EDL founder Tommy Robinson banned from Facebook and Instagram

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United Kingdom Headlines News

Tommy Robinson has been banned from Facebook and Instagram after posting material calling for violence against Muslims, the social media giant says.

Facebook stated that it prohibits hate speech, and claimed that Robinson has"repeatedly" violated that rule.

old Sky News last year that he does not careHowever, following his ban on all of the major social media platforms except YouTube, as well as on the payment site PayPal, it is unclear whether he will be able to spread this message.


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Timcast Good

Because he reported the truth about begum’s family. Actually in a fairly eloquent way. I don’t like him but....

Timcast For speaking the truth on what Islam truly is.

ever heard of the streisand effect?

Democracy in full swing

Meanwhile the media has seen fit to persistently subject us all to the ramblings of an ISIS bride and her extremist beliefs in an attempt to portray her as some kind of victim. Not the same I admit but just saying.


An absolute bellend of a man!

Still waiting to see 'ANY' evidence of him calling for violence? FakeNews

Free speach they say 🙈

Big boys staying together?

Nick Clegg doing his job. What about you tube banning a video scarring kids to do harm to others and themselves MOMO. Investigate that

Shame they can’t ban, take down, this momo suicide challenge, which is effecting children around the country 🤷‍♂️

Soon there will be tweetforTommy

Maybe touching a nerve that people don’t want to be touched. Possibly just make his followers tweet more etc

about time too

Great news.

He is no difference to ISIS and YouTube should do the same. This terrorist existence has caused pains to more people. His breathing should be made illegal.


Can’t stand the bloke. But stopping freedom of speech is utterly wrong.

Why has the BBCNews not reported on this hmmm maybe because he has exposed them for what they are Panodrama that's why he's been banned


Expose the fake stream media and you’ll be erased

Timcast Tommy Robinson is a hero. Full stop.

Good! Nothing but scum. Go against a certain website’s policies, expect to be banned.

Good 😂😂👍🏽

Wonderful news.

Why don't you report the story of Panorama. Your a joke

watch yourself see john sweeny of the bbc call working class people cannibals, abuse expenses, try to get people to at they have been sexually assaulted, say the former leader of the Ira was a hero, be racist, work with other groups to pay people to lie.

I see you are pedalling this lie again “The far-right activist..., told Sky News last year that he does not care whether his message 'incites fear' of Muslims as long as it 'prevents children from getting raped'. See below tommyrobinson

So does freedom of speech not matter when its someone like Tommy?... or are the bbc throwing their weight around cos hes done them over?

Should be banned from England.

Timcast You need to know more about Tommy's history before you make a judgment ... because I think you would like him he's not perfect but he's a great man ... a living legend

Timcast Tim I followed Tommy for 15 years. He's a living legend, Brave, charismatic, and he is trying to save British culture. When Pakistani rape gangs we're destroying the lives of little girls including his cousin and the media was silent and police did nothing...well...that was that

'EDL Founder-' No. Stop. Shut up.

CIVIL WAR 2.0 HAS STARTED! Timcast you've talked about how civil war 2.0 won't be guns on the streets etc. I believe the attacks on Tommy&how the BBC reporter took responsibility for it, will be one of the first events to show what civil war 2.0 will look like.Attacking ur life

On tv you have said he has done it not allegedly,yet have no evidence, and also use of the word islamaphobia,a phobia is a irrational fear,it’s perfectly rational to fear something we know nothing about because you shut the people up who talk about it, all we know about it is bad

KayBurley It amazes me the selective tweets. And always linked to edl. Move on

disgraceful!!!!!!!! Support the NDL, Support the movement

Good, the guy is an absolute thundercunt anyways

As much as I don’t like racism I have not seen a post of this man targeting Muslims? I have seen him targeting and reporting on mosques that have promoted ISIS and terrorism. In which he actually had Muslims working undercover for him? I have seen him target paedophilic gangs.?

I hope the prick isn’t on Twitter.

