Covid: 'Stop litter blame game and give us more bins'

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'Stop litter blame game and give us more bins'

Her petition calls on Cardiff council to put more bins around the city to "encourage people" to responsibly dispose of their litter, but she said it needed to be a joint effort.

"It's a difficult one because I would consider myself a young person. I don't think that the blame game is helpful or productive," she said. Naomi Randall said: "We did see the rubbish and it was pretty shocking. It's pretty disheartening to see how people are treating their local area. "We've been walking - we've done 20km so far today - so we'll be keeping our rubbish, looking out for recycling bins, keeping it in our bags and then dumping it where we can."Molly, 24, said: "It ruins it for other people as well doesn't it? This area is lovely for families to come out to as well.


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Or just take ur rubbish home and bin it there?...

Take your litter home with you! IT’S A SIMPLE MESSAGE!! 😡🤬

No take your shit home with you , and then councils could spend the £694 million a year on something more useful for communities.

You took it there, just take it back home.

No , bring a bin bag with you and take your crap home , if you have room in you car to bring a picnic then you have room for your own rubbish after . Why should taxpayers pay for extra bins because people are just too lazy to take their own rubbish home. 😤

Stop litter blame game, says climate-change blame game generation.

Pick it up. Take it home with you. Instead of being lazy just because enough haven't got a bin next to you doesn't mean you can't clear up your own crap.

Suddenly these people have no hands to pick up their shit! You couldn’t make it up! Parents need to teach their kids and so do schools!

I'm saying the same on a local Facebook news group to the moaners. The council KNEW people would be down by the river here and so on, over the weekend particularly, so a few extra wheelie bins like you get abroad might help.

I agree. Or at least up the amount of times it gets emptied, not everyone will take home there rubbish. I'm sick of seeing everyone moaning about litter like it's only just a problem.

If you can’t find a bin take it home your idiots!!

Like these bins you mean?

Take your litter home and recycle.

Take it home with you.

Most of its not about more bins it's lazy people who won't use them

Here’s another option take your rubbish home with you.

Her: Stop litter blame game. Also her: Blames someone else for no bins.

She only got a while article on her cause she is attractive. Take some fucking responsibility with your rubbish and bring it home. Never me always someone else's fault

Blame the parents for this nonsense. It’s the generation where both parents work and to make up for being an absentee parents they spoil the children. Teaching them no respect and no responsibility.

Or take your rubbish with you to dispose them properly

It's typical of the world we live in. Zero respect,zero responsibility and this is just the start of opening up.

The likes of Isidora Jovanovic with her 'Young people were unfairly blamed and everyone needed to help' WTF? Cloud Fooking Cuckoo Land🤦‍♂️🤮💩🖕

For the feeling that when you are drunk you're not so bothered with the bin. Plus encouraging to produce rubbish beyond the reasonable bins is not very green. Take it home or don't take it with you on the first place(Tupperware and flasks )

Absolute bollox, you’ve taken it there, so take it home!!!

No. Stop pandering to the lazy minority- they bring their food and drink to eat and drink outside. They have bins at home, should take the rubbish home with them.

Yes there should be more bins, also there should be personal responsibility. Presumably they all carried their picnics and beers to the park in a bag, so why not carry the crap home with them?

Cut down on convenience food. Take a packed lunch in a Tupperware container. Make your own sandwiches.

Bassetlaw District Council employed litter police to fine people instead of adding more bins

Stop being so freaking lazy and entitled.

no need take it home

You brought it with you so it should leave with you. Simple

I've seen piles of rubbish yards away from bins, usually take-away wrappers. It's the people that are the problem.

More bins is simply an excuse and will change nothing in a society that doesn’t value its green spaces.

Get a bag and take it home.

Or alternatively, take it home with you.

Take it home you over-privileged little twats.

“It’s not my fault I threw my rubbish on the floor! There wasn’t a bin so I was forced to litter!” Is the dumbest, most babyish argument I’ve ever heard. Take some responsibility. No one is forced to litter.

BS. If the bin is full, leave it next to the bin. Or better still, take it home. Most decent people would never leave their rubbish like this. If there is no bin, take it home. People can carry the goods there, so they can carry the empty ones back. It really isn't rocket science

Who ever carried it there can surely carry the empties home again. Where is your respect for the environment.

Its very simple no bin, take rubbish home with you. If bin full, take rubbish home with you. Yes probably could be more bins, but it doesn't change what should be done with your rubbish.

