Greta Thunberg delivers a climate warning at Glastonbury

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The activist gives a stark message, while AJ Tracey criticises the lack of action over Grenfell.

The broadcaster thanked festival-goers for cutting their plastic use, after organisers banned single-use plastic bottles.Thunberg spoke after an invigorating performance from rapper AJ Tracey, who opened his set with a powerful, angry message about the Grenfell Tower disaster.

"Boris Johnson, I want to ask you a question: 72 of our friends and family are dead and there's been zero arrests," he said. "Why?" "I'm hoping that the crowd are receptive to me trying to give them a different take on my usual set," he told BBC News ahead of the performance."My dad used to be a rapper, my mum used to be a DJ on the radio, playing jungle, house, garage... so I've got quite a mix.

The star brought his mother to Glastonbury and she watched his show from the side of the Pyramid stage."She doesn't have a scrapbook but she's a photographer so she takes loads of personal pictures and has her own little personal archive."


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Imagine the amount of electricity used to run this event and the rubbish left behind. She is part of it. Hypocrite

The fatberg was there

Came by canoe did she?

Who cares. Enough with these frauds.

Spouted more bullshit you mean.


BBC should stop parroting stupidities & help this person, she’s obviously either not well or is being used by ppl who are sick/would like to spread their mental sickness globally....

Is she getting enough funds and publicity nowadays?

CalaisFrom Absolute hypocrisy. Even Michael Eavis has said,'environmentally, it'd probably be better if we didn't have these festivals,' No shit, Sherlock! The Doomgoblin still goes, but verbally leaves China and especially Russia to bomb and burn Ukraine relentlessly!

Who?Greta Thunberg,just from media made icon,we all can do it, atleast my daughter& i doing something in my environment teach my daughter 8yrs old about environment, if everybody teach their children's is enough our next gen is ready to save the planet, stop this media hype Greta

Why would you cover such utter bullshit

Why cover this garbage? This is helping no one.


ClimateCult ClimateScammer

I should imagine the environment would be aided by Swedish teenagers not taking unnecessary flights to see 25000 people who made an unnecessary journey to a concert powered by dirty electricity

Horrible spoilt brat

Her smile tells a different story.

Tell to go to china and cry fowl.

Greta ? what a fake !!

🤔🤔 not the right place bit hypocritical

I’d like to ask Greta about the physics of ice core temperature reconstructions, including temperature related elemental decay and ionisation and also the wavelength at which CO2 stores and emits thermal radiation. Two simple concepts for any atmospheric scientist.

Did she pay for her ticket? Doubt it. How did she get there? Flew in & driven by big Merc to site. Could she not have delivered her message on video? Yes but she wanted the freebie. Very false little girl caught up in her own publicity taken advantage of by headline seekers


No mention of the Covid scam then?

(Oh you can’t stick your climate crisis up your A ,,,,, ) don’t know the tune to that song, Greta you must think we are all fools ,

Women do not count a the BBC

The BBC ignored that why because she's a woman

Well she collecting all the left over rubbish?

Who gives a ….., also how did she get to the venue, push bike from wherever she lives.

Chuck her off😡

Oh sod off!!!

I’m sure the wet wipes will lap it up .

Who cares what she has to say?


Was she there to sing then 🤔

Did she cycle there?

'Climate warning' made in Kremlin, delivered by puppet.

Being spoken down to by Zelenskyy & Greta. What a shit year for glastonburyfestival2022

She’s the Matt Hancock of climate change

Thank you Greta for the timely warning as the world has forgotten about global warming or the politicians are just paying lip service to this critical issue

Greta Thunberg delivers a warning about the climate despite having absolutely zero qualifications in the subject, will be interesting to hear Greta‘s take on the origins of the universe next.

She doesn’t look like she’s got any hotter

prefer Carol Kirkwood

Blah blah blah, How dare you!!