Truth hurts some people it seems

Days after Panodrama no surprise there then! He's never called for hate against Muslims, he's campaigned for the truth about grooming gangs regardless of whether they're Muslim or Catholic, he's campaigned against and just proved again about corruption in the media!!

there is more than one voice of the EDL one done 17 mil to go

skynews linking to articles that lie about comments that where made, too many people have seen the full uncensored video skynews, please stop

skynews still lying about comments that where made.

Read the article, ZERO proof on the supposed breach of the terms, subtle smear attempts towards him and vague misinformation on his reporting on the rape gangs. Anyone reading the article unaware of his situation would buy into this nonsense. MSM is a joke.

Bullshit because he speaks the truth against fake journalism, its so wrong


This Country just doesn't like the truth!

Yea for exposing the BBC what a joke

Timcast They just a martyr of him. MSM and their lackeys

He is all over you tube now

You lot at Break BBCNews itvnews Channel4News and countless others are the most despicably brazen liars that are second to none, not even politicians. You all are to journalism what Josef Fritzle is to parenting!

What is really shocking is not you reporting about Robinson’s Facebook ban but that you haven’t reported the disgraceful behaviour towards him by Panorama.

Free speech banned.

Freedom of speech is no more.

Never tell the truth it gets you banned.


Be honest, it's because he made panorama look like wankers. The guys a prick but Katie Hopkins says worse than him and she's still going strong.

Why do sky news and other mainstream media outlets keep stating tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon ?) Is it because they want him to be easy to find and have physical harm/death dished out to him, his partner/wife and children by muslim extremists and Antifa tossers?

Fck Facebook and Instagram, Free Speech should prevail, right is right and wrong is wrong and the BBC has a lot to answer for 😡

Looks like Tommy is absolutely right on everything he has to say.

Timcast He seems to break many rules to criminal extent, unashamedly. So it’s apparently a stretch that he’d breach Facebook or Instagram rules? Censoring free speech is a slippery slope, but please do go on about how he doesn’t incite violence. His contempt?


Please quote the proof where he was calling for violence towards Muslims?


free speech? what a joke Censorship

Free speech gone?

Good riddance to Stephen Yaxley Lennon

And those of us not with our heads in the sand can see why.

how very rude of them

But not twitter!

What a coincidence

Unbelievable all because he’s calling the media out and showing us how bad the country is really getting Fakenews

Not shocked at all, just sad the time for actual arguments has long gone and been replaced by ugly facism. Glad I am not growing up in these times.....

Some video already surfaced by Gmb union 🙁 absolutely disgusting 👎

wahhabist/mccarthyism/nazi/shariah platforms banning someone what a lack of surprise

Don’t worry he will find another way to expose gromming gangs, the media etc ;)

Not aloud to speck out nowdays . England has fallen rest in peace

One less cretin on social media.

Wow, that’s crazy. Freedom of speech has died 😳

Pity he is not banned from the country.

jacqui703 So now it's only the msm that are allowed to promote the far right.

Timcast Proof in the pudding. Tommy starts to talk corporations of media deny by block. Over control. Denial.

The man has opened my eyes to the truth. Something MSM wouldn’t know if it punched them in the mouth.

What a coincidence that it’s happened at the same time he exposes the BBC 🙄

What happened to freedom of speech? Funny how soon as he exposes BBC the other media sources start shutting him down ,mmm hat they hiding?

Should his citizenship be revoked

This exposes the BBC and leftists even more. Disagree with the narrative or we shut you down, very democratic. But then again do they even know what demo(n)cratic means


That because he’s a really stupid wee boy.

Question the establishment and look what happens. What are you all so afraid of him revealing?

Don't you have to able to read and write to use either?


Yeah.....Facebook that allows Jihadi's, far-left hate groups promoting violence and anti-semetics.