Brexit is a disaster

You take it there. You bin it. Bin full? No bin? Take it home. It’s no extra effort to take empties home - actually less effort than carrying the full load there.

Surely a bag full if rubbish lighter and therefore easier to carry home than a bag full of tins?

Have they not got bins at home?

Or just take your litter home with you. Problem solved.

This is happening up & down Britain because councils removed bins because of COVID,the government must now step in to force councils up & down the country to reinstate bins with immediate effect, in order to negate the damaging effects litter louts are having on our environments

Assuming you took a bag with all your shit in it.... Take the fucking shit away in the same bag. Disgusting mongrels.

😂 completely pathetic, they bring the rubbish , take it home with you, unfortunately the rubbish bins will always be to far for so many to walk to it, TAKE YOUR RUBBISH HOME.

Here's a cunning idea. Place a small bin liner in your pocket when you are going out. Your rubbish goes into the bin liner and you take it home with you Helps contain Council Taxes and / or volunteers having to clear up your mess It's called personal responsibility

It's not just about litter, people have started using the countryside as a country park. Yesterday husband tried to stop a bloke walking his dog across a newly sprayed crop of wheat. Bloke didn't care about crop or his dog.

Homemade picnics don't generate lots of plastic and litter

Urm. Don’t think that’s the issue. Bins are there to help you, but if there’s no bin just take your crap home with you. It’s that simple! Once again someone wanting to blame a third party rather than taking responsibility for their own actions. Laziness is not the councils fault.

Just take it home you lazy idiots. There is no excuse for leaving litter behind you. 🤬

No. We are not filling the entire world with bins so feckless degenerates can avoid having to deal with the rubbish they decide to generate.

It's always somebody elses fault! The elderly, the government, the council, them over there....oh no, not me. TAKE OWNERSHIP! Not enough bins, take YOUR rubbish home. Dont be sheep. Oh to go through life and blame everyone else. I want, I want, selfish and selfish. SIMPLE!

Stop being so f**king selfish and/or ignorant. If you can carry it with you, you can take it home and dispose of it properly.

Oh I see. It’s someone else’s fault that self-entitled idiots drop litter. Not enough places to put it......too much to ask them to take it home and find a bin.

Just taje your shit home. Easy.

Of course councils are to blame but that cannot excuse filthy habits of people throwing litter on the ground instead of taking it home.

Pick it up and take it home it’s that simple 🙄🙄

Plenty of people don’t care whether there is a bin or not, is it too much to just take it home And what is it with those that fling it out of their cars!!! Lazy & don’t care. My kids know better than do this.

More competent people who are not just after making a profit..or scratching someone's back!!! got a reply from the one's responsible Leeds LeedsCC_News If this is their ideology, no wonder we are in this mess..!!

*If I'm not near a toilet I just shit on the floor.

“Young people were unfairly blamed, she said, and everyone needed to help.” Er... before young people gathered there was an insignificant amount of litter there (which is bad anyway) but after young people gathered, looked like a tip.

Most people in Birmingham leaving their litter next to the full bins, so bigger bins please...

Just take your litter home, you take it there why expect some fucker else to clear it up for you?

I think what she should be saying is “if the rubbish bins provided are full, just remember to pick up your rubbish and take it home, where you can put it in your own bin. Not leave it to endanger wildlife”

Take it home with you!

Nothing makes me more cross than people who throw litter from cars or leave litter. The lack of respect for others is just mind-blowing. The answer is not to provide more bins?! It really isn't hard to take it home in a bag or carry for a couple of mins until you find a bin..🤬

Always someone else’s fault. Be accountable ffs

Take it away... it’s not rocket science...

I’ve been litter picking and it’s horrendous the amount of litter being picked up , and guess what it’s back again the next day - fine the fuckers

Bullshit. You carried the food and drink there, you can carry it home.

This is an April fool...right 🤭 notnews yourrubbishyoudealwithit

Just take it home with you, sheesh it isn’t rocket science 🙄

Take the dam stuff home and stop blaming it on lack of bins. I have seen rubbish left on benches right along side of bins.

They've purchased items to consume from a shop/supermarket, they have carried items to locations of choice, is it really that difficult to take their rubbish home to dispose of?

How about using the bags you brought your crap in to take the crap home? Would you like someone to wipe your backside and dress you every day? Jeez, what will these people be like when they have to take responsibility for what they do?

I pick-up other people’s discarded litter! It is my positive response to an ugly problem. I also report over-flowing litter bins to the Council. ❤️

Why is it always someone else's fault? If there's no bin, find one or take it home. You managed to carry it to wherever you are... No excuse for lazy dirty people with no self respect.

