Dissatisfaction with democracy 'at record high'

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United Kingdom Headlines News

United Kingdom Latest News,United Kingdom Headlines

A global study warns of rising levels of discontent with democracy, particularly in the UK and US.

"We find that dissatisfaction with democracy has risen over time and is reaching an all-time global high, in particular in developed countries," Dr Foa said.

This was an era of the collapse of Communist power in Eastern and Central Europe and the apparent ascendancy of Western democracy - with"global sentiment" appearing to be supportive of the rise in democracy. It warns of a loss confidence in democracy and says the rise of populism is not so much a cause but a symptom.

And researchers say there has been a more recent plunge in satisfaction, which could reflect the political stalemate around Brexit, in surveys carried out before December's general election:In 2005, it reached its lowest point - 33%The US, meanwhile, has seen high levels of satisfaction - about 75% between 1995 and 2005 - followed by a"dramatic and unexpected" decline, to below 50%.


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Dissatisfaction of democracy itself or merely dissatisfaction of the governments being elected 🤔🤔

What democracy? The rich telling everyone else what to do on pain of police brutality and human rights denial is no democracy.

Once the shit hole US empire is no longer playing global hegemon we can all experiment with socialism with our own characteristics & hopefully more countries will adhere to international law.

No democracy in the UK. Zionist trolls and paid propagandists prevented Labour winning the election which they should have won. Will you address Israeli zionist interference in uk politics?

Listening to our MPs during the Brexit debate, no wonder.

Well America China and Russia must be the happiest places in the world then since they aren’t.

I love democracy, but I hate how our UK political system implements it. There’s a big difference between dissatisfaction with democracy and dissatisfaction with a political system.

Things might change a bit, when we've actually got, what we voted for. Remember, a handful of countries in Europe, have held EU related referenda, only to have the political establishment reject the 'wrong' answer! WE are a democracy!

AND, the bbc hasn’t helped the democracy cause over brexit with it’s own propaganda

European dissatisfaction with globalization.

That’s only because we can demonstrate etc but you go to China etc and try it ? 🧐🇬🇧🇺🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Ever thought the UK is collectively losing its mind with declining moral values, insane political correctness, the agenda of our Media, Government, Police, Judicial System and our Universities. The attached explains what is happening to western culture.

Dissatisfaction? It’s not ‘Democracy’ that’s the problem, it’s the people who abuse that term and aren’t really democrats at all.


Dissatisfaction increases in proportion to faithless materialism- chasing the material dream, without any deeper moral leadership& framework. Godless chatter is all we here ushering in atheism & love of money. The christian teachings from which democracy sprang need retaining!

Currently there is no true democracy if you call pick one from two who both are funded by mega riches are democracy.

More like certain people do not like losing!

Oh look it's the people with too much free time complaining again, what a shock 😐

Communism is the option then?

Correction, headline should read: Dissatisfaction with corruption of our democratic systems by foreign monies 'at record high'.

You are the WORST kind of journalistic wannabes is the history of all journalism!!! Irresponsible and completely out of touch!! YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!! Media is a foul JOKE and a slap in the face to every REAL journalist that ever existed!! Disgusting!!

MPs in parliament have to shoulder an enormous amount of the blame for peoples perception of democracy not working. The reason we have democracy is because you cant please all the people all of the time. So we have referendums and elections that MPs dont respect the results.

Let's go back to being ruled by the monarchy.

Only the BBC could blame our dissatisfaction with politicians on Brexit and 'global warming' (did they really just use that phrase?) yet fail to talk about the protests in France. GilletsJaunes

What we really need in our Untied Kingdom is democracy of a different kind, not the turd kind we experience today. 👩‍🌾🧑‍🌾🐖🐏🐖🐏🐖🐏


Johnson Trump Macron - all in power with minority of total vote! All left/right driven voting. Minority power increasing with social media. Generally left use this power most.

BBC bias. Education decimated. No holding power to account. The fourth estate is corruption personified. Without education and proper journalism we don't have democracy

BBC reporting on the French riot's, that's a first...

Because it doesn't work very well.

What democracy? Billionaires own our government and MEDIA propaganda machine. Including the BBC

Probably because so many these days can’t seem to cope with losing.

It's most probably due to this catastrophic Tory government and the lies and deceit which is brexit.

Really? I wonder why that would be BBCPolitics

rickygervais would probably agree with this, this morning? NTAs

I think they may have misunderstood 'findings'. I was fed up with lack of democracy. When a nation votes and the result does not reflect politicians PERSONAL view they choose to ignore their job is to speak for those they represent regardless of personal view.

No balls BBC news skirting around the issue. The French Police are out control and are beating, gassing & terrorising French demonstrators, and these puppets produce this nonsense. This is the EU:

And yet the satisfaction rates are at record highs in social democracy’s in Northern Europe hmmmm

I grew up singing this. It is a blessing beyond imagination to live in a country that still allows children access to God, for in time He may manifest His glory to them and protect them.

Why aren't you covering the French riots?


People are slowly realizing Democracy is a ploy that simply keeps the 1% unaccountable.

What we have had increasingly in the past 25 years is technocracy not democracy. That's what people are really dissatisfied with.


Just because you're dissatisfied with democracy doesn't mean you support Fascism, communism or any other dictatorships. Just means our Democracy needs to improve. It has flaws, that's very clear.

Democracy as we know it is deeply flawed. The dumbing down of the last few generations has resulted in Brexit, Trump etc. An epistocrasy would be a much better system.

Dissatisfaction with the BBC 'at record high' due to it being a globalist, PC Woke, progressive, climate hoax pedaling brainwashing tool. For the majority of the UK population though financial support is compulsory by law for simply owning a TV even if you DontBelieveTheTripe

Not democracy people are dissatisfied with. It is unequal distribution of resources and power. In the US the Senate and the presidency only represent 18% of people yet they control the courts and the government.

England was doomed from the moment ye raised your hand against the natives. Deep down, you'll always know you don't belong on these islands.

So, what do people want? Dictators who will crush their protests with tanks?

If you’re talking about the UK we don’t have any democracy. We have a first past the post electoral system on a local basis for national elections. My vote for international & national issues stops at Fleetwood. If I don’t agree with the biggest gang around here it doesn’t count.

Its not Democracy,its greedy ass crooked capitalists,democracy be fine if not for the crooked politicians on the right.

Still the best option over, IDK, fascists and the like. Way better than Oligarchs, WAY BETTER.

Totalitarianism is not doing well either.

The dissatisfaction with ant-democratic people is through the roof! (Take Note Remoaners!)

Representative democracy is a sham.

It isn’t Democracy, it’s politicians without scruples.

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