Can't he be banned from existing 😎

Why do you, the MSM, insist on continually using the EDL founder tag? He left the EDL when the far right infiltrated it. Get over it

You don't have to like him. You don't have to agree with him. But what he says and does should provoke you to look into those things for yourself. In the age of bullshit news where will you find alternative information so you can decide what's true or not?

E D L Extremely Daft Lunacy

Good, now ban him from the UK too....and everywhere else.

I'm not a supporter of Tommy Robinson but this is ridiculous

What was the reason given?

It's why I get my news elsewhere. I want both sides.

Was on the cards. He is upsetting the elites!!

Free speech is dead but news agencies can make stuff up! Brilliant! Revolution time?

EDL founder 😂 A lot of water has passed under the bridge. Why don’t you introduce MaajidNawaz as an Islamic jihadist every time he appears on ThePledge? He used to be. He cheered 9/11. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sky News is FakeNews

Has Stephen done any speeches about the Cardinal who was recently found guilty of abuse & other incidents of abuse in the Catholic Church..all in the interest of balanced reporting?

Ffs free speech is dead in the Uk. Whatever he says he has a right to say it. When we have people preaching hate in our streets untouched by police and online authorities ignore online abuse yet Tommy Robinson is such a threat why

As the UK slowly morphs into the new North Korea

Funny how you publish this rubbish but don't publish the truth he exposes mediacorruption


Of course he has. He is stirring up trouble for the corrupt establishment, as well as having a voice for the innocent victims of grooming gangs who are, in the vast majority of cases, Muslim. It’s time people opened their eyes to what is happening under their noses.

Timcast Hardly surprising but still... Not a good sign.

This is good news. Unless you're a fan of violence against Muslims, that is.

Show us where he has called for violence. Pointing out the truth is not promoting fear.

You should be opposed to suppression of free speech. If they can ban him they can ban you.

Timcast Suspicious timing.....

No surrender, the bbc is full of benders🇬🇧

I time to go trust busting again

The establishment are not even trying to hide it now it's just blatant for people to see

Banning TR just adds fuel to the fire!

Media shows itself for what it really is! Antichrist!

The crack down continues! Kiss free speech goodbye within a decade.

قمع 😂

This is the mainstream media’s fault... FUCK SKY NEWS🖕🏻

Tommy's cuckboys to start protesting and flooding twitter in 3,2,1...

Blimey bet his gutted!

Is it because he was telling the truth about the BBC?

Banned For exposing the BBC and the truth 🇬🇧

The big cover up continues. MSM and social media might want to bury freedom of speech forever but where there is a will there is a way

That figures


He was banned because he showed the BBC for they really are...A bunch of crooks! but SKY don't do facts! FakeNews FakeNewsMedia FakeNewsAlert

Long overdue. In a country where diverse civil rights are constitutionally enshrined you cannot allow sedition against these fundamental rights. Those who seek to criminalise civil rights of some (who did that in our recent memory?) must be delegitimised by the state. Tommy

For telling the truth 🤷🏼‍♂️

Well all that does is show they have a liberal agenda

He's got a lot in common with msm though. They both like stirring up trouble.

But unfortunately his followers aren't!

Their right to kick him off as far as I’m concerned, however it is just making his case at the end of it

Wot for telling the truth

Timcast Got stay hush about those “Asian” grooming gangs

Well done dopes. This will just make things worse.

Timcast Tommy Robinson says brave things by speaking TRUTH that others are too terrified to utter.

EDL was created by Luton police and council with their appeasement

Globalist socialism is dying a public and humiliating death. THEY ARE DESPERATE!

This was based on the Jason Farrell sky interview where they edited the footage to make out he was calling for violence against Muslims! Looks like FB have jumped the gun!!

I've always disliked Tommy Robinson ......but these kind of actions towards him actually makes him stronger.

Tommy Robinson banned from Facebook for exposing the FakeNews & corruption of the BBC & Panorama and the lies, blackmail & intimidation by HopeNotHate as shown yesterday in Panodrama on Facebook. Too late - He’s revealed the truth again.