She looks happy this time, ecstasy pills will do that to you

How did that little git get a ticket

I’m sure the people there loved that 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️

She's full of s××t

Does this girl ever go to college or school 🤣 Fair play to her though I guess

she was probably one of the youngest there, did she say, I know you've all paid £285 a ticket but please don't leave all your plastic bags, rubbish and tents in the fields when you leave 🤔

Utter bollox climate change is a hoax like covid

Yes it could rain on Sunday.

So what was not done which cause climate change ? Any one thing?

Enjoy your flight home Greta and before you go, ask the Glastonbury lot to clear their own filth before they go. Oh and BBC, don’t forget to film after the event to record the hypocrisy out there … same old rhetoric

FFS! Is she still preaching?

Fossil fuels belong to our past not our future, despite what Alex Epstein claims

Has Thunderpants not got school homework to do?

We never hear of her doing speeches in USA to the general public and they waste much more However, doesn't excuse laziness at events like this either. When you see people just discarding everything and anything, without any sense of responsibility for surroundings and others.


Us poor folk need Global Warming so it’s warm in winter and I can wash me as Skiddies in the flood

Talk about a bad penny most of us areskint because of this micro managed Brat

Why Glastonbury ? Could it be she just fancied being there, but needs to pretend it's killing the planet to justify her entertainment ? I bet she didn't stay in her tepee chastising everyone there !!!

I love the fact that most people ignore their own fate. As the Thwaites Glacier inexorably snaps off, and extreme weather events driven by human made climate change become ever more apparent. What is this psychological condition called? werenotbothered goodbyecruelworld

Go Greta. Keep on marching.

I hope she had fun like most of the teenagers who went there!

When did Glastonbury becomes such a political stage for everyone to make a point to a captive audience, sorry but they pay to see musicians play, not be lectured too, they went to escape the problems of the world to relax, come in Glastonbury organisers stick to non political

Perhaps this girl is used to the internet abuse she’s receiving on a daily basis but what I find amusing is all these people/trolls that “do not care” just enough to go through the trouble of posting that they do not care, some of them even to find an image with that message.

I bet no angry overweight red-faced middle-aged men will post a snarky comment below. Not one. And definitely nobody with a flag in their profile.

Hey Greta you should go to Russia and tell him off look what he is doing to the environment 😉

Greta's carbon footprint over the past 4 years must be around 10x mine.

_jonesmark I don't want to hear a goddamn thing that girl has to say

Billionaires and multi multi millionaires are the problem. Unfortunately they've got their plebs arguing for them over diesel generators and plastic bottles. Meanwhile, look up private jet usage. Or private rockets for that matter...

Thought Glastonbury was about music, is she singing it? BackingBoris

Imagine if she had gone to Goodwood instead of Glasto…..

How did she get there?

I’d rather someone rant about all the masks that are still littered all over the world

On the band wagon....🙄

Am I the only one who thinks her parents stole her youth to make money out of her since the press used her as a climate activist.

First Zelensky and now Greta! Impossible to get away from the propaganda 🤦🏻‍♂️

So are all her followers prepared to give up all their tech and other luxuries I think not

I bet she flew to get there though. A bit ironic. The amount of travelling she's done I wonder how much damage she's done to climate change.

Viz has a section called fat slags. Greta is quite thin

This teenager is really determined

Report the grooming gangs , not this

Same old message, we all know Glastonbury is run by a bunch of crusties. A captive audience doesn't mean they agree with the speaker. Just look at the massive piles of rubbish they leave behind each year its on.

Was there any music ?

Hypocrite created by politicians with special interests.

Did she walk to Glastonbury ?

PLEEEEZZZZ I thought she went away!!!

Is war bad for the climate? Is glastonbury really that important? Is glastonbury good for the climate? Is the bbc lost?

Inflation is 9%, we are trying to survive today.

Did Greta ever go back to school & learn anything?

Did anybody actually play at Glasto this year?

