more frugally with one less cottage in the future.

Can you be evicted if you aren't living there 🙄

rest of us rage at “cruel book”

Charles seems like a vindictive revengeful person. He could have been the bigger person and said : “i’m very hurt by what Harry did but he is my son and I will always love him”. By doing that he shows empathy and a true example of a king. I mean this isnt the middle age anymore.

Vulnerable people all over the world really are being evicted, & some of them have nowhere to go but the streets. Housing is in crisis. Renting is in crisis. It hardly makes the news. But this...

The Express, always with its finger on the pulse of the real stories the British public are concerned with.


And where is your source.

No they don't.

Tomorrows papers; Right wing, british nationalist lies and hatred. Racism bigotry and colonialism.

Who cares

'Cake' and 'eat it' spring to mind.

More lies/inaccuracies by desperate media to sell their rag 🙄

Just noticed they charge £1.20 for this rag. I wouldn’t pay 12p

Seriously, must be a slow day at the gutter media.

This is not news, it is a distraction. What about ToryCorruption and Covidtestingfailure now that is news

The treat Harry and Meghan are getting from the Royal family will be the Royal Family down fall public will in the end turn their back on the Royal Family all in good time the end is near

Royals4Peados 🤮🚮 AbolishTheMonarchy NotMyKing

I wonder if Harry will tell his dad that the King is being horrible to him and his woman. James Hewitt will be straight round the palace to have it out with him.

He abdicated. Go away. So sick of this story.

Paid 4.2.miĺion for Kensington Palace appartment 1a to be renovated for kate and william they don't stay there are they going to be evicted from there.

We're braced for your next book of misery and dirt. Bring it on.


Oh no !! They have one house left

I doubt they'll end up on the street selling Big Issue

Sources say 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 made up bollocks again !!!!!!

Surely this action of claiming Frogmore House back from Harry and Meghan is based on 'YOU DON'T GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING' - No Royal Duties, no Royal Household. - Do you agree?

please stop regurgitating this nonsense. It's pure distraction


Poor babies! They treat their family like shit by spreading lies about them and yet they expect special treatment and cry when they don't receive it from King Charles III and the rest of the Royal Family? Forgive me for not giving a flying fart about either of them!

With so many people living in poverty around the world. With kids growing up malnourished or dying because they live in flats with mould on the walls inside and air pollution outside. I find it incredible that these spoilt rich kids get away with this constant poor us schtick

I thought H&M had moved on! After trashing their family for 3 years with books tv interviews, press interviews etc etc and I thought they hated the Uk What’s a Dad to do?! He’s been a great Dad. Shame he’s such a terrible son and an awful daughter in law!!!

More boring royal gossip claptrap?

Charles always said he would cut back on Royal expenditure when he became King, he’s obviously sticking to his word. I’m sure the Sussex’s can afford a nice hotel if they come to stay.

Keeping Sunak’s balls up and Hancock’s lies off the front pages and off Twitter with a bullshit story about a couple you continually tell us you just want to go away, and yet you continually print/share this crap. We see you Daily_Express We see you Shame on you.

Twaddle. Meanwhile Hancock though eh?

An example of poor journalism by Richard Palmer (Royal Correspondent) who quotes 'sources close to the couple'. What utter drivel, sounds like Richard Palmer (Royal Correspondent) needs to go back, if he ever went, to journalism classes.

Is there no end to the sense of ‘entitlement’ of these two? They chose to quit!

Hardly an eviction, his book slates his family, he left his job, he moved to US and hasn’t a nice word for his family. What a waste of a house to lay standing empty… they are right to use it than see it decay

You can’t continue to benefit from an institution you are bent on pulling down, too sad you are losing your heritage to a rock bound relationship

Didn't they use their own money to update the cottage?

But they don’t live here they choose to live in US , what did they expect. They can spend some the millions they have made rubbishing their families and buy their own place if they feel hard done by.

1. Why is BBC News promoting tabloids? I thought they werent meant to advertise and that's part of the reason we pay a license fee? 2. Lies. 3. More lies.

They have done nothing for the U.K. apart from winge and complain, so they should be evicted byebyeharryandmegan 👍🏻

what on earth did they expect

How to start a hatred campaign....

Soon to be on a special edition of 'Send the Bailiffs'.

There are plenty of suites of rooms at the other royal residences where they can stay. You cannot leave a house empty for most of the year, when it can be used by others.

How many homeless in UK ? Yet scum newspapers and the BBC focus on multi millionaires being kicked out of a home they don’t own in a country where they don’t live ? Welcome to Shit Britain.

Regardless of tweets saying 'it was gifted by the Queen', the property belongs to the Crown Estate not to the deceased queen, H&M or King Charles III. They left and have no intentions of coming back so why should it stay empty for say 355 days of the year


Now they know what it's like for thousands of families being evicted. 🤔 no they don't they are multi millionaires and live in California and didn't own frog Manor, I'm sure there's lot of rooms available in one of the Palaces like Buckingham Palace with hundreds of security.

Or respecting their choices ?


Some people don’t have one house near mind 1 in each country Greedy bas?ards

Nobody evicted anybody . Don’t distort the real news . Misinformation .

franbulwer Stop sharing the Express racist rag

Lol! Such arrogance. This will not end well!

Doubt it!

Cruel? They don't even fucking live in the UK anymore.

hahahaha... 'cruel eviction'... ?

And the Daily Express know this How exactly? 🙄

Well of course they do. Who wouldn't be raging at being asked to leave a property they don't pay for and never use? Why do they need it?

Harry has given so much to that family

They should loose any perks of being royals including title

Hardly an eviction plus they can afford to buy their own home !

Are they homeless? Is it time for us all to have a whip round🤔

Well, maybe they shouldn't have thrashed their family globally.. Just maybe

Well this so called story keep others off the front pages. WindsorAgreement

It’s called KARMA. Well done Charles for having the balls to do it👍👍👍

Who gives a shit. Let them crack on with their worldwide privacy tour and stop giving them press. They're nobodies.

I love how people read paper headlines and think it's actually coming from the people they're talking about rather than a hater talking about them

RoyalFamily Rogue Landlords! 2023 Britain! Monarchy

After they have dished the dirt on their own family for a couple of years..HARD LUCK .

Rage? Who?

Who cares, the ginger whinger has relinquished royal duties, so no perks from a previous life. stopwhingingginge

How about you stop amplifying the Mail and Express and go find some news.

Wow its not like there living on the street

Disasters with an I

They want their free council house but live in the USA 🤷‍♂️

I doubt it.

Is that really necessary. Who is interested in this story. Windsor Family clear this behind closed doors PLS. And Harry: tragic but only from Desasters we get stronger 😎

God lord the crazy brits are at it again. Raging Rag Reporters. Wasn't the BBC respectable once. Now they beg for scraps from the royal rotters.

How is it to have a child as King? How is it to watch him destroy all respect for the monarchy?

Who gave you that bogus headline! Behave 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Harry and Meghan wanted out?

They willingly stopped being working royals, they willingly left the UK. They did interviews about their privacy. They don't like this, that and the next thing. It's not all about them. The DE should be showing respect to the King.

Give and take eh!

You are quoting the Daily Express? Gross

BBC retweeting the Daily Express on something Harry and Meghan 'may' have said? Utter gutter press. Just stop the hate. Please.

DailyExpress have no idea how H&M feel about this. CRIII probably didn’t even ‘evict’ them. No doubt he’s moving the pedo into the cottage & arranging for H&M to stay with him when they visit 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ At least people have stopped talking abt entertainment for the coronation…

Imagine being evicted from your home by your own father so that your pedophile uncle can move in. Yup, that's what's happened.

Rage at cruel eviction, what did they expect would happen. They moved to California, rejected his country, spouted untruths in a book and still expect apologies. Maybe now they will begin to realise how they are both viewed

What did they expect good

Maybe his real dad can find them a place.

Why is it cruel? They don’t even live in uk anymore or intend to

Oh cry me a river. There are people in the world with REAL problems

Cruel eviction? they didn't live there they stopped there when they were in the UK, they have other houses it's countries that can stand them that they're running out of.

Nearly as cruel to the time Meghan called Harry’s dying grandmother a racist

'Rage' ? Odd word choice given they would never speak with your reporters about any of this. Really the worst.

This is a total nonsense


How is it cruel? They wanted to leave the monarchy, then leave the monarchy. It is not like living in their plush California mansion is living in a van on the beach.

Does this look like 'rage'? Were they 'incandescent'? So angry they went out to dinner with friends?

They moved out in 2020 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Spare me and your bs, leave them alone ffs

BBC news is in the gossip rag game now?

The geriatrics seems to be having their temper tantrums flying off the handles hell bent on baby sitting the pedophile uncle

Joke is on the haters, nobody heard it from Meghan. Who is the source?BBC papers need to sell their paper.

Excellent. I hope they're fuming as hard as they did about South Park.

Meanwhile in the real world ordinary people are struggling with energy bills, food bills, poor public services, long waits for ambulances, environmental crisis, government ministers fleecing the country…

This is of course fake news with these “sources closed to Harry and Meghan”. Harry has the courage to say it as it is publicly and surely he doesn’t need to say it or Express via “sources”. Anyway, the BBC does a big disservice by knowingly spreading Express fake news.

Am yes the couple is “stunned” by this and “can’t find another place to stay when or if they go to England”…says royal experts, insiders, know-it-alls…

Typical day for neutered Harry these days. She kissed a price and turned him into a frog

Or is it just your rage at the daily express to constantly harass these two.

bbc when will you stop repeating fake news, you dirty your own hands.

well done Charles

They don’t live in the house can you explain what’s cruel about it ? I’m sure you have an “expert”

Charles & Camilla like to play games.

They really hate them over there.

Let them use their millions to rent a pied-à-terre in London. After all, they chose to leave the royal family.

Interesting since Harry and Meghan said NOBODY can speak for them but themselves and that anything posted by 'sources close to the couple' is completely bullish!t.🙄

Charles once again shoots off his own foot. He seriously hates his son Harry. And what is up w/him continuing to pile royal privileges on his alleged pedophile brother, giving him free housing & security detail for life? Not a very kingly look in 2023. KingCharlesTheCruel

Has Chuck found anyone to perform at his coronation?

'The Royal Tent', will be the next hot item selling in uk.

Stop with the dramatic headline and click bait article BBC! The duo had not renewed their lease since 2022 and how long is the Crown expected to wait to re-lease the premises? In keeping with frugality and responsibility, KC111 is releasing it.

The Empire Struck Back.. Did they expect the movies to stop?

You are losing credibility pushing this trash. The tabloids still in bed with BP. KingCharlesTheCruel

Who cares?

disown own ur parent

His disrespected the King his disrespect his Camilla, he has disrespected the late Queen when her husband lay dying, his kidnapped Princess Diane memory for financial gain, he has even discussed and written about his brother manhood and his wingding about privacy

Media crap I'm sure they haven't said any such thing to the media press more shit to make the haters hate more

Andrew will get Frogmore and Harry can stay with his uncle when they visit. Andy can then babysit. Sorted. Or rent a room at Buckingham Palace

Funny that the BBC are stoking the fire of anti royalty sentiment and quoting the Express ! It just shows me that the BBC is rotten to its core and a complete waste of the licence fee !

jomilleweb 🤣🤣🤣Rage all they want. They’re non performing assets. Termites.

Man who lottery, edicts man and wife who also won the life lottery. Meanwhile millions face eviction because a corrupted govt has forced economical hardship, through financial manipulation

By evicting Prince Harry and his young family from Frogmore Cottage The King prove he can not careless about his son. The cottage was a present from the late queen and Prince Harry paid for the refurbishment! How such a selfish man can carry the crown...🤔

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 worst of it all is that they were evicted to rehouse a paedo !

We so feel for them … NOT

jomilleweb 🤣🤣🤣

Oh yep - living in a mansion in LA and being besties with the Clooneys is such a drag.

THEY opted out of the royal family…… THEY stopped doing ‘royal duties’ …….. why the hell should we pay for THEIR house If they are being paid a single penny of tax payers money or using state property it is wrong. Go be a celebrity couple…. Earn your own money !!!

Oh...poor guys, they will have to sleep rough now.

No it’s not cruel or anything. The King did the right thing and acts by putting the country first. They’re never home only back for special occasions! Andrew doesn’t need a massive 30 bedroom home there’s only him and 2 little doggies etc 5 bedroom frogmore is best place to go.

This is what happens when you marry the help.

Print a real story will ya. Pathetic

They are cruel to their family so its backfires

“Rage” according to which named source? Try and be credible with your clickbait

Not cruel, they don’t live in Uk don’t want be part. Royal family , get out

Media has to sell newspapers, sheesh.

They deserve it

If I decide to emigrate to the other side of the world I wouldn't expect Mummy and Daddy to keep a multi-million pound house waiting for me if I came back for a weekend

Good. Let them stay in a hotel.

Didn't they want to not be involved? They seem to not want to do Royal duties but didn't mind the perks.

Somebody has to make way for paedophilic Andy

Worst king ever

If you attack your own family what do you expect?


The whole story is very sad and Megan is so evil and she is a disaster for Harry. It's as if some American anti-royalist dangerous groups paid her to harass every member of the UK Kingdom little by little.

Cruel eviction my arse! Now drop the Titles too. How dare they dishonour my County of Sussex!

Lease ran out.. 🤔

Love it or List baby!

How can they be evicted from a property they don't even live in. They live thousands of miles away. Should have happened a while ago

Charles is acting just like a spoiled brat who doesn’t respect the freedom of speech so he showing his true colours by evicting his own son just to give it to his other son.

It's only because of security problems for Harry and family. Something he seems to have brought on himself, along with his wife.

Well, I'll say this.. All things considered .. toxicity of heirs certainly assures younger brother will lack all credibility as diplomat over a marriage. The marriage clearly is a close matter to Harry,. and thats good. He could still be diplomat realizing Windsor wont change

Who told you they were raging ? Was it Queen Hoe or King Tampon ?

Running out of wriggle room is always fascinating,

And to think the BBC once set the standard for journalism. 🤦🏾‍♀️ You keep lowering your standards while Harry and Meghan continue to live their lives. I am now fully on board with ending the TV License.

Yes I’m sure being multi millionaires and getting kicked out of your 5 bedroom cottage by your father is a harrowing experience

Oh look. Charles getting flack for interfering in politics, so let’s wheel out the Harry Meghan deflection train. How about a headline saying King evicts son from the property the son paid for in favour of his disgraced brother.

The only ppl that are mad are the Brits...can't get over harry left


Charles Windsor prefers to support a paedophile ahead of his son! He’s not fit to be king. I hope H&M now blow the whole institution away by revealing the truth about the paedophile prince NotMyKing

No they didn't 'rage'... So many of you are 🦇💩🤪 crazy & obsessive. It wreaks of psycho ex who can't let go. Harry and Meghan have a good life (away from you & in spite of you). It was nice of them to update that shack with their own money. They can write it off as charity...

Speculation! Speculation! Speculation!

Opinions! Opinions! Opinions!

Is this the house they dissed, the one they don't live in, in the country they no longer reside in? 🤔

They live in a $20 million mansion in California. This really isn’t an ‘eviction’. Look at the homeless in the UK and the many other hi will lose their homes in the current economic and cost of living crisis.

A property they don’t own, they are incredibly annoying! The nerve to be unhappy having to give up a mansion, servants, etc. for free at taxpayers expense 🤮🤮

Going to be in a doorway off trafalgar Square are they? Do you know how many people are actually, and acutely, homeless in this country?

Yellow press



They don’t want to give a second? home they aren’t occupying for the sake of a man who’s about to become homeless?

Nothing cruel about it, this what happens when you tell lie after lie about your family, now it’s time to also take their royal titles

The Express is nothing more than a daily version of the Sunday Sport. Who the hell buys this rag for their daily news?

No they are not. Stop fucking lying

What was cruel about it? It’s not like he threw them out to live on the street. They didn’t live there. Only visited a few times a year at most.

Don’t be distracted

Hahahaha 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸

Do you ever tweet papers other than facist rags? You stir division and hate. You should be ashamed. BrokenMedia

The same antidepressants prescribed by the NHS ? 🤔

Come off Antidepressants i dont think so there the only thing that can help with the chemical balance in the brain

Rage? Really? Or just more press lies to be added to the ever growing mountain?

All instigated by Cruelle De Vil camillathehomewrecker CamillaTheMistress CamillaParkerBowlesIsABully CamillaTheSidePiece CamillaIsNotOurQueen camilla

Poor Meghan and Harry. They can buy their own home in UK 🇬🇧

TheLiesTheLiesTheLies 😂

Christalmighty! 'Meghan and Harry rage at cruel eviction from house they haven't lived in for three years and have no intention of moving back to.' Sure, this happened. SURE.

No, they don't.

Oh so nothing about Madazolam MattHancock 🙄

Unless they have been served a section 21, eviction is invalid; actually, anyone in the least bit bothered by this news story is bonkers. There are families in the UK who can't afford their rent + homes being repossessed as mortgage rates rise. Sort out your priorities.

You don’t do papers anymore…..

Who says?

Are you back to advertising Harry's book again?

Are they inventing a time machine ?

“…according to one of their closest allies…” translated: media lies to create a story to wind readers up, or create a negative narrative about H & M, perpetuating the backlash!

Seen them go out a couple of hours ago. They didn't look that bothered!

jomilleweb Hmmm. So none of their actions are cruel? Delusional, self important couple.

Oh my goodnes! What in the devil is the House of Windsor trying to cover up now?🤔 It has to be epic... BBC n ToxicBritishMedia.... I hope they're not annoying 👇****** 🧐


May be because your behaviour towards your family was cruel.

Let's correct a little bit, shall we? The Daily Express say Harry and Meghan 'Rage' at ....'

They’re quite literally taking the piss out of you now.

Headline should read “Multi Millionaires lose one of their homes” during a cost of living crisis.

Hasn't Andrew's daughter Eugenie been living there since the Sussex's moved to the USA? Is King kicking his niece out in favour of his bother now?

The only rage here is that we are paying you a tv licence when you are nothing but a propaganda spreading, lying organisation perpetuating gutter tabloid press lies & doing the royal family’s bidding. You days are numbered bbc AbolishTheMonachy

Harry thought his family could be use as a punching bag without consequences… mistake!

jomilleweb Cruel eviction😂😂 They don’t live there, they don’t work for the Crown, they don’t like Britain, they clearly detest the RF so why should they keep it? They chose this, they ARE NOT victims🙄

Let them rage.

Poor things. Just make sure you’re gone

I bet they couldn’t give a fuck

'daily express'... Did they though?

Did you notice Charles got called out yesterday for being politically incorrect and suddenly today the media is all about Harry. Is anyone seeing a trend here? The Media protecting the King’s wrongs

Oh please. It's not like they've been booted out of their forever home is it? They whined enough about being given it in the first place and have used probably all of 5 or 6 times. They don't live here and they don't even visit really so why do they need it?

I bet they don’t care at all it’s just the tabloids getting stories from Camilla.

Big babies 👶

From a house they're not living in and not intending to live in.

No, a family getting evicted from their home because they are behind with their rent is cruel. Not having a 'grace & favour' holiday cottage for occasional use away from their primary 10 bedroom mansion home anymore is common sense.

Sure. They look so bummed.

So that little hiatus is over and they’re back. I guess the money has to keep coming in from somewhere 🥱

Blacks So he sleeps allegedly with an 18yr old makes him a pedophile 😆 but in Africa you can take underage girls virgins for debt and enslave what is proof and u don’t bang on about ur dirty own 🤣 al let you work that out 🤪

Tough shit. Some of us can’t afford to buy food except for turnips and we’re all struggling to pay our fuel bills etc. Zero sympathy!!

Not sure they are too bothered, one less link of dependency to the pedo King.

My dad's logic was that if you cried for no good reason, he would give you something to cry about.

Nit because it a grade 2 listed building left empty. To the weather unsupervised

I think that ship sailed a while ago.

I think it's normal that Harry has been evicted, because he don't look like his Dad Charles but rather James Hewitt...

jomilleweb Cruel!? Are they even paying the upkeep on a property they've literally visited 2x since they left!?!! Rubbish. Know what is cruel? Attacking your Sister in Law who has always moved heaven and earth to help you.

Hope CoS, titles & LoS are next! Can we evict them from the USA?

I think KC has been super kind. They went on Natl TV, spit & stepped on the family that gave them their platform, felt Frogmore was beneath them, didn’t care that the Queen’s husband was on his death bed and filmed thinking the Queen would still be alive. They’re repulsive!


Holloway Prison is closed now Styal it will have to be 🤷‍♂️hopefully 👍

More wealth envy from the socialist I see

Get them to watch Ken Dodd, that'll cheer them up

I am welling up! 🤣🤣🤣

Will they be seen sitting on the floor outside Aldi tomorrow, l doubt it. My heart pumps p*ss for them and all the clingon royals. Interbred to death .

Thats what happens when your child is born in USA and is susceptible to US tax system. Thats what you get for letting a woman full of pregnancy hormones make major decisions based on emotions.

Eviction from a place they don’t live in and tampon Charlie the living father giving it to the perv paedo prince. Does this belong to us the taxpayer?

All Charles really wants is to be an arse. He and Camilla are bonded in cruelty that started with Diana and didn't end with her death. He knows what this decision does. Camilla's children will be moving to royal estates soon.

I’ve heard the relatives of the 25 Talibans Harryshot are putting money together to get them a house in clapham 😆 WorldWidePrivacyTour

Seeing as the property is empty and was refurbished not long ago, can't we place a load of asylum seekers in their? Our hotels are full

Now they don't have an address there maybe they can remove his citizenship ...fingers crossed

I highly doubt they are raging 🙄 makingitallup

What while this government is in control good luck with that.

Why aren't the British people raging that he's putting Andrew there? Do they like supporting a pedophile?

Plenty of room in it for migrants


What about helping the millions on waiting lists? What about sorting out their A&E first?

Thursday's Express: (not) 🙄 Don't they live in America though?🤔

Hey if I left my house because I moved away my landlord would have someone in that property within days or even hours so get over it life can be hard it's not like you were put on the street with your kids and possessions in the rain

Is it even possible to 'evict' someone from their holiday home?

Totally justified if you ask me with the way Meghan and her little lapdog Harry have treat the Royal family in their Netflix farce and trashy book!

It would help if life in Britain wasn't so depressing at present.

I’m sure Harry and Megan don’t care 😂

Tory rag

Not exactly barefoot and homeless with their worldly possessions in a few old bags now are they?

Where did people see or hear Harry and Meghan raging?. They live in America they've moved long time ago!. Where did they rage?. Huh. 😑🤷‍♀️😒 HarryandMeghan

Good for King Charles. About time this deluded and nasty pair paid some consequences for their cruelty.

They are living it up in California, don't really think they are bothered about some stuffy house near their stuffy relatives. They probably said they didn't want it anymore so certain members of the Firm rang the Express to print that they evicted them.

sadly they are in the ewa and making money for this as I would expect a sequel after the coronation. Harry and Meagan have it so difficult. maybe a go fund my trip back home?

Only one cure... GET RID OF THE THIEVING LYING CORRUPT TORRIES.. an instant cure for being depressed.

jomilleweb Rage away. It was the right move. Moving Prince Andrew in is perfect!

It’s hardly an eviction, they don’t live here and don’t intend to - their life is in USA now

The Covid scam has been the worst crime against humanity since the Holocaust. The truth is seeping out now.

They couldn't have found someone better than Prince Andrew?

Will Done King Charles. Titles Next!

The Covid scam has been the worst crime against humanity since the Holocaust. The truth is flooding out now.

jomilleweb they 'literally had to grab their child and flee for their lives' from there…

Absolute bullshit!

So odd that a media outlet would promote their competition’s headlines. Why does the BBC do this?

What did they expect? You go around bad mouthing your landlord (and his family), and you should expect repercussions. Do these wokes live in a world where actions have no consequences?

We no longer have a NHS. The Covid scam saw to that.

Oh. The government is stepping down

Maybe if there was adequate support, such as talking therapies, counselling etc etc, people might not turn to them. Which should be available if you're on antidepressants anyway, ideally.

Imagine having multiple millions and not even living in the same country as the property you've been evicted from and calling that cruel. Meanwhile the everyday person is struggling to get by, living month to month, or even week to week in the middle of a cost of living crisis.

Clearly the justice system doesnt apply to the tories. How is she still not in prison?

Great. Maybe we might even get a cure for cancer in next 200 years.

chef tom Jesus offers eternal life , free immortality big boy pants

9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 1 Thessalonians 5

This is the worst front page :D baby in danger title next to the most charging pic of the day makes things awkward

Sunak would burn his neighbour’s house down and the express would claim it’s a heroic thing that he got them a BnB for the night

🙄🙄🙄Prince William better watch his back because if Camilla can replace his mother and now her son can replace his brother Harry, who is next on the King's list to keep his wife happy. the royal jesters have finally lost their minds, pushing the family's personal power plays!

What bloody 'Brexit Boost'? You mean NI gets what we all used to have but now don't, and we should be celebrating? No chance

He’s a bully and useless

Seriously you have to understand loyalists do not care about anything other than the union , politicians mean nothing to them they come and go but the union will remain

NHS was killed by the Covid scam. End of. No argument.

Are the BBC and Daily Mail blaming the police yet?

Tories helping everyone but the Uk.😞😞

Why do journalists tweet journalists copy? Could it be because of the cosy backslapping cartel?

When are the Tory’s going to stop the police enforcing blasphemy laws for islamists and get them to arrest these extremists

What a load of absolute tosh - burnt the house down but just supplied a new door

Labour mp’s is that

No surprise with 'dads' history.

Time to sell the NHS off. It's beyond repair without privatisation

Tell chef Tom there's no such thing as free school meals. The taxpayer pays

Not sure why he thinks the dup would care about that.

World beating, apparently. 🙄

Torture should be legally sanctioned in such situations. Someone's life is at stake and they won't help because they know they are fully protected by the British courts.

This gentleman is so lucky to get a second chance. Thanks to the generous donor family & medical expertise. 👏👏

There’s almost an admission there the Johnson oven ready deal wasn’t that oven ready after all…..

Let's hope that somewhere along the line that they have passed the baby on to someone for safe keeping. So much unknown about this case.

Sarah Vine is not very nice , and seemingly very daft .

So Westminster rule of Stormont

Absolutely insane. And shameless

All the sad tearful remoaners will be reaching for their boxes of tissues again after this lovely Brexit boost! 🤣🤣🇬🇧🇬🇧

Sounds democratic

Hope do they know, or you, that the baby is dead?

Nooooo... It's for NI...

UK? You mean Northern Ireland and the EU. The rest of the UK is up to its armpits in sewage and a weak immune system from the lack of tomatoes!

This time next year Rodders!

This time next year Rodders!

Remember the £300m UK Gov invested in the LEVC plant in Coventry?

I thought this was NoContextBrits at first.

And some will believe this revisionist view of something that the entire UK had before 2016. They walk amongst us.

Utterly shameless...

So the rest of the UK now has a back door into the European Union 🇪🇺 single market. Boom 💥

citing The Daily Star 🙄

How much is it costing the British tax payer though

brexit boost for the Conservatives BrexitDeal hopefully

Mange Tout Rodney! onlyfoolsandhorses ofah

How to spot a tit is a good heading. Goodnight. 💋

Freedom of movement to renegotiated next watch this space brexit my arse we’re going back in through the back door ,

No words

3K£ a year 🤔

Good grief. How low can they go?

Kings and Queens of the GREAT UK .... FU***K

Didn't think the police had found the baby.

Only The Express could spin a deal that only benefits Northern Ireland, and even then isn't as good as if we'd just stayed in the EU as they voted for, as a 'Brexit benefit' for the UK

This newspaper is a fucking straight up disgrace


Do any of you media types get irony .

Bank it then shut down the plant ! Same old story … that £500m is tax payers money ! Be careful how you spend it punks.

Or just stick with the tried and tested Petrol & Diesel engines..

The DUP are still denying the existence of dinosaurs, this could take a while.