Timcast All Corporations are fictions existing only by State Law. Democracy should mean We the People decide Just Fair Laws eg Jury trial. 1 these Corps monopolizing & politicking! Lets make Responsible when Private dominates Public !? Add public trial by random Jury to big Corp board?

Tommy isn't part of the EDL and hasn't been for a few years now.

Looks like discounted corporate tax deals for Facebook and Instagram. Astonishing that the government is systematically shutting down democracy before our very eyes.

Submitting to censorship is to enter the seductive world of 'The Giver': the world where there are no bad words and no bad deeds. But it is also the world where choice has been taken away and reality distorted. And that is the most dangerous world of all.

Timcast Considering that disciples of the world's most peaceful religion has threatened him and his family, why are you publishing his full name? Why not also mention where his kid go to school? Or some pictures of them?

Banned for exposing panorama. BBC can't hide this

For Gods sake don't speak the truth you will get banned

Timcast I thought he left EDL years ago as they became radical ? No And he has distances himself from white supremacists too.... No Labels only people his point. If you think his means are wrong fight him intellectually and showing factual evidence to his claims. Not Good.

Yet the msn and social media give plenty of air time to the clowns that went to fight for isis and try soften up everybody to the idea they should be let back! Amazing

Who’s Tommy Robinson

I bet he has the backing of the 8 independent Labour MP's

BadIdeasVs AlexJones Same stuff Agenda always in play realDonaldTrump

Questionall8 We know this is all just BS.

Timcast I miss the times when anyone would have understood this is censorship. A Private company (providing a public service) does not have the right to redefine FreedomOfSpeech. As little as a private car owner has the right to redefine traffic rules.

More smear. One would think after Tommy's BBC expose' these fools would re-examine how they report and quit twisting the truth. But nooooo. They double down and tighten their sphincters.

That’s interesting still reporting on Jason Farrell’s ‘edited’ interview for which he had to apologise, as gospel. The ‘don’t care if it invites hatred to Muslims’ quote was taken out of context. You are a disgrace

wardys66 Anyone who doesn’t like him must be a peadophile JustSaying

Good the harder you make it for idiots to find other idiots the better modern society will be.

Wife beater needs beat up himself

Ha ha muppet

His following is growing day by day and they are worried but he’s too smart for his haters.

Timcast Another martyr created by social media. Well done. P.S. The coming western civil war is going to be very bloody.

This is fake This is clipped together. He was talking about a video in a different country that was tell Muslims not to rape, 'he does not care whether his message 'incites fear' of Muslims as long as it 'prevents children from getting raped' UR fake news!

BBCPanorama exposed as liars and now hes been banned from instagram and facebook . Strange coincidence.

Both sites are fake anyway. I’ve been of fake-book for a year and don’t miss it.

Freedom on speech has gone. Panda to the left and whining snowflakes. Our country is destroying itself


Hopefully Twitter will follow suit. Drug dealing, wife-beater, cop-beater, mortgage fraudster, Tommy-Ten-Names, Yaxley-Lennon has no right to a platform.

japp88 This just proves the thugs point!

Timcast Fascistbook

Pathetic banning him for no reason

His main supporters & colleagues are Imam Tawhidi ( Muslim) & Avi Yemini ( Jewish). He is not a racist. He is very troubled about the elites in this country & how Islam is taking over. He is the only one supporting and backing Britain!!! I really despair of the UK right now 😩😤

SHAME!!!! What happened to Free speech?! He doesn’t call for violence of any type!!!! He is against violence!!!! This is outrageous - All because he did a tell on the bbc. I follow this man- and he never says anything hateful. Just fact......

nothing to do with him exposing the BBC & (far left extremist group) HNH 'dodgy' methods in trying to take him down - not a coincidence?

This in no way infringes his right to free speech. Yaxley Lennon can shite on as much as he wants, he just can’t do it on a privately owned platform.