It's a music festival. They don't want your climate alarmist BS GretaThunberg

So much hate in these comments 😂 why so angry?!

An education campaign for the use of male and female condoms, but with the same intensity as the campaign against Covid, reduces abortion worldwide by 80%; Is there any interest from science on this topic?

Let's wait for the inevitable pictures of waste strewn all across Glastonbury fields, plastics, paper and no doubt lots worse... all ending up in landfill. Transport to / from said fields, flights... just another hypocritical outburst from a paid actress

Climate warning at Glastonbury…let that sink in

Not the full quid

The amount of energy required to power an outdoor music festival is substantial. Try performing without a PA or amps next time.

Maybe she should put some effort into highlighting the poor kids of 5 and 6 working in the Congo to supply the world with batteries for her CO2 free electric cars for a priority maybe ?

She does`nt know 2 times 3 so how would she know anything about how climate works ? Climate the biggest mystri of them all we try to work out. There are no climate crises


And how did the poisoned dwarf get there? Did she walk baring the weight of a cross and a crown of thorns

And people still believe she's just a girl from Sweden who started protests outside of her school. Nothing to do with the WEF agenda... Much!

Here we go again!!!

While rock star comic Zelensky delivers a speech that renders climate concerns moot.

Quel surprise

BBC orgasmic as usual over the loopy Swedish doom goblin 🙄

Summers have got colder

The little gremlin can do one

She's not even a climate expert lmao

I’m curious. How did she get there

Yawn . . . But glad to see ya tits have now come in . . . Well done. That's if I can say that ? Oh well to late

Actually , right now I am more worried, that the Ukrainian, Russian war will escalate into a global war, some American upper level commanders have already expressed the desire to attack Russia

Did all those people and all that stuff get there on bicycles? acappella? unplugged?

Did she walk there and swim across the North Sea?

Love the oil price.

FFS…. Get this thing off my Twitter page…. 🙄🙄🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇦🇺🇦

Fcuk off

Greta has done an amazing job in raising awareness about this vitally important issue.

BBC whom I actually respected in my last life is now a full grown RAG

Indifference to this warning will bring consequences so severe to everyone, that all other social/environmental issues will be dwarfed.

It’s fantastic seeing all the gammons shouting at her😂😂

I thought it was for music, not political speaking

Knows how to put a downer on any party, that girl.


How did she get there?

Thought this was a music festival?

She walk there…

Stand there,smile and do sod all

This sweet thing?

Omg ! It’s ridicules !First of all I wish her stop more global disaster the war ! Russia already ready to attack London! Not a good time to be in UK right now .

Doom pixie

Doom pixie

Greta Thunberg is the naive voice of the emerging rich & powerful. The new elite suck money from us all with their ‘climate change’ hosepipe. Suckers (Search ‘Christopher Hohn’)

What effect has she actually had? I agree with the message but what has she managed to achieve?

Maybe she should come back just after the last festival goers have left and witness the kind of change they are capable of. She can help pick up all the crap they've left behind.



I prefer her earlier work.

She'll be saying 'there's still time' 60 years from now.

Should t she be in school?

How did she get to the uk?

I hope she walked to the festival.

Between Zelensky and Greta ... 🤦‍♀️give us some peace please. Go away.

All of us must do more to tackle climate change and help the environment, meanwhile , at Gastonbury

She would have been in good company with the masses of vegan, climate activist that claim poverty, driving hundreds of miles to a dairy farm to pay £10 a pint.

I went to Glastonbury for the contemporary music, the festival hosts dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret, and other arts...not to be lectured! damn the person that had Thunberg appear!

Did she check out the 2 Massive Diesel Generator running none stop to charge all the eco friendly Electric cars Or did she count the constant Helicopter taxis flying in & out the stars Did she ask Micheal Eavis about his £900,000 Covid payment


She is a hero for tirelessly working for climate justice! We must slow climate change down:

How did she get to Glastonbury, paper fucking plane!!!