Let’s hope this is the end of him!

It was govt own plan to tell public brexit is good and when done it’s bad,raising everything and blaming this brexit.Isn’t it well written drama but public is suffferubg govt is looking

What deals they talking abt first set this energy disaster here.

What’s point when cannot fix current problems here-Gas electricity price that going up and people struggling to cope between food and fuel. Shame

Brexit Betrayal- fixed it for you

.DailyMirror must have missed the news today. No mention of the Northern Ireland deal skypapers bbcpapers johnestevens Kevin_Maguire

Erm.... he is the King and does what he wants. Good bless him.

If he has it wouldn’t have been impossible. D’oh!

No. What’s to regret! He can meet with people not matter what their cause is! 🙄🙄🙄


The deal? The devil is always in the detail as they say Sunak should enjoy the limelight, it may not last long. DUP’s Sammy Wilson has been on Newsnight & he wasn’t complimentary Triumphant Tories. Someone should tell them u don’t get brownie points for fixing your own mistakes

Sunak is rather like an arsonist trying to extinguish his own fire. He was as complicit as Johnson regarding the NI protocol and the so called oven ready deal.

What’s he done? Told a truth? Helped the poor, unemployed or homeless? Stopped the sewage?



Blimey more u-turns that their Tory masters

Didn't seem to hurt his mother

Now just the UK economy to fix. Should be doddle, done and dusted by the end of next week 🤔

For the so called king heads must roll . The end is hopefully nigh

The DUP will do their classic and frustrate any good out of it with delays and their usual until it is suffocated to death.

But the mail kept telling anyone stupid enough to read it. Boris Johnson got the best deal possible and got Brexit done 🤡🤪🤪🤪🤪

By ensuring - NI remains under EUs excise & VAT for anything other than immovable objects & drink on-premises alcohol - ECJ is final arbiter on a whole range of issues He NI can't deviate from EU rules else face penalty - NI must adopt new EU rules unless Sinn Fein agrees not to

Should’ve flushed them down a toilet at the crematorium

Funny thing announcing a man made 'pandemic' as 'a golden opportunity'

So as we enter the deepest recession in history whilst teetering on the brink of World War III the mirror thinks we give a toss where the rippers ashes are.

He's clawed back a little of what we lost due to Brexit. Better than the Johnson/Frost catastrophe but let's try and keep the scale of Sunak's achievement in some kind of perspective...

Rearrange Rishi and you get Irish !!

Fancy still putting that face on your front page, fcuk all respect for the women he murdered

What a nice EU ......

Rejoiner quislings will be lining up with their opinions..... 🤢

Breakthrough? I thought it was all done and dusted last election


He's caved to the EU. This isn't Brexit.

Impossible 🤣 he has done a minor deal for N Ireland while rest of UK still gonna be wrecked by Brexit but Daily Fail think it's a triumph hahahaha 🤡🤡

Charles is king, he has to walk a tightrope between politics & courtesy to a 'guest', he holds no political power whatsoever, the queen was in the same situation.

👀 Thought that was Rylan Clark.

We thought the US was screwed but wow the UK wins

I very much doubt it 👍

Thought the Daily Mail was happy with the original deal?

Rishi is NOT my prime minister

Dear Chris ChrisMasonBBC The 'ultimate prize' for RishiSunak is NOT (NOT) the DUP returning to the Stormont Assembly. They're using the 'Protocol' as the vehicle to keep Sinn Fein out of the First Minister job. The 'ultimate prize' is trade AND The GOOD Friday Agreement.

They’ve been around for years …

Rishi has done something that Boris couldn't.

So if NI can be in the single market and the union, why can't Scotland or Wales or England. Why should part of the UK have more rights than the rest.

Been to Tijuana or Juárez?

Just more evidence of the drug epidemic in the country.

Many can’t afford to put the oven on! SunakOut

And pay for it how

Hold our beer, we in Germany even have a 'National-Elf'.

Do you know what? If it was scientifically confirmed that elves exist, I reckon it would be a real boost for society. It's all doom and gloom lately. Imagine if we could suddenly start talking about the fact that elves are real. It would be hilarious.

Johnson been totally humiliated and hopefully politically finished for good!

‘Charles the Crass’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 NotMyKing

DUP won’t agree

War mongers aid the arms race while your own citizens can’t get medical help or freeze or starve unions get blamed for strikes to take emphasis off governments utter population reduction all engineered

It would be 'America n NATO subscribers warned'. Pls. don't portray as if entire Europe has come together out of solidarity. Rather, it is due to NATO obligatory.

How do you predict the elections in Nigeria?

This is the USA or NATO war

US pledges 113,000,000,000 to Ukraine. This is more than the funding of the US ministry of education!

The competition is tough, especially in recent years, but theresecoffey is up there with the very worst and most useless Secretaries of State in history. How on earth did she get to hold a senior governmental post?


Oh God this is just meat and 2 veg humour. How are you guys doing with celariac?

Tories are bringing back foie gras whilst denying the proletariat a healthy diet.

I like swede myself

Turnips are expensive and not easy to get hold off. More nutrious and cheep ro eat swede. Yum yum

Tories in difficulty - now that's a turnip for the books!

She’s fat freak never ate veg in her life

When are the tories not in a stew.

It’s about time Red Tops stop printing

Lefties 1 Turnips 0

Sunlit uplands ?

The oven has been on for years. Can you imagine the heating bill now? Oh their mates benefit. All makes sense now. ovenready liars wankers

Wait, I thought it was oven ready years ago? Oh no, because Johnson & Gove F**KING LIED!!

He still looks pretty hot to me

Yes nothing will change,same old bent crooked politics with backhanders, cash for questions,favours for friends , offshore accounts but the Tories need to go,at least until Starmer screws it up

Brexit deal eh? Sounds oddly familiar. Oven-Ready you might say?

I know he's lying to me but i'm still going to vote for him 😂 Instead of I.D cards we need I.Q tests

Got the oven warming up set at 200 degrees

How many Brexit deals do we need to have before people realise the whole thing is a cluster?

Starter never prosecuted Jimmy Savels because both Zionists, loyalty.

How exciting for the left wing anti british bbc

That oven has been on a while

Basically it's 'oven ready ' ?

Starter is a Zionist

I wouldn't count on it whilst Sadiq Khan is still Mayor of London ...

With the Tories doing such a good job of imitating a Labour government, what difference does it make?

Starmer is a bleaky binder.

Thoughts and prayers to all the Corbynite crnks🌹

And nothing will change

Send turnips to coffey she needs to diet.

Some people feed turnips to cattle. Here, we put turnips in parliament.

She has the decently for people who can't afford food to work more hours , well there are people who can't work extra hours, because of family, carers, kids, she obviously doesn't have these issues but maybe if she does she may understand

She is a turnip ,telling everybody to eat turnips

Better check where that chicken comes from in those nuggets…many ground chicken products have chicken from China 🤮🤮🤮

Looks like Jabba the Hutt is eating barrow loads

Did she actually say that I wonder what fantastic subsidied meal she will be tucking into between cigars .

I'd love to see her make a tomato based sauce out of turnips. 🤣

I'll eat the odd bit of turnip. What I won't do is take dietary and health advice from an obese smoker.

She has a point, we as s nation have lost the will or ability change & be resourceful, it’s far easier to blame someone else.

Therese Coffey, You Turnip if you want to. This Toasty Man is Not for Turnipping!!!!

At least she’s not going short of food!!

Lead by example House of Lords you first, let’s see if you can eat turnips 😡

This from 1852 has turnips included but says “turnips are mostly given as food to cattle”. The rest might be unaffordable for many families today - energy costs.

Tomatoes Are Red Our Passports Are Blue There’s Plenty of Veg In the EU BrexitFoodShortages Brexit BrexitShambles BrexitBritain

This is yet more evidence of the type of person who want you to give them another 4 years on the Westminster gravy train. Vote them OUT!

Two pieces of reasonable advise


Looks like a man

Question. Who them Is this A Person saying them Being racist and degrading Not under stand What them is Is it higher Class looking Down on lower Class Is it racist 🤔 thing Sounds horrible What person saying it hinding inside there a negative a spy there A gremlin

And subsidised HoC pies

“A let them eat cake” comment/scenario before the French Revolution

Just work 16 hours a day, then go home, sit in the dark eating turnips. What a wonderful life.

What happened about this last year!! Nothing reported since 🙄 anyone would be a criminal offence OneRuleForThem

The Queen died last year. Has RoyalFamily not told you?

She's fuckin dead


No longer Roald Dahl works and shouldn’t be sold as such, misrepresentation PuffinBooks should be clear and say it’s edited by some woke analyst

She's dead?

Love the way that she will never be considered as the Queen 😂😂 she's to be referred to as the Kings second wife or the Kings whore I think that's as good as it's going to get in these parts.

She’s not a Queen

May or May not have forgotten about Camilla and thought that was some royal ouija board shizz right there 😂

I thought the queen died


And bring me a shrubbery 🤣

Can't keep a good woman down 🤣🤣🤣


This headline was a lot more interesting until they specified it was Camilla

It's Queen Consort but that would have ruined the BIG font sensation. They could have gone with Camilla but then the royal family devotees would be out in force complaining.

What queen?

Queen Consort don't you mean?

What, Brian May's band?

Brian May?

Well this is awkward. Who’s going to tell them?

Queen Absolutely NOT!

The Queen is most definitely dead.

Right you short arsed fat fook I work as a lorry driver if I go over my hours I'd be breaking the law, is it possible you should pass your job to me I only want the pay cheque.

Queen? Oh my that will trigger a fair few…. 😳

Brexit seems to be going well.

We haven’t got a Queen.

Isn’t your Queen dead?

What’s wrong with turnips? I ask!

Only one

Isn't she dead 🤔

HM is so right to disapprove.

I despise the fat cow

Queen? She died last year?

Queen, what Queen ? the Queen died ! You can’t possibly be talking about consort side piece the RF don’t make comments on such things or is not defending someone just reserved for Harry and Megan

The dead one?

She's dead

Queen consort get her title right

Please explain why I’m expected to care what Camila thinks?

Who is going to tell them?

Wait, I thought she was dead. Have I missed something?

Johnson needs to shut up, still his rhetoric plays well with the war mongering of the hard right.

If you only read the express you would think Brexit has been a fantastic success, the entire EU is in disarray and the UK is in some sort of golden age. Are the people who work for this newspaper not embarrassed about the garbage it prints?

And here's me thinking 'the fucking Queens dead, isn't she' ?

Fuck, has Elixabeth II come back from the dead to wreak vengeance on the “woke”?!? Or is it just Camilla - professional adulteress, royal mattress and smoking buddy ofClarkson and Morgan?

Where to begin with this one?

Never invest in a Phoenix company!!!! It’ll go up in flames and disappear.

Archbishop Welby and Patriarch Kirill are two sides of the same coin. State sanctioned hypocrisy in fancy dress

If she's for freedom of writers expression then she must be in favour of Harry's spare book

Yes because the madman threatening the world with nuclear terror should be given the chance to recover and take whom ever he wishes down this merry path again!

Good! Bloody cancel culture. Why change this man’s works? They are what they are and they’re much loved!

Is that the band Queen 😍

When did Sally Morgan start writing for The Express

I think they mean Camilla but that is one hell of a headline. (I'm not from the UK. Is it typical for headlines to call her Queen instead of Queen Consort?)

For the briefest of moments I thought that she was speaking from beyond the grave

Russia’s actions with Ukraine are inhumane, atrocious and unforgivable. We have though learnt an important lesson from the Treaty of Versailles & treatment of Germany after WW1. We don’t want the same conditions to emerge in Russia which facilitated the rise of Nazi Germany.

InstituteGC This war-criminal Tony blair has audacity to school others on war. Ironic!!! He’s no different to putin, both barbaric.

Loads of fruit and veg in three supermarkets I went in. Why is everyone worked up over some tomatoes that would probably get thrown out in a week anyway? We waste a huge amount of fruit and veg. I managed to get tomatoes no problem bbcqt IsItOk

🤦🏻‍♂️ oh dear

Queen What did they do, have a seance?

FYI, they’re speaking of the Queen Consort Camilla


She’s not the queen.

Which Queen?

Someone should tell them …..

😂 who's going to crush Russia?

When they are on about climate change, they are really talking about overpopulation. The people that fly around on private jets think the world is overpopulated because you use fuel they'd use on their private jets and consume resources they could consume.

Out of touch cretin

Just turf them out the country back to France.

Yes we know, fast tracked into a new British passport, new house, and a nice allowance with full benefits👍

That says rubber stamp entry; they already to that; so no change. No one is ever deported. So backlog will continue. While the wasters fanny about. Should be right of entry; no; bye.

Believe it when I see it. I say it again though. On previous form we keep about 80% here. Where will they all go ? The hotels are the least of our problems

Well they lost a year's worth of doctors this year due to deferrals from last year.

Is that just for overseas students?

Yeah Right 🤣🤣🤣

Poll: Do we need more places for doctors to practise medicine? MedTwitter

Double indoctrination

PAYE employees carry enough burden already, it is time for mega corps with their mega profits to pay their way.

Tory mess

Like he cares

How long before ‘personal trainer’ is outed as a Brexiter with a partner who supplied PPE?

So people are panic buying because of media overreaction ? Who'd have thought. 🙄

Bowie did it better.

This needs a dressing

Buy that subeditor a drink … or a Caesar salad 🥗 MetroUK

Don’t panic!! 😂

Biden, i am not so sure! 😬😬

I think both of them could have said that to each other

The words of President Biden are dangerous, such incendiary rhetoric of war mongering and malcontent puts Europe and the West closer to nuclear Armageddon ☠️


Haha, look who's talking what. Country that demolished numorous nations.

putin already won. he owns 1/4 of ukraine.

Sounds like the following remarks ' YOUR LUST FOR LAND AND POWER WILL FAIL 'were meant for America.

This headline aged well

To Russian tyranny? What about Mr Biden, bush, obama, Clinton, Blair, Asnar ? The prisons in Gitmo, who have been tortured, humiliated, etc, and Putin is the tyranny?, Are you serious?

Such lies

what a silly newspaper

Control the food chain, control the people!

Eat ze bugs.. It's what the triple jabbed, Ukraine and EU fawning liberals want after all. Own it.

Billions for Ukraine though folks... Don't worry if you freeze and starve.. It's for the greater good.

That's the great thing about Brexit, deal wiv it and eat something else.

Aren't energy costs driving much of this in northern Europe? Plus I guess post Brexit, the additional cost of importing?

It’s another Brexit benefit….. 🤦🏻

Don't you just love all the benefits we're getting from the food-snatching Brexit cult? BrexitHasFailed BrexitReality BrexitBenefits

What shortage? Could all the remoaners on here please try your local inner city goldern mile. I know it means speaking to a foreigner. But, trust me they are all stocked up with fresh fruit and veg.

A little poem from chatgpt for the Daily_Express

Thank god for that… steak with extra steak for tea… might add a sausage too..

Another Brexit benefit - no fruit and veg - stick that on a bus

How is this news?

Who knew toilet roll mentality would come back again

Buy frozen fruit and veg or eat vegetables that are in season.

It’s as planned and theatrical as paper masks and tape on the floor in shops. No real shortages, just the EU/Sunak collaboration to manipulate supply and falsely blame Brexit to push the NI agreement through. We know your tricks.

The express should be happy. They got the Brexit they wanted.

Rationing....what do you mean. There's no flipping fruit and veg to Ration.

It's raining again...damn you brexit! 😡🤬😡

Let’s encourage panic buying again!

Kate achieved scrambled eggs.

Planned don't say you were not warned, we been saying it for ages the masses ignored

When sanctions sanctioned the sanctionners.

There’s absolutely no shortage of produce in Spain whatsoever. Period.

Is it time to rejoin the EU yet? Or should we wait until we starve?

It's been going on for years in Scotland.

Ahhhhhh brexshit

Welcome to Conservative Brexit Britain, food shortages and rationing a cost of living crisis, NHS on it’s knees, transport in a mess, half the country on strike, families got the choice of eating and freezing to death, or being warm and starving to death

Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ that we predicted that has come true. 🤓

The problem is that we shouldn’t really expect to be able to buy tomatoes in the UK in February.

Problems in Spain? Plenty of fruit and veg in shops here .. Wonder what the real issue is🤔

Anyone blaming this on brexit alone isn't being honest with themselves. These shortages are happening globally, not in every country yet but it's far and wide. We get it, you're still upset but come on, it's done now.

At current inflation rates, that works out as a wage cut of over 6%.

all you need is meat and pudding anyway.

Why aren’t we growing are own fruit and veg 30 years ago we were, importing fresh food is madness. Are farmers are hemorrhaging money it’s about time are government wakes up and smell the coffee ☹️

the irony. lol

Oh no, not a shortage of vegetables! Guess we’ll just have to eat tasty food then 🤷‍♂️😂

What a joke

Only here for the crypto tweets

A lot of people in the private sector haven't seen a 5% pay rise and don't get favourable pensions. Greedy public sector fueled by greedy unions!

5% is an insult! Try again RishiSunak

I fell in to a hatey ring of hatred.

Hoorah! We might be able to buy a tomato.

Pointless Royal Soft propaganda

What do you mean you can let her rest? I don't think she wanted to rest, she was trapped and saw the only way out as the river? Oh, sure, you care now but what about last week when the authorities were called?

How can you have a headline saying “we can let you rest now” but just above run a story from a crank “phychic” that said they found her. The media and social media has been a disgrace

A psychic? Really? That's the state of the Daily Mail?

That editorial ad, really? Just a tad clunky there MailOnline 👎🏼

Pretty fair chance it was the hubby who did it. Not saying for certain but often as not it's the hubby

He needs to be here doing his job Instead of investing more money in Zaleski's pocket.

If only MailOnline treated Diana in same manner

And please stop reporting it and allow the family to grieve

Really DailyMailUK? Your coverage of the story has been awful. Utterly shameless. Misinformation and clickbait headlines. Pathetic journalism AndyJehring andyd0lan RyanJHooper

🇹🇷, Yeye gelmeyen 🇺🇸 Başkanı.....!!! Sakın 🇹🇷 Dostumuz demesin... Bence.....!!!!!!!

And kinda dumb to have Kate on the page too? Have some respect.

People can't think for themselves, following any and every narrative that comes out. smh how did she die, why is no one talking about that?

When did the Daily fukking Mail *ever let someone in the public eye rest?

So brexiteers may resign? Whats the downside again?

GOOD. If they all resign then we could get a decent government. BrexitBritain

You can visit the Twitter of BulleyNikki to see why her mental health may have declined. She had taken the red pill and was probably labeled a far right, anti-vax, conspiracy theorist. Poor girl. Shame on all those that ridiculed others for not getting vaccinated. NicolaBulley

This could prove embarrassing for men with moobs, if they get wheeled into the women's ward.

Does that even need to be said? How about: make no unconsidered assumptions.

Any Dr who ASSUMES anything should have their licenses torched forever. There’s no greater threat to individual safety and health than Drs, Hospital and Pharmaceuticals. This stuff is to easy to screw up so badly. Shame on all involved.

More confusion for the health department


Did they assume prior to today?

Oh no......

so they are going to give a bloke a hysterectomy. that should be fun

Don’t believe your eyes or the real birth certificate lol

If a patient is pregnant is it permitted to assume they are female? What about a patient with testicular cancer? 🤔🥺🤪

Please God stop this crazy world these agents of Satan want to create, they are given over to wickedness and immoral lifestyles and want to put your children into bondage but break the chains and set the captives free, help those who are for you to persevere. Revelation 3:10-11

Well I’m going to be seriously offended if my dr can’t see I’m female… this is deeply offensive for us that don’t want to play around with nature

Pity the doctor that asks me my gender

Don't assume the Daily Fail will spout anything but bile

This is like Twenty minutes Past, Stooped O'clock...!!! Some meds even work differently on the different genders...!!! Major Eye Roll...!!! Lol

No matter what you think, males still need prostate exams at 40.



so what does a doctor do … sorry i can’t treat you because i don’t know how too i only know how to treat male/female if i give you wrong procedures i could kill you ?

Our Asses are going backwards straight talk Like it or not. No Shame in the game.

FFs there's two genders those tht stand to piss and those tht sit🤫😁

I find it deeply insulting for a doctor not to assume I'm male.

Should be easy, there’s only two genders.

The fact that the NHS, an organisation dedicated to the treatment of people, is even contemplating using the premise of gender, a made up social construct, is bizarre. Ask every patient their sex cos when treating a human it matters. Job done.

That's all fine. Yet, we have different sexual anatomy in our race. And for some reasons - that needs to be labelled. If you dont associate with Female or Male, then you'll get asked - do you have a Penis or a Vagina? 😬

Can always trust the Daily Heil's divisive headlines to keep the bigots frothing at the mouth. Addressing someone the way they wish to be addressed is basic human compassion. I should hope medical professionals know more about that than the journalists who write this nonsense.

I should think most N.H.S doctors have enough to think about without this extra nonsense.

If they don't know not much hope for the rest of us 🙄

Do you know what? I DON'T CARE! So they treat everyone as gender neutral. Is that going to make a difference to my broken leg/appendicitis/COVID/tinnitus? No. If in doubt they can ask.


Is this seriously classed as news? BBC you’re embarrassing yourselves

Rishi is only doing this over his seat belt fine. 👀

If my Dr can't tell the difference l be looking for another practice

Will this happen in private hospitals also? I can’t imagine customers paying tens of thousands of pounds for their treatment to be impressed. The social-economic divide and gender identity. Hmmm……

Fuel prices tripled Fuel companies profits tripled. Hey dopey! Don't look over there! Look over here!

This is getting ridiculous

Why should we be bowing down to all these non-binary/trans types so they don’t get offended!! I am a woman and I would be bloody offended if I was not recognised as a woman!!

Load of shite !!! Male or female !! You can mutilate yourself ,but your still male or female from birth!!

More transphobic scaremongering from the daily hate!

Not sure this is really any different that the adage to not assume a woman is pregnant based on the profile of her abdomen. It’s not great for a doctor to start off a visit by insulting their patient based on an assumption!

Don't call him Rishi. You called Boris 'Boris'.....he's not your or our mate!

The world is going mad

Well yes. Then ask how they identify. It's not that hard.

So when I fully examined the patient what do I see is what I write on the chart

The world's fucking mad

This is nonsensical!!!

The alphabet cult, minority rules. Wake up!

Repent and turn to The MOST HIGH YAH!

Open the fly and take a feel if you get a pickle and balls it’s a male.

Could be eve could be steve

By who?

Just getting my popcorn ready for the replies.

Due to the name of the daily mail being deemed offensive the newspaper has had to be renamed the daily them

Biological sex is the only thing the doctor should be interested in. Gender is just a story people make up.


Gender is decided by chromosomes, it is not a matter of choice!

wouldn't your medical record state your gender if the Doctor couldn't read that i'd ask for a better Doctor :/

As the circulation of these far right hate rags continues to death spiral regime broadcast & Internet media will increasingly pick up the slack & amplify their poison to the masses --George Orwell, just there now

So imagine a guy going on a date and having to ask his date, 'So have you always been a woman?'

It's really scary when science proves to be a lie now. They don't even know the difference between male and female. I'm done with science glad I never got the jobs because apparently science is lunacy now they don't even know how to tell sex

Before you know it we will be operating in the universe where sunlight equates to nighttime and darkness to daytime.. 😆

What about the doctors that treat for men and women parts?

They can’t see down the phone so what is the problem

Always check under the hood to see what engine is running. I guess this is step 1 for doctors now too.

This is getting out of hand. Get a grip UK.

'The collective Western culture going down the drains' syndrome.

what's so controversial about that?

Does this apply to gynaecologists too?


Grief now the NHS are going down the Stupid road. Your a male or female simples. That's how you're assessed, then after that a patient/relative will then let doc know what they want to be called.

Except when the person is pregnant

Stop promoting the Daily Mail. Lazy journalism.

Utter bollocks from this Russian rag!

We entertain mental disorders?! We used to help them by seeing a doctor or psychiatrist- not we enable them by asking what do you want chopped off!

Mam is man woman is woman end of

Is this yet more bbcpropaganda? Or just a reflection of the calibre of our doctors to not be able to figure it out for themselves.... Thank goodness for the Smeely Rail and it's readers to help them out BrokenBritain

All medical records and birth certificates and forms should specify sex. It's the only way to properly identify a sexed body.

As a man, should I arrive at the hospital unconscious, I will want every medical staff to assume correctly that I am a man. And when I get back to consciousness I will give all of them knighthood / 'damehood' for common sense

BBC news championing the 'daily heil', what a surprise. Also painfully clear that they haven't learned a thing from a recent tragedy, and are back at their 'old tricks', stoking division and looking for the scapegoat.

Daily Fascist bullshit

Ojalá se resuelva el tema de los doctores y otros que protestan por sus derechos. Eso se aliviaría levantando las sanciones ilegales a Rusia y demás países que sí son libres y soberanos, en ese sentido, todos salen ganando. Los únicos que no sufren son los politiqueros inhumanos.

What if they need an actual sanitary pad/tampon.. or if they're in labour... or have endometriosis... or suffering a miscarriage... or have prostate cancer.... or any erectile problems...

Who are gynaecologists going to attend to?

What if they need a catheter...

Not folk taking the daily mail as fact. At best, they'll look at your medical files or social file and ask a clarifying question if they suspect you may be trans - its a 10 second question from them and that's that, move on. There's no need to have a meltdown over this.

Doctor, I identify as an illegal immigrant. He replied, I’ll phone the hotel to get your room ready

I feel sorry for kids growing up in this climate. Gonna raise a generation of seriously confused kids who will then go on to kill the planet instead of saving it. A totalitarian state waits for all of us

I’m amazed they were able to leave the word FURY out of the headline it’s their favourite word you see

If I'm ever rushed into hospital, I do hope they assume I am a male and dont waste time on checking if I am pregnant before operating.

Good advice, some conditions vary or are exclusive to a particular biological gender, but people can look different, not making an assumption is just sensible.

Fgs sake tell them to get real

Getting more ridiculous by the minute!

Nobody assumes...you just look at them...easy to tell

Well, at least he doing something right. Be good if it became a habit.

I’d be embarrassed to quote the Daily Fail

You can't tell the BBC is ran by Conservative donors.....Honestly!

I’ve read the article this morning, I’d be furious if I was asked any of those questions suggested. An utter waste of money & the RCN should be publicly condemning this & admit it’s not the government who’re to blame for no more funding for nurses!

I'm all for individuality but where does this help. A person who is nonbinary rushed into hospital with ruptured ovarian cyst will a gynacologist not be called as they deal with females? You cannot change the physical differences between male female & fear they may cause deaths

Yah the patient maybe a plant trapped in a human body.


If you want to save the persons life you better.

Just call them by assigned gender at birth... It's undeniable facts.

Western decadence reached the zenith of irrational madness, the East should distance itself and not copy blindy assuming everything west does is right!

I nee 10ccs of adrenaline STAT,... No everyone wait.... What's their gender?

That a joke. Has the NHS nothing better to do than worry about offending anyone. What tripe


The real question doctors should consider; is the current patient's gender or sex more relevant to their health concern in question? If sex is more relevant (as will be in the vast majority of cases), then should gender even be discussed, if it doesn't affect their healthcare?

Why should we keep accommodating such rubbish when we have lots of the rrans community turning activists threatening violence in those they feel against them , its more important to focus on treatment

Congratulations, it's a... Whatever it decides to be later on in the adult life. Hold the infant... Next!

Sir you have ovarian cancer.

Seems like a kind and empathetic move to me.


We cannot presume anything anymore however with reference to the Police's disclosure about Nicola' B's vulnerability/menopause (speaking as a post menopausal woman) it has NOTHING to do with going missing and how dare they air someone's health problems instead of solving the case

I'm sure the doctors understand science and that's all that matters when it comes to making humans better. Now sticking a bloke in a dress on a women's ward... Now that would be crackers.

Continuing to pump out hysterical anti trans rhetoric after a kid was murdered, I see

Medical staff are supposed to care for their patients and show empathy. Not surprising The Mail would fail to grasp that.