How about just taking it home and putting it in your own bin? After it was taken there in the first place so why not just take the empties (bottles, cans & wrappers) home!

Or take a bag with you and take it home!

Having no bin is not a excuse to throw rubbish anywhere,if you brought it with you ,than it is just as easy to take it home or eventually find a bin

I take home whatever I brought, more bins... Convenient for some, but a drain on your tax dollars. Expense -bins 💸💸 -labour💸💸 -tranportation💸💸💸 You take your trash home?If you have municipal trash pickup at your house,it's in your taxes.

Take your crap home and use your own bin, why should the council tax payer have to shell out for your laziness

Very true, the walk along the river from The Harvester restaurant to Datchet road, Old Windsor no bins and only one dog poo bin. Ridiculous!

Take your shit home with you

Give us a Government leadership instead of Buffoon and his inept cabinet that we can respect

Absolutely no reason people cannot take their litter with them. I was taught this from an early age and also taught my children this. People always looking for excuses. Society should get a grip and take responsibility for their own actions.

Hey, here's an idea! Why don't you just take your litter home?

There used to be lots of bins

From Australia, we have beautiful areas where people have picnics, outings etc. and there are signs saying 'take your rubbish with you, no bins provided in this area'. So, we take clean bin bags with us or containers & take out rubbish home to dispose of it carefully. Simple.

We haven’t had a dog poo bin at the gate to the country park since idiots blew it up (again) fireworks 2020 but the cricket club have a lovely one thanks to the virtuous people at BasildonCouncil 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5 months new record!!

People should be ashamed for dropping litter and parents need to teach their children to use a bin. I was told of an American holiday brochure that visitors coming to the UK 🇬🇧 that there was litter problem and expect to see a lot of it.🤬

Take it in take it out stupid people don't know how to behave , shame to say but it's the new generation that are ruining the environment.

Easy just take your litter home or to the next nearest bin it’s not difficult!

Stop giving the public 'litter' in excess packaging, boxes in boxes, envelopes in envelopes, plastic wrapped meat and veg, magazines in shrink-wrap...oops, oh no you can't because the public are mostly idiots.

And empty the fvckers

Or....just take your crap home with brought it there...

If there are no bins use your pocket, bag, take it home

Lazy scum gonna scum!

Many people still drop litter when standing next to a bin. And besides, take your rubbish home or carry to the nearest bin.

Number of bins isn't the issue. Parks around Sheffield have got loads of bins, people still leave their litter in the middle of the grass; it's the utter morons who leave litter for others to worry about that are the issue.

More bins won’t help. Our local park has plenty but the teenagers drop the litter where they are sat. If questioned its not theirs apparently...they just chose to sit in the middle of it.

No more bins littering the parks and countryside. Just take your mess home with you. It’s not hard to carry a receptacle called a bag with you. Eat it, drink it, bag it, take it home.

Is that going to help such as the youths I saw, drop their McDonald's wrappers out of the car window, which then blew away in the wind. By the way, they were parked right next to a litter bin! Perhaps they thought it would find its own way there. Idleness and couldn't care less.

Find a bin and put it in. If there's no bin then take it home.

Just take your rubbish home

boris johnson lies to us daily and BBC news ignores it

or..just take your shit home with you!! You carried it there! Take it back! Simple!! No excuse.

Riding my bike today. Stopped for lunch. Bacon butty in polystyrene box. Ate butty, cycled at least 3 miles carrying the box until I found a bin. If I can manage that on a bike, you can manage to take your crap and pop it in a bin rather than leaving it on the field or beach! 🤬

Take it home with you, that’s what we used to do. Stop passing the blame and take responsibility for your own actions

Take your shit home bitch

Just take your rubbish home with u or chuck it in a bin when you’re passing, surely 🤷‍♂️

Of course it’s the government fault you’re to lazy to take your rubbish home or find a bin.

Take the shit that you brought with you, home with you.

Don't be a tosser, take your rubbish home.

Does beg the question why should anyone think that because their are no bins 🗑 that it’s alright to just throw your rubbish anywhere! Take it home 🏡 stick it your own bin, how difficult can that be?

What is wrong with people- can they not just take their litter home line any normal sane person!

Indeed. More Bins. But perhaps people could also take their RUBBISH home with them if there are not enough bins. Put them in their bins at home? Rather than just leave it behind?

I dont believe this, we place more bins on ths school fields than ever and nothing changes, people still get lazy and cant be bothered.