Why would you ban Sir Tommy Robinson from all social media. You are not going to SHUT Tommy up. Tommy Robinson is a well loved and respected brave man. Un like the week scared Police an Politicians. Who turned there back on all the British people in this country. So all vote UKIP

Timcast Absurd. I've seen a lot of Tommy's talks, interviews and videos. He does not deserve what's happening to him.

Tommy Robinson exposes the fake news BBC and the next day he's banned from FB and Instagram? The corruption and collusion disgust me.

Timcast Of course that would happen... Free speech is no speech to them


Will__NE thoughts ?

Just as well that I gave Tommy my e-mail address then, the more they try to stop him the bigger they make him. Keep it up guys, you're losing big time.

Good about time it's hate speech the sad thing is that he does highlight some important issues but the way he gets about bringing them up meant that there's no chance of those issues being discussed sensibly,and then there's the fact that convictions r threatened by his perjury


This is silly. You don’t have to agree with him but you should not be allowed to silence him and stop him talking. We allow terrorists to march in our capitol with police protection but won’t allow tommy to post on social media? Monitor him and warn and charge where needed.

If these giant tech companies banned him for saying things, it just means that he was over the target. I need to pay more attention to Tommy Robinson.

Thug lock him up

If u ban ppl u stop the dialogue between for and against what ever they r saying Personally I have no interest in what hatred the man is spouting and it is my choice not to listen. Now u have put him on a bigger peddle stool well done the media 🤦🏽‍♀️

We all know whats going on .Tommy they are running scared .Tommy keep it going you get there msm are trying to get to you but you are better then them as you proved

Timcast Not cool freeTommy

Social media fascism is well and truly alive! All for showing the BBC true colours...

Fascist times.

The BBC’s pulled some strings then..

wardys66 Like him or loath him what happened to free speech? Media not going to silence him. Not a good advert for freedom of speech irrespective of your views.


Sky News BBC etc are all fake news! Stopped following you a long time ago, are you just a tad upset about T.R. Exposure of BBC’s Panorama!

Funny how you ran with that Video comment you selectively edited... I am not fan of Tommy but you lot are liars.. Sky News is proud to be part of The Trust Project ... Best joke ever.

His point has been proven

Corrupt BBC have pulled strings here 100% Tommy literally just exposed them for there blatant lies and fake news. 1000s cancelling tv licences and now this 🤔

All these people thinking this is good. Enjoy paying your TV License so BBC can keep allowing John Sweeney to piss your money up the wall and also allow the BBC to charge our elderly for Sweeneys bar bills. You must be on a different planet. BBC was found out and don’t like it.

Why are you pandering to him by not using his real name

It really doesn’t make much difference lol it was just more convenient for him.. most people signed up to his page as he knew they would block him eventually.. he will not be silenced and neither will his supports 💪🏼 Break where is the breaking news on BBC panorama👀

Personal dictat from that liberal liar Nick Clegg perhaps.

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who cares

Why have you lied again? 'Told Sky News last year that he does not care whether his message 'incites fear' of Muslims as long as it 'prevents children from getting raped'.'

Shame on facebook and instagram .

So much for freedom of speech in this country if you don’t toe the party line and don’t adhere to political correctness you don’t fit in

Timcast They don't really know who he is. I barely do...but I do know what's happened to him over the years. From here, I can only wish him the best of fortunes, as far as can take him. I wish him justice...and a little peace in life. Hopefully, his story won't fall on deaf ears forever.

The man speaks far too much sense for Facebook and Instagram where the most gullible and naive individuals congregate.

Trying to silance the BBC undrcover documentary his just put out

Timcast Love the detailed defense of prior restraint towards the bottom. You Brits need a First Amendment.

The establishment are getting a little bit nervous aren't they? Haha

And yet terrorist continue to use it

A few days ago he exposed the underhand tactics of Panorama in conjunction with Hate Not Hope Now he is banned. I don’t believe coincidence the two are related


That is such rubbish, isn’t it a coincidence that he exposes the BBC and people start cancelling their subscription service they never signed up to and now he gets blocked absolutely shocking! As for the haters was it to hard to listen to facts!