Also, check if they're human beings!!

If he is offended by good manners, he has defined himself!

Then carry your birth certificate it really works

Look forward to doctors asking over weight men if they might be pregnant 😅😂

Does it mean all men will have access to gynaecology services and women prostate tests ?

Im sure they know. You can change a book cover on any book, it’s still the same story.

Don't assume they're ill in addition

well if I or my wife have to attend they have my expressed permission to do so! madness effing madness.

Here is the BBC yet again doing the job of The Daily Hate. Slow hand clap

The Daily Mail…who cares what they print?

The world has gone mad. I’ll be offended if this happens to me 😡😡😡

So this is what it has cone to ? I would be very very offended if someone asked me that question and so would anyone be. These people are in the minority & very much so. That question is impertinent if the person is transgender then they should announce it when appropriate.

So the Daily Mail joins the bash the NHS wagon. They are trying to distract from our appalling corrupt, incompetent government

Could our country get any more worrying just shows how little we have to really worry about - this is utterly absurd

Its quite simple. If they have a penis, its male!

Why did they stop giving examinations!?🙃 rule62


Christ, how about doctors are left to get on with their highly valuable job. If there's a place where your biological sex & male or female anatomy matters most, it's in the consulting room.

Hahahaha. The ranbows saw their headline. Instead of being happy, are cast assaults. Lmao...


Don't care about gender. Care about a sick person and getting them better and improving the quality of life. A none headline

All this will do is compromise patient care. Many blood test have reference ranges specific to biological sex without the correct information doctors cannot treat patients effectively. In the lab we can’t see the patient so act on information we are given.

If a guy goes to a doctor and has to undress would it be okay for the doctor to assume his gender then 🤔


Why does the BBC always show the Daily Fail’s front page?

it's nice to get a bloody doctor anyway

Where is Sunak’s promised tax return?

Surely they have to go by the science.

I would just like to be treated as a human being not just a slab of meat with a number🤷🏻‍♂️

It’s a funny old world , one media outlet reporting what another media outlet is reporting 🤔

Wasn’t this about 2 years ago? Daily Mail cough stories up like furballs 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

Sounds like a disaster in the making

No we need to assume that men are men and women are women and anything else is a mental illness

Gender issues getting strict on the daily.

'Gender'? Is it time to pass a law abolishing it? As Robert Winston recently pointed out. There is only Sex and, it is in every cell of every one of us. That is not an opinion. That is a fact!

World’s gone mad,definitely an agenda in there!

Has the editor of the Daily Mail a brain transplant with flea, because it lookalike it

Don't assume the species, would be more to the point!


People are people. Stop going on about this nonsense for a minor percentage of the population. Most of us are man or woman. And we'd like to be treated that way. The BBC continue to push this . I'm not against what some people want regards their gender but it's their business.


Yeah don't assume always check first, they are either male or female.

If any doctor asks me my gender, I'll walk out.

And this is a problem because…….?

If there is any doubt about gender, perhaps the chromosomes will give a clue.

Doesn’t SteveBarclay have more important things to be focusing on rather than inclusivity? Like trying to end the strikes which are all ramping up; or is that too difficult for him…

Exactly. Never Assume. You know the rest.

On the plus side any assumption doctors make is likely to be 99.6% correct.

Chill out people ..The Beano is more factual than this rag.

What about the Muslim doctors of which there’s many? They certainly don’t believe in this nonsense.

Perhaps the the first question from a doc as patient arrives should be 'Hello, what type of equipment do you carry downstairs ?'

The daily hate mail, telling idiots who to hate while stealing their taxes. They supported Hitler, says it all really.

Yep because the freaks are everywhere

Strange how this most unfortunate circumstance for the family has now come to the PMs' attention.

Can we just stop on this pc please everyones walking on eggshells incase they someone she they might loose they job

If it is true , then about time .

Shame. Shame you couldn’t be more angry at the excess deaths caused by conservatives refusal to address the staffing levels they have caused in hospital with their Russian Brexit. Conservatives too busy gloating over their gold to care.

Absolute madness.when you register with a doctor you are asked to state your gender so no assuming necessary.

How can the gender be identified in babies? By their physical appearance ofcourse. Can babies decide if they are from the LGBTQ spectrum straight out of the womb? What is this insanity prevailing in the West in the name of kindness, tolerance and acceptance?

The BBC platforming a far right rag promoting culture wars because they refuse to report the failure of Brexit and thirteen years of Tory government.

This affects like 0.01% of the population. It’s a complete non-issue thrown around to distract us from the real issues in the world. Not worrying about if Dave with his beard and big set of bollocks identifies as a wo-them.

What men can't get polycystic Ovaries.

What? Do men also have critical days? 🤣🤣🤣

No surprise that Russia thinks the west is soft.

How about “NHS doctors told: don't assume the stupidity of any patients reading habits” Daily Fail? This Turgid paper ruins our country and life 🤔

Yes, have a look at their genitals. That should sort the wheat from the chaff

Time all this gender nonsense was stoped. There's only two, and they are male or female decided at the point of conception. So you 0.01% who don't want to accept that, GET OVER IT !

I hope when I require medical treatment, the Dr does so according to my bodies biology 🧬. This is becoming a dangerous narrative.

Personally, I am more concerned about the nurses strikes.... Thanks bbcnews for spreading these deflecting headlines... Not doing a lot for your reputation


This is awesome. A man can get into a labor room instead of a lady, and the doctors may perform an operation on him to find the baby. By the time, by the grace of the good lord, the woman may have a normal delivery! NHS

When are doctors going to actually step up and put an end to this fucking madness.

? i’d like to see the persons face when they were born a male, and they get charged for a pregnancy test from the ER because they were unconscious when they came in 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Some of you need to look at the 2030 Agenda

Just because a paper writes does not mean you have to feature it. And don't give me this 'we are just reporting the news' spiel. You could have featured the NI protocol for example. clickbait (and it worked for me 😕)

🥱 culture wars bullshit 🥱 blah, blah, blah

add two new genders, male to female and female to male

Patients should be telling doctors their preference.

Got an innie it’s a female, got an outie it’s a male

The only Paper full of Tory Distractions away from the real issues facing the people of this country.


Yeah, I mean what do doctors know, right? 🤣

Yeah I’m ready for a reset of this fucked yo world. Russia where u at ?

So u in a science based profession but you have to pretend. Wow 2023 is fucked

Are they x raying every patient when they arrive to ensure mistakes don't happen? 🤣

When does it stop? This is ridiculous 😒

Fml 🤦‍♂️its absolutely ridiculous

Unless they are in to see the doc for sore testicles then it’s a sort of giveaway it’s a bloke eh

It's obvious by penis n boobs no? What do the it have?

There has been a 3rd gender in many cultures from the lacota, Hindu, Wicca, druids to name but a few. Get over it.

'until you look under the hood'... there finished it.

I know a radiologist. She has to ask every single patient if they may be pregnant. Even an 80 yr old man 🤦🏼‍♀️


How about the doctors should not have to assume anything? Why put it off on them?

What says science? Can a male body have a female soul? Or is all that just utterly nonsense?

Ask them. Hardly shocking.

Oh goodness. You are quite thick. It’s basic. Ask them? Xx

Great job government!

If a doctor cannot establish the gender of human from the moment they meet they should be fired for gross incompetence

Stop spouting the lies from that rag

Asking GPS to ignore biology, WTF next. I hate this world right now.

The sickos want to be sickos- that is fine. The healthy and fit cannot be coerced to think and forced to behave like is time the sick stick to their sickly life and not offend the healthy and happy wise , to build back better

U can't treat male and female patients the same. U have to treat them by who they are. Which gender they are. This world has gone to hell.


That’s one of those Daily Mail made up front pages that you won’t hear anywhere else and will never hear again. Playing to the audience.

So man can suffer period pain an cervical cancer and a women can have a broken penis and testicle cancer. Okay that's news to me.


This could get awkward at the Urologists office.

And that’s why the NHS is on its knees

Trying to stir up the hate and division I see. Why spread this crap BBC?

Is the £10,000 word answer deflection?


When you've been waiting for treatment in a queue for 10hrs, do you think that we are gonna be remotely interested if you assume a gender. Any chance we get seen before we die? That will be nice 👍 priorities NHS

The BBC should replace the Mail in their headline roundup with the Sport, to up the overall credibility and dignity of the publications featured.

UK finally being run by mental health patients

Would have their gender in their medical records…

Probably shouldn't even assume its a perosn at this point.

BREAKING NEWS: BBC now the Daily Mail

Well there are only two genders to decide from. If a doctors thinks otherwise, get another doctor.

Confusion overload...

I'm pretty sure if a man/woman/man🤨goes to hospital and part of their physical treatment depends on what they were born as getting well is all they're bothered with🤨🇬🇧🙏🏻

What about people’s ethnicity?

Respectful and decent.

They wouldn't assume the injury/illness without proper examination. However this is not new, its barely newsworthy the NHS has been doing this for a long time. If you're in need please answer the questions, don't be offended they're asking for your benefit not theirs.

Remember what deputy Tory chairman Lee Anderson said, the government is engaging in culture wars to sow division in society to make us hate each other as this is the only chance they have of winning the general election. Tory policy is to make us all angry and feel like shit.

PM should be commenting on an on going case. Coppers under enough pressure without the the Year 12 lad in no 10 chipping in.

at least be like has bits or doesn't have bits

how about don't make your doctor guess what about that?

Ffs here we go again!!! BORING

How long before a newborn is not given a gender.

I’d like to think gynaecologists have a pretty big clue as to what gender you are !?!?!

It's puzzling why something the Mail thinks, deserves to be tweeted by a 'news' channel. 🤔

And you can't see why there striking I would want more money for this bullshit


Well done to the BBC News Desk for this. Ground-breaking investigative journalism at its best. Love to the family at CCHQ.

All these trans cnuts can do one.... Tails trying to wag the dog....

How can grown adults be pushing this agenda on to us?

True intersex or hermaphroditism is incredibly rare. This whole non binary gender fluid thinking is the result of extreme political correctness where non discrimination has been allowed to undermine actual biology of the human race. It has to stop.


Doctors need to treat patients accordingly to their bodies. The NHS are stretched enough already. Regardless of how patients identify themselves doctors have to use physical and biological facts to provide the appropriate treatment.

You may not buy this nonsense… …but you’re certainly paying for it

You can put lipstick on a pig..it’s still a pig

Don’t assume the Daily Fail is a reputable newspaper.

Yes, we know it's the Daily Mail, but let's just presume it's true..is this...

The Tories: We've destroyed the economy, poured sewage into rivers, partied during lockdown, made a fortune from PPE fraud, protected our millionaire energy donors whilst allowing bills for ordinary people to escalate - quick distract the plebs with a culture war non-story!!

must be a really slow news day if this is the best article you can find to talk about or perhaps were you told to post this one by your tory masters to help stir up more shit for their new distraction subject of choice?

Eventually they'll move onto promoting the next thing / group of 'others' for their loyal readership to hate on, without, of course,any genuine experience or understanding and leave these vulnerable people alone.

I support Brexit and who are the French to tell us what to do 🇬🇧🇬🇧

Pathetic wokeness. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

NI voted Remain, DUP supported Brexit and rejected May’s alternative WA that avoided a border in Irish Sea. 🤷‍♂️ Newsnight

No one cares what unionists think.

Finally, the real crisis.... trans people.

Who is behind this propaganda? It’s bigger than we think. Polarising people over the last 3 years against one another. Populist government and toxic media creating discord where there was none in the forefront before. Hmmm sound familiar? brexit divideandconcur WTF dailyfail

I don't see the face of Liz Truss so bullied by the media including you on this cover. What happened ? She is not a female MP ? guardiannews

Jesus. The daily Mail loves making up nonsense. The first thing my doctor asks me is not “so you are a ‘he’ aren’t you?” In fact, it never comes up.

Doctors only have two to choose from and have to treat according to it as male and female anatomy are very different so it's male or female

🤮 🤮 🤢

Yet over here...

Oh ffs there are 2 genders stop with this woke nonsense

This nonsense has been going on for years. I've had numerous x-rays since 2019 for a specific condition, and despite my lifelong NHS records clearly showing I am a man, I am always asked pre-procedure if I'm pregnant! Absolute clown world.

Poor attempt to deflect attention away from current crisis in the NHS! Let's pick something topical like gender, that's usually a good attention getter, thought one of SteveBarclay 's minions !🤣


The mail is truly a rag of a paper. Such dross.

And when his pee hit you in the eye it's a boy!

'Identity politics is a system making demands that are impossible towards ends that are unachievable.' Douglas Murray

My 3year old granddaughter knows she is a girl, but might get confused when she starts school, if the teachers try to brainwash her, they will have her grandma's wrath.

Just ridiculous

This planet must die...

😄😄😄no idea what they voted for

So ofgem , why are you upping the cap? Answer please.

Not european..BRITISH

What about the over charging rip off barstard other utility bosses

This is great news.

Hello is that Ofgem? Er…

This woman‘s family issues an awful lot of orders to the British public! I don’t want to know about this anymore! Her family are dictating to us! May be its why she went away!

She is alive left phone behine in case she would be traced man involved with her ❤ she was a heavy drinker

You know they've made it when they appear in South Park.

It took till I saw a South Park impression of him to realise that yeah, he has a long-ass head

Oh! Is 'Brexit' not done yet? Oh dear... ToryBrexitDisaster ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern

Anime SouthPark..Terrence and Philip.

You know a politician that isn’t a drunk?

This is gross, actually.

The so called junior is not safe at all when England pulls the strings.

Draws the attention away from the husband, I suppose.

Many people do - an odd choice of headline.

See ya Sturgy! Tweet tweet.

I'm sure this was done on purpose. Confusing with Nicola (with Sturgeon picture) and putting that woman personal struggles as main headline. What a disgrace

I love the wsy they juxtapose a picture of Nicola Sturgeon looking like Gary Glitter with an unrelated headline about 'Nicola had issues with alcohol' I'll miss the Express, not a lot, but I'll miss their badness.

Disgusting headline from daily_express . No shame and no integrity.

The public did not need to know about issues, it's appalling that it has been put in to the public domain.

Ffs just find her. Bad mouthing her right now is pathetic

Why do we need to know this?

Appalling invasion of privacy.

A new low for policing. My goodness

What, specifically, is the point of releasing this 'information' about Nicola Bulley? Are the police trying to imply the reason they haven't got a clue what happened, and quickly jumped to incorrect conclusions about her disappearance, is because she liked a drink?

At first glance I thought the headline was about Nicola Sturgeon, doesn’t help her photo is above it 😑

What a disgrace of a paper and anyone who reads it. Scum

Awful headline. Stop it you ghouls

The greatest politician this country has known. For the people by the people. Despite the BBC.

Well at least they are leaving Harry and Meghan off the front page. It won’t be for long but now they have been bumped.

What a horrid thing for her children and family to see - the other tabloid headlines are no better either. A tragic disappearance has turned into a circus. NicolaBulley

Poor family, poor woman, heartless and intrusive headline

Absolutely disgusting headline that poor family absolute disgrace!

Me too

Why are you sharing this rubbish? ThisIsNotJournalism

No surprise

What a god-awful, despicable front page.

Are they suggesting at that time of the morning she was drunk It's just to avoid criticism for not finding her. If she is in the sea, it could be weeks before she is washed ashore.


comments seem to be shooting the messenger here

Disgusting, Shame on you sharing this despicable rag ToxicBritishMedia

If this allegedly unwell lady is seeing this how on earth will she feel safe or confident to seek help or return home! The assumption she has died appears strong. Absolutely shocking and appalling behaviour by the press

So it’s time to drag the poor woman through the dirt. The media are f..king vile at times 😡

Having menopause, drinking to excess (if it’s true) does NOT mean you can’t be abused, bullied, victimised, abducted, controlled, manipulated, coerced, deceived, or harmed by those close or strangers …. It just makes you more vulnerable NicolaBulley

Her business No-one else

We can't find her because clearly she was menopausal and drank. Great policing.

Disgusting to have this in the papers… poor lady , I hope she can come home , if she’s able to see this , how distressing for her

Dangerous this. Probably not true either. Cease immediately.

Omg what a disgracefull front page who the he'll runs this rag remember she has 2 small children everyone who buys this paper should think twice express should be burnt only fit placec

This is absolutely disgusting. It does not matter what issues she had or has, she is still missing. This is a get out clause for the police incompetence at the way this has been handled and that's why it's been released. Its not gossip to be spread. A actual person is still gone!

Absolutely disgusting, shame on you daily_Express

If she is alive, she is going to have a good case to sue the police for breaching her confidentiality. We did not need to know the details, they just had to say she was vulnerable.

They ‘accidentally’ put a pic of Sturgeon above the heartless headline about Nicola Bulley. What a toxic rag!

It might start to explain why she’s missing.

So it's good she's missing...?

No wonder she resgined

I think The Daily Express owe both Nicola's an apology.

Hs this info been released because a newspaper had the info from somewhere and was going to publish so the police and family issued it themselves as a ‘spoiler’?

Police sure knew what they were doing releasing this.

Police sure knew what they were doing releasing this.

Please stop!

Heartless. The police really don't care about Nicola or her family, only their reputation.

A paper written by c*nts , read by c*nts

Fkkkin hate the tabloids. you’re as bad posting their bollocks

Yay, way to go ,Daily Express(ion of hate) - let's find a way to blame the victim, eh?

To release that information is defamatory to her and will in no way assist her being found. It’s disgraceful

How’s that relevant?

That is some juxtaposition of headlines. What a rag.

At least she's resigned now.....

This is disgusting, please stop. This is victim shaming. What relevance does this have to where she is now?

Absolutely disgraceful headline regarding the missing lady. This is a total smokescreen to cover the police incompetence. Shocking poor lady.

Yeah and whom during the pandemic doesn't have ISSUES?

Is this why a woman is in charge of the investigation , to brush off charges of misogyny? What a disgrace .

This is absolutely obscene. This country really needs to sort itself out. I appreciate that you publish all the major front pages, but for Christ's sake. Do the decent thing and refuse to share this evil rag.

Shame on you Daily_Express

Disgusting headline . Is this to let the police off the hook . CD she have been murdered by someone close and this is the cover ?

Just what the family needs to see The press are just heartless

Are the police issuing all these statements to justify not searching, should they matter. Whatever issues she may have had she is a human being

No, this is not right and should not be an issue in finding out what happened to this poor lady, many people have drink issues but do not just vanish, sort yourselves out

What the hell has that got to do with the fact she’s been ‘abducted’ ffs?! Do better….don’t assinate the poor woman’s character…. She’s just like every other person dealing with ‘life’

If someone is struggling the last thing they need or want is private battles plastered over the papers.

So let's get this right, we have had a complete media blitz constantly for the last 3 weeks over a missing woman, who you are now hinting has taken her own life & they just can't find her., seems a lot of coverage over a suspected suicide.

C'mon bad enough police coming out with this without putting on front page ffs...

I absolutely despair. A little wine didn’t make Nicola disappear anymore than a hormone or two. Pathetic attempt by the LancsPolice to victim blame when they should be searching

Iv seen this picture a few times so why has the mirror edited the pic to make her eyes look glazed and smaller? To show intoxication? Disgusting

She’s alive. She’s out there somewhere but she’s alive.

She is alive

Rent free

It's free because no one would buy that rubbish.

Pathetic nonsense

LiamKirkaldy_ you’ve been one upped!

what a shit paper

Is that another MurdochGutterMedia

Another Tory more police promise coming up!

How is ChelseaFC not eyeing up a £1.5b move for tomassoucek28 as their new No.1 not making the headlines?

Has lost the plot? FFS!

Then Get rid of the illegal immigrants that walk them. They will never be safe until they have all gone.

Full of promises and then does nothing

Possibly a General Election looming?

He has More hot air,than a Chinese baloon over North America.

Warning! Warning! High levels of irony detected! 🤖🚔

No way. Can’t see any new working space. More people just realise that is better to work 20h and have benefits than work 40+ hours. On the end of the day less money and more work. He didn’t have any strategy. Better to call Zelensky for advice- he knows how to get money.

Is he joining the police force after he loses his seat at the next election ?

The Tories took the police off the streets for heavens sake.

Oh we are all saved ….., Rishi is going to sort it out 🤦🏻‍♂️

More chance of him picking up rocking horse shit

Only now? After 13 years in power? I thought they had stopped bothering about the law after all those Covid parties.

What? Recruit police, support offices and pcso's to replace the ones they got rid of? Reduce the backlog in the criminal justice system they created?

He's going to call an election?

Rid the streets of his fellow Asians?

...after his predecessors cut police hypocrisy ToriesOut

We have heard this same old too many times - you opened borders letting in undesirables into UK and never checking backgrounds, or deporting anyone

My local town of Tameside quite often only has 9 police officers on duty, to police 225,000 people

That the Rishi who leads the party that’s been in government for 13 years? Safer than when they started or just safer than the cesspit of crime their policies have produced?

Does anyone still read this shite? Let alone believe it?

Saying and doing are totally different things

They all pledge that

Where’s the money gonna go .. to hospitals to treat asthma

Pledge doesn't mean anything until it happens. Rishi is looking at next election (loss) It's 'knives' that need cleansing from the streets.

Can he please get rid of the plastic bottles and shoelaces and things that i keep tripping over

Another load of soundbite tripe from the consistently useless one. It will involve immigrants(like him), human rights and recruiting more Police that his crap party sacked in the first place. Persistently Pathetic Pleb.

I can’t remember a time when a Prime Minister didn’t pledge the same…nothings changes without effort and conviction. Rishi scores on effort but loses on conviction. Same story.

I take it that is an admission that 13 years of Tories in the Home Office have led to a breakdown in law and order

Theyve had 13 years to improve the streets, in that time they have gone considerably worse

Sunaks pledges are not worth a tinkers cuss

Tories cut police staff numbers by 45,000 and closed 100s of police stations. They now lie about having the highest number of officers ever and the BBC lets them get away with their lies. Crime clear up is at an all time low. Maybe because the government is corrupt & criminal

Does he promise? Will he take responsibility? What will he do when he fails on his promise? Blablabla...

Another pledge. When will one come to be.

All trap and trousers

Another tory pledge that comes to nothing..

Curfew? They were ecstatic when burglaries & shop lifting numbers plummeted during Covid lockdowns. It's cheaper than actual police on the streets. Could ensure the serfs work more for less as well, if they stay at desks longer? Finally have curfew breakers to ship off to Rwanda?

But not for immigrants, lgbt+ people or the poor.

Dear god have you ever heard so much crap, the tories couldn't give a toss about anyone.

Rishi is a clown

will he be introducing LTNs and 20 mph everywhere ? PeopleFriendlyStreets

By importing more rapists?

As in stopping the thousands of illegal people from entering the country and deporting all those here.

Ha Ha!! Very funny. His deputy is a BULLY but he is keeping his job.

Peddling and promoting right wing rags seems to be all you do

Sack Khan for starters...

Yeah, whatever.

Crime is totally out of control, so how does he think he can make Britain's streets safer ?

Plenty of talk and promises wait for the improvements

Maybe a more up to date pledge is in order, after the series of stabbings that seem to be increasing every year in this country.

So does this include tougher action on those when driving that claim they can pay the current costs all to easy? Communities have had enough of gov/police treating issues as serious and a lot of people are having to act as protectors when this happens.

More Tory PROMISES to fix the problems THEY created. 20,000 Police cut, youth services decimated along with SureStart and the Justice system. They sell off our assets and cut everything else. Then throw money at the problem when it's too late to fix!

12.. no 13 years the Conservatives have under their belts.. crime terrible.. transport ruined.. NHS broken.. Education falling apart... is there anything the Conservatives have fixed?

Get a decent home secretary is the first step I would think

He can start with the nasty little oik that knocked down my local police station.

End parole.

Ummm, have you looked at the date on this newspaper? Can you explain, is it Todays front page or Thursday December 29, 2022

Just stick to lowering food and energy

BBCs pledge to ignore government corruption and WEF frauds. Where's your coverage of Rishi Reset's involvement with Theleme and Infosys?

England is the dangerous and unequal country in Europe.

What about the people being raped etc by illegal immigrants

Poorly informed pre-electioneering. Let’s ask for proper policies and an intelligent manifesto and vote based on real strategy. Safer streets come out of support for poor, traumatised, excluded people/communities. Don’t vote in another Govt based on tabloid headlines surely?

One of the best ways to tackle crime, is to tackle poverty...



Our streets would be a lot safer if we were sure there were no Russian hypersonic missiles pointed at them. Stop kissing the arse of Boris Johnson and let Ukraine and Russia resolve their own disputes.

How about ensuring British children are warm, housed with full bellies? Making British poor are never hungry? Making British Elders are never cold or hungry? How about making hard working peoples lives better by giving a real living wage? Stop filling rich Tory pockets.

Are these pledges like Amber Herds?

He can start by sacking Braverman

How many more times does he have to fall on his sword

Newspaper dated December 29th 2022…..

Unlikely. There will be lot of unrest across the country due to migrants hotel and high cost of living. UK is finished.

That article's dated 29 December 2022 - hardly TomorrowsPapersToday. Doesn't look like he's made a start yet, or was it just words?

Is it still December?!

he means to make them great again!!! now, where have we all heard this before?

Yet more JAM tomorrow. They just don't get it. The Tory govt over 13 years have taken their eyes off so many issues its culminated in this nationwide 'carbuncle of chaos'!

More empty words

And so the tired mainstay narrative of the ToryCriminals party is ……. Law and order! So after 12 years of ToryCorruption and not admitting the current situation is down to them, RishiSunak has a vote winning idea!

😂😂😂😂 theemperorhasnoclothes

He can’t, the Tories got rid of half the Police Force

Sort out the vetting procedures within the police. Verbal & written warning for first offence for carrying a knife, second offence automatic 5yr sentence. More whole life sentences. Review of Parole Board & revamped with victims in mind, not perpetrators.

Does this mean that hard surfaces are to be replaced with cushioned pavements in case people fall over?

More smokescreens clutching at any past campaign that seemed to work. How desperate is he?

After 12 years!….oh sorry I forgot, Cameron, May, Johnson and Truss also promised this?…You don’t think they are trying to blindside us? 🤔🤔

Another one of his pledges - blah blah lie lie

What? Is he calling a general election and finally allowing transparent investigation into the government's conduct?

A little insensitive and poor proof checking from a headline dated 29th December considering what happened at the weekend

He pledges everything and delivers nothing

Thursday December 29th

Lol December's papers today. The jet stream headline alone kinda gives it way.

Why do we need to pay BBC licence fee if it works as Daily Express/Daily mail agent?

As useful as his promise to end corruption, Sleaze and bullying. But he did none. Rabb 30 cases of Bullying still in office. Boss of BBC got job as Boris’s Lone agent!! Ect ect

This is so contrived and worthless. Journalism from the Express and government marketing spin should think twice about such a mediocre headline. One of a similar tone over last few PMs the government have had

New pledge everyday . All talk we can all do pledges . Then do nothing

Given most problems are in labour run police areas, could be difficult

How is he doing that by importing thousands of Men from rape and wife/beating cultures?

They’ve been in power for 13 years - so why aren’t the streets safe today? Why does he need to make a pledge to make them “safer”? If they were doing their job they would be safe already.

THIRTEEN YEARS of the Tories - enough is enough!

All lies.

PowerPoint Politics.

If only the Tories had been in power for the last 13 years and not UKIP infiltrators!

It’s from last year.

Oh is he quitting?

Another quest, another failure.

Sacking the london denial mayor would be a good start

Oh stop it Rishi. Another 1000 invaders have arrived in the first 2 weeks of February.

Like everything else the government Mps PMs Conservatives have done all i can see that thay have got the UK people in 💩. Thieves, liar's, tax fiddling, backstabbers, scroungers, lining their own pockets of hard working British people 🤨

Pledge.....is that a brand of furniture polish? He should know that you can't polish a t*rd! What next? Whitewash?

Is the little fella going to join the police?