Well done Greta. For the trolls note the carbon footprint is lower than you thought (negative)

At Glastonbury ha ha

Did Soros' little madame row on a boat across the water to the UK, then walk down to Glastonbury. Bloody WEF hypocrite!

I hope her presence means people take their rubbish and their tents home.


If you go to Glastonbury do you go for the music? Or to be preached at by anyone


Ain't no sunshine when she's on🎵

Zelenskij couldn’t come?

I bet she walked all the way from Sweden?! NO she use a jet engine Airliner and then a car to get there so she can bulshit you 😂😂😂😂

Yes how did she get to Glastonbury 🤩...

Uh.... who cares?

Did she fly into Glastonbury by private helicopter? Walk on water …. Levitate ,,, 😂🤣😂

How many air miles has she accumulated spouting her shit...pot and kettle spring to mind

Did they celebrate with their drinks in plastic bottles whilst taking photos on their charged phones, total hypocrites

Who woke the climate goblin up? Glasto is a total woke fest with coke sniffing money launderer Zelensky first & now the evil one spreading her fear spells on the brainwashed. If only she thought for herself & didn't read from a script & actually knew cyclical cycles of the sun 😡

Uh oh

I wonder what the site will be like after everyone has left?... carnage with all the plastic litter...anything for the climate as long as it doesn't affect me

Give it up ffs

Okay I will ask the elephant in the room; how she got laid yet I mean Glastonbury would be an excellent place to get laid? LOL I mean saving the world is good, but being up this tight all the time can not be healthy for her.

Hope she took her rubbish home with her

She’s got a cracking tan, has she been on holiday?

That reminds me I must do the ironing.👍

Apart from, I’m guessing, the people who are there. Nobody cares. Stop with the Glastonbury updates please.

Fuck ecology !

She travels by teleportation?

Climate change is NOT manmade the green taxes and hysteria are

Some people are slaves to the caricatures they make out for themselves ... it is a disease, one that is funded and maintained by an entire ecosystem

Yawn 😴

Hope she didn't fly or get a ferry

Looks like nice weather for it.

And she got there by plane 😏

Make sure you complain to the event organisers GretaThunberg about the carbon footprint of the festival is pumping out with all the generators and all the plastic being thrown and left everywhere. Preach in your own country people at the festival are there to have a good time

Oh not again

Good for her...

Here we go again thumper trying to be relevant and the press trying to get hits

After using fossil fuels to travel thousands of miles she has spoken to tell people to reduce their reliance on using….. fossil…. Fuels…. 🤦🏻

She looks a bit chilly, hope she brought a cardigan

What a hypocrite. Glasto is awful for the environment.

Earth been far hotter than today for 87% of last 10,000 years. Hysteria about global warming based on doctored computer simulations, from worst case scenarios & falsified science. Human society arose in this balmy interlude. We are all tropical animals.

Greta in 2025

Climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years | Daily Mail Online. After the so called covid science, am I surprised?

Enemy of the people.


Lockdown has not been kind to her huh.....finding comfort in Pringles.

For Pete's sake shut this little girl up - even Glastonbury can't escape this parental mouthpiece

She will give her speech to all the middle class kids abd then at the end of the festival we'll have the usual images of tents and crap littered everywhere. Maybe her speech should end with clean up your shit.

Modern day Corporal Fraser WeAreDoomed

People wanna go there and get sniffed up, pilled up and have a good time, not listen the media puppet waffle on ffs.

Here she is,angry child

Burn baby burn, climate Inferno..? 🎶🎵🎶🔥


'How dare you'.......

Is she still relevant?

'Not now.' carryon Glastonbury2022

Quite happy to go to Glasto and enjoy the festival on a working dairy farm 🤙 Hypocrite.

Will covid 19 be playing at Glastonbury this year?

No one cares 😡

Fuck me that’s torture

How did she get here?

'Your Electric Instruments Are Killing My Future!'

Utter nonsense 🙄

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