Someone scared incase there names brought forward as well , keep it up exposing tommy

It will only cause his followers to give extra funding out of anger.......towards his holiday villa.

Facebook should ban Facebook from them selves, very untrusting and sells personel information, two faced money grabbing company!

They’ve just proved his point!!



Because he proved how fake all the media bullshit is

Imagine social media with only the far left liberals allowed, just what would they do without their obsession of following anything right of their derangement, and releasing their hate and spreading lies? They’d go crazy... personally.. social media has peaked.. no one cares

Racists gonna racist.

This is what happens when you take on the establishment, not a massive fan of Tommy Robinson, but this is virtually state censorship.

Watch and decide for yourselves, Panorama is corrupt

I Don't Really Care, Do U?

The BBC didn’t get even this much publicity during the saville scandal. Wonder if the BBC’s Facebook accounts ever got closed

Gandhi and Mandela didn't need Facebook or social media ✌🇬🇧

Free speech is a thing of the past

Why?!Truth hurts clearly.He talks a lot of sense

Silencing a man does not make him wrong , it proves you fear what he has to say

Calling for violence to Muslims? Can I see that proof please?

racism People get away with posting and tweeting vile antisemitic posts & tweets on Facebook & Twitter but when people post/tweet anti-Muslim comments, comments which offend Muslims, they are banned. Why? Antisemitism? FB/Twitter are scared of Muslims? cherrypicking racism.

This is disgraceful I followed him on fb and not once have I seen him say attack all Muslims !! He has basically highlighted Muslim grooming gangs and our biased media !! I will now come off Facebook

Timcast Didn't see that coming

Can still get tips on how to kill yourselves though.

Because that will help.

That’s proving his point !!

Social media and the fake news media are all in it together with the elitist governments to silence anyone who doesn't follow their narrative

orwell more thought police from goverment dictators and traitors

😂😂😂 BBC Didn’t Like Being Exposed Then 🖕🏻

'Bloody Lefties'

And in doing so you’ve given Mr Robinson all the publicity he needs - rock on tommy!

Expose Muslim paedophiles and the BBC..... get banned. Aye


Good news, doesn’t deserve a platform just jail

What the hell is a 'facebook' and an 'instagram'?


Good riddance to bad rubbish!

And you think that's right do you sky? Shame on you and shame on you for not reporting the truth in what he exposed 😡

Timcast I would need to see proof of incitement to violence in his posts to believe this. If true, a ban is expected.

Timcast Whatever you think of him, this is a total and complete outrage. The Stasi would be so proud of this move.

lol like thats gonna stop his freedom of expression

His name is Laxly or Laxative something like that.

Timcast And if they did the same for others then it wouldn't be hypocrisy but they won't

The truth hurts!

Freedom of speech alive and well in this country as long as you say Government approved things.

Founder? Is he not still in it? Why did he leave?

What a shame 🤣

Whilst I find his views abhorrent, that is sensorship and we all know what that leads to. At least he doesn't show beheadings and other forms of murder

As downloads of Panodrama hit 1.2m on Facebook alone. You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to understand the real reason.

Literally adding more fuel to the fire. This is the establishments way to try and cause riots and blame “right wingers”. fakenews CorruptMSM Corruption Panodrama

If there is no link to what was actually said, and only bits and pieces are provided giving zero context, I cannot but assume it's fake news and you're spinning the story.

So what he says has been proven correct once again. He will get even more funding now.


I'm not into conspiracies but there is something behind these bans. Tommy does not incite hatred or violence and is careful with the words he uses. There should be no ban in criticising a religion or ideology. Sharia taking over the media supported by Government & the left.

BayAreaBS! DeleteFB


Why?! Is it because he exposed the BBC? EVERYONE has a right to free speech - you cannot silence someone because you don’t share the same opinion. It’s wrong. Corrupted media.