It’ll be something stupid like - stay indoors? 🙄

Sunak’s pledges mean absolutely nothing it wasn’t so long ago when he was frothing about integrity / honesty and all the other meaningless words !


Same old, same old!

Hmm... Wednesday 15 Feb. newspaper dated Thursday 29 Dec. Oh BBC what have you become?

So why aren't they safe today? ToriesDestroyingOurCountry . bbc5live wakeuptomoney

Is this the same as the Tories admitting Britain's streets have become more dangerous under 13 years of Tory governments? ToriesUnfitToGovern ToriesOut GeneralElectionN0W

Police here in.britain, they don't want to work, in 2014 my bicycle was stole, I reported it.and the theif was.caught on cctv, I got report as we can't catch them as we don't have budget, so forget it after having budget also, they will not work.. even crime is crime.

Marvelous news!!! Finally a General Election!! 👌

Best place to start is to clear all the hotels of men praying on the uks children and any of the offenders removed from the country immediately

Typical of and another example of their poor editorial standards and weak journalism. Article is from December 2022. Perhaps if you want an active link to some real stories that go with your headline then try MaggieOliverUK or the gbnews story on active grooming gangs

He pledges a lot of delivers nowt 🤣🤣

So there refunding the Police properly again?

DriversKill5Everyday SubsidisedDrivers

How about NeverVoteConservative

It’s not another pledge we want RishiSunak it’s action!

Time warp. This headline is from December 29th 2022...

By removing 22,000 police officers over ten years.

Hardly “tomorrow’s papers” when it’s six weeks old 🙄

That’s not a funny joke.

The Sun, The Mail, The Express, The Telegraph are all part of the Tory spin machine. And, right now, so is the BBC.

😂😂😂😂 your a bit Late

What's he going to do, tell the police to not turn up and record more offences so it looks better? That's how they have gerrymandered crime figures in the past, it's why the police just don't turn up anymore.

😂😂 December 29 2022..

Dated 29/12/22. Really! And besides this lot couldn't organise a p1ss up in a brewery.

Labour ruled counties are full of crime in the name of democracy.

This front page is from last year.

Too late

Germany invades Poland

GOWKS ....🤣🤣🤣

Utter bullsit

Another empty promise from a man who couldn't find his arse with both hands.


Removing met police officers!?

Kate's wardrobe is worth more than my home. Showing, yet again, the royals are totally out of touch with reality.

All Sunak does is chat shite that lot have told so many lies what he say doesn't go through one ear and out of other it's like a puff of air over my head

Close the fucking borders then.!!!

Says the Daily Express

29th December 2022? 🤨

I’ve just read about a 25yr old woman given a 12 month prison sentence suspended for 2 years for assaulting a paramedic called to help her! She will serve no time and only paid £100 for fracturing his eye socket is this sentencing making streets safer RishiSunak? You are weak!

Too little too late

Why is the BBC newsite publishing newspaper front pages?

You just can’t get the staff these days… Wrong front page! 🙄🙄

This is from December. Bit of a cock up there Auntie.


He's already failing on his first 5 pledges, let alone trying to add a 6th I don't believe a word (not worthy of the front page either)

One might ask Rishi, who made Britain's streets unsafe. It wouldn't be the govt who closed police stations and took bobbies off the beat would it ?

Now, would they being saying the same about Megan?

Check the date on the paper ?

More pledges Get on and do em!!

He’s a Tory so must be a lie 🤦‍♂️

is he calling a GeneralElectionNow ? That would make the streets safer, eventually.

Words are cheap; a well-resourced police force is not. Guess which one Rishi will sign-off?

Arsonist RishiSunak offering to put out a fire 10DowningStreet started to distract from dire state of U.K. Strikes, Economy on it’s knees, no growth. Corruption and dodgy goings on at heart of Govt. All the culmination of 13yrs of Conservatives rule. ConHome

Remove sadiq for a start.

Rishi tells lies

176k for a cheap spotty dress and hat, my grandma wouldn't be seen dead wearing. Why is, Kate so frumpy and grandma-ish.

OMG : yet another damned pledge

So is that an admission that our British society has degenerated under the Tories or merely a reflection that the Tories have so far been unable to address an already existing problem? Either way.The Tories have failed on crime

🤣🤣🤣And if it was any other the whining would be nonstop from the public but never fear someone from Scotland or Wales Parliments will start up, making it all about the reason they need independence! Meanwhile their donors and supporters are no less self-indulgent!

Actions not words are what is needed .

Take away the police. There’ll be a lot fewer rapes and assaults without them roaming around.

Rishi won’t do anything, same as usual. It won’t make him or his mates money to keep people safe. Just a distraction from lending his wife’s company money from our taxes.

😂😂😂 how is that RishiSunak when you are flooding the entire uk with illegals who in turn rise crime rates .

From who ? What does he propose locking up all the politicians, before they do anymore damage to this country and society.

If his wife paid taxes we could give the police batmobiles

Prime Minister RishiSunak is a liar

From December 29th?

I simply can’t be arsed to even open the link to this.

What, is he calling a General Election?

The best Cover page of the Aliens of the week 😂🤣👏

Took them a while to think of that one..

What about boosting health spending education spending transport spending things that helps people to have a better life rather boosting spending on things that takes peoples lives

Please we're tired of this media bullshit. it's just the ol' engineered panic, an attractive nuisance ensuring natsec reporters get assigned to investigate balloon bullshit rather than budgets or bombings (à la nordstream)


Ford to move forward with $3.5 billion EV battery plant with Chinese company • Ford said it will collaborate with a Chinese supplier on a new $3.5 billion battery plant for electric vehicles in Michigan, despite ongoing tensions between the U.S. and China.

Is this parody?

Oh no, what next sweet and sour spy soup? Pagoda espionage ...

Not reporting this are you BBC? The people are coming from you.

or can go neutral like Switzerland in both wars and thrive?

police are too thick

Going to explain why

sounds like me

I only scream abuse because you aren't good enough. Just try harder dammit...

About time!

And Russian missiles may hit Newcastle. Hey ho, all is fair in war and peace. 🤷‍♀️ Just wait for me to pull my family from the UK before you bastards decide to launch a war with Nuclear armed Russia, yeah?


Ha haaaa Meghan is such a very good big role model for Kate and to tell the truth she must say thanx to Meghan🤷🏽‍♀️

‘High standards’ lol ! Telegraph is hilarious these days

It was bailing out the greedy banks that allowed the tories to justify the austerity that’s contributed to people being poorer and services being under invested in over the last decade. The tories and their pals at the banks and energy companies are robbing us blind!

Perhaps not, but the 24 people accusing you of bullying makes you a bully.

indeed not. Being a bully makes you a bully. And - speaking of high standards - has Raab found out where Dover is yet?

There seems to be a lot of evidence of his bullying and very little evidence of his high standards though 🤔 Another deluded narcissist who thinks he has a right to govern and that we work for him, not the other way round. NeverVoteConservative

Bullying doesn't mean you have high standards.

High standards aren't the test of bullying.

Is that Aaron Banks? No surprise there then.

High standards? Like lying on a beach instead of doing your job helping people in Afghanistan?

Non sequitur…. Although wouldn’t be so sure about ‘the high standards’

I think the world is coming to an end. Let's repent

Never mind the earthquake, who's the bird in the bra?

Is that 1 dozen in total? Does The Sun want us to have no armed forces ourselves?

And our cabinet!!!

They making fool of him they are using him they used him and look at his country

Boomers are desperate for World War III.

Ah - the self appointed president of the world! Maybe Napoleon complex is a real thing after all 😂


Ukraine needs to follow Boris’s advice and join the EU. Once the war is over, look forward to the sacks of rice and grain, flown in by European supply planes, to the starving population of UK. Blankets, clothing and tents for those left homeless from Tory oppression.


It’s not his decision, put us all at risk! He probably fly to the othe side of the World to avoid repercussions!

I disagree with any aid to a country that has snatch squads and national brigades running it. Enough no more

He wants to join NATO and the EU let them supply weapons. I don’t mind us helping but we shouldn’t be the lead on it.

Boris has already spaffed sufficient jets over his Ukrainian Churchillian fantasies.


Do they have American football in Ukraine?

What? Both of them? 😳

Get the strap.

Stop giving him weapon let him quiet Stop fueling the war I wish Russia has attacked those sponsoring Ukraine everyone would have mind their business.

How about get to fook

Crazy headline

So many high rise tower blocks ppl now live in, tht they did not stand a chance. Low rise of houses a better chance!

And the pilots plus the ground force let's get it done

No jets !

Someone should tell him he's not PM anymore.

No. We should focus aiding the people who can’t eat here, can’t afford to switch their heaters on. Uk taxpayer cannot take the bill for these unlimited expenses. Not to mention we should give aid instead to turkey/Syria

What So if we get attacked in meanwhile, we should all hide under our blankets? Why have we paid so much in Taxes only to be dragged into a war and left defenseless? Have he forgotten that UK has been Blacklisted by EU, nobody will raise a finger to help us. Negotiate Peace.

No. Enough.

Vlod doing a great job for Putin, in trying to make us and the rest of Europe defenseless to a back door suprise attack....

Are the Ukrainians paying for anything? Or just begging for anything they can get? Why a country so big does not have an army? Why were they not prepared for this...once again the politicians screwed everything up and people are dying...oh well


Didn’t we have to borrow French ones for our carrier?

The big guy has it taken care of.

So we have none left to defend ourselves against a Russian attack?

Given that under the conservatives the number of jets the UK have has been halved, that’s probably not very many…

Please BBC, stop posting this Tory gutter press rubbish.

No no no that will result in a world war

Let’s help out our own people for once . No harm but this country is completely broken . Charity starts at home

Boom if you do !

According to the reports over the last few weeks about how short the military is of equipment Britain might need to barrow jets from Zelensky he has beg that many that is provided he hasn't sold them after the sacking in Ukraine government last week who know

“and all of our money”

I am assuming they want our old Tornados. We cannot be handing over jets to Ukraine. I think that is over stepping a line.

Yeah that’s a brainy idea 🤦‍♂️

Don’t send him our jets. Wtf is wrong with everyone one Do we really want to just escalate things further It seems okay for western politicians to keep fueling this war at the expense of Ukraine lives. It seems okay to Zelenskyy to do the same.

Alexa.. call NATO


Have we got any that actually work?

What? Both of them?

What the UK could realistically provide without leaving a gaping hole in our own defence is our Tornado bombers, Swedish Saabs and French Dassault Rafalel fighters from other European nations would have to be provided we don't have the aircraft to provide fighters as well.

Boris is a fud.

Why is this back bencher trying to undermine the leader of his party? 🤷‍♂️

Do not take the irresponsible words from scoundrel Boris. He takes no responsibility, all for his own benefits & self promotion.

Funny to see US’s sidekick wiggling!

Defo time for action, nice to see us all pulling together !

Zelensky came to the UK to beg for Weaponry... Do we even have the money to send weaponry? He does realise we had truss in charge, right?

No! No! No! Unless you want us all to die!

The Tories need a distraction from continental fraud,incompetent, bullying, tax evasion, cronyism, infighting, and the disaster of Brexit. So let's start WW3 !!!

Send Zelenskyy back

He's detached from reality. He always has been - but it useful to be reminded of that fact occasionally, if only as a reminder to those that would have him back in No.10.

Send him nothing. Why hasn't Putin and his army or spy's shot him whilst he thinks he is a celeb travelling around the world? Putin as probably sent him to get our jets to use on us 😳

Why does this feel like “The charge of the light brigade” why are right wing papers only giving one sided arguments and dangerous statements. Are they aware Putin has the biggest collection of nukes at his fingertips. Brits are giving him the argument and excuse to use them

War mongers…

Er why? If one jet is sent how long before a pilot is able to fly them competently? Months at least. Language barrier for 1. Who will service these delicate war machines? Not then that’s for sure. We should concentrate on building our own forces and stay well clear

Imagine the Express reaction to a Labour politician saying ‘hand over the RAF to another country’. Mad mad times.

These Typhoons he wants cost £50 million each!!!!

No thanks I'd rather we kept them

And who is going to be flying the jets? PEACE TALKS

SUNAK is playing right into Johnson’s hands the fool. !

Call up the home guard ….that dads army mob will do that’s all we’ve got !

There’s nothing like a war to make the banks happy.

U.K. has a total of 30 American F-35B Fighter aircraft have so far been delivered to the UK with a further seven due for delivery in 2023. The remaining 11 will follow in 2024 and 2025, according to the spokesperson.2 Dec 2022. So + 14 Tanks. Tory Defence Spending Nightmare .

Can we not send a team of negotiators to talk peace instead ?

And Bullshat Johnson could fly them all too. Tally ho!

What will you defend yourselves with when Russia comes knocking

Warmongering intensifies

No jets RishiSunak

People. Are you only caring about your own warm place. You are thinking so selfish. Peace talks with putin. You are joke. You want a peace so send it, because the peace will never be with putin, turn on tv and you will see how are they thinking about uk.

They know that no one will be left to reproach them. That's why they behave that way. They are sick. They do not represent the interest of the British people in any way. They are paid by the stateless Oligarchy. They hate the people.-

send all our jets. fucking hell no. this is so bad.

If only there was any left to send without leaving us completely fat jet fighterless. Something has to give on current commitments & surely replenishment commitment is without question.

The dumbest, most ill-informed headline I've seen today. Where are we going to magic jets up from? Or is the intention for us to buy and supply Gripen for free?

If Johnson wants to send jets ...let him pay for them ...not the tax payer. Absolute tosser

Instead of encouraging peace talks … what about saving lives not enough died with covid they just want more deaths what happened to humanity ha ? Go have some more babys Boris 👎

He can have the Salford Jets anytime he wants. But he'd better not be looking at me!

Send him an Airfix kit of a jet. Then, he and Boris can build models together.

Cross the border. March on Moscow. Find Pootin. Deliver him to the The Hague.


We are being disarmed... all our tanks & jets will be obliterated leaving us defenceless.. The Westminster nonces are committing Treason of the highest order. Westminster treason

Why he has not did in his tenure ? Is this not a pressure tactics against Sunak ?

Give him some red bull

Send him the squad from Dagenham FC jets football club and claim there was an error in translation

You're all fucking mad!

Give him nothing

Its exactly why we are on twitter and not reading your newspaper.

I look at this picture and can’t help thinking ‘I remember the first time I was shot out of a cannon’.

Happening all over again. Another rush to war by warmongering politicians and controlled main stream media. This time it will only end one way... The losing side will resort to nuclear weapons.

What’s the benefit of starting WW3 according to our politicians?

Fix the internal issues first before helping others

Daily Express backs Boris so doesn’t matter about the planes we don’t have anyway. Send Boris over there to fight instead...

In choosing to heed one plea for help over others, the helper reveals who and what he really is

For gods sake. NATO has to do that if anyone.

Oh dear, did they misspell Jews..

Weird that this paper mentions an inconsequential back bencher on its front page

We've only got four.

Only a matter of time before we get invaded. That American guy telling everyone our military isn't fit for purpose and then Borris trying to flog all our gear to Ukraine. ☹️

What a helmet

No grounding in reality. Like 95% of the Blue Sky nonsense thinking surrounding Ukraine.

Send the politicians to fight if it’s that important

Arms manufacturers are having a bumper 2023!!!!

Give him the ships as well

Give him the ships as well.

Why didn't they get Sunak a kid's helmet that would fit him?

Whole life tariff 🤔

Oh my. Prayers for this baby.

That'll work!


❤️Scotland, hate unionism... ScottishIndependence 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Sets the back years eh, they were in the 19th century to begin with

Never seen so many high rise flats in Turkey footage, you just won't see the like in LA or San Francisco there's a reason for that earthquakes and towers do not mix.

I identify as an otter!!

BBCNews :BBC showed earthquake fault lines in Turkiye with vast differences between the lines. Buildings were build on the one nearer Syria. We have this 7.8 magnitude one causing vast damage and loss of life. Response from EU and UK is rapid to aid them!

Shut up salmond...stop trying to be important 🤷‍♀️😏

Very droll headline indeed

That’s a yawn 🥱

And rightly so, whistleblowing is there for a reason and people should be protected

It was correct that the whistleblower was fired.

Only seven years till the EU starts stealing people's homes from them

I never know how much credibility to give things like this if they don’t name them. British Press are hardly trustworthy

Inbox me with your cashtag

Inbox me with your cashtag

Pathetic cancel culture at its worst best.

Bore off

Agreed..... Women are revolting 😏

Only fair, Clarkson's been revolting for years.

Real whistleblowers, should never be confused with, dog-whistle blowers..

It matters not. His audience is enormous, it’s already migrated from BBC to Prime, if it needs to migrate from Prime to Netflix then so be it. Cancel culture is on the cusp of being cancelled

Good - anyone who doesn’t want to be on the show doesn’t have to appear - get some guests who respect free speech!

Women are well within their rights to not want to spend time with Clarkson, it’s amazing the comments seem to think Clarkson can do what he wants (regardless of how hateful it is) but women can’t. He glorified violence to women and grouped Meghan with a child killer …

Good - it is badly needed! The illegal entrants shouldn’t have any rights to stay or be able to appeal if they illegally enter our country! Time to get tough and get rid of them all and clear the hotels!

Same women will be on loose women next week slagging him and other men off without even noticing their own hypocrisy

Great news. If you're illegal you are void of any rights. No more handwringing liberalism 👍🏻

Another bunch of trumped up so called celebrities - who cares what they think

'How will drama end for you?' 'Terrifying Ordeal'. They really should get a compositor to check the front page.

Not a chance !!! Go now tories !!!

Never interrupt your enemy when...


No it won’t

I need more evidence, that’s just an assumption. Not a fact on where she is. Police are still investigating

Thanks for this. What’s in the Beano this week?

Tax cuts for Tories, isn't that happening already? ToryTaxEvasion

Bout time

Jesus H Christ... all he did was describe a scene out of Game of Thrones! The meg mob can jog on! I'm backing Clarkson all the way 🍺

Hi, Boris says many things and it's all said for his selfish needs.

Do you think people who work at the daily express say they’re journalists when asked what they do at dinner parties?


O no it won't.

So Joris not only torpedoes Rish! but also strengthens the potential Truss (lol) comeback. The Tory Circus is just getting started!


This is an incorrect headline in law thetimes. A person genuinely seeking asylum cannot arrive by 'illegal' means. However they arrive is a legal means. They just have to get here, no matter how hard our government makes it for them... against the spirit of international law.

Considering there’s 4 months recordings in the can!! Yet again the DailyMirror printing bull 💩

Some people won’t be happy until the UK has a standard of living that equates with third world counties where most people rely on crime to survive.

Don't let them reach soil.

Get Clarkson in the bin 🚮

Their loss, no worries, very childish

Why are you giving a back bencher a platform and why are you quoting the Daily Express? Johnson is not PM, not even in the cabinet. He has no power.


A future for all and not the few will win the next election, remember Boris Greeks bearing gifts, you think the Trojan horse will win, I truly hope not!

Are they high ?

100% cuts. Do it.

Is that coming from the 350 million promised on that bus


They could give every household 10 grand completely free and they still wouldn’t win.

They're going to bribe us with Russian money, we'll take it, of course, they're not the only money men, if the're into buying us, we can be reasonable. However, you have a huge reputation for lying, so we will require payment 16 weeks in advance, no time to offshore it otherwise.

Isn’t the the same line they tried with Truss? 🙄


It’s quite pathetic how he thinks he’s still Prime Minister.

The Tories cannot cut taxes they have no money. And debt is too expensive

I'm more worried about interest rates

Not a chance

FLASH POLL 👇 Were Truss n Kwarteng right all along on tax cuts? Retweet for more votes 🔁 skypapers newsnight gbnews TomorrowsPapersToday

Boris: You’re all tards if you still believe me.

Tories think as greed is their motivation,it is the motivation of all .Sophisticated lot !😂😂

And even more cuts to public services to pay for them. No thanks, Johnson.

I’d vote for any party that promises to make Boris wear a clown nose and clown shoes for a whole year

Next to come BeReady

That’ll see quite a few DWPWorkCoach posted in Gp Surgeries get verbally minced after they try & approach a menopausal woman unable to access HRT drugs for ‘work coaching’.

Well it's become pretty obvious by his absence that we no longer have a minister for health and social care..... Where are you SteveBarclay

Axshual women or womex?

SuzanneEvans1 I could not care less about Harrys virginity - makes me feel quite unwell as the thoguth passes through my mind. (Times Paper insert)

Those in their 50's who have saved meticulously for early retirement now seen as lazy? We've worked hard throughout our lives, women working far more than our parents generation & now choose to enjoy it in a self funded way. Yet we're somehow at fault? Extraordinary

Who could have foreseen this? Let's call another cheeky anniversary lockdown and save some god damn lives


SuzanneEvans1 We need to build a parallel economy.

SuzanneEvans1 Boris said “you must stay at home” and people decided life was better if you didn’t slog your guts out only in order to hand all of your money over to a corrupt government. Government’s business model is dead.

Small minded right wing bias - is the reason why is platform this guff from this rag

Every one is sick of these clowns , they are not funny

Wouldn't go near a woman or girl for years!!!

Is the owner of BBC Roman English or Scandinavian English?

Is the owner of BBC Roman English or Scandinavian English?

Is the owner of BBC Roman English or Scandinavian English?

Mason Greenwood is a rapist and a domestic abuser. We all know it ManUtd Nike we heard the audio, saw the pics and know he's done it before. Why do you hate women?

What about Brexit? Telegraph

Black privilege

They’ve spelt Brexit wrong……again

Your headline, Telegraph, is 2 years too late. People said this would happen in 2020 and we were right.

How about the much greater damage caused by Brexit.

Headline here MartinSLewis re energy firms hoarding: - BG were telling me to up my £85 DD to over £400 at one point - I complained to the them, then ombudsman that it was grossly misleading - Ombudsman dismissed & sided with BG - Now my DD is £166 & on track Pointless ombudsman

Not surprised his charges were dropped ~ British justice is rubbish

The whole covid situation was terribly handled by this useless tory government.

Gosh, if only we had some easy way to get equivalently skilled people into the country? Perhaps from near neighbours?

200gb that’s a bargain

GeneralElectionNow ToriesDestroyingOurCountry ToryFascistDictatorship NaziBritain CrimesAgainstDemocracy HumanRightsViolations Fascism ToryTreason censorship Regime Democide Genocide RightToStrike DemocracyIsDead Putin Hitler

Don't hear people complaining when a new bank holiday is called !!

I can bring these beauties out of retirement! LizTruss

She would be doing George Canning a big favour. He had his record, as our shortest serving Prime Minister, cruelly stolen by Liz Truss. 😥

Truss will sink the boat...🤔

Disgusting. We should introduce a law that states ALL employees are entitled to an inflation matching pay rise every three years. If you did it every year, we'd go bust in two. 🤣🤣

Political propaganda posted by …. Oh, the BBC again! Comment? Analysis? Balance?


REALLY! egos abound! Honestly, she has absolutely no shame. Can you remember how fucking, appallingly bad she was.

Someone better warn Instagram that they need more storage space on their servers, the instagram princess is returning! 🙄

It's a neverending horror film...😱

No thanks

Sunak making new laws up daily yet nothing gets done

Oh do me a favour! Yes it’s sad and horrifying but extremely rare, so rare it makes national headlines when it happens, unlike the now daily knife murders



RaabTheBully CCHQPress


What is it with these clowns? Whose kool-aid are Truss and Johnson drinking?

GE now!

Is she going to repay the 68 billion if our money that she lost? We are waiting!

Just ignore them. That’s how people got their rights originally. There’s a line and it’s time to cross it.

Bah Gawd... She's back!.... With a Steel Chair in hand!

All this mess ... all about the f*** Brexit.

Can't we just have a new law that forces employers public and private sector to pay staff a genuine living wage which annually rises with inflation

The Mirror doesn’t seem to give a toss about underprivileged Black kids getting stabbed in London every night of the week Why should we believe they care about this?!

I fully support this. The audacity of teachers yet again punishing the students they’re supposed to be teaching to pursue their own wants is horrendous. They constantly stood in the governments way when trying to reopen schools during Covid & now they’re ruining education again

New laws to prevent people protesting, new laws to stop people striking, realise our once great democracy is turning into an overbearing authoritarian regime.

Bang on my dad got attacked 9 years ago and nothing happened

Another prime example of how diversity quotas are wrong. Country will be weakened while we find unqualified candidates taking the place of well qualified candidates. Clearly not learnt from Zahawi situation. Employee a crook to look after money for the sake of the quota.


The BBC peddling right-wing propaganda at the behest of Richard Sharp.

To be fair; kids will be better off without teachers, less woke crap for a start.

Not with my taxes !!


And the tax payer should pay them becaaaaause.. ()

Jesus Christ. How are these lies allowed?

That's a lie. They won't.

No problem with the cabinet carousel getting huge payoffs every time they briefly step off

Each night the BBC and SKY have a Paper Review. For impartiality they have 2 guests on with opposing views. Sadly the papers they review are The Telegraph The Express, The Mail The Sun The Metro (owned by The Mail) With only The Mirror and Guardian fighting the other corner.

He said he wanted forgiveness. But he still says he did nothing wrong. He’s trying to play us. People who followed the rules are right to be upset. He’s not sorry

Richard Madeley made big money on I'm a celebrity only stayed for few days did he give his money back or to charity

Does someone want to tell them cutting taxes won’t work, paying proper wages & funding services work, we see you for what you are

We could start with MP’s paying the right amount of tax, instead of it going into offshore accounts.

How the feck can we have tax cuts when all these public sector workers are wanting wage risers

You cannot cut taxes and deliver services. Simple. Look at the state of the nation. taxes

Is Kate really an impartial journalist/presenter on this issue? Nah...

Bet the decision makers of that show gave him a big sum to go on good morning Britain or whatever rubbish it’s called. And then give him stick on there about money 🤣. Couldn’t make it up

She’s written a book and made a tv series

When is he going to be tackled about midazolam?

I bet he didn't like her tone.

‘Yes i did it for the money, like every other contestant there; its up to me what proportion (if any) i give to charity. Goodbye’

Wait... the same parents that can't afford food, heat or electricity?

Limbo? They have advanced warning.

And let’s not even mention how many people can’t receive NHS treatment at the dentists now. If you didn’t see them for emergency during covid when things got back to normal you were removed. They don’t give a damn there’s a cost of living crisis & people can’t afford private

“Kate paints town red”. With their obscene spending, the Windsors are sending the whole country into the red. AbolishTheMonarchy

Always liked him. Remember when he came to Llantarnham. He shook my hand 🤣

The chills just have to close. What is strike action if it’s not going to be disruptive? That’s the whole point of it!

.DailyMirror and roswynnejones living in the 1980s. Too many UKLabour supporters stuck in the past. The world has changed. Left politics hasn't BBCPapers

What exactly happened to the mindless inane propaganda lies that by leaving the most successful trading bloc in the world the UK would have an extra £350 million a week to spend on the NHS?

GPs now self identify as invisible, ie, transparent.

The Kinnocks are grifters.

I mean, Daily_Express should probably make hannagsslr aware that while GP practices have become more embedded in the NHS, they are still independent contractors who simply can access NHS services. & that we also have a lack of GPs, but why let facts get in the way of an attack?

I wonder why the NHS is in a shocking state Daily_Express. It’s been chronically underfunded by this shocking government who’s arse you lick on a daily basis.

The same Neil Kinnock that lost a healthy poll lead before the 92 election. Just as possibly Kier will.

What complete and utter government rubbish are you tweeting about now? 99 % of the population can’t and never could retire in their 50s. Jeremy_Hunt and Conservatives are living in fantasy rich land. The rest of us don’t have the money to fiddle our taxes to retire early.

I’d be tempted back but my 42 years in customer service, managing large teams, budgets and sales are only worth minimum wage apparently so I won’t be doing it Jeremy_Hunt

Tory Scum!!!

Work is for the mugs that fund the government leeches

Where were all the civil rights activists and legal teams when state pension ages were raised ? Not a peep but when an unjust criminal needs help they're all over it...