This article actually deserves a much better headline tbh.

stick it up and take to your bin

Yes and no. Yes have adequate numbers of bins. But I have never been anywhere not seen a bin and thought, I'll just litter. Take only photographs, leave only footprints 👍🏻

Take it home?

Take it home ... not hard is it 🙄

I felt relieved to find many replies saying 'take it home' because I also think that's how it should be. In my country, most of us just do that when we can't find a bin. Of course there are some people who don't but we consider such behaviour quite disrespectful and shameful.

Its not f***in' rocket science....take your crap home, you lazy, good-for-nothing c**ts! 😡😡😡

Take it home snowflake

There was me thinking it was their fault and all the time 🙄

simon1964 Take a bin bag 🙄

So now the bins are to blame not personal responsibility?

Take your rubbish home with you. Why should the tax payers pay for your inconsideration.

Stop blaming other people for you being a lazy messy person.

If the bins are full, take your rubbish home with you. 'KEEP BRITAIN TIDY'!🇬🇧

If you manage to carry something that later becomes garbage to an area - then you're perfectly capable of taking it back with you aswell. Take some personal responsibility for heaven's sake.

The amount of times I have been for walks and bins are there but less than 2 steps from the bin the lazy gits have just chucked their litter on the floor so more bins won’t make much difference.

Do you know, when these bins fail, due to wear and tear, VeoliaUK expect the residents to pay for new ones. What a con.

Or a great idea would be people bring a bag with them put their rubbish in there and take their rubbish home and use their own bin council’s can’t put bins everywhere.

If you can carry the packaging to the place you’ll consume it’s contents, then you can carry the packaging away and dispose of it properly.

Have a competition for schools to design ‘funky’ rubbish bins for our country and MANY more of them. May be as rubbish gets dropped into the bin it activates a voice or a moveable part. Bins could be fun!!!

I'd never just dump litter like that. I'd take it home with me.

Someone else’s fault eh? If you could take it there, you can take it home

People should grow up and take responsibility. Would you throw your purse or wallet away loaded with cash and leave it on the ground ... er no! Clean up after yourselves, take your rubbish home if needs be.

In Japan and Taiwan, you can hardly see any bin on the street because almost all litter needs to be separated and recycled if possible. Don’t try to find yourself any more excuse. Especially if you care about the environment, as many younger people claim to be.

If you can carry stuff to a location, you can carry your rubbish home, not doing so is bone idle and selfish

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Take your rubbish home with you, it's lighter weight as you drunk the booze and ate the food. Empty containers, people are just bone idle and expect others to clean up their mess

What the hell is this? Yes let’s put up concrete pathways and bins all around the English countryside. While we’re at it, might as well just pave it all over. We don’t need green areas really. Turn all green areas into McDonald’s with lots of bins so no one is inconvenienced.

Why am I left with a feeling that no matter how many bins in sight, it'll still not be enough. Well... Probably because I've been to way too many festivals in my time...

Or alternatively, get your feckless local Councils to do their statutory duty and clean up litter! That’s what their enormous Council Tax bills are for. Stop being mugs and doing their job for them.

They were taken away due to the IRA using them as Bomb receptacles and just never came back

How is it that this new generation cannot take any responsibility for their actions? Take your rubbish with you!A bin not being there does not make it someone else’s fault. This comes from people constantly providing excuses for other people’s bad behaviour. 😡

In my experience more bins don't work. I've watched ppl let their dogs out of a car to poo within meters of a dog poo bin and theyve not cleared it up. Being a responsible human being is a state of mind

If you can take items to a place, how can you no be able to take those empty items home/to a bin afterwards? The answer is to always blame someone else.

The BBC is a fucking shit pit.

Can't we just leave the litter there and hopefully it'll deter the like of Isidora Jovanovic to revisit, as according to her everyone who visited the area is responsible for leaving it there, so just let it pile up. Perhaps they'll get the message.

In the absence of prosecutions nothing will change. In the absence of parental influence nothing will change. In the absence of peer disapproval nothing will change. The absence of bins is secondary. Changing how people think and act takes time, effort and cash. Let’s start today

Japan has virtually zero public bins and virtually zero litter. The problem is not lack of bins, the problem is us.

Stop acting like babies and take more responsibility.

Just grassed him up why should other people clean your rubbish up

It doesn’t matter how many bins there are it still a case of picking the litter up and either taking it to a big or taking it home it’s not rocket science

Take it home you bloody Fools.