GOOD!!!! Guys nothing but a scumbag

KayBurley Everyone replying with.. “Banned from telling the truth” “Because he’s anti PC” “This country is a mess” “He’s done nothin wrong” Probably look like this:

He predicted this!! Maybe China and Saudi Arabia are giving the Gov’t advice

I guess freedom of speech is a one way street nowadays then.

That's it people, Orwellianism is real. As soon as he's started exposing the BBC too. This country is a shambles.

You can tell it's BS because you didn't quote the 'material'

Facebook by banning Tommy Robinson on his page and also blocking him on Instagram will only make him come back bigger and stronger in other ways, more people will also be standing along side him getting there voices heard

Bye Bye freedom of speech.

As much as I disagree with the majority of what this man spouts, what you are doing is denying his right to free speech, a dangerous path to go down. If people want to hear what he says they’ll stil to do so, denying his right to speak gives him more attention than fb could

He has never called for violence against muslims, but this does seem suspicious this happened the day after he released his expose of panodrama. He should sue them like Meghan Murphy did twitter. I reckon he’s got a solid libel case!

I guess the MSM particularly the BBC didn’t like panodrama. How many jimmy Seville’s lurk within the MSM and their supporters.

Nick Clegg in action to stop free speech, speech which is not liberal

facebook does not want homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted people on there site, so they ban the person who speaks out about then, lol

Exposed liars wow

Seems some Free Speech is more equal than others.

Take on the BBC and lose your social media accounts. We are forced to pay for this?

Come on Twitter .... do likewise

sounds like freedom

Hahahahahahaahahaha Little bellend

People need to watch this.

They must be worried

Timcast Media slant: calls conservatives far right but doesn't call leftist fascists and Communists far left. Do you think there is a bias?

Timcast Hey BBCPanorama & , you should do an investigation of Tommy Robinson and see if you can do a Tommy Takedown.

He'll simply open a ghost account from a burner phone.

“click click”....it’s Gammon time

From the fake news media,he didn't call for violence on anyone. Skynews is trash.

That's not good at all

This is everything I hoped it would be so far! 😂🍿

Don't like the bloke but banning him whilst extremists of other kinds can post at will seems odd.

About time.

Orwellian times for sure now, the corruption of the media alone is frightening, not one news outlet reports honestly or have a fair platform for all sides to give their opinion. All left wing propaganda is considered truth, far from it

I’ve deleted facebook and instagram ! I must say it was the best decision ever made. Try it and you will see the kind of drug it is. I continue with twitter only to help combat the ridiculous censorship of conservatives

Timcast The article claims he called for violence but doesn't show the post. Biased media strikes again

Timcast Cos he exposed the lies & deceit of the BBC this week? 🤔 Starting to feel like an organised campaign against Tommy. Have they their own Ministry? 😂

Very disturbing fascist state silencing persecution .

Get ready for the ‘Denying Freedom of Speech’ brigade!!! far right will now put a ban on using social media, yea!! Shouts the normal people

Is this because he's far to honest. Unlike BBC/EBC and sad sad sky. Who are so anti British.

Free speech is dead.

Banned for telling the truth

Let’s play count the union jacks in the replies

He's got more of a following than our great leader! He must be silenced. Vote laboured!

Good. Sick of him

Won't stop anything. Other people will set up proxy accounts and he'll post on there.

What a joke for speaking the truth

Twitter Tommy!!

there is no profit politically by calling for violence against Muslims. It didn't worf for the NF & BNP etc. Races in the UK are showing their natural leaning towards violence. Whites must not go there, we have to show our class and dignity.

That's what you get for exposing the BBC


Each to their own but this after he exposes BBC.

Timcast Any thing pro ancestral european will be deemed 'racist' because of identity politics and intersectionalism.