How many over 50's have used up their life time allowance of £1million?

The Tories are shittihg themselves. The last of those who can afford to retire have done so, taking millions out of the workforce. Brexit closed the door to European workers. Not enough workers dor the jobs. People now realise they are valuable & demand the wage they deserve

Hey people of India stop watching BBC channel. Block it and unsubscribe at the endBecause BBC channel does not look in its collar that how many dirty people have a channel?

Many of the people who decided not to back to work after the pandemic did so because they had found life was better without the workplace stress and office politics. You can't put a price on happiness.

Pensions were never meant to be paid for 25-30 years!!!! I intend on working for at least the next 8 years & i’m 62 years young

He could stop taxing my pension, that might help.

What a load of shite. Who wants to work for 10 quid an hour? You've made a right shite job of running the country, and now you want digging out. Not a chance

Wife and I pushed out of workplace in mid-50s during the era of austerity and cuts. They can stick it up their collective arses if they think I'll go back on their latest whim.

Tories to bring back the workhouses

Does this mean that over-50s who resign and then resume work would be exempted from income tax? I can see why some Cabinet ministers might like the sound of it, but it could have unintended effects.

Good to have the choice..not feeling you have to give up if you don’t want to.

About time this country made the tories redundant

No thanks. I’m quitting at the end of May at 64 3/4. My dad didn’t quite make 66, so I’m making the most of an occupational pension (doesn’t pay enough to live off, but hopefully I won’t have to pay much income tax on it next tax year, and I’ve got savings) while I have time.

Should have thought about labour shortage before Brexit, if only they were warned, oh wait!

Remember how the French took this news …. And look at us all bending over and accepting it eh

I was widowed at 59. I take an income from my husbands pension. I have my own nhs pension (41 years service) not as good as advertised btw. I can manage and I’m not going back to work thank you

Not me thanks. Always careful with money, never wasted it, frugal, contributed all our working lives to a work pension. Lost my mum at 57 and decided to retire to spend what time I can with my dad.. still make sacrifices with spending when needed. We won't be returning to work.

What are they basing it on the house of lords where you go to sleep every day...🤔

They found a great way by making your private pension value plummet.

Mixed messages from the Government. Get yourself a private pension, invest with our mates in the insurance sector”: “state pension age getting pushed up and up”. People do invest, then invest more, then find they can retire before state pension age. Boom.

somehow you just know the well-off and affluent will do well out of this.

should be a shake-up to bring the Tory party to their knees

I have paid into the system all my working life which is 39 years. My dad died at age 52 with bowl cancer If I do not make it to age 67 then all that money i have paid into the system means nothing to me Should have left retirement at age 60

What about all the vaccine damaged whom are no longer fit for work?

Doing something more to get youngsters working full time rather than compulsory education until they are however old

Unless you are a politician or work for a government body then you can still retire after 50. The rest of us can just die at work.

Perhaps pay those people in the public service sector more? That just might entice some people back to work?

A Major Fail. Who wants to work past 50?

At 60 I worked hard saved hard paid my pension for 40years can afford to retire I’m doing it. the hardest I intend to work now is on the golf course.

I'm sure those zero hours contracts are very enticing

Maybe old people should stop voting Tory. No Sympathy when they are the largest demographic that do. Young people will be lucky to retire at all.

Who thinks up these policies?! They’re just so shit

Worked for it, paid for it and now enjoying it. So just fuck off H(c)unt and take your criminal pals with you

Bribing the sick and elderly to keep working is definitely a clear sign of a strong economy with a great future.

A proper Hunt's trick that

Hunt’s ‘Lies’ will help millions enjoy a well deserved Stay home Stay safe life, to Build Back Better, to have minus million percent carbon emissions. Clap

Or Daily_Express we could just let pensioners enjoy their well earned pension and the Conservatives could reduce childcare costs which would allow more women return to work and let EU workers return to fill the vacancies and all pay tax. Too controversial for your paymasters ?

Enforced slavery by a ruthless warmonger dictatorship regime

Good luck at the inevitable General Election……….not!

Yet my Husband been searching 4 new job for 6 years - always gets down 2 last 2 & looses out 2 younger candidate with degree cause he over 55 & only has 37 years experience. He got made redundant 2day - we know companies r ageist & experience not valued - future scary.

As a retired person, can I just say I MISS MY WEEKENDS AND BANK HOLIDAYS 🤣

Why keep sharing this newspaper front-page when its just propaganda

I love how forcing pensioners into work is being peddled as a positive. A government totally devoid of ideas

Nah- over 50s swap 52 weeks × 5 days a year holiday for 25 days plus bank hols- why would they. Self employed, not employed or give them a reason. Taking back control, isn't that what the government wanted 🤣

It's over 55s. But accuracy isn't the Mail's strong point.

I’ll be retiring when I’m 50 Jezzy Cnut

GBNews daytime ratings will bomb!

Let's face it; this government can't even get its own MPs like Boris back to work 😒 🙄 never mind older people!


C u N T, Jeremy C u N t

Get all the pensioners and long term sick back in to work, so there's less jobs for the young ....what could possibly go wrong🤔

Tories want us to be carried out of the workplace in a box.

If someone has retired (I.e., taken their pension), how is raising the tax free pension saving allowance (for the pension they are taking) going to entice them back to work?

I'm 61, in poor health, my mate died last week aged 63, another last year 61 and the year before another 59.. Tell me why I can't retire please?

Just what boomers need, even more life perks.

Political idle lies soon become broken promises once the government get their way, if not sooner. And guess what, those who sell their souls soon become forgotten because it costs money.

Pensioners! Back to work!!

It'll take more than 'perks' to attract people back into this kind of Tory-style work:

Forcing the elderly and sick to work for pauper's wages. SUNLIT UPLANDS!

Aye, because retired people want to go back to work after working 40 years. Not.

My English skills must be failing. For a moment then I thought I’d read “ pensioners and long term sick need to go back to work”. But of course nobody sane would suggest that and policy or decent. My bad

People aren't angry enough because a billion is such a massive number to try and comprehend.


Erm more people watch Strictly though 🤔

When you will stop sharing this right wing shite without proper comment or real balance?

Does anyone believe this rubbish anymore.?

I voted Remain and have luckily managed to retire early, Brexit made many leave the UK leaving us short of workers and now Hunt wants me to return to work? Note to Tories, sort out your own shitshow. Love Paul xx

I retired early in August (64) after 42 years in Nursing and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. If Jeremy Hunt (with a C) thinks I’m going back to work he can insert his ‘perks’ where the sun doesn’t shine.

Deranged on hrt again

Disprivaledged working people security officers care workers warehouse workers have worked 48hrs inhumanely hard shifts to make the rich richer, working people deserve better dignity and respect with more paid holidays and double pay and lesser working hours

Let’s hope Chis Peckham takes a break. The programme will then become watchable again. BBCWinterwatch

Corrupt HMRC

I think if you did a real poll you might find more people keen to rejoin than you think.

Rubbish, needs more pictures of people in a bath wearing weird masks. 0/10.

Yes we are - very keen!

The funny part about all this, is that British media always assumes Britain has all cards 🃏 in it’s hand on any issues relating to Leaving or Rejoining. What makes you think the 🇪🇺 would even entertain 🇬🇧 rejoining?

Brexit hasn’t happened. Never voting ConHome (please note) again.

Brexit only happened because of political extremism at the top of the Tory party and the lies Boris Johnson and others told to justify it, including the NHS slogan on the side of a bus. Turning our backs on our nearest trading partners was never going to make sense. Shambolic!

Who says we aren’t keen to join the EU? It’s time for this expensive experiment to come to an end

Headline not correct!! Say UK not eager to rejoin, however most polling say 60%+ would so headline not correct But movement off people regretting vote is clear😏

I am very eager to rejoin

And there’ll be rainbows & bunny rabbits & strawberries & cream 🤪🇬🇧

Oh yes we are

Moot. The EU is not eager for the UK to rejoin.

Who says?

Years ago we were not in the EU, we joined the EU, so much money was paid for being in the EU & now why are Conservatives & others blaming Brexit? RishiSunak keeps referring to Brexit rather than blaming the Conservatives who has spent so much money on meals, private jets etc.

And he'll do it all in the guise of a meerkat.

Peeps don’t like to be told they were cheated & lied to

🤣🤣 and EU not keen for UK to rejoin, that’s for sure! 🙄

Didn’t fancy using a question mark?

You mean a fucking lie

Kate’s “can-do attitude” will help. She can hold three cans.

It might help if Britain was not such a mess, talking Britain up doesn't stop the fact that the country is in chronic decline.

Why BBC dont want to show this documentary 😡😡😡😡😡👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽

Absolutely 💯 yes politicians stop talking down of all great nation Great Britain

We can dress it up, serve it up and talk it up all we want, Brexit Britain is and remains a stinking pile of dogshit!

Actions speak louder than words ! The country is being asset stripped by Torigarchs.

The media need to do the same then!!! And stop with the negative and bad front page headlines !!!

Buggers nicked my line...

This country is long gone

The country is dead and Westminster killed it


Britain has prospects? The country is going down the toilet. The cost of living/utilities crisis, the NHS on strikes, a justice system that isn't working, etc.

Silly old goat .

Ruined the country, now they reckon the problem is that people have noticed 🙄

Did he say that headline or sing it?

'How real cops would nail Happy Valley's Tommy Lee' Would they offer him a job?

Laura laid dead for 4yrs, nobody missed a 38yr old woman, that’s shocking and very sad

Then lighten the tax!

Yep. In a couple of years we will have a new government so that’s better.

well, that's what he voted for...

Despite this rag being the tories mouth piece.. the are responsible for the “declinism” with there sheer and utter incompetence.

We are being dragged down. By your party DominicRaab

DM with a picture of gammon top right in the header. Presumably this helps the readers find their rag.

Loving the fact that the UK is in the worse state of my lifetime.

If you say so Mr Hunt, everything in the garden is rosy, no energy crisis, abundant NHS beds, we're not the sick man of Europe, Boris is single handedly responsible for defending Ukraine and Rod Stewart only jests this is the worst he's ever seen.🙄 ToriesDestroyingOurCountry

I really don't understand what people think 'talking Britain up' (or down) will achieve. What problems are solved (or caused) by talking something up (or down)?

Tax Exile for 40 odd years 🤣

Finally, finally, absolutely spot-on, well said stop talking down to Great Britain enough is enough

Very punny.

Trans women in prisons has absolutely nothing to do with the GRR bill

Time for Govt to stop leading the discussion then isn't it?

The Tories have brought the country to its knees, we need them to go so we can build a country we're proud of again. GeneralElectionNow

Who cares what this so called “singer” has to say? His race was run some time ago, let’s face it.

Again for those at the back - pointing out where 12 years of Tory mismanagement have destroyed the quality of life and services in the UK is not talking down Britain, it is highlighting the harm Tory governments do to us.

The Tories relying on foreigners to shore up our economy. Not ironic at all.

Why is the BBC promoting this despicable rag.

They’ll be *forcibly* suppressing political opponents next. This Conservatives government are fascists.

No shit sherlock EnoughlsEnough ToriesDestroyingOurNHS ToriesDestroyingOurCountry ToriesOutNow SupportTheStrikes

Also: Guitarist from The Rubettes threw his Zimmer frame round the care home lounge.

Yeah, that’s the answer.

Does anyone else feel uncomfortable about the very rich princess of wales being photographed at a food bank.

Can we just have an election and rid of the corrupt government?

Of course Jeremy_Hunt is right. We should just ignore all the people who can't eat as moaners.

Try telling !!

What? Like not stating the obvious (truth), and adding some positive spin will somehow magically pull us out of the shit? Is it me?

The most effective way to boost Britain would be for all these nomark chancers and proven failures to bugger off.

Why is promoting a tabloid?

Same old nonsense, day in,day out 😴

He was far better when he ran that plumbing company in Pimlicco.

Dreadful pun! *snigger* GTTO

Can he and the rest of his corrupt mates please just fuck off.

Lol Britain has never looked so small on the world stage like the little country it is.

Ticket sales not going well

He'll only do it if it means he can get a better price for selling the country out.

Hunt the ……….

The reality is Britain is a shithole that doesn't make anything. There's no investment because there's nothing to invest in.

That should do it. Talk it up. Yup. Problems solved.

We're not talking Britain down, Mr Hunt. With their behaviour, the Tories are dragging its reputation down. BBCPapers TomorrowsPapersToday

Right wing gutter press publications have poisoned your nation. The Daily Mail leading the charge.

Will need a government that doesn't screw it over first. 😏

21st century Britain what a state

She should have claimed asylum , she’d be in a five star hotel now , safe and warm. 🤔🤔🤔😡

Sheer greed. Incompetence.

With no hint of self awareness

Plenty of Money for Ukraine though!

This is the UK that the Tories have built in 12 years.

Classic 💩 stirrers ! But are we there yet EddieHearn ?

Because they have and will continue to influence the masses to vote for Tories.

This government can find £ 7 million every day of the week , to put up illegal migrants in luxury hotels , while British people are left to freeze . Something is very wrong .

Has anyone told them who’s been in power for 13 years?

Yet the boat scroungers get free hotels ,free heating ,free food ,free money ,free mobile phones ,free NHS care ,UK is finished

Thirteen years of Tory rule, perhaps it's time your interviewers asked som probing & taxing questions, given ministers a hard time, you were quiet on Zahawi for so long

So tragic. Hope it won’t happen again

Erm... Because you back the tories, they're in power and don't give a fig about people in the UK.

It's the sad reality of our country because the Daily Express and their infinitesimally less imbecilic colleagues at the Daily Mail told their trusting readers to vote for it.

Are people really this gullible that they would allow themselves to drink the cool aide when they know it will kill them⁉️

Ukraine, tories, Brexit...all things you back...

Because we have a Conservative Government.

Illegal immigrants are getting their energy bills, food and Clothing paid for by the tax payer and are not gracious at all but simply expect and demand it. Meanwhile our elderly die in their homes because they cannot afford to stay warm - what has happened to this country 🤦🏻‍♂️

Because the government is a circus led by clowns and papers like the express write the script for these clowns.

Or is it an easy way for the elderly to get away from the living standards fk up its become.

It’s happening because we have a government who cares more about money, than people.

Shame on Sunak, and the conservatives. Each and every conservative should be ousted, not fit for purpose, not fit to run a country, unless of course you include running it into the ground!

There is another sad reality. If the mass Media stopped hysterical reporting of how unaffordable heating has become and frightening consumers, we could all take a calmer approach to our usage. It’s what we have had to do in the EU. Where consumers have little say.

We didn't build any new nuclear power stations when we had the chance.

The Daily lies


You are to blame because you never ask “politicians”the right questions.

It’s a disgrace. This government dont give a toss as long as they’re in power nothing will change. General election now

I wonder.....

And caring Kate. 🙄

Fans of low tax, small state non-government shocked that public services are virtually non-existent.

And how many homeless are there in the UK

I will tell you why it is the sad reality because the Express and others have supported cuts to essential services since 2010. That’s why it is a sad reality.

Absolutely shocking and sickening! Hard to believe this is happening in 2023 ! 😡😡😡

The Express needs to own it

I was beginning to feel very unwell with the cold at 74 years old. My arthritis was even more painful. My legs were so cold. How many will suffer? I put my heating on and left it on.

Absolute hypocrisy these media outlets of propaganda are promoting these agendas smart meters turn off your energy at peak time you’ll get a rebate 🙄(if you haven’t tripped and fallen in the dark or froze to death)keep warm people put the emphasis back on the Government 👍

ofgem Need to cut fuel bills now, not in April when demand goes down.

Our country is the shame of the wester world

Riding the Express down the tracks to hell. At least it's warmer there.

It's because of those people you tell us to vote for.

Look what your Toryscum pay masters have done to this country and you have the audacity to defend their actions, Shame on you, you may as well change your name to Tory broadcasting as you don’t represent the British public

Only country that would allow that nonsense called TV licence and road tax. Most obedient citizens to governments extortion

BBC News and Politics have to take a lot of criticism for not holding the Conservative Party to account. If you'd been as focused on them as you were focused on Corbyn outcomes could have been very different.

Oh I ToryCorruption have CostOfGreedCrisis no idea ToryCriminals what could TaxTheRich be the issue...SavetheNHS

Blame RishiSunak & the Conservatives 10DowningStreet

It’s what you told people to vote for

Due to Tory government but given that Sadiq Khan wants to take even more money from people with his ULEZ scam and Starmer supports him, looks like Labour don’t give a sh1t either.

Tory Britain 2023….!!

How is this not the front page…. BREAKING NEWS🚨 The UK will STOP giving covid vaccines to healthy people under 50 years old. Could it be that they are worried about the 7000 excess deaths in just 3 weeks?

Reform UK!!! something must be done, things are out of countrol, NHS, immigration, non sense

Because ESG's don't give a shit, we will get the fuel and heat we are allowed and we will be made to feel guilty for every therm. This is future team Red or Blue THIS is here to stay We Bleed for Gaia while they plan war with Russia to get free road access in and out of Africa.

13 years of Tory rule and ruin

It's what people voted for. This is the reality of their decision making

This was a situation engineered by the political characters your rag actively promoted, the policies you actively campaigned for. You have as much of her blood on your hands as as the Tory party.

Every year 25k+ die of the cold each year here in the UK. Our politicians know, it's just a statistic to them.

Ask the Tories

And yet they’ve been a cheerleader for the policies that created this sort of tragedy.

Why wasn’t she being checked on regularly.

The lies of the rag have contributed to this country going to the dogs!

Completely media driven, this poor woman died of fear of turning the heating on, led by overblown headlines in the MSM.

Because we have a government of Conservatives who know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. We have RishiSunak and ofgem abetting Energy Companies making billions in profit, then taxing us to give us money to pay them. People die to fill their pockets, Tories laugh

Brexit, the Tories, what would you like to know?

Ahh the irony of the BBC paid for by the public advertising a billionaire tax dodgers pamphlet to tell a story about a person who was forced to pay for the BBC dying of poverty. You actually couldn’t make this rotten shit up.

13 years of tory government incompetence

The Daily Bastard does irony….ffs 🤪

Brexit mean Brexit.

13 years of Tory Policies and here we are.


Who’s gonna tell The Express they are part of the problem? 🤔

You are complicit

The sad reality of 13 years of this Tory Government.

Welcome to third world UK, where you fund the shareholders

Man who pissed his pants complains that pants are pissed in.

Also then send threatening letters saying they will send debt collectors round That’s the problem the energy suppliers need to protect these customers

13 years of Tories. How the Express have the cheek to say this : they helped bring in the Tory greed and short sightedness.

You wanted war with Russia so.....

A lot of elderly people don’t like paying by DD because they hear of companies putting up their DD so end up paying more for their gas and electric this must stop and one electric company even only gives them 5 days to pay at the post office

We are here because this is what people voted for.

You lot should put more pressure on government and the energy companies to stop them ripping us off.

What do you expect when you live in a country where people would rather blame immigrants and engage in manufactured culture wars than actually blame the ultra rich for bleeding us dry?

She literally made her choice She was proud and arrogant

An 87 year old grew up and lived through WW2. No central heating or double glazing just a fire. Ice on the bedroom windows. She, like me, put more clothes on in those days to keep warm. The problem today is we have no fire places for fires only gas fired central heating.

Perhaps the DailyExpressRB supporting the tories may have something to do with it

Well its starts when fools tick a box marked Tory candidate and all goes down hill from there


Sadly, because media add to people's knowledge of situations. The same as don't ring 999 unless it is life threatening. Can every patient make that decision? Many will not realise it could be life threatening. But many will put it off to another day. Tories are running UK.

If BBC reports it, then it must be true 🤣

Many people in Europe for sure are doing the same. Politicians needs to stop this stupidity about Ukraine war and think to their populations. All the politics are against their population:to reheat is a basic right that actual Heads of States refuse to their pop°. Jail for them!

Everyone needs to speak to their elderly relatives to check they are affording their bills and not living in the cold

Errrrr because you have championed the monsters in government?!

That's what happens when you vote for Tories. People never learn.

Tory Britain, in a nutshell !

Jebus It’s the corrupt, criminal tory government that this evil rag has supported that has caused this. There is no need for energy prices to be so high. 3 times the EU average People are dying due to failed tory privatisation and tory corruption

Lol blaming who? You need to blame greedy politicians and corporations. They will be a braking point. France has started and more will follow.

ToriesOut GeneralElectionN0W ToryCorruption

A reality in no small measure engineered by the Express and Mail. Now the Express bleats innocence.

Well it might have something to do with the scum that the Daily Express/Mail/Telegraph/Times/Sun et al, put into government. The 'sad reality' is that 'our country' has been smashed, looted & abused by 13 years of the Conservative Party & we fucking TOLD you this would happen...

13 years of Tory rule backed by this rag. The irony.

14.5c in my flat today… people dying to promote the climate crisis con.

I think the Daily Supress knows the answer but will deflect!

Sadly it's not just Britain 😞

You fell for the Greta grift.

It’s a 🤬disgrace

Because of 13 years of this government, championed by the Daily Express?

Daily Express are one of the groups to blame

Winston Churchill butcher of Bangal 1943. Make a documentary on it...u f**ker

Winston Churchill butcher of Bangal 1943. Make a documentary on it...u f**ker

Rich people are bad people. hatefulkate

For the nth time, the King - who is personally worth billions - could do something right now to make him the most popular monarch in British history.

You could probably impose a wealth tax on the residents of the wealthiest parts of London and pay for mitigation policies, with spare change left over.

This is what you guys wanted with Brexit, right?

jomilleweb Time to fire your government and ban anyone currently seated from running again🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

How DailyExpress? Because YOU gave us Brexit and the Tories. That's HOW.

Because your governments sold everything to the highest bidders who can charge whatever they want. In my opinion, there are a million more people who fall below the real time poverty line for every new billionaire.

I love the cognitive dissonance of rightwing newspapers asking how could this have happened? I wonder...

Greta Thurnberg

The reality the Express et al brought upon us by getting us to only vote for Thatcherite governments for 44 years

Brexit Britain

Tory Britain

How? ... Privatised utility companies and a nonsensical Energy pricing model that produces an inflated cost far beyond the actual cost to the companies.

Because it's what you pushed for and you are part responsible for her death.

And the way Smartmeters work, may lead to more deaths unless they fix them or people are in some cases going to be left without hearting, light and no telephone to get help. I had this problem for a 3 days, it was brutal, for those more vulnerable, the situation could be fatal.

From the paper that day after day slavishly lauds the Party that has brought our country to this state.

They got precisely what they wanted, why are they still whinging?

2023 Britain, it’s a crime that anyone dies in these circumstances! I just don’t understand how it can be allowed! Government doesn’t care energy companies don’t care especially when there’s profits and bonuses and tax revenue to be had ! Blood 🩸 money!

Because of dailyexpress dailymail telegraph tories murdochs liztruss borisjohnson kkwarteg jeremyhunt taxhidingrich murderers

The Express having played a huge part in leading us to this point… 🤷‍♂️

Sadly thousands of folk die each year due to living in cold homes. Tories voted against making it illegal to rent out homes that are unfit for human habitation.

Because express readers are Tory bellends who keep voting for them? Just a guess

The irony of the Brexiter Beobachter complaining about the consequences of Tufton Street mafia policies.

A paper that's done everything it can to ensure 13 years of Tory Government, wondering why everything is now so shit and people are dying unnecessarily.

British Massacres….

This is not a new issue & you know that BBC so add some context. Age UK estimate 2.5 million avoidable Winter deaths over the last 60 years. Death rate up ave 30% in Winter. It's an ongoing disgrace, not a political one. Govt agencies responsible for decades

British Racist White Slave Trader…

Your still pulling the TV licences off the pensioners so wind your neck in!

British criminals blowing up Indians

How? Because your beloved Tories have ruined this country that’s how. Daily_Express

This is Tory Britain Today, a party of selfish selfcentred MPs

Maybe ask 'Caring Kate'.

'How can this be the sad reality of our country?' Because newspapers like The Express brainwash people to vote Tory...

Travesty. Plutocracy is the fault.

your headline just broke my heart 💔 BrexitBrokeBritain

Tip of the iceberg

Yet DailyExpressRB DailyMailUK maintain the Conservatives are the party of the people… GeneralElectionN0W

'Heating her neat' Yeah really Daily Express.

How about we experiment without the Conservative Party, Daily Express and Daily Mail for 15 years and see if things get better. Think it’s a hypothesis worth testing.

Probs the result of decades of support that newspapers such as this one have given to the Tory party because of, not in spite of, their inherent corruption.

And this is a tory paper!! Thus is the reality of this country!! Tory scum bags are pillaging this country for everything they can get. Absolutely vile, evil people! This government will be seen as worse than thatchers. Wake up!!

Yea, very difficult to know given how brilliantly effective our tabloid journalism is in this country. Without fear or favour (or a clue).

News outlets’ fearmongering is to blame. Clickbait and headlines-chasing without any regard to people’s mental health and well-being badjournalism

trash government, not here to help and make things RIGHT but only to make the rich richer

The BBC reporting the Express headlines about poverty causing death ffs, pot, kettle, 🤦. It's a bit lime a Tory grabbing a photo opportunity at a food bank.

All in the name of corporate greed.

This isn't funny.

Meanwhile. Record profits for energy companies.

I don’t know, it’s probably something to do with the headlines you’ve been pushing over the last year you cowards. Die.

13 years of Tory government?

This is mainly down to ScumMedia scarring old people, telling them 24/7 on news channels that they can’t afford to turn their heating on

Because you are busy trying to give Modi a bad name !!

What problem or issue we face as a society cannot be fixed with yet further far right ideology such as the Express tacitly and overtly endorses. Non. Dom. Tax. Exile. Billionaire. Press. Barons. Are . The . Problem. It’s that simple.

It's because of the political party your newspaper? has been supporting through thick and thin.

Looks like fiddling while Rome burns IMHO.

Answer- beca

Whilst this sounds terrible at face value, we don't know if she actually had the financial means to pay for her heating bills. There are elderly people who have money on their bank, but they feel the need to leave it untouched.

The problem is alcohol.

World war 3 here we come. Hail Hydra

Operation Barbarossa 2.0 this time is different.

They’re still championing Johnson? Do they remember when he laid into people suggesting sending tanks to Ukraine?

The more they publicise the more a certain Russian will get upset. All of the saying this one gave that and this one gave that. Watch for a quiet attack which no one will realise. WW2 should have taught forces tactics.

Does the Mail remember when they backed Putin?

After giving trillions of dollars to them. The richest country in the world.

Nothing to do with BorisJohnson or the DailyMailUK get back in your boxes both of you.

This is kind of acknowledgement that the war is taking place between Russia and the WEST! Which would agree with the Russian claims as well.

British-state-controlled-propaganda outlet- Sharing 'FT headlines ' Germany agrees to send leopard tanks to Ukraine.

I guess Germany never really learned their lesson; never mind Russia has more than enough nukes to completely annihilate them, so by all means send in the tanks it’s your call ! ! !

We shouldn't send tanks nir shouldn't we encourage others too. I'm sorry but charity begins at home and we as a country are stuggljng enough b4 providing tanks worth millions in a war we do not want to be involved with.

Any NATO intention to use battle tanks against Russia, will start WW3. Russia cannot allow the west to threaten its borders & will see such aggression as a declaration of war

Chicken Spied Rice.

Worcester wanted £20m to upgrade their racecourse myworcester WorcesterRaces Is that really the kind of levelling up people want?

And yet again the taxpayers pay and have no say

Free iran is coming... IranRevoIution

People are waking up to the real reason why the vaccines were pushed on the population. But it’s too late, depopulation is the plan

The young male actor from Normal People!

I think it should be a choice, either stop work and get your pension or continue working and don't get your pension ( until you stop working ) or even better, allow those people who take their pension be free to earn a limited income

Move Parliament 'Up North' whilst Westminster Palace is renovated at the cost of billions. Let's see how attractive being an MP would be then. I reckon the expenses bills would go down a bit too.