Utter rubbish can’t people take it home !!! Yes they can

whats is wrong in taking your litter home if there is no bin available or dispose of it when you find an empty bin, i have seen people dropping litter right next to empty bins they could not care less about the environment.

Take the bins away.. the more bins the more litter.

Take it home. Simple.

Take your rubbish home with you and quit moaning about more bins. Litter louts are scum, I bet their house looks the same.

If you can’t find a bin -take your rubbish with instead of leaving it all over the park -god knows what some people’s houses must look like 👀

Or take your litter home with you

🤦‍♂️ Japanese cities have 0 bins and the streets are spotless. They carry their rubbish home. Stop blaming the government for your lack of responsibility.

The amount of bins has declined tho, she has a point

Golden rule: if you bring it... own it and take it with you when you’ve finished! Not rocket science. Let’s not pander to those who blame too few bins or can’t be a**ed!

Ah the bin blame game. You love to see it 😂😂

If you can carry your shit to the countryside you can carry your rubbish home. This is nothing to do with the amount of bins.

How hard is it to take it home again or until you find a bin.. can manage to carry the full cans etc but not clean up!!

Beautiful day on claphamcommon but LambethSE don’t provide anywhere like enough bins!

Yes and toilets ....people go all over the place

Cobblers. People took their stuff there , they can take it away.

Loads of bins at home

No bin - take it home! No brainer!

Someone is talking sense finally - you can’t change human behaviour - if there’s a pile of rubbish, people will just leave theirs on it too. Just add more bins or collection times otherwise we’ll be talki g about the same thing next year.

Same goes for public toilets.

Why don’t they just take the litter home and put it in there own bins.

If people have the capacity to carry food/drink to a park, they have the capacity to take the packaging away with them. Young or old alike, take responsibility for your consumption and don’t be an inconsiderate prick - problem solved.

Simple fact is people that go to these places don't give a shot no matter what you say. However if you have more bins they may use them and it will make the clearing up easier. Failing that have the police fine everyone that drops litter and then name and shame them.

Take it home....that's what most kids do

And empty the fucking bins

Silly girl, you could just take it home with you.

Managed to carry it there. Take it home. Simples

Why does EVERYTHING you report has 'COVID' in front of it? COVID: Guinea pigs find a new home COVID: England win a football match COVID: Someone's neighbour grew a sunflower COVID: Grass is green.

Its simple you bring it you take it home

To be fair it still wont work i have seen 10 and 20 bins in my local park in certain parts of there where there to know more rubbish is from people sitting their and still dont work but us fishermen who are their in the night get the blame for it and its not even our fault

If you take beer cans or other stuff to beauty spots it is entirely your responsibility to take your litter home with you and no-one else's. Now is that not a simple answer.

Students seem to be offended by everything these days - even the general public being disgusted by mindless litter throwing idiots - couldn't make it up !

From the pictures shown there was absolutely NO attempt to even try and find a bin. Scum left their litter where they were.

It is clear that litter louts take no notice of bins so that is not the solution. More enforcement, higher fines, education of the young - that is the way forward to stop these disgusting people. We will blame because louts are at fault!!

It’s simple, take your litter home if there’s not enough bins or they’re too full. It’s not that hard to figure out and it’s what decent folk do 🤷🏻‍♂️

Oh bullshit. If there’s no bins... TAKE IT HOME, YOU LAZY SWAMP RATS!

Incidentally, can anyone remember why bins were removed? Short memories. What’s the current security threat and state in this country?

Just carry it home you lazy twats in the same bag you bought it in! Not difficult!

My god you bring everything from home or a shop take it home or with you to find a bin to put it in. IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE the younger generation are not in touch with the real world

Just take your fcuking rubbish home if there isn't space in the bins! I can't believe how some humans behave

Litter in our local areas despite bin provision! Be less wasteful! Less packaging, less litter!! Use reusable cups, containers etc, take them home & wash them up!

Yep it’s the over 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s 70’s going out drinking in the street and having fish suppers. Nothing to do with the younger generation at all 👍😁As for the over 80’s 90’s and 100 year old olds 🍺🍟🍔🌭🍕🍾🍹🍸🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍺🍺 what an outrage they are eh!

Councils always seem to be behind the curve when it comes to providing basic services.

Lovely girl, but the kind of person doing this won’t give a shit about the number of bins or if there is one close. They don’t care.

Shame you can't get a Masters in common sense- you bring the rubbish with you, you take it home with you and put it in your own bin. Not a 'blame game', just selfish people finally having a little bit of freedom, and damn the consequences.

