Harry and Meghan survived on inheritance left by Diana after quitting royals

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Prince Harry has revealed that after being cut off financially by the Royal Family, he has survived on the money his mother, Princess Diana, left him in her will

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have survived on inheritance left by Princess Diana since quitting as senior royals last year.


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Survived ! £10m and they've survived! I bet the US food banks are breathing a sigh of relief.

Sick of hearing about them 😴🙄

Must be hard living on millions.

When does the IRS step in🤔 While those around them are really suffering they have the audacity to whinge about £10m, a mansion, a luxury privileged lifestyle they haven’t had to work for😡 Diana was humbled by what she saw while for them it’s photo op, a tv show, a podcast etc🤮

Yawn! Get a job....

Meghan has done nothing but spreading hate

Poor harry He could have done alot better while being in his royal status. Most of things meghan said doesn't make any sense.

He has millions they were hardly on the breadline 🙄. Meaghan has millions of her own as well did they not use that or is she just happy spending other people’s money

Imagine putting them on universal credit 🤣 they may reevaluate what surviving is

Yup “surviving” on £15 million. I think surviving is not the best phrase lol.

And I've had to survive on working for the last 49yrs, life's a bummer.

Survived? Ffs

Oh no poor things... how did they manage to eat

10£ million and they survived? Get a life

Oh poor souls. Surviving on a £15m inheritance. My heart bleeds. Do they even listen to themselves. People have died, lost their livelihood and these two are whinging about Daddy not supporting them. These 2 are tone deaf with no self awareness

'Survived'? They were that close to having to queue at a foodbank, then?

Aren’t they the lucky ones. So she didn’t contribute anything.

Survived 🙄 on how many millions, Christ most ordinary people are trying to get by on a few quid 😡

The circus is in town and here come the clowns

If you can’t fill in the requirements, off you go!

Well she gave a performance worthy of an Oscar!

Yeh they are really struggling in their ten million dollar santa Barbara mansion 🤔

I survived by Going to Work...not being Privileged..🙄

Where is ur wife's money Thought she was the big actor Well she will get Oscar for 2nights performance 👏



Weak masochist, not her

Oh you poor things your so poor!!!! Go get a real job and shut up!!!!!

Harry n Meghan- go get a job - like everybody else

That did not make sense. The Sandringham Summit (Jan 2020) agreement stated Charles would bankroll them privately until they could support themselves. And didn't they have Met protection until then? So when did Harry use his savings to cover themselves? Very murky comment.

So sad , what a pittance to survive on ?

they were saying it like they are struggling, not when they have a big mansion in hollywood

I wonder how quickly they'll burn 🔥 through that inheritance...

Survived ?

I think with his inheritence and her own personal wealth accumulated through her lucrative acting career, they were able to do a little better in the quality of life stakes than simply 'survive'........🤨

Get a job then, like all normal people

Doesn’t she have a few millions?

So is Spotify and Netflix more lies ?

Fuck them all the royal family

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