No, a shepherd's pie!

This kind of threat reminds me of tactics like this:

While they dawdled, how many Ukrainian children lost their parents in the battle fields? If Norway's est. is correct, 100,000 Ukrainians have died in this senseless invasion. Let's help Ukraine end Russia once and for all, asap.


Only smart thing i got is a meter. Laptop camera has masking tape over and phone has a ribbon over it but answer to title he be well fed on cheese pies but nothing to drink as we a dairy fee home

Nope e but I've got a moldy scotch egg if that helps.

Not in my house I try to stay as analogue as possible, that why I don't have Alexa that live mic device or Ring doorbells

Germany never learn nothing from her history . Dommage.

theleopardsarefree 🇺🇦🇺🇦👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

No, but there's probably several Russian ones in DowningStreet A Russian-owned company played a key role in the £2.6m renovation of No.9 Downing Street in 2009 in an undisclosed contract to get it ready for White House-style televised media briefings

It should be reduced back to 65. Never mind increased. And then in future reduced again to European levels.

Not read the article but I have recently been slightly suspicious of my sushi.

dr_fionac He wouldn't last five minutes in my kitchen, let alone my fridge. 🥶

It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't know those in 10 and 11 Downing Street can afford retirement any time they like. It's all most as if Charles Dickens has been reborn. 10DowningStreet

More likely to be Johnson.

My Siracha seems pretty shady, I’ll keep an eye on it.

Is there this an award winning newspaper by any chance?

Explains where all the snacks have gone then

The truth deserves a smile: The United Kingdom is a medieval oligarchic nazi-fascist regime. The entire oligarchy, mostly stateless, covers the seats of that medieval parliament.-

A couple dozen main battle tanks will help although if other's do not commit their best tanks then its in vain!


Sunak desperately looking for a way to drop him and keep the party on his side. Weakest PM ever, who is running the country anyway no 10 or Zahwai ?

Money grabbers caused Britain's pandemic response to be less effectual than South Korea's was, for example. To people like Bill Gates, 'test-and-trace' was not something to invest in - Mr Johnson derided it as 'legions of imaginary (Inspector) Clouseaus'.

Please someone save us from this charlatan as DailyMailUK has lots it big time with this rubbish.

Johnson using the suffering of others to further his own self-interest. No change there then.

Oy Vey...Boris is sticking to his guns...just so long as The English go on paying for them !

no thanks

Now report on his finances,stop trying to make him out to be a hero. He’s a con man and nothing else.

Piss off, let them fight their own war

Deal with your own problems.

When does Johnson ever do any constituency work ?

The British gutter press up to its old tricks again. The Daily Mail supported fascism in the 1934, and is supporting fascism again in 2023. BorisJohnson 🥳 fascism Zelensky Ukraine Hitler Mussolini Russia

So my taxpayers money goes towards this cnts article vordersforme

A truthful tory.

Daily fail so desperate its front page is written by former pm who is again in a scandal back home. Pathetic.

In geopolitics, nuclear deterrence, nuclear balance of power/terror the aim is balance/containment & not the defeat of the nuclear power because that spells disaster for the innocent people of the victor (the West)? Our politicians & media leading us into WW3?

Hi Boris Johnson is Not Prime minister anymore Does the West want WW3 That's the way it is heading We need cool heads were is the United Nations .

When they say killer posed as a child to claim asylum, do they mean like Hasbulla small or what?

Screw Boris Johnson the proven liar.

There are 30 NATO Countries & 51 members in the UN. Time to Stand together, & let Putin know there is power in numbers & together they out number Russia. Putin has gone down a road to far.

Waiting for BorisJohnson to fuck off for a start.

TomorrowToiletPapersToday fixed, you're welcome

We can't adequately purge our parliament/ruling-class of Russian + Chinese assets. This is a fact.

Now he shouts....really....where was your voice when you were pm...oh wait, you were too busy picking more wallpaper?.

'Give them all the weapons they need now' Arms manufacturers will be having a bumper year in 2023!!!

Who gives a fuck what that fat self serving liar and charlatan thinks? He's only doing it to serve his own interest

Why is NATO pimping out Ukraine to do their fighting, Russia is going to come for them before they ever accept defeat, this is not going to end well, de-escalation should be the goal here.

Sadly Boris gets carried away with Ukraine. The UK needs to push for a UN led peace process. Ultimately no-one can really win this war, it needs to be settled with discussion. It's OK for us in the UK but at the end of the day Ukraine will always have a huge border next to Russia

Neither do the Labour Party but the Mirror always forgets how the Labour Party works.

Another Tory rag keen to keep Tory corruption and sleaze off of the front page. Weeks before the Russian invasion Boris was still accepting donations from pro-Putin oligarchs.

Unfortunately, Boris isn’t as influential after being demoted from his PM role

Meanwhile the whole Tory government are allegedly corrupt

Also Johnson- let’s give the son of a former KGB agent a life peerage and stick him in the heart of UK politics…!🙄🤡

Surely the Daily Mail and Boris Johnson are not war mongering again🙃

More Tory deflection. Have they no shame?

I'd suggest that Boris Johnson should be our new ambassador in the Ukraine.

Do we need politicians? Dodgy as hell, liars, slag off opposition & say what THEY think WE want to hear. How about get rid of politicians & run our great country as great businesses do. In adversity & difficulty, get together, brainstorm, do what's best for us, not yourselves!!

Why are all these war pictures got people in nice clean clothes? They also look like they have bathed offen? Makes you think!

We're almost bankrupt, cancelling vital bus services and having 8 hour waits for an ambulance, but still think we can be the world's policeman

Our hero. Total honesty and integrity.

Bet he wrote an opposing article too…

Didn’t Boris and Blinken pressure Zelenskyy to ignore peace negotiations last year April? Maybe boris could take his obese self to the Ukraine and fight the war himself.

We should donate them Boris

I don’t know Johnson; when you were off earning hundreds of thousands giving speeches in the US & holidaying in the Caribbean during Parliamentary time, how exactly was that contributing to Ukraine’s efforts? Get back to your constituency & do your job. 🙄

If only he’d been in charge when it started, maybe he could have done something….

Johnson should definitely be on the front pages. Not for this though.

Stirring piece from Boris. He worked so hard to unite his fellow leaders, led the West against Putin's war, facilitated the supply of arms and support. His frustration is justified and clear. Germany in particular needs to get its arse in gear.

Honestly I would not use this rag for toilet paper...I'd end up dirtier than before

'What the hell can we do to deflect from the latest corruption crisis in the Tory Party? Oh! I know!'

Pretty sure people warned that this kind of thing would happen and they were called racists and all sorts of other names,shame you lot couldn’t of reported the obvious risks

Is the same standard of Daily Mail towards Palestine and Kashmir?They are shedding tears for Ukraine, don't people live in Palestine and Kashmir?

But the bedwetting liberal treehuggers assured us these people were genuine! I feel cheated!

Refugees are welcome, even if they keep murdering us. This is our greatest strength.

$100 billion from the US should buy sufficient armament

How’s Harry?

Maybe our former PM can go fight on the frontline? Oh but would he have to give the Russians any money back first?

He could have sent every Challenger when he was PM. What was he waiting for? Why didn't he?

Now dam It!

Oh please! The guy is probably working for Putin.

Ukraine is paying the price because no one cared about Putin’s genocidal crimes in Syria.

Imagine starting a war and then asking every one to help you. America have you 100 billion. Jog on Fake war for the big guys to launder money

The West are the real thugs. The real criminals. Give Ukraine🇺🇦 all your weapons, you still won't defeat Russia.

He's desperately trying to stay relevant. Whipping up emotions so he can put his greasy little hands in the middle of it. What's his grift in this war?

NadhimZadhawi looks like a right wrongun.

What about the head of the BBC? He should step down immediately

Another Sunak ousting.

Well this is called the vibrant red show a dash of paint here and there

Do they even know what a woman is over at labour HQ ?

Seriously! 🤣🤣🤣

Why the fuck do we pay a license fee just to be echoed some biased shite from the supposedly independent station?

The poor female MP was jeered by her own male MP's just for standing up for females.Disgusting Labour male MP's.Labour has a massive problem.This could be their undoing.

What about the MP that has been avoiding tax ?

Mail’s right wing propaganda problem…

Quick, our good friends in trouble. We need to smear the opposition! That's the Mail for ya

The 1p mail. Ooops

Wrong pic lol

Like this, do you mean?

Aren't MPs continuously shouted down by other MPs in the HoC every day?

Labour does have a a big 'woman problem' letting this particular woman alienate a good proportion of their base spewing totally unnecessary hate on the regular. I see them championing other women

Why are you promoting made up stories?

Pot calling kettle black.

Same old Daily Fail

Why do you just parrot right wing gutter press garbage?

Ah the daily excess always good for laugh.

All you have to do is crash the economy. Congratulations to all.

Total bollocks headline.


BBC promoting far right propaganda paper 😡not in my name, please return my Licence fee!

by doing absolutely nothing....

Delusional not felt it in my pocket


No, its bollox. Standard Express.

Got mobile phone bills going up 14% in April. Don’t celebrate too soon 🤡

Person sets fire to their own house. Grabs a bucket of water. Declares themselves a hero. Correct?

We're not buying much, we're not turning on the heating, we buying really cheap food, and shock horror, inflation starts to drop. What a time to be alive.

Really 🙄 We haven't seen any changes in the cost of living!

BBC advertising more ridiculous right-wing newspaper headlines. Inflation will come down as oil prices and markets such as China open up. Nothing to do with BoF or government.

Oh yeah a drop by 0.2% and still over 10% and food inflation 17-18%. Hallelujah sang the folk on the street. I remember a time when the BoE said 2% was king

Cost of the Daily Express coming down then?

Eh? We are not winning inflation battle! Such lies! Have you seen the price of Dog Food?

Sitting in the corner fingers in the ears and lalalalaing seems to be working then 👍

No WE are not ......

But your grasp of basic arithmetic is sadly wanting!

Seems strange that you are willing to promote this rubbish and so reticent to report on the nadhimzahawi tax matter 🙄

Inflation is at 10.5% hurrah! It’s far worse on food! Are we so desperate that we are celebrating this? Pathetic GTTONow CostOfLivingCrises

Another lying rag

Platforming the Express only highlights how wank you are

Do people actually believe this propaganda, utter nonsense!

More lies

ToryCriminals BrexitDisaster ToryCostOfGreedCrisis ToriesOut

Inflation was predicted to fall this year, even if the government did fuck all.

Rubbish, it’s the calm before the storm. Do notbuy anything in the Uk for a year- the economy is about to collapse


Are we?

Inflation is doing that all by itself the, Tories rely on people to be stupid enough to believe what they’re told, without questioning it.

'We're only getting outscored 2 to 1 in the second half after conceding 60 goals in the first half'

Says the Tory newspaper!! Funny that!!!!

Bet they still raise interest rates though.

No. The weather is winning the inflation battle. We are just watching from the sidelines.

cuba estado fallido

Covid restrictions perhaps?

When The Hunger Games, meets Pork Barrel Politics, that's Levelling-Up..


核を用いない戦争は、最後土地を占有するため地上戦になるようだ、 民間人や軍人を巻き込んだ悲劇と言う事がわかる。 広島長崎の原発は肉弾戦を回避しているが、占有した後人間が住めない場所となる。 あってはならないことだなあ🫥🥶

🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 yeah how come the consumers don't seem to feel that way? Let's pitch some more globalist talking points.

It’s that simply so the forecourt can charge it while the government don’t collect it? We see where that money goes…

Rubbish. !!!!!!!!!!!

Why exactly is the BBC promoting the Daily Fail?

Communism is a sickness!





Now wait for it cos here come the drains🇬🇧🙏🏻

Smart man.


Crown Estate profits already go to the treasury. He says he's giving us something that is already ours. Why are you not challenging this gaslighting?

Here comes all the whataboutary 🙄

What has he paid some tax back from his 'gift' in a bag? Must have taken a leaf out of NadhimZadhawi book! ToryIncompetence ToryCriminals michellemone fraud GeneralElectionNow ToryCostOfGreedCrisis

Under the crown estate act (1961) all profits from the crown estate go directly to the treasury not the Monarchy. So this is either an outright lie or there is some loophole in the CEA that enables the Monarch to profit. Over to you BBC, public broadcaster.

Just when he needed good press! What a coincidence!

So the robbed money from taxpayers going back to tax payers for government to steal back to give back to the royals! And he only has to knock on parliaments door once a year!

He can shove it up his chocolate starfish. He can stick that fecking Holden carriage up there as well. Oh! While I’m here. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!👇👇👇👇👇

Thanks for this, long live the King. Praise the Lord.

Considering it's our money he's handing out in the first place to the tories so he can complete some sort of tax dodge, l don't think this is generous at all.

Way too late! Clocks ticking chuck.

I hope toGod he’s not given it to the Tories

If the britishroyalfamily is mindful of the state of the country, then why isn’t the UKGovernment also mindful when offering such a figure out of the public purse?

Can we make it £262 million, Charles? Need paying back that hush money your brother cost taxpayers

I'm sure the government will find some way to quickly transfer this to their own bank accounts. They've nothing to lose now

pocket change

Buying the nation because they’re both so disliked and people have long memories

PR for RF ToxicBritishMedia

I have been unlucky in the past. I sworn never to invest again in crypto due to my past experience, I saw a recommendation about kathy_fxt I decided to try if she’s different, unfortunately she made me know that one shouldn’t give up easily. She turned my $1k into $8450 in 5days

What about those of us who had them forced on us?

Re. Pre payment meters. In the past month two of my friends have had Scottish Power engineers turn up at their door trying to install new meters - which they didn’t want. Then we’re sent the wrong card which meant they couldn’t purchase heat. One is over 70 with a heart problem.

A revolution is much needed ....

Can stop workers striking , but we won't stop the energy companies make billions in profits Britain is broken

BarristerSecret just the sort of thing you’ve been trying to highlight

What utter bollox 😡 🇬🇧👉Telegraph:💩

Have children, have complicated life

Lest you forget

Lest you not forget..

Alternatively it could stop parents psychologically abusing their children.

More rubbish from the telegraph, in fact anything to avoid proper news..


Yes, but what are the reperocussions of failure...lessons will be learnt, he was a lone bad apple etc. Lessons were not learnt, there are orchards of rot, there has to be a palpable change. Senior resignations, inquiry, sackings & pension losses &/or gaol time. Top down& external

Tories are no longer the party of law and order. Given their track record it's been a long time since they have been. Police just look after the rich and powerful. Don't bother with theft, car crime, burglary etc the things that matter to the ordinary people. Utter disgrace

Man that is to cruel

The police are no longer there to protect the people. They exist to maintain an imbalance of power

Talk Talk AFTER the event. again. The U.K. is riddled with Misogyny Hate Poisonous Adult Boys supported by oppressed women who keep silent even when Piers Morgan spewed: “that is just NORMAL everyday Misogyny and Sexism”.

People join the health service or the fire service because they want to help people. People join the police to have power and control over other people.

WHO the BLOODY HELL is vetting new Police Candidates ?! This is nothing short of a TRAVESTY! There needs to be a FULL & TRANSPARENT INVESTIGATION into ALL persons responsible for giving positive clearance for this application to proceed.

'Romania and Ukraine two sad neighbours'

'Romania and Ukraine two sad neighbours'

Are there any news stories about a Tory chairman evading taxes?

Next time: BELIEVE THE WOMEN! TimesUp

We've got three million quid off him, he should never have been a chancellor There, fixed it for you

Lots of holidays and more time off with strikes can't be bad.

Lazy shit journalism at thetimes Effy_Yeomans The Welsh government is responsible for teacher pay in Wales. Not the UK government. They are only responsible for England. Can't be arsed to clarify that though obviously 🙄

That would mean something if it was the only time you have had to say it. How many times did Cressida Dick have to apologise for things.

No 💩 Sherlock 🤦‍♀️

Still nothing on Zahawi, just like Michelle Mone, some could argue the BBC is scared of the Tories!

if you allow racists to flourish within your ranks, then you are allowing criminals in your ranks... for bloody centuries black people have been telling y'all your police are full of criminals but y'all never ever took notice. now it affects women, y'al just starting to wake up

Some people still seem to be suffering from the delusion the police are there to protect us…

You missed the Tory Party Chairman's attempted multi-million tax evasion, so its clearly easily done if the motivation is there.

Weird, they spelled ‘ignore’ wrong.

Police officers should be squeaky clean to be able to set an example.

Funny thing is, the weather is getting a tad cold so the schools will be closed anyway.

Quite depressing for a Daily Star front page 😒

They ignore it…!!!

They showed during the pandemic how much they cared.... for themselves.... 🤢

The teachers are always on strike. Gold edged pensions great holidays. Life’s hard.

That is such an easy question to answer tbf….

If teachers hit me I used to hit them back

Same way that so many people in The UK keep missing the ever increasing censorship by the left!

How about 'years of tory underfunding has hit millions of pupils, and Teachers have finally had enough'.

We are all fucked if the police can let one of there own do this ohhhh my god 😭😭 how can we trust the people that are supposed 2 protect us all

All failed because stopping protesters is 'far more important' to the Tories.... 🤑🤑

Tell me how often police actually find serial rapists and then tell me how often police protect their own and we’ll have an answer.

Two words: death penalty

Everyone knows police protect their own.

None of the victims pressed charges, that's why this DavidCarrick got away with his controlling and abusive crimes for so long


McDonald's holds its staff to a higher ethical standard than the Police force.

We have a government set on raping the country metaphorically and apparently a police force engaging in it literally. What a sorry state this country is after 12 YEARS of tories. Enough!

Government guilty of not ensuring a minimum quality of service

And still no Jeffery Epstein client list. Isn’t rape just a normal thing now?

FLASH POLL 👇 Has DavidCarrick made you trust police less? Retweet for more votes 🔁 c4news talktv gbnews

How sad all that money has just brought them sadness RIPLisaMariePresley

She died V-accidentally all of a sudden.

For god sake let her rest in peace you vile vultures

get f===ed up on drugs ...

Also as its in the paper as is, that fella with the dead lion is gonna get karma at some point. Lions remember. If one has seen him kill the male one there, he will get hunted and eaten for lunch on his next trip out to try his luck. I hope they eat him slowly.

Its not the Curse of Elvis . History show us Its the Curse of money that the multi millionaires celebrities have ! they don't feel having peace of mind & happiness even when they burn with it bring them isolation and loneliness 😞

This has been now confirmed, got two broken bones in heart that caused her death. Yani Kuch b..


Drugs for sure


No... she died cause of something else. Wake up

My god he needs sectioning what an embarrassment. 🫣


He needs to jog on now and get a, decent therapist

If you want to spare your family by cutting your book in half, then you could've spared them altogether with your lies

Who knew Hard-done-by-Harry was so magnanimous....? Humanitarian award right there....👏👏👏👏

Get him a JCB. A shovels not big enough in this case. 🤣😂🤣😂

And I wonder what they have on him? Can’t someone ask him that?

I guess he not remembered that the position is beyond the person ...

When his money runs out….

Top lad

To spare or Spare 2 🤣

Dear God. Enough now man.

Another book incoming in 3 (yrs), 2...

By all means, destroy what is left of your family relations to make money, HarryandMeghan

“Spare” my family? A Freudian slip?


It's like he's self harming!

Well, of course it does. HRT kills women before they get a chance to get Dementia.

Quality journalism in the Guardian again I see...

Maore money for pharma...statins do more damage than good.

Not me...Dr reckoned I needed them, 2 days later my legs and arms ached....stopped them and back to normal.... stopped drinking coffee and lost 10kg as biscuits stopped ... started to cycle way more and 50 miles is a laugh now

Rather not 😂

Wahoo, sweeties

Or live a healthier lifestyle, course they want you on statins means more money for pharma, preventative measures should be advocated not drugs.

Never never never!

Is that 25 million vaccinated Britains

Cholesterol is less of an issue than sugar, which is the real problem. Statins create other problems within the body.

Why do I, or any of my family want statins? Pharma gonna pharm 😡

Yeah, he will keep going. Who won't?

If statins cost 2p per day and a prescription costs £9.35 for 28 days, and an additional 15 million people take them, the government is set to make an additional £1.7bn of revenue from this…

Biggest cover-up in UK history about to happen. MRNA shot heart failure being blamed on lack of statins during pandemic. The recent dead were not on statins, and those that were, never had a problem continuing with their prescription. This is a criminal res herring to deceive.

I definitely would if I'd had the vaccines

Problem reaction solution repeat… pharma the only winner. Statins very toxic. So is the jab

No doubt all the big players are well financially positioned too😉

Why? How much will that cost the NHS when a healthy lifestyle is free.

Why would you want to promote up to 25M people to go on medication instead of living a healthier lifestyle Sounds like more free PR for Big Pharma to me

⚠️BREAKING ⚠️650,000 deaths in 2022, that is 6% MORE than in 2020 at the height of the corona plandemic! Number of heart failure and blood clots after vaccination Astra-Zenica, Pfizer and Moderna mRNA is countless! coronaLIE covid19LIE excessmortality

Why does over a third of the population need medication for possible cardiovascular events and possible strokes. What do they know 🤔

deliver genuine organic products to families and watch the outcomeS🕊️😢🤍

'Let them eat statins' 😴

Red wine does the job


With a cake? 🤦🏻

And for those that don’t recover within a year ? Let me guess, leave them to rot.

Why suffer for a year with no guarantee? Governments cut your bias, and nonsense long covid can be fixed right now! FDA, drop your lawsuit against me and get people back to normal. Your immune system, if supported right, can reverse Long Covid.. UK try it!!! 4 days 4 Cups!!

KirstieMAllsopp Long covid = vaxx damage

MNRA shots....

down with the oligarchy


The editors and journalists at The Mail are a bunch of bottom feeders. The BBC aren't much better🙄

I suspect this is BS. As many people with ME will attest to! We’ve been subject to such sweeping supposedly ‘research’ for years. MEA MEresearch LongCovid

Why the heck is the BBC constantly promoting the daily mail, does the BBC twitter team have the same ideology as the right wing paper has

Bet shaungw was clapping the NHS just a few months ago. Now he’s trying to turn us against the NHS because he’s a Tory puppet. Imagine going to uni to earn a degree in journalism only to end up writing for a hate-filled shit rag like the Daily Mail 😭

ArsenalSince86 see a fried egg did the trick 😂

The Daily Tory 🤦‍♂️

Government betrayal you mean

What is the hope? I’m blind and using a screen reader to access Twitter. You don’t image describe Beeb when you should as you know what this stuff is.

More like long Pfizer!!!!

Guess I got reallll unlucky then

thephysicsgirl maybe a good read for you

Just you wait for the Truss effect on the mortgages.

I mean the ever-nudging Tory press are as much to blame for the current shambles as the last 13yrs of mediocrity, short-sightedness and total incompetence in Westminster.

I'm sad for Lord of the Dance..

More Healthworker vilifying to justify the low wages?🙄🙄🚮

Wow. From clapping to betrayal in how many months? Hate filled rag.

Breeding and popping out child benefits products must have a divine heist element

Joke headlines like this will continue while the likes of the bbc give it air. Don’t retweet of even acknowledge it and the daily mail will eventually suffocate. Nothing but biased propaganda and a shit stain on British media.

Reminder that Wikipedia banned the use of the daily mail as a source due to its unreliability.


Last time i bought a newspaper was the early noughties.

It's headlines like this that really puts the DM at the top of the stinkpile

People on here help me out? First time buyer. Thinking of buying a house but in 2024 with the way this year seems to be going already. Good idea? Feedback much appreciated.

That is what over a decade of unecessary Conservative austerity get you. They disseminate and starve essential public services to the point of extinction

Wow. That’s going to have a global ripple effect.

All part of the Covid-19 reset strategy. Force households into mortgage default, banks and big corporates become the UK’s predominant landlords. Remember, you’ll own nothing… (Globalism imposed with the full support of the BBC I hasten to add) Enjoy.

The price of mortgage repayments can go up, its always said that on adverts

Who reads this garbage

MohammadGhobadloo an Iranian protester who was wrongly charged with death penalty is in imminent danger of execution. Talk about him, earlier this week we saved MohammadBoroghani life by bringing his death penalty news to the global media. MahsaAmini IRCGterrorists

'Tory Betrayal of Mothers by years of NHS underfunding' - there, fixed it for you.

So government betrayal of NHS = NHS betrayal of mothers, is that right.

Is the irony lost on them


Surely the headline should be 'Underfunding of the NHS betrays mothers'

The local gynaecological department has a 72 week wait for initial appointments so if you have anything that could become life threatening by the time you know it’s too late!

With Tories starving it of cash what do you expect.

Well someone has to pay for our unelected King’s £100 million coronation ego-trip. NotMyKing

Listen to my voice and the BBC news. When you awake you will know that the conservative party has not been in power for the last 12 years. The country's problems are all because of communists, unions and the labour party. Only the conservatives can save you from the government?

Tory betrayal of the NHS !

The NHS is doing a fantastic job despite a decade of Tory vandalism.

Bloody hell! It costs 80p? Who on earth would pay that for the NVQ of the newspaper world?

love Harry …

Kate looks broken by Tory austerity!

Bet she’s sorry she let herself in for this

Two lying bastards on the front cover.

Why ain’t it the Gov that not budge

And that’s why the public back him and not politicians!

Is the failure of the NHS also responsible for the current excess deaths in all other countries that administered the vaccines?

Nothing to do with your continual campaigning for more & longer lockdowns 🙄 you people bear the responsibility

Please journalists arshad sharif dubai stay not shown in documentary which is evidence that ex military bajwa deported and trapped in Kenya and nawaz sharif instruction arrangements made both r involved with isi press conference evidence Please for justice they cannot get away

Wonder what it could be?🤔 vaccineinjuries VaccineSideEffects VaccineDeaths genocide pfizerdocuments

That’s last years figure… wait till this year gets going. 2,000 excess deaths a week by spring? This should be on the news 24/7.

I'm sorry how many hundreds of thousands of people did Austerity 1.0 kill, how many will Austerity 2.0 murder, you need to point the finger in the right direction!

Not saying that all of the strikes are invalid , but in many cases they are putting other people at risk both from health & financial view points. Don't like the job, the conditions or pay, look for another.

Pretty sure because of the government the DM props up the nhs can’t meet this supposed minimum standard on non-strike days let alone strike days. Maybe they should focus on that

Tory spin to try to sway public opinion by making out it’s the working class people of this country’s fault

So RishiSunak has killed 16,000 people and counting.

Did Freddy Star eat a hamster !!!

Light news day then.

That's what they're going with?

Only issue is that Elvis, if still alive, should be 88

To strike as a worker is a democratic right.

Typical Daily Mail - big headline but less than a fraction of the truth behind it! Yawn!

Daily Fail as per usual shitting themselves in public

Filthy rag

Your off your tiny little right wing fascist heads

It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

That’s his sandwich box.

1) The Tories needn't worry about strikes in the future ever again; many in the healthcare sector are planning to quit and emigrate to Australia for better pay and life. 2) Harry lives in the US. He can buy a f***** gun instead of demanding British taxpayers pay for his security.


'Some say bragging about killing 25 taliban' makes him a target. 'Some say'. Ffs!

Does that case say Lock or Cock? 🙈😆

With Glock

He's a top lad


What Meghan can do...😂😂

Screw that old hag

Cruel attack? Did he attack her? When? He's telling the truth.

Camilla is a home wrecker. Drag her 💀

He’s a ginger winger 🐸🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

Give us a break 🙄

Brutal is a strong word. She deserves it all the way and so d Charles. Never like those two after what they did to Diana


'cruel attack'?... Are you for real, British press? She was a willing & active participant in the breakup of two marriages, her own & Charles' Don't try to spin it into a romantisized version of love conquers all. But keep going, all yall are doing if proving H&M right. Cheers!