I have a rule that I must give money to anyone silenced by big tech nerds.

daisychain241 Good

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Tommy Robinson banned from Facebook and InstagramFar-right founder of English Defence League repeatedly breached hate speech rules Can I get a hallelujah?!🎉 About time
Source: The Guardian - 🏆 84. / 53 Read more »

Tommy Robinson banned from Facebook and Instagram for 'far-right activism'The former EDL leader repeatedly broke hate speech rules on both websites, Facebook said. Brilliant news! KTHopkins next pls Twitter funny how that times with the Panodrama documentary about the corrupt BBC he just dropped 🤔 So much for freedom of speech in the UK. I'm sure all of the far left SJW NPCs will be celebrating.
Source: MetroUK - 🏆 13. / 82 Read more »

Tommy Robinson is BANNED from Facebook and Instagram for repeatedly spouting hate speechTOMMY Robinson has been permanently banned from Facebook and Instagram for spouting hate speech. The far-right founder of the English Defence League was booted from the social media sites for ̶… It’s not hate speech. It’s the truth! We’re being over taken by muslims, groomers & rapists! Sorry but someone has to stand up and say it! We want our country back! Tired of this PC Crap He needs to get an 8chan board going Remind me what speech you’re referring to? Eh?
Source: TheSun - 🏆 64. / 61 Read more »

Tommy Robinson has Facebook and Instagram accounts TAKEN DOWN for ‘organised hate’TOMMY Robinson has had his profiles removed from Facebook and Instagram as the social media giants say he has violated policies around “organised hate”. He's still on YouTube. Panodrama was on over half a million views when the plug was pulled. Think he maybe on gab TR. News is coming he and his documentary Panodrama are still on YouTube
Source: Daily Express - 🏆 26. / 68 Read more »

Tommy Robinson 'permanently banned' from FacebookTommy Robinson's Facebook page has been removed for repeatedly breaking the site's hate speech policy. The anti-Islam activist has previously been banned from Twitter and Paypal over his activities. Blatant censorship. Silence those who's words you fear. OrwelKnew Good RIDDANCE! The social media and world will be a better place without that THUG getting a platform to spew and spread HATE. Let me say it one more time to get it off my chest: Good RIDDANCE!!! StephenYaxleyLennon ZionistAgentsProvocateurs SoapUpdate
Source: The Independent - 🏆 80. / 59 Read more »

Tommy Robinson urges supporters to cancel TV licences in BBC protestFAR-right activist Tommy Robinson urged thousands of supporters to cancel their TV licences during a protest outside the BBC’s Salford offices. Speaking to the 4,000-strong crowd, he said: &… Great idea and I hope they keep watching live TV, so they can be jailed like he was. And his name is Stephen, not Tommy. What happened to the 10,000 supporters? 😂
Source: TheSun - 🏆 64. / 61 Read more »

Tommy Robinson claims to reveal all about ‘fake news’ BBC in documentaryRobinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, told the crowd: 'F**k you, fake news'. 😅 Apparently he’s editing it so he doesn’t gat sued too much 😂 On the trump train to trumpeting, all aboard !
Source: MetroUK - 🏆 13. / 82 Read more »

Editors' letters: My phone call with Tommy RobinsonThe job sometimes means we have to speak to people we’d otherwise rather avoid WeAreAllTommy Don't waste you money it's here in full. You appear a little bit triggered Richard Williams
Source: The Independent - 🏆 80. / 59 Read more »

Tommy Robinson in BBC Panorama protestThe corporation has confirmed an upcoming Panorama episode is investigating Mr Robinson. billyrufc4 So many racists in one place 😐 And also his name is stephen yaxley-lennon. Please use it.
Source: BBCNews - 🏆 3. / 97 Read more »

Tommy Robinson protesters gather outside BBC as anti-fascists shout 'racist scum'TOMMY Robinson supporters have gathered outside the BBC as they protest against a Panorama probe into him. Crowds of Robinson fans waved Union Flags as they waited for a demonstration to kick off o… You mean the fascists that call themselves anti fascists? Tommy Robinson is a wasteman I FaceTimed him earlier and he called me a Paki
Source: TheSun - 🏆 64. / 61 Read more »