Take your rubbish home if there's no bins. A bit like normal people do!

Take your waste home.....

More bins, more collections more unecessary cost when people have bags & pockets.

how about take some responsibility (I know its rare these days) and clean up your own mess and take it home to dispose of.

So the litter manifests all on is own and litter bins would stop that? Or is litter left by inconsiderate morons who know better but can't be arsed to pick it up; they'd ignore the bins if they were there.

Littering “really upsetting and disappointing” and “the onus is more on us to clean up our rubbish” There, corrected the headline for you, to make it more accurately reflect her feelings. Then the headline-only readers will have a better understanding.

Just take it home.

Take your litter home, it’s not difficult 😡😡😡😡😡

Stop the litter blame game by blaming someone else for you not taking your rubbish with you. The irony is off the chart..

Extra bins won't solve the problem people need to take more responsibility for their actions.

A lame excuse. Why on earth don’t schools get involved particularly with the very young?

No, if you are capable to carry your food and drinks to the location, you are equally capable of taking the waste away and if no bins are available, put it in a bin at home, no excuses for littering.

You bring the stuff . You take the stuff home .

Stop thinking of it as someone else's problem and take your crap home

what do you expect from the blame generation

I think a lot of the bins got taken away cos the IRA. at least that's what I remember as to why the ones at train station are now just clear bags

Ah , so the masters student hasn't yet thought of tidying up and taking your trash home. Maybe it will come up on a final exam or something

It's really simple , TAKE YOUR SHIT HOME WITH YOU and kindly put it in the bin

People don’t use bins. But sure let’s add more.

Exactly, just put some more bloody bins out

Just take your shit home! Easy

Stop blaming others and take your bl***y litter home! 😡

So they couldn’t take their rubbish away with them in the same way they probably carried their crates of alcohol and crap there in the first place? 🤔

Or take your rubbish home.... presumably you have a bin there.

Or just take your rubbish home with you!!! Simple you bring it take it back

Take only photographs leave only footprints. Take YOUR rubbish home

It’s always someone else’s fault 🙄 Take it with you.

Take rubbish home. Simple. Dont leave for others to.clear.. same with dog poo.bags..

Take your rubbish home,very simple.

What is wrong with taking your litter home and disposing of it your bin, not enough bins is a poor excuse

Always someone else's fault with the laziest generation ever. Take it home with you, muppet. 🙄

No I disagree. More bins won't stop people lobbing their fast food cartons from their car window. It's a mindset

Here’s an idea, take your bloody litter home 😡😡😡

If you bring your cans, food etc in a bag, why not take home any rubbish in said bag. It really isn't difficult ( if you care about the environment )

Take responsibility for your own rubbish .. take it home.

No need to throw it away if you take it home and put it in your own bin like all the other household rubbish you throw away.

My kids are taught to take the litter back with them. Not that hard.

'A student' likely foreign; as normal; telling us how they don't like the way the UK is. Well f'off home then. Sure we are capable to take it home; put it in the boot etc. It's the lack people take any responsibility for their actions today the blame should be on those causing it

They brought the stuff in containers/ bags/ etc just take litter away in the same receptacles. Then u don’t need bins

Put your rubbish in a bag and take it home. This is not a difficult thing to comprehend.

No bins is no excuse. It's easy, you just take it home.😡

More bins will NOT solve the problem, it’s educating those who dont give a toss about the environment. Those who think its fine to let other people pick their sh*t up, makes you wonder what their houses are like, they’re probably spotless.. maybe not.

Lazy fkn students

Yes get more bins.....but if they are full take it home with you! Jesus it’s not difficult 🙈

Of course we need more bins buy we also need people to buck up and show some self respect and stop being such slobs.

So that's the excuse from these scrotes! No bins 🥰 🤣

The Japanese have a special way of dealing with this complicated problem.. They take their shit home with them!

Simples. Take it home.

Or just take it home

People are just lazy. Just an excuse lack of bins. There are plenty around & here’s a novel idea take it home with you. You brought it, you take it home. Everyone does have a responsibility & these people are not playing their part.

Amazing. Apparently folk can carry this stuff with them but find it impossible To carry the remains away. Probably best to recognise the nature of the beast and put very large skips at 50 metre intervals.

.Once upon a time there where no bins in the country side & people managed to take there rubbish home with them So what happened to those generations after those people Did they become lazy & uncaring of there country side to leave little behind blaming it on the lack of bins

No! You lot bring the crap with you! So you can put the same crap in the bag it came in & take it home to the bin! How about that.

Just take it home and put it in your own bin. It's not difficult.

I'd guess they live in their own excreta anyway until it just gets absorbed into the carpet, so the concept of disposing of crap responsibly is probably foreign to them

No bins?, either find one or take it f*cking home 🤷🏼

Oh so that’s why? Do the bins dispense the full bottles and and packages or did they just magically drop from the sky? What the hell has happened to personal responsibility. It’s YOUR bloody rubbish you got it there TAKE IT HOME. 😡

Just take it home!

Not having a bin is a very poor excuse for littering. The only person who would use this excuse is someone who would drop their litter regardless.

I did 20 miles walking today. All I left behind was footprints. My rubbish from lunch was bagged up and put in my daysack. It’s not a difficult thing to do to be responsible & not treat our planet like crap

Or get more staff in and stop milking the furlough gravy train

When I was young, we didn't litter but some did. Now we are older, we older people don't litter but some older people do. It has nothing to do with age or how many bins there are. There are about 67 million people in the UK and guess what, they're not all the same!

You can take it there okay so take it home! End off of argument!

Or just take it fucking home🤷🏻‍♂️

What's the matter with taking your litter home ?

Whilst I’m sure more bins would help, it’s still not acceptable to dump your litter. Taking it fucking home with you.

No one is blaming those who deposit their litter and rubbish in bins. If they are full, TAKE YOUR WASTE HOME WITH YOU. It’s not rocket science

Just take your shit home. Its not hard.

Why more bins, you don’t use the ones that are there

You could have 1000 bins in a park and people will still not use them, you should just take it home.

Seriously Just take it away with you!! It’s not difficult! ..... let’s blame not having any bins!! Nonsense!

More bins is just putting band aid over the root cause of the problem! The idiots need to take their rubbish home!!! 😡🤬

The lazy scummers still won’t put it in the bin tho!

People don't throw their rubbish on the ground because there aren't enough bins, they do it because they're scumbags.

Or simply take the litter back home in the same bags you presumably used to carry the stuff outside in. The existence (or not) of bins does not negate littering

Why can't people take responsibility for their own actions? Put all rubbish in big enough bag & take it home! Or leave the bagged rubbish in central place near bins - not strewn all over beach, etc.

Take your rubbish home with you don’t make it someone else’s problem and crying that there aren’t enough bins. Take your s**t home!

Plenty of bins in parks etc, you’re just too bone idle too use them !!!

Leave nothing behind but your footprints, wherever they should fall. You carried it there, pick it up and carry it home if the bins are full. The 'It's not my problem' attitude is shite. More bins might help but the inability to not pick up after yourself is hideous!

Take it home with you. Local authority litter tax for all shops selling food and goods in non-recyclable packaging.

Why don’t you take it home to bin stupid girl

Oh so if there's not a bin very close we just throw the rubbish on the floor. Sorry I didn't know that was the rule. I have been carrying my rubbish until I see a bin or even take of home to my own bin. BUT I was raised right by me parents.

“Young people were unfairly blamed” Yeah apparently they are “unfairly” blamed for everything 🙄 Same response everytime. Young people can do no wrong and it frustrating because we need to be held to account. Just like if it was adults who littered 🤦🏼‍♂️

More bins don't help when people walk right past them and still toss their rubbish on the floor

You carry the litter there when it contains don’t be so lazy, take it home when you can’t find a is a criminal offence to litter environmental protection act 1990. Sorry no excuse at all.

A lack of bins is no excuse, you either take your rubbish home in the bag/s you brought it in or place the bag by the nearest bin, if it is left there overnight & animals rip into bags etc it is then an issue for them to sort, you have done your bit in keeping the place tidy.

More bins would be nice. But. You don't need a bin to help you take your litter to the place where you leave it. So you don't need a bin to help you take it away again.

You managed to carry it there - take it home again - simples 😡

There should be more bins. But if bins are full or there aren’t any, carry the rubbish away with you. If you can carry it there - full of food or drink- you can carry it away empty. Blame can be attributed to those who leave it behind.

If you can carry the items to a picnic, you can carry the empty packaging home. No excuses. Unfortunately, the young seem to be devoid of respect for authority or their local community, but will jump on the environmental bandwagon and shout about saving the planet.

What “blame game”? I mean, it’s perfectly simple: if you could carry the stuff to the beach/park/field/wherever, then you can carry what’s left - and much lighter if you’ve consumed what was in it - away with you. Don’t be a cunt: take your rubbish home.

Lazy sod you take it home , you took it there in the first place, so if you can carry your stuff there , it wasn’t hard to work out, take it home stop passing the buck, you are so lazy 🤬🤬🤬

No excuse, take your rubbish with you. On my way to work there are no bins, but if I have a empty coffee cup I will carry it for the 40 min walk and not thow it on the ground

We are a nation of litter strewers

Having been an experienced steetcleaner, more bins will likely have no effect based on the reasoning that if they can't be bothered taking their refuse home, it's unlikely that they'd make an effort to walk 100m to a bin. A streetscene crew could clean up a park within an hour.

It’s always someone else’s fault with these lefties

And empty them!

Pathetic like so many have said you took there take it home. Perhaps we need to educate people with taking responsibility...grow up.

Take your litter home. It’s not difficult. Always excuses.

Bins or no bins, take your rubbish home. Being in a nanny state only goes so far and it’s an individuals Personal responsibility to deal with their own crap.

Or do what I was taught as a child and take it home😡

Or you could just take your litter home like most normal people.

Ey-up!! .... it's always someone else's fault again!!

NO. You have taken the litter with you so the least you can do is carry it back to the car and dispose of it at home. Why should you have the right to have somebody else clean up after you?

Do what we did when I was a kid and take it home ya lazy b******s


What’s wrong with taking it home ? They managed to take it when heavy so I’m sure they can take it home when much lighter ?!

But they're parks, not bin stores. And the litterers are unthinking a*seholes. What chance 'saving the planet', then

Absolutely not. YOUR rubbish is YOUR responsibility. Take it home with you if you can’t find a bin!

Typical comment from a student,

Take it home! !!!

Make the fast food joints come up with a solution...they are the providers of the trash mostly

You were happy to carry it all there, take it back home with you.

No. Pick up your litter and take it home. Once again blaming others for your lack of manners.

Or maybe you could all just take your litter home & put it in your recycling.

Its not about more bins its about taking your litter home with you. Simples.

Nothing to do with more bins. People carry the full items to the park/beach etc if the bins are full then carry the empty items back home. People are just selfish and lazy.

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If you are not next to a bin, take your rubbish home. Easy.....

Or you could just take a bag with you.

GIvE uS moRE biNs.

Lack of bins are no excuse! You can take the litter home, or find bins elsewhere! That's the thinnest excuse I ever heard

If the bins full take it home you tramp. alwaysanexcuse

I completely agree! Stop the blame game, the council and volunteers should not have to tidy up after every nice day, in every park, every where.... take your litter home! End of the game.

Love the modern generation view of 'It's never our fault ' if you carry it to the park , carry it home ! Imbeciles

Dog shit more deadly than covid,bins or bags provided for it on country walks but no biohazard bins for the discarded masks

Or maybe just put your shyte in a carrier bag and take it with you? Scruff

Bins were eradicated after the IRA bin bombs murdered 2 innocent schoolboys in Warrington 28 yrs ago. They have started to appear again but councils can't afford to empty them because of austerity. Answer. Take your rubbish home in the bags you brought it in, it's not difficult.

Nothing to do with bins is just drunk people that don't care.

I’m old enough to remember when people took responsibility for their own actions

The people who drop litter are a bit like the people who don’t pick up their dogs poo .They don’t care and providing more bins ain’t going to change their attitude I’m afraid.

I really don't know how dum you are people take food and drink to a park or beach maybe even in a basket, what else could they take? To hard,a rubbish bag simple yes. Then take it home.

Just take your litter home. It's not rocket science. Oh wait that's using common sense. We can't have that can we?

Ridiculous, it's just laziness and lack of consideration for anyone else let alone the impact it has on the area it's dumped in.

Better still have them emptied more regularly.

Can Isadora not be arsed (and others) to take their crap home with them?

Take it home!!

Nah, shame them. These people are leaving parks and beaches full of plastic, then crying and posting about Blue Planet later that night. How hard is it to close your hand to hold the litter or put it in your pocket/bag?

🙄 JUST TAKE YOUR RUBBISH HOME. It’s nobody else’s job to clear up your crap.

Whilst thats one of the issues it’s bit of a cop out. I have lived cities Nottingham, cambridge London large parks & plenty of bins but often people just get up and walk off without a care in the world or ounce of shame. It’s really got out of hand of late. Keep Britain littered

Grown ups, in the absence of a bin, take their litter home with them and dispose of it there.

Take litter home! Simple

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