Spoiled brat who has the iq of a flip flop

My opinion of Prince Harry’s book is that the pages are too shiny for when I have a 💩and the pages don’t flush very well 🚽🧴

The Circle of Life, tabloid style.🙄 I remember it wasn't long ago that tabloids were referring to her as Camilla DeVille, for her hand in Diana's tragic downfall. How the worm turns, eh? 🙄

Biased Broadcasting Corporation pushes yet another right wing rag AGAIN!

The same Camilla the press ripped the piss out of for decades?

He crossed the line.

Is that the woman who had an affair with his dad was still married to his mother? Adultery should maybe be a thicker red line for the very christian royals...

I’m on Harrys side

at the end of the day she was one who ended his mum marrige

You mean Queen Diana.

Wait so now you like camilla?

And Harry was right…..

READ THE BIBLE; Matthew 19:9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Camilla's cruel attacks on William between 2015-2021 crosses the line.....! Camilla Parker Bowles outs William as a raging angry man who shows no respect for his father, staff and makes his wife 'afraid to put a foot wrong' ....

BBC is the palace propaganda machine

How many red lines have we seen being crossed in the past ? The ' Firm ' stands truly exposed now , its reputation in tatters . Heart broken as he is , Harry is having the last laugh . Extend the olive branch now before it's too late .

The public are sick to death of the infighting in the Royal family. 98% dont give an eff, but are cheesed off that it is having so much news domination above other things. Can everyone move on now?

Britain is ruled by the Tabloids. What a country……

What do you expect, the Daily Express hold a hate vendetta against both Harry and Meghan.

AbolishTheMonarchy they are not gods

Harry is a disgrace to honesty and family. All for $$$$ Shameful

Yep Harry is right about everything.

The who royal firm cruel,vicious,attacks on Megan and Harry crossed a red ,blue green and orange line years ago. Yet people want to shut Harry down now he is telling his life story.

How did this woman go from villain to queen consort? The British people love being gaslit..well done Harry for telling it like it is

Camilla is evil, she’is cruel.

Camilla is an untrustworthy and vicious woman, always was. Any womens DV services need to distance themselves from her, given her open love of encouraging greasy predatory, sycophantic men like that drunk Jezza, and stalker Morgan, to attack her husband's son, wife and children.

Harry (not fit to carry the title of Prince) is an absolute disgrace, this is the woman his father loves and for that reason alone he needs to keep his mouth shut and look at his own wife(divorcee).

BBC promoting the right-wing press as usual. A mistake to pit Diana’s boy against his dad’s mistress. The mistress will lose!

You mean the royal tampon? Singularly the most disgusting bit of what only Charlie would think as erotica?

Come on now! This woman is a Home wrecker about time she was called out. I actually think he should have been more blunt. Sorry I totally agree with harry on this one.

Camilla is heartbroken, look at her 👀 our English 🌹

Yet again proving his point brilliantly well 😳

Alternatively.. what if Camilla really is a knob?

Stop bloody printy stuff about them and maybe they will both just go away , I'm sick of hearing it , the lad has problems, resentment being a big one , he needs to put his big boy pants on and live his life , the holes are too big to fill in now he'd dug too deep ..for what end?

Who cares about CamillaTheHomewrecker CamillaTheRottweiler CamillaTheAbuser AbolishTheMonarchy Shame on you BBC.

At some point Harry will conclude that he got bad advice from MM !

Camilla has finally broken up the Royal family…Diana, Harry, William will be next. She won’t stop until every thing about Diana is gone away.

Scarecrow Harry !!

Harry is the definition of a simp.

Harry should be crossed

I have zero respect for Harry son of Major Hewitt, but Camilla and Charles have no sympathy……they are disgusting excuses for human beings.

Meanwhile in the real world...

People in glass houses comes to mind affairs happen Harry accepted Camilla get over it!!! He's Megan's mouthpiece.

Harry's attack is 'cruel' because it is entirely plausible. The 'red line' was passed more than 30 years ago.

When headlines and reporting should be about the crisis in the NHS and government funding the rightwing media try to distract us with this trivia

I guess truth hurts, especially to a family, an institution & a press that only deals in lies

Express is part of the cancer in Britain...preaching lies to the uneducated!

So his past racist language & potential WarCrimes is not the thing that crosses a 'Red Line' but calling his step-mum 'cruel' is? 🤔

One of her journalist friend writing this I take it! Her image will never be repaired. She’ll always be a trmp.

Leaky Camilla

Ain't karma a b1tch.

The gloves are off perhaps Camilla and Charlie would like too appear live and give us their version

He’s called her out for being the person she truly is. Unfortunately I cannot see a way back for him now because of this. Let’s hope it reminds people of why she is where she is today!

Good grief. The Royal Family has been whining for five years. What babies they are.

Why does the BBC continue to share hate speech? It’s disgusting and the BBC shouldn’t be doing it

He is sooooo out now!!

I wonder if there'll be a day where I don't see some sensationalist article about the royals on my feed 🤮

Stop advertising this shite

But what if what Harry says is true? The right wing press won’t report that.

All he can do to is to sell gossips about his family. And he has the audacity of blaming the media

Cruel doesn’t even come close. That woman made Diana’s life a complete misery. The only genuine royal in that family.

Hold the press the world hasn’t forgotten who the true Camilla is or the damage she caused. Karma happens.


Would that be Camila with alley cat morals?

Camilla Deville ..

Why are you quoting the daily express?


Selling his soul to the very people he blames for Di’s death.

Bbc featuring daily express is it?

Harry will sort them all out. 2013 Hero!


Sue Gray report? Dido Harding/Michelle Mone billions? Failed Brexit? Tory Tanked economy ? NHS deliberately underfunded/undermined/sold off? Avoidable poverty,energy rip off,homelessness,foodbanks etc etc Yet you only on about posh Jeremy Kyle fodder

Camilla is a bad person!

Camilla crossed the line the time she opted to sleep with a married man and a married man wanting to be her tampon they crossed the line

A red line? The person who his father was having an affair with while he was still married to his mother?

H&M are finished 👎🏽👎🏽

Didnt she fuck his dad behind his mums back? Some might say that weathered old baggage crossed the line first.

Kind of proves the point that Harry and Megan have been making. USA press might be ineffective, toady and liars, but can’t hold a candle to the horrible bullshit newspapers, scandal sheets, trash rags, in GB.

Ye but his uncle is a nonce. 🤷🏻‍♂️

What an excuse for a newspaper, a comic not even fit to keep your chips in.

The media has an obsession with the royal family

Some people have come a long way from calling her a home-wrecking harlot.

Why ? Cam the w...e help manipulate a minor diana while she was fucking the tampon King Harry was not cruel if someone did that to my mother i would have destroyed her

Nothing compared to what Camilla put Harry's mother through.

Cruel is Camila tormenting Diana and her Sons!!!! Stop pretending she wasn’t the mistress and third person on Dianas marriage.

Vanessa Feltz;” oh can I have my turn now? I’ll just put some dog 💩 under my nose so I can get my look right!”

Why is someone's experience called a attack . Why do the papers spin the narrative. It was not an attack it was his account his experience. Stop making it seem he is crazy . Pain and trauma....is manifesting .

The tories must be rubbing their hands with glee with all this distraction. This isn’t news.

Why? Harry knows more than the BBC

I believe Harry has every right to dislike her... look what she did to his family...

Wots the red line

Because you're Tory /royal supporters, you want everyone to blame their woes on M and H, not the real culprits. Sadly Brits seem so dumb, they believe you. Remember, you called Archie a chimp. But not racist 🤔

Curious why you show the express covers? They're lying tabs. Meanwhile this is the trashy BBC who called Harry's son a chimp. You people have no idea how much us in the commonwealth loathe you. I love that the UK is crashing! It's the best news ever. Meanwhile, hate Harry!

Harry’s father had an affair with Camilla Parker Bowls behind Harry’s mother’s back. And you somehow want Harry to like her?!? And forgive his father for that hurt like it was nothing?!? British people are a bit weird when it comes to the royals.

CamillaConsortsWithAbusers CamillaParkerBowlesIsABully WE never liked her anyway, CamillaTheHomewrecker Now we have another reason to not to like her.

The one that crossed the line is Camilla. I’m glad Harry called her out! CamillaTheHomewrecker CamillaParkerBowles


What?!? LoL . So what did you say about Camilla attacks on Prince Diana all those years… and now on Harry? 😐

If I were Prince Harry, I would have a very hard time being in the same room with her.

I hope they remove all titles now - Harry's behaviour is beyond the pale

Camilla briefing the press again- she’s truly evil isn’t she

Yay for Harry for using his free speech.

So what was it when she was having an affair; kind?

Remind me of the Express headline when Jeremy Clarkson said he fantasizes about Meghan's torture, and how Camilla, the trollop lunched with Clarkson and fellow troll Piers Morgan. How have you covered their treatment? Just asking. Because, did Harry say anything that's not true?

Harry’s cruel but not the RF? They sacrificed him to the tabloids and that’s ok?

Harry crossed no red line

Meghan and Harry have been nothing but forthright and the whole world can see it.

Oh, you mean the adulterer and adulteress, the ones who wrecked his family and drove his mother to despair are not the cruel ones?

Whose red line? And if all these reports are true and valid why is there a red line. Real news 24/7 would have resulted in NO RED LINE

Camilla is no angel

Cowmilla needs to get a life

Ow look the third advert in just a few hours for a private individuals business from the BBC DefundTheBBC

Some might see Camilla as a blighter and a gannet married to a ninny milksop.

She will go down in history for her cruelty towards his mother.

I don’t come to the BBC to see tabloid trash. If I wanted to see their headlines, I’d look there or the dumpster. Do better, you’re the BBC.

CamillaTheHomewrecker Sure know to choose her friends at Fleet Street. Especially those link to Epstein GhuislaineMaxwell


Sounds like another headline right from the firm.

Not that I care a lot but I do believe Camilla's tenacity will help her through any 'cruel' attacks. Don't take the lady for a fool...

Hah. From the Daily Express, the habitual crosser of red lines, this is laughable.


She was a married mother of four children and carried on a affair throughout his marriage to Diana. Was that not cruel ?

Nothing like seeing this family of parasitic sociopaths fighting like vulgar vultures!

He told the truth

“Red line” what contrivance! Silly royals be gone one and all! RepublicStaff

There’s no one coming to the rescue for Camilla. When Chuck passes she’s toast!

They spent a decade plus trying to make Camilla appear better on paper knowing her Queen Consort day would avail. Didn’t work! What matters is her cruel treatment of a young woman and mother of a future King. Diana and Charles would have made it, had Camilla let them be.

Stoic unselfishness in this case has enabled bullying. Her Majesty The Queen was a great cover up for institutional abuse & has been a victim of it herself. As usual the Whistle Blower is getting all the blame. Details are often uncomfortable but claims have to be backed up.

What should anyone care, anywhere in the world ?

Lmao who the wicked witch of the west?!!! She's just being served what she deserves.

What she did to his mother is even worse.

The Rottweiler is an abhorrent woman, she & the insipid weak Charles wrecked his mothers life As they are attempting to ruin & destroy his family Run Harry, run like hell and don’t turn back These people are vile beyond belief, you will live a more fulfilled life without them.

Good for him speaking out

Hahaha…and the mean, vindictive press of the UK didn’t -and doesn’t-cross the line by unmercifully bashing Meghan and Harry …

“Cowmilla” u mean? The same adulterous freak that destroyed Lady Di’s marriage and who was planting stories about Lady Di, Harry and Meghan? Oh ok, no one cares!

Shove the Royal family where the sun doesn't shine. You want to talk about this to avoid talking about the absolute disaster that is the UK under this incompetent and corrupt government and their ridiculous mismanagement.

The media trying to influence the thinking of the public. Camilla was shagging his dad while he was married to his mother. What do you expect? Go for it Harry, say it as it is!

LOLOL PrinceAndrew got a free pass compared to PrinceHarry LOLOL brexitisntworking UK sucks FREE NorthernIreland

When it comes to the truth there is never a line.

Usual drivel from the Express. Notice not one single newspaper has commented on the fact that AbolishTheMonarchy has trended practically every day since Greedy Betty popped her clogs.

ScumMedia leading the haters. Leave H alone!

British press. Not credible. Ignore this fictional piece. TheyHaveBloodOnTheirHands

Harry. Please stop !

Seems as if this headline is proving what he said, distorting what he said and deifying him /them to bolster the head royals

You mean the women who was screwing his mother's husband? Oh, that's not right.

Is there any reason why you give free advertising to these right wing rags? Is that something you are permitted to do under your Royal Charter?

Consider the source

Cruel my arse. He's spot on.

you drove his wife to the point of considering suicide with your relentless online bullying.. did you cross the red line?

The tabloids are so pathetic lol

You'd think he bit her ear off. Tabloid trash to distract the masses while the country circles the drain. BrexitBrokeBritain

Does anyone at take a moment to think that these headlines make Harry’s point? 🤔 I see the BBC is the next FoxNews.

But that didn’t crossed the line

Seriously... You realize most of us know who Camilla is and what she did to Diana.

Yeah. To be “cruel” to she who was having an affair with your mother’s boyfriend, then fiancé and then husband. Let’s talk about crossing lines, DailyExpressRB. Keep talking Harry.

She traumatized those kids and deserves whatever comes her way.

You really wonder how Harry gets his views on the media. This the same horseface that had no problem with having an affair with Harry's father the entire time he was married to Diana? Pretty sure there's a line being crossed there somewhere, but sure Harry is being 'cruel'

I see you have the left and woke mainly replying and defending the ginger whinge and her husband Mr Markle. Just the following you have I suppose. The following that loves.

Oh, THAT crossed a red line?

Camilla is the villain and mistress. She should not be Queen!

Really...the line has colors... interesting... very interesting indeed

Wait until the Royals see what the 'UK' media has said about her over the years lol.

He should become an American pastor, he will be good at it.

can you actually believe, harry writes in his book that his brother is circumcised, can you actually frickin believe that a supposed adult, would write that about his brother, in a god damn book? i'm truly astounded


Would someone be wrong in thinking that 'arry blames the Royal family in some way for the tragic death of his mother and is out to destroy them ?

Charles never loved Diana,so what's new.

So, Who would have thunk it...The BBC is now the mouthpiece of the Express. The Express puts something on its front page, & the BBC just makes it their own headline - no editorial, no fact checking, nothing - just 'Go out and buy this', 'We are happy to reprint the Express'

Didn’t Camilla ultimately cause Diana’s death?

Best thing he's ever said.

Why are you ( bbc) promoting this nonsense

Is that the woman his dad was having an open affair with humiliating his mother publicly. Who is fiends his wife's tormentors, Clarkson & Morgan. Right.

I don’t like the woman personally. Had she been waiting in the wings to snap my father up, I might feel the same. That’s the only part of the book that I enjoyed.

How about MistressQueenConsortCamilla cruel attack on Diana and then her sons to rehabilitate her sordid past with the SpinelessKingCharlesIII - no one in your family will benefit from this rift your mistress started, except the media invisiblecontract

So, the “Royals” are untouchable? They should be fair game like anyone else!!

Why is the BBC in bed with the gutter press?

Camilla is evil, I would have said much worse .

The majority of the British public are with Prince Harry on his revelations, just as they were with his mother, Diana. We have far more in common with them than the robotic royalists who leech off the public. Respect to Harry, more British than the family you’ve disowned.

Who are the sources? Do your job BBC.

Dirty little adulterous slut.

Why not try being journalists rather than giving free publicity to a right wing opinion piece purporting to be 'news'?

And his attack on Kate is as low class as it gets. TheSpectator

The gutter garbage tabloid the Daily Express pointing the finger at some red line being crossed? 🤔


Why are you using tax payers money to advertise a magazine owned by billionaires that don’t pay tax in the UK ?

Can you imagine not agreeing on the length of a very young bridesmaid's dress? The horror of it!

Doesn’t matter what government is in charge. The “Health Minister” must be the only senior job title who goes to someone who’s never worked in that discipline. Why do politicians think they can do a better job than someone who’s never worked in the sector all their days?


Stop it.

The press in this country is beyond a joke. Should probably stop laughing at fox.

The press proving Harry's point, again and again

Was the red line drawn by a tampon?

Jesus Christ. If people are this easily malleable. It's pathetic. Always the use of words like cruel and vile and heros. It's like reading a childs story. Non journalistic nonsense.

Tories Fascist lying corrupt monsters. Evil, souless, corrupt thieves. Should all be in jail. Mass MURDERERS. Generalstrike.

What's on the front page of Viz today?

Straight from the horses mouth, I bet.

Get in my son!

From the sounds of things she's been attacking him, and anyone else who gets in her way for bloody years.

And what are they gonna do about It 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Carefull with leaving someone with nothing to lose.

The future royal historians will be blessed with our current Royals, currently it's been mostly about King Henry V111 & his wives.

And the attacks on Megan whilst she was pregnant didn't?

Vanessa Feltz! 😁😂😀🤣😂😃🤣😄😅😄😆😁😆😁😂🤣😂😀😁😃🤣😆😁😆😁😀😁😅😄😃🤣😂🤣😂😁😀😅😄😄😅😄😅😄😃🤣😂🤣😂🤣😁😂😁😂😆😁😆🤣😂🤣😁😀😁😀😂🤣😂🤣😂😁😂😁😂😁😂😂🤣😂🤣😂😁😂😀🤣😂😁😂🤣😂🤣😂😁😂😅😅😄😃😆😀🤣😂😁😄😃😆😀🤣🤣😅😁😅😂😀🤣😀🤣😂😁😂😀🤣😀🤣😀🤣😂😁😀🤣😀🤣😂🙈

Important front page news I see. It would seem Harry was right.

They all need family therapy in private.

Prince Andrew did what And paid how much? Sticks and stones? Prince Harry bad

What red line? shut up please 🙄

boring Camilla the 3rd wheel of the marriage at a time the people believed in fixing and working hard at marriages instead of taking the easy route out?

Says Tory rag working with the royal family

But it makes them money...

Lets attack Harry and protect Andrew the paedophile HarryandMeghan

LMAO are you people fr real?!RacistBritishMedia credibility CamillaConsortsWithAbusers no not surprise you're in her pocket CamillaTheHomewrecker CamillaTheSidePiece master manipulator

The truth hurts

It's all bullshit.

“Sources suggest….” Harry’s assertions about the institution just sound more and more real.

Who is his daddy?

So 'former aides' are attacking Harry for pointing out what we can all see & Vanessa Feltz has joined in. What happened to her? She is writing in the Express....

Got a front seat for the final show, Harry and Meghan's curtain drop.

But Prince Andrew’s £12m payoff to a girl to keep quiet about pedo allegations is ok and quietly swept under the carpet. Harry’s allegations about the British media seem more and more realistic. Especially when almost every article includes “Royal sources say…”

There are more people accessing the NHS at this moment than at any other time in history. You lefties call it a crisis, but if you hadn’t been crying wolf for the last 12 years, you might be taken more seriously. The nurses rise should be paid from the existing NHS budget.

What about her attack on Diana when she was shagging her husband behind her back?

All of a sudden Camilla is no longer the woman hated for breaking up Charles’ marriage but now appears to be Mother of the Nation. Royalists are a weird bunch

So it's ok for her to have an affair with his father for god knows how many years whilst married to the mum he adored, no wonder he is angry, Camilla is a wicked witch

Harry complains that Will got better and was more of a fav with 'Daddy'. When Camilla entered the scene - guess who moved to 3. No wonder he doesn't like her.

Am I the only person in the UK Fed up with this ?

Camilla's affair with his father was also pretty cruel.

Tabloids = Blow horn for the Royal Family


I’m sure the express has said far worse about her , right wing hypocrites

Thank god

I dunno though. Keep your head down, your nose clean like that lovely Prince andrew and you'll be back in no time 👍

The woman who destroyed his Mother's marriage and mental health but ...he's supposed to be fine with the adulterers. Screw the British press. I don't have a single good word for Camilla and Chuck.

no-one cares

ive just had enough of this, please stop i beg you.

BBC quotes the EXPRESS SAD

Camilla…the fag faced aristocrat who breaks up marriages…that Camilla….🙄

I wonder what gave him that idea...

At last some insight from Harry..about time.

Daily Express now you know there is a red line for the Queen Consort but you don't consider any red line for Meghan?

Guess the papers Camilla is briefing....

i got the feeling he was holding back, actually…

People pretending they always loved camilla… very odd..

Scumbags the both of them


this whole story is like manna from Heaven for the elites — what better way to keep the ppl distracted from their horrid economic & societal issues than to keep banging on about the antics of an archaic monarchy. Bravo. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Why does MSM not mention the £££ billions of PFI that Blair and Brown's Labour government saddled the NHS with?

Do as they ask and drop reporting on them. No positive and no negative news. Simply nothing. Give them the privacy they crave. I'd rather just forget about them.

This is a Daily Express headline though. Truly meaningless 😂

who cares..😂🤣

Meanwhile, the NHS is in crisis and Brexit continues to become more disastrous every day. But let’s all attack Harry and his black wife. Madness.

He didn’t attack her and you know it

DailyExpressRB 'Queen' Camilla It's Queen consort.

Top lad… we’re all seeing Wills for what he is … a prat like his Papa

The queen of the ho’s is looking well .


🖕🏼the tabloids. Camilla is an adulteress, and Charles an adulterer. Go Harry. 🖕🏼the monarchy.

I will never, ever understand the British people loving this wretch, Camilla.

Headline after headline Harry gets proved right

From what I've seen recently with my 20 visits to Barts for cancer treatment, it would be impossible for thd nurses, doctors and radiotherapists to work any harder. They're working flat out.

The «clickbait» industry is obviously doing as best they can to commit suicide.

Oh no, not the red line!

Harry was right about the press clearly

Andrew Windsor paying £13m to a woman who accused him of sexual assault….does not cross a line. What a fucking country🤣🤣🤣🤣

Here comes the mouthpieces of the Queen consort

What a utter disgrace they are shame on them .. nurses worked while you partied .. Tory scum

That's torn it. He's upset Vanessa!!

Camilla is vicious

Oh boo hoo

Wake up people of the UK. Your illnesses may well be being caused by drones, planes, a fake moon, fake stars and a fake sun. Look out for these before going to the doctors. As you may be having operations that are not necessary. Havana syndrome caused by these microwave weapons

Since when fighting the enemy is a crime Only gutter press would say such a thing!!

Why bragging now, we already lost war in Afghanistan. Sadly Taliban are in power, poor women are suffering Back to circle one

Y’all pushing and moaning over a guy who dressed up as a nazi like he is someone to look up at. He’s just another bloke with daddy issues who, for some reason has money to afford therapy, but can’t afford common sense. I’m keeping his dirty laundry in the social media breeze.

Was a hero in 2013 though , don't behave like this is new news !!

Wait. So you're telling me that soldiers kill people? Oh. My. God.

BBC let me do your job for you!! Do better!

The British media will be entertaining the taliban soon on national tv. 🇬🇧 is a joke.

I feel so sad for you, BBC. Look at what you've become. You are retweeting the Mirror. I thought that you were the UK's flagship news outlet but not really. You guys are harassing Harry & Meghan and you have a whole host of problems in your country. Sad.

Luckily for all the Harry haters out there, rest in the knowledge that he has now painted a target on his back for every Taliban/ Muslim extremist out there.

He was a hero in 2013

Written by Valentine Low 2013 were was the outrage against him🙄🙄

Article written by Michael Holden 2013 . Were was the outrage then🙄🙄

What did you guys think we were doing over in Afghanistan? We killed a lot more than 25, I'll tell you that and the majority were innocent civilians.

But this was ok yrs ago but not now..🤡🤡🤡🤡

He's not the brightest spark is he.

Harry will be his own undoing! Mark my words.

Again you keep putting up this these bullshit headlines. I have read the actual excerpt from the book NOT the cherry picked out of context lie in the papers to cause hate to Harry. Once Death in Paradise & midwife ends my BBC licence will be cancelled that’s for sure

Harry doing a job for the government. Prince Andrew sexually assaulting teenage girls (allegedly). I know where my outrage lies

He'll love this place...

Camilla T, friend of Meghans mother apparently accused the women in Meghans cook book for charity of having links to Islamic terrorism. Now they are using the terrorist angle to shame Harry. More flip flopping than thongs on Bondi Beach from the BM.

STOP WITH THE ROYAL BOLLOCKS We're not interested in distractions. ToryCostOfGreedCrisis ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern GeneralStrike GeneralElection

UK sends him into war, then bursts out in outrage when he kills someone. Thank you all British soldiers who have served.

And the media / tv news isn’t helping either by keep posting and talking about it !!! 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

What from the British establishment and the Taliban? Misogynistic, goat-herding, God botherers with Kalashnikovs? WGAF

You all are ridiculous. That is what happens in war. People die. I never thought my dad nor any of his brothers were bragging when they talked about ppl they killed in WWII.


Harry facing global fury? Where were the global fury when NATO killed millions in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Killing people around the globe is the great British tradition.

'...sho nuff...'

He needs new advisors.

Soldier does his job! Wow!

Thank you for your service sir

Don’t these people text?!?

Put it in writing Charles

Outrage?!? On behalf of people who are in the military & ex military, you're gonna be pissed that someone was doing the duty they took on to protect Yea, take an L on that. Just who do u send in to war? They dont ask for war, they do their duty they are assigned...

Your not his dad

Harry on every front page, Penguin publishers HQ current mood..... Spare

Taliban.. shouting Human Rights.. helloooo

When western countries killing innocent civilians it’s not crime against humanity but when Muslim majority nations kills terrorists then western media comes together to blame them

huh? who cares?

Thomas Markle has made the same claim

Where are you getting this crap from?

...and tell me he needs the best divorce lawyer Green Shield Stamps can buy.

DailyMirror what do you think soldiers do?

🤣🤣🤣 Where is the Rupert Murdoch Slaughter on Britain's Outrage? NHSOnLifeSupport NHSStrikes CostOfLivingCrisis GeneralElection 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡

'Global fury'. Seriously?

No he doesn’t. British media controlled group think in action.

Stop funding this pish and hate. DefundTheBBC

Never thought I would see the day that the BBC would reference and use DailyMail for its news feed.

you used 2 call me on my cellphone

Is the Daily Shitrag sponsoring the BBC now?

STOP THIS ONSLAUGHT OF ROYAL BULLSHIT! Not interested. ToryCostOfGreedCrisis ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern

Into what world have I dropped? A soldier killed enemy combatants in a war zone and you think this is outrageous. Let me introduce you to the British military and it's strategic partners. WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY DO?

Why ? You think the world doesn’t know what they done in Afghanistan ?

Oh the hypocrisy from the British press. Bore off

Just fed up hearing about it,get rid of the lot.

Will Camilla,Clarkson and co be on the other end? Not that I believe this

When do you start caring for what The Taliban say? Are the British embracing the Talibans now because of despise for Harry?

Check Pen Farthings page and how he’s been evacuated from Kabul because of the shite Harry has been spouting !

The Taliban are shocked to discover British soldiers were sent to kill them im sure.

Global ?! Over hyped, hating on Harry; if what he discloses is the truth,so be it !

His door is always open, like prince William's

Professional Military Ethics of Royal Family goes South.

No he never, she was nearly 100 for gods sake so naturally her health was going to be fragile 🤨

This is disgusting ! Shame on everyone involved in these types of pieces.

Monarchy has to go


I can see the headline now.. 'Queen Killer' Slander has no bounds or seems..

Lol man the British press is soooo racist

Why are you regurgitating such shallow hypocrisy ?

jpjanson You're obsessed. You seriously need to rein it in, it's embarrassing. I expect it from GB News but honestly... stop sharing those hate articles.

And we dont spy on pwople?

If you didn't report it, it really wouldn't be relevant. The monarchy should be for show anyways as we loose our culture to 3rd world illegal migrants. Like the fall of the 'great' roman empire.

So-called newspapers focus on Royal cobblers while rest of the country goes down a sewer created by 13 years of Tory incompetence.

Just watched your interview on Sky...NOT impressed. The EU started a serious argument with Astrazenica, Not the UK Gov...YOU never mentioned this. The EU Commission has today backed down! YOU never even mentioned this! YOU are just another educated lightweight!



No problem God bless you abundantly and I hope you have a great day

that was sweet!

Shes a good lil girl! Doc. You have wonderful composure too..

Well played Clare, Scarlett, Christian and the Unicorn!

There's a real mom. 😊

Good 🥂💐

Evidentment la nena reclama que estiguin per ella, voleu idees per estalviar aquest mal tràngol: organitzar les escoles perquè no hagin de tancar, ofereir ajudes econòmiques per tenir qui estigui per ella, organitzar a llocs de lleure a barris, segueixo fil👇 odeecambra

The director in my school has been constantly telling me that it's my fault to be late for meetings she organized at nine o'clock in a village 33kms away and the school bus arrives at 8:40. Bravo BBC for your behaviour and kindness.

What a contrast with the appalling way Mark Austin handled a similar situation in Sky News during the week.

Fantastic handling and so human and real. A joy to be interrupted. Better than the way sky news handled their brilliant reporter and the ridiculous Mark Austin

Kudos to the mother, that women can tune things out and multitask. Part of working from home

Epic level of professionalism from the presenter and the interviewee. Kudos.

The presenter was superb in the way that he incorporated the child in the interview...a light spot of humour amidst a serious discussion!


Why is Leicester in local lockdown and Barnsley and Bradford areas for concern?

It's natural...Love it...!

Top 🔝 This is the new normal of professionalism.

Nice and cuties

Brown mothers don't tolerate such harkten. Jan nikal deti hen wo 😂😬

What a man Christian is! How lovely to recognise and see Scarlett, great interview! Sometimes only mummy can decide where a unicorn needs to go 🦄

Loved this clarewenham

Regardless of the entitled people on here who can’t be bothered with your humanity.. I see you mama! What a smart, sweet kiddo you’re raising.. and giving an interview while raising her.. hats off to you! I know how hard this is and I’m mad impressed!

I have watched this 6,ooo times

Cute but these are all staged now to achieve ratings. Job well done BBC!

WorldGrace 😂


What fun! This made me chuckle. Very well handled by Mum too.

Love it! Great work all three!

We have all been in your shoes, my lovely young man has described detailed injuries to my teams call friends!

Big shout for being human👍😄


Never liked this shitbag interviewer.

Absolutely brilliant 👏👏

Christian and Clare handled it beautifully.

Excellently handled by all

This is the new normal, and the reality of working parents at home! What's wrong with a little laugh now and then?

Kids crashing bbc interviews is certainly not a unicorn 🦄 any more 😉


Isn't it wonderful. Would a man be able to cope with that 😡😡xxx

So lovely xx

Great handling by the interviewer.. take a brief moment to talk to the child as you would and move on..

At least it wasn’t a wimbledonrewind repeat 😉 best bit of content from the BBC all year

NavenduSingh_ Now this is everyone’s tactics to viral the video

Brilliant lol 😂



We all desperately need a bit of laughter every now and then in this gloomy and uncertain COVID environment. Thanks for this one Clare. 😀👍


BBCWorld Absolutely fantastic! Be proud! A great working Mummy

This is my favourite video!!!!

Why refer to Prof Wenham as Dr (Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy, LSE) when referring to 'unexpected distraction for Professor Robert Kelly' (who is Associate Professor at Pusan National University)?


Human species are fucked up! We’re under a lock-down, childcare centers are closed, parents have to work...what part of that do you not understand? Complaining about a child appearing on screen for a few seconds! If what you Brits call a “glam” model appeared half naked...

😂😂😂😂 amazing times

It could've been worse 😂

Simply brilliant! The good doctor, Christian and the delightful child!


E bellissima i bambini sono degli angeli e come tali e il loro comportamento

What a legend!

He did the right thing, he engaged and showed a good side to his character

greg_doucette The people saying that “this isn’t acceptable” or “The child needs to be quiet” are the worst people in society.

Love this



Nothing wrong with that. I prefer to see real people to the fake news persona / authority persona that people put on.

Just wonderful x 💖

The solution is simple purchase only materials and manufacture locally

From one Scarlett to another, here's to a successful career as brilliant art curator, wish all broadcasters were like ChristianFraser, maybe Scarlett will employ you as chief assistant in her gallery 🤣😂. So, so good this haynesdeborah clarewenham

Handled like a true gent!


GerajaM así tu con Mateo y Lua :p

Full respect to any working parent who can continue to keep it steady when their kid comes in during a call. 🙏


Great stuff :-)

Oh my gosh, after seeing all the terrible news, it's so refreshing and fun to see something this adorable! Hats off to you working parents!

Yes Boris Johnson definitely didnt act quick enough on lockdown and equally he allowed people to go to the coastlines too quickly. While we in Lancashire are still at high risk no pubs should have been allowed to open .Obviously he is being advised very well .

Love it!

Watched this early in the morning. Made my day. Keep smiling people. 😊

What a well mannered BBCNews presenter! Thank you for being natural!!

Daughter shows signs of being a perfectionist

Moral of the story: children rule. Adults drool. Vote kimmy for class president!

Oh Forget it.... These r old cheap publicity stunts....done many times by others reporter's too.. BBC FLOP propogandist crap..just want to be in good book


This is brilliant & made my day!

Brilliant 👏🏻

I love this 🤣🤣

This is precisely the kind of humanism that has been missing not only from public discourse but from but from our working lives...

Bloody brilliant!

beenasarwar When it cones to Work from home, the whole family looks at work 😁.

MnshaP did you check this out :)

You can’t help but smile at this... so relatable to millions of people. Having kids at home myself and on Zoom calls, I’ve been there and done it .. just not to thousands on live TV! 😂 I agree though, second shelf down! 👍🏼


I'm sure there's a few grumpy viewers but we're not in normal times and it's been happening every day to people working from home. It was handled well, and it's just real life, not corporate machines robotically going through their day.

Well handled and just reflective of today’s realities!

c0nnie95 😂

Ridiculous! Obviously the upper shelf was a better choice.

So some yummy mummy being interrupted by her kid in the background of an interview is stunningandbrave? Not sure what the fuss is about...

Fantastic Don ❤️


This is a new normal and might be better for our society as whole. We all should get used to such working practices. Working from home has mental and physical health advantages with reduced congestion and pollution.

Brilliant, real life on tv

Kudos all round 😊

Brilliant from both Claire and Scarlet.

karunchandhok So we are all going to forget SPAIN F1 2008 BLACK FACE? fuck Spain. And Italy for their disrespect for the only driver of colour.

Brilliant. Love it

Amazing mother, doing her job and same time keeps her loving daughter happy Hard job 🌻

I love this! Kids should always be in broadcasts, it makes them far more entertaining! 😊


That’s cute! Hi Scarlet 😂👧🏻

tarhub Kids are always innocent, great work all.

I love this!!

Well this month is the first time ever that I don't begrudge paying my TV licence. That made me chuckle. Thank you To the presenter for handling it in such a professional and sensitive way.

See how our news channels work and see this... Our news channels compete for highest decibels scream only...

RBMComedy This is exactly why I pay my license fee. There’s enough shit going on and a bit of light relief is welcome.

Christian what a great interviewer you are! We’re in difficult and different times, people struggling to work and care. Understanding and polite - mums everywhere thank you!

Brilliant! I spend my life on conference calls and the interuptions from small people have brought us all up to the same level: ordinary people, mostly with families and similar problems. The corporate BS evaporates and it's been great!

Well done clarewenham and Christian for a charming piece of TV. Ignore the haters. markaustintv this is how you do it.

Love this. I'm always getting the kids in to say hello in meetings. To be fair they make better decisions than most of the people I work with.

Nothing like a well behaved child and, that is nothing like a well behaved child

Interview parents in their homes and what do you expect the outcome to be at times? Nothing wrong with it, it’s called life

wonderful multitasking on display

Hahahahaha no one is listening to mom anymore 😂

So siaß die Klane 🥰

bloomers_88 😂😂😂😂


Handled it brilliantly 👍


I feel bad for the news anchors trying to do their job and the children who are gonna feel like they shouldn’t ever bother that parent again because they’ll just be pushed aside and ignored

loved the way he behaved

This happened on Sky News and they cut away like the cold capitalists they are. Maybe all the haters should stick to Sky. Far be it for humanity to get in the way.

The fact she let the kid do as she normally would was great .

Good on the reporter, much better response than Sky News!

Dr Clare Wenham, you are amazing! 😊

How sweet xxx

Why aren't the partners in lock down helping with the kids?


Amazing 😉 go scarlet

Its amazing how the little girl wasn't shouted or yelled at for intruding mommy's work call. I feel its completely acceptable to have children or people in the background as long as the call is clearly heard or spoken on. Please do not het offended with the ambient sounds of home

Scarlett is amazing! I've had exactly the same thing- Clare you handled that beautifully


SkyNews this is how you handle a woman who is doing an amazing job multitasking - being a mum and working - don’t cut them off!! There are lots of us like this! Take notes! Well done 🙌🏻

Salute to all the working moms!

I love this. Hi Scarlet, you are famous! Love Australia x

They’re all being so lovely, it nearly makes me cry, even Christian is being nice (better than the Sky fella) and what Dr. Clare Wenham is saying is really important. It’s about as far as one can go on BBC to criticise govt policy wrt the pandemic.

Most cute things for today. 😄

For all those calling her unprofessional, this is a parent parenting. Which is 100 times more important than a news bulletin. Sometimes it's not possible to have everything deemed 'acceptable' ready for a possible last minute live Skype call.

That lady is a legend!! And her daughter is precious ❤️❤️

louiseminchin Full points to the anchor on making her feel so comfortable. The more we see this on TV, the more it's normalised.

I love how chill she stays 💕👏🏻

Excellent reaction by the news reader to engage with the little girl and avoid the guest being embarrassed more than she already was. Well done!

clarewenham This is EXACTLY how to do it. I'm sick and tired of people apologising for having children. Normalise this and perhaps we're a step closer to true equality.

Wow I cannot believe the absolute pomposity of some people replying here. That was a great tv moment, she had answered the question, the interview was going just fine, a brief moment of light entertainment and then back to the main point. The presenter was superb as was the mum.

Patients of a saint.

neilnunes1 And Christian Fraser dealt with it perfectly

Working from home problems. This is a parents life during lockdown. 😃

neilnunes1 Absolutely loved this 💕

Brilliant, great response from the BBC


Brilliant! 😂

Exactly what I pay my license fee for, informative, real, engaging reporting 🥰

Perfect, workingfromhome workingwoman lockdownuk TheNewNormal ❤️🥰

Gorgeous performances from everyone. Clare, Scarlett and Christian who also took the whole thing in his stride.

Just beautiful. Well done everyone.


You rock x

Love it!

Now it’s all about waiting for that money to start rolling in from all those it’s alright on the night clips 💰💰

Me and wife’s boss’s need to see this so they can stop booking us on conference calls for 3 hours a day that clash and our young kids are supposed left to just roam the house alone. wfhlife

In the meanwhile here is mine playing with her dolly

Scarlett is a lovely little girl and you are working from home whilst juggling childcare, no apologises necessary. Anyone who thinks else does not appreciate how many parents are in the same position but giving it their best shot. Well done

Adorable real life handled very well by all 👏🏻😊

That was beautiful, we need more beauty in this world right now.

There are some miserable buggers on this thread. It's a pity the role of Scrooge can only be cast once.

Love it 💖

Kudos to women across the globe proving we can multitask & succeed no matter what is thrown our way! women WorkingMoms COVID19

Love it!


Wow what a thread of idiocy for some. Working from home includes kids as guests sometimes, that is normal and completely OK and does not minimise anything. If you have a problem with this, perhaps you are the problem?

Current working is intruding on home space. My son used to do this and I now introduce him to my colleagues and he now knows most of them. No drama. His house too and what used to be an issue is no more. Chill people

That brightened my day! Absolutely fantastic.. Handled perfectly.

That's soo cute !!!

New challenger 😂😂 ... but gold medal 🥇still with Prof. Robert_E_Kelly and his wife, Jung-a Kim. 'Didn't she do well!' 😘


So how is it look like Work from home😂

Wowza I had no idea how many keyboard warriors were covid and parenting experts. Have a word with yourselves man 🙄 bekind

Literally Cool 😎👌


What grace and calm under pressure. Her parenting skills are superb. She copes, her daughter Scarlet is a real credit to her. That’s the way to do it. Not scurry the children away, out of sight - deal with it - reality TV for real! What a mother - you can see the love!

Well done to that mammy for multi tasking, I thought that little girl was lovely x

Love it


This became a better and more relaxed interview by acknowledging the unusual circumstances working from home. This is the new normal, so why not embrace it.

Mothers born gods on earth.. Salute

yeah, that was staged. she saw the biscuit one the other day and thought 'I want some of that attention'. it's not heartwarming, it's just cretinous.

I must have had 20+ meetings with peoples kids in the background/foreground on the other end. Perfectly normal now.

Is the unicorn now called Christian?

I feel her pain as parts of Melb go into lockdown again - on the upside, it is a lovely unicorn

So impressed with how articulate, composed & calm Dr Clare Wenham is during this interview. I have tried (& failed) multitasking during zoom meetings, let alone on live TV. I loved how Christian handled the situation & Scarlett stole the show. Names are important! hellomynameis

This is so cute.. this has been a major juncture for everyone attending virtual calls during this lockdown.

This is what it is like for so many women. As Ginger Rogers put it, it is dancing backwards and in heels.

I love this so much. This is just the reality of lockdown and what parents are dealing with. ❤️❤️❤️

I loved this.....informative and very human.


Oh bless

LSEnews Just a few days ago , I attended her webinar , she is a very good lecturer 👍👍

Gold ✨

I keep watching this because it makes me smile.

Seeing videos of kids interrupting work always makes me smile 😊 It's really sweet

Everyone saying how cute Scarlett is and how patient her mom is, neither one of y'all were raised right. If I ever.....

Moms really be handling a lot . Salute to them

So cute!

AmanKayamHai_ET Working women should be posted with their families or near to them. They should have 4 days week and less working hours. They needs special treatment and facilities.

Great job Dr Wenham.

julpepitone If the anchor can ask the daughter's name (which he really should not have done), then the girl can ask his name. Good on her being enquiring and assertive to find out who is giving his unsolicited advice on her activity.

Make the kids part of the interview. I want to hear how they are holding up, what they think.

clarewenham BBCUrdu BBCWorld Adorable stuff 😊

I love how people have learned to just go with it and not be completely serious all the time. It’s the new world of doing interviews with kids and animals around, expect the unexpected.

How cute! What shelf did the unicorn end up on?

Great job wearing those 2 hats Dr. Mommy. You didn't miss a beat. And special thanks to the male anchor for such a charming reaction. Heartwarming and REAL.

This is adorable!

Full respect to this mum it’s not easy being a parent ☺️

BBCWorld Life is life ... Professionalism is a part of our reality , and it shouldn’t be more important than our humanity , otherwise , we would become machines : no feeling, no appreciation , and no mercy .. we belong to life , this is the main obligation .

Where's the father, bursting through the door, to grab the child and drag her out of the door? Yeah, that's right.

This is so pure!

paul_chidwick this one is cute not a prick like the one you showed me xxx


Well done all of you! It’s hard work and you guys handled it amazingly!


It's adorable because it's real. Lighten up. This is what working parents contend with during lockdown.

Had a giggle at this but so impressed that she kept the thread of what she was saying regardless.Flies in the face of negative comments a colleague made to me recently about the bad impression women with noisy children were giving to clients whilst working from home.Good for her

GrogsGamut I don’t find this charming tbh. It’s just a reminder that so many parents over-parent & haven’t let their child learn to be on their own and haven’t let themselves carve out their own time & space & set clear work & childcare boundaries. p.s. I love kids & I’m a parent.

This is lovely. Having been in this situation 100 times this week already, it’s very comforting to see ❤️


Hard to work at home 😉

The presenter handles it brilliantly. A good man 👊🏻

karunchandhok Makes me feel a bit guilty for locking the wee buggers out when I’m on Zoom 😅

This is 2020

Why can’t you just put your child in it’s cage for the time of the interview?

I think this is brilliant, it's life!!👍👍👍😁😂 If you don't like it, jog on.😁

Blimey, there are some miserable people on this thread. A lot of people are still homeschooling and working from home. Get used to it and relax. We witnessed a wonderful example of a mother and daughter relationship 👏👏👏

waltonkate What a great mom. How can she be so patient...

Great Stuff well done Wee yin

Cute kid I still don’t like bbc though

One of the only ‘joys of lockdown’ during this calamity had been the opportunity to meet families of my colleagues. This clip sums that up perfectly. Well done BBC and Dr Wenham.

I was on the channel just before this incident with the lovely Scarlett thank goodness my children are now teenagers and deterred by this excellent sign

That is Brilliant lol

Cuuuute! Well done Christian..what a lovely person you are

The best bit is she try’s to Interupt quite early on but then realised that she shouldn’t so then tried to make a decision herself. Only when spoken to by the other adult did she feel included enough to ask her mum the question .

This is exactly what I have to do every day as well. And the guilt, the guilt...

I think the best bit was where Dr. Clare and Christian both rolled with the new situation instead of trying to shoo Scarlett from the room.

Moms doing it all. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Well handled by everyone! clarewenham you delivered your points better whilst caring for your daughter than some people could without any distractions !

Probably get more sense out of this little girl than we do from some of the sickening comments below. 🤫 if you have nothing nice to say. bekind

Christian well done👏👏

Well done for sticking with the interview in a sympathetic way. Let the experts talk.

mayurgarani 😂😂😂 love it!

GeorgiaBibs this one!!

A bright light in a gloomy world. Thank you all from Canada.

The presenter handled that so well

Lockdown struggles.

This is exactly how life is right now. Let’s ever that as we go forward work and family need to work in harmony and not work first.

scottygb now that’s absolutely how you handle an unexpected contribution and keep the item flowing; AND win the affection and respect of the viewers. I’ll be including this in training sessions! Everyone felt better after this unexpected addition to the story!

Well done! That's family life in Corona Times... Greetings from Germany🌟

Why are you even apologising? You are just a supermum like many others working from home while looking after young kids away from school.

This is lovely and represents real lockdown live. Extremely well handles by all. Scarlet you are a star. ☀️

AnneMcLaughlin this_vid


Love this ! And well done “Christian” for joining in and having at chat to Scarlett !

Love this as well!

Loved Christian, Clare and Scarlett. Lovely to see such professionalism from all. Dr Clare you embodied the juggle of all working parents whilst still being so clear. Thank you!

If it makes you feel better...i did my first zoom presentation today My son appears near the end naked from the waist down and announces he has had an accident! But proud he'd sorted it... he hadn't 🤦‍♀️ I was thankful for the mute button and camera height! NewNormal2020 wfh

And again she's in yellow!

TimDaviesStaffs 😂

On a work call when I see my son heading down the garden dressed as starlord with his minion dogs - it’s one of my highlights of lockdown 😂 workingparent homeschool

Correct positioning of pictures of unicorns is important. My little girl has been extremely clear about this in the past. She was well within her rights to take her time.

I absolutely love this and what a difference in approach to her child compared to the gentleman last year, who totally ignored his, until his wife came in and took them away.

Lockdown life as a parent ! - fewer viewers for Sunday services than BBC news but a very familiar situation to be a in - brilliantly done by the interviewer and Dr Wenham. Oh, and Scarlet’s 🦄 ... I’m voting lower shelf.

At least she didn’t have a 4 year old shouting “I’ve finished my poo” when on a performance review video call with her boss. Oh yes, just me!! 😳😂

That was a brilliant response. X

Very well handled! One of my colleagues has a little boy who, every time we've done a team Skype has come over and started yelling 'HIYA! HIYA!' at the laptop. It does distract from work but we love it, and him, for injecting some levity into a weird working situation.

Great presenting Christian 👏🏼👏🏼 Much better than trying to hide the reality most parents face 👍

Bravo! SkyNews has so much to learn from this ...

Well done for your warm response to a child's presence during an important interview. To all who disagree, I'd like to see you handle a situation like this with grace like clarewenham has done.

My son came into my office/living room to tell me he’d pooped in the middle of my team meeting. He was very proud of himself and wanted everyone to know.

This is how people are really working during these difficult times... good job Scarlet!

It is always good to know the name of someone you want to talk to. All perfect!

Children decided to unlock themselves

Marvellous brilliant wonderful

So cute 💖

I thought it was cute.

johnshea63 BroomKing any resonance?

Well done the beeb, 👍👏👏🙂

Impressed by this professional woman who explained the issues surrounding the data/public health decision making, kept answering questions and didn’t lose her cool... I bow down to you Dr Clare Wenham!

What a wonderful interview. A massive cheer from all working mums

All this does is make me glad I don’t have kids

Brilliant. Well played all.

I loved it. This beautifully highlights the difficulties of being a lockdown professional and parent.

What an amazing multi-tasking mum 👏👏👏👏

Revive_UK reminds me of our management meetings recently and Belle popping in to say hello with her unicorns 🥰and the whole team giving her a shoutout teamrevive

It was one of today’s highlights lol x

Love it we’ve all been there

His name is Oliver Queen!

I’m often critical of bbc presenters but this guy is human normal take a bow


Kids just cheer you up not a care in the world bless her 👍👍👍

Pretty sure we need a poll for this - lower shelf or higher shelf for the unicorn?

Brilliantly handled by both sides. And well done, Scarlett!

Christian handled this absolutely perfectly. Well played, sir! And Scarlett, it really is lovely 🦄

Brilliant 😂😂😂

No reason to be sorry clarewenham - a complete gem that has probably made everybody's day a bit better

This is brilliant! Love scarlet


Lovely to see all the people who do F’ all childcare say how unprofessional this is. This is PROFESSIONAL: her answers were cogent & informative. The newsreader engaged with empathy. The ‘professionals’, that would like to have the child kicked in a cupboard, may disagree.

This was brilliant clarewenham

Well done Christian, Clare & Scarlett. Doing the best we can under these circumstances and keeping it together with love. 💜

BBCWorld How & why in the world did I miss this damn :(

To be fair she was doing great until Christian got her daughters attention.

The best bit of journalism has done for as long as I can remember!!!🤔

Brilliant! It's like so many of business meetings. It lovely to see people's homes and family. So human! Nice to see a confident child too!!

Kids are a legitimate and important part of part of our lives. All of them. All of us. Involve them, don't be embarrassed by them. This was perfect. Great work all.

adamboxer1 see soo much better

Christian it must have been better than the ones you did talking to Brexit politicians last year

Well done Christian in not trying to ignore the child or the mother's difficulty!!! Brilliant stuff. I'd go second shelf too 😂❤️🙌🌈 Much better than itv who said oh we will leave it there, when a an interviewees child asked for a biscuit. Tone deaf to our reality!

Brilliant gorgeous.

Magnificent. Give that kid a job on the Beeb!

BBCWorld This is reality for most women. Where were Alan’s children?

Love and understanding is also very important in life, not just money, job, material things, etc.


So sweet !


YES...I was thinking the same thing! She'll have the whole room rearranged before mommy gets off Skype.

Is this staged? Asking for a friend.

The innocence of children is something we could all learn from.

Why did he have to provoke the daughter for? She was getting on quietly in the background

Nicely handled. Well done all. 👍

BBCWorld 😂 i so can relate to this


Beautifully handled

Brilliant! Well done all 👍

Must be a nightmare....

BBCWorld 🥰🥰🥰bless her

Thank you, Christian Fraser, for treating this with the levity it deserved. Well done to Dr Wenham for persevering! And also to Scarlet for a memorable TV debut! 😂

Christian u are a well mannered individual and lot of respect to all the mummy's and daddy's taking care of home and economy at the same time

Nice to see everyone so relaxed about it!

This is normal everyday conference calls where I work. A few seconds talking to a child didn't alter the main purpose of the interview.


'this is the most informative interview I've done all day'

I want more interviews to be held in this way, it’s fun

BBCWorld Real lives made me smile

BBCWorld Lovely little girl


Wonderful to see the realities of homeworking for parents. And thank you to the presenter for making it OK and for talking to the child too.

sarahwollaston Uplifting and normal... well done everyone


BBCWorld I was expecting to hear her saying ‘Can I call you dad?’

I experienced this a few times myself during a video call... But it's truly a lovely moment

This is our new reality

Nice and funny ...she took over the interview 👍👍

This is wonderful and just made me smile!🤗 Thanks, Charlotte!

Thats just lovely. Well done Christian.

We all have learned from this experience... the BBC Dad Robert_E_Kelly It seems that anchor and interviewed have improved the reaction 👍😎👏👍

Yes love

BBCPolitics When I was doing punch up for a new comedy series I’m working on; one of the other writers twin daughters would pop their heads into our Zoom meetings. We’d always stop to let them share. They made it very fun. Kids are great! 🤙

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

So cute. 😁

This has been my life (and that of thousands of other parents, I guess) for the last 4 months 😅 ♥️

I love that the anchor was able to play it off for her and make everyone comfortable. What a good guy

BBCPolitics Beginning to think that these kind of interviews are stages so many interruptions if you are going to do a fake news interview atleast have the courtesy to be professional

Children have no regard for our respected careers, they should just do the calls see how they handle it 😂

rosana Hahaha so cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Good on the news reader to act normal and engage with the child....well done BBC!

This was wonderful

BBCWorld awesome

Great great great! Heartwarming and lovely 'performance' of all of you! Thank you 🥰

She is such Hard worker too... for She insists to know his Name 😊😊😊

sallyfoxASP Love this!

These silly little clips of children interruptio their parents are boring

gregjames more live zoom interruptions

nipper needs a smack

Funny is it? Less affluent people are really struggling financially, because the schools are closed.

Great presenting 👌

Keeping it real, lovely 😊

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA I LOVE IT

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA You know you have made it when the song is played at the end of the all BBC staff call this afternoon 😃👍🎶🕺🏼

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA Love it. Will it be adopted?

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA Lady_Shall

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA There’s a great interview with the guy that came up with the original ‘bop’ (pips) titles. He was on the janicelongdj show on BBCRadio2 when she was on at midnight, talking about how he came up with it & all the different versions there is.

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA Go on! Change it! It sounds great and we need a bit of change... even if it’s just temporary for charity 🙌🏼

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA It's rubbish....

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA MrCloudOS here you go buddy!

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA dannews

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA Fabulous!

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA I don't want to jump on a bandwagon, or even know who Ben is or what charities he supports... But how about someone with authority with DuaLipa and the BBC release this as a single for a charity like The Trussell Trust or one of the other charities that are are in need right now

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA BBCWorld tune is the new hipe!

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA Could've changed the video 🥺

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA sleecakes hahahahaha

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA Love it! 👍😀

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA Any reason you still haven't picked up RishiSunak for lying live on your station about already having a deal with the EU bbclaurak & ?

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA .DUALIPA called for a new BBC News theme tune... Your wish is our command 😉

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA Like it 👍👍👍

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA All over DUALIPA songs now on YouTube! What a brilliant singer she is!! Beautiful voice.

ranjona piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA Gives me goosebumps ! I love the BBC theme in any version

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA I'm listening to the full Dua Lipa/BBC version on YouTube now - holy SHIT, do I need this on download! Spine's tingling all over the place!!!! davidlowemusic2 - PLEASE.... pretty please with cake icing drizzled all over it?

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA

piffleandwhimsy BBCSimonMcCoy gregjames DUALIPA On a par with OwainWynEvans drumming version 🤔😍 stay safe one & all 🤗🌈

BBCSimonMcCoy Love this! Voice and music really help my dogs cope better!

BBCSimonMcCoy The latest research shows music can help relieve stress in dogs. Read about it in my blog, including what to play and what not to play...

BBCSimonMcCoy Thought you meant Bouncer from neighbours

BBCSimonMcCoy This is what BBC news has become. This would be a novelty item on 'That's Life', decades ago. There is a big world out there which you fail to report.


BBCSimonMcCoy Could help many lonely pets

BBCSimonMcCoy Harry and Megan have left so what is the British Media to do?

BBCSimonMcCoy I asume Bounce is the front runner for LoveIsland2020 sland or leader of Labour. Either would be a popular